Its a Fox! (zomg hai!)


Emperor of all things Taco
Hello everyone, new person in town!

My name is Jerry, I have been roleplaying on many different aspects and realms since I was 13 years old, and I found this site through google, and decided to join! I am 24 years old, and I love to roleplay in many different methods - forums, IM, Google docs, etc - and I hope by joining I learn something new and awesome as time goes on.

I am always looking for new people to roleplay with and I am never without an idea unless its one of those days that I have had too much to drink from the water fountain. I mostly do science fiction with anthromorph animals as aliens or what have you... I hope to make new friends here as time goes on :3.

Hope to meet you all soon!
Hiya Jerry and welcome to RPNation. You sound a heck of a lot like me. (: Like you, I bounced around a whole lot, but this community is super awesome. I see you've posted around a bit; I hope you're figuring everything out. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Welcome aboard, matey.
Thanks for the response and awesome welcome. I hope to find everything in order once I get the rights to making threads and so on... I really do like this place and how it is built.

I do have one question though: is this place strictly a humans only type of roleplay, or am I allowed to make alien species and deviate away from the whole humanity thing?
Oh, you're allowed to make any type of character you so desire, so long as it is within the confines of the roleplay. c: I don't think a GM would appreciate you plopping a unicorn character in their realistic highschool roleplay, but aside from that, go for it!
Ha! I know that feeling all too well... deja vu anyone?

Anyways thats the only question I had at this time.
Kasei said:
Pleasure to meet you, Jerry. I'm Kasei.
[QUOTE="Liberty Penn]Welcome!

Thanks for the welcome to the both of you~ I hope to see you around the site, and maybe in one of the roleplays

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