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Graded [Republic:Nan pass] Runaway Singers Song!


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • OoC Info
    This roleplay takes place in the world of Isekai Hell! For more information involving the community click here! This roleplay will be kept on a seven-day posting schedule. If everyone responds within the week limit, rounds may end sooner. The intended roleplay length is one or two months, depending on how things go. For any possible combat, I'll be loosely using the effectiveness system

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer / help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen

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From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry

Having had her bath, bear and bed, the triple b demands of quality life had been met. It's why she'd been a cheerful mood. Having another adventurer's job lined up, guarding Aedrianna, was also rather neat. That said, it was a bit boring, as she wasn't sure if there'd even be any actual stuff to guard her from. It looked like that bastard from before had fled the country, after all. “[Don't worry Valerius, I'm sure we'll get some action eventually. Worst, case scenario, it'll just be an easy job and we'll get to have our fun another time.]” She stated to the hammer, fearing he'd share his discontent with this situation.

She was a tad surprised, however, when she heard someone singing. “[Oh, that sounds fun~ Let's go check it out!]” She stated, only to recall Aedrianna wouldn't understand her in the slightest. Well, actions spoke louder than words, so she'd grab the girl by the hand and would attempt to drag her toward the source of the singing she heard.

As they arrived, she listened to a song she didn't really understand. Then again, the singing was better than hers, so she couldn't complain. When the song was finished, she'd clap her hands together. She didn't really have any coin to share though, as she was going to need every last penny to go buy materials to give Valerius a well-deserved upgrade soon.
Aedrianna Belmonte
Ooc [Terran] Common <Beastial> %Analog%

Aedrianna beamed excitedly as Almeida tugged on her hand, speaking too quickly for her to translate in her grandmothers little Terran to Beastial book. She didn't even bother to pull the little thing out to try, following along and grabbing hold of Sorieiels hand in turn. Creating a sort of chain of friendship. It had been only a day or two since the adventure at the mineshaft, and the run in with Livius Nero. But today, they were finally rested and ready to start their grand adventure. Where they were going, Aedrianna had no clue. There wasn't a destination specifically. But from what she remembered of the life of adventurers in all the stories she'd read in her past life; the adventure would find them. She'd been working on trying to translate the words that she spoke to Almeida with a little book that had been her grandmothers. But their interactions had been stilted and not exactly fluid communication. Still she was happy to have another friend. Two technically. Almeida had been sure to include Valerius in everything. Then there was Sorieiel. Trying to get the lovely kitsune not to call her mistress, and not to attend on her like a servent had been half the battle over the last day and a half. Despite that though, she felt as though she'd lucked out and earned another friend. And they were going on an adventure together.
She was brimming with giddiness as Almeida lead her to the crowd of children. She started to hum along absently with the singing, not even realizing at first what she was doing. Her eyes traveled across the crowd of fluffy children; to rest finally upon the singing young man. Her eyes opened widely and a hand came to her lips as she was struck in awe. The very first instinct within her was wrapped up in his voice, and the notes that he carried. She wanted to sing with him. Listening to the lyrics, the story reminded her of fairy tales from her old life. But as her body started to act on its own, her mind took full control again. The strangest thing happened. She of all people, suddenly became nervous with stage fright. Her throat closed up and she froze. So instead she stood to the side with Almeida and Sorieiel. When his song came to a finish, she clapped ecstatically, stepping up towards him with a hopeful, slightly nervous smile.

"You have an amazing voice! And your songs have such a cute story. They remind me of some old fairy tales. My name is Aedrianna. And this is Ms. Almeida." She motioned towards Almeida, then towards Sorieiel. "And this is Ms. Sorieiel. I haven't seen you here before. Are you a traveling singer? That's so admirable."

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tellussoil Tellussoil
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario

Soreiel followed her mistress quietly as they explored the new town after Sir Thaddeus said they would have to leave for a time while he figured out what to do about Niro. Soreiel shivered at the thought of her old master “no, I mustn’t think of him, I’ll soon be free of him and… and…” she lost her train of thought as she thought of what she would do when she was finally free from him. she was soon brought out of her mind when her ears flicked around and she heard the sound of a man singing and seeing both Almeida and Aedrianna and smiled slightly as she just watched the two before the man finished and received applause Almeida.

Noelle Nichi
With: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soriel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Almeida Elvario Elvario | Keircey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

Well just her luck. Noelle was supposed to leave Nan Pass yesterday but as the small town was so remote no convoy had shown up with whom she could hitch a ride to the next major hub city. So now she is stuck here until one comes. Well, she could always try and go somewhere else on her own. But that is so lonesome. And if the weather suddenly turns bad she is in more hot water. Well, more in cold snow. Either way. she would be in real trouble.
Noelle was walking through town. She was munching on a delicious cinnamon bun she bought at the bakery she had found before her last assignment. "So delish" she said content as she enjoyed her food. Suddenly she heard something. Someone was singing somewhere in the distance. Curious, the little mermaid went towards where she heard the singing come from.

As she arrived she saw a group of children had gathered before a man who was singing. Noelle listened from the crowd of grown-ups while enjoying her sweet treat. The man’s voice was beautiful and his song was full of wonder. He sang about fairytales. Although in a more local variant of the characters. It was not hard to figure out why the kids loved it. The grown-ups on the other hand were not that entertained by it. Maybe it was too childish for their taste? But none had the heart to speak up as it was at the end of the day entertainment for the children.
Noelle finished her snack as the man was done with his song. There was some applause and Noelle joined in herself before she moved towards the man.
" That was amazing mister. That song was so beautiful" she said to the man cheerfully before she noticed the girl with the group of people there. "oh hey miss Aedrianna… Soreiel" when she saw Almeida a mischievous grin appeared on her lips "<Idiot friend>" she said to the android being a bit playful. Surely she will understand it was meant as a joke right? Noelle’s attention returned to Aedrianna. "Nice to see you three here. How have you been?" she said before remembering what she wanted to do here and turned to the singing man. "Uhmm… your singing was good. If you want. Would you like to play something together with me?" she said to the man as she pulled out her lyre from her bag and held it in her hands ready to play.

  • OoC Info

    Keircey agrees to perform with Noelle and offers the others the chance to join, the group is being watched

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer / help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen

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  • OoC Info

    Keircey agrees to perform with Noelle and offers the others the chance to join, the group is being watched

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer / help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen

Moonberry Moonberry

Soreiel’s ears perked up as she heard slight chattering from a good distance away. She was somewhat distracted by the performer as he offered for them all to join, Soreiel just looked at her mistress to see what she would do, and if she would tell Soreiel to join due to her outfit being good for dancing.

Soreiel tried to hear what the distant people were saying while also being prepared for anything Aedrianna would demand of her.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Almeida scoffed a bit at Noelle introduction. “<Idiot idiot...>” She mumbled, before she got over it. “<Friend.>” She declared afterwards, as she sniffed the air around Noelle. It didn't smell as fishy this time. Something else smelled stronger. She wasn't sure what though. What was the word again for something smelling well? Something nice? She'd forgotten, but she did recall one word. “<Food?>” That'd hopefully clarify stuff.

She couldn't help yawn upon Keircey starting to talk. She didn't understand a word of it and she was bored easily, after all. That's when she figured she could get some distractions elsewhere, as she turned to Soreiel. The latter had seemed to be acting like Aedrianna's servant for some reason. Truth be told, Almeida still wasn't sure what type of deal they'd make for her to do that, but it did seem a bit odd. “<You.>” She pointed at Soreiel. “<Her.>” She pointed at Aedrianna. “<Friend?>” She asked. “<Ser...>” What was it again? Ser... services? Serving? Survival? “<Survial?>” She tried asking if she was a friend or a servant, except messing up the last word.
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Language [Terran] <Beastial> Common

Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna gave a short gasp as Noelle introduced herself. She waved excitedly, her excitement growing again.

<Hello Ms. Noelle! It's so good to see you again! You haven't left Naan Pass yet?"> She clapped her hands together, then glanced towards Sorieiel as Almeida asked the stunted question. She winced, pulling out the little book and flipping through pages. ["She thinks...."] She flipped a few more pages, grumbling a little as she squinted down at the little text. ["I am master."] She managed to get out before huffing and glancing back at Sorieiel with a frown. She shook her head in the manner of someone giving up. Then turned to look at Noelle and Kiercey. "Oh! Are you going to sing together?! How lovely! I wish I could be so brave to sing in front of all these cute little children." She glanced to Almeida and then to Kiercey. "Oh I'm sorry, Ms. Almeida can not speak common...or Beastial. She speaks Terran, and...Uhm...beeps and...boops...." Aedrianna cringed as she failed to put a better label to the sounds that Almeida had made when she'd been speaking another language other than Terran. She was completely oblivious to any unwanted attentions. Happy to bask in the company of her new <idiot Friends>.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Although he question didn't really go through, Aedrianna seemed to get enough of it to try an answer. However, the answer only confused Almeida further. “[She thinks you're her master? What? Why? Wasn't the whole goal to save her? Wait, is it because she's still wearing that collar thing? Or because that awful fellow is still alive? I can fix both of those issues, I think. Do you want me to?]” She realised she'd probably been talking too much and too fast for Aedrianna to keep up. “[Collar.]” She stated, pointing at it, then at Valerius. “[Break?]” Then she tried to offer. Then again, she also realised there might be another possibility. “[Or is she just used to having a master? What do they call it again? Stockholm Syndrome?]” How in the world would she tone down that question? “[Does she desire a master?]” Hopefully that was easy enough for Aedrinna to translate.
Languages <Beastial> Common [Terran] (attempts)

Aedrianna Belmonte

The wispy young girl blinked a few times, as she slowly repeated the words that Almeida had said. Sounding them out and flipping through the pages. She managed to get the gist of the question, along with the womans body language and gesture. Aedrianna took a second to look over at Sorieiel again. Blinking still as she considered the kitsune. She looked at the book and flipped another page or two before scrubbing her head and sighing. She looked at Almeida and lifted her shoulders, nodding a couple of times. She wasn't really pleased about it, but she couldn't hold it against the lady either. She'd likely been damaged a great deal to feel the way she did. After a moment though Aedrianna glanced around, as if realizing something was missing.

<"Hiruq? Where did you get off to?"> She turned about in a circle, looking around for her Wolfish fur brother.

Mentions" DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Noelle Nichi
With: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soriel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Almeida Elvario Elvario | Keircey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
"Common" ~ <"Beastial">

"Oh… well uhm… I had a little setback with my travel plans so… well… Here I still am." Noelle said slightly embarrassed when Aedrianna was surprised to see she was still in Nan Pass. Not that she was not happy to see her former client. But to admit she had a stroke of bad luck was a bit embarrassing.
Almeida started sniffing Noelle like some sort of dog. The mermaid found it adorable, but still a bit weird. She just smiled and let it happen. Almeida was able to smell the cinnamon bun that Noelle had just eaten. <"Yes… food… sweet… bread… you… try… too"> She said giving the android a warm smile. Although she doesn’t know if she would understand that she was confirming she had smelled the bread she just eaten and that she should also try it when she gets the chance.

The attention of Noelle was grabbed when The singing boy introduced himself as Keircey. A wandering singer. Although Noelle felt something might be off with that statement. But who was she to talk? She also might have failed to mention some things from time to time during her travels.
Keircey gave some thought to Noelle’s request to perform something together. Noelle looked at Aedrianna who was explaining something to Almeida in broken Terran. Noelle couldn’t understand any of it so she just let it be. Suddenly Noelle’s ears perked up as she thought she heard something [ Heightened sense [hearing] F ]. Whispers in a foreign accent to these parts [Perception F]. Was someone watching them? She turned to look at the audience that seemed to be starting to get a bit bored. She saw some people were looking at them. Mostly children waiting in anticipation for the next song as Noelle was visibly ready to start playing. She shook her head. It is not unusual that people would be watching them. They were street performers after all. Well her and Keircey at least. And Almeida would also draw some attention. Considering how she is and all. Still, something didn’t feel right. Best to stay on guard.

Keirsey agreed to play with Noelle and invited the others to join them. Aedrianna was being diffident about joining in the act. "Aww come one. Join us. It’s not that scary. Just close your eyes and let the music in your heart guide you. Who knows you might have a talent" Noelle said enthusiastically, hoping to get Aedrianna to join them. " And you can join too Soreiel. No need to ask permission". Almeida on the other hand. Noelle was not sure how to ask her if she wanted to join. And was it a good idea to let her join? The girl is nice and she knows she likes to sing. But performing before an audience is different from singing random sentences that pop up in your head. Still, if the android wanted to join she was more than welcome.

"If I want to play something specific?" Noelle said to Keircey and gave it some thought. "I don’t know. Let's just play and see where we go from there" This might be the ideal way to go with it as she has no idea what songs the guy knows and does not know. "Okay here we go" she said as she plucked the strings of her instrument and started to play a lovely melody [ Performance E ][music] ] that would work well for a duet.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Almeida was seriously debating to just ask Soreiel to lie down and then bring down Valerius onto the collar. Surely enough that'd break it. She could also make it non-lethal. Then again, non-lethal didn't mean non-injury and she would be slamming a hammer down upon a rather frail looking gal. Probably not the best of options.

It turned out Almeida's nose hadn't betrayed her. She had smelled some form of food. “<Try... where?>” She'd ask, looking around. She wasn't entirely sure what <bread> was, so she wasn't sure what she was looking for. Other than a weird smell of cinnamon that she wasn't all that familiar with.

She was a bit surprised when Noelle started playing music as well, but was quick to clap the moment there was a moment of silence. She wondered if Valerius would want to sing along as well, but it seemed like he was a bit too shy to do so in public. She herself didn't know the right language, so she figured she'd enjoy the show rather than ruin it.

  • OoC Info

    Keircey tries to encourage Aedriana to perform and attempts to adapt to Noelle's melody, analog is switched between common for Almeida's sake and the group is officially being watched

    Note: three rounds until combat starts

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer / help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen



From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Almeida was shocked. So much so that her jaw dropped and she just stared at Keircey for a moment, until she finally realised what just happened. “%Oh, my! You speak Analog? That's amazing! It's been so long since I had a proper conversation with someone! Did you know that a lot of Humans don't even speak proper Terran? It's insane, right?!? I've been trying to get by, with learning Beastial, but it's a pain and a half!%”

Now that she could actually talk a decent conversation with someone, she was actually eager to. “%Anyhow, I'm Almeida, I'm hoping to become a big-time adventurer, but I've start off with some simple jobs, like slaying rats, slaying a bear and now guarding this gal.%” She pointed at Aedrianna. “%She's a nice one though, so I definitely got a good job, even though it's a tad boring.%” She lifted Valerius. “%And this is my buddy, Valerius. He's a bit shy about new folk, but he's a good lad.%”

At the offer of performing she had to shake her head. “%As much as I like to sing, I don't think I'd be good enough, nor do I share the language, so I'm down to just stand by... ah, and I guess I should look around and act like an actual guard for a bit more?%” She question him, as if he knew how to do her job better than she herself might.

“%Still, though, it's so nice to finally get a full conversation going, rather than words or drawings. I mean, those were fun and all, but it's just not the same, you know? Ah, I doubt you know, you speak Common after all. Somehow I can't understand a single word of it, even though it's close to Terran! It's so weird. No matter how much I try, I just can't learn it. I'm sure it's because I've got some screws loose. See...%” She shook her head left and right, as feint clanging noises could be heard. “%You can hear that as well right? I'm pretty sure those are loose screws. Must be part of a language module.%” She nodded to herself. “%But that's more than enough about me! What about you? How'd you come to learn Analog? Do you come here often? Is performing your main job, or is it just a side gig? What brought you all the way here to Kuridan? How old are you? Are you single?%” She was so desperate for conversation she just spammed any question that came to mind at this point. “%Ah... sorry, like I said, it's been a while since I had some meaningful or, well, sentence-full conversation.%”

She figured it was high time to step back a bit and let them do their performance thing, as she didn't want to get in the way.
Jack Hayfield

Languages: Common, Bestial

Jack always failed everything he did, with one successful mission under his belt but a myriad of others uncompleted or halfway done. It was a cycle, he would go out on a mission hopeful and ultimately hide or cry the entire time only to go back to a home that was so graciously provided for him and be verbally berated by the owner. Well, the witch he lived with grew tired of his failures and kicked him out.

Now he was walking in somewhat familiar territory within the Paizu mountains, his hand nervously fidgeting with the [Amulet] that was graciously given to him from Crysanthara. Even if technically that mission was a failure, it reminded him that he was stronger than he thought. He stood before the ancient creature without crying, fainting or urinating. He smiles to himself. So what if he was [small] and [helpless]? He could do this!

What he was doing exactly…He didn’t have the faintest clue. He was mostly wandering in territory that he was familiar with in hopes that something would jump out at him and he could prove his worth to himself and those who abandoned him.

Singing could be heard a bit from where he stood, and he could see a small crowd gathering around the origin of the sound. His [bestial ears] twitch with a slightly enhanced sense of sound. Jack joins in the crowd, blending in with the children due to his height. As the group begins to converse, Jack opens up one of his many notebooks, scribbling down some words as he tries to translate the language in his head. He frustratingly scratches stuff out, his hand trying to keep up with their conversation.

His ears twitch again, focusing away from the obvious conversation to the muttering of others talking. Normally, he could just ignore everyone else talking–But the quiet voices he couldn’t make out sounded unsettling in a way that set off his prey drive. He looks around to the streets, then back to the group. He needs to walk away. To get away from what the predators are interested in.

Jack puffs out his chest, taking a deep breath before walking out of the crowd, lightly tapping on one of them who he had heard speaking perfect common beforehand. The blue haired girl who seemed nice enough to approach even with his shaky demeanor. “Um, excuse me…I think someone might be watching you all…” He says it under his breath in an attempt to not attract attention.

Directly Interact: Tellussoil Tellussoil
Mentions: Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Languages <Beastial> Common

Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna fidgeted slightly, as she listened to the man's friendly advice. It felt odd being comforted and encouraged to do something she loved to do so much. When she had memories of standing on a stage with a crowd of her own. And yet the little crowd of children had elicited a flicker of fear of judgement and failure. But as Kierceys voice began to rise again in song following Noelles playing, she felt the music begin to take over again. She smiled at Kiercey and Noelle, and when he began to sing, she found herself humming along. And when he held his hands out towards Sorieiel she reached her hand out and took hold of the kitsunes hand. Squeezing it half in encouragement for the girl, and half for herself. She nodded and smiled to her, hoping maybe it would give the girl a little spark of will, to do something fun for herself.

"Where stories whisper through ancient dunes,
There, a Wolf roams, under moon's gaze,
Guarding secrets of a bygone age."

Her voice did not waver, holding clear and true to each note. She followed along with Noelles Rhythm, Doing her best to harmonize with the music. Rising with a slow crescendo, and holding each end note.

"Come, little ones, gather 'round,
In this mystical place, where magic abounds,
Hear the tale of the Wolf, noble and grand,
Protector of this ancient land."

She caught herself and stopped, blushing a little; realizing she may have over done it a bit. But mostly, her attentions went to the adorable little goat child that tugged on Noelles sleeve. She felt herself struggling not to kneel down to speak to him. But once his words registered, she found herself a little confused. Of course they were being watched. He was one of the watchers was he not? It seemed a little on the nose for him to be telling them that people were watching them right now. So then, perhaps he meant they had other unwanted attentions. Aedrianna fidgeted again, glancing over to Hiruq who'd made himself apparent. <"Hiruq, stay close...please...."> She looked to the wolf nervously.

Mentions DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tellussoil Tellussoil Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile Tellussoil Tellussoil

Soreiel enjoyed the singing and story presented by the strange man who seemed to be able to speak in the same unintelligible language that Almeida used sometimes when talking to her hammer. However her mind was constantly drawing her attention back to those that were hiding nearby and talking about possible criminal activity.

She desperately wanted to listen to only the music and songs, especially once her mistress joined in, but again her attention just kept being drawn back to the men talking in the shadows, she heard the clicking and wiring of the man who was made of metal just as parts of Almeida were.

She looked at Noelle and smiled slightly as the little mermaid girl joined in the sing, by which point her mistress gently took her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. She didn’t understand why her mistress would do such an action, but as she pulled her closer to the man who was singing, Soreiel only took a step before pulling her hand from her mistress’s grasp as she once again her the shadow men speaking.

She heard one say ‘you can have the fox’ and Soreiel’s body went stiff with fear as her mind flashed back to what Lord Nero made her do when she was younger. She wanted to voice her concerns to the group but finally noticed the group of children around them just as a little goat had beaten her to the act and told the group that they were being watched.

Soreiel just stood there and leaned closer to whisper into her mistress’s ear. “The boy speaks truth, bad men, spying from shadows” was all she said, trying her best to not look like she had heard the men in the shadows.

Noelle Nichi
With: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soriel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Almeida Elvario Elvario | Keircey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile
"Common" ~ <"Beastial">

Noelle smiled hearing Almeida wanting to try a cinnamon roll too. <"Later… i show where… we try then"> she said to the android. That was going to be a nice thing to look out for. She should still have enough money to buy a nice treat.

While she was playing Noelle noticed Keircey pulling Aedrianna in front of the children before starting to sing to Noelle’s melody. Not long after Aedrianna also also joined in on the singing. The both of them sang a beautiful song. Noelle could get lost in the sound. But the strange voices she heard earlier bothered her. While using [Focus F] to keep her playing consistent she kept her ear out [ Heightened sense [hearing] F ] to listen for those weird voices. She could hear them not too far away. [Perception F] She now recognised what the foreign accent was. It was Terran. It annoyed her as she could not understand what was said, but whatever it was. The little mermaid felt uneasy about it. No one with good intention would talk in the language of men openly so far into the beastkin republic. Almeida also primarily spoke Terran though. But that girl was a special case. She is one of the good ones. For now, Noelle would mind her peace and see what would come their way.

When the song ended and they received the applause someone approached Noelle and tugged at her sleeve. When Noelle looked she saw it was a goat centaur child. "Aww aren’t you a cute one" Noelle said with a warm smile seeing the goat child. She got a worried look when she heard the kid’s words about someone watching them. It seems Noelle was not the only one who noticed them. Soreiel also confirmed to have noticed the onlookers. "Thank you little one. You did well to warn us" Noelle said to the little goat kid patting him on the head before turning towards the group. "I heard them as well. But as they are talking in Terran I don’t know what they are talking about" she said turning her head to look away from where she heard the voices. "Why are they after us?" she said wondering what their deal was. Personally, Noelle had no enemies. Well, none she could remember that quickly. Noelle suddenly remembered something. She side-eyed Keircey with suspicion for a moment before turning her attention to Aedrianna and Soreiel <"Could they be sent by that pompous jerk of earlier?"> she asked them referring to Nero.

  • OoC Info

    New person get’s involved, Keircey encourages everyone to run, Hiruq is ready to defend Aedriana.

    Note:until specification what Soreiel heard will be an attempt to understand Terran until further notice.

    Note two: Due to everyone being on high alert Combat has started! Effectiveness system loosely in effect!

    Players and Goals:
    ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) Keircey: attempt to become a performer/ help free Soreiel / escape one of his creators henchmen
    ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Aedriana: prove herself as a performer and adventurer / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Elvario Elvario ) Almeida: hired from the adventurers guild to protect Aedriana / help free Soreiel / escape one of Keircey's creator'shenchmen
    ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )Soreiel: perform with Aedrianna /get free Nero/ escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( Tellussoil Tellussoil ) Noelle : Free Soreiel / Resolve everything with little bloodshed as possible / escape one of Keircey's creator's henchmen
    ( SoftSmile SoftSmile ) Jack: (feel free to tell me if you have any specific goals for him)/aid the group/ escape Keircey’s creator’s henchman

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From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil

She'd watched the goat kid show up, a bit surprised by just how much beast there could be in genes of some of these beast-folk. The eyes were... kind-off creepy. The rest was pretty cute though, so it balanced out. Anyhow, she just assumed it was one of the various kids gathered up to listen to the singing, so she didn't pay him any more heed.

Meanwhile, Noelle had great news. “<Great! Friend!>” She replied to Noelle, after having been promised a chance to try the food she'd smelled moments prior.

On a more sad note, her long-desired chance of conversing in a known language had to wait until after the performance, which was fair, but still... She'd live though, probably. She just sighed and stood by to listen to the singing.

On the topic of singing, she chuckled at seeing Aedrianna go all out. Even if she didn't get any of the lyrics until after they'd been translated, she liked the tune and melody of it. She also looked surprisingly adorable singing. Then again, most people probably would, wouldn't they? It was only when Aedrianna stopped singing and seemed a bit nervous that Almeida got a bit more attentive. Getting nervous after performing wasn't normal, unless... “[Something wrong?]” She ask, clutching Valerius as she looked around.

It was Keircey that informed her. “%We're being watched?%” She wasn't scared. If anything, she was eager. “%Don't worry, I got this~%” Finally, a chance to do what she'd been hired for. “%Come out, come out, wherever you are~%” She challenged, as she got a bit further away from the few kids that hadn't scattered yet. Best to fight in the open with her weapon of choice.

She noticed someone starting to cast weird magic at them and grimaced. Using Valerius, she'd attempt to counter the magic by using the [Knockback] aspect of her Hammer-On Attack to stop him from finishing his casting by forcing him to break focus.

Hammer-On - Area F, Knockback F (1 action), Selective F, Accurate F, Penetrating F, Vorpal, Blight [Valkanite] F, Blind Fighter
Using the flat side of the war-hammer, Almeida smashes up an area in front of her and knocks all opponents away with it. - Grade F – 1 Action – 0 post CD
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Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna looked at Noelle with a bit of concern as she mentioned the man from earlier. Having only been able to talk to her father a little about him. She'd hoped he wouldn't do anything drastic. Kierceys sudden fear gave her some hope for a second. Perhaps it wasn't Sorieiels former master. And yet things unfolded blindingly fast. The spoiled brat Livius stood in front of them and worse yet, he was casting some strange magic that was making it hard to move. She grunted, struggling under the sudden pressure.
"Mr. Livius! This is Ngh" She grunted as she felt herself struggling to remain standing. "This is hardly proper treatment of a family acquaintance!" It was then that she saw the construct moving towards Noelle and the goat. Fear gripped her heart as a sharp object drew closer to her new friend. "Leave them alone!" She cried out, though as she did, she felt herself slipping down to a knee. "Please! Mr. Livius We can just talk about this!"

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Tellussoil Tellussoil Elvario Elvario SoftSmile SoftSmile Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Jack took a tentative step back from the group, in an attempt to separate himself from any of the perceived threat’s targets. Even though they agreed something was awry, Jack felt uncomfortable staying in their vicinity, but just couldn’t bring himself to leave. He would be a complete hindrance in battle–Something he knew all too well, but he might miss an opportune moment to help them if he ran.

That thought process was completely thrown out the window when the threat became a reality, a hulking construction heading in Jack’s direction. Well, it was also targeting the girl beside him, but he couldn’t find it in his weak willed heart to care. He needed to escape, and quickly. His eyes darted to those around them. Surely they could fend for themselves. He nods to himself in affirmation before turning tail and running at a speed some would struggle to catch up with. He yelps out something resembling an apology to the others before booking it.

With his [four legs] he galloped away with sweat building on his brow, hooves clicking on the pavement as he ran without looking back.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry

Soreiel looked around as she heard the approach of the construct, but before she could even say or do anything she felt the unnatural pressure trying to hold her in place. She saw a man she didn’t recognize approaching Aedrianna and she did her best to move in between the two. “N..no, you leave my mistress alone” she demanded, shielding Aedrianna from whatever may come next. (I’m posting this for now so it doesn’t accidentally delete for waiting too long, will add more later)

Noelle Nichi
With: Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry | Soriel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Almeida Elvario Elvario | Keircey DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Jack SoftSmile SoftSmile
abilities: Siren Song - Magic E, Performance E, Focus F, Affinity Element [sound] F, Affinity Incapacitating F, Magic targets F, Range F ~ An calming song with hypnotic effects that puts the targets in a trance like state ~ Grade E ~ 1 Post Cooldown
INT D (3)+ Catalyst E (2)+ Ability E (2)= Effectiveness 7
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

Everyone was on edge because they were being watched, Noelle included. Although she had yet to see who was watching them, it could be nothing major. Still, it gave the mermaid an ominous feeling. If they would just ignore it and pretend nothing is happening. maybe whoever is watching them will get bored and go away. Or they could calmly walk away and lose the person that way.
Unfortunately, the easy way was not how it was going. Almeida was letting out some aggressive bleep bloops. Was she challenging the onlooker? Whatever it was. By the sound of it, she got the attention of the spying eyes. Noelle heard the creaking and scraping of rustic metal as it was moving [Heightened sense [hearing] F] as they were coming their way. Noelle turned to see the rust bucket construct and that insolent fool from before approaching them ready to attack.

The construct was aiming for Noelle and the little goat boy while Nero targeted the rest with some purple magic. This was looking bad. Even though Noelle had already heard the construct approaching and could anticipate it. There was no way she could dodge its attack now. The little goat tried to run for it. But it is doubtful that would be enough to escape the rust bucket. The others didn’t fare any better with Nero trying to lift them with magic. Noelle knew she had to do something or people would seriously get hurt.
She knew what she had to do. It was a new ability she had been practising. She hasn’t tried to use it on an actual person. Nor did she want to use it on a human being. But she had no choice now. It was do or die
Noelle started playing on her lyre. Focused on both the construct and Nero the mermaid opened her mouth and started to sing as she performed [Siren song]. Her music was magic as she attempted to put the two foes in a trance so they would stop their attack, even if it were for just a moment. Noelle sang with her eyes closed. She was enjoying the song. Now to hope that it achieved its goal.
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