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Graded [Isekai Hell] Operation: Fort Bury


Roleplay Artist
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Hello thread viewer! This rp is part of the larger Isekai Hell RP community. If you are interested in open worlds, fantasy, isekai, or anime in general, feel free to check out our links!
For RP participants please link your character sheet in your first post.
The border between the See of Fae and the East Empire which those present for the operation found themselves in, by this point in the war was not the most pleasant place. The earth had been scorched, in places, rubble, even the occasional remains of equipment, construct parts, and sometimes long gone corpses were littered throughout. There were also a many craters in the ground which littered it due to spells, attacks, and explosives going off. For all intensive purposes it was an active combat zone which had been seeing periodic skirmishes, both sides who fought locked in for a battle for the right for their nation to exist and survive. Becoming much like a no man’s land the places which one could take cover behind were limited, many of them being hills in the natural terrain or rocks here and there, trees having been burned to the ground.

The Fae See side had been congregating at an encampment of sorts close to their side of the border. The encampment had been concealed behind a large hill for the time being as well as some illusion magic which had been thrown down.

A target had been made in sight for the Fae See to take out next. Fort Kanna. Fort Kanna was an impressive sizable, strategically placed military Fort which the East Empire had constructed many years ago for border security purposes, not only having stationed soldiers there, and a dedicated armory but more concerningly since the outbreak of the war a large cannon like device was spotted sticking out from it. It was most troubling to have it so close to the border indeed.

Fort Kanna

The fort itself at the present had a large stone dome ceiling from which the large impressive canon jutted out as well as pillars below. Around the dome in the center of the fort was military barracks, a training area, mess hall, and sizable stone walls and watch towers which went around the area. If it were just the walls that would be one thing but unfortunately for the Fae See combatants and allies there was a prolific magical barrier dome which went across the whole thing since the war had started. It had been difficult to discern what the source of the barrier was, and attempts had been made to penetrate through more conventional means, but it had tanked even some impressive blows from higher grade Fae who had managed to get across the hellish landscape.

While there had been some briefing prior to some arriving, others perhaps had not heard and were newly arrived, so around one of the encampment where many had congregated and a makeshift wooden podium had been erected and a more open space for people to stand for those who had gathered, with forestry all around them minus the sizable hill backing behind the where the podium had been placed.

In the crowd were some who were more noticeable than others, a band of short gnomes, some of whom appeared to have what looked like magitech guns in their possession as well as propellor packs, some sporting goggles and strange looking metallic packs on their back. Perhaps they had come to assist their ancestor’s homeland from Widersia? Whatever the case they were there for the cause.

In addition were elves, some with melee weapons like one handed swords and shields, others with bows and daggers in toe, wearing cloaks of plant fiber over their light armor of which would allow them to better blend into the surrounding environment.

Bearded dwarves with heavy armor, two handed swords, axes, and war hammers were not all too far off from the elves.

Supplementing these forces were a few bands of beast mercenaries, lizard men with scimitars and turbans upon their head, whose eyes gazed around. As well as twenty or so armored Badgermen spear wielding Ashigaru who were evidently part of a Kaichi for the same clan based on their logo, perhaps their Shogun had sent them to support the war effort against the East Empire. A trio of tall muscular bear men where one wielded a two handed sword, another a large wooden club, and another a war hammer.

Yukan Koyake

Then there was also a certain Tanuki who held his head high, among the beasts. He wore the Koyake clan’s back flag emblem proudly. For now Yukan stayed closer to the beasts who looked like they were also from Kuridan rather than the West Empire. The differences between the beasts were noticeable not only in stature and nation of affiliation but , some were more animalistic looking than others. Yukan looked forward to awaiting further instruction. He was ready for battle yet again, he knew that one battle like before wouldn’t be enough for his ambition, fighting for what was right was the way forward, even if it meant working in a foreigner's army against a common enemy.

Near the back of the group was a sizable looking Treant, carrying what could only be described as a catalyst which was tree like, and around the base of the treant was about ten Earth Genasi, whose skin reflected the tones of the natural earth, some of them having bits of rock and dirt floating around them by their very presence, wearing the silk robes of casters.

It became apparent why the decently sizable group had congregated when a white haired male elf took the stand, his outfit elegant, suggesting he was of a higher class.

From that point several appraisal orbs left him and flew around the group scanning the area and those that were there. Once it had been confirmed there weren’t any spies in the group, the speech started, in common.

Zamaris Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 9.19.00 PM.png

“Ahem, thank you for those of you who have bravely joined us here today, My name is Zamaris Xyvern, and I have been assigned to oversee the success of this operation. While many of you already know, the war between this great land and the Empire of humans at our border, has been a grueling one. Swift Decisive action is required to make progress toward what is right and just and make those who truly started this war regret ever even thinking of setting their sights on the Spirit King’s lands."

“Tonight, we will begin an intensive large area of effect spell, under Fort Kanna, the Empire building on the East Empire side of the border which I’m sure you all saw in the distance on your way here…Our great, skillful and sizable earth casting master Petrien has made his way out here to assist in casting this spell which if successful will not only disarm our enemy’s concerningly sized armament being stationed so close to our border, but will also create an opportunity for a more involved follow up retaliatory assault into their land once reinforcements arrive.”

Zamaris gestured to the large treant in the back who made a small bow.

“Unfortunately, the spell will display a rather prominent looking earth magic Sigil symbol under fort and the surrounding area, which we’ve determined through our intelligence even if we were to try to obscure it with illusion magic, they have stationed some high grade constructs to protect the fort who will no doubt be able to see right through it and alert them of our strategy..This is all further complicated by a large dome like barrier which has been placed over the fort, and more concerning it would appear as if the cannon has been charging up to fire and hit a target somewhere within our land which has not been determined yet..this is why preventive action is being expedited and why you are all here today.”

“Once Petrien starts the spell, with the assistance of the skillful Earth Genasai casters, It will only be a matter of time before the Empire is aware of our presence, as they have eyes across our border as well..that is where the rest of you who have gathered come into play. You will be tasked by preventing the advancement of any Empire forces from reaching Petrien and his casting company while they carry out the spell which as I mentioned will take some time..this will mean combat is inevitable. This is your primary objective.”

“I understand that many of you have come with your own internal leadership within your parties but I would suggest that leading representatives in particular talk amongst yourselves and strategize to create a solid defense by collaborating with others if you have not done so already before we get to the casting stage of this plan."

“Our intelligence has informed us that they will have their own war casters available, as well as more traditional ranged and melee capable unit cohorts, along with the possibility of construct support, this is important information to be taken into consideration. You'll know when the spell is complete with what takes place and by that point you should retreat a safe distance.”

“Thank you again, and I know that with our joint effort we will save many lives today.”
Zamaris then came down from the podium and made his way toward the front of the group as people began to disperse.

Once again Yukan almost had to roll his eyes but did not out of respect, why couldn’t the See of Fae armies ever seem to be unified under one banner without conflict and complete obedience? It just wasn’t like the Kuridan way, the fact that there had to be negotiation instead of everyone following command from the hierarchy, while not always ideal in Yukan’s opinion it was workable, however, presuming the groups weren’t too headstrong he had learned that much with his earlier success. Perhaps it was representative of of how the See of Fae wasn’t always the most orderly place, just like nature wasn't’..in a dance of sorts between the ordered and disordered..

Yukan looked to his fellow beasts who from the sounds of things were discussing in Beastial how they were likely going to have to fight on the front line but that was fine because ‘real’ beast’s thrived there at least according to one of the Bearmen.

(Narrator note: Alright! We’ve started, feel free to arrive on scene or already having been on scene, listen to the speech and interact with those you deem fit, feel free to let me know you plan to talk to x individual Example: “ leader of the bearmen or Zamaris” in your post and what you say to them, depending on who you talk too may grant narrative bonuses and assist the group in their defense. Non combat abilities currently have no cooldowns.)

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
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Ninelle (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece (Zamaris)​

The evening skies cast strange shadows across the scorched earth, littered with bones, corpses and erratic magic residue. Reminded of her rebirth in the depths of Cegloth, the masked fairy frowned, before calmly flying forward towards the fae encampment.

The various segregated armies were a sight to see, all sorts of fae and beastkin wielding their own culture's weapons and magics. In particular, the gnomes advanced magitech caused her gaze to linger, before she focused her attention primarily on the speech-giver.

His words were startling yet wryly amusing to the fae. Stationed on defensive duty for a tree once again? Was the world mocking her? As much as she couldn't help the paranoia and bad memories from rising, she refused to let herself die again.

"Good evening Zamaris." Ninelle began simply, floating over at ease once she ascertained no one else was approaching him. After being revived by the spirit king himself, she had met countless influential individuals who had heavily scrutinized her existence. Meeting a high class elf was nothing at this point. Whether he deemed her unworthy of her status or whatever rumours he may have heard about her, she cared not, greeting him in a lukewarm manner without much trepidation.

"I am Ninelle, here to help out with this particular operation before resuming my own activities elsewhere." She stated vaguely. In all honesty, she didn't want to be here. But those of the border heard of her visit, one thing led to another, and they all assumed she was here to help with the war effort. It was too hard to say no to all those desperate faces that felt she could turn the tide, and protect their unfortunate homes too close to the border. She was their hero. Even if she didn't deserve that title, they didn't know that.

"Where would I be most useful? My abilities mainly revolve around hindering the enemy, including putting them to sleep, disarming, tripping and trapping them with vines and other flora where possible. I can also heal and shield temporarily, but they're limited in usage and strength."

"Before the invaders arrive, I also would like to examine any army catalysts, to see if i can tweak their structure and potentially improve their magic output beforehand. Only if the corresponding wielder can handle it of course."

Ninelle wasn't a strategist. In all honesty, she still often viewed herself as that simple fairy from a simple fairy village, though she had grown so far from that in just a year. Whether her ideas or abilities were of any use, or where'd they be most applicable, she would leave those decisions to the experts.
HP (Vitality C): 4/4
Armour HP (Nat Heavy Armor E): 1/1 (3/3 Large; 4/4 Huge)

As the orange hues of the evening sky melted into the purples and blues of nightfall, Gyld Aza Lyrakien emerged from the dense foliage of the forest. In his majestic owlbear form, he presented a splendid sight, embodying the mysterious and awe-inspiring essence of nature.

Gyld's body, a harmonious blend of bear and owl characteristics, exuded a sense of primal strength and wisdom. His fur, reminiscent of a grizzly bear's, was a deep, earthy brown, absorbing the twilight's dim light. It contrasted strikingly with the smooth, tawny gold feathers that adorned his chest and front arms. These feathers, ranging from pale snow white to a burnished gold, created an image reminiscent of a golden dawn breaking over a lush, fertile landscape. This interplay of fur and feathers lent Gyld an air of majesty, a testament to his unique lineage and mystical nature.

But it was Gyld's eyes that captured the essence of his being. Large and incredibly expressive, they held the characteristic sharpness of an owl's gaze. The irises, a radiant shade of amber, glowed like molten gold, particularly intense under the moonlight. Encircled by a thin ring of jet black, these eyes reflected a depth of wisdom and knowledge, hinting at the many lifetimes of experience Gyld had accumulated. Whether surveying the expanse of his forest home or focusing on potential prey or allies, his piercing gaze was a symbol of his keen perception and formidable presence.

As Gyld approached the Fae See encampment, concealed behind a hill and masked by illusion magic, his presence commanded attention. He was sure the soldiers, weary from the ongoing skirmishes and the scars of war that marred the land, would find renewed hope in his arrival. Gyld's stature and the intelligence shining in his eyes spoke of a creature not only of great physical power but also of profound understanding.

Addressing the gathered warriors and strategists, Gyld's voice resonated with a depth that echoed the ancient wisdom of the forests, "Allies of the Fae See, the land weeps under the weight of this conflict. The dissonance of Fort Kanna, with its unnatural weaponry, disturbs the sacred balance we strive to protect. We must unite, blending our strengths and wisdom, to restore harmony to these lands. The task ahead is daunting, but together, we shall rise to meet it, guided by the natural order and the resolve in our hearts."

With these words, Gyld took his place among the leaders, ready to offer his strength, insight, and natural instincts to the critical operation ahead. His presence was a reminder of the resilience of nature and the unyielding spirit that thrives even in the midst of chaos.

From a perch, Gyld surveyed those the See had assembled.

In the crowd were some who were more noticeable than others, a band of short gnomes, some elves of course, and some bearded dwarves. Gyld yawned wide, his beak elongating large enough to swallow a gnome if he was so inclined.

However, there were some interesting bands of beastkin. Lizardmen didn't hold much appeal. Badgermen were a step up. There were twenty of them. They were evidently part of a Kaichi for the same clan based on their logo, perhaps their Shogun had sent them to support the war effort against the East Empire. However it was the trio of tall muscular bear men who pulled the bulk of his attention. One wielded a two handed sword, another a large wooden club, and another a war hammer.

There was one odd standout. A certain Tanuki who held his head high, among the beasts. There was a flicker in his soul, a hint of connection perhaps.

He listened half heartedly to the elf but the elder tree was something. He tasted the name of Petrien on his beak. Gyld let his Domain wash over his body, rippling as his body swelled into his Northern Bear of the Eternal Glade. He felt the sturdy transformation taking place, his body swelling in size, evolving into the robust form of the White Bear of the North, albeit with minor alterations, intertwining his being with the Eternal Glade's essence. The icy fur shimmered, encased in a layer of crystalline frost, reflective of the serenity and the enduring nature of his new form. His mind, still a whirl of adventurous thoughts, was now marked with a trace of serene wisdom, the byproduct of integrating the bear's heart.

The air around Gyld thrummed with power as he summoned his newfound Domain Ability, [Northern Bear of the Eternal Glade]. His large paws, laced with frost and layered with sturdy armor, were now imprints of both his and the bear's essence on the snow-clad ground. A gentle hum resonated around him, a sonorous melody of the forest’s stride, representing his newfound unity with the environment. He felt a rush of vitality, the regenerative powers embedded in his new form coursing through his veins, making him feel invulnerable to the trivial wounds of the environment.

"Master Petrien, I will guard you with my life." Gyld's massive head now large enough to swallow one of the dwarves or elves, looked towards the bearkin, "Attend me brethren. We will serve, unbreakable, eternal, vigilant over the Eternal Glade."

He looked to the other beastkin. "Come fellows, we shall show you the measure of the Eternal Glade! Those before us shall break!"

If now wasn't a time to show off and make a good first impression, when would there be?

Gyld unveiled his full power, his connection to the [Northern Eternal Glade] was strong and vibrant. He swelled as pale white snow flurried around the vibrant, emerald green energy pouring like a vibrant, eternal spring. His body swelled from large to huge, like a bear sized room. His strength ripped into the earth, rending ground and rock with his super strength.

He roared into the air, venting his excitement and fury. His was not the quiet path, hiding and hoping to trick opponents. He wanted them to come and break upon his fury and power.
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Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Language key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>"

Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Zamaris Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 9.19.00 PM.png

The Lune elf looked back at Ninelle as she made her way over to him.

“Good evening.” He replied back toward her. His expression was neutral, albeit cool, but not unfriendly.

He looked at her with assessing eyes of sorts, but once again it was not hostile, just more inquisitive than anything. It was no doubt something Ninelle had experienced probably more than once on account of the fact that she wasn’t fully a fae in the racial tree, but at the very least the way Zamaris looked at her, instead of judgment it was curiosity. She was clear to speak as no one else seemed to be approaching him for the time being.

“I understand now why my reaction to you was such when I set my eyes on you, so you are Ninelle, the Ninelle, well I must admit I am pleased to have you with us here, Hero of the Fae See. We can use all the help we can get, as I imagine you assessed based on what I was describing..between the cannon and the barrier this situation is most vexing and concerning until it is properly dealt with indeed.”

Whether or not the last name Xyvern had any relevance to Ninelle would depend how familiar or how close she had gotten to the Shade of the Fae See, but it was one of a line of noble blooded monster hunters and adventurers known in that area.

“Given your accomplishment I’d imagine you’d fit in well most anywhere for our efforts, but since you asked my opinion, based on the skillset you described, perhaps a supportive ranged role like our archers and gunslingers are providing. If you can help stall the enemy’s advance that would certainly be of great assistance, even if this task..is perhaps less than pleasant, I myself wished I would not see the day where I need to fell men over monster...”

He said sounding a bit down toward the latter part.

However his tone became more neutral again as he continued.

“Very well then, I’m not going to be the one to deny you, you may look at any catalyst you wish then, including my own and Petrien’s even if you wish, some of the archers have catalysts and I know for a fact those gnomes are wielding..essentially fancy catalysts which help augment and focus their spell’s offensive power.”

At that Zamaris presented Ninelle with his sword, which was in part a catalyst, Should she visit Petrien she’d get to see his rather large branch of a catalyst brewing with magical energy, as well as the varied ones carried by some of the elf archers, and by far the most complicated the Gnome gun catalyst hybrids.

(Narrator Note: Depending on how successful Ninelle is in tweaking, magic from these sources will gain an narrative power boon for the duration of the battle, in the case of Petrien’s catalyst the amount of time they need to hold out may be reduced)

Others in the crowd had taken notice of Ninelle and were speaking amongst themselves the news of a hero within their ranks motivating.

In the case of Gyld, he had caught the attention of some Fae and Beasts alike for his most unusual presence, there was an aura to him which suggested that he was someone who they should be pleased to have on their side, this was particularly true as he spoke up, members from all the groups looking over to him in some capacity.

Yukan Koyake

One of these beasts was Yukan Koyake. Frankly he had never seen an owlbear before, so the sight was a bit surprising, but what Yukan liked immediately about him was that he sounded very grounded. His speech also resonated with Yukan’s sensibility. There was a natural order which needed to be protected Yukan had experienced that with the witch, and the unnatural evil crimes which that East Empire woman on the path for more and more power had gone dow. In his mind, It was through teamwork that they would succeed or fall, Yukan had learned that much in several battles he had been in now. It was essential to coordinate and not extend beyond one’s means. This would be someone who Yukan felt like he would want to pay attention too moving forward.

Gyld’s words had not only resonated with Yukan as he had gotten some words of agreement here and there from his audience and gestures of acknowledgement of those who had paid attention and agreed. Gyld’s words were reinforced by how assertive he looked to the audience.

What transpired next just about got the attention of just about everyone who was present. WIth Gyld’s size change and command over the elements bringing a combination of the north and the glade, it was a spectacle to behold.

Yukan heard Gyld’s life oath, and that wasn’t much unlike the sorts of oaths respectable beasts did back in Kuridan, reminding him of his own sentiments, another reason to watch where this well spoken and presumably powerful guardian would go.

The [Large] Petrien looked over hearing Gyld’s oath. His voice sounded somewhat deep, further suggesting the treant’s age.

“Thank you guardian, with the many years I’ve seen here in this realm and many speeches heard, your words from someone like yourself are not taken lightly, I am confident that we will be able to complete the spell with you by our side. I would also like to thank everyone once more for choosing to fight for what is right even if it means putting themselves at risk, It is most noble to be of service to the Spirit King and protect all those whom he oversees.”

The bearkin with the impressively large Otsuchi style hammer who was by far the largest of the trio looked at Gyld and let out a hearty laugh. “<I like your style guardian of the glade! You understand what it means to be a true beast! I am Jishin-Sha, and these are my brothers! Jinpu!>” He’d gesture to the other bear with the large two handed sword, “<And Sumasshā!>" He’d gesture over to the one with large Kannabo style club.

“<We three will join you in battle and we will not stop fighting until the fort falls!>” Jinshin-Sha exclaimed.

Jinpu nodded in agreement, “<I’ll cut them down like the sickle does the wheat!>”

Sumassha added for good effect, “<With me the very earth beneath their feet will tremble!>”

Jishin-Sha then looked to the other beasts who had gathered, “Well you heard him let us take the brunt of their forces, and united we’ll be unstoppable!”

The Badgers had one in their ranks who looked a bit more distinguished with a larger back flag and slightly more ornate armor.

“<Very well then, I Captain Takai, of the Mokuzai Clan will assist in your endeavor by filling the line wth the units under my command.>”

Even the lizardmen seemed to be onboard with the plan one who looked a bit better off than the rest speaking up, “<I'll have it be known I am their leader Qrozk, It matters not where we fight, just that we get paid appropriately, while you deny their melee units area with your spears we will get in closer and cut them down.>” The lizardman marauder mercenary leader with the red turban. said.

“<I Yukan Koyake, will fight alongside you too.>" Yukan spoke clearly out to Gyld and the others.

“<If we organize our forces appropriately we’ll be much more effective, the spears for area denial, the scimitars for finishing them off, and from the sounds of things you four have various means of crowd control which will come in handy if we work together in tandem.>” He said referring to Gyld, and the three bears mainly.

“His words sound reasonable.”Qrozk agreed.

As did Takai, “The Koyake member is much in line with my own thinking then.”

(Gyld Narrative boon:
United Hunt: The beast defenders are inspired to fight, less likely to be routed or retreat even if suffering heavy losses, more willing to work together to become a unified organized force to be reckoned with, the three bear brothers are particularly impressed by Gyld and are more likely to listen to him than they would have been otherwise.)
Ninelle (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece (Zamaris)​

Ninelle, speaking with Zamaris, was quite the distance away from the beastkin armies. However, even then, it was hard to miss the thunderous voice of the owlbear's speech, and his consequent transformation of glacial fur and tremendous size. Such a ferocious form and roar could shake the hearts of even the bravest soldiers up close, but, personally, Ninelle was quietly just relieved that the hill had an illusion cast over it, and that no unwitting attention had been drawn to them before the ritual had even started. Sighing softly, she was at least glad to see the seeming unification amongst the frontline forces as a result, even if she couldn't quite understand the need for such fanfare.

However, the high-minded speeches of those uplifted by the owlbear turned her head aside. Ninelle had long grown tired of such self-righteous war talk. It followed her wherever she went. What noble cause? What true beast? In the end, all war equalled was taking lives.

Frowning silently behind her mask, she was only broken out of her thoughts once presented with the lune elf's scrutinizing gaze and reply.

"It is a pleasure to have met you here as well. Working with a warrior of the Xyvern lineage face-to-face is an honour few can say they have." Ninelle returned the courtesy with a smile. "The stalemate is indeed very worrisome. Only able to do nothing but watch as they prepare a weapon of seeming mass destruction. We can only hope Petrien's ritual here will be a worthwhile endeavour." She continued lightly, mildly glancing back towards the treant elder. Where so many fae mages have tried and failed, things had grown desperate. She would not like to think of what would happen should the ritual itself fail completely.

"I understand." Ninelle nodded simply at the delegation of her duties, finding it expected. Her gaze, however, flickered slightly at his latter words, mulling over his listless appearance. "No need to worry about me. I did not earn my title at the start of the war without reason. I have killed before." She stated lightly, quietly watching the crowds below. "With time, you will get used to it." The fairy smiled sadly from behind her mask, though her words themselves were toneless.

With her request to artifice accepted, she quietly nodded and took in the brief descriptions of each catalyst-wielder given by Zamaris. "Very well. I will look at as many as I can before the ritual commences." She nodded carefully, not the most confident in her own speed or efficiency in terms of artificing (using [Artificer C] for all tinkering below).

Presented by the lune elf's blade, Ninelle's gaze shimmered slightly as she fluttered around it in inspection. She was no blacksmith, but the pull of mana at its hilt and core was enough for her to tinker with it's magic capabilities. Assisted by her [Metal Affinity F], she tweaked the leylines of the blade in such a way that should increase its mana output and efficiency, spreading them further and more concisely through the blade.

The sight of Petrien's catalyst made her smile. A classic fae wand, or well, staff, if many times bigger than her own body. The familiar flow of nature's mana could be felt by touch, and Ninelle got to work much more eloquently than before, letting her innate instincts and wisdom guide her [Nature Affinity F, Nature E, Agriculture E]. The staff now shimmered emerald, a remnant of Ninelle's own mana (using [Mana Inserter] title), with hopefully empowered spells and faster mana replenishment.

The variance in the elven archers' catalysts were a sight to see, all personalized in some regard. It was a far cry, but should any use more animalistic power sources, she would use any relevant knowledge to the best of her ability [Animal Handling E].

As far as how the gnomes' gun catalysts went, she was by far the most lost and least proficient with them. She studied them carefully [Appraisal C, Focus D], using all of her knowledge to guide her, and any welcome guidance from the gnomes as well, in order to tweak and maximise their effectiveness. Although, this was certainly not the time for a thorough magitech lesson, and Ninelle had to be cautious not to accidentally cause more harm than good, hence she could not visit all the gnomes before things began to move.
The [Large] Petrien looked over hearing Gyld’s oath. His voice sounded somewhat deep, further suggesting the treant’s age.

“Thank you guardian, with the many years I’ve seen here in this realm and many speeches heard, your words from someone like yourself are not taken lightly, I am confident that we will be able to complete the spell with you by our side. I would also like to thank everyone once more for choosing to fight for what is right even if it means putting themselves at risk, It is most noble to be of service to the Spirit King and protect all those whom he oversees.”

Amidst the gathering dusk, the scene unfolded beneath the sprawling canopy of ancient trees, their leaves whispering secrets of old. The air was thick with anticipation and the earthy scent of the forest floor, a testament to the sacred ground upon which they stood. Gyld, with his imposing stature and the noble bearing of an owlbear, stood before the Petrien, a treant whose years were etched into the very bark that formed his visage. The setting sun cast long shadows, intertwining the figures of beast and ancient tree, symbolizing the unity of their purpose.

Gyld's voice, deep and resonant, carried through the clearing, touching the hearts of all who had gathered. "Honored Elder, your words are firmament for my soul!" As he bowed, the rustle of his feathers and the soft shifting of his fur seemed to harmonize with the gentle sigh of the wind through the trees. He watched the Petrien, towering and venerable, with limbs that held the wisdom of centuries and nodded once more.

His deep voice rumbling like the earth's heartbeat, continued, "Your words honor me, ancient one. The wisdom of your roots spread far beyond this glade and is a guide towards victory. Together, with the Spirit King's blessing, we shall shield the land and its inhabitants from harm. It is not just our duty but our privilege to stand for what is right, to ensure the natural balance is preserved for future generations."

Gyld turned to take in those around them, the assembled warriors of diverse races and creeds, and he felt a surge of unity and purpose. To him the air vibrated with the power of their combined resolve, a silent vow to protect their world against the encroaching darkness. It filled is heart. In this moment, the alliance was more than a mere assembly of fighters; it was a confluence of spirits, bound by the sacred duty to defend the balance of nature and the realm under the watchful eyes of the Spirit King.

As Gyld raised his head, his eyes glowing with determination under the twilight sky, he knew the gathered forces must now know they were not just fighting for victory in battle but for the preservation of the harmony that sustains all life.

The bearkin with the impressively large Otsuchi style hammer who was by far the largest of the trio looked at Gyld and let out a hearty laugh. “<I like your style guardian of the glade! You understand what it means to be a true beast! I am Jishin-Sha, and these are my brothers! Jinpu!>” He’d gesture to the other bear with the large two handed sword, “<And Sumasshā!>" He’d gesture over to the one with large Kannabo style club.

“<We three will join you in battle and we will not stop fighting until the fort falls!>” Jinshin-Sha exclaimed.

Jinpu nodded in agreement, “<I’ll cut them down like the sickle does the wheat!>”

Sumassha added for good effect, “<With me the very earth beneath their feet will tremble!>”

In the dimming light of the encampment, the bear brothers' hearty declarations created a palpable sense of unity and determination in Gyld, which he hoped was shared among the other gathered warriors.

"<Jishin-Sha, Jinpu, Sumasshā,>" Gyld began, his voice strong and clear, echoing in the language of the beastkin, "<Your courage lights the path we walk together. In the dance of battle, your might shall be the drumbeat that drives our advance.>" Gyld watched the bearkin with his liquid gold eyes, now each was larger than a fist, and looked to their expressions, searching for their pride and readiness.

When he was satisfied, Gyld continued, his gaze moving between the brothers, "<The bond we forge this day, in the face of adversity, shall be remembered as the moment when the tide turned. Our enemies shall find no purchase on our soil, for the roots we lay down today will hold fast against any storm.>"

Gyld was sure the alliance forming would be a testament to the supremacy of the [Eternal Glade], worthy worship to nurture his destiny. The bearkin, with their imposing presence and weapons that spoke of their prowess in combat, stood as pillars of strength. Gyld, with his noble bearing and the wisdom of his words, united them under a common banner.

As Gyld finished speaking, Gyld allowed more of the [Northern Eternal Glade] to leak out, making the the air around them seemed to thrum with energy, the spirit of the wild infusing each warrior. The bond between Gyld and the bearkin was a microcosm of the larger unity he sought to forge among all the allies.

This moment, under the stars and amidst the whispers of the forest, would mark the beginning of a battle not just for territory, but for the very essence of their world.

Jishin-Sha then looked to the other beasts who had gathered, “Well you heard him let us take the brunt of their forces, and united we’ll be unstoppable!”

The Badgers had one in their ranks who looked a bit more distinguished with a larger back flag and slightly more ornate armor.

“<Very well then, I Captain Takai, of the Mokuzai Clan will assist in your endeavor by filling the line wth the units under my command.>”

To the rallying cry of Jishin-Sha to take the brunt of the forces, Gyld nodded in agreement. "<Let our unity be the anvil upon which the enemy's advance breaks. Each of us brings a strength unique, each a separate blow to shatter our enemy. Together, we are indeed unstoppable.>"

Captain Takai, distinguishable by the larger back flag and the intricate designs etched into his armor, stepped forward, his stance embodying the pride and tradition of the Mokuzai Clan. The ornate armor gleamed under the campfire's light, a testament to the clan's storied history and their unwavering commitment to the cause. His voice, firm and resolute, carried the weight of his clan's honor, pledging their spears to the defense of the realm.

Gyld, standing tall and imposing, his fur and feathers blending with the dim light, nodded solemnly to Captain Takai. "<Your spears are not just weapons but symbols of our united front like trees sheltering together to make a forest. Together, we form a shield impenetrable, a force as enduring as the ancient forests from which we draw our strength. Captain Takai, the Mokuzai Clan's valor adds to our collective might, a reminder that together, there is no foe we cannot face.>"

The encampment, a microcosm of the broader alliance, buzzed with the preparations for battle. Each individual, from the towering bearkin to the steadfast badgermen, was a crucial strand in the web of defense. Granted it was a defense he had no clue how to forge. He was far from a general. He used to command generals who would handle such details for him. If only there was one such worthy to fill such a role here...

Even the lizardmen seemed to be onboard with the plan one who looked a bit better off than the rest speaking up, “<I'll have it be known I am their leader Qrozk, It matters not where we fight, just that we get paid appropriately, while you deny their melee units area with your spears we will get in closer and cut them down.>” The lizardman marauder mercenary leader with the red turban. said.

Upon hearing Qrozk's declaration, Gyld acknowledged the practicality and necessity of their mercenary allies. "<Qrozk, the fae grant you gold, sure, and you will have your due and then some from the bodies of our foes! Let's rip their hearts from their chests and devour their power to make as our own!>" Gyld roared to the sky and the moon above. "<Blood and coin, you'll get your pay.>"

“<I Yukan Koyake, will fight alongside you too.>" Yukan spoke clearly out to Gyld and the others.

“<If we organize our forces appropriately we’ll be much more effective, the spears for area denial, the scimitars for finishing them off, and from the sounds of things you four have various means of crowd control which will come in handy if we work together in tandem.>” He said referring to Gyld, and the three bears mainly.

“His words sound reasonable.”Qrozk agreed.

As did Takai, “The Koyake member is much in line with my own thinking then.”

Turning at Yukak spoke, "Ah ha!" Gyld grins an avian grin, beak sharp enough to rend armor pulled back and open. There's a hint of bears teeth in his mouth somehow. Beak for rending, teeth for cutting, and a mouth that could swallow Yukan whole. But Gyld is happy in the way of a beast. There's no hunger to his yellow gold eyes as the lids slit in a way to show his happiness. "Yes! A general of sorts, or the beginnings of one. Noble and fierce. I love it! Speak then of your thoughts and strategy. More, I want to hear more of your words of plans and strategy."
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Language key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>"

Mention: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Zamaris Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 9.19.00 PM.png

Zamaris appeared to smile faintly when Ninelle mentioned that it was a mutual pleasure to have met.

“I have faith in Petrien’s abilities truthfully. With the assistance of the other casters and the Spirit King willing, we will succeed here today, and the eternity of Fort Kanna will be swallowed up by the depths of the ground, as well as their weapon to the point where it will be not only inoperable but also unfeasibly recoverable.”

When she disclosed she had killed before and the tone she used Zamaris simply gave her a knowing look of acknowledgement and a more solemn nod, picking up on the toneless words that it probably wasn’t a topic which had number one priority or was favorable to be discussed more in detail for Ninelle herself from his understanding.

Upon him presenting his well crafted blade, Zamaris looked intrigued by the process to which she improved the sword catalyst hybrid, it was in a Lune Elf style, it looked like Zamaris could quite literally see where she was shifting the lines as his eyes followed, perhaps through some form of magic perception in his vision.

“My, I must admit I haven’t seen anyone consider moving the lines that way before, but I can already tell you’ve managed to increase the power output considerably..thank you Ninelle I appreciate it, these sorts of blades from the Xyvern family armory are not something I let just anyone interact with lightly, and I can tell that I made the right choice as fair as your skillset is concerned.”


Petrien watched Ninelle with a certain wisdom to his elderly treant face, her perception of his staff was quite accurate almost like a small tree in its own right since it was sized for a treant his size. Thankfully her abilities were quite helpful in augmenting the main catalyst for the ritual spell, it became a much more efficient catalyst for the spell to be transferred through.

“Thank you Hero of the See of Chearon, I can tell that you are skilled beyond your years, This will be of great assistance to our cause here today, and perhaps lives will be saved because of your work.” Petrien said with a warm intonation to Ninelle.

Many of the elves were more than pleased to let Ninelle given her status work on their catalyst, Some of the more animalistic totem based ones were helped while more technical ones were less changed, nevertheless the forces were partially bolstered from her efforts in their offensive and defensive potency.
Then there were the gnomes with their considerably more technical hybrids, the gnomes guided her where they could, some seeming fascinated by her hybrid status, with the knowledge she got on them Ninelle was able to bolster some of the gun catalysts but many were left unchanged due to how much more time intensive each attempt was, or due to them being beyond her comprehension with her current skillset and understanding, resulting a smaller portion of them to be bolstered than other groups.

Regardless of how effective she was each group was thankful.

“Since you’re here, why not stay back with us and use support magic during the battle?” One of the gnomes piped up wearing some sort of strange goggles and what sort of looked like a fusion of a wooden and metal aviation helmet. Also having one of the strange metal pack on his back.

“Those bows may be old fashioned but us and the elves with the bows have decided to provide a line of cover fire from the backlines. In our case we have the mobility and weapons to engage in close quarter combat if deemed appropriate.”

This was the time for Ninelle to decide if she wished to stay in the back with some of the other ranged magic users or position herself elsewhere, as well as further strategize with them if she so desired as the time grew closer to the conflict.

(Narrative Ninelle Boon Tinkering Artificer: Zamaris sword Catalyst more effective in battle, Petrien casting ability enhanced, ritual will go off sooner than would have had Ninelle not improved the catalyst. Some more animalistic based catalyst elf archers effectiveness magic in combat boosted, few gnome guns boosted)

Petrien gave a nod of approval to Gyld in response. “You speak well Gyld Aza Lyraiken, I predict your actions for unity and preserving the future will bear fruit. I wish the Spirit King’s blessings upon you in this battle for what is right.”

All three of the Bearkin brothers looked to be at attention to Gyld when he looked to them, his size and status essentially ensuring he got the attention. All three of them looked considerably emboldened with their body language and glints of conviction, looking back to Gyld.

“<”You hear that brothers? Our heartbeat will be the drums of the front bringing us to victory!, the guardian speaks the truth, Feel that energy? Between all of our might, We will be the barrier, the anvil which will hold!>”

The two other bear brothers looked agreeable to Gyld and Jinshin-Sha’s words.

Captain Takai gave a bow exuding his Republic of Kuridan etiquette at Gyld’s words. “<I am pleased that you seem to understand the value of the Mokuzai clan on the battlefield as well as our way of battle, this is true, united as our Kaichi is we will create a forest for which the enemy will not penetrate.>”

Qrozk looked at Gyld and spoke with acknowledgement “<Perhaps we’ll gain a little something extra if we perform to the best of our abilities, regardless it is apparent working together will yield the best results, and there isn’t much use for gold if you leave the land of the living..so let’s reduce those chances as you say..>”

Yukan Koyake

Yukan looked over at Gyld curiously when Gyld turned to him and let out an Ah ha and grin. He gave a bow to him before he continued,

Yukan deciding it was best he spoke a strategy which made sense to him, speaking with Leadership C + Warfare E + Persuasion F +Etiquette F -Grade C (3 post cooldown)

“<Thank you for words and the opportunity I appreciate it . More specifically I would like to see us organize a Gyourin formation, ideally with the Mokuzai Kaichi creating a spearwall, perhaps on either side of the triad formation of Jishin-Sha, Jinpu, Sumasshā who will use their martial abilities to deal decisive blows to our enemies, As for yourself If you join forces with them you’ll be able to help prevent the enemy forces from even getting a chance to counter our spear wall with their extended range by keeping the enemy occupied at a distance where they are advantaged, then as far as Qrozk’s soldiers are concerned with their closer range combat, They should help cover our flanks if anyone gets by as well as get in closer periodically to finish off enemies should there be any who somehow manage to survive the combined power of the spear wall and you four.>”

“<Does this sound agreeable to all present?>” Yukan posed the question.

“<From that point if we agree we should speak with our Fae Allies and make sure we can coordinate with ranged support and any melee units which they may send our way, to describe our intention.>"

Now was the optional time for Gyld to have some input in the strategy, consider positioning and or discuss to consolidate others into the plan before it was time.
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“<Gy-what-in?” Gyld asked, tilting his humongous head and tilting it as birds of prey are want to do, to assesses prey and unknown situations. “It’s not a question it IF but absolution! I will be the tip if your Gyvbolin…Goblin?” He shook his head, “Your whatever. You seem trustworthy, so we will all put our faith and lives into your strategic mind. I’m sure you’ve never lead allies or large units under your command to thier deaths!>”

Looking about, Gyld roared again, “<Three cheers for Yukan the Infallible! The Master General whose mind will thrust like a spear through the guts of our opponents stupidity>.” Gyld paused in the cheering and hyping of the Beastkin and got lost for a moment imagining eating the guts of his enemies.

Shaking him self from his twilight dream, he jerked when Yukan suggested talking to the Fae.

“<I had thought they would be useless and prone to fleeing. I mean elves and gnomes aren’t known for being stalwart.>”

Shrugging, Gyld padded over towards the Fae, dragging Yukan along. “You who hides behind masks!” He roars if necessary to get Ninelle attention. “Are you useless at combat and going to bolt at the first sign of failure or dampening of spirits?” Cocking his head to the side again, Gyld enjoyed peering down at the humanoid. “Same goes for the rest of you lot. Are you going to toss your weapons aside a flee if someone rushes you our things look bad? I see you fiddling with tools, but what happens if they break? Will you break?!”

Nodding to Yukan, Gyld said, “Those is you who plan to actually contribute, General Yukan will tell you were you need to be and what flags and sounds to listen for if the tides change and we need to adapt. The rest of you go stand behind the hill so we know not to rely on you.”

OOC: Gyld is going to take his Leadership E for a spin combined why Spirit Beast Guardian Ability E. I’ll also leverage having ask the Beastkin United under one leader and one general to help gain control of the Fae ands make them listen to Yukan’s strategy.

  • Spirit Beast Education E: Using his knowledge of nature, religion, survival and his own connection to the Eternal Glade Domain F, Gyld puzzles out mysteries and hunts prey through natural environments in the sacred ways of spirit beasts. Using appraisal, he teases out the characteristics of threats, how they might be predators or prey, their connection to nature or lack, and their spiritual affinity or what religious affiliation they might have.
    • Intelligence A (Owlbear),
    • Educated E2 (Nature, Religion, Survival).
    • Leadership E2
    • Appraise E (0): Appraise as an Isekai Spirit Beast.
Ninelle (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Zamaris's mention that the fort would be 'swallowed up by the depths of the ground' did not go unmissed by the young fae. Ruminating briefly, she was at least glad to know what to expect as their indication for success, even if the idea of helping bury countless living bodies underground was a gruesome one.

Upon returning the lune blade to the elf, Ninelle smiled. "There's no need for such flattery. I'm just glad I could be of service." She shook her head lightly, feeling humbled by such generous praise. Her artificing was originally merely learnt as a means to an end, and had barely reached a level sufficient for herself. Being mostly self-taught and out of touch with the artificing market, she really didn't think she had anything to be proud of just yet.

The gratitude, awe and respect from the others she aided in artificing was met with smiles and handshakes by the cyborg fairy, before settling beside the gnomish sharpshooters and rubbing her sore wrists. "Thank you for the offer, I think I will." She nodded back without much thought. She was not someone with huge stakes in this battle, nor did she particularly care for its outcome, hence her indifference towards any strategizing, thought she took her time to listen and get to know her comrade gnomes and fellow fae.

Then, the voice of a beast trembled and echoed across the fae forces.

As a mere [Tiny] sized fairy, being suddenly addressed and arrogantly stared down upon by a gigantic owlbear with such a predatorial and condescending gaze could make waves in anyone's heart. Silently, she clenched her fists, but she did not falter. The experiences she had endured in her life already, would not let her.

"How arrogant." She stated coldly, fluttering upward to levitate level to the owlbear's face. "I don't need to tell you anything. But I will tell you that I am not hiding myself. I am merely protecting others from my appearance." She explained quietly, with a twinge of frost lacing her tone. "You seem to look down upon the fae. But whilst I am here, I will not stand for it." She suddenly smiled, with hints of her cold amusement leaking into her words.

"Beastkin are not the only one battle-hardened. Which nation is it that you are aiding in war right now?" She scoffed, though her tone was still oddly gentle, as if incapable of the heavy tones of aggression and fury.

Gyld was fortunate that Ninelle was not a leader. His words were provocative, arrogantly stating orders as if the fae should rightfully listen to beast command somehow, despite standing on Fae See land and fighting for their cause. Such abrupt and unfounded arrogance boiled her fury, but, Ninelle was not one fond of confrontation and conflict. Especially not with the hidden plans she held for after this mission. Sighing softly, she took a deep breath and began fluttering back towards the fae.

"I'll leave matters of the fae leadership discussion to you, Zamaris. Rightfully so." She nodded gently, cooling her spout of indignation off as she addressed the lune elf.

(OOC: Mainly leveraging Ninelle's [Hero of the Fae See] status here, and character grade.)
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Language key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Mention: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Yukan Koyake

Yukan was pleased to hear that Gyld was on board, but unfortunately given the nature of war and conflict Yukan couldn’t confirm Gyld’s last statement as far as the hunt went, some of those loses were unavoidable when it came to the large toad, then there was the matter of the last time he had gone to fight for the Fae See and that monster had killed the slave. He wished he could confirm that, but Yukan had now learned that the nature of combat was a matter of risk, reward, and exchange. You needed to make calculated exchanges if you were to have loses, where your opponent’s loses were greater than your own and he just had an unfortunate feeling that deep down, if he continued to rise in rank like he planned, he would be put into situations where he would have to make decisions who would be saved and who would be sacrificed in a combat situation...

Because of Gyld’s hyping, the three bear brothers seemed agreeable to the formation plan.

“<If a strong guardian thinks it’s a good idea then why don’t we give it a go?!” Jishin-Sha exclaimed with enthusiasm.

“<Very well brother, while I have not fought in formal military before, if this contributes to our victory I will gladly stay where I am needed.>” Jinpu added

Sumassha nodded "<Doesn’t matter to me from where I crush them, the outcome will be inevitable!>”

What Yukan hadn’t quite been expecting was how much Gyld was hyping him up, Yukan generally wasn’t the sort to do that, but having someone else do it on his behalf could be beneficial as it seemed to be in the case of the bearkin men.

The three of them cheered once again when Gyld hyped up Yukan further.

Captain Takai looked like he was in thought as if mulling over what Yukan had said, not as immediately reactive to Gyld’s hype work.

“<Hm..while we don’t know for sure if our enemies will outnumber us, a Gyourin like formation should theoretically reduce the chances for loss of life if we work in the way you describe..>”

Yukan looked back letting Captain Takai express his thoughts.

“<I’m willing to try it as your reasoning does not seem unreasonable when we are dealing with enemies who are unknown in power and size, but should we have issues I will order my men to adapt accordingly.>” Captain Takai said matter of fact.

Yukan gave a bit of a bow toward him. “<Of course.>”

Qrozk spoke, “<Fine then we’ll finish those off who get too close and cover the flanks..>”

Yukan listened to what Gyld had to say, and his point wasn’t an unreasonable perception to have from that of a Beast.

However Yukan had a good feeling that what Gyld thought wasn’t a blanket quality for the Fae, even if some of those who he had worked with before had fled, others had stayed by his side those with them wouldn’t be there to fight for the Spirit King without some sort of conviction when it involved taking down something which threatened their home.

Yukan nodded to show that he was paying attention to what Gyld was saying while not directly commenting on it.

However he did go along with Gyld. Yukan wasn’t exactly sure if this not..exactly diplomatic approach was the best one to use, but hopefully it would get some sort of result from the fae who were more convicted than others. It was understandable to him when Ninelle was offended.

Some of the Fae within the units looked indignant at what Gyld spouted.

“{Why does he think we’re here? I’d give up my life for the Spirit King!}” An elf proclaimed.

The gnome who Ninelle spoke too scoffed, “{Guardian or not just a wee pup thinking he’s all high and mighty because he’s strong.}”

The gnome switched to common from Sylvan, “You ought to speak with some more respect to Ninelle, for she is a heroine most profound, and she’s right, many are here because it is their home, for me it is the home of my ancestors, but it means an awful lot to all of us for different reasons, I won’t be turning my back on any of you, and I hope that you’d all do the same!”

“Course we will, I’m not about to prove him right!” This time a feminine elven voice who carried a bow said in common.

Despite the offense Gyld had caused to some it looked like some of the Fae were more inclined to stay and prove Gyld’s perception as inaccurate.

Others were more bothered at the idea of taking leadership from beasts, as while Gyld’s perception of the Fae was that some of them were cowardly, some of them still held the idea that while humans were like children, beasts weren’t unlike infants who weren’t too far removed from their origins. Some of them could probably get by this perception depending on what Zamaris deemed appropriate.

Zamaris Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 9.19.00 PM-1.png

Zamaris listened to what Gyld had to say with discerning eyes, Ninelle had been well received by those who she had spoken too including himself, the Gnome pleased enough with her thanks, and the others who she had helped more than willing to speak in her defense.

Zamaris gave Ninelle a nod. “Right, I’ll handle it then.”

“I will make it clear that I have no intention of insisting that all of us here uniformly give authority to this individual who you speak of without question, and as others have said Ninelle Lifeblossom deserves respect as do others who are endangering their lives for this cause, please consider your words.”

“With all of this said and this understanding put forward, I am willing to listen to the strategy you mercenaries have come up with so that we may better work together, that is why you are here to fight alongside us against a common enemy afterall, and the best course of action will be to coordinate, so then since you have apparently been choosen to share, Yukan, speak your words.”

At that Yukan gave a bow to Zamaris “Of course I understand Zamaris Xyvern, a coordinated defense is what I hope to achieve here. I will share my thoughts and appreciate all of your consideration.”

He now had the skeptical gaze of fae unit leaders on him..With a combination of his Leadership C skill and Warfare E Yukan spoke once more, and detailed what he had told the beasts earlier, this time asking if they could rely on Fae ranged support and if any of the Fae melee units would be agreeable to strengthening the melee force.

The gnomes and elven archers seemed to be fairly agreeable, generally of the consensus that providing ranged support was what they already planned on doing from behind so it didn’t really interfere with or change their plans regardless, so they were willing to support in coordination.

Some of the Magisword elf users seemed a bit more skeptical, questioning why some sort of formation was needed when their less organized scattered hit and run tactics had been sufficient for them.

“If you do not wish to join the formation directly, then perhaps you could simply stay closer by and engage those who attempt to break the line and flank our ranged forces.”

After discussion they seemed more agreeable to this motion and after some back and forth an agreement was eventually reached, even if some Fae were left more or less pleased than others, some still of the belief that the beasts weren’t needed at all, and that listening to beast leadership was preposterous, others wanting to prove Gyld wrong.

Narration Effect: Ranged Fae forces willing to coordinate ranged support to defensive formation, Melee Fae forces willing to operate more independently but close to help cover the formation’s weaknesses.

With all of that in order after more deliberations, the units got into place to protect ritual doers.

The beasts got into their formation which was patterned in such a way that the spear wall was toward the front, staggered at defensive angel, the lizardmen were at the sides of the stagnation ready to cover the flank and move in to finish off those who got too close.

The bearkin brothers were placed strategically toward the front spread out through the formation.

The ranged gnomes and archers set themselves up somewhat away on either side of the formation, up on the hills so that they could rain down ranged support on enemies.

The magisword elves stayed nearby the formation on either side to provide support where necessary,

Meanwhile the ritual doers were parallel a good distance back now from the formation behind some shrubbery and larger rocks which had been moved into place to help give them some additional cover while they partook in the ritual.

Leaders of each unit were strategically placed from areas where they could best command their units, with a consolidated understanding that they were working together, and adapting when necessary.

Captain Takai taking a central position in the formation with his spear units, ranged leaders staying to command their ranged units, and the Fae Melee leaders with their units.

Yukan found himself staying near the spear wall so he could support from a bit of a distance back with his extended reach.

By this point the sky had become darker, and it was time for the ritual to begin a mysterious green glow ran up Petrien’s large catalyst, as the word was spread they were starting to the rest of the group, as the casters assisting him with the spell and gestured their hands toward the ground where his catalyst was, every now and again he’d hit his catalyst against the ground, rhythmically as they'd move their hand gestures along, a great focus taking them over, and a large green magic semi glowing earth sigil appeared on the ground, and after much build up the sigil symbol moved across the land until it appeared under the entirety of the fort. For those who were more magically connected they could see it, for those who did not they could either only see it faintly or not at all.

Zamaris then spoke again at this point, nearby the melee magisword elves,

“It will only be a matter of time before one of their more magic sensitive or constructs see the sigil and discern that there are enemies nearby, the time has come, while we may be here for different reasons our common goal keeps us united as we stand against this common threat.”

After some more time it wasn’t all too long before several East Empire flag could be spotted in the distance rising over a hill within ranged fire distance of the formation and the ranged support.

The elven archers were quick to coordinate and fire off some shots, their arrows flying through the sky.

Yukan was quick to speak to whoever would listen <Hold it, stay in formation. let them to come to us it’ll force them to expose themselves.>” He felt the anticipation building much like before when he had gone to fight the horde of the dead, there was about to be quite a bit of blood shed. If it was up to him he might have had them hold it…

What was more disturbing was when suddenly the flags across the hill tops disappeared, and instead of hearing cries of pain or anything of the like it was silent until it wasn’t.

And a loud stomping sound could be heard until as if appearing out of thin air a [Large] 15 ft tall construct’s red eye glowed in the now darkened field.

East Empire Construct #1

“%PATRIOT PROTOCOL ENGAGED%, %LONG LIVE EMPEROR VALERIUS.%” Synchronized voices spoke in analog.

While that one was startling enough, two more identical looking metallic soldiers appeared of equal height, spread out across the landscape now making their presence known. It looked like some kind of illusion magic had been used at play to draw out some attacks before they engaged. #2 was to the right of #1 in the center and #3 to the left.

“CEASE YOUR ACTIVITY AND SURRENDER PEACEFULLY OR FACE ANNIHILATION.” The #1.standing between the other two now announced in common.

The three Bearkin brothers looked like they were having a hard time holding formation like they wanted to go over and fight immediately but they did for the time being.

At that the three constructs were pelted with more rains of arrows which appeared to do very little to no damage to them, their armor holding up well, and it wasn’t long before it looked like the constructs were getting into a position to full on sprint forward in response.

“<Gyld, Jishin-Sha, Jinpu, Sumasshā, you’re all up!, we can’t afford to let those trample our lines! There will be more to come after them!>” Yukan called out with urgency, even though he wasn’t really a formal General in rank he just hoped they’d listen as could just imagine it now, given their size and proximity compared to the others they had the best chance of stopping them in their tracks, lest the ranged or magical sort started bringing out more powerful attacks but for now Yukan knew they needed to act decisively.

On the other hand the gnomes appeared to be readying their magic firearms, requiring a bit more finagling to set up than the archer's arrows, hopefully should they get a chance they'd be more effective.

(Narrator Note: We’re entering combat, combat cooldowns in effect, three actions per round, feel free to ask questions ooc as needed.)
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As the ominous flags of the East Empire crested the hill, a tense silence fell over the assembled defenders. The elven archers, swift and precise, loosed a volley of arrows into the approaching darkness, their efforts a fleeting defiance against the encroaching tide of metal and malice.

Then, with a suddenness that cut through the night, the flags vanished, replaced by the towering silhouettes of East Empire Constructs. Their red eyes pierced the gloom, a sinister glow that heralded the onset of battle. The constructs' synchronized declaration of allegiance to Emperor Valerius chilled the air, a stark reminder of the Empire's relentless pursuit of conquest.

Yukan's command to hold formation echoed across the front lines, a desperate bid to marshal the defenders' resolve. Yet, as the constructs prepared their charge, a palpable sense of dread threatened to unravel the fragile unity among the ranks.

It was in this moment of impending doom that Gyld, the guardian of the glade, rose to the fore. His voice, a deep rumble that seemed to emanate from the earth itself, cut through the chaos. "Stand firm, warriors of the glade! Let not these constructs of man and magic break our spirit!"

Summoning the ancient power of his domain, Gyld invoked the Northern Eternal Glade. "By the might of the forest, I call upon thee!" he bellowed, his voice intertwining with the primal energies of the land. A verdant aura enveloped Gyld, the bearkin brothers, and Yukan, their forms taking on the aspect of the forest itself. Barkskin, thick and imbued with thorns, encased their bodies, a testament to nature's indomitable will.

The aura of thorns bristled with latent energy, promising pain to any who dared touch. This barrier, a gift of the Northern Eternal Glade, was not merely protective but a declaration of the defenders' resolve to withstand the Empire's assault.

As the constructs charged, their metal frames thundering across the battlefield, the defenders braced for impact. The bearkin brothers, now imbued with the strength of the forest, stood ready to meet the onslaught head-on. Their muscles tensed, their eyes ablaze with the fire of battle, they prepared to unleash the full fury of their enhanced might.

Gyld, towering and formidable, stood as a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. With a roar that echoed the ferocity of the wild, he led the defense against the constructs, his barkskin deflecting the harsh glare of their red eyes.


TEMPORARY Grade-F Ability: Leadership F, Int 6, Domain F (Effectiveness 7-8): Combing with the display of his Domain and protecting the Bearskin who are the tip of the defense along with Gyld himself (16' Huge Bearform), Gyld attempts to steady and reinforce the morale of the defenders.

ACTIVE Duration 1-hour Grade-E Ability
  • Bark Skin
    • Barrier F or 3hp - Wood and thorns
    • Aura F - 1h damage if touched.
    • Deflect - Action: 1 - used to create abilities to deflect physical based attacks. The higher the grade the more effective it is at dodging a hit or reducing amount of damage sustained.
    • Irritant - Action: 1 - a potent smell or itch that distracts the target and/or partially blinds them for a time. grade of tech core can effect creatures of same or lesser grade.

Note: All abilities listed here use Gyld's Nature Domain (Eternal Glade):
-- Grade E; Effectiveness 10 (Magic E2, Component-less Magic E2, Intelligence A6) Cooldown 0;
--E-grade ((Range: 30ft & Duration: 1 hour; Targets: 5 | AOE: 15ft radius))
--Intelligence A4, Magic E3, Domain F2, Selective Magic F1, Componentless Magic E2.

ACTIVE Duration 1day Grade-D Ability.

  • [Northern Bear of the Eternal Glade - Duration 1hr]
    • Spoiler: Appearance
    • Transform F (28pts)
      • Forest Stride F: When running on the forest floor and through natural environments, he can run without problem (Fast F 12mph / 60ft per move) and faster than usual
      • Regenerate F - Regenerate damage and lost body parts in 6 rounds.
      • Resilient F - Forest and Plant-based Plane
      • Sixth Sense F: Forest Realm and Plant Essence
    • Change Size F: Large (35pts)
      • Large - These are creatures that are around 8 feet to 16 feet tall/long and weighing between 500lbs and 2 tons. they can generally still squeeze into sturdy doorways and halls meant for smaller creatures with comedic effect, but tend to prefer dwellings and wilderness that are more open.
      • Strength - D Grade
      • Vitality - D Grade
      • Super Strength skill - E grade - 600lbs (average grizzly bear)
      • Feature: Large skill - E grade - Grants character natural E grade heavy armor in equipment
      • Natural Weapons - E grade - Claws and Teeth.
    • >>>Upgrade Domain E<<<
    • Transform E: Bear Tank
      • Martial Fighting Style [Claws and Talons] E.
        • Deflect E - Action: 1 - used to create abilities to deflect non-magic or physical attacks. Each grade of deflect further reduces stat contribution to effectiveness of attack against you.
        • Penetrating E - can ignore grades of an item used to defend/counter. F - 1 grade, E - 2 grade.
    • Change Size E: Huge - large room
      • Height: 16 feet tall/long
      • Weight: 4000 pounds (2 tons)
      • Strength - B Grade
      • Vitality - B Grade
      • Superstrength skill - C grade (56)
      • Feature: Large skill - C grade: Natural Heavy Armor
      • Natural Weapons - C grade: Claws and Teeth.
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Language key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Yukan Koyake

Looked down at the foes focused while there was concern in his voice, It was because he saw what the situation could possibly become fatal for several of their people, and Yukan was hoping to reduce as many friendly casualties as possible thus the urgency in his voice at seeing what situation could potentially unfold.

However he felt a bit of a sense of relief when he heard the voice of Gyld speak the way he did, it reminded him that he needed to stay true to his own strong convictions about what was right, and not turn his back to his enemies no matter how dire the situation was, he needed to stay and fight. He saw the magic taking place, Gyld’s powerful words bringing forth the primal energies which created the powerful looking aura.

He saw the Bearkin brothers near Gyld get the aura, as well as himself now, feeling empowered to fight himself even against the large foes.


The three of the brothers shifted to the best defensive spots where it looked like the constructs were going to charge. Yukan moved up nearby a distance back from them so he could take the best advantage of his enhanced 10 ft weapon striking range.

“<BRACE YOURSELVES!>!” Yukan called out back feeling the need to speak more loudly as the crashing sound of the now rapidly moving constructs started, their feet making indents in the scorched earth which they trampled. They were hit with yet another superficial volley of arrows as they ran along, a certain glow in their step approaching impressively quickly for their size.

East Empire Construct #1

The most central one, East Empire Construct #1 ran right up to Gyld it’s eye glowing and it looked like it was going to try to smash him with it’s sizable arm, but it found itself colliding with his bark skin ability which it was apparent the construct had not been planning for, the arm coming forward to strike Gyld but’s power was reduced by the deflecting nature of Gyld’s bark skin, in addition the irritant triggered causing the construct to suddenly stagger as it took damaged from the aura portion. Perhaps it had been overly confident in it’s own abilities that it didn’t think it needed to use more than a basic strike after it’s charge. It was safe to say that the strike was not very effective against Gyld.

Instead of attacking Gyld again the construct instinctually put the same arm it tried to use to strike him in front of it and a sizable rectangular metallic shield extended out which it used to protect itself, the exterior surface of its armored body looking visibly somewhat worse off from clashing the aura.

East Empire Construct #2 charged with equal fervor but was also in a for a nasty surprise when it ran up to Jishin-Sha and clashed with the aura there, a very similar reaction happening to what happened when the first one tried to hit Gyld, except this time before this one could extend it’s shield,

Jishin-Sha growled Before unleashing an intense strike, the end of his large Otsuchi style hammer lighting up with some sort of orangey energy, knocking the East Empire Construct #2 right over a large crashing sound could be heard as it fell over, its chest now very much dented.

“YOUR ARMOR IS SOFTER THAN MY BELLY!” Jishin-Sha taunted before walking over and slamming the construct again with his hammer before it could recover.

“IS THIS THE BEST THE MIGHTY EMPIRE HAS TO OFFER?!” He exclaimed on the 2nd strike. The more he hit the more it looked like he was entering a battle trance now.

East Empire Construct #3 was a bit of a different story as it attempted to attack Jinpu, while it was hit with the aura it’s eyes glowed a brighter red as some sort of strange golden sheen enveloped it as if it had received some sort of counter buff, instead of staggering like the other ones had it sped up and violently gut punched Jinpu who didn’t have time to properly respond despite being relatively more lithe and quick, he wretched out a cough of blood after it struck his armor. It looked like the construct was about to rev up and hit him again.

There was some reason it hadn’t tried to charge through him ...perhaps knowing better than to put itself into a group of enemies.

Upon seeing this Yukan was quick to shift his focus to that construct, moving close enough to Jinpu so that he was about 8 feet away from the construct which had struck his ally, a steely glint of conviction forming in his eyes as with a glowing Yari tip once again Yukan pierced through the darkness sending a Reach + Penetrating C the constructs way directed at it’s chest bypassing it’s armor and creating a hole through it which began to spark quite a bit stopping it in it’s tracks as if it was processing what just happened.

The situation was precarious now. Thankfully for now many of the allies seemed complicit enough. Whether or not it was trusting the judgment of those with military knowledge or not wanting to fight the large constructs directly was anyone’s guess.

It looked like the gnomes had finally stopped fiddling with their guns and they looked ready to fire, but for now they waited..

Yukan was a bit curious himself why more who were closer hadn’t come over to assist but that’s when he saw what they were looking at, this time very real Empire flags came over the hill top, a whole row of them spread out.

WIthout seeing exactly who their enemies were yet it was difficult to make a risky move like moving up, meaning that he and the bearkin brothers were most definitely in the most risky placement in this formation at the moment…They needed to finish off these constructs quick.

“<I Think they’re preparing a follow up attack, be at the ready!>” Yukan called out in beastial to his allies. Thankfully Jinpu was recovering even if he didn’t look as good as he did before the fight started.

Sumasshā then ran up with his own roar of sorts and attempted to block break the East Empire #1’s shield by smashing it with his Kannabo full force, the Kannabo taking on a bluish hue, the shield looking like it was freezing over when he hit it.

“<Come on Guardian give it another one It’ll never forget!!>” He encouraged teamwork, then taking a defensive stance next to the large owlbear.

It didn’t take too long for Yukan to confirm those suspicions, it looked like a proper century which had formed a shield wall Empire shields held tight together overlapping in the front and over to block arrows, and spears jutting out the sides, Yukan had to guess there were probably about 160 or so people in total in the wall alone, not seeing everyone yet.

The fort did act as a barracks so this wasn’t too much of a surprise, but seeing so many enemies right then and there turned the pressure up a bit.

It wasn’t all too long before the spear wall began to advance forward, a steady pace…

While this was taking place the ritual continued on schedule, the treant and the casters appearing very focused.

Bearkin Brothers: Mostly Healthy, ready to fight, Jinpu sustained minimal damage

Elf archers: Healthy, motivated

Gnome Tinkerers: Healthy, Motivated

Elf Melee units: healthy, hesitant

Takai Clan Melee Unit: Healthy, Hesitant

Lizard Mercenary Melee Unit: Healthy, Hesitant

Ritual casters: Healthy, Motivated, on schedule

Large East Empire Construct Trio: #1 Armor Injured #2 Injured #3 severely Injured, always motivated
Empire Soldiers Spear Wall: Healthy, Motivated
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In the tumultuous heart of battle, as the East Empire Constructs loomed like behemoths of steel and malice, Gyld recognized the critical juncture at which they stood. The constructs, embodiments of the empire's cold ambition, clashed against the defenders, a line drawn not just in sand but in the very essence of what they fought to protect. It was in this moment that Gyld knew mere defense would not suffice; it was time for the wild's wrath to be unleashed.

Summoning the depth of his power, Gyld's presence on the battlefield grew, his aura pulsing with the raw force of nature. His voice, deep and resonant, carried over the din of combat, a clarion call to those who stood with him. "Allies, brothers, sisters of the glade! Witness the strength bestowed upon us by the spirits of the forest! We are the unyielding oak, the relentless storm—defenders of life itself!"

Harnessing his Super Strength C, Gyld felt the ancient energies of the Northern Eternal Glade coursing through him, amplifying his might beyond the ken of mere flesh and bone. With a roar that echoed the thunderous fury of untamed wilds, Gyld called upon the magic of his domain, his arms raised to the sky as if to draw down the very wrath of the heavens.

Before the eyes of friend and foe alike, the earth trembled, responding to the will of its guardian. From the ground, a massive rock, as large as a carriage and twice as heavy, tore from the earth's embrace. Encircled by a verdant glow, the boulder levitated, suspended by the sheer force of Gyld's will and the magic that thrummed in the air.

With a mighty heave, Gyld hurled the colossal stone at the constructs, his strength magnified by the domain's magic. The rock, imbued with the essence of the Northern Eternal Glade, flew like a comet, a harbinger of nature's retribution. Its impact against the first construct was cataclysmic, metal screeching as the behemoth staggered under the unforeseen assault.

But Gyld's intent was not solely to fell these titans of iron; no, his vision encompassed the battlefield in its entirety. As the boulder continued its devastating path, it became a force of chaos among the orderly ranks of the approaching imperial soldiers. The meticulously formed lines shattered under the unexpected onslaught, confusion spreading like wildfire through their ranks.

"Behold, the fury of the glade!" Gyld bellowed, standing tall amidst the turmoil he had wrought. "Let no construct, no soldier, no empire stand before the might of the natural world! Together, we fight not just for survival, but as the very embodiment of the forest's wrath!"

His declaration served as a beacon, igniting the spirits of his allies. The defenders, heartened by Gyld's display of power and resolve, rallied with renewed vigor, their fears supplanted by the burning desire to protect their home. The gnomes, their guns now ready, took aim with steadied hands, inspired by the spectacle before them.

In this moment, Gyld was more than a guardian; he was the avenging storm, the protector whose fury knew no bounds. As the battle raged on, his allies by his side, the empire's forces found themselves facing not just a resistance, but the unleashed might of the natural world itself.

OOC: This is a combo between my Super Strength C and my Magic C, Domain D. Plus I should have 2 F-grade abilities due to Energize to combo attack.

Thus effectiveness should be like: Strength B5 + NW C4 SS C4. While I just bought Magic C, I figured I'd go with the Super Strength as it better fits what Gyld has been doing. So that's 13. Plus 2 for combo. Total Effectiveness 15? Plus any teacup bonuses.

With Magic I'd have a range of 100feet for the Bolder to continue after hitting hopefully 1-3 of the constructs since it's a huge bolder, which super strength allows me to hurl.

  • Change Size E: Huge - large room
    • Height: 16 feet tall/long
    • Weight: 4000 pounds (2 tons)
    • Strength - B Grade
    • Vitality - B Grade
    • Superstrength skill - C grade (56)
    • Feature: Large skill - C grade: Natural Heavy Armor
    • Natural Weapons - C grade: Claws and Teeth.
  • Magic C (21+7)
    • Affinity [Snow] E (7+7): Snow is the natural formation of ice from vapor in the atmosphere.
    • Affinity [Nature] E (+14): Snow is the natural formation of ice from vapor in the atmosphere.
    • Domain [Nature] E (140): It has allowed them to develop an area of magic to the point where they can twist and mold it to accomplish their whims within the limits of their domain as opposed to the mundane limits of typical magic.
      • Range: 30ft / 100ft
      • Targets: 5 / 10
      • AOE: 15ft / 50ft radius
      • Duration: 1 hour / 1 day
    • Energized D (21): Cooldowns are Grade D ability have 1, Grade E abilities have 0 , Grade F can be multi-cast.
    • Componentless Magic C (63+21): Character can perform the magic without performing chants or gestures or staff or some combination of the ability components.
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Language key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Mention: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

While the battlefield was tense and the large war machine constructs had not fallen, the shield wall was looking formidable with a numerical advantage as there were likely others who may come out of the woodworks on the Empire side particularly if this was only a first wave, a genuine concern which some more observant sort like Yukan and Zamaris couldn't help but hold when assessing the field.

This time of hesitancy was about to shift at a pivotal movement for decisive action with Gyld's quick thinking, a surge of power came through Gyld reflecting his status as a true guardian one of the Glade of the forest and the cold north, two parts of nature interconnected through the cycle. the owlbear spoke with conviction and the Bearkin brothers were rallied yet again as were the beasts and fae who were in his range, even those who had been less than pleased with the way he spoke earlier, appeared to be more agreeable in this statement seeing his pure confidence in the situation as the mighty bolder at this point came careening and smashed into the constructs, some of those awed by the size which Gyld was maintaining while he rallied the Fae See forces.

The impressive rock smashed through the constructs East Empire Construct #1 found itself being severed at the waist the red motivated eye from before burning out as it ceased functioning entirely. Empire Construct #3 was also destroyed the majority of the front of it's body coming off as well from being hit with such an intense force at a not very far away range. Empire Construct #2 was also subsequently finished off.

Not only that the bolder went going further and further as it went toward the spear wall, it looked like some orangey arcane barriers went up in response in an effort to stop it, but they were not enough, the bolder smashed through them as the distant screams of some of the East Empire soldiers could be heard, the bolder smashing through the shields, crushing several of them at their formation.

Yukan Koyake

Yukan found himself a bit awed at the display, "<So this is the power of a true guardian.. Gyld Aza Lyrakien! It is an honor to fight along side you!>"

While the shield wall defensive bonus had been broken suddenly around five or so sizable arched shots of blue and green pulsating electric shots came firing down, curved from the direction of the gnomes who had curved and fired their guns much like one might with artillery firing after it became apparent the wall had been broken.

The shots after coming down and hitting their target erupted in magical explosions causing more groups of East Empire soldiers to fall, all the way across the formation now as they had been trying to readjust for the bolder. The higher ranking Empire officials were having a difficult time reeling the soldiers back in throughout the chaos
This was followed by more arrows raining down from the elves this time many of them hit their targets, arrows piercing the necks of soldiers and other places as they were staggered from the bolder and now explosions erupting around them.

It was pretty apparent they had not been expecting the Fae See forces to have such fire power at the range they were at, or otherwise they might have come more prepared that what it seemed they were at the moment.

During the chaos the Elf melee magisword users got closer to the beast formation as if they were anticipating something, the Lizard mercenaries stayed near the back flank to follow along their role.

Suddenly the distinct sound of an Empire lituus instrument sounded through the air at a steady pattern which pierced through, and the scattered soldiers began to regroup quickly back into their units besides chaos which had taken place and when enough of them got ready they staggered themselves and began to mount what looked like a charge running towards the Fae See forces! Some of soilders were quicker than others, some of them putting their spears on their backs in favor for their short swords. It looked like an upper rank determined they were too vulnerable far away and needed to act quickly before more of them were picked off. The remaining wall of them advancing quickly now with battle cries, the Empire flags waving.

Yukan saw this transpiring and while he looked tense he called out "Just like we discussed stick to the plan!" He got himself back into position near Gyld and the bear brothers at the front of the formation as they prepared for a major clash. Yukan would ready his spear. It was clear the empire soldiers were intending on getting within the 5-10 ft needed for basic melee range strikes to clash across the formation.

Yukan noticed some Empire arrows now coming down toward the beasts but thankfully one of the more distinguished looking nearby elf melee magisword users swung their sword and erected a curved barrier that looked like several arcane energy swords layered over which successfully blocked the arrows. It wasn't entirely clear where the archer units were located at the moment except that they were near the back of the wall, it was possible some sort of magic was being used to obscure their location.

Zamaris Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 9.19.00 PM-1-1.png

Zamaris Xyvern made his way over until he was near by the elves who had joined near where Gyld, Yukan, strategically placing himself so that he could be of assistance from the looks of things as he was about 20 or so feet away with the other elves parallel to the group beast formation head on the right side, Takai's group within striking range behind the gap now to make for a more secure formation, Zamaris made sure to keep a good amount of elf soldiers between him and the enemy so he could support at a range and command, perhaps it was in part what had encouraged other elves to make a more unified front against those charging. He gave some orders in Sylvan like he was instructing the fae under him to prepare themselves.

While this was transpiring the very large earth sigil under the fortress began to glow a more prominent greenish hue as the ritual continued and got further along.

(Boon: All Friendly units motivated from effective display of power from Gyld)

(Narrator Note: feel free to ask questions as per usual)

Bearkin Brothers: Mostly Healthy, ready to fight, Jinpu sustained minimal damage

Elf archers: Healthy, motivated

Gnome Tinkerers: Healthy, Motivated

Elf Melee units: Healthy, Motivated

Takai Clan Melee Unit: Healthy, Motivated

Lizard Mercenary Melee Unit: Healthy, Motivated

Ritual casters: Healthy, Motivated, on schedule

Large East Empire Construct Trio: Destroyed and defeated
East Empire Melee Soldiers: Several Injured and or killed, Emboldened, on the move, charging to get within basic melee range depending on if weapon supports reach or not.
East Empire Archer Soldiers: Currently Hidden to Most, Motivated
In response to this evolving challenge, Gyld, bearing the boon of motivation from his effective display of power, knew that the time for mere defense had passed. The Fae See forces needed not only to hold the line but to push back, to turn the tide with a counteroffensive that would capitalize on the disarray sown among the Empire troops.

With a roar that resonated with the fury of the wild, Gyld rallied his allies. "Warriors of the glade, the forest, and the realms beyond! Now is our moment to strike back, to show the Empire that their conquest ends here, on our ground, by our hands! Let us push them back with the force of the storm and the ferocity of the earth!"

Gyld planned to use the momentum of the situation to their advantage. Harnessing his connection to the Northern Eternal Glade, he would amplify the natural energies around them, encouraging the growth of thick underbrush and vines in the path of the charging Empire soldiers, aiming to slow their advance and create openings for the Fae See forces to exploit.

"Together, we stand as a testament to the resilience of nature! For every life they seek to extinguish, we shall be the flame that rises anew! For the glade, for the Northern Eternal Glade, for all free peoples!" With these words, Gyld sought to weave the collective determination of the Fae See forces into a tangible force, a wall of resolve against which the Empire's aggression would break.

As the Empire soldiers drew near, Gyld stood ready, a guardian not just in name but in action, prepared to use every ounce of his power, strategy, and unity with his allies to ensure that the Fae See forces would not merely endure but prevail.

  • Entangle (2 actions): Magic E, Affinity Plant F, Tangle F, Flexible F, Accurate F (-1 Speed), Homing (if miss, try again), Linked (if hit succeeds, hit again).
    • Vines and roots grow and extend, wrapping around the targets indicated, tripping and tangling them. Even when they miss, more erupt to continue the assault. Once they catch hold, more wrap tightly around, holding their targets ever tighter.
  • Motivational Speech F-grade version: Continue to pump up allies with bold rhetoric.
    • Educated E (14): Job is Spiritual Beast, a mythical beast raised by the woods itself to one day be its guardian.
      • Nature (int)
      • Survival (int)
      • Religion (int)
    • Leadership E (character).
    • Persuasion E (14)(character): The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.

C-Grade: Giant Boulder Round 2, Cooldown 1/4.
D-Grade: ACTIVE Duration 1day [Northern Bear of the Eternal Glade - Duration 1hr]
E-Grade: Always 0 with Energize.
F-Grade: Always 0 with Energize.
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Language key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Mention: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Gyld’s rallying call once again inspired many of the near by units on the Fae See side. The Takai clan spear wall held true, as did the elfish magisword men. THe lizard mercenaries were still near the back ready to come in and finish off any stragglers but they looked confident too.

Looks of surprise fell upon some of the East Empire soldiers as a large group of them near the beast formation who were charging tripped, while other ones were ensnared quickly by the vines. Upon seeing this critical juncture, Yukan looked to the bear brothers, but before he could say much of anything else Jishin-Sha took his large hammer and leaped up into the air before slamming it down in front of the formation and suddenly large seismic waves started up in front of them as large swaths of the earth broke apart directly in front of the hammer and spread out in three directions at a violently fast rate smashing into soldiers who had been ensnared in the vines by Gyld.

Jinpu appeared to light up with a bit of a bluish aura before he too rushed forward at an impressive speed for his size and build with his two handed sword and it sort of looked like he had an after image as he cut across the field inflicting grievous wounds against soldiers sometimes their armor helping the strikes not to be fatal.

Takai’s spear wall began to advance against some of those who were still stuck, the badgers taking their spears and striking ensnared enemies more arrows rained down yet again from the elves on empire soldiers who were currently stuck, some of the more precise spots striking more vulnerable areas, others hitting their armor.

Yukan Koyake
Seeing the others move into action Yukan moved ahead somewhat in tandem with the Takai unit’s advance, however he held his distance, discerning the field not wanting to get into too vulnerable of a position by over extending which he assessed there was risk of doing, after all he had yet to see any offensive magic users from the Empire despite being well aware they had them..

Zamaris Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 9.19.00 PM-1-1.png

For now Zamaris seemed hesitant, almost like he was detecting the presence of something, as the sounds of Magisword elves clashing with empire soldiers could be heard, as well as more supporting magical blasts raining down from the tinkerers. While Yukan’s lack of movement had been out of precaution, Zamaris’ seemed motivated by something..strange

Suddenly a voice that sounded much like Zamaris’ had when he spoke make a telepathic communication to a large swath of allies including Yukan and Gyld.

“While it may seem we have the advantage at the moment in this exchange, I am sensing something, a magical imbalance. Which is..troubling and which is approaching quickly.. don’t get too confident.”

Yukan gave a nod and heeded the words. Meanwhile others who were engaging continued to do so, the clash of weapons present as not all soldiers had been ensnared who approached, some of the higher ranking ones looking considerably less hindered at that going on to exchange blows with elves and beasts who were on the front lines.

However it wasn’t too long before Yukan needed to act regardless as a shorter and more agile Empire cloaked; in the colors of the Empire, dagger wielding unit had made their way over toward him and at an impressive speed, Yukan’s resolve held true as his eyes dilated a bit once more before he let out a growl and attempted to a couple stabs at the incoming enemy with his spear before they could get into an advantaged melee range with his reach.

An identical one of these impressively fast units had reached Zamaris who was swift to cut them down with a sweep of his blade, except it wasn’t the blade itself which had touched their form bit a traveling line of moonlight like light which had pierced their form in multiple places.

An additional cloaked figure Light armor cloaked empire figure leapt and was attempting to strike Gyld as well, seemingly coming out of nowhere, perhaps via the same magic which had been cloaking the empire archers.

Then there was another cloaked figure going for the Takai captain, who was now currently engaging with them also attempting to give them some stabs similar to Yukan with his spear.

Zamaris promptly communicated telepathically for a few of the elf magisword users to fall back in order to protect the ritual doers encase any of these units were heading that way, which some of the lizardmen mercenaries also went back as they were close.

While this chaos was unfolding thankfully it looked like some of the elven archers and gnomes had started to bombard some of the areas where the invisible Empire archers had been as their bodies started to appear and fall after being hit, it looked like some of the gnomes in particular had put strange goggles which may have contributed to this development as they communicated with the archer unit.


  1. Yukan move to keep with 10 ft of Takai unit.
  2. Yukan attempts to attack dagger figure attacking him with spear with F grade attack with reach and penetrating F
  3. Yukan attempts to strike again with Reach and Penetrating E

TLDR/Summary of key events:
Beasts and other melee units are inspired by Gyld's encouraging words, narratively less likely to flee, more likely to keep fighting.

The three Bearkin brothers are moving in across the field thanks to Gyld's advantage and are slaying groups of ensnared empire soldiers.

Yukan move with Takai spear wall to engage ensnared soldiers while keeping formation.

Some ensnared soldiers are hit with arrows some hitting armor others dealing damage to person.

Zamaris telepathically warns allies that he is sensing that something is magically amiss that is potentially dangerous and is approaching.

Cloaked dagger wielding stealth unit figures are all attacking identified leaders of allied Fae and Beast units in addition to Gyld and Yukan

Elf magisword and Takai units are currently clashing with empire charge units.

Gnome gunslinger tinkerers and elf archers have finally located enemy empire archers who had struck down some of allied Fae units and are now trying to dispatch them with arrows.

In lieu of dagger attack Zamaris told some to head back to make sure dagger units aren't making it to those doing the ritual.

The ritual is getting closer to completion.

All Empire units have taken damage, Empire Archers light, Charge and melee increasingly heavy damage. Dagger units TBD, one dead from trying to attack Zamaris.

Magisword elves and Takai spear wall have taken some light damage with some people being picked off by Empire ranged attacks and during the clashing.
As the battlefield teemed with the fervor of combat, a cloaked figure, swift and deadly, made a beeline for Gyld. The assailant, cloaked in the colors of the Empire, moved with a predatory grace, their dagger glinting ominously in the fractured light. This sudden threat, emerging from the chaos, sought to exploit the tumult, aiming to strike at the heart of the Fae See forces by targeting their guardian.

Gyld, though engrossed in the orchestration of nature's wrath upon the enemy, was neither unaware nor unprepared for such treacheries. His instincts, honed through countless cycles of the moon and sun, perceived the approaching danger with a clarity that pierced through the maelstrom of battle. As the assassin leaped towards him, dagger poised for a lethal strike, Gyld responded not with fear or hesitation but with the primal, unbridled fury of the wild itself.

With a roar that shook the very air, Gyld turned to face his attacker, his form swelling with the untamed might of his lineage. The owlbear guardian, embodying both the ferocity of the bear and the keen vigilance of the owl, unleashed a frenzied counterattack. His massive paws, each a deadly weapon forged by nature's unforgiving hand, swiped with devastating force, aiming to bat the assailant away with the same ease as one might swat an insolent insect.

Yet, there was a regal majesty in Gyld's defense, a reminder that his power was not just of brute force but borne of a deep, spiritual connection to the land he protected. Drawing upon the Magic of his Domain, Gyld summoned forth tendrils of vine and root from the earth, seeking to ensnare and immobilize the assassin. These natural bindings, infused with the essence of the Northern Eternal Glade, were not merely restraints but symbols of the earth's rejection of those who would despoil its sanctity.

"Your shadows and steel are no match for the might of the glade!" Gyld thundered, his voice carrying the weight of ancient forests and untamed rivers. "I am Gyld Aza Lyrakien, guardian of the Northern Eternal Glade, and you shall find no purchase here!"

Tag: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Mention: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

The sky darkened over the battlefield suddenly and a sensation which tried to move into the territory of desolation would come crashing down upon Gyld and Yukan. That same sense of corruption and what wasn’t natural also began to seep into the atmosphere.

While everyone had been fighting, and the side of the Fae See looked like it was on the winning side of the conflict so far, suddenly one of the Empire legion leaders looked a bit more pale like they had seen a ghost as they bent over, before pulling out a dagger and cutting their hand.

Suddenly a large swath of a unit of East Empire soldiers all started to drop like flies and convulse much to the horror of some of their compatriots while they were fighting, men yelling in terran unsure of what was going on, but then it became a lot more clear as the captain looked back up.

“[May the gods forgive me for what I have done, but I am not letting those filthy subraces near family..]” before they fell over to their knees and a cloud of darkness came down as if the life force had been drained from the captain and the other Empire soldiers who had fallen.

Even the dagger assailants looked like they had been sucked dry too which puzzled Yukan, Gyld’s strike had been effective enough to stop the one from hurting him already but it was as if the cloaked figure had been withered.

Two very tall figures emerged from the cloud of darkness, dressed in unusual ways.

One wore a mask who appeared to have a large circular staff where it looked like the energy was heading into from the bodies which had fallen. Their flesh was gray almost like it was undead, and they carried strange golden balls and chains which hung off of them.

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The second figure looked like they were wearing a golden mask, had the same flesh, and was carrying sort of what looked like a set of keys and locks, as well as a chest on their back.

Zamaris Xyvern
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Zamaris immediately sent out somewhat of an alarmed signal telepathically to his allies, “Be on alert those are the figures who were giving off that wretched energy, they could be incredibly dangerous!”

Zamaris looked guarded keeping his sword drawn looking over at the two still floating figures in the middle of the field who eventually came down.

The Elf archers fired another volley to which the arrows came near the pair and they simply harmlessly turned to ash, like there was some sort of invisible barrier protecting the pair.

“Brother Tenebrae, you know what you must do.”

“Yes I understand Arescet.”

Their voices were chilling as it looked like they had no remorse for the ones who were sacrificed to bring them both there.

Yukan Koyake

Yukan wasn’t even sure what to do in this instance..he didn’t want to break formation but he had an incredibly bad feeling about this..
Everyone else was still fighting the Empire soldiers who were alive never mind this pair…even with this dark development where their enemies looked somewhat scared of their own apparent summoned allies, it was really bad news..

It looked like Takai was mounting a charge forward at the new threat, to which Yukan looked up and saw a sinister dark energy charging at Arescet’s staff.

“<WAIT DON’T!>” He’d call out to try to stop them but the beasts were on the move and so were the invigorated Bear brothers.

Meanwhile this was going on Gyld would find complete and utter darkness surrounding him like the whole field had paused, and Tenebrae the gold mask one approached him.

“It’s a lovely day for a sacrifice…” He boomed sounding almost sadistic with glee.

“He knew that he couldn’t stop you or your allies, so he gave the blood of his own men to satiate my desires..and it was utterly delectable…”

“Normally I would want to taste your blood water too Gyld Aza Lyrakien..but you’re different, you are worthy to bring utter devastation to the Empire’s enemies..why don’t you join my brother and I? And all the power you could ever want will be all yours..just give into the knowledge, and you can be a guardian of power which no one will be able to deny..and just think of all the followers you’ll have..just follow me..all you need do is read, and all the power can be yours..”

Tenebrae began to glow a dark hue, as he took the keys from his cloak and began to open up the chest, it was as if he was opening up Pandora’s box and suddenly a surge of dark energy came out of his back chest which he now held in front of Gyld. A series of forbidden dangerous literature came out and one in particular floated over to Gyld, it was the Scriptures of the Frostfall a most sinister tomb, the Icy grasp of corruption attempting to set hold:

Icy Grasp of Corruption: This ability allows the tome to infuse a part of its chilling essence into the reader, sowing the seeds of frosty corruption in them that grow with every interaction with the book.

For some reason Tenebrae’s words were spoken with supernatural intent and would be a lot more difficult to resist than normal, as it was as if it was just Gyld and the evil masked one, like the whole battle around them didn’t exist.

Gyld would need to overcome this mental challenge and prove his conviction and sense of justice and morality in the face of being tempted.

Unfortunately for the others on the outside of this sort of dark pocket dimension which Gyld had been brought into. Arescet staff suddenly released a great deal of pure incredibly powerful rays of dark energy which sprayed all over the field at an incredible distance.

Several of Takai’s men found themselves screaming out as they lost their limbs in almost an instant, some of them getting pierced through the chest right through their armor. Several lines of the elf archers found themselves being pierced and also losing limbs, Arescet then raised his hand and and was as if he killed more Empire soldiers on the spot, adsorbing their energy before firing off another volley, this time the bear brothers were struck, all three of them collapsing, it was uncertain if they had been killed or severely injured however and Yukan found himself getting pierced at the chest before he could probably react his eyes going wide with surprise as he felt his heart race, looking down seeing the injury in his center letting out quite a bit of blood as he fell over to the ground just holding himself up as it felt like he was bleeding out…

'No..It can’t..it can’t come to this..there’s so much I still need to do this in this world..' he thought to himself as it almost felt like the world was going blurry.

Even though Yukan could not see, some of the Gnomes had been struck far behind as well as Magisword elves, while not all killed many of those who got hit by the incredibly fast moving beams were severely injured and bleeding.

Zamaris on the other hand managed to dodge the attack and moved forward at a very intense speed attempting to strike Arescet down.

It was at this point that the lizard men saw what was happening to their comrades and some started to break rank and retreat regardless of what their leader told them to do.

However a violent pulse of energy repelled Zamaris, sending him into the nearby treeline.

“This..violence it completes me! I will trample upon all of those who dare stand in the way of this empire..”Arescet seemed to be almost intoxicated by the mass violence he was inflicting on the battlefield with how he spoke.
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In the shadowed hush that fell around Gyld, the icy tendrils of the Tome of Frostfall reached toward him, promising power beyond measure and a dominion that would bend the very fabric of nature to his will. Tenebrae's voice, laced with a dark allure, echoed in the void created by the chilling spell, tempting Gyld with visions of unstoppable might and legions of followers who would revere him as a god among beasts.

Yet, within Gyld’s heart, where the primal instincts of an owlbear intertwined with the noble spirit of a guardian, a fierce battle raged. It was not against the dark figures before him but within the depths of his own soul. The offer of power was seductive, dangerously so, promising to erase all obstacles with a mere whisper of assent. But Gyld, bound by his duty and the deep-rooted connection to the Northern Eternal Glade, knew that true strength did not lie in dominion over others but in the protection and balance of the life that thrived around him.

As the tome floated before him, its pages fluttering like the wings of a carrion bird, Gyld’s eyes, aglow with the amber light of his resolve, met Tenebrae’s chilling gaze. "You offer power, but at what cost?" Gyld’s voice, deep and resonant, broke the eerie silence. "Power that consumes its bearer is no gift but a chain. I am Gyld Aza Lyrakien, guardian of the Northern Eternal Glade, sworn to protect, not to dominate."

With a mighty roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the dark spell enveloping him, Gyld tapped into the deep well of his spirit, the essence of the ancient forest that had seen the rise and fall of empires and would endure long after. Drawing upon this connection, Gyld summoned a surge of pure, radiant energy from the Northern Eternal Glade, a manifestation of life’s resilience and the eternal cycle of growth and decay.

The energy swirled around him, a vortex of vibrant green and gold that repelled the icy grasp of the tome. Vines and roots erupted from the ground, not with the intent to bind or ensnare, but to shield and affirm the life force that flowed through every leaf and branch. The very earth responded to Gyld’s call, reinforcing his resolve with the enduring strength of ancient trees whose roots penetrated deep into the heart of the world.

“No, Tenebrae. I will not yield to the corruption you peddle. I stand for balance, for the wilds that nurture and sustain, for the creatures that roam the forests and skies. I reject your hollow promises, for my power is drawn from the enduring harmony of nature itself!”

As Gyld’s declaration echoed in the void, it was as if the very air vibrated with the power of his conviction.
Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Clear skies

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Mention: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 8.04.54 PM-1.png

“You dare defy me?! You don't understand what you speak of! This is a once in your life time opportunity I’ve never heard such foolishness! I will not be denied!”

Tenebrae exclaimed back, sounding like he was on the precipice of outrage at not getting his way. Tenebrae walked closer to Gyld in the dark dimension. While Gyld had been impressively successfully holding off the Tome of Frostfall’s assault it looked like that the Tome or perhaps a combination of Tenebrae were fighting back against his radiance.

The ideals clashed with one another, light and what was right against the cold dark embrace which flared out against Gyld, the icy tendrils looking more like chains now as they tried to force their way through onto his form. Even with his great resistance it wasn’t the easiest feat, some of the chains had started to make contact with him.

He would need to double down in order to counter the influence which was physically manifesting itself and attempting to taint his perception, by providing a twisted view of his aspirations.

“See! They are not mutually exclusive! Just read the Tome! Let it give you it’s knowledge and power! You can still be a powerful guardian and uphold the nature of balance with this power and use it to reach your goals Goals which you know will help this world and keep it within balance! Power is the ultimate deterrent against conflict! Domination is a means for peace and prosperity!! Look at how I stand against you now! ” Tenebrae sounded very convinced of his own words when he spoke up, clashing back.

If one were observant they would be able to see that Tenebrae had quite a few of his own chains to leading to the forbidden literature in his collection, but for now they had been obscured, should Gyld preserve and break through the effort to corrupt him in a more forthright way he might become aware of these tendrils and see how the cursed forbidden works had latched onto Tenebrae for the worst, but in this moment that would probably not be so obvious.
Unfortunately for Gyld he was still not privy to what was going on outside on the battlefield but it was still quite devastating all things considered with how many loses their had been on both sides. The Fae and remaining beast forces were giving it their all just to keep Arescet from overwhelming them and killing those who were partaking in the ritual.

Arescet still stood confident holding his strange catalyst.

“Just…hurry up and die, you filthy subrace!” He exclaimed absolute hatred and venom radiating from his words, after he had swatted Zamaris away for the second time.

“But On second thought..your suffering brings me great satisfaction, so maybe stay around for awhile if you can..don’t think I don’t see you all bleeding out there! You can’t hold onto your life water forever."

He then turned to the other Empire soldiers. “What are you waiting for?! Advance and finish them off!”

With everything being sent into chaos the remaining Empire soldiers were seemingly somewhat in disarray but some of them started to regroup into cohesive units, before getting ready to advance again.

For some reason Arescet wasn’t sending out his deadly energy barrage again, perhaps it was because he needed time to regain his energy and ability to cast, even as powerful as he was, he wasn’t a god…

Yukan Koyake

Yukan on the other hand was still incapacitated feeling like he had been stabbed through the chest as the whole world had been fading around hm, was this what the precipice of death felt like? Where would he go?

“<..let my ride on the Sanzu River..take me somewhere good..please.>” Just as Yukan thought he was slipping away, suddenly he found himself standing on some strange astral looking plain which had most unusual colored cherry blossom trees and tall multi colored grass that swayed like there was a gentle breeze. looking like he was uninjured and standing before him after a great bright light stood a figure who was absolutely radiant.

They had full imperial armor, by their side an ornate katana, but in their main hand was an ornate looking Naginata. The full frontal armor had the royal family Clan symbol of the Koyake clan with gold and silver throughout, but in addition was the imperial symbols of a rice kingdom empire from long ago, spread throughout the armor. Even the backflag was as large as it came also denoting royalty and the highest rank in the old imperial military. They had a full frontal mask and samurai helmet which also looked processional. There was a great aura which radiated from from..sort of like a spiritual pressure, Yukan could just feel it to his very core, as if this individual was well beyond any beast he had ever met.

The figure was decidedly a Tanuki who was similar to height to Yukan. They looked at him and Yukan’s eyes widened when they realized what vision or whatever this was of who they were seeing.

“<K-Kaito Koyake! Is that..really you?!>” He’d call out looking absolutely dumbfounded.

“<Have..I passed on to be fortunate enough to be within the same space of you?..If it is true I fear I am unworthy to have been granted such a privilege…” Yukan was pretty quick to prostrate himself in front of the figure.


“<Stand up. Yukan Koyake. You have not passed on yet. It is not your time. We share a bond beyond clan, and culture, we are family, within you is my blood, the blood of the warrior who fights until they have nothing left to give for what they believe is right..and you still have many fights ahead of you. The blood of a leader who will unite those under one banner for prosperity and the greater good.. So stand up, do not allow yourself to give into your worldly weaknesses..take up arms, Yukan, you must not allow the Empire to do as it please, you will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves and you will help the helpless..Yukan..you must do what you know is right, rise up!>”

By the latter point Yukan had stood up again and just as he was going to respond, as he had many questions to ask, suddenly he found himself back on the field standing up right..as he drifted back into consciousness his weapon at the ready…and it wasn’t long before he felt an immense power begin to well up from within him..his eyes began to take on a most unusual other worldy white hue, as energy crackled around him, an immense spiritual pressure started to force itsway out from him cracking along the torched battlefield. the sky above began to look like it was starting to become stormy. The wind’s kicked up and the weather quickly looked like it was shifting toward a rainstorm.

Yukan gripped his Yari and gritted his teeth looking forward at Arescet, even as his chest continued to bleed down the front, and a bit of blood came from Yukan’s mouth.

“Arescet…your time on this plain is limited! You transgress against everything which is righteous! I will not allow you to pass!” Yukan snarled as the energy continued to build up.

Arescet all things considered at this development didn’t appear to be particularly impacted at first.
“Hah! The animal speaks big words! While I sense some power from you, it isn’t anything i can’t handle! Not after the ladder of bones I've forged and climbed over the years to get higher..and higher!"

“You’ll perish like you came here! You are nothing but a common beast ready for me to slaughter!”

Arescet finally looked like he was starting to charge up energy again.

This time Yukan began to saunter forward calmly as the energy gathered and the weather had shifted. While some had stopped fighting as some combatant's eyes were on Yukan and Arscet’s confrontation with this strange development… Others continued the battle, Fae and beast remnants facing off against the Empire soldiers fiercely clashing.
Isekai Hell Grade

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

War. It never changes. A war rp. Not sure I've seen many fae/empire war rps yet despite the war going for over a year now. Granted the fae push into Empire territory kinda makes this border fort skirmish a bit inconsequential overall. Either the humans wouldn't have the means to hold the fort even if they managed to take it back, or perhaps this is actually setting narrator for a human push that would see the fae kicked back to the border. Guess we will see how this and other ones go to get a feel for the bigger picture.

We'll see how this shakes out in part 2



Yukan - 105pts (narrator)

Ninelle - 16pts

Gyld - 52pts
(need racial perks equipped to benefit from them. beastman seems to have a human perk for some reason. class titles also need equipped to benefit from their perks. All of the character's abilities will need adjusted due to the domain rework. requirements for caster class may need to be bought.)

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