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Graded [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2


The race was... Well... Uhh... Not close.

Actually not close in the slightest for Finn.

Finn was having fun, but it was clear he was not a gifted swimmer. He was clearly having fun, but it could be seen in the strange paddling and flailing he was... not used to swimming at all. On observation his swimming was akin to... prevented drowning but in a general direction. He floated, sure, but he swam like a piece of driftwood caught in a storm. But he reached the end, kinda.

When he got to the end, it was sort of like a blonde bundle of kelp slapped onto the poolside. "I... I made... I made it..." he breathed heavily... He... He wasn't holding his breath the whole time was he...?

Though.... He seemed invigorated upon seeing the others. Hmm, Eliza had a well shaped...

Ah he shouldn't stare with a sentinel like Victorique around.

Kane... He didn't fear in the slightest. With no offense to him, Finn just... Didn't fear much in terms of physical threats. In fact he was certain he was...


The one who could be the biggest physical threat.

It was an interesting thing being this strong, the world sometimes feels like it was made of glass...

The people as well....

"Food sounds good to me." The young man says, standing tall and moving to collect his clothes, to have on hand if they were going...

He wanted to get back into his gear... His instincts were giving him some... feelings that something may come up soon...
Illya Mellondew

Illya stretched her arms out as she dangled her legs, tapping her heels rhythmically against Kanes shoulder. She watched as the others splashed and played around, blinking sleepily. She considered the words that Kane had spoken, admiring the swim wear that the females were adorned with. She shrugged, eventually shifting and curling up on her side to close her eyes. She enjoyed a few moments of shut eye, until she heard Victorique mention something about food again. She pushed herself up with another yawn and rubbed at her eyes. "Is it truly time to eat again? You folk have quite the appetites." She stood slowly, patting Kanes cheek lightly before she jumped off. The second or two before the mechanism kicked in had her falling. But when the buzzing sound started, she began to hover slightly, moving towards Victorique. She grinned widely as she came up beside her. "I shall follow your advice for the choicest foods this time."
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
Time: Midmorning

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky into Sky Docking Area

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo
Kane Blackburne

Kane couldn’t help but chuckle some when Victorique responded to Finn the way she did. Even if it was a bit goofy, there was something admirable about Finn just unapologetically being himself, even if Kane wouldn’t express that outwardly. He felt so free to just flail around, probably much like Kane would except he’d have no idea how to swim if he did it himself, frankly he wasn’t even sure if he’d know how to keep himself floating if he went too deep.

Eliza Talton

Eliza looked back at Victorique with a bit of a bashful smile once again. “Oh but I mean it in only the most positive light! Cuteness is a virtue is it not?” She proclaimed light heartedly.


Pandora looked back at Victorique looking progressively more concerned and worried as she got increasingly philosophical. “Oh gosh, I never thought of it that way before! I really hope that our world isn’t just pocketed away in someone’s creepy world collection or something!” The prospect of there being infinite pocket dimensions seemingly being a bit more beyond her scope of comfort.

However she was snapped out of her thought process when Victorique told her she was being humble.

"...thanks.” She replied with a small smile. She looked curiously when Victorique mentioned having mandatory pursuer on herself.

“No problem!” She replied.

When Pandora was hearing Squink out, she’d smile, looking a bit surprised at the word cool. “Oh, you really think so? Thank you, I haven’t heard many call me that. I’m sure that you could work toward getting where you want to with your abilities with some practice. There’s always time and ways to improve yourself Squink, so even if you feel like giving up, I implore you, keep at it!” She tried to be encouraging.

Eliza looked to Squink, listening, before replying, “Oh come now, it isn’t about deserving or not. Some of us are connected and others of us got here through luck and fortune. There’s nothing wrong with being the latter category Squink!”

“Perhaps there’s some grander reason why you were selected to come here!”
She added positively.

“It certainly wouldn’t hurt, perhaps if you do happen to be with Victorique around when she visits I could show you to the very source so you can see yourself.” Eliza added additionally regarding the suits.

Pandora looked quite pleased to hear Squink say that “Thanks again!” She was quick to reciprocate to Squink at some point that she also looked good.

By the point after the race was over Victorique even if a bit shamelessly as was described, appraised Pandora, Pandora simply smiled back bashfully, and some more information was revealed. Kane raised a brow a bit at the look when he followed the eye gaze, but quickly dismissed it as Victorique doing something detectivey, after all Pandora was pretty..curious in her abilities to say the least.

It was revealed that Pandora not only had a [Construct] title but also a [Human] title and a [Doll of Destiny] title and a rather high [Talton Family Associate B] title.

Unit #2 "Iro"
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png
When Iro heard Victorique mention lunch he was quick to respond, “Of course! Feel free to head to the dining room and we can get that going very easily!”

Kane would shrug a bit. “Sounds good to me.” Noticing Illya tap him, giving her a slight smile, noticing how her wing mechanisms kicked into effect. "I'm sure Victorique will be good at that, has great taste from what I know."

Eliza would look to Finn when the race had concluded fondly. It seemed regardless of how he hadn’t performed the best her eyes would linger on him, gazing, a slight smile forming.

After presumably anyone who was interested for Lunch joined, they were met with a variety of nice goods once again from proteins to vegetable dishes with diverse seasonings as well as drinks available. The rest of the trip would go smoothly without much trouble, and it wouldn’t be until fairly early in the morning the next day would the airship would begin to get ready to descend The sound of Copper’s voice left the intercom like horns telling everyone to secure themselves during this process.

“We will be descending shortly, if you are not in a secure position, please secure yourself.” He spoke sounding more serious this time around like a pilot might. If one were to look out of the observation windows below they would see part of what looked like a very sizable stone platform in the sky, somehow it was floating, and it looked like there was a space for the ship to land in the form of a large square outlined with large flat stone bricks. However there did not appear to be much else on this particular seemingly magically floating island segment other than the presumably landing areas and what could be construed as a large somewhat ornate stone and metallic administrative/processing building of sorts with stairs.

Not that far off from the landing area looked like a group of at least forty or so winged armored figures, they all sprouted wings, and had impressive enough looking shields, their helmets looked sort of like they had wing motifs themselves. In their other hands they all held semi ornate looking large spears.

“Even though we have landed Please remain in the airship for the time being, I need to go and make contact with the locals.”

The voice of Copper moved throughout the ship once more. Eventually anyone who was close enough would have heard the same door open that they had all entered the ship on open.

Kane himself would be at the observation at this point when he had heard news they were getting close, gathering the little belongings which he had brought. Eliza and Iro were not far off from this area either, Eliza with her guards at her side once again, as well as Pandora.

( Narrator Note: We are forging ahead in time. At this point feel free to detail anything relevant that your character spent their time doing from heading to lunch until the arrival. You are also welcome to detail what you do in the arrival/where your character is during it. Will be wrapping this one up soon and the journey will be complete.)
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

She smiled at Squink's question regarding second breakfast. “I'll admit I haven't lived the regular halfling lifestyle for most of my life, but enough to pick up on it. Breakfast at 7, second breakfast at 9, elevenses at 11, luncheon at 1, afternoon tea at 3, dinner at 6 and supper at 9. That's the true halfling way. Although I guess we already missed two of those... and I tend to be lucky to have time, money and resources for two meals a day when I'm out and about. It's why a trips like this means I've got to make the most of it, no? Live up to my species' reputation a little.” Then again, she wasn't doing a great job, having already missed second breakfast and elevenses.

Upon seeing Finn, exhausted and lucky to be alive, but somehow happy? She looked down from outside of the pool into him nearly drowning. It was surprisingly fun to look down upon someone rather than up to them, for a change. “Good job on making it through without dying.” She 'complimented' him and his efforts. She didn't seem to mind his staring at Eliza too much, even though her sharp senses had likely picked up on it. Perhaps because mere staring wasn't risking to interrupt her promised (yet unfulfilled) mecha ride.

As for Illya's comment, she nodded. “You won't regret it.” She stated, a surprising bit prideful. She'd end up living up to her name as well. Being surprisingly peculiar about what she picked from the options and carefully selecting a fairy-sized meal of what she believed to be the finest of the finest samples of fruits and breads. Of course also selecting said things for herself.

Eliza got a questioning look. “How is 'cuteness' a virtue, rather than an annoyance?” She puffed up her cheeks on instinct. “Do you have any idea how undignified it feels to be offered free candy from the store clerk when you're trying to buy some tobacco?” That was a not-so-great experience from her recent past memories.

Surprised by Pandora's willingness to humour her existential crisis, she figured she'd add on to it. “Theoretically speaking, the more we confirm how easy it is to put all sorts of Pocket Dimensions into other Pocket Dimensions, the higher the chance that we live in a Pocket Dimensions ourselves. After all, if we can put tens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of them into one another, it'd be foolish to think there's no more layers above ours as well.”

A bit more about Pandora was learned by this new appraisal attempt. So partially a construct. Yet... 'Doll of Destiny'. “Huh... and here I thought I was the only [Doll]...” She replied upon spotting that one, referring to her own [Doll] title.

[Doll] - Character was so cute and small, they were suspected of being an inanimate doll rather than a person. While the valley between perfection and close enough is hard to determine, the character will have an easier time being mistaken as a toy. Real toys will not be fooled by such an impersonation.

“Good bot.” She complimented the bot, upon being heard lunch would be made ready. She really wanted to bring some of those things with her from now on, although she doubted that she'd be able too.


Upon the mention of arrival, she instantly got a bit more active. “Finally! I can't wait to see what the Sky Islands are like! Or what they might know about titles!” As luxurious as the ship was, she was glad to be able to get off soon.

She'd look for Kane after arrival, as she had a question to ask him. “Do you think we should let the bot handle things? On the one hand, I doubt they'd sent him in without a plan... on the other hand, I now about 90% of the world doesn't take Constructs all that serious. TO that extend, I'd rather get off now and handle things myself.” It seemed like, smart as she was, she was still hoping to get a second opinion from him on this.
(sry short post for now)
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

Waking up the next day, Squink heard the announcement made by Copper and chose to make her way to the Observation Deck in order to get a look at what was going on. Rather nervous about the sight of all the armed people, where they ended up felt like a much larger-than-life place than she'd been to anywhere in this world or had expected to end up. She just remained rather quiet for a little while, fidgeting with her own hands since everyone else probably had a good idea on where to go or what they were doing after the fact. Being in the restraints that was the limited space of the ship was rather calming and meant a lot was out of her control, plus all needs and comfort were met so it wasn't like it was at all a bad place and was honestly pretty great.

"I guess I should've expected we'd have to reach the place eventually. Maybe this place won't be as so bad... " she mumbled quietly to herself, gently twitching her tentacles as she hoped it wouldn't be as intimidating as it all looked. Unsure about if she was going to be going anywhere with anyone else after the arrival, she supposed everyone else would already know where they were going and just silently wondered if anyone would end up asking before she left. Such places felt more trustworthy or for those who were capably skilled and well-established like the others on the ship, considering to herself that it might be better if she just waited out her time in the Sky City peacefully so she wouldn't get lost or in trouble on her own that she couldn't manage.​
Illya Mellondew

The little pixe hummed in thought as she watched Victorique pick out the choicest of foods. She nodded to each of her suggestions and points, as if taking a lesson on food. When the time came to finally enjoy, she finally landed on the table with Victorique and enjoyed the veggies that had been selected. Nibbling on them not unlike a rabbit might. She listened to the discussion on pocket dimensions. Adding her own two cents.

"I think it would only go perhaps two layers deep before things began to fracture and fall apart. You'd be weaving with quantum mechanics and magic glyphs of a level that is unheard of I suppose." She finished off the carrot she'd been nibbling on and continued to watch and listen as the others spoke. She hovered around Victorique for a while, occasionally finding ways to poke at her patience throughout the day. Be it a small side commentary to her own conversation or even perhaps pointed questions meant to distract and throw the halfling off. For no other reason than the pixie was a bit bored, and Victorique was a fun target. When Copper began to make his announcements however, the carefree attitude of the pixie shifted. She seemed a little more nervous than before. "I suppose I might take you up on that offer Miss Eliza. To join you and the others on your tour of the Sky Kingdom. If you would have me." Illya hovered over towards the young silver haired girl, a big smile playing across her lips. Her hands folded behind her back as she blinked her large pink eyes towards Eliza. "As it were I can be fairly handy when it comes to security detail, if Kane needed any help in that area." She chuckled amiably, but as she made the offer she did glance out the windows. It seemed the closer they got to land again, the more nervous she got.

Eventually, she was hovering over next to Squink. "Hello friend! I don't suppose you would mind if I rested on your shoulder?" She barely even asked before she landed on her shoulder. Her hand came out in a rather forward manner, to rest on her tentacles. "Oh my! If you don't mind my saying, what fine specimen. They're very lovely up close." Her little finger came up to poke at one of the suckers curiously. She giggled, and before anything else could be said, she ducked underneath one of the tentacles, doing her best to hide beneath one and appear discreet. "Hehe, yes I suppose this might work."



Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo
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The man would follow suit with the others, even taking up the idea of more food. Though he had excused himself beforehand to regain his proper accouterments and gear. Once again armed and armored, he joined the others and ate his fill, though seemed to be out of topics for now to bother anyone about. "A fun trip, and useful..." he said to himself, giving a momentary look to a peach in hand...

He had abit to think about... but also had to think of what he was planning to do, now that he was here...

The sky kingdom.. would it have something worthwhile..? he had been basically wandering all his time... He joined this trip on a whim even. Ah... Some others more focused certainly make headway on their efforts... But what was his? general good? He wished he had such convictions...

So distracted... but maybe the journey is as important as anything...

to travel and make friends... What other could a man possibly ask for?
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo

Kane Blackburne

Kane would have found Victorique’s talk back to Finn humorous.. Thankfully for Finn Eliza didn’t seem to outwardly notice or if she had she didn’t particularly mind him looking at her. He would have joined Victorique primarily in what she did for the remainder of the time as well as anyone else who happened to decide to hang around and do stuff with.

Eliza Talton

“Oh my apologies Victorique, I didn’t know you went through that..but I must imagine you looked rather cute during the process for someone to think you look that innocent~” She added, a certain gleam to her eyes.


Pandora on the other hand actually looked a bit less extrasentially when Victorique explained the bit about it being foolish not to think of there being possibly others containing their own.

“Perhaps some of the gods put us within hm?” She thought aloud.

She did however look a bit confused when Victorique brought up the doll title before her eyes lit up once again.

“OH That silly thing! It’s nothing really!” She added looking somewhat bashful again

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1-2.png

Iro looked very pleased that Victorique had called him a good bot, giving her a salute.


Kane grinned some upon seeing Victorique become more active.”Hah yeah, maybe if we’re lucky you’ll find out more about titles and maybe I’ll get a power boost or something who knows, doesn’t hurt to have more options when you’re head hunting like me.” He reaffirmed.

He’d look back in Victorique as if he was in thought for a moment. “I mean honestly, constructs are pretty chill where I’m from, Eliza can attest to that I’m sure, but you are right in that it couldn’t hurt too much to go see what’s up ourselves if you’re down. I highly doubt they’d do anything too crazy if we did, after all why would they have an area for landing at all like this if they didn’t accept people traveling up here at least occasionally?” he reasoned out.

“Anyway if you wanna go down there I’ll come with you and be your backup.” Kane was someone for doing after all that much should have been clear with how he really didn’t mind speaking his mind even to the likes of nobles so far.

Eliza looked back at Illya and a smile formed on her face, “Wonderful Illya It would be lovely to have you. And that’s certainly good to know, my guards shall accompany us as well, so have no fear..perhaps if we’re lucky Finnegan will come with us, then we’ll really have no reason to worry..” She said gushing a bit toward the latter part with a faint pinkish hue on her face at the very thought. It wasn’t long before she regained her composure.

“Right…Anyway…” Eliza then looked to Squink. “Squink dear! I take it you’ll be accompanying us too? You really should if it’s possible, I am certain that Victorique, Pandora, Myself, Illya and anyone else who happens to come with us would really enjoy your company.” She would extend the offer coming over to her.

However Eliza did look back to Victorique when she had asked Kane if he thought it was a good idea. She looked a bit more concerned there.

“Personally I have confidence in Copper..and while constructs are rather well received in Rotia, I do understand that might not be the same everywhere as you say. I know that it wasn’t really my business since you didn’t ask me Victorique, but..should you go down now and interact with them, please do be extra careful.” Even if Victorique probably didn’t need to be told this it seemed like Eliza cared enough to say that much.

It looked like Pandora was in agreement, not far off from Eliza still and she was in agreement giving a nod with a somewhat serious face, looking toward Victorique.
With the group arriving successfully, and their belongings being gathered to exit, all that remained was securing their entry into a place which was far above the lands from which they came. What they made of it would be completely up to them in the days moving forward. Largely united as a cohesive group, their chances were stronger of making things happen, but for what their efforts would yield would only be determined by their choices.

(Narrator note: Thank you for joining me and staying through both parts! You are free to continue in the main group, run your own rp or find another narrator to do things here if you’d like, otherwise you’re more than welcome to join me in the next RP i’ll be narrating in the Sky Kingdom)

(Note: Do not add these to your character sheet until they are confirmed by a grader mod)

Narrator Reward Suggestions:

Illya Mellondew

[Fluttering Furtive]
Character is skilled at flying in such a way that they are less noticeable. Character has a higher chance of avoiding unwanted attention when flying.

Finneagan Huttman

Character has expressed they possess idealistic aspirations. Character is more likely to attract supporters who share similar aspirations. Character is less likely to attract pessimists.

Victorique Sopheana

[Ace Appraiser]

Character is skilled in appraising to great effect. Character’s abilities involving appraisal are more likely to succeed and yield more useful information.


Character demonstrated exceptional abilities in running, jumping, and swimming. Individuals who are impressed by athletic ability are more likely to be impressed by character.


[Ally: Experimental Airship Units]

Character has treated a construct unit on the experimental airship just like they would an equal and or a friend. Experimental Airship model units will not attack or obstruct character unprovoked. Units are more likely to support and assist the character beyond their intended function.
Isekai Hell Grade

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo

That ship is a bit too ritzy for a ramshackle kingdom construction. They can't even build their own war golems and suddenly they have individual families producing cruise ships that fly. Would recommend doing more rp's with the duchy or widersia to add some plausibility to this anomaly of a ship. rest of the rp seemed fine. welcome to the sky nation. Its a nation of many broken up land masses that float in midair. the nation is made up of around 12 major groups of migrating tribes. 2/3rds of them hate or are indifferent to land dwellers. The floating islands are populated by an abundance of forgotten ruins of prior iterations. In sky nation, it is not a crime title to return land dwellers to the lands below via gravity.


Experimental ship proved to be very experimental. The coordination of the flight traffic was also seemingly an after thought. Sky nation has a negative opinion of Kingdom. Will require effort for future trips to not be shot down mid-flight.

Ship will need several fixes and improvements to safely return to kingdom after the strain of the flight. The condition of the ship didn't seem entirely explainable by the flight... Will take time to fix.

Characters will find the air of sky nation thinner than below so altitude sickness is common without proper acclimatization.

Illya would be immediately rejected by port authorities as an abomination that must return to the surface willingly or forcefully for reasons not made clear...


all characters Except Illya - optional asset/title [Frequent Flier] - character is permitted to participate in rps in sky nation.

Kane - 78pts (narration)

Victorique - 52pts

Illya Melondew - 24pts

Squink - 98pts (attentive student)

Finn - 29pts

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