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Graded [Shade of the Fae See- Fae See] Home Sweet Home

Time: Morning

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM-1-1.png

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Shael looked over the crossbow that Kalina had taken out. It was an interesting piece to her, even if she didn’t personally really use crossbows as her primary weapon of choice, that didn’t mean she didn’t appreciate them, particularly given Nyll’s interests.

“{Hm..that looks quite nice, I can tell it was custom made, while I might not have eyes like Nyll or this Sophia you’ve spoken of, from what i can tell..it must be well made. It also sounds like it has nice functionality for dealing with threats}”

“{I myself actually use a more traditional style elven bow, but like many other Lune elves from the Shade of the Fae see, it actually serves a double function as a catalyst.}”
Shael figured she could add to the conversation on the topic of weapons.

When she heard that Kalina used her blade at range, she responded
“{Oh you have? Sounds like what dad does.}”

“{And it’s not a problem at all, even if I might not understand all the intricacies that go into some of these weapons, I can appreciate good craftmanship just as anyone else can, I appreciate you showing me.}”

Shael looked a bit more visibly surprised when she heard Kalina tell her that she went to the dark continent of all places, that was a very dreadful and dangerous place from what she heard, she was glad that Kalina was alive after the ordeal. So it was these friends that helped bring back some of her elvenness once again..those friends, they seemed to have helped her sister so much..she hoped that if she got to meet them she could thank them appropriately for all they had evidently done for her from the sound of things. What a diverse cast of people too, from presumably humans, fae, and beasts all helping Kalina along in some way or another.

She also hadn’t quite been expecting to hear that Kalina thought she was dating someone named Scylla Bancroft who was into ‘debatable’ magic, but also dating someone else, the very person who she said was good at crafting? That sounded pretty complicated. It wasn’t like loving more than one person wasn’t something that happened in this world, some people did have harems, but to hear that it sounded like her sister was potentially starting one was indeed surprising.
Instead of pressing her on it or otherwise generally being judgy or unpleasant, Shael would comment on what was an even more important take away to her:

“{I’m glad that you’ve gotten to experience first hand how good people transcend their racial backgrounds..based on what you’ve said it sounds like I’d really like to meet all of them too someday.}”

Shael commented quietly with a soft smile. If only others could have experiences like Kalina did with such a diverse cast of people, they’d also see that the world wasn’t always so black and white as people liked to make it out to be.

During the embrace, Shael almost felt like she wanted to start crying again, but she held back, she had missed her older sister so much, and feeling her again there, it made her feel much more hopeful than she had in many years..like that things really could be okay.

During the embrace when Kalina spoke, Shael moved back a bit and gave her a nod of confirmation, still staying close to her. She had meant what she said regarding the blood drinking. That much was true Shael hadn’t exactly had the most positive experience in her first adventurer guild outing, they had been unable to save everyone, and that other Fae uncaringly let Solidi partake in a fight which was well beyond her abilities and one that they as the adventurers weren’t entirely equipped to deal with enemies that strong..the loss had been quite sad.

This thought informed her decision to give Kalina another nod when she suggested she had her own struggles.

“{Those words mean so much to me Kalina, thank you, thank you for being here...}”

Thank for you joining me in the first part of this of this RP! This seems like a good spot to pause, and shall be continued at a later date in part 2.

Kalina "Chivernu" Xyvern:

(optional) [Another Me] Character has learned more about one of their past lives. Character is more likely to recover past memories of this life and gain knowledge from these memories.

Narrator Bonus: Optional Asset [Shade Elite B] Member of the Xyvern Family. The Xyven Family has a noble lineage of well known adventurers and monster hunters throughout The Shade.
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Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Felt like an emotionally driven rp rather than one by action. Good thing to do from time to time to reflect and focus. Seemed like there may have been some loose threads to follow up on established here, probably continued in part 2. Bit of a curious thing for a family of monster hunters and adventurers to be cool with the half monster in their midst and the ticking time bomb it is. For the sake of part 2, probably won't be putting anything in the aftermath, but I'd like to see good reasons why they don't kill kalina and others like her since apparently the family has experience with others tainted by monsters. If they have a habit of just keeping it in the family, then I'd suspect just how prestigious the family is in the region of a nation that is zealously anti-monster like the rest of the world. More likely the group would be viewed as somewhat heretical and/or dangerous like the belmonte clan in castlevania.



Kalina - 105pts
optional title acquired [Another Me] - Character has learned more about one of their past lives. Character is more likely to recover past memories of this life and gain knowledge from these memories.
optional asset acquired [Xyvern Shade Elite B] - add 35pts to earned and spent if this asset is taken. Xyvern Shade elite will just hunt and adventure in the background and will not have screen time. Should not be treated like a minion or companion.

Shael - 105pts
optional title acquired [Naive] - character is prone to acting and speaking in a way more experienced individuals would call foolish. Character is also mostly likely to find the chance or hope where none were.

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