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Fantasy Isekai rp chapter 2: I've been reborn and the natural order is messed up so what?

Elias watched as the elder entered, his trinkets clinking like a wind chime caught in a storm. The flickering glyphs on his accessories were definitely reacting to something, and Elias had the sinking suspicion that something was him. Fantastic. Always nice to know he had that effect on ancient mystical artifacts.

He sat up straighter as the elder spoke, nodding politely as the man laid out his observations—Elias was a scholar, an outsider, probably not of this world (which, wow, way to just say it outright), and somehow, despite his general lack of divine credentials, had uncovered knowledge that had eluded even the highest members of their order.

And then Vivian chimed in, because of course, she did. Like a hero to us, she said. Elias had to resist the urge to glance over his shoulder and make sure she was talking about him. Maybe there was another Elias lurking in the archives. One who actually was a hero and not just a guy who liked old books.

But no, the compliments kept coming, followed immediately by a request. A dwarven mine. Untouched for two thousand years. The words alone were enough to stir a deep, almost primal excitement in his archaeologist’s soul. But Elias knew better than to let that excitement show too soon.

He leaned back slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. “So, just to be clear,” he said, “you’re telling me that after spending weeks trying to decode prophecies, accidentally setting off whatever weird reaction your artifacts are having to me, and—oh, let’s not forget—being an outsider who has barely wrapped his head around how things work here, you now want to take me into an ancient, sealed-off dwarven mine?”

There was no hesitation in their expressions.

Elias sighed, shaking his head. “Alright, well, let me just run a quick checklist in my head: potential treasure? Check. Potentially dangerous relics? Check. High probability of running into some long-forgotten horror that wants to eat my face? Big check.” He exhaled sharply, drumming his fingers on the table. “This is how people die in horror stories, you know. First, they ignore all the warning signs. Then, they disturb something that should not be disturbed. Then—bam—cursed forever, eaten by a cave monster, or trapped in a time loop. And yet…”

He closed the book he’d been reading with a thud and looked at them with tired resignation.

“...I am an archaeologist. And if there’s one thing we’re good at, it’s making questionable life choices in the pursuit of knowledge.”

Elias pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering to himself. “God, I should’ve just been a librarian.”

Then he sighed again, finally nodding. “Fine. I’ll come. But if we do unleash some unspeakable horror down there, I just want it on record that I called it.”

Name: Elias Vaughn

Age: 34

points available: 0

Strength: 11
dexterity: 32
mana: 61
mana sensitivity: 32
aura: 11
aura sensitivity: 12
luck: 51


boon: super archaeologist: gain wisdom from ruins easier and higher rate of technique and artifact acquisition.


5 gold

Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

Feeling the strain of two figures bearing Demon King level power verbally sparring inside his mind. Grell took his frustrations out on the vulture and threw it into the sunset. A couple of people still celebrating took time to clap for Grell since the vultures were a problem around here as well. He knew all too well what Yal'Sadiq was up to. Considering he had to speak through a bird. The Dark Djinn couldn't have freed himself from his tower yet. What he recalled about the guy didn't bode well for the younger citizens of this region. Once he'd chewed through the child population of the desert cities. Yal'Sadiq would start reaching outward towards the young of the nearby zones for children to help free him from his prison. Grell couldn't exactly remember HOW the children factored into the equation. Only that a few dozen piles of corpses belonging to the most innocent kind of life had dotted the landscape around the Djinns tower. Grell wasn't even sure if he cared enough about some strangers to risk his life against Yal'Sadiq.

Mounting a camel he saw for rent. Grell spurred the beast to begin running across the Savannah and eventually the shifting sands that lay just beyond it. He already knew in his heart what needed to be done. The young warrior would simply have to defeat the Dark Djinn in order to prevent him for messing up Grell's plans to beat the Demon King AND the Void King. Yal'Sadiq would cause far too many ripples and complicate things. Reaffirming his goal to push himself towards the final clash with Demon King Mala'Kai. Grell rode his trusty new mount through an incoming sandstorm. Surprisingly the camel seemed fine with such an impulsive move and gave a kind of derpy war cry as if showing tacit approval. Allowing the beast to stop at a small oasis. Grell gulped a few dozen mouthfuls of crystal clear water before chowing down on a weird fruit growing out of a cactus. He even offered one to the weird looking guys in black robes armed with scimitars who were staring into the water intensely.
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The next boy kicked and thrashed, gnashing his teeth with tears coursing down his cheeks. His gaze was affixed on the little girl who had gone before him, limp and leaving a crimson trail in her wake. It was hard to tell where it was all coming from, kind of like as if she just sort of ruptured throughout her frame. At his flanks were two children raised back from the dead like marionettes. The boy said, "cmon guys, please look at me. please say something! you don't have to do this"! The two undead boys did not respond or even give a hint of awareness. Their eyes were glazed over and movements were stiff. The boy's feet dug up blackened sand with bits of maggot and brain matter. A cloud of flies was starting to form around the entrapped demon whose headless torso turned to him. The boy strained his whole body, trying to resist touching the spear in its gullet. But the zombie boys were strong enough to hold him in place while avoiding ripping off his limbs in the process. Inch by inch the boy's finger tips approached the spear until the sound of crackling electricity filled the chamber once more. Yal'sadiq sighed and flung the boy's corpse into the ditch before saying, "next".

His zombie entourage robotically walked back to the cage full of children when something caught the demon's attention. He peered out into the distance and saw something familiar come within his sphere of influence. "Ahh so there you were, reluctant heir of the great one. What brings you to my domain"? The demon's voice would project throughout the desert like a megaphone. Sand would begin to purposefully swirl within a 10 meter radius of grell and his company, forming a cyclone threatening to rip anything not tied down up into the sky. "Have you come to betray your master or are you here on a picnic hehehe", he chuckled before raining maggots on the warrior from sandwyrm nests in the vicinity.
"I suppose some hostility is warranted- I will depart, there are plenty of children to torment tonight. The Void Kings arrival was a minor cataclysm- it may have ripped some children from my trances; but I think it will make a great nightmare. An endless monster that was seen watching from space is perfect- I could leave the rest of the nightmare normal- but leaving him to watch- maybe every night he get's closer before the nightmares stop- I should write this down." The Lich disappeared, though her eyes still watched the pair- interested in a dying gods final works.

Charlie looked at the creature- beasts like that gave normal people nightmares. All he could think about was killing it before feasting on it's flesh. He had kept the monster chained for only one day- and he considered releasing it to battle? What if it never gave control back- what if it got Charlie killed? He watched the God of War fight- transfixed by the blood shed- he could feel the beast scratching at the door, reveling in the bloodshed- if that other side wasn't a feral beast, he would have sworn fealty to the God.

Charlie felt his head swim as blood splattered around him, kneeling as he gripped his hat. He listened to every slice- the sounds of entrails dropping onto dirt, bestial cries of pain. He reached into the hat, hand finding what he sought out as always. He pulled a shortsword from the bag- well decorated and maintained. Fae Symbols and decorations covered the form- some would assume enchantment, but it was simply the work of a dedicated smith- creating a blade both beautiful and deadly- the Faesteel always sharp, light weight. Charlie gritted his teeth and held the blade in a defensive stance- the blade a dagger to most.

He took a deep breath and charged the first creature, ducking as an axe blew over his head. He rolled under the creatures side, slashing at the creatures leg. He did not kill- not yet. A second blade was swung in his direction- the sweep impossible to dodge. He analyzed the blade- crude and rusted. The owner, a demonspawn with equally damaged armor let out a battle cry. The blade had plenty of jagged edges from battles and the lack of maintenance. Charlie was too weak to parry the blade, so he swung it towards the largest edge- splitting the blade in two. The enemy stumbled- the rogue shrapnel lodged in his throat- spraying warm blood all over Charlie.

Charlie felt the edges of his mouth creep up- like the sun rising over a battlefield- the blood was sweet and savory, relief from the cold from the dank cave. Charlie swung the blade into a reverse grip, pouncing on the dying creature as he began stabbing the creature again and again. Charlie was bathed in blood- his cloak shifting to a bright red with his bloodlust, striking with the Crimson splatters that came from the creature.

He got to his feet and wiped a bit of blood from his face- he enjoyed the blood, but he would keep a measure of his sanity- he would gladly soak himself in his enemies blood, but he didn't need to drink it- that had killed him in the old world anyway. He cracked his neck as he watched more demons surround him, their impish minds not thinking of fear- but of challenge.

Charlie became a scarlet blur- only a few lines of green from his eyes- even brighter than usual joining the rush of blood-red light. He was immediately in front of the first demon- blade sheering through flesh and sinew. He quickly spun around the next attack, pulling a dagger from his belt as the creature bellowed. Charlie threw the dagger into his eye socket- making it fall as it gripped its eye, deflated by the blade. Charlie kicked the Axe into his hands as another attacked, almost tearing the head from his shoulders before he kicked the head into another's head, the remaining flesh holding it in place coating his boots as he ducked under the next attack, gripping the stolen Axe.

Mad cackling filled the cave as each enemy was felled, some fleeing from the small creature. The Demons- though artificial, would expect one so small to be an easy opponent, this bunny thing shouldn't be able to fight things double or triple his size. Some would see this as challenge, thinking they could fight him- but instead they fell alongside the cowards that where too slow. Charlie's laughter was mixed with haunting fey songs- augmented by his Abyss song ability- striking more fear into the creatures eyes, screaming about the Bunny Monster with Green eyes.
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Last vestiges of the war god​

The two of them fought for what seemed to be like days. The sound of bones crunching could be heard for miles on end as the landscape became dead. No more chirping birds, little to no humans even in a corrupted state. Death had washed over the world. None of this was necessarily the work of the war god. They were merely fighting through the days that lead up to Charlie's death in his first life. The fallen god watched as Charlie became stronger without realizing it. He saw one second turn back on the timer to their doom every week or so. Charlie didn't know it, but small parts of the demon's essence was being transferred to him this time. Each time he cut into a demon's thick hide, his muscles were reforming and rebuilding. Everytime he bite into their arteries and drank their blood, charlie grew quicker and more nimble. The core of his being was like a tempest growing faster and more violent. By contrast the war god was growing slower until he simply watched the feychild fight on his own.

Boon upgraded: Battle hunger is unlocked. Unlike before where Charlie must kill to become stronger, he now grows with each attack with the intent to kill. Rather than deplete, his body will draw energy from the environment and his opponent to grow stronger until he stops fighting.​
A side effect of battle hunger is Charlie would slowly find himself becoming more lucid despite reveling in the thril of the battle. Although the craze and desire to push forward and kill would be there, his mind would not deteriorate like it did before.

Ren tried to avoid eye contact with the drug addicted heroes- sure some would be among the most powerful around here, able to pay for their vices- but their addictions would leave them unreliable and prone to fits and other effects of the drugs. She eyed each individual- both searching for threats and potential allies. This was a good place to start, with her work needing less heroes of valor and heroism- and more hired swords who could keep her safe.

When she felt the tap on her shoulder, Ren's blood rushed, quickly grabbing a dagger as both her instincts and whatever the spirit had done to her- she saw a glow from the corner of her eye now- and had a feeling that was him, watching- waiting for a moment of weakness. Their deal was strenuous. Both wanted power, but she had seen inside his head. He would consume her the second she showed any weakness.

She gripped the blade with shaking hands, keeping it concealed under the table- before returning it to the holster she had taken off of the body. She stared confused for a moment, Jek remaining silent, likely pondering the threat before giving some mad advice- or thinking more vile thoughts that she had been doing her best to shut out. This woman was different from others, that speed and the attention she garnered showed that- and she was less connected to Ivan that most where in this town- likely only paying for protection and the like.

"I'm not one of Ivan's- I am simply here to find assistance; Not too many have taken notice."
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The woman's eyes narrowed on Ren, not sure if it was naivety or well hidden malice. She shook her head for a moment and said, " Well the only reason your head is attached to your body is I don't hostility, but do not forget your place just because the boss showed you mercy". A door opened on the otherside of the room that was not there. Others seem to walk right past with, including the staff, without a second glance. It was made of mahogany, but it had the corpse of a cat nailed to its exterior. Yet despite that, it had no signs of decay or buzzards flying around it. Although the door was stained with dry blood, black and sloppily decorating the door. The executioner got up and walked to the door, opening it up to reveal stairs leading up a dim flight of stairs. She gestured for Ren to move on in, but not with any sense of aggression or urgency. It was an invitation and likely a one time deal.

Bea and the others cried out- cursing Thorne for likely getting them killed, and Midea for giving her the reins. The diminutive Demon-born scanned the area- her thoughts of proper Orc and Goblin cooking methods put aside as she raised her hands, tracking each enemy. Inside, Demonter was interested by the clubs, recognizing the value and beauty of the plants. She would sieze control from the weaker willed girl if she wasn't thinking of the enemies. Her sudden change from the small demon with childish clothes and skin the color of autumn leaves into to a lumpatious and tall Faemon with horns of oak and skin like young sprouts would likely scare the enemies into blindly attacking.

Thorne scanned the area or an avenue of escape- the mounted goblins would out run her, and those archers would likely fill her with arrows. She gritted her teeth, pissed off that her demonic appearance was working against her- slowly kneeling on the ground, returning to a quizzical look on her face as she watched the enemy. Thorne had enjoyed enough food to have some energy- she could dodge a few arrows, but with the archers hidden she would need to wait until she knew the nature of her food before striking.

"I am but a lowly Tiefling- I am born of a Demon but I am not an infernal villain."
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Within moments Gor'rak, the sole orc amongst the goblins and trolls slowly came into view. Seeing the demon comply, he casted shackles made of mana around her wrists and ankles. Two trolls came to hoist her up. " Do not take us for fools demon, we know of your kind. You reek of blood and do not carry mana indigenous to this world. If anything, you are far more dangerous than a mere demon". The troop still kept their positions around her at all times as they descended back down the village, with gor'rak ready to cast a magic bolt into her skull at any moment. The orc had his troll stop once, as he scanned the environment one time as a precaution. He did not sense Bea or her other companions, but having a demon in custody, he had no choice but to bring her to the chief. Whatever craft that beast came in, it was too dangerous to investigate without outside help the orc thought.

  • Charlie"Fast-Hands"
    View attachment 1222988
    Last vestiges of the war god​

    The two of them fought for what seemed to be like days. The sound of bones crunching could be heard for miles on end as the landscape became dead. No more chirping birds, little to no humans even in a corrupted state. Death had washed over the world. None of this was necessarily the work of the war god. They were merely fighting through the days that lead up to Charlie's death in his first life. The fallen god watched as Charlie became stronger without realizing it. He saw one second turn back on the timer to their doom every week or so. Charlie didn't know it, but small parts of the demon's essence was being transferred to him this time. Each time he cut into a demon's thick hide, his muscles were reforming and rebuilding. Everytime he bite into their arteries and drank their blood, charlie grew quicker and more nimble. The core of his being was like a tempest growing faster and more violent. By contrast the war god was growing slower until he simply watched the feychild fight on his own.

    A side effect of battle hunger is Charlie would slowly find himself becoming more lucid despite reveling in the thril of the battle. Although the craze and desire to push forward and kill would be there, his mind would not deteriorate like it did before.

    Charlie fought with glee- not even caring how long it took. His Fey senses saw better in the dark anyway. He didn't care when the stolen weapons shattered by the wild misuse of each weapon. His Cloak remained in the bright red state- magically cleaning itself from the blood that constantly coated him. He did forget his new rule on occasion- ending a skirmish with a bite- but slowly he got used to not giving in to that desire, only getting his thrill from the battle itself- the conquest, the blood, the dance of each duel. Over time, the whirlwind of destruction became contained and tactical- blowing into the weakest of enemies like a hurricane- though each attack was focused and smart- parrying blades, stabbing an enemies legs.

    Eventually- Charlie found no enemies to fight, all lay dead before him- glorious. He stumbled a bit, rubbing his head as he sat down in a spot not covered in corpses. He spun one of his throwing daggers in hand- one not destroyed by the hours of fighting. Would his weapons remain broken in the real world? Charlie felt the battle fervor fade as he looked at the enemies- not pitying them as he stared at the blood and viscera- and not feeling disgusted by his violence and carnage. His cloak returned to normal, a cleaning spell getting rid of the blood and guts that coated his body.

    "Usually the heroes in my tales get visions about not fighting- but I suppose my tale is a bit different- if not repetitive with the reincarnation business. And I have the literal tail, though I prefer hiding it- the ears make people nervous enough."

    Name: Charlie
    points available:
    dexterity: 255
    mana: 105
    mana sensitivity: 50
    aura sensitivity:
    luck: 50

    Jittery Mind: (Due to his continued consumption of The Coffee) has various effects, such as not being able to (Or needing) as much sleep, only needing around four hours (As his abilities evolve less sleep is needed) Charlie is also more alert, constantly scanning rooms for enemies- allowing him to occasionally catch traps, illusions, or other secrets
    Fey Wild Evolution: As Charlie spent around ten years in the feywild, (having arrived at 3 or 5 years old) he has changed due to the magic of the plain, adopting traits of his Harrengon pseudo-family, with his bunny ears and tail- lending him superior hearing and senses, along with allowing a superior jumping ability/agility. His eyes are also a neon green, constantly glowing and lending him night vision- along with a few minor magic effects like unconscious plant enhancement.
    Easily Distracted: Charlie often deals with over fixation of trivial things, resulting in the collection of random objects he keeps in his Top Hat of Holding, ranging from a Hat collection, Bobble Heads, to a collection of instruments he doesn't know how to play. Along with his light hoarding, Charlie may cause harm because he is too focused on something else in combat, if his attention can be successfully drawn into a scenario that benefits the group (Via shiny objects, subterfuge, continual reminder) he can usually succeed.
    Noon: Battle Fervor (F): Charlie gains +1 strength for each foe he cuts down in battle, but in exchange his mind will be fixated on the desire to return to battle.
    Battle Perception D Rank: He now can concentrate further and see battle lines for stuff such as swords and movement of his adversaries. +2 stats per kill
    Battle Hunger: Unlike before where Charlie must kill to become stronger, he now grows with each attack with the intent to kill. Rather than deplete, his body will draw energy from the environment and his opponent to grow stronger until he stops fighting.

    Song of the Abyss: Charlies Songs can now invoke Fear and Dread in enemies
    Titles: None


Grell immediately noticed the downpour of maggots falling on him and his new scimitar wielding friends. His camel also began complaining given how aggressively it was grunting at the maggots. Unfortunately the noise seemed to attract something else from below the shifting sands. Skeletal hands shot out from the ground, revealing dozens of undead wanderers who had likely died at this very oasis. Grell then realized exactly WHY the weird robe nomads hadn't partaken of the water and fruit given how he then felt his body begin to heat up from the inside. His mana began surging and stopping randomly whilst the skeletons began their assault. Rolling out of the way and summoning his Morph Orb. Grell began funneling the surge of uncontrollable mana into his Heavenly Skeleton in hopes that he could prevent his own power from killing him. The strange desert nomads had already cut down a few of the skeletons by this point and could likely handle the rest given enough time. However Grell could sense something moving underneath the sand. He could feel the approach of something from wherever the maggots had initially come from. Transforming his orb into a chain mace. The young warrior shattered the skull of a nearby skeleton before breaking the rest of it. Whoever these desert people were. It would appear they were allies for now.

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