Roleplay Artist

It seemed like the bugs were very much like what Lady Ereike described, which was a good thing presuming the information was accurate. What she hadn't been expecting was how quickly the insects had approached, and now before she knew it they were engaging, one of them was attempting to pin Arkh in the distance, while another one was awfully close and trying to fight nox. While Shael's intial instincts might have been to try to attack the one that was engaging with Nox since she was so close, she saw that the other bug looked preoccupied with Arkh and was farther away meaning that she could use her strengths better on it and stop it before it dealt serious harm. It also seemed like there were enough others nearby to properly assist Nox, particularly as Jareth sprung into action on the issue.
She took this consideration into action when she looked over to Jareth who gave out some commands. Normally she wouldn't take orders from just anyone but these circumstances called for it and he seemed to be one of the best equipped around them at the moment being in the guild and clearly having some more powerful abilities than she had at the moment, so she respected what she saw as his decision to take a more leader like approach to them.
"I'm going to reposition to strike the farthest to assist."
she announced, but before she did that, since she was only 5 feet away from the closest bug she was in range to use Appraisal E on the bug as Jareth suggested, Shael then used one movement action since she had Fast F to move as many feet necessary to reach in between the stump and flowers thinking she could get a clear enough sightline to hit the bug in the the weakspot they had been told about, as she was assume that Pierre would follow soon to back her up. She figured it would be good if she could preemptively strike the thing while it was distracted by Arkh, since she doubted Pierre's form allowed him too much stealth.
From that point now in position assuming she had been unhindered and undetected , Shael readied her Eclipse bow and used Stealth Shot to strike the bug in the eye. by pulling a Lunen Elf arrow from her quiver, placing it and pulling back the reddish energy string before releasing.
1. Use Appraisal E on closest bug.
2. Move into position up to 60 ft possessing Fast F to try to get a sightline on bug's eye to hit it and to make way so that Pierre can come and help Arkh too.
3. Use Stealth Shot and try to hit bug in the eye while it is distracted.
Stealth Shot - Stealth F, Steady Hands F
Shael attempts to aim and take a shot at her target undetected by being stealthy. Grade F - 0 post cooldown.