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Futuristic Ishtar


Dusty Wanderer
This is just a guideline...





[PICTURE and/or description]




Skills and abilities:

(if any)


Approved Characters:

Orphaned Characters:

The Fallen:
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Name: Asher

Age: 24

Gender: Male



You don't know what it's like to be hungry.

Affiliation: Deputy


As a resident of the outer rim, Asher grew up impoverished and learned how to survive from an early age when his mother sold him to a gang at the age of 5.

From picking pockets to locks, Asher began as a thief like all other children in gangs. At the age of 8 however, his gang was absorbed into another to survive the daily turmoils of gunfights and assassinations.

Among new company, he found a circle of friends who plied their own trade of collecting and selling comic books. Growing up on these stories and teaching himself to read and write, Asher aspired to be a vigilante as well, but when all of his friends died during a mass shootout with a rival gang, Asher became consumed with the desire for revenge.

At the age of 15, Asher became a soldier of the gang and was especially deadly with bladed weapons, modelling himself after an axe and sword wielding anti-hero from one of the comics he used to read.

At the age of 18, he became a captain and constantly lead raids against the rival gang that was responsible for the death of his friends. It was during one such raid that he met someone almost exactly like him, similarly skilled with a sword and axe and even dressed like the character they both admired.

After surviving the deadly battle, Asher began to question how it was that two children growing up on the same stories of heroism managed to find themselves on opposite ends of a gang war.

At the age of 20, considered old for a ganger, Asher lost all appetite for fighting and retired to become a teacher, and to try to steer other children away from the gangs as well as protecting them in the event of a shootout.

He's even had to defend them from former comrades seeking more recruits and although his actions were seen as an affront to the gang, he was spared in recognition of his years of service. They would simply search elsewhere.

Now 24 years old, Asher has become somewhat of a guardian figure among his community and when the Arbiters came seeking deputies, Asher was the first person in his area that they approached. He now provides intel for them on the current environment and prominent gangs at large.


Caring and fiercely protective of the children under his wing, Asher will go to any lengths to ensure that they are spared from the daily violence of life in the outer rim.

Although he has nothing against Arbiters, he reserves his hatred for the Nobles residing in the Citadel who he sees as being ultimately responsible for the current state of things.

Without any help or concern for the poor in the megacity's early years, things have finally spiraled out of control and the fact that the Nobles are only acting now since it could potentially affect them is all the more reason for Asher to detest them, though technically he's too young to remember if there was ever a better time. All he knows is that things didn't have to be the way they are.

Still, he'll not reject long overdue help when it is offered.

Skills and abilities:

  • Parkour
  • Picking locks and pockets (though very rusty at the latter)
  • Proficient with bladed weapons
  • Able to assemble just about anything from scavenged parts
  • Essentially, all the basic skills that a resident of the outer rim would have by necessity, but most incredibly of all, able to read and write (wow!)


  • Protector of a neutral zone
  • Gideon's deputy
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Name:Frod'as Adaras



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e8061a5_future.jpg.f1ad9711cf76377795e0737923cbe8d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e8061a5_future.jpg.f1ad9711cf76377795e0737923cbe8d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History:Grew up in the elite class he knew not hardship. He was top in his physical education he knew how to throw and take a punch. After college he gotten sick of looking at what he called scum killing and trying to start a war. After much thinking he joined the fight against the poor and to keep them "in line".

Personality: Childish and immature. Doesn't like to lose but love to kill anyone poorer then him.

Skills and abilities: great marksman, Boxer Quick on his feet

Cybernetics: Left eye: gets to see someone worth

Right arm: Laser blade and machine gun.



  • future .jpg
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Name: Nia Ore

Age: 19

Gender: Female




Nia barely made it out of adolescence due to the hunger and war all around her. She was forced on the streets after her family was executed by nobles, and she swore to avenge her family. She learned to scrounge and steal just to get by. This anger turned her into a vigilante, and she makes it her job to cause problems to the nobles whenever she can. She started off with small things, like raiding homes. But after seeing more and more destruction the nobles were causing, she moved on to assassination. To her the nobles are a plague and they must be eradicated.

Personality: Nia's social skills are lacking, since she trusts no one. She's rough on the outside...and probably even more on the inside.

Skills and abilities: Very fast and a quick thinker. Her aim is excellent and she usually can hit whatever she sees.

She's also good with locks, since as a child she got caught attempting to steal many times.
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WhyNot said:
Name:Frod'as Adaras



History:Grew up in the elite class he knew not hardship. He was top in his physical education he knew how to throw and take a punch. After college he gotten sick of looking at what he called scum killing and trying to start a war. After much thinking he joined the fight against the poor and to keep them "in line".


Skills and abilities:

(if any)
Might wanna finish that up before I approve it, or is that all? And Nidia, I just wanna know what kind of role your character's gonna have in the rp before approving. Is she a hero, a villain, a ganger, a deputy, a vigilante, independent or what? Expand on her story a little, like, what's she up to right now before we begin?
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Ah, righty-o then. Lemme know when you've finished editing.

Oh wtf, i was meant to reply to your message, not edit it! Well... this is embarrassing.
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Nidia said:
Name: Nia Ore
Age: 19

Gender: Female




Nia barely made it out of adolescence due to the hunger and war all around her. She was forced on the streets after her family was executed by nobles, and she swore to avenge her family. She learned to scrounge and steal just to get by. This anger turned her into a vigilante, and she makes it her job to cause problems to the nobles whenever she can. She started off with small things, like raiding homes. But after seeing more and more destruction the nobles were causing, she moved on to assassination. To her the nobles are a plague and they must be eradicated.

Personality: Nia's social skills are lacking, since she trusts no one. She's rough on the outside...and probably even more on the inside.

Skills and abilities: Very fast and a quick thinker. Her aim is excellent and she usually can hit whatever she sees.

She's also good with locks, since as a child she got caught attempting to steal many times.
Right on, right on, it'll be interesting to see what comes from her being in the mix. Approved! Just don't start posting without me, I'm trying to make another character atm.
Enkerzed said:
Right on, right on, it'll be interesting to see what comes from her being in the mix. Approved! Just don't start posting without me, I'm trying to make another character atm.
ok, thanks♡
Name: S'Rye Hollen

Age: 23

Gender: Female



History: You can learn that in RP.

Affiliation: Arbiter.

Personality: Learn in RP.

Skills and abilities: Learn in RP.


Seeable cybernetics: Her eyes are cybernetic. Black sclera, irises that match her mood. Her right arm, five inches below her shoulder, is cybernetic. So are both her legs-- mid upper thigh on her right leg, at her knee for the left.


Diamond Division members:

Oliver Hollen

Cody Morgan

Christian Knight


Rin (Owned by Natalie, not me)

Additional Characters:

Olly (android Lemur)

Hatch (Android- Motorcycle, walking tool chest)

Fr. Jethro



The Royal Court

Theodore Devereaux
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Name: Gideon Lapierre

Age: 50

Gender: Male



Where's the action?

Affiliation: Arbiter

History: As the third born scion of the Lapierre family, Gideon was seemingly destined to join the military as all the attention and favour went to his older brothers, themselves heirs to the Lapierre Tehnologies Corporation, the leading producers of cybernetics in the megacity of Ishtar.

Free to do as he pleased, Lapierre joined the military as an officer cadet at the age of 18 and branched into infantry at the end of his training, where he stayed up until the age of 24 and the rank of captain.

From thereon, he decided to join the special forces and when his training was complete, he immediately joined a private military firm to seek action overseas. He came back home at the age of 30 with most of his limbs missing and plasma burns all over his body.

Given a full prosthetic body by his brothers, now joint CEOs of the Lapierre Technologies Corporation, Gideon returned to the military and left again at the age of 35 to join another private military firm to fight overseas yet again, much to the dismay of his family.

As punishment for his brash actions, Gideon's brothers cut off all of his allowances, which phased Gideon very little due to the money he was now raking in as a fully cybernetic mercenary. Using his own funds, he'd buy a share in the family business to gain full access to the latest in cybernetics and took advantage of this for the next decade or so.

When he caught wind of the Arbiters initiative at home, he returned to join it and immediately entered the fray, as bold and enthusiastic as ever.

Personality: A restless thrill seeker at heart, there's nothing Gideon favours more than the excitement of battle. Brash and hotheaded, he'd think nothing of provoking his enemies into a fight, though he does have some sense to know when to back off. Still, he is first and foremost a soldier. Fighting is what he likes and what he does best. If there is no fighting, then there is no point for him to stick around, which is the main reason why he left the army. Twice. Peace just doesn't agree with him. However, for all his reckless nature, Gideon is still a Noble and as educated as such a status entails.

Skills and abilities:

  • Martial arts
  • Marksmanship
  • Mechsuit piloting
  • Mechanic
  • Cybernetics enhanced strength and durability

Cybernetics: Full prosthetic body, combat model


Unknown number of deputies, never keeps track of them.
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Name: Farrah Remmory

Age: 22 years old

Gender: Female



Affiliation: She is a Arbiter, but does not approve of many of their methods

History: She was born inside the walls, to a scientist mother and a doctor father. However, these two were not like the rest, who chose to ignore the outside world. Instead, they advocated for opening the gates again, and helping the poor and hungry. They were ignored, and so decided to take matters into their own hands. When Farrah was only six years old, they began sneaking out of the wall and offering help to those who sought to tear it down. They finally found someone crazy enough to agree a couple years later. Obviously, things did not go as planned as the wall and the social divide still stands.

Farrah's mother died in the battle, and Farrah lost her lower left leg, but her father managed to get her away from the battle and save her life. They set up shop in a poor neighborhood where her father offered his services to those who needed it, often without payment. Farrah began to help him as soon as she could walk with her prosthetic, and spent her spare time tinkering with her mother's things.

Farrah's father was caught in the middle of a gang shootout three years ago, and Farrah has continued on his medical practice since, taking on a young orphan to be her apprentice. When she heard the Arbiters were looking for members to help set the community right, she offered her services as explosives semi-expert and (unlicensed) doctor, and left her apprentice to take care of the practice.

She does not remember much of her time inside the citadel, and avoids that part of her life, seeing it as embarrassing

Personality: Farrah is, in one word, determined. She never gives up, never gives in, whether the situation be saving a life on the front lines or arguing with a superior about the potential death count of the plan. She often causes friction with her fellow Arbiters, because of this. She won't back down until she's won or until she can fight no longer.

She is not an actual fighter, however. She knows very basic self-defense, but is plain terrible at aiming guns or swinging swords. She doesn't like to accept help, but if someone saves her life she's not going to stop them. She will, however, make sure to repay the favor.

However, they do keep her around for a reason. She can be very useful when she agrees with the plan. She is a hard worker, and always gets her part done on time, though it can occasionally look like she'll be running the clock down to the second. She hates to be doubted, and will lash out at those who question her abilities with her notoriously sharp tongue. However, she is the type to quickly forgive such small things, and she will be smiling at them and bringing them hot tea the very next day.

Skills and abilities: She is a wiz with electronics and explosives, and can generally whip up a bomb in less than twenty minutes. Contrastingly, she is also an excellent medic, and often spends most of any battles she gets into tending to the wounded innocents. Semi-decent diplomacy skills as well.

Cybernetics: Not really a cybernetic but her left leg from the knee down is entirely prosthetic. It can't shoot lasers or anything, but she uses its storage compartments to hold a small knife and a first aid kit.

Name: Rin

Age: 25

Gender: Female



Light blonde colored hair, golden brown eyes, 5'6", 137 lbs. (Pure Muscle), well built.​

Affiliation: Deputy.

History: Rin was a happy child. She grew up with a stay-at-home mom, and a father who was a Noble. He had died while fighting back outsiders by accidentally getting shot. Rin and her mother, Julia, were on there own. Julia helped out with nursing, old homes, etc. until her daughter could get a job.

Rin grew up, got married to a police officer, and became a nurse at one of the hospitals. At twenty, Rin had a baby boy: Oliver...

It had been four years and Rin had brought her son to her mother's house while she went to work. Later that night, she got a call from her husband to get to her mom's house as fast as she could. She did so, and found that John (husband) arrested a gang that was from outside of the wall. They had broke in, took Oli hostage, and ordered Rin's mother to give them all of her rations. Being the time that it was, food was short and they had a decent supply. Her mother refused and got a knife from the kitchen. The gang members had shot and killed her and were about to leave when John had called backup. Out of the three men, one escaped and was wanted through out Ishtar.

While mourning for her mom, Rin was put onto a leave of absence for a week. On her leave, she stayed home with little Oliver and took him out to a pick-nick at the park.

It was a warm summer day, the sun was bright- high in the sky. The time was roughly 2:30, and there was a slight breeze that ruffled through the lush oak trees surrounding the play ground. Paths twisted through out the woods and there was a river riding along the bank where benches were cemented into the sidewalk. Rin and Oliver were sitting on a crimson blanket under an old oak next to a clearing. A pleasurable view of the glossy river. That day was a day to remember; it was almost picture perfect. Rin sat watching her son eat his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sipped her the tea out of a water bottle; Almost choking as she watched her son's eyes widen and fall onto his side. Screaming and panic rang through the park but all Rin could do was stare at her son. His navy blue polo seeped a black substance through his right side. Oliver's head rested on Rin's lap, he coughed, spitting blood onto her yellow sundress. Her fingers trembled through his blonde locks and her attentions was up at a man with tattered clothing. The man who escaped.

Her cheeks were soaked with tears while looking down at her son's lifeless gaze. The man laughed hysterically as Rin leaped at him furiously. Her fist collided with his jaw and he fell under her. His gun raised and Rin pushed it away just as it fired. There was a grunt and a thump. She turned her head, seeing Johns uniform absorb the blood in his chest, and fall to the ground. Rin's mind went black and she couldn't remember the rest of that day.

She was told that she wouldn't stop crying, and that she wouldn't speak with anyone and refused to eat or drink anything, so she was forced into the hospital and was drugged to sleep. She got her fluids by an IV and when she woke up, they offered her food.

Accepting, a man came in and made her an offer. Since she had no family left, her nursing was not enough to keep her living in her home. So they offered to give her a job as a deputy. Agreeing, she became a riflemen and has the skill of a sniper. Though, she still does odd jobs. A year later and she still has nightmares, gets depressed, and has mood swings. She has not cleaned out Johns closet or Oliver's room. She locks his door and refuses to go in there. But she's getting better over time. Over time...

Personality: A bit quiet but has a sense of humor. Her outer shell is tough to crack, but she'll give in eventually. She's loyal, brutally honest, blunt, and states her opinions clearly. Overall a very realistic person; Although, with that, Rin gives really good advice as well. It's almost a motherly habit...

Skills and abilities:

  • Sniper rifle.
  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Fast / Accurate
  • Stealthy / quiet / Agile

Weaknesses and disabilities:

  • Children
  • Strength
  • Short fuse
  • Communication skills
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Approved! So approved! Double approved, Nerdork and Natalie! Just bear in mind Natalie that the Arbiters are drawn exclusively from Nobles of the Citadel and although some of the military are Nobles, not all of them are. From your character's history, it sounds like she's a resident of the inner city, so if she were to be helping the Arbiters, it'd technically be as a deputy. Think you can make another character or would you prefer to edit Rin a bit?
Enkerzed said:
Approved! So approved! Double approved, Nerdork and Natalie! Just bear in mind Natalie that the Arbiters are drawn exclusively from Nobles of the Citadel and although some of the military are Nobles, not all of them are. From your character's history, it sounds like she's a resident of the inner city, so if she were to be helping the Arbiters, it'd technically be as a deputy. Think you can make another character or would you prefer to edit Rin a bit?
I can edit Rin. So she would be a deputy and have her be originally from inside and not from out?


I edited Rin's character. I made her father a Noble; I'm not sure if it's correct,
xD check it out and give me feedback. ^^ I'm really interested in this rp.
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Wait, wait, wait, she's native to the outer city? Ok, she definitely wouldn't be an Arbiter then, but she's gotta be deputy to someone. Maybe that man who offered her the job in the first place. If you'd like, I could make another character. Or maybe that man is WhyNot's character, Frod'as, or the man is actually a woman, S'Rye or Farrah perhaps. What do you think?
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Oh! Sorry for the confusion @Enkerzed ! But I fixed it so she IS native from the city.


Hmmm, it's up to you if you want to make another character or anyone else if they want a deputy. But I'm flexible with anything!
All right, first come first served then. Who wants a dead-eyed, gun toting, sharpshooting cyborg ninja as a deputy?
Name: Octain Polais

Age: 31

Gender: Male



My, my, my... looks like I found another lost soul.

Wears stolen bodyguard armor from a noble, out of mask has blond hair and blue eyes.


History: Octain was a little boy when he and his family moved to Ishtar for money and shelter from the gang that was hunting the family. They started a store called "Nathan and Family Clothing", not a very creative name. The Polaises lived a average life until the hunters found there prey. Eventually word got out to the gang that the family was hiding here and what better way, they thought, then to decrease Ishtar's population than killing these people. The gang fought Octain's family and friends who decided to make a last stand against the gang. Before any of the Deputies could arrive the fight was over and 8 people died, 2 wounded. The gang lost 3 members out of 14 and burned down Octain's house before leaving. Octain lived with a friend of his father for about 18 years. The now 23 year old man left his new father's home and went on to be a Deputy. He quickly was rejected because of his "rude" nature. He only punched a male officer because he called Octain a lonely person. After going to school for about 3 years he went off to work for another store. He was also fired because his female co-worker said he was a pervert after asking if she had any sisters or not. He then set out to be a bandit, stealing for a living and man was it exciting. The now new found bandit stole a dead bodyguard's armor and weapon to fool people. He lives in a small apartment in the outer layer of the city.

Octain likes to be alone when robbing or stealing things from the people of the outer city. He has a serious attitude and doesn't like people getting in the way. Octain has a habit to call people he's robbing "customer" since he used to own a store before it getting burned down. He also hates when people mistake him with a mercenary or a bodyguard. Octain likes to fool them with the impression that he is one but when called one multiple times gets annoying. He hates the Deputies and the Arbiters the equally because there both everywhere. Want to go steal some coins? Boom, Deputy standing in front of you and the customers way. Want to pickpocket some food from a person. Two Arbiters just walked by and watching you. He also hates girls who are fashion queen type.

Skills and abilities: He is a good man with a pistol and is good at fooling people with his armor. Octain is also has great skill in pick-pocketing.
Name: Known as; "The Ishtar Toaster"

Age: Unknown, presumed in his late forties

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Wreck-Age-Concept-3.jpg.9fa8c1da825acc7a0d5aff787be40d9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Wreck-Age-Concept-3.jpg.9fa8c1da825acc7a0d5aff787be40d9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Affiliation: Warlord


A Majority of the Ishtar Toaster's origins are unknown, what is known is that he showed up in Ishtar's slums some fifteen years ago and began a ruthless take down of several big time inner city Crime Bosses.

During his first few months in Ishtar, many thought he was some sort of Vigilante, unaffiliated with the Nobles and the Warlords of the Inner City and was simply taking out Lieutenants and Supply Shipments to harass bigtime Ishtar Crime Bosses.

Within a year, the Toaster had cleared almost 13 Crime Boss dens -no survivors. He was nicknamed; "Ishtar Toaster" as he utilized a High Pressure Napalm cannon that shot out napalm at the pressure of a fire hose.

After his first year, his progress slowed significantly, Crime Bosses began united against him and he found himself facing harder and harder foes as they organized to take down the Toaster.

Two and half years into his conquest of Ishtar, the Toaster was rumored to have been killed by a Crime Boss by the name of Denard 'Happy' Dekker. The Toaster's infamous helmet was displayed atop his Criminal Den for five years, during which the Crime Bosses and Warlords slowly began to creep back into into the previously conquered areas.

During his five year absence, Denard 'Happy' Dekker had become a leading Crime Boss in the Inner City, most feared his name, some were 'lucky' enough to serve as his soldiers. The Ishtar Toaster however made an explosive return when he launched an all out assault on Denard's Crime Den. This time he had a small army with him and the Toaster laid waste to the building and burned all the bodies. There was nothing left of Denard's Crime Den or deeds but smolders and glowing pools of Napalm.

For the next ten years, the Crime Bosses of Ishtar recognized the Toaster as a Warlord. While some say he is a vigilante as he does only target other Crime Bosses, in the end he as become his worst enemy. He simply tries to justify it with the murder of criminals, many of which were forced into doing their misdeeds.


Quiet and reserved, the Ishtar Toaster is a calculating and intelligent individual. He never seems to rush into a situation unprepared and when he does, he usually has a surprising amount of insight.

He has little patience for those who in his words; 'are too afraid to take up arms against their oppressors' and absolutely zero tolerance for Criminals. Whether you stole an apple or murdered a child, they're one in the same in the Toaster's eyes.

He is blunt and straightforward, he doesn't play games and doesn't humor those who would try to sugarfoot or 'waterdown' a situation. He a realistic person with ambitious goals and a Napalm cannon ready to burn through Ishtar.

Skills and abilities:

Skilled and deadly in the use of his infamous "Toaster" weapon, the Ishtar Toaster (person) has never been seen using a different weapon than the firehose of Napalm.

Despite his seemingly brutal rules when it comes to upholding Vigilante Justice, the Toaster is a fantastic leader -both civilly and in Combat. People flock to him for safety and he only asks that they be willing to fight for their rights.


Highlighting- The Toaster's helmet has motion sensors designed to detect a multitude of human and animal movements, when requirements are met it highlights whatever it may be in a bright red, making them an easy target for him. The system is designed so as it will highlight a human as they maneuver around a battlefield, while not also highlighting a flag as it waves in the distance. The system CAN be glitchy and CAN be tricked however, making it's usage extremely helpful but just as limited.

Heat Vent- His combat armor generates a significant amount of heat as it operates, heat is let out constantly through a cooling unit on his back however should this fan be damaged or deliberately turned off, he can build up heat before releasing a deadly cloud of steam from his wrists that could boil human skin away in seconds.

Hydraulic Stabilizers- The armored leggings and Torso are connected by a web of inner tubings of Hydraulic brakes and pipes. Essentially the hydraulic system can keep The Toaster on his feet even after the most dizzying of strikes. This feature makes him a formidable walking Wall on the battlefield.



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O.o So shiny, so approved and adds to the rp's lore to boot. I'll definitely be adding him to the overview when I get around to listing the major gangs and warlords in the outer rim.
Name: Asven Kavros

Aliases: Azure, White Rook, Wraith

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance:(I may find a picture later, for now description.) Azure has white hair, that is cut roughly short above his blue eyes, and an almost sharp face. He is usually wearing stolen white nano-scale armour, and has a sniper rifle and assault rifle slung over his back, as well as a light pistol in a holster by his side. If not in armour, he usually wears lighter colours, a heavy coat, and boots. When using any ability that makes use of his ocular implants, his iris's will turn orange.

Affiliation: Whoever hired him

History: At a young age, Azure, abandoned in the streets of the outer city, had the fortune to witness several gangs springing a trap on an arbiter from the inner city. Later, when splitting the loot, he crept into the gangs hideout, and tried to steal the arbiters money/possessions. Unfortunately, he was caught in the fight, and made to fight in the gangs fighting pit. Stealing a light pistol from a careless audience member, Azure shot his opponent several times, killing him. The gang offered him a position, but withheld the possessions he'd tried to steal. Azure refused, and returned the next night. This time, he succeeded in his theft. Halfway through leaving, a guard stumbled across him sneaking out. Unfortunately for said guard, Azure was now armed with a cutting edge assault rifle, and left, cutting a bloody swathe through the gang in the process. Several thefts later, he'd acquired more hardware, such as his sniper rifle, and his nano-scale armour. Unfortunately he'd also earned attention from the Arbiters, and was shot several times leaving his safe house. Fortunately for him, a resident of the inner city, Suyota Ruihonin, one of the lead scientists, was just leaving from a deal with a gang that had it's territory nearby. Recognizing Azure's potential, even just as a test subject, The scientist smuggled Azure into his lab, and slowly coaxed him back to life. During this time, the scientist had made a decision. He'd help Azure, but attach a debt to it. So, he gave Azure his latest cybernetics, the military ones he had no permission to even test yet. After being released from Suyota's care, the first thing Azure did were to bring his weapons into the lab of the scientist. The second thing he did was advertise his services as a mercenary.

Personality: To be learned in RP

Skills and abilities: Skilled with sniper and assault rifles, Azure specialises in covert assassinations. However, he isn't good at, or suited to, hand-to-hand combat.

Cybernetics: (if any): Ocular implants, integrated armour control, targeting system, "smart" weaponry targeting, firing authorisation.

Detailed Cybernetics: Focus: Cybernetic implants can filter out all outside distractions, and allows Azure to zoom his vision up to 12x.

Integrated Armour: Azure's armour is integrated into a control circuit implant into his brain. This, while allowing him to reconfigure the nano scales at will, does mean that a concussion could be very harming.

Targeting: Implanted into his ocular implant is a targeting computer that also allows Azure to see in Infrared and EM vision.

Darken: The nano-scales of the suit can reconfigure into a type of camouflage. Works best in dark spaces, and at long distances.
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