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Community [Isekai Hell] Short Story - φαεινός: Descent into the field of the Roses of Sharon.


Great Maiden's Blush
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The following is a non-canon Isekai Hell short story relating to the character "Du Couer Pur" Ophánia depicting an alternate life in a time much later than current.​
Ilene Woods - A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Unnamed flowers, bloom amidst a fluttering field.
That field, of green grass, sways in the westerly wind.
White butterflies are fluttering from flower to flower
Looking for a place to rest, looking for a place to eat.

Mere butterflies live in a world completely different to ours
For a simple summer breeze, is a hurling hurricane to them.
Flowers in the green fields are afternoon tea parties to them.
Their lives, no longer than a few weeks, are like years to them.

As butterflies flutter flower to flower, the trees are whistling today.
Leaves chirp as the winds of the west brush his hands through them,
The beaming sun, the azure waiting for those who slept past morning
An old man somewhere looks out of the window at the sky's clouds.

Looking at the face he doesn't know, he'd ask; "Where am I? Who are you?" In this place he doesn't know.
His dear wife gasps. Dropping the cup of tea she prepared for him. You can imagine the grief on her face

As another place in the world fades away.​

The Caretaker - I1 - Stage 4 Temporary Bliss State


The water lilies seemed to flutter on the water's surface
White rosebuds had shown themselves to me,
As you brushed my hair in the field of carnation pinks.

Purple lilacs would finally blossom for me
once I placed a cedar leaf upon your cold cheek,
When I met you in my dreams, in the field of altheas.
Yet somehow I did not see the crown of pasture roses.


The stage gleamed alight. Their eyes were sparkling like jewels. The wind was twirling in swirls of glittering and dancing lights, patterning the atmosphere with colours of serenity and glee, as the cheering voices of the sparkling-eyed crowd danced in the wind with the sounds of howling. Yes, someone with the figure and stature of a 'she' could hear how their thoughts melted in vibrant glows within ayr that surrounded the field. Every thought shifted in colour you will never be able to imagine.

Maria was her name, that person in the crowd, a mother of three with a face like a flower. She wasn't quite gentle, and her words were often harsh and very assertive, yet how much she cared deeply for her dear sons was overwhelming. However, her worries about if she had enough finances to provide them with good food or warm clothing had begun to melt into the song the white-adorned songster sang.

Her worries intertwined with the dreams of another; a little boy with the name Bertin. He dreamt of many things, like what he would grow up as one day. Perhaps an elegant seamster who designed beautiful garments for the country's queen, or, mayhaps he would too become a performer one day who makes those before him smile and laugh with joy. Perhaps, he'd long for something more simple, like a baker who creates the most delicious bread and cakes, giving them out to all the children living on the street. All these dreams twisted into colours which glitz along the atmosphere, shooting in starry waves.

Children always possessed the most odd yet most captivating thoughts. Thoughts that most grow up to no longer understand. Perhaps, one day, Ophenia would be able to resurface people's thoughts from their days of young. En pointe, the sylph spun. Twirling with the wind beneath her arms, the sylphish tails of thons wings which shone with gilden glow, fluttered upon the birds' roads only ever gently. The dress, white as the dancer's skin and hair, softly placed itself upon the floor as th'on feet, encased in satin flats tied with ribbons, flattened into a plié toward the crowd. Gloved hands positioned themselves with feather-like movements unto where one's heart would typically be.


Like the fluttering of the wind,
Like the expanse of the sky;
It seems like it will never change
Like how my heart pounds
When I see you smile.

Like the seasons always change,
Like the winter will always arrive;
Yet no matter cold it may be
The stars always burn brightly
for the moon to shine like the sun.

Yet above all the stars in our realm,
My love for you stays forever eternal


This mime of love was quite unsilent, as the sylph's voice echoed in a tune accompanied by the sounds of instruments conjured by only a single catalyst which resonated the melody by which thon sang. Like the wind which howled with the smiling voices that melted into colour and photisms of the whirling gales, glittering lights blinked glamorously upon the centre stage songster. In these moments which felt so slowly quick, everyone's hearts were beating with the rhythm, pounding like thons voice. The one who stood illuminated in the stage's light extended out thon arms toward the crowd. The song which sang "I love you" to all who stood in the crowd. Melting worries, excitement, anger, regrets, hopes, dreams, wishes, loves, and hate of all the people in the crowd overwhelmed the single singer all too much, yet for now, she would not cry.

All these feelings, every thought, heart and soul collided into the gales which twirled into the photism of a shining heart. The performance reaches its climax. For everything would feel had been stolen into the air, all the pain and hostility, thoughts of what, if anything, one would eat by tomorrow, regrets that would never be able to change, and dreams which not many would achieve... Nothing but joy was left behind. Amplified by the enchanted song the songwitch surrounded the air, making them feel something more than ecstasy. Peace that was more serene than serenity. Yes, a feeling that one would have to make up a name for to describe. The heart would burst out into beams of ever-sparkling light, like comets of illusion falling to the weathering earth, as flowers wilted. The grass which was green slowly died, not even the worms beneath the earth or simple little butterflies would be spared.

All who listened would fall, not children or soon-to-be mothers would be spared. However, they wouldn't realise it. They would only feel and remember that overwhelming happiness which encompassed their being. Instantaneously, they would know nothing more, as a world would fade away. There on the stage, the wretched one who brought end to all lowered thonself to bow. Illuminated by searingly bright lights of white and pink. Thons gentle and cheer-filled smile unwavering, thon lifted her head slowly to gaze upon with topaz eyes upon the silent crowd which laid upon weathered earth.

"Thank you all ever so kindly for listening~♡"

Her voice echoed, with glee. She'd then stand straight. As that person said, "... All who listen to your songs are filled with ineffable joy. In those moments, they remember nothing else and will feel nothing else. If in those moments their worlds were to end... They would never feel have to feel pain, regret or sorrow ever again." That is what that precious someone had said. Thon was happy. She was smiling.

Yet why did these tears begin to fall? After all, they clearly were not hers. Well, blending within were mayhaps the sylph's tears, as well as the tears of all those others. She would let their tears fall thon through for this final time. Should a life exist after, none of them shall be condemned. For all their sins and wrong-doings would become Ophenia's. One day, this world would become a perfect place where everything would smile. This was for the best.

After all, that most precious person said, "...To live is to be anguished. No one lives happily for long. This world is a punishment for the sins of its inhabitants, rife with misery and the inevitability of an end. Yet, we all share that same destiny; to one day return to nothing. So it is not wrong for you to make that destiny come much earlier, furthermore, if you make their finale full of joy without memories of pain, regret and anything else; Well, then you are doing something more compassionate and kind than anyone in this world can ever do." That precious person had told.

"I want to sing songs that could change the world. To make a world where everyone is happy."

When that person was by her side, that constant voice seemed meaningless and mute. There was more to follow and more to do when that single voice did not constantly echo in her mind. Anything that person said was something that Ophenia could believe in and follow along with all of th'on heart. Everyone else's smiles no longer made her heart pound like the way when that person would smile. Even the thought of that person could dry these tears which fell. This was the sylph's act of selfishness. After all, how horrible it was to pour all the love she showed to the world and everything of it into just a single person? As much as it pained her, it also made her feel all the more exhilarated.


Someone called. Their voice was louder than the wind which breathed into Ophenia's ears and had given life. Not even the ravens who called out to each other as they walked upon the wings of the wind, which was but a road to such a thing, could compare to that precious person's voice. In front of that person, Ophenia was no longer a simple flower of zephyr who dreamt of showing thons love to the world with a song, bringing smiles to those who listened. In front of that person, Ophenia became a simple maiden's great blush who "loved" with all her heart and being, no matter what they did or thought. Everything that person was, was something that Ophenia would love.

She turned and smiled so, impossibly and somehow her cheeks were blush pink. Turning her back to those who she wept for mere moments, her catalyst shined with the pastel glows in the colour of love and adoration. The illusory stage glitzed and faded into specks of light as Ophenia fluttered down to that person. In the end, the chanteuse loved that person with every particle that made up her form. Of course, she knew that all this person saw her as was a tool. This person thinks nothing of her but as a tool to fulfil their views of nothing. She knew that, one day, she'd have to end that person just as she did to all those people, and by that person's own wishes.

For the wind is embraced by malice, and so, a place in the world fades away.​

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