It is 12:30 AM.


Minus One Deg
It is 12:31 AM.
Yes, I indeed don’t have any other ideas for how to greet people, so this’ll have to do.

Greetings to everybody on this website, my name’s Priscilla and you can either call me by my username, Kata, or Pris.

It is 12:33 AM.

I’ve started roleplaying on March of 2016 and have had a mostly good experience during that time where I roleplayed over Facebook Messenger and Amino. That went on until late December of last year when I stopped roleplaying for a few months because of eventual lack of enthusiasm and writing block, until I just recently found out about this rather well-organized website. I’ve never ever used forums before, always disliked them really. But judging by what I’ve seen the owners are taking really good care of this place and I thought I have to give it a try.

It is 12:45 AM.

When I started roleplaying in one particular Facebook group that I’m not willing to name because some stuff went down I used script style. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t fun, it certainly was. But there was this one admin in the group that always, and I kid you not, always played this one character and almost everyone else disliked him for it. No, my problem is certainly not with him playing one character. But it was the character he played.

When I first joined the group with one of my friend, he started out with a pretty run-of-the-mill character, even if a bit Sue-ish, he’d annoy some of us here and there with his actions. Four months in, his character is a GOD. Always had been one, according to him. Of course, everyone was frustrated with the huge amount of literal god-modding he would always do whenever he joined. The friend I have would sometimes also burst out at him, also calling him a bitch one time. Anyways, I’ll spare you the details and just say that he made another character, an edgy angsty teen who he made the son of none other than guess who? My character, of course. That alone had me quit the group for a couple months, before getting convinced by the others to join back. Eventually, that little group chat branched out and became several little group chats.

It is 12:56 AM.

It was a year and a couple months since I had first found the group, when I was finally upgraded to an admin. There were already two admins, that guy, and a girl who I was just talking to a few minutes ago. As you can tell, me and the other girl got along pretty well, we even made our own small group chat one time and closed it after a few months.

That’s when I picked up...

Semi-literate Roleplay!!!

And that’s basically what I do now. I stopped joining and making group chats, now I only play 1 x 1 plots. I like doing many different types of plots, I also like a bit of Drama in my roleplays. Though not if it’s unnecessary. I love killing characters, with consent of course. And as for what I meant by semi-literate, I meant two to three paragraphs each reply, I don’t see the point of writing a novel since I use roleplay as a passtime, and that would just be a waste.

If you’re wondering about how it ended with the guy, then here’s how it did in a short paragraph.

He always claimed to be twenty-four, we always doubted that fact. When I was completely fed up with him, I investigated. Found out he wasn’t twenty-four... Kicked him out of the chat to stop a certain rebellion that happened, and then I left the group just 4 months ago and let my friend take care of it.

It is 1:11 AM.
Well, hello! I hope you have a wonderful time, and that it doesn't get worse in your time table. Because 1:11 AM is pure hell.

At least, that's me. I hate mornings. I can tell the exact moment it shifts from night, to the next day, and that morning rolls around, and I want to strangle whoever made turn too fast for me to post. I. Despise. Them.

Anyway! How are you?

Edit: Apologies. My brain is a little fried from trying to write a letter all day. Hope you're doing wonderful!
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Well...crap. The whole god modding thing alone would have me quit and NEVER come back. An ordeal that was. Anyway, welcome Kata to RPN where hopefully you won't experience any of that again but some nice roleplays to your liking.
I’m doing well right now, even if I’m a little tired too because apparently I couldn’t go to sleep– Thanks for asking, though!
It's only uh, 8:30 for me. Still exhausted for some reason. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that with that guy. I can't say I quite understand, especially since I just end up lucky when it comes to RP. Or maybe I'm that bad partner. That thought is actually a little terrifying.
Thanks! And I hope so, too.
I couldn’t quit before terminating that person, though. ;D
The dream of vengeance was what rode me back into the group, after all!

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