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Graded [Goldcrest Village] The Grandmaster of Goldcrest



The strange ghost-like guardian would open his stance, noticing Zekes trickery as the others appeared to hesitate at the sight of his presence. His robes would suddenly begin to sway as the guardian began to channel some kind of magic. His hands would suddenly appear to concentrate a very bright energy, and a low humming began to rise in pitch as the orb began to grow in size. Strange words began to emit and echo from inside the guardian's helm, its orbs fixed on Zeke.

After Zeke was ready to fight and visually challenged the robed guardian, it released a dense fog spell, the fog appeared to spew from the guardians helm so dense it made it difficult to see even 5 feet infront of them. The haze began to slowly cover the entire swampy woods as well. Before Zeke could react however the guardian was suddenly infront of zeke not wasting any time to pick him up by the neck.

Zeke however would club his assailant with his torch, scorching the guardians robes before the guardian flung him to the ground as he quickly patted the flames stumbling a bit a he did so. After the flames were out out the guardian launched a volley of calculated punches and kicks at Zeke. To which he would parry to the best of his abilities.

The others would notice the conflict developing before them, they’d notice the fog and occasionally see Zeke and the guardian mid fight.



Stella was fascinated by Eris, her demeanor and way of expressing were new and mysterious. She wanted to ask her so many questions, namely where she was from or even about the curious recitations of some kind of text in her memory. When she expressed her ability to heal she giggled and looked at Loke who was already coming off a bit defensive. “Heh! Don’t like the competition huh?” She asked teasingly but quickly nodded at Lokes' affirmation. “Thank you got not letting my prince die.” She said as if in some kind of theatre piece. “you have my most sincere thanks, Loke!”

After encountering the guardian, and the dense fog Stella would become frantic after seeing the robed assailant hurting Zeke. “Zeke!” She exclaimed as she set flight towards the guardian, she’d scratch and bite at him. Although it wouldn’t do much, it distracted him leaving him open for an attack only briefly.

“Orrius!” She called as she clawed at the guardian's eyes. “Get him!”

Eris wasn't given much time before the pirate already started his fight with the next guardian. Well, he certainly doesn't waste any time, it seems. Eris chuckled to herself for a moment as the fog appeared to envelop most of the group as she caught glimpses of the fight. She took a few steps forward, so she was within 10 feet of Zeke, "Book of Icarus verses 30-35, Merciful Holfeel you bless those of this world with your light and through this light we are reborn. So hear me now as I call upon your name to assist those who are lost and in need of guidance, for those who see the light shall walk the path which leads to you and your embrace. May their current cycle continues so they might accomplish their goals, as I now recite the Prayer of Soul's Rebirth," She paused for a moment as she cleared her throat, and like before, she held out her staff in front of her gripping it with both hands.

"Holfeel guider of souls, Goddess of Rebirth, I beseech that you protect the light as you have done. We do not trespass against you and are humble sheep searching for our sheppard. Grant the soul your protection and guide him through rebirth so that he might see the hope of a new day," As she recited the last line, she tapped the butt of her staff again as a ray of lay shined down on Zeke, who would notice that his speed had increased by a whole grade. Though she knew it wouldn't last long but hoped it would at least allow the pirate to finish the guardian spirit.

  • Prayer of Soul's Rebirth - Religion F, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Bolster speed F, Spell Duration F - The caster prays to Holfeel for intervention and causes a target of the caster to become filled with hope in the face of danger. Increasing their Speed by 1 grade for 1 minute or one post depending on Narrator's discretion. The target must be within 10 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

mentions: NeramoDJI NeramoDJI @Scholar Ya NebulaBlossom NebulaBlossom L Lulidew RavenSong RavenSong
Zeke 'Mors' Valdain
Zeke was caught a bit off guard by the sudden fog, feeling the attacks hitting him before he began to parry with his torch, keeping it up until he saw that the fire was indeed very effective, grinning to himself before he was knocked back away by the guardian, looking around for his crew before focusing on back on his enemy, gritting his teeth as he focused on parrying what he could. However, his mind was already working on whatever underhanded method of victory he could use to win, struggling to think of how to get through this assailants onslaught.

However, that was when he heard the preaching from the priestess, feeling the divine blessing hit him like a scorching iron, his [Icarus] And [Heaven's Reject] titles flaring, making his skin begin to let out smoke from it's defiance of the divine magic, though the speed boost still affected him. He began to get an idea of how to hide it however, as when he saw Stella come to claw the mans eyes, he grinned, running towards the guardian and taking the opportunity to attack it. "Belay that order Orrius! I've got this!" He said, seeing the slight lapse in the creatures defense as he ran forward, tackling it with the torch between them, intent on catching the both of them on fire, so that the guardian couldn't use it's hands to stop the fire.

"You and me paper ingrate! We're burning together!" He shouted into it's face, headbutting it as he shouted, all of this meant to disorient the creature and keep it from realizing it was catching fire before it was too late for it. "Keep that heal staff at the ready Loke!" He shouted back, using his arms to keep the scroll creature close, starting to yell from the pain of himself being burned along with it. However, he used the speed to roll them around, since Fire caught upwards faster than it did downwards, so that the guardian was catching fire faster than he himself was.

As fog was emitted from the guardian, it was hard for Orrius to keep track of where Zeke and the guardian were. However, he could hear them fighting off somewhere. As such, when Stella had given the order to blast the guardian, he had to take a while searching for the guardian within the fog. Within that time, the priestess that had just joined the party had casted her own spell onto Zeke, who seemed to get burnt from it as his skin let out smoke. The boy then glared at her. Was she going to betray them at this crucial moment?

However, the captain didn't really seem to mind it, instead continuing his assault on the guardian and calling off Orrius' attack on it. Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding, but Orrius still had his doubts on the priestess who appeared out from nowhere. After all, there weren't many he could trust back in his village.

Somewhere in the fog, the captain had set himself on fire together with the guardian. Orrius could only watch the fight from the back, surprised and quite impressed that Zeke would go to such an extent in securing his victory.
The fog certainly made Loke's job harder. If he couldn't stay close to Zeke, he couldn't heal him in a reasonable amount of time. For a bit, all he could do was keep himself between where he thought the guardian was and the back line. Of course, his thoughts were pulled when Eris, or whatever her name was, chanted a prayer and a spell. Even if it was subtle, he saw the smoke coming off Zeke. Guess that really solidified her not taking his spot in this crew. More for him to heal too. This fight was shaping up to require his stronger healing afterward.

Of course, that idea doubled when Zeke decided to light himself on fire and take the guardian to the ground with him. "Aye, Captain!" He stayed out of reach of the guardian but was prepared to reach in and heal at a moment's notice. He certainly would be breaking out the bigger healing once this was done. Hopefully, the third guardian wouldn't be too much harder. Maybe Loke would offer to be the meat shield for that one to give Zeke a break. "Ready on your mark, Captain!" His hand glowed softly, wand at the ready in preparation for healing. Range would be something he'd definitely look into after this.


Fog still emitted from the guardian's metal helm when Zeke had tackled him. The creature wouldn’t emit a sound but he was clearly overwhelmed and seemingly disadvantaged now that Zeke was bolstered by the priestess magic. The guardian then laughed, a metallic low raspy sound echoing in its iron helm. But then stopped when Zeke head butted him. His head was flying back and showed signs of disorientation.

The guardians robes had begun to really catch fire by now, the flames quickly engulfing the martial wizard. Before he could completely immolate however, the guardian would shove Zeke off of him, sending him flying. Although it proved an effective plan, the guardian was now a fiery spirit capable of more damage than before as his body had become fire.

At this point the guardian was but an inferno with a helmet to mark its head. Rendering its fog ability almost useless as the thick mist would burn off around it. It began to attack but its fists would melt at the touch of Zeke. The holy enchantment wouldn’t let his attacks through, and furthermore the touch began to spread through its flaming body, evaporating him however slowly. With a roar the fiery spirit turned towards the rest of the party. Now with time ticking, the guardian became reckless in its movements and charged towards the others.

After distracting the papery spirit for a moment, Stella flew off and stood again on Orrius’ head. Panting loudly, as the dragon beheld what had become of the guardian. In awe and surprise she gasped. “Oh no were in trouble now!” She said frantically.

As the fiery guardian charged at them, Stella would grab onto Orrius head as she flapped her wings. “Orrius watch out!” She exclaimed as the brightness of the fiery guardian illuminated the dark damp swamp.

Orrius could only watch the battle with bated breath, as the captain tried taking on the guardian alone by setting both of them on fire. However, Zeke was unable to finish off the guardian as it managed to get him off of it. Orrius couldn't help but to wonder if they could just leave the guardian alone and wait for it to burn itself to death. But then he noticed that the flames didn't seem to hinder it in any way as it continued to attack Zeke, so maybe it had some form of fire resistance?

What made him even more puzzled was that when the guardian had actually hit Zeke, its hands would start to disintegrate, which reminded him of how the first guardian was taken out. Did Zeke possess some sort of hidden power that the guardians were weak to?

The guardian then changed its focus desperately to the others, as it could no longer harm Zeke. Stella would grab onto Orrius' head in fear. "I'll try and slow him down." Clapping his hands together once, Orrius would summon forth his magic once again, but this time with slightly less explosive force. "Death." As he said this word, he would send a blast towards the guardian.

[DEATH] - Magic D, Mana affinity E, Magic area of effect E, Selective magic E - Blasts everything around the user in a 30ft radius with condensed, pure mana, to hurt all enemies - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

Loke, like the others, could only watch the fight as Zeke battled. His magic was at the ready to heal but then the guardian disengaged to go for the party after realizing it couldn’t harm Zeke. Orrius reacted faster than Loke could, utilizing his explosive magic to launch an attack.

Making a snap decision, Loke rushed to Zeke, placing his glowing hand on the Captain’s arm.
Mending.” His lesser healing ability certainly wouldn’t cut it. Eris had more range to her magic than Loke, but Loke’s focus in healing magic likely meant he could heal more intense injuries than she could.

“Captain, I think you need to do whatever you did to the first guardian again.” This fight was quickly spiraling out of their control. If anyone else got burned like this, Loke wouldn’t be able to heal them immediately.

  • Mending - Healing D - Mends the flesh of more serious injuries, restoring any loss of sense the wound would have caused (ie, an eye wound no longer causes loss of sight). Can be used to repair a lost sense so long as the organs are present - 2 Cooldown
Zeke 'Mors' Valdain
Zeke groaned as he got up from being knocked away, hissing in pain as the fire slowly dissipated, his seared flesh becoming healed and normal once more as he cast aside the torch, slowly rolling his shoulders. "Just what I was thinking Lad. Now, lets get this plate headed piece of trash out of my sight." He slowly grit his teeth, his hand beginning to glow with the light of [Heavenly Banish] once more, the energy swirling violently, as if his body were rejecting it, or more accurately, the power were rejecting him. He waited for Orrius's blast, dashing in afterwards, using that enhanced speed to carry himself rapidly towards the guardian, his hand reaching out towards it to grab it and do to it what he did to the first one.

"GOTCHA!" He shouted, lunging with his energized hand, intent to strike it while it was stunned by Orrius's blast. If this worked on it, his hypothesis from earlier was correct, and he should simply banish the last guardian as well, his eyes staring down towards the guardian as the holy energy flowed out of his hand towards it.

As the guardian came charging at the party Orrius would stun it heavily with his [Death] spell. The fiery creature shrieked, as its helm was broken to bits by the intense mana blast, clearly for such a little person his magic, albeit raw, was immensely formidable. The spirit, now disoriented in the wake of such a blast would stumble, its helmet breaking apart as shards of metal flew everywhere.

It was much easier for the party to dodge the charge, as they moved out of its way. The guardian now oozing some kind of ectoplasm from the sheer magical force of the blast. The magic that it touched when it attempted to strike zeke was further consuming it, by now its entire arm was dissipated but it quickly regained composure.

Suddenly the creature flinched as Zeke grappled onto it. The guardian would attempt to grip onto the pirate, but its fingers would evaporate from the radiating light magic emitting from his [Heavenly Banishment] spell. With no options left and the radiating light now beaming forth from the portal the guardian suddenly stood still as it quickly evaporated into thin air.

“You have bested me. Go forth. The fountain awaits.”

All that was left was a cracked helm, and a pile of ash on the ground where it stood.


After the guardians final words, the gate would unlock just as the previous one. Yet, something was amiss. This time what was seen beyond the great door was a land of lava and heat, yet a great shadowy portal could be seen spawning numerous demons towards the gate, what could only be made out as the last guardian was now overrun by demonic fiends ripping away at the guardian spirits body. Although it fought back waves of these fiends, it was clearly just a matter of time before he would give to their endless numbers.

After some time, the party would notice a shadowy figure appear and without much effort took the last guardian's head clean off. The spirit dissipated as the armor it was clad in hit the ground.


“Hmm.. I thought skipping the first two and coming straight to the last one would prove to be a challenge, how disappointing.”

Then another figure would appear. “It’s done. Now, let’s drink from this fountain and take Goldcrest for ourselves! Ha! I’m sure there are some bibles who would pay handsomely for the mana concentration. We could make a fortune!”

The gate would open, and the two would enter through. What could be seen beyond the gate now was a serene pond, and a gentle spring at the top of a hill nestled among great ancient trees that grew past the ceiling of this great underground cave network.

The two figures were surrounded by their spawned fiends and climbed to the source of the water. They’d drink, and within a few moments both mumbled something inaudible before a great flash engulfed the chamber. Before long, some kind of magical sphere enveloped the two shadowy figures. Then out of this sphere, something out of this world appeared. Perhaps it was the fusion of both men and their magics or the twisted corruption of their spirits but what stepped out was an entirely different being.


The ground seemed to char as he stepped forth onto the soft dewy meadow. And suddenly spotted the party, the creature's eyes burning like red hot coals let out a deep laugh. “The time has come for our rematch.” the demon pointed his katana at them with a smoky grin before the katana replicated into many.


The oni would then suddenly charge at the party, bringing his sword and floating blades into attack position. But before it could strike, out of seemingly nowhere the grandmaster arrived, sending the demon flying and crashing into one of the great trees growing on the water below. The grandmasters windy magic sending a gusty breeze about the place.

He turned to face the party, his hands behind his back with his usual jester-like smile. “Ah.. excellent work young ones..” he said with a chuckle. “..this was certainly not part of the trial but, I’m afraid we’ll have to put your abilities to the final test.”

He then looked at Zeke, “The time has come for me to grant your wish at last master Zeke..” the old man would point at the fountain. “..all you need is a little drink from the water there.”

He sighed. “Unfortunately, this newcomer is my counterpart, it’s an inevitable event.”

The demon would soon arise from the hole in the tree and come charging at the grandmaster and they began to make battle with each other, the grandmaster wouldn’t hurt the demon however, he was simply negating his attacks and dodging. But the levels of magic were obviously of the highest elite fighters. Zeke and the others would have precious few moments to complete their task, as it seemed the battle was destroying the chamber and the tree pillars were weakening with every blow and strike.



Stella sighed in relief as the immolated spirit was finally put to rest. Panting with fear, and anxiety the dragons little heart could almost be heard, and most definitely felt on Orrius head. “Ah! Ah!! Ahhhh!! Can we please get out of here!? That.. that.. THING almost got me! He had no eyes! And.. and..” Stella struggled to catch her breath.

Then the gate opened and she shook her head quickly. “No.. no no no.. I don’t want to go!” She cried, but as they moved forward Stella gripped tightly onto Orrius' hair. “I need to practice breathing fire!” She exclaimed, as she exhaled air from her nose then from her mouth. She was almost hyperventilating but then quickly stopped at the sight of the large group of fiends storming the next guardian. “W-what’s happening?” She whispered.

Then after the following events took place, eyes wide she looked on as a battle suddenly ensued. “Uhm.. we're not going to try to beat this demon thing are we?!” She exclaimed as she looked at the others, flapping her wings with urgency and confusion.


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Zeke "Mors" Valdain
Zeke smirked as the phantom faded before him, crossing his arms as his arm twitched, releasing the energy from his grasp. He turned when he heard Stella hyper ventilating, hurrying over and picking her up from under her arms like a cat, bringing the dragon close and petting her on her back. "It's alright Stella. Only a little while to go now. Pa's here." He comforted his little dragon, petting her on her back and head while hugging her close. She was still extremely young, so her fear in this situation was understandable. He had a soft spot for the little dragon, treating her more like a daughter of his own. He kneeled down a bit, patting Orrius on the head.

"You did good lad." He complimented the boy, glad he protected Stella like he should, before he stood up again, wiping any tears from Stella's scared eyes. "We'll go home after this. You can get a boat load of fish after this. You're making me proud Stella." He complimented one last time, giving her a last hug before placing her back on Orrius's shoulder. He gave Loke a pat on the back, nodding in thanks, before turning to the priestess last. "Keep up the good work lass. And Loke, you keep up like this you might get a raise." He said, figuring that was the best thing that Loke would want to hear.

He saw the group up at the fountain, overhearing the comment about skipping the guardians and scoffing a bit.
"Skipping was an option?" He said, upset with himself for not thinking of it. But perhaps this was the best, he looked like a good guy for the mentor, and it was working in his favor. He drew his pistol when the demon called down to him, not perturbed by it's appearance. The Hunter was the only thing that could bring fear to him, and he had looked her in the visor times before. He was ready for any demon that thought itself his better.

However, it looked like that wouldn't need to happen, as the grandmaster rushed in and kicked the beast, a smirk on Zeke's face. "Damn straight we're gonna try to beat it Stella. That little bastard tried to look down on me." He said back to Stella, before turning up to the Grandmaster. "Thanks lad, we'll see what we can do for ya." He said with a two finger salute, before making a breakneck sprint towards the fountain. The old man was buying him time, and he wouldn't squander it. Hesitation was for fools, and he was no fool. That water would be his, and he would not so easily let a power boost slip through his grasp.

With a draw of his pistol and sword, he pointed it towards the demons, a massive grin on his face. "COME ON THEN LADS, COME HELLIONS AND DIVINE ALIKE, WE'LL KILL EM' ALL!" He shouted to his crew, sprinting towards the demons and firing as he ran to soften up who he intended to be his first target on his climb to that damn fountain.
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Eris Granstone

Eris cooked her head as the saw the pirate smoke up, though not entirely sure what Thales issues was. However she didn't expect the pirate to go crazy and latch on to the guardian causing him to burn. But she also didn't expect to see what happened once they passed through the last gate. She could see all the demons that were going towards the fountain. She gripped her staff tightly before taking a deep breath and brushing some loose hair behind her ears seeing the shear amount of enemies that were present.

"For it is those who do not see the light that forever walks in shadow and become twisted. Looking to do harm to the world of man in the form of monsters and demons." Eris recited one of the verses from earlier as she noticed two of the demons were bow coming towards the party. She attempted to duck out of the way as the old man who appeared started to speak. "Who is that guy and what are you guys even doing here anyway?" She inquired looking to the group as she readied herself to fight if she had to.

mentions: NeramoDJI NeramoDJI @Scholar Ya NebulaBlossom NebulaBlossom L Lulidew RavenSong RavenSong

Upon the guardian’s defeat, Orrius almost broke into a cheer, however the little dragon atop his head seemed overwhelmed with fear, and so he decided to hold back his excitement. He could understand her fears, as the guardians were getting harder each time and they were also kinda scary.

But Orrius wasn't afraid at all, probably because their captain was able to take all of them down in a single hit with that special move of his. At this rate, not even the third guardian would pose a threat to them!

Out of nowhere, Zeke had rushed over to his side, picking up Stella and petting her. Orrius was left speechless at the sight. He never knew the pirate captain had such a soft spot for her. Maybe not all pirates were cold-hearted and ruthless after all, he thought to himself. The captain then complimented Orrius who only smiled in response, glad that he was able to put his magic to good use for once.

The party continued to advance to the next stage, where they would discover the betrayal of the grandmaster’s disciples, who then merged and targeted them. Orrius would clap his hands together in a frantic move to save the others, but before he could cast his spell quick enough the grandmaster would arrive to intercept the enemy’s attack, which led to a new mission: to overcome all obstacles and to drink from the fountain.

Seeing the horde of demonic fiends ahead of them, Orrius couldn't help but to grin in excitement. Finally, it was time to test his abilities to the fullest. “Nothing but mere ants.” He would say, before clapping his hands together and summoning forth his magic.

"Death." He spoke grimly, sending out a blast towards all enemies within his range, but avoiding the area around the fountain in case he were to damage it.

[DEATH] - Magic C, Mana affinity D, Magic area of effect D, Selective magic D - Blasts everything around the user in a 100ft radius with condensed, pure mana, to hurt all enemies - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

[Death] - Grade D - 1 post cooldown

Loke sighed in relief once the second guardian fell. Honestly, maybe they should just lead with that on the third guardian. Sure, it was supposed to be a trial but that didn't mean they had to play this fairly. At Stella's panic, Zeke seemed to go full dad mode and that made Loke smile a little. It was a side of Zeke he'd only had the chance to see when Stella was involved and, in his short time since joining the crew in Schal, he'd maybe seen it twice. A small part of Loke couldn't help but be a bit envious. He'd never had a father figure in his past life and his relationship with his mother had been... bad. Shaking that thought from his head, Loke walked over and patted Orrius on the shoulder. "Good job keeping Stella safe and stunning the guardian." He looked over to Stella. "How about next chance I get, I bake something sweet for you, Stella?" That would be certain to put her in a good mood. Of course, he was immediately put in a better mood by Zeke's implication of a second pay raise this trip. "Aye, Captain."

Of course, all that was put aside when the door opened and the scene played out before them. He was inclined to agree with Zeke. "Not like you needed to skip anyways." The demon calling down to Zeke was going to be one hell of a grudge match but... Loke wasn't sure if Zeke's abilities would work on him. Regardless, he'd have to stay close to heal. That was a lot of swords to deal with and having just used his stronger healing, Loke would have to try to keep up with his lower healing. Then, of course, there were all of the other ones.

The Grandmaster's entrance was certainly a welcome one. If he could keep the revenge-seeking demon at bay, they'd have a chance at the fountain. The mana blast from Orrius certainly was going to pave a path for them. Following their lead, Loke went after Zeke. "Orrius, don't let them get close to you and Stella!" He called back. Eris could probably take care of herself in this fight. Once Zeke got to the fountain and drank, Loke would be nabbing a sip for himself. Only a fool wouldn't take the chance to drink and whatever powers he may get from it could prove useful in the fight to come.

The battle raged on. Soon after the grandmaster had sent the demon through a tree. The small impish creatures that overwhelmed the third guardian swarmed like angry hornets. Each of them scowling, growling and barking things in some kind of infernal tongue. Zeke would fire his pistol blasting a huge dent into their numbers. Loke wasn’t as lucky in his defense, as he was, minimally burned by their acidic touch.

Eris was unfazed by the attack, devout to and versed in lighter magics the fiends could barely touch her as they withered and burned.

Orrius then launched a massive explosion into the swarming crowd of fiends as many flew through the sky, evaporated or lay dead or dying.

Yet, their numbers didn’t seem to dwindle much. It was as if a portal had been opened.



It was then that other familiar faces would appear to assist: Yukito and Hiroshi.

With steel and mana they joined forces to defeat the impish horde. Silvery slashes would slice through these fiends while blasts of mana brought the remaining imps to flee in fear.

Yet their victory was short lived as the demon king sent a massive fireball their way, connecting and sending them stumbling back. They weren’t mortally injured but certainly stunned and charred as they lay on the ground slowly rising to their feet.

The grandmaster did what he could, but mostly continued his battle with this demon king. Grunting, the grandmaster stepped back, holding his arm as he healed himself. The demon king laughed, “HA! Give up, pathetic old man. Your world has come to an end, Goldcrest has a new king!”

The grandmaster gazed over to his opponent. “No, Goldcrest belongs to no one but itself. Even childish creatures like you depend on the mana that pours into this plane.”


The demon's scowl deepend as grandmaster Iwamoto continued. “Ah yes.. that is what you’re after.. you mean to seize control of the flow of mana to further your personal ambitions.” The old man laughed, slapping his knees. “If only it were that easy!”

With an otherworldly roar the demon king then launched another attack at the old man firing spinning swords, and sending pieces of rock and debris from the side of the cave where the master stood. The grandmaster would then call from another side of the cave. “Ha! You have much to learn.”

The demon king would roar once more. “Fight me you old coward!”

Zeke then ran up to the fountain, drank and stepped back as strange visions flashed before his eyes. Memories of his past flew by him like a thick mist, recollecting the old techniques of his former life. He was almost connected to these visions. Then, suddenly found himself fast forwarding an arduous journey; his training appeared. He could feel in his body the intense hardship, the effort and hours it took to become what he now felt. The numerous lessons from teachers and mentors of both mind and body flashed before him.

It felt like time stood still.


Then a warm feeling came over the party as their vision slowly became white. They were disappearing, but they heard the grandmaster's voice, “I’m sending you back, let everyone know Hrithgar has returned. Tell them that the grandmaster of Goldcrest is no more.”


A flash.

The entire party suddenly appeared back outside, in the middle of the courtyard. Where the Goldcrest festival continued along with cheering, the fireworks and the parade that went late into the night.

Meanwhile a great battle took place in the subterranean caves below.



Stella continued to panic, but then Zeke intervened. She exclaimed with surprise as the little star dragon was picked up. The captains words were comforting, and she almost seemed to growl warmly as her uneasy mind became more stable. “I.. I’m just.. scared.” She confessed as she started to cry. Zeke would wipe her tears.

Then seemed to cheer up further by the support she was getting from her friends. Even fully coming back to her cheerful self for a moment when Loke offered to cook something. “Mmm yes!” She said delightedly. “Okay.. I’m ready!” She said finally with her usual determination.

The fight had begun and Stella did what she could to stay safe, even hiding under the back of Orrius shirt. “Eeek! I can’t breathe in here!” She said muffled before getting out and watching an imp evaporate from Eris bright magic. She then saw Zekes gun blast a path through towards the fountain.

Almost as if by some kind of divine timing, they were all teleported back to the festival the night before. Or was it the night before?

It seemed like dejavu, then it hit her. “I think time stopped while we were back there. What was that?”
She then gave Orrius a clawy hug around his head before making her back onto Zekes back.

“Uhm.. you’re not going to tell anyone I cried back there, are you?”

The End
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Isekai Hell RP Grade
Everyone was kungfu fighting. Them cats was fast as lightning. So beginning rp was a strong start with several great portrayals of things you might see in a kung fu movie. Competition. Way of life. Dojo politics. Forbidden or taboo ways of thinking. Yes, very nice. Then the party comes bumbling in, and like all good protagonists, get taken in and taught some stuff and things....in a way. But now things are setup for future goldcrest rps. Perhaps better suited for a more martial group though. Good to see companion in use and properly managed. At least, it seemed that way.

Goldcrest was not what it was. With the grandmaster lost and a mounting danger coming from the shadows, Goldcrest would find itself in a particularly prone position. Despite the grandmaster's hopes, there was no one fully ready or capable of filling in for him. Nobles opposed to the peasant council saw the situation as a boon as one of the communities guiding lights was now gone and with it some of their strength. The prospect of a great danger looming closer also made the populace more apt to look to aid wherever it may be, of which the nobles were more than willing to offer. The old ways were dieing along with the grandmaster, it would seem, in goldcrest. What's left would depend on how well they could defend themselves when the evil finally returns in full.


Raven - 31 points (narrator bonus present. pick one of your characters to receive the points)

Loke - 34 points
  • optional title acquired [Clutch] - Character easily proved their worth in several tense situations. Their absence could have resulted in things going the other way. Character is more likely to be appreciated and appropriately valued by those aware of them. Antagonistic forces aware of character are more likely to target them in the future to prevent them from saving the day.
Orrius - 40 points
  • optional title acquired [Bag Boy] - character is master of carrying baggage, receiving head pats, staying in the back, and being carried by other party members. Character is a supporting role that will rarely if ever be given the credit they deserve. Likely because they are nothing without the others in front.
Eris - 16 points
  • optional title acquired [Holy Smiter] - character is armed with divine scriptures and might and is quick to use both. Character is the natural bane of all those opposed to the light. Those not clearly aligned are more likely to be drawn to the character's devout nature. More likely to instigate contest with others aligned to the light but to other faiths.

Zeke - 51 points
  • optional title acquired [Captain] - character has stepped up to properly lead his men and consider their needs. People are more likely to see character and experience the gravitas some feel in the presence of nobility, business leaders, and those willing to boldly walk their own path. Title may only be equipped and used so long as the character never has a stupid looking set of bunny ears.

RavenSong RavenSong NeramoDJI NeramoDJI NebulaBlossom NebulaBlossom L Lulidew saxon saxon

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