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Finished [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“Have you?” She'd asked, at tad bit genuinely surprised when Finn said he'd done good merely by trusting. She wondered if that meant he'd been easily fooled thus for, if he'd been lucky thus far, or if his protagonist vibes had actually covered him against the worst things this world has to offer. “You're a lucky man, if that is true.” She concluded.

The other part was intriguing. “A machine made specifically for such a purpose..? Now I wish I was around to investigate who or what would make such a thing.” She clicked her tongue. So many fun things to investigate that she was missing out on. Then again, titles were priority #1 right now.

Victorique tilted her head a bit at the next part. “Betrayed.. by a bird?” She had to hold back some laughter at how ridiculous that sounded. Then again... “Even a feather to the face can kill you if it's getting your eyes blinded during a critical moment.”

On the topic of Rotia falling, she did have another thought. “What surprises me more is how little seems to be known about what even happened. How come there's an entire continent filled with monsters? If you figure out why it's there, you might figure out how to stop them from spawning or festering or whatever.” Perhaps that could be her next investigation? It sure sounded like it'd be a fun one.

She did chuckle at his offer. “An [Annoying Pursuer] like me is bound to get into trouble soon enough, so it would be nice to add another name to the short list of folk that offered to come to my aid and would actually help out rather than vanish before long.”

On the topic of the gym, she nodded. “Great!” Exercise time it was. “Well, no time like the present, let's go.” She had a breakfast to digest. The [Lightfoot Halfling] way, which was by exercise. She'd turn to Kane. “Naturally, if someone like me wants to keep somewhat safe, I need to be able to run from the best, the worst, the least, the most and anything in-between.” Whether it was a brag, a goal or just some nonsense was left in the open.

As she stated it, however, a fun thought came to mind. “Hey, Eliza, do you ever work out?” She'd call out. Seeing a noblewoman work up a sweat and/or struggle to attempt trying. That might be fun. “I'm going for some exercise. You're free to join me if you want~” She'd add.

As the fairy replied, she was a tad confused. “I'm not entirely sure how speaking too fast and using another language makes you add 'I suppose' every other sentence, but I'm a detective, not a psychologist or linguist, so I'll leave it be.” That said, she did speak nearly every major language in this world, so perhaps she was at least a polyglot.

She chuckled when the fairy didn't hold back on her words towards Kane. “Seems you're hot stuff after all buddy.” She joked. “All you need is a potion of shrinking.” She did raise an eyebrow on the mutually beneficial part of Illya's statement. “That sounds more like a working contract, doesn't it? I'm far from an expert, but isn't romance all about being there for one another even if it isn't always mutually beneficial?”

That said, as fun as these conversations were, she did want to get a move on. Literally, so she got up. “Well then, be a good unit and show us the way.” She'd ask the unit from before, as she'd follow it towards the gym, where she'd carefully observe the equipment and room to figure out what her options were going to be. Needlessly to say, that'd also depend on whom would end up joining her and if she'd need to show off, spar or just keep it casual.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario

"Huh, maybe I could, that sounds quite fun... you know, like maybe after this flight and all, can't really do that now- y-you probably know that, right, uh... " Squink sheepishly answered as Eliza made a point about Iro coming along with them even though it felt like he would have had responsibilities to work on the ship. Thinking about it a little, she was a little embarrassed to hear that Iro had grown fond of her even though she had only just named and talked to the bot a bit. Smiling a little, she fidgeted as she asked about the possibility of Iro coming along on their own trip elsewhere.

"Y-you really think so? How do you know that? Do you talk with them and Copper privately or something o-or what? I-I mean, did he say something about me or something?... " Squink asked softly, not having expected to make a construct friend of all things all of a sudden, feeling much more awake than prior as she enjoyed some tea.
"Maybe I can meet them and learn a little or such, I think that'd be fun to learn about. The big robots and stuff seem really cool, are they hard to pilot?" she asked curiously, listening on about Eliza saying that Squink likely had something interesting to talk about. Blushing a little bit and looking elsewhere as she sipped, she remembered about her friend Oden that she hadn't seen this morning having last seen them yesterday.

"O-oh right, Oden is my friend, I met her a long time ago when a group called the Order of the Sun or such, I was called to go on a trip with them to help along but I don't think I really managed to do much, but we travelled really far and had to go past a bunch of dangerous people and bandits and such. T-then I kinda wandered around for a little while and found this pretty place that there were a bunch of refugees, and I found Oden again there and we helped the refugees out although they still have some stuff to sort out. T-there was also this really nice guy just like me I met there, h-he said about spending a little time or g-going on a little date thing or such, i-it's nothing really just something that was interesting maybe I can go back there sometime soon" Squink answered with a small smile, shaking a little as she was rather flushed over the thought, smiling subtly and just trying to look her face away from Eliza a moment as she tried to steady her own thoughts.

"I haven't really gotten around to doing anything major or worth speaking about though, so I'm kinda just going around doing stuff until I really know what I wanna do... I think I wanna do something fun that helps people or does something smart or productive, I don't know if I'm really fit for serious or dangerous adventure, although Victorique had offered to go along with her as her assistant on detective things, so I might do that"she spoke as she heard Victorique calling to Eliza to ask her about joining her. Holding her tea and sipping a little, she smiled and looked to Eliza.
"It's okay if you want to go spend some time elsewhere, I'm sure there's some other stuff I can do or look at around the airship, I haven't gotten to all of it yesterday after all" she said as she considered the fact that perhaps she could try to read Victorique's mind today, especially since she might not be considering or aware of it since it was a new day after all. Maybe it would give her reason to come along just to see if she could do it, although she'd hope that the detective wasn't thinking about anything questionable or strange like the large girl they had accidentally pictured yesterday.​
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo

Kane Blackburne

Kane looked back at Illya and almost chuckled a bit more when he saw the pink tint on her cheeks. It was all endearing in a way.
However Kane did look a bit taken aback when he was essentially told he didn’t look bad, handsome? When was the last time anyone had called him that? Perhaps never.

He did eventually recover from his genuine surprise

“Don’t think I was expecting to hear those words out of anyone’s mouth, thought I’d be dead well before then to be honest." He’d chuckle.

“No idea if it’d be any of the stuff you’re talking about I am who I am but I do know that the whole cutting off the heads off criminals probably isn’t the most..striking quality.” He added a bit light heartedly.

“And I mean yeah you’re right, you shouldn't have to be sold in that sense.” He agreed with Illya more seriously for a moment.
Kane couldn’t help but grin a bit as he heard Victorque describe herself as an [Annoying Pursuer] definitely part of the reason he was fond of her thus far, her persistence and what she got into had been pretty entertaining so far. Plus he had to keep his first friend safe.

Kane shrugged a bit before giving a nod as he stood himself up, he had already finished his meal after all

“Right of course.”

He then chuckled some more at hearing Victorique invite Eliza of all people to come and join her for exercise. Oh that would be a sight to see. He at least imagined he could probably do better than someone like Eliza in that category.

Though he did look back at her curious when she jested, a smirk forming. “Shrinking potion huh?”

Eliza Talton

Eliza listened to Squink with a smile as she eventually finished up her breakfast as well over time. Pandora was back at attention pretty quickly after she had finished as well.

She nodded at Squink saying maybe she could. “Indeed, I am aware.” She’d say with a bit of a giggle and smile toward the end.

“Oh I mean it was pretty clear, Iro seemed pretty happy to be around you more than anyone else so far after your engagement. I did see you two talking over there, it looked lie you were having a good time.”

Eliza looked like she was in thought for a moment at the piloting question, before she eventually replied,

“I believe that piloting a fuller requires proper helming skills, some are probably more naturally gifted at picking it up than others. Some aspects are probably more intuitive than others. I myself have been practicing since I was young, so I’m rather used to it by now, so perhaps I Would say it’s accessible to learn but difficult to master.”

She listened closely when Squink described how she met Oden. She looked curious when Oden mentioned the Order of the Sun.

“I see so you met her through helping people who were in need, and you also met someone interesting who you might go out with, that sounds like a rather eventful time. Going back sounds like it could lead to a very nice time with this Gentleman you’ve described.~”

“If you’re in the process of still figuring things out perhaps accompanying Victorique is a good place to start then, it seems that she thinks you have skills which could prove to be valuable, using them in the pursuit of the truth could very well allow you to help people like how Victorique helped prove my brothers were innocent and could be something considered smart.”

“Well I’ve certainly been enjoying myself with you Squink, but of course I understand if you’d like to look at the rest of the ship too-”

It was from that point Eliza heard Victorique offer for her to go exercise with her, not answering her question if she worked out, instead responding,

“Hm..I suppose fitness is important especially for those of us who have little reason to exert ourselves..” She said reflectively.

“Very well I’ll accompany you Victorique, I think you’ll find I’m no slouch.” She replied with a confident smile, before looking to Squink.

“You’re more than welcome to join us there too if you’d like.” She’d offer, before politely getting up and making her way over toward Victorique, Iro, and Kane. Pandora followed diligently too.

Unit #2 “Iro”
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Iro saluted Victorique upon being addressed. “Yes Ma’aaaam!” he'd replied stiltedly Iro then gestured for anyone who was coming to follow, and just like that the Talton guards also moved out from the outside of the dining room.

After moving through the ship Iro led them to a decently sized room given the size of the ship which had soft mats and all sorts of more advanced magitech exercise equipment, equipment which might have looked somewhat familiar to someone from modern Earth between a stationary moving platform which had bluish runic controls, a stationary bike like device which looked more Widersian despite Copper’s earlier claims about feeling superior, weights for lifting, and space to do more stationary exercises. However there was also some sort of portal on the wall which looked like it opened up into what one could only assume was a large running track like space in a pocket dimension of sorts which was being propped up by some sort of magical energy generator from the bulky machine which was next to the portal on either side contributing energy to it.

“Huh, this place just keeps getting fancier..and that magician guy designed copper who designed this? Maybe I should try to meet the egghead sometime..” Kane commented curiously looking around.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

She chuckled more at Kane's smirk. “As they say, good things come in small packages.” She joked.

She was a tad surprised Eliza actually was down to come along. “Oh?” She was a tad surprised at her claim to be no slouch. “I'm looking forwards to see how long any of you can keep up~” She spoke with a fair share of confidence that she'd out-exercise them all.

Upon following Iro towards the training room, she slowed down a tad bit to walk besides the maid, eyeing her with some curiosity (Appraisal B). “So... how'd you end up in service of a Talton?” She asked, as she wasn't entirely sure why, but her detective sense was tingling. She felt like there might be a juicy story here.

Upon looking at the exercise room, she nodded. “Not too shabby.” She concluded. However, what really captured her interest was the portal. “Oh my, now that's fancy.” She said aloud, not being able to hold back upon seeing such a thing.

She didn't hesitate for a second, hopping through the portal to go check out this interdimensional running track. A broad smile formed on her face as she clapped in her hands. It was time to have a bit of fun~ “I, Victorique Sopheana, detective and pure-blooded Lightfoot Halfling, challenge all of you to keep up with me on this track for as long as you can~” She was highly confident. “Should anyone, somehow, be able to keep up all the way, I'll grant them the highest honour and share my finest tobacco with them!” She felt so confident that she was even willing to wager the finest prize in her possession.

Regardless of whether anyone would take her up on the 'game' she devised, she'd head up to the starting line and get into 'starting' position. “Ready, set, go!” She'd call out, after which she'd start with a casual run for the first lap. She'd want to give the others the idea they had a chance, after all. However, she sped up to Fast F on the second lap and would press on to Fast E halfway down the second so that she'd be at Fast D by the third. Should anyone still keep up, she'd put on the pressure by going to Fast C in the fourth. Whether she'd be running along by then or not, she figured she might as well let loose and would finish with a few laps at full Fast B speed, zooming around like it was nobody's business.

“Ahhh~ That was fun.” She'd state. “Nothing like a good workout after a good breakfast. Anyone want to do high-jumping or parkour next?”
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Though he'd been abit quiet, Finn had followed the group to this exercise area. On an airship that was honestly feeling more like a cruise liner... He however had to give it was a good idea to let some energy out, the least he could do to get some exercise in. Though... With what he knew... Finn wasn't about to challenge Victorique to that race, but he did watch the little woman absolutly blaze along the trail, she was amazing and Finn absolutly knew she could go even faster...

That was until she did kick it up to highest gear and blazed through the lap like nothing. He invested some into his speed and jumping but not like that, damn.

He felt abit jealous, almost.

He considered the weights, the rest... Then wondered...


When did a maid get on board?

She wasn't with them when they started right so... Or maybe he just didn't see her? Servants of the sort are skilled at being in the background and he was distracted... Softly hos hand had gone to his waist, but he bore no sword here... No feeling of safety from it, Finn instead lingered instead of exercising...

He watched the people around him, seemingly lightly on edge.
Illya Melondew

Illya finished off the stolen croissant, as she listened to Kane. She tapped her chin, looking up to consider him. But of course, Victorique added her two cents. Illya huffed as the short woman stated what she'd suggested was like a business contract. She looked as if she was about to say something, when the short blonde mentioned a shrinking potion. And for a split second, the little pixie did a head turn, considering Kane for a moment. Before she quickly turned her head back to Victorique, the slightest tint of embarrassment, possibly still left from her earlier frustration with the halfling. The little brat surely knew how to rile her. She smacked her cheeks before she watched Victorique stalk towards the gym. Eventually though, she took a few steps towards the edge of the table, then leapt off. For a full second, she fell. Before the mechanism in her wings kicked in and she started climbing in altitude. She hovered towards Kane and landed on his shoulder with a light step. She gave him a side long look and prodded his cheek.

"Do not be getting any ideas tall dark and handsome. " She chuckled, before making herself at home on his shoulder. "Ocupations and circumstances to not specifically rule eligibility. Albeit I suppose...they do limit the selection to a degree. " She seemed to think about that for a second. Tapping her chin in thought. "There are many who have occupations that require unhappy things of them I suppose." She paused, snapping her finger as she tripped up and said the phrase again. Though she continued. "I myself have had to kill men because it was my duty. What is life without our duty and the upholding of said duty I suppose?" She tapped her legs against his shoulder for a moment as she thought about her words. "I do babble though. Would you like to see if she can run as fast as she says she can?" She smiled up at the man with black hair and red eyes.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

Squink listened on to what Eliza had to say about Iro and Fullers, hanging on to every word curiously as she quietly sipped the last of her tea, her face turning a more tinted pink hue at the nervous thought of Eliza talking about the great times her and a said handsome individual could possibly spend on a little not-saying-anything-about-it-being-a-date-date-but-a-date date when she returned at some point during her little journeys. Hearing about her interest to join Victorique in whatever form of gym they had in place, she nodded knowing that it was something people took an interest to upkeep their physical capabilities. She herself didn't know a whole lot about doing it well and didn't entirely do so, plus she was a little nervous about the thought of struggling to do simple things or not being as capable as the others present.

"M-maybe I'll come take a look, but I don't think I'd be able to do anything there... " she answered softly as she finished and placed down her tea. Getting up slowly, she chose to follow along with her as to where Iro was leading them to go, taking a small look around the place although not feeling forwardly comfortable to give any of it a go. Silently fiddling with her own hands as she watched what others were doing, she noticed the physical swiftness of Victorique and mumbled to herself about it.
"I guess t-that's how she stays safe out of trouble. I guess you can't be considered criminal by going places if you're investigating them... o-only if you hit someone or something, if that's how it works or something... " she thought about it, a little confused. Thinking if she should try her mind reading thing at the very moment, she supposed there would probably be nothing to even say she found if she did since it was pretty much just believable that she was thinking good and prideful of herself just by looking.

"Maybe it could wait a little while, I'm maybe sure there's some other things to look at on the ship I haven't gotten to see, m-maybe there's some sort of map or something somewhere, it would make sense if they had some board with a public map or something, right?... " she questioned quietly to herself.​
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo

Kane Blackburne

Kane still seemed humored from his and Victorique’s back and forth when she mentioned good things in small packages. He lifted a brow at Eliza claiming she was no slouch, for some reason he found himself doubting that statement, figuring it was probably just part of her Talton nature to be competitive or whatever she’d call it.

Kane was however a bit more surprised when Illya followed up telling him not to get any ideas, dark and handsome? Was this some sort of alternate reality he walked into, Kane had many memories of women of all classes actively walking on the other side of the road when he came through back in Rotia. Furthermore Illya came and plopped down on his shoulder, prodding his cheek causing him to look over at her like he was a bit awed at first, before he allowed her to settle in. He gave Illya a soft, actually kinder smile then he usually threw people’s ways.

“I mean..I guess you’re right, Maybe it’s not impossible, even if it’s more limited.” Kane finally admitted which was a big deal in its own right.

From the get go that Victorique met him she probably would have deduced there was at least a deal of self loathing to be found in Kane.He never really spoke highly of himself in any light, and his outlook had been rather pessimistic from the get go as far as his life was concerned, so this was a turn of events for the executioner.

Feeling her tap her legs against his shoulder, he listened to her follow up before nodding, “Heh sure thing, She’s really good so it’ll be pretty interesting to see where this goes…”

Eliza Talton
“I’m pleased to hear it Squink and oh, dear, I’m certain you’re capable of more than you say.” She replied with a smile on her way over.

“I suppose that is how she managed with my brothers..and that dreadful monster, according to the reports she was quite agile and dodged it’s tendrils very effectively..”

“As far as my understanding of criminal titles goes that would certainly be true..you can get them for directly hurting someone or indirectly purposefully leading them to the point where they would be hurt..as well as for destroying other people’s personal property, and stealing from them..then of course deciding to kill someone innocent can also land you titles. This system is not perfect, and the courts sometimes decide to forgive people or allow them to atone for their actions depending on the reasons for them. Even so it’s all dicey business and you’re much better off not occurring any titles. One significant difference is that you cannot get any negative titles for attacking those with criminal titles or those who are monsters..”

Eliza decided to explain to Squink since she seemed uncertain, and apparently her hearing was good as she nodded, “Perhaps there is a map, maybe you could ask Iro if there’s one available.”

Eliza would stay near Squink on the walk over.


Pandora on the other hand looked a bit surprised herself when Victorique came over and appraised her, she actually seemed to shiver a bit like she sensed she was being assessed but quickly corrected herself to look more formal. While there were more typical and even expected ones like [Expert Maid] [Dutiful] [Responsible] [Civil] [Housekeeper] [Waitress] [Baker] [Talton Associate C] What might have been curious to the pure-blooded Lightfoot Halfling was one of the titles on her: [Magical Mechanized Marvel]

“Well..you see my sister actually knew my Lady at the academy and..our fathers knew one another through business, so..I was able to get this job by her side..I really appreciate it actually, it’s given me good honest peaceful work to partake in..” She replied seemingly truthfully to Victorique.

However, there were probably elements which didn’t exactly line up to the detective. Why would someone like her be in a service role if her father was well off enough to be doing businesses with Nobles? And what was up with that title?

By the time they were at the exercise area, Kane swiftly followed Victorique into the portal, so did Eliza and Pandora, Eliza’s guards not far from the room now as it became pretty apparent wherever she went they were not going to be far behind.

“Alright alright, I guess I’ll humor you afterall.” Kane chuckled. At this point he figured he’d do it for fun since that’s what friends did sometimes even if he knew full well he probably wasn’t going to win anything.

“If you wanna go for a bit of a ride feel free to hang on.” He shrugged a bit glancing over to Illya with a smile. Figuring his speed wouldn’t be anything she couldn’t handle probably. Kane didn't’ really have he physical abilities yet which he’d need to develop to do this job as well as he need too, but if his father had shown him anything, he should be able too as well.

He did however look a bit curious over at Finn who looked..a bit on edge? There wasn’t really anything problematic around as far as Kane could tell but to be fair when entering to a pocket dimension like this he supposed there was reason to be extra careful.

Kane promptly went to the starting line. What was a bit more curious was when Eliza encouraged Pandora to come and partake as well,she looked rather bashful at the prospect but eventually fell in line as well.

“Mhm, I think you’ll find me most adequate.” Eliza added once again. Once everyone who was partaking was ready at Victorique’s go, Kane went into a prolonged paced run which was reflected with his general fitness.

Eliza was actually a bit faster than him with his starting pace, but she did look out to Finn as if she was checking to see if he was watching, however after the first lap Eliza was actually slowing down quite a bit, albeit less impressive than she had been suggesting, as it looked like Victorique got to see a noble not have the best physicality as she was expecting.

Kane on the other hand was able to maintain pace well beyond Eliza but not at a particularly impressive speed, his endurance simply better.

What caught the attention of Kane however, was just how well Pandora was performing. She was practically keeping up with Victorique on each lap through D, and even not far behind on C, the maid didn’t even appear to look tired as she got really moving. It wasn’t until B was she behind Victorique a good deal, but even then she still didn’t appear fatigued when all was said and done.

“You..weren’t kidding you’re quite good at this, It’s been awhile since I've felt challenged.” Pandora spoke, looking to Victorique approvingly.

Kane and Eliza had long stopped by the time that was done.

Pandora then spoke again, “Now that I’m warmed up why don’t we do some High jumps?” Sounding and looking a bit more confident than she had been up until this point.

There were some stands and poles one could use for high jumps in the center of the track surprisingly.

“I didn’t know your maid..had some serious adventurer level agility..” Kane commented looking to Eliza.

“I didn’t think there..wasn’t much reason to mention it.” She responded through heavy breathing as she made her way back over to Finn.

“Well..How did I.. do?” She asked him with a smile, attempting to get his attention despite how he appeared somewhat guarded.

Eliza also looked to Squink presuming she came that far in.

Unit #2 “Iro”
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Iro stayed near Squink after guiding them there. “Is there any equipment I could get you or show you how to use? Or was there any other way I could be of service?” Iro asked Squink excitedly.

Kane turned to watch Victorique and Pandora to see if they were really going to go at it.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

It was a bit of a shame that Finn hadn't taken her up on the offer to exercise along with her. She'd gladly measured her speed against his. For now, she'd just assume she was a lot faster. She also sort-off wondered how fast the Fairy could fly, but that one didn't seem to be on board either. On the other hand, she wasn't the most surprised when Squink didn't join in. That one hadn't looked any shred of athletic from the get-go. Even so, she did want to challenge all of them a bit more. The more the more she could beat and brag towards merrier, right? “Are all of you sure you don't want to join in?” There could be more options of a work-out next, after all.

The maid was turning out to indeed be more intriguing than first expected. Her detective instincts hadn't tingled without reason after all. In fact, she wondered... Magical Mechanized Marvel... was this a construct or half-construct or something? That'd be a pretty respectable feat, with how human she looked. It was equally weird for someone who's sister was on equal footing with a noble to end up working for that noble. She wasn't entirely in-the-know with social hierarchies here, but that surely seemed to be out of the norm.

Before she could further inquire, the actual running contestants had revealed themselves. Kane, Eliza and Pandora. How fun~ She thoroughly enjoyed the run, which she didn't even try to hide. Being the proud little victor before long, she was pretty glad to put the [Victor] in Victorique on display. Even so, she was surprised. “Don't worry, it was a good effort.” She'd state to Eliza, who'd been the first one out. “Also nice work on your end buddy~” She'd tell Kane.

Then she ended up at Pandora. “No you, you are impressive~” She smiled. “Feels like you might've had me if this had been a marathon.” She nodded to herself. Upon hearing the suggestion to go for High Jumps, her smile broadened. “Of course, bring it!”

She'd look over at the others. “Anyone else still brave enough to challenge us?” She flashed them a cocky grin. It was clear she was enjoying showing off a fair bit. Almost like a kid showing off their first drawing. Upon getting for the high jumps, she'd use the same tactic. Staring off normal, going from F to E, to D, to C. That said, with high jumps being a gradual incline on the bar, that was the more logical way to go about it anyhow. She just made sure never to overshoot the bar by a lot, to keep up the excitement and all. Sadly enough, even with acrobatics (B), fast (B) and a fair bit of jumping (C), she felt like she hadn't reached the pinnacle just yet. She'd just have to hope that Pandora hadn't either, should she wish to win or at least match... which she did. Her competitive spirit was positively burning right now.

Either way, this was only just the start of things. “Oh, Unit, here's a real challenge! If this place even has a pocket dimension to work out in, does it also have a pool?” She highly doubted it, but she also hadn't expected something like this to exist, so she figured she might as well ask. “I'd love to challenge you all to a swimming match next~” That and every RP series surely needs its beach, pool or hot-spring episode.
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"You were doing wonderfully, with time no doubt you can surpass Victorique. Though, can't say i'm anywhere near as fast as her either haha." He gave Eliza a pat on the shoulder, a bright beaming smile popping up like a ray of sunshine from behind a cloud. He paused for a moment, gazeing at her for a moment. His hand rose up to her face and moved a few strands back behind her ear. "There you are, all that running jostled your hair abit, how cute." Finn continued to be a dangerous individual for Ms.Talton to face.
(Seduction B, Persuasion B, Area B, Penetrating B, Accurate B, Selective B, protagonist himbo knight mode engauge)

"Your maid seems quite capable as well, I wasn't aware of her till breakfast.

You have alot of friends to travel with, its a blessing no?" He continued to radiate that pure shineing energy of good boyness. It was lightly blinding.

"It makes me miss my little sister Mimi, she would be running on that track after Victorique for hours on end hmhmh." He chuckled abit, imahining his little wolven friend running about after Victorique... So cute...


Gods he missed Mimi....
Illya Melondew

Illya chuckled lightly as Kane suggested she "Go for a ride". She reached up, pulling her goggles down over her pink eyes and grinned at the man, grasping hold of the lapel of his coat. She gave him a nod right before he took off. As he ran, she managed to bring her weight down closer to his shoulder. She cheered the whole race, sitting up and clapping when they had all come to a standstill. When Victorique came out as the victor, she let out a sigh.

"Well I suppose she knows her worth. This is a good thing. You all did well though. Quite the athletes indeed. " She nodded, sitting back down and watching as Eiza walked up to Finn. When he pulled his move, she couldn't help but clap again with a snicker. "There you go! That's how you put on the moooves~" she wiggled her arms as she continued to let out a little pixie snicker and giggle from Kanes shoulder. She looked over to Squink wiping a tear away. "Are those not the moves of a practiced player?"

Orikanyo Orikanyo TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo
Squink calmly watched as others took their own turns running their stamina out in what seemed like competing against eachother as she continued to opt out, simply quietly clapping with a small cheerful expression to support and congratulate people on their efforts. Some of the athletic capabilities on the people present were rather impressive, including Pandora whom Squink had initially passed off as just some regular personal servant to Eliza. When said woman was asking Kane about her performance and looked her way, she just gave a little clap and nodded in agreement.
"I thought you did really well, I wasn't expecting Pandora to be so... great, n-not that anyone else did bad because they did worse, I just wasn't expecting it... " she answered, looking to Victorique as the short girl seemed a lot more lively and cheerful than yesterday although she probably wasn't as miserable from the get-go or being annoyed by Finn's own antics. Hesitating a little on answering anything about joining, she really didn't want to embarrass herself or get attention from being nowhere near as good as anyone else, maybe if Victorique and others were that good then perhaps she could try coming around when nobody's present but felt rather uncomfortable with so many capable individuals potentially watching. She let Eliza be for the moment when Finn went to speak good on her efforts, hearing Illya's joy and looking to the small pixie. When she had pointed out Finn trying to be a 'player', she awkwardly looked to the two humans in thought for a moment. She hadn't even registered it in her mind as flirting of anything as the sort, it just came off as a really desperate attempt at friendship in the first place.

"Uhm... " she mumbled quietly, trying to understand if she was supposed to agree or disagree since such matters weren't entirely in her knowledge and trying to remember back to something that would give her an idea. Remembering a so-memorable encounter with another swole male ilithid, she fell a bit silent at the thoughts of the first meeting and garnered an idea of what she felt 'good first impressions' and 'being a player' was.
"I think he could use a lot of work, he just doesn't have it. He feels like he has a lot of growing up to do, like he's permanently stuck being everyone's little brother with how he looks and acts. Someone classy like Eliza seems like she'd expect a prince or a charming man rather than a little boy..." Squink answered blatantly without even nervously stuttering once, like thinking about buff ilithid men and tentacles had never made her so sure about anything else but this in her life. Completely passing over her criticism of Finn's socialisation with Eliza, she looked to Iro.

"Uh, it's fine, m-maybe this stuff isn't for me, especially with everyone else around. D-do you have a map or something around just so I can know what's around the ship to look at or something?.. " she asked, rubbing the back of her neck as Victorique asked about a pool.
"Y-you know, if you have one, when you can get to it, it's no rush, y-you can go show her where stuff is if you need to".​
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

Eliza Talton

Eliza smiled confidently Victorique’s way, “Thanks you shouldn’t expect any less of a Noble who has a reputation to keep, a Talton one at that.”

“And thank you Squink, I knew you had a fine noggin on you.”

Kane Blackburne

“Hah, thanks, I like to think I can at least move a bit better than others being from the Kingdom and all, lotta running to survive attacks and all that.” He’d jest toward the latter part.

“And glad you didn’t mind the ride.” He added looking over to Illya slightly.


Pandora looked a bit more surprised before a pleasant smile fell upon her face. “You really think so? You’re mighty fast Miss, much quicker than most I’ve seen.”

Pandora looked to Victorique and a more eager look took hold, “Very well then!”

Kane had been a bit distracted by what was going on with Finn, Eliza, and Illya now, causing hm to chuckle, a grin forming.

“I didn’t know you were looking for those kinds of guys Eliza.”

Kane jested once again after her heard Squink say her piece too which only made the whole interaction more humorous to him. She sounded like how Kane spoke when he didn't’ care much how the other person felt to him.

“Alright, I think I’ll give it another try just because I can.” Kane relented, mostly doing this because it was Victorique who was asking, if it was someone else he might not have given it a single thought.

“Again, if you wanna try holding on you can, I doubt I’ll be going very far.” He gave Illya the heads up again. It had made him feel pretty nice to have someone cheering for him at all in actuality. This really wasn’t something Kane had been expecting in the slightest.

Eliza looked taken by Finn activating his himbo knight mode as he spoke to her. She made eye contact a bit of pink emerged on her fair skin. “Oh Finn…” she replied softly with a slight sigh sounding quite pleased, after he moved her hair out of the way,
“I didn’t know you thought so highly of me, I wouldn’t want to disappoint!~” She could see it now..just move in a bit closer and..She paused.

“I would certainly say it is..while the guards can be tiresome at times..I should appreciate them that they are willing to lay down their lives for me..and yes,! Pandora is simply a dear isn’t she? She’s always so kind and helpful.”

“Oh you have a sister? I just must simply meet her one day! If it wouldn’t be too much of an imposition, you could even meet my own and perhaps they could enjoy one another’s company if that seems ..appropriate to you, and I completely understand Finn, it’s so nice to hear that you share that kind of bond with your sister..”
Eliza practically spoke starstruck from the potency of Finn’s ability.

Unfortunately for Eliza her peace would not last as she was interrupted by the peanut gallery’s contribution, a pout falling upon her face as she looked out at those who had made value judgment comments.

“Oh come now! Sir Finn is no such thing. What kind of player would care about helping those who cannot help themselves? He is far too kind for that uncouth nonsense!”

“And of course there you go again Kane! Why must you say these things, is it just to get some kind of rise out of me? It certainly is not funny to me!”

This interaction only made Kane chuckle a bit more.

However it looked like the gears were turning in her head when Squink’s comments had come through.

“Oh dear…What would he think?” She murmured to herself clearly with a lot of thought…looking a bit worried about something.

Unit #2 Iro
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Iro’s head spun around briefly between Victorque and Squink when asked about different thing, a few orange sparks coming from his eyes.

“Yes! It is no problem this is my job! I will procure a map to the pool!" iIro then promptly went off sounding like perhaps they were a bit confused for the task at hand, quickly going into a chute before coming back with a stone which had an orangey projection of a layout of the ship, the map, observation deck, dining room, kitchen, engine room, bedrooms, work out area, Emergency evacuation area, reading room, and it looked like there was even a game room of sorts, and surprisingly a pool was denoted however, but it looked like the so called ‘pool’ area was in yet another pocket dimension which was actually daisy chained to the room they were in.

Iro handed the stone to squink, and pointed over at the portal they had come through and the machinery on it.

“You just need the code and you can take that to the swimming area! It is an extension of the athletics area, Master said he thought the ship might be more appealing to those from the Lake if it were included in a pocket dimension of sorts."

“You should try the high jump too Squink! Or maybe you’d like swimming, or if you want we could go play a game together!”
Iro proclaimed happily.

“But I think I’m going to try too!” the little bot ran their way over to the long jump to take their turns.

“Mhpm, judge my tastes you all will..” Eliza grumbled to herself, “Very well I think you’ll find me most adequate at jumping too!” She proclaimed looking a bit more competitive perhaps feeling more compelled by the recent development.

As for the jumpers, when Kane went he could only just barely manage to clear F, E he wasn’t able too so he bowed out, knowing that would be the case but at least he showed he could do something.

Eliza tried her best and was able to clear F, but did not go further.

It looked like there was something going on with Pandora because her jumping was impressive too, there being quite a good deal of force in her legs, she was able to get to about D, and could almost reach C but not quite.

Iro on the other hand had legs which let him force his way up and over quite effectively, almost clearing as high as Victorique, putting him in second place, since it had been slightly better than Pandora.

“Phew..didn’t know we had so many..athletes on board.” Kane commented, as he made his way back to the side.

“See Kane? Us Nobles are much more capable than you think.” She spoke with a tone which still suggested she had been made to feel a bit indignant prior.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

With her Heightened Hearing, she could pick up on most of what Finn was saying with ease. The only interesting part was the mention of someone running after her for hours on end. His inner protagonist flirting with the noblewoman was something she'd rather ignore. Life was unfair in that way. She had to save half her family to get into favour-earning territory. Finn just had to exist. Anyhow, Finn's sister. “What's that sister of yours like?” She'd ask, as she was basically imagining a female Finn at this point, a year or two younger.

She was equally able to hear Illya, as she puffed up her cheeks. “Of course I know my worth! I'd be a lousy investigator if I didn't! I'd never proclaim to be a fighter, but I don't lie when I say I'm a great runner!” She'd always been pretty clear and open about that much, from what she believed at least.

Squink, on the other hand, made her burst out in laughter. “That's brilliant!” She said between laughter. “The classic little brother protagonist. Oh boy...” She had to catch her breath. All of her previous annoyance with Finn's protagonist vibes (and perhaps even her jealousy) were laughed away at that image. “You're right, perhaps Finny isn't ready to handle a real noblewoman yet.” She stated, barely keeping a straight face, before she laughed again.

After some rounds of mutual compliments with Kane and Eliza, as well as Pandora, it was time for round two. The High Jumps! It seemed Kane and Eliza both had to drop out at F. Sh wasn't too surprised, as not everyone could be equally jumpy. If anything, she was surprised to see Pandora fail to clear C. “You didn't hold back on me, right?” Victorique had expect she might've lost that one when she couldn't clear B. Meanwhile, she looked at Iro. “Are all you units equipped with jumping ability like that?” She asked, a tad surprised and wondering why in the world they'd need it.

“Muahaha! Once again, Queen Sopheana of the Athletics (Pocket) Dimension reigns supreme!” She announced her victory. Clearly the prideful creature was rather in her element showing off what she was actually good at, outside of her detective skill. “Well then! The the swimming pool!” She announced, as she'd gloss over the map and would be able to find her way ([Eidetic Memory]) from just a single glance.

Upon reaching the pool, however, she realised something abhorrent. “Wait... I don't have swimwear.” She was definitely not ready to go skinny dipping in a pool in a Pocket Dimension on an Airship with mostly-kind-off strangers.

"That would be lovely, though mind she is not my full blood little sister... Mote of a... Best friend, whom very much I consider like one. Mimi is quite the cute little beastfolk, shes been with me on my travels for sometime and I honestly worry for her whenever shes not near..." the knight sighed, looking like a doteing big brother at the moment... But... Now some people were being rather bothersome now... His actions are definitly not childish... Little brother...? Tsk... Sure laugh it up... He just had to make a stoic gesture of this and ignore it...

...Even if he wanted nothing more than to pinch Victorique's cheeks and tell her shes being silly! Damn it shes cute!!

...Really Eliza being all pouty was rather cute too...

Hmm... Well... Maybe... He could conaider more with her... See how things go, he had to see what kind of NOBLE she was, he would not want to tie himself with someone who throws away people so easily as that other one... The slaver, the abuser, the tyrant...

These three are his quarry... He needs but gain his strength how he can.

"Swimming you say?" He broke himself out, looking excited, like when a dog hears the word walk.

"I'm not accomplished swimmer but I do love it, the duchy has a beautiful beach, and any chance I get to swim for leisure is a good one! At least this time I wont need to strip and dip in a pool to cleanse a curse haha!" Yea he was totally joking for sure. Totally.

Though he did seem to strip off down to his boxers immedately, he... definitly seemed to be rather comfortable with his body it seems.

Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo Elvario Elvario
Squink didn't think much at all when Eliza was mulling over her view, not seeing much of anything when she was only offering her thoughts on the matter when Illya had spoken of it. Not saying much until Victorique found her comment overly hilarious that she'd say such things, she came to a realisation that she was probably being more critical than she would've liked to be... even if Finn's charm in her mind had lightyears ago from reaching the likes of Michael, Jareth or the ilithid guy she met. They weren't even trying, they just had natural charm.

"A-ah, sorry, I didn't mean to offend or anything, I was maybe a little bit sidetracked in thought about something else, I-I'm sure that Finn is plentiful charming and appealing to women in his own right, and goes on big adventures of his own, I-I mean atleast he's trying, I probably wouldn't know how to begin with that all" Squink answered, even though she had arguably managed to score a future date with no preparation or confidence whatsoever back in Kuridan. She almost brought up not having any siblings or family to even call remotely close but held back on unnecessarily tragic details that had no real reason to bring up. Not wanting to linger on it, she looked to Iro as he fulfilled requests so willingly.

Simply watching as Iro returned with quite a bit fancier of a map than she was expecting, Squink would rather not embarrass herself with the High Jump since she wasn't entirely sure if she could even clear F.
"I think I'm good on that... m-maybe a relaxing swim or playing a game could be nice" Squink thought about the offer, taken aback when Iro wss so motivated to want to partake in the High Jumps going on. Not wanting him to feel bad or anything in case he couldn't keep up, she was rather silenced when she found out truly the level of hops that could be packed into a little robot.
"I... didn't even think you could do that. Is there anything else like that you're able to do?.. " Squink asked in curiosity, a small amused smile on her face over Victorique's joy in competition. Not even wanting to think of competing with her since it'd probably end poorly, her point of not having swimwear was too shared.

"Oh, right, I wouldn't happen to have any on me either... Iro, i-is there maybe spare ones that can be borrowed or something, if it's not too much trouble? Although I wouldn't imagine your creator went out of his way to collect women's swimwear... " she asked, not thinking highly of the odds as she looked to notice Finn's lack of hesitance into stripping to his boxers. She averted her eyes a little since it was probably rude to look which only made her question why he was doing it so hastily.

"W-wouldn't that just leave your normal clothes wet rather than... actual trunks, or something?" she questioned, since it didn't seem very practical. Rather concerned at the jest of curse removal, she was wondering what kind of troubling mishaps he must have gotten up to in his own travels.​

Illya's laughter echoed through the air, a rich, melodious sound that spilled over in response to Squink's amusing take on Finn's gaming prowess. Her chuckles persisted, unfettered, even as Kane resumed his sprint. Illya was still shaking with mirth, her laughter dancing around her like a playful breeze, as Kane veered off the path to catch his breath and cool down. Eventually, her laughter subsided enough for her to regain her composure. She cleared her throat delicately, her eyes twinkling with lingering amusement as she surveyed her friends. "Water and I do not agree, I suppose," she confessed with a wry smile, her voice carrying a light, airy tone. "But I'll content myself with watching you all from the sidelines as you enjoy the pool. Perhaps I'll indulge in a nap—the croissant earlier was simply divine." Her words were tinted in a shade of playful resignation, her cheerful disposition undimmed by her aversion to the water.

Orikanyo Orikanyo TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Femboy Femboy Moonberry Moonberry

Kane Blackburne

Kane was a bit curious too regarding Finn bringing up a sister of sorts. However when Finn when into detail Kane almost looked like he tightened his fist in a way, as his face slightly shifted to one which looked like it was thinking about something which wasn’t..terribly pleasant, for anyone to have noticed they’d have had to have been either very perceptive or paying attention to Kane as he quickly regained his composure not that long after.

The executioner did chuckle a bit at Victorique’s affirmation of her skill however. He also found himself to continue to be being a bit humored by what Squink had said with Victorique agreeing in such a way.

“Being honest I'm not sure if anyone’s ready to handle Eliza.” He jested. When all the jumps were said and done, Kane came over and gave Victorique a thumbs up.

“Damn straight don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, Queen.” He spoke with a grin.


Pandora on the other hand looked a bit more meek as she looked away from Victorique slightly before looking back. “No..Not all why would I have a reason to do such a thing, you got me beat.” It wasn’t exactly the most convincing sounding response but it didn’t look like Pandora was super keen on the idea of discussing what she had done or not it in depth.

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1-1.png
Iro’s head spun to face Victorique. “I dunno! You’d have to ask master! Off the top of my head I think most of us can do everything that the others can do!” “It does help you get places in a pinch!”

“Yeah.. to the swimming pool.” Kane also said in support even if it wasn’t as enthusiastic.

Kane was a bit taken aback when Finn was so ready to get in the pool, getting down to his boxers then and there. While Kane might not have minded going into the water himself there was a problem..which he wasn’t sure if wanted to go share with everyone at the moment., not having a suit was a good enough excuse for him not too.

“Say Illya, I’ll keep ya company if you’d like, not sure if water and me mix the best either, totally cool if you just wanna rest or whatever too though.” He replied, giving her a bit of a smile.

Iro had made his way pretty quick back over to Squink. “Oh okay! And yes I can do other stuff! Look at this!” Iro’s arms then promptly extended out a good number of feet before snapping back into place, while they were stretched and extended out it became apparent he had free range of his hands still in that they were able to fully rotate and squeeze at full strength.

Eliza Talton

Eliza seemed to be quite intrigued with what Finn said prior to disrobing. "Awh, she sounds wonderful Finn, I and my sister should certainly meet her some time, It's touching to hear that you have someone like that in your life. I'm certain she's just fine especially after having someone like yourself to look for guidance for as long as you suggest."

Eliza might have responded to Squink’s response for not offending but something which had caught her attention was quickly developing.

A pinkish red hue quickly fell over her fair skin as she looked at Finn who had just suddenly gotten down into his boxers, her jaw almost dropping at this sudden move.

“O-okay Finnegan! Perhaps we’ll need to discuss some more on etiquette later.” nodding with a tenuous smile, She spoke softer toward the later part before looking away entirely.

"Looks like someone came ready." Kane snickered a bit, more so entertained by Eliza's reaction, neutral toward Kane getting ready then and there, it wasn't like Kane hadn't seen workers get ready to swim like that in rivers and what not.

“Anyway! Right, let’s get to the pool then!” She eventually regained her composure. When she wasn’t so distracted by Finn she did however hear the fact that Squink nor Victorique had swimming attire at the moment.

Iro looked back at Squink, “I..dunno he might have some! I’m not sure what reason he’d have to collect them but maybe!"

Eliza spoke up once more. “ Pandora you know what to do.” She then made her way closer to Squink. "If you can find something suitable to your liking you are more than welcome to borrow something from my wardrobe for this occasion.”
She spoke with a smile.

Pandora gave a bow before she made a gesture with her right hand and suddenly a bluish pocket dimension opened up, large enough for someone to walk into comfortable and within was quite impressive it actually looked like a walk in closet contained within the space, with all sorts of garments organized neatly from dresses to shoes and other things.

“I must admit that there is still quite a bit of the collection back at home however..I don’t usually have Pandora store everything for traveling purposes but I’m certain there’ll be something..”

There was clearly a section which had some different swimwear styles. What was interesting was how some of them looked more like the bikinis someone might recognize from modern earth, as well as some more modest one pieces.

She’d also call out to Victorique, “You’re more than welcome to borrow something too, perhaps some of my sister’s swim wear would do you well.” There did appear to be some which were considerably smaller and probably more in line with what something that Victorique could theoretically wear.

“Truthfully many of these have not even seen use before. Some of them were acquired from a most unusual business person..” She trailed off.

Since the pocket dimension entrance within the pocket dimension was rigged and ready to go Kane made his way into the space since it seemed multiples might be off to change soon enough if they took Eliza up anyway, he might as well go get a better look of the pool space.

The pool itself was a nice size and varied in depth. For sterilization purposes it looked like some sort of mineral and magic was at play with just how clear the water appeared to be. All kane could think was that this airship must have been extremely expensive to produce with all the technology and magic at play.

Around the perimeter on the sides of the sizable space were some comfortable enough lounging chairs and some side surfaces for beverages. What was a bit more surprising was that detached from the pool area was a smaller circular body of water which looked a lot like what one might find in a hot spring for bathing which looked rather nice all things considered.

While this was transpiring Pandora fetched a suit that Eliza seemed keen on, a white and blue striped bikini of sorts, which was on a side which provided a good amount of cover where they were place.

There were actually a few wooden changing stalls within her walk in pocket dimension which Pandora still propped up which she swiftly headed into, having already showered not all too long ago.

When everything was said and done Eliza would head back out to meet with the others who were coming, poolside presumably.
Last edited:
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry

Squink watched Iro return back over, struggling to withhold a smile at the way the little robot approached as she watched with interest what other thing he was going to demonstrate that units of his kind were able to do. Surprised and impressed at the neat little tricks he had up his apparently very obscuring sleeves, she gave a little clap as she watched him retract his arms back into himself.
"That's really cool, I guess being able to move around and reach everything really well is what makes you so good at your job and doing everything despite being... w-well, rather small, not that that's a bad thing, you look really cute and good being a small little robot, and it's not like it hinders you in any way. I mean, Victorique apparently manages and she doesn't have those stretchy arms" she answered, oblivious to any potential negativity that Victorique might receive from the comment as the short girl and the conversation generated about Finn's little sister reminded her of Amice back in Kuridan. A little distracted on the thought of wondering what the girl might have been up to and if she was doing okay, she returned back to listening to Iro when he answered about if there would be any swimwear. Having expected a hesitant or unknowing answer from Iro, she knew that she'd have to find them from some other source or give up on it as a whole.
"It's okay, thank you anyway Iro" Squink briefly answered before Eliza offered to allow the ilithid to borrow from her wardrobe. Rather surprised she was both prepared and willing to share with someone she had rather recently met and was quite frankly not a normal being one saw everyday, Squink hadn't anticipated the offer.
"R-really? You didn't have to do that but I-I'd take you up on that offer if it's really no trouble, thank you. I'll make sure to not ruin it or anything... will we need to go to your room or s-something to-" Squink thanked Eliza , her facial tentacles quivering a little at the kind gesture having her expectations surpassed once again when Pandora revealed the actual wardrobe that had been referred to. Surprised by it all and following Eliza in, Squink was continually surprised by the capabilities of others every day that she encountered new people.

"I don't understand... how do you do this? I-is this some kind of portal to your wardrobe at home or what? I don't get it... " Squink asked rather dumbstruck and confused to Pandora, entirely befuddled that a maid somehow ripped open the fabric of reality to reveal a private dressing room. Though, she remembered Eliza's offer and began taking a look around at what was to be found considering she wasn't accustomed to the contents of the woman's wardrobe. Taking two options and entering one of the dressing stalls that were free to use, Squink held and looked over a very modest and overly covering black swimsuit that looked like it would be enough.

"I'm sure this is fine, Eliza probably wouldn't mind right? She said I could borrow one for the moment... " Squink mumbled herself, some cosmic force in her mind stalling her from changing into it as she glanced over to the other option she had picked up without even thinking about it for some reason. Looking over at the also black bikini swimsuit, she deliberated over things in her head as it felt like she was getting an angel and devil on her shoulder.

'Y-you know I really shouldn't, it's a public place and probably disrespectful and rude and I shouldn't be wearing questionable things like that with Eliza's offer... ' she thought to herself, looking to the full swimsuit before back to the bikini.
'That guy in Kuridan would probably maybe think of something like this really pretty, and I don't think I've worn one before... though, isn't it just like, water-proof lingerie? This feels weirdly scandalous. Who would consider things like this and think it's modest and okay? She bought these from some weird person? And I thought the person in the outfit in Victorique's mind was weird... well, I'm sure nobody would think nothing of it, and Finn and Kane are most likely attracted to Eliza anyway with the time they spend with her and the not-being-an-ilithid and all fancy and cool and stuff. Right? Are they both into her? I guess Finn is but, maybe Kane is just a close friend?' Squink pondered to herself getting overly distracted over meaningless thoughts, getting back to the actual matter at hand.
'I mean, just this once right? It'd probably be more comfortable anyway and it's like practice, like that one merchant said that you just have to keep at things... not really sure if they considered situations like this but a situation is a situation. And anyway, I guess this just helps narrow down ideas about that maybe-date-maybe-not-a-date-that-I-don't-know-yet-but-he-said-it's-a-date date... ' Squink pondered, opting to go for the black bikini swimsuit instead for reasons not relating to considering with flirting with someone at a later date who wasn't even present. For science, probably apparently according to her.

Eventually finishing changing and going on ahead to join Eliza, she wished to thank her again just because.
"T-thank you, I wouldn't know how to repay to someone like you, it feels awful encountering a lot of nice and capable people all the time and not really being able to do anything in return" Squink answered, twirling one of her facial tentacles around her finger as she looked around at the water.
"D-does this look fine? I've never worn one of these before but I thought, m-maybe first time for everything, or something... " Squink asked in an awkward tone as she looked to the hot tub, unsure why there was a small pool nearby.
"What is the smaller pool for, exactly? M-maybe I'm just overthinking things and that's just for kids or learning to swim or something, s-sorry" Squink asked to Eliza or Iro or just generally anyone around before feeling like she was asking something dumb and rather backing out on her confidence.​
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Sona Sona Radar
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Kane having a [beast] for a sister? How was she not surprised. It would fit the protagonist vibe to have some folk like that hanging out with him. Perhaps the least protagonist like was that he actually seemed to care a lot, rather than care only so long as she was in sight. “Huh, I guess she's got a good one looking out for her.” She replied, oddly enough being nice for a change.

“Strip and dip... to cleanse a curse..?” She shook her head. “Protagonist stories for sure.” That was all she wished to conclude from that bit of exchange.

When Finn stripped to his boxers, however, she instantly averted her gaze. “Bloody hell...” She mumbled at how awkward he managed to make it so quickly. This was almost as bad as when she accidentally looked up the giant bunny-girl's skirt. Except she hadn't been wearing... Anyhow. “Congratulations. Your protagonist vibes are off the charts again.”

Victorique's sharp hearing picked up on one particular phrase from Illya that couldn't go unanswered. “Of course it was. I selected it, after all.” She stated, not sure if she was being messed with or not, but not wanting to let that one slide without response.

She was a tad confused when Kane called her 'Queen' out of nowhere, but figured she'd roll with it.

She was, after all, far more distracted by Pandora. “You're only tempting the detective in me more and more with such responses.” She clicked her tongue, not wanting to be too rude, but also wanting to really start prying into this maid's life a lot.

“I see.” Victorique just replied to Unit 2. Perhaps that was how they launched themselves through the chutes as well.

Whilst Victorique could understand the fairy not wanting to swing, getting metal wings wet might get rusty and all, Kane was a bit odd. Well, for .5 seconds, then she realised he likely couldn't swim. The Kingdom didn't seem to have many chances to learn for a dude like him. Figuring she'd not expose her buddy like that, she just decided to let it be and offer to teach him later, in private.

She chuckled at Eliza's reply to Finn undressing. At least that development was fun, even if she was still slightly salty about her easy access to nobility being obtained by another in the far more easy manner of simply having mad protagonist vibes.

To her surprise, it was Eliza and Pandora that provided them with swimwear. All in all, Victorique was confused how Eliza hadn't brought all of her own collection, but did bring some of her sister's. Did the girl anticipate something like this? Perhaps. These nobles might be more clever than she gave them credit for. Either way, she nodded. “That would work.” She figured, as she spotted some that were seemingly made for professional swimming. The suit-like types. “Perfect.” She nodded, settling on them. She was going for a race, not a leisure swim, after all.

There was one more issue, however, Victorique realised. This was the first time she was going all-out swimming, so she wanted to prepare, but... She looked around. The robot was a clear no. Kane... no, best not. Finn definitely not. Illya was too small. Squink? Could work. Eliza? Possibly. Pandora was also an option.

She looked at Squink first, hearing her asked if what she was wearing was fine. She shrugged. “If you want to go fast, you might loose it. If you just want to play around, probably.” That was all the input she had on it, except for maybe one thing. “I guess the black does suit your skin-tone well?” That was even more obvious with more skin-tone on display.

That said, she figured she'd ask the question. “Ehm... could any of you help me get my hair up?” She looked to Eliza, Pandora and Squink in particular. She loved her hair in this life, but there was a whole lot of it. Enough for her to swallow some pride and ask for help.

As she got to the pool, the cycle would repeat. “Oi, buddy, give us the count-down once we're all ready!” She called out to Kane, as she gestured for anyone wanting to compete with her to get ready to dive in. Unlike earlier, she'd go [Water Speed B] the moment after hitting the water. The only thing slowing her down was her lack of controlled breathing and needing to slow down to take in air a bit on the odd occasion.
Illya Mellondew

Illya perched contentedly on Kane's broad shoulder, her metallic wings catching the artificial sunlight as she surveyed the bustling poolside. Despite the merriment around them, she remained aloof. Her pink eyes sparkled with mischief, particularly after Victorique's comment. Her own comment had indeed been aimed to provoke the blond detective. Such was a pixies nature after all.

Yet, it was Kane's disinterest in the festivities that piqued her curiosity. For a fleeting moment, she sensed a tension in him, almost palpable amidst her laughter over Squinks' amusing deduction of Finn. Kane, however, maintained a facade of cheer, mingling and chuckling as if all was well. Illya, ever the observer, wondered if she was reading too much into his behavior. After all, what place did she, a newcomer, have in prying into his personal hesitations about swimming?

Still, curiosity won over discretion. She tilted her head thoughtfully, her gaze lingering on Kane as she pondered her next words. Finally, breaking the silence with her lilting voice, she asked, "I thought humans enjoyed these 'pools.' Is it truly necessary to wear clothes in the water? It seems so restrictive. Wouldn't it be more liberating to swim just as you are, in your skin alone?" She watched him for a second before adding absently. "I suppose I could take my wings off and try to float in the water. But I fear I never learned to swim. So I may just sink."

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Femboy Femboy
swimmy finn.jpg

"Certainly cleaner than a river!" Finn spoke up over his shoulder before, ignoring any and all decorum of waiting for others and simply jumped into the pool to swim. Though, to many, it would seem he was no professional. In fact he... seemed to struggle abit.. More or less swimming by pure natural habit over any form of understand of true proper swimming. Actually, he looked somewhat like a dog that just jumped into the pool and was happily paddling around, getting accidental mouthfuls of water as he tries to talk and swim at the same time.

"Come o- Mupmf Its great!"

truely, he was as graceful as a bull in a porcelain shop but... he seemed to be having fun!

And really what else was there to do at a pool?

Though, when affronted with the bathing suits of the beauties around him...


"...Snrk... hehehe...." couldn't help but...

"HAHAHAHAHA! Victorique you look like their little sister! Nice to see you smile for once this trip haha!"
Time: Morning of the 2nd day of travel.

Temperature: Outside Cool, Inside Airship comfortable.

Place: Experimental Airship, The Sky

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1-1-1.png

Iro looked rather pleased at Squink’s assessment. “Oh you think that was cool?! And I’m cute!? Thank you!”

Iro gave a little hop at Squink’s clap.

“I certainly believe I was designed for all the functionality which I require for the tasks set before me! It’s always fun when I get to meet people like you Squink!” The Victorique comment didn’t seem to phase the bot one way or another.

“Miss Victorique is quite accomplished! You saw how she jumped and ran just llke I did, Personally I’m impressed!” Iro gave a salute at the thanks.

“Okay! If you need help with anything else just let me know!"

Eliza Talton

Eliza looked back at Squink with a smile. “It’s not a problem, Squink, It’s my clothing so I feel inclined to do with it as I please and I want you to be able to enjoy yourself. I am certain I can trust you~” She replied matter of factly.

“Oh..uhm it isn’t any thing as impressive as that.being able to travel that far instantly without a standing portal would revolutionize travel as we know it…it’s actually just a pocket dimension which I cooked up so to speak..Yeah..it’s something i can do actually..it’s quite useful for carrying things with you that you want on your person but don’t want to physically carry around as you can see, it’s actually pretty similar to how the Ship has so many amenities despite it’s size..taking advantage of..of course much larger pocket dimensions then I typically deal in..”

Pandora replied a bit bashfully to Squink.

Eliza looked back when Squink had come back and her face lit up.

“Oh, really it’s fine, your company is more than enough repayment! Please enjoy yourself, I Know it is isn’t very often people get to experience this sort of thing..”

When Squink asked if she looked fine Eliza replied, "You made a wonderful choice, Squink! That color looks great on you, I’m certain if you can get your hands on something like that, that lucky guy will be all over you.” she said a bit light-heartedly, with a warm smile.

Eliza’s swimwear of choice was a white bikini with blue stripes, seeming to keep a theme perhaps on account of her family’s house.
“To me it sort of looks like some form of artificial hotspring..I imagine it’s just for leisure Squink, probably feels nice.”

Kane Blackburne

Kane couldn’t help but continue to chuckle some as Victorique made her comments plus her reaction to Finn stripping down, and then her selection response.

Pandora on the other hand simply smiled back albeit more bashfully once again. “Oh I’m that interesting? I can’t imagine why that’d be the case. I’m really nothing special.” She reiterated humbly.

It looked like Eliza was receptive to Victorique’s ask for aid, but Pandora seemed determined to be the one to do it herself.

“That’s really quite alright Miss Eliza, with your permission may I assist Victorique?”

Eliza granted it so Pandora came over to expertly assist Victorique with her hair.

“We should have you ready to race in a jiffy.” She said a bit cheerily as she did it. When that was all said and done, upon Eliza insisting, Pandora got into her own outfit, and surprisingly there wasn’t anything that looked terribly out of place in her physiology from a glance. She opted for a beige bikini.

“Mhm..this sense of fashion is certainly interesting, that sales fellow, was..very excited about his product.” She commented to no one in particular looking herself over.

Kane was a bit surprised by the range of swimwear chosen, some clearly designed to show off the form more than other, Victorique with her hair done up like that had a sort of athletic cuteness to her, which he was only really noticing then, and there after after looking between Eliza and Pandora who had made their way out and also joined in the pool not long after.

Truthfully Kane was a bit relieved that no one had really asked him what was up with the swimming, allowing Illya to perch.

“I mean if you’re with your buddies at river, waterfall or pond or something maybe or so I heard it can be okay to go skins only…but humans are kinda more sensitive about that kinda stuff, how people look even if it’s just natural like I’m assuming you’re getting at.” He replied to Illya softly.

He looked a bit surprised to hear she had never learned to swim. So he also said back even more softly, “Truth is I never actually learned how to either..there aren’t a ton of places to learn for some guy like me in a more urban area, wealthier people with less demanding positions, or I guess people who do a lot of business on water are the ones who learn that kind of thing..maybe you luck out and have a parent who knows how..Anyway I’m cool just being here with ya anyway.” He said with a soft smile.

“But if we both learned, could be fun some time.” He added. Upon hearing Victorique request a countdown he smiled and gave a wave “Aye aye.”

“Awh, see Victorique, Finn thinks you’re cute!” She said lightheartedly, not translating Finn’s comment the way Victorique may have in her mind.

Unlike Finn who was having a ball right off the bat Eliza and Pandora moved elegantly with intention in the water, making their way over near Victorique to partake in the race.

“Why don’t you join us in this one Finn hm~?” she’d ask gesturing for him to come over.

When everyone who was joining was ready Kane gave the okay and the race would commence. Eliza was pretty mundane speed wise but it was clear she knew how to swim and do a variety of strokes.

Once again Victorique distinguished herself, and it was Pandora who was able to keep up a good pace that was even comparable to Victorique, only further cementing the idea that Pandora was far from typical. However it was not quite as fast as Victorique had managed.
Last edited:
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“Hey protagonist, are you sure you're swimming or are you just desperately trying not to drown like a dog?” She asked Finn, upon seeing him struggle. “I'm not gonna fish you out if you're drowning, you know.” That was probably true.

Upon being told she looked like a 'little sister' her mood instantly worsened. “Think of it as you wish. I'm an adult and a professional.” She scoffed, not amused by that comment. The smile had fully faded into and turned into an annoyed glare. Eliza (?) would get a similar glare upon the added comment. 'Cute' was not her vibe at all.

The talk about Pocket Dimensions did make Victorique wonder. “How many times do you think a Pocket Dimension can be opened within a Pocket Dimension? I mean...” She'd use [Pocket Dimension] herself and seemed to still be able to take out stuff like her pipe and tobacco and all that, as well as putting in her normal clothes. “It seems there might not even be a limit to it... perhaps even our entire world is just stuck inside a Pocket Dimension.” She was getting awfully philosophical at this concept of Pocketed Space.

Luckily for the others, Pandora distracted her again. “Pfft. No need to keep being humble. You're clearly way too capable in all sorts of things that isn't the average maid work and you don't get to be a [Magical Mechanized Marvel] out of sheer luck, I'd wager. Especially not when some of us are [Annoying Pursuers] instead.” She did realise it was ironic to bring up that (mandatory) title upon prying so much into Pandora's background.

Even so, aided by Pandora, her hair was all good to go for a swim-race in no-time. “Thanks~” She stated, rather happy with the helping hand and sort-off jealous that she didn't have a permanent aid like that. Perhaps that was the main reason she held back on the investigation.

After the swimming race, however, she got out of the pool and sighed. “Whew... that was...” She took a few deep breaths. “Gotta work... on my breathing... in the... water...” She spoke between laboured breaths. “I'm impressed you were keeping up yet again.” She'd look at Pandora, with a piercing [Ultimate Detective B] gaze. Perhaps a bit too shamelessly so, considering they were in their swimwear, but her curiosity had won out over her logical thought.

Ultimate Detective – Appraisal B Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Investigation B, Perception B, Law B, Energised B – Character combines all their applicable senses and knowledge to get to the bottom of a mysteries or to be on high alert for clues, dangers or hints. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

However, regardless of what she noticed with Pandora, there was one thing she noticed about herself. “Hmmm... I definitely worked up an appetite. I think we even missed second breakfast... so anyone care to join me for lunch?” She eyed the fairy. “I can even help select the finest goods, if it'd avoid future theft of curial parts to my selection.”
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo

"Oh, I think it really is, that's a really cool thing, I wish I could do that! Then again, there's probably a lot of things I wish I could do. My powers aren't that very strong or convenient since they're... not very well trained or capable, I guess. I guess Eliza has you help because you're so really good at a lot of things, I'd want to be as good as you with your skills and athletics and talent and stuff. Plus you're like really fancy and respected because you do noble work for nobles and stuff, it's really cool Pandora" Squink continued in reponse with a cheery tone to the maid in question, turning her attention to Eliza.

"Oh, thank you, I didn't really think I was deserving of, well this much, I didn't really do anything to even get to be here in the first place, I'm probably nothing in comparison to everyone else who's here, so it's really nice that you're willing to be that nice about it. I mean, it makes sense that you and the others here make sense being somewhere, fancy and expensive like this, I'm just used to walking around by myself on dirt paths from place to place without a map" Squink said, hearing Eliza go on to talk about her lucky guy of interest as her tentacles twitched at the suggestion.

"Y-you really think that? Well I, guess maybe if you say so I could try and keep it in mind for later... " she mumbled, wondering if it would really be as successful as Eliza said, though the woman probably knew what she was talking about. Perhaps having to look to obtain a swimsuit of her own would have to be kept on a mental list in her free time, at least hopefully when it didn't clash with doing something else with someone else where it would raise questions or eyebrows. Noticing Pandora's change also, she smiled.
"It looks really good on you Pandora!" she added to try and compliment the girl once more.

A bit confused by the delight Finn had gotten off of Victorique's appearance, Squink looked at the shorter girl and couldn't help but think it was perhaps a little true since she was much more noticeably smaller and younger-looking than the other women present... at least not including Illya, but that obviously wasn't a close comparison.
"I think you look really pretty and graceful, like a princess or a royal guard captain. You really do look professional" Squink complimented. While she would have went to help out, she rather left the whole hair-deal to someone else who could probably better to it without awkwardly fumbling around. Considering she didn't really ever touch or handle hair since she has never had any herself, she didn't want to handle Victorique's hair just in case she somehow mishandled or pulled it in some weird way.

Giving the apparent artificial hot spring a try, Squink peacefully relaxed in her own time not having any feeling of need for competing, instead just supporting and encouraging those who did.
"I wouldn't mind joining for lunch... is... second breakfast, a normal thing?" Squink spoke to Victorique, wondering if second breakfast was just some fancy rich thing she wasn't entitled to as some peasant casual among the other strong and classy people present.​

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