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Community [Isekai Hell] February Event: Masquerade Ball


Roleplay Artist
Hello! Welcome!

This is part of Isekai Hell’s February community event.

If you are unfamiliar with Isekai Hell feel free to check out the links above. Hope to see you around!

Time: ???
Place:Venus Manerium


Venus Manerium Ballroom

Screenshot 2023-02-10 at 6.50.03 PM.png

Suddenly a figure appeared in the middle of the ballroom space where guests had been instructed to gather as the lights dimmed and a spotlight focused on the masked figure before them, speaking in an energetic yet posh sounding way.

“Ladies and gentlemen, beings from all walks of life! I’m so glad that you responded to your invitation and could make it here on this grand night! I can assure you that this corner of the realm is like no other for one of the most illustrious romantic nights of the year!”

Between statements the figure turned to look at different parts of the room staying in the center.

“Will you be successful in tonight’s event? Only time will tell!”

“But how do you succeed? Now that is the question I am here to answer!”

“First, you must keep your masks on at all times during the duration of the event.”

“Your powers and features will be subdued for the duration of the after all, we wouldn't want anything to get in the way of you enjoying the moment.”

“During the ball names and ages will be hidden too, don’t you know it’s rude to ask a lady her age anyway?”

“We also have a dress code to follow! Only those who dress the part are allowed to stay in this ballroom!

“With all of that said, listen closely!, the goal for our wonderful ball here is to find someone to partner up with before the night is over.”

“Be warned however, in accordance with our traditions, one person in this very room has been given the title ‘Bane of Love’, you want to avoid being partnered with this person by the end of the night at all costs!”

“Additionally the bane of love will be rewarded if they win so be careful who you decide to partner up with!”

“Besides this amazing ballroom to dance in we also have a cozy lounge for you to relax and get to know one another better. An array of live music will be provided for your listening and viewing pleasure.”

“There are other seating areas on the balconies if you fancy the moonlight as well as the opportunity to take a stroll through our expansive enchanted garden.”

“At the fountain in front of the manor there will be a spectacular ice show, truly a work of art!”

“Later the night the skies will light up with the brightest coordinated show.”

“ Announcements will be made prior to these special offerings starting up.”

“We also have plenty of refreshments whether mead, beer, or wine strikes your fancy, perhaps you're more interested in juices, heavy Hors d'oeuvres from all over and a elegantly prepared charcuterie board. Believe me we have it all!”

“ I promise you your masks have been enchanted on arrival to let you enjoy these offerings to your heart's content without having to remove them.” These goods were placed on an ornate table that was near the ballroom, as well as spread out throughout the building in areas of interest.

“With all of that said, I invite all of you to get acclimated with one another, forge relationships, and I can assure you that we’ll all have a wonderful time here together.”
Cuore finished and the lights brightened once more.


The main goal is to decide to partner up with someone by the end of the night.

All participating characters wear masks and nice clothing for the duration of the event.

Names and ages are not disclosed or available during the event.

Defining features or powers are suppressed for the duration of the event.

If you are partnered up with the Bane of Love by the end of the night you lose the event.

The Bane of Love will be rewarded if they win.​

"This should be interesting..." The man behind the mask, wearing a rather simplistic black and white suit, adorned with gloves and a peculiar hat, thought out loud as he entered the entered the ballroom. He patiently strolled around while the event actually started, gazing through the large windows, amazed by the beautiful sights the large windows offered. Seconds turned to minutes, and the lights started to dim. At first, he felt intimidated, until remembering the whole purpose of this evening eased his nerves.

The extravagantly dressed host explained the activity for the night, which sounded simple enough. But the problem for him was: Is becoming a partner with someone else that simple? For now, the masked man took a piece of ham and tried to get it to his mouth, and sure enough, the savory treat had no problems with the mask to enter his mouth. What an impressive enchantment, he thought.

For now, the masked man settled in a corner of the room, glass of wine in hand. He peered from behind his mask, looking for someone who caught his eye, while keeping himself away in case the opposite was the case. He had no rush in winning this game, the night was young.
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As she stepped into the Manerium, she immediately felt out of place. It was far nicer than anywhere she had ever set foot before. She had been sure the invitation had been delivered to her by mistake, but her name had been right there on the envelope. After painstakingly agonizing over whether or not she would attend, she finally decided at the very least it could be a good business venture. Maybe she could meet a wealthy benefactor who was interested in her work? However the second she laid eyes on the other guests, she immediately froze up again. They all seemed so elegant and extravagant, she felt underdressed in her simple ballroom gown. It was the fanciest thing she could afford and she had been assured it would fit right in.

She listened as the host explained the rules. So it was some kind of a game? She was not supposed to partner with the "Bane of Love"? As she glanced at all the people in the ball room she grew nervous of partnering with anyone at all. She made her way to the refreshments table and picked up a flagon of mead, hoping to loosen her nerves a bit. She was surprised such a fancy party served her drink of choice, but she wasn't about to complain. Popping some shrimp into her mouth and purring contentedly, she turned her attention back toward the crowd. "Now, how do I choose someone to partnerrr with, hhmm?"
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All things considered, ??? wasn't sure what had brought her here this evening. A party like this wasn't really her style, for various reasons. That said, the set-up certainly attracted her curiosity. Her costume was rather stuffy and she already managed to grown to dislike wearing it, but the rules told her to cover up any defining features, which meant there was a fair bit to cover up. The goal was to find someone to partner up with and avoiding this Bane of Love? Hmm. There was more than one worst-case scenario in that case. She clicked her tongue. Let's hope that wouldn't be the case.

She gave a deep sigh, pondering the options of what she could do. She perked up at the mention of 'expansive enchanted garden'. That sounded interesting. Far more than any of the other options, at least. She didn't even considering the food or drinks worth noting and wasn't the biggest on music appreciation. Then again, wandering out there alone wasn't exactly going to cut it. Who, then, would be her target?

Yeah, no. Finding someone interested when everyone was masked was a bother. How the hell was she to know if she wouldn't pick someone of the worst kind? Imagine hooking up with that... even that Bane of Love might be better. Luckily, her fortune favoured her. She could hear someone speaking in clear accent. A beast accent, judging from the purrs. Beast, huh? Not the best, not the worst. Could be fun, temporarily. Yes. She figured she'd give that one a go.

Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

“Good evening, miss. That's quite the lovely dress you've gotten yourself. Simple, but elegant.” She honestly wasn't sure what else to compliment as an ice-breaker when all other aspects of someone were hidden. Talk about her choice of food and drink? She definitely couldn't relate enough to those topics to get a conversation going. Well, onto the main act already, then? “Might I be as bold as to ask if you'd be willing to go on a stroll down the enchanted garden with me?”

Someone was dressed in black. A shiny black doublet with a wide black leather belt with a bright silver buckle. Three daggers gleamed on either side, visible when his black cloak was pushed aside.

Someone walked through the crowd, the heels of his black boots clicking on the tile. His wide brimmed black hat swiveled as he searched. The white mask on his face was in a mischievous grin, held there as if in they moment before a funny joke was told.

He gestured wide with his black gloves and walked closer to two particularity interesting ladies.

She was surprised such a fancy party served her drink of choice, but she wasn't about to complain. Popping some shrimp into her mouth and purring contentedly, she turned her attention back toward the crowd. "Now, how do I choose someone to partnerrr with, hhmm?"

“Good evening, miss. That's quite the lovely dress you've gotten yourself. Simple, but elegant.” She honestly wasn't sure what else to compliment as an ice-breaker when all other aspects of someone were hidden.

"Good evening ladies! I am compelled to shadow this fine lady and offer no less a complement. You are as lovely in your simplicity as..." Someone turned and gestured towards the elaborate blue & gold dressed lady, "You are in your complexity. A mirror or two sides of the same coin, light and darkness, day and night with me honored to have this moment with you both!"

He spread his arms wide, revealing the daggers but with great manners he bowed towards both women. "That is if you would do my the honor of your company?"


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Mentions: Elvario Elvario gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
She stared dumbstruck at the elaborately dressed woman before she was able to speak again. She had not yet accepted that she might be approached, let alone approached so soon. "Th-thank you, mmhhmm. You're dress is quite lovely as well, mmhhmm." She gripped her flagon in both hands nervously. As she was about to answer the woman's offer to visit the gardens, someone else cut in. A man clad in black doublet, boots, and cloak made his offer to the women.

She addressed the man first. "I aprrreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I must decline, mmhhmm. I am unsure if the rules would apprrrove of such a grouping, and I would hate to lose a game on a rules infraction, mmhhmm. Thank you for your kind words, they were very flattering, mmhhmm."

She then turned her attention back to the woman. "I would be honored to accompany you to the garden, if you would still have me, hhmm?"
(So like, I'm like way lazy to make a like finished illustration. So like, have this major sketch-o-rama watercolourish portrait. Like, totes Sorry~)
It feels weird not having my weird header thing.
What delicate and lovely scenery. It was quite a beautiful place to stand in. Standing alone, stood a maidenly figure with a pondering demeanour. To think that they would be tasked with having to find a match for the night or something similar was quite... Romantic. In some odd way. After all, one would have to be guided by some kind of fate to find a partner destined to them by the stars, how couldn't that be so beautifully romantic!

Or this person was just being overly idealistic? Ah, but would it not be beautiful to find your heavenly match while they hide beneath a mask? The figure gripped their right hand with the left hand, fiddling with a pearly bracelet wrung around they're wrist felt somewhat awkward. They weren't holding anything, and they really didn't know what to be doing with their hands. How embarrassing.

Dolled up in a pale-pink simple gown, worn along with a satin sacque'd Caraco adorned in various lace and bisque ribbons, the slender figure began taking a brief few steps. After all, they looked rather dainty and quite approachable! In a place where expressions hid under a mask, looking as sweet and friendly as possible was the best and surest way to make friends, establish alliances and perchance... Stumble upon Love(?).

They couldn't help but softly giggle, it was somewhat silly after all! Passing by a few folks, peering at anyone who seemed nice. There was an odd group gathered around the refreshments table. She considered approaching them, but there was someone who had extremely threatening look daggers under his cloak. They seemed well-mannered, but sharp objects were alarming to this person.

There was a girl with a cute, yet simple dress. This one suddenly felt quite overdressed in a way. Even though they were much more simplistic than when it came to the one wearing blue... Was she overdressed? Or was she underdressed? The slight person couldn't help but wonder. While in thought, the figure would notice someone quite lonesomely standing in the corner of the ballroom.

How quite, the masked maiden was in need of a conversation at the moment. All these thoughts just could not go to waste! First! They must elegantly approach with a welcoming demeanour. With that, the figure would walk up to the lonesomely standing man. Second, introduction, resting their hands, and slightly tilting their head to indicate a smile, the maiden spoke, "Salutations, it is of great pleasure to make your acquaintance." They'd start, utilising a softer voice than usual, "Although we may not share our names, I would be glad to learn more of you, would you care for a simple conversation? I have some thoughts I would like to share." The figure spoke with a friendly tone.
Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

The best part about wearing a mask? She could smirk and look as smug as she wanted, without having to worry about someone seeing or commenting on it. After all, that was exactly what she did upon hearing the first reply to the masked man that'd approached them. Not only was she not interested in him due to him likely being one of 'those' in here, she was put-off by him in general. “With all due respect, either you're bold enough to brandish weapons in a social outing like this or you've got an utterly terrible taste in accessories, two options of which neither catches my fancy in the slightest.”

She enjoyed saying that a bit more than she should, perhaps. It's why she also couldn't abstain from adding. “Perhaps you'll find better luck with one of the more impressionable people hiding in corners, on the assumption that you'll make yourself look less like that Bane of Love in your manners and behaviour, of course.”

Turning to the girl she'd first approached, she smiled. Not that such a smile would be visible. Nor would the expression of her looking like she'd just adopted a new puppy be visible. Instead, her happy reply would be heard. “Of course dear, I'd love to have you.”

She turned back to the man once more. “Well then, our ways part here. I wish you good luck with your next target and bid you farewell.” She'd at least stay somewhat polite, having already made her point prior.

After, she offered her arm to the girl to hook onto. After all, why not be a little brave and assertive? She'd already won the first 'battle' here. “Let us depart.” She said, eager to go explore these gardens with her freshly obtained companion.

Away from all the flirting and scheming that was going on, someone stood more than happy to remain on her lonesome. Standing by the food the woman would snack quietly upon a scone, being very careful to mind her manners but very clearly of no noble upbringing. Her body language did little to hide the fact she was enjoying the scrumptious food and though her mask was working hard to keep her identity hidden, the woman herself seemed far more interested in enjoying herself.

As others grouped up and others failed to do just that, this woman in particular simply watched on with a bemused smile. When a certain couple took the initiative to leave the ballroom, so too did the woman decide to do just that. Moving toward the entrance, the woman in red moved to the front yard, there was something that had caught her eye from before and to her such a sight was far more romantic in nature when compared to this regal mixer.

Outside the woman would move toward the central fountain and become lost within her own mind. Thinking deeply, she would fail to notice should anyone approach, indeed it would take a touch or elevated voice to return her to her own senses. That was, if anyone cared to follow or stumble upon her.​
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
She quickly downed the rest of her mead and set the flagon back on a nearby table, before popping another shrimp in her mouth and purring contentedly. She clung to the woman's outstretched arm and laughed. "Afterrr you, my lady, mmhhmm." She noted her rolling the of the word 'after'. Maybe I should not have drank the mead that fast, mmhhmm. She was thinking in common, also not a good sign. She was still able to walk straight, so it hadn't hit her that hard, just enough to lessen her nervousness.

As they made their way to the garden she tried to fill the silence to make herself more comfortable.
"Your dress is ratherrr beautiful, mmhhmm. Is it a traditional style, hhmm? I was tempted to go with a customary beastkin garment, but alas, it was out of my prrrice range, mmhhmm. Oh, Sorry, mmhhmm. It is not polite to talk about such matters at these types of gatherrrings, mmhhmm. Excuse my rrramblings, I am not use to such social situations, mmhhmm." She hoped she wasn't making a fool of herself in front of her companion.
Enchanted Garden

Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Although she raised an eyebrow (unseen thanks to her mask) at the woman downing mead and popping shrimps like she was having a last meal before preparing for something horrible, ??? decided not to let it kill the mood. Instead, she just allowed her to cling to her arm and led her outside, towards the promised garden. On the way there, she had to think for a moment about her dress being brought up. “Yes, it is, although it's a little controversial. Head coverings aren't allowed in Bishri, after all, so it's a trend that caught on in places more inclined to be a counter-culture against the capital and among some of very rare slightly progressive Fae...” She realised she might've overdone it. “My apologies, you probably didn't wish to hear me lecture you.”

At least they were 'equals' in some regard. “Truth be told, I've been to a great many social gatherings, but one with this type of purpose and this diversity of attendants is new to me as well.” She then looked over her companion once more, trying to imagine something. “Although the current design suits you well, I must say I can't help myself from wondering how those customary garments would've looked on you. Surely they'd be able to bring out even more of your beauty.”

On the topic of beauty, they'd arrived at the gardens. ??? couldn't believe her eyes for a moment. “They truly meant it when they said this place was enchanted. This is far more than expected. Everything seems to be alive or giving off lights in some form...” She uttered, as her eyes were finding it difficult to figure out where to land upon with so many things to behold.
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She addressed the man first. "I aprrreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I must decline, mmhhmm. I am unsure if the rules would apprrrove of such a grouping, and I would hate to lose a game on a rules infraction, mmhhmm. Thank you for your kind words, they were very flattering, mmhhmm."

Someone cocked his head to the side. "We are to find a partner, but there is nothing against finding more than one. A chain is forged through interlocking rings, bounded lives locked in an infinite embrace, is it not?" He paused in thought, "The first ray of dawn is neither the brightest not the warmest, that comes midday when the shadows struggle to find purchase." His attention was all consuming, not distracted by the presence of another rival or opportunity in this moment at least. "But no matter, in a game of musical chairs I've been told it's best to sit down as fast as possible, eh?"

He chuckled and his attention left the lady, drawn now as it was to another light. "Indeed, perhaps the first few rays of dawn are giving way to something warmer?"

Dolled up in a pale-pink simple gown, worn along with a satin sacque'd Caraco adorned in various lace and bisque ribbons, the slender figure began taking a brief few steps. After all, they looked rather dainty and quite approachable!

Someone turned back towards the lady of blue and gold as she started to talk to him once more.

Not only was she not interested in him due to him likely being one of 'those' in here, she was put-off by him in general. “With all due respect, either you're bold enough to brandish weapons in a social outing like this or you've got an utterly terrible taste in accessories, two options of which neither catches my fancy in the slightest.”

"Ah, you come to a knife fight with a blunt butter knife, I see. I have neither waved nor flourished mine in threat nor anger, but the same can not be said of you, now can it?"

If the lady had a smirk behind her mask, his was one of pity. It was sad to see those born to the light emit such darkness. He was learning it was quite common, perhaps more of an illusion of goodness than a reality of morality. It was interesting but only marginally so. He sighed loudly as the same women spoke again.

She enjoyed saying that a bit more than she should, perhaps. It's why she also couldn't abstain from adding. “Perhaps you'll find better luck with one of the more impressionable people hiding in corners, on the assumption that you'll make yourself look less like that Bane of Love in your manners and behaviour, of course.”

"Ha! A jester or a fool, but they are both aren't they? Odd for you to so quickly judge a book by its cover, not even pausing to leaf through the first page."

He paused rather dramatically and gestured his black arms wide, turning in a circle. "We are at a masquerade and the first thing you do is judge someone by thier mask?!" He laughed. "I certainly have gotten what I wanted out of this exchange!"

He bowed low, right leg siding back, black cloak flourishing.

She turned back to the man once more. “Well then, our ways part here. I wish you good luck with your next target and bid you farewell.” She'd at least stay somewhat polite, having already made her point prior.

"I would wish you luck, but that is no way to live ones life, now is it? I wish you to glimpse at your own light and perhaps gain some insight in so doing!"

He shook his head and disappeared into the crowd. Although there were many now, he had eyes only for one radiance. It guided him like a well aimed arrow towards his next target.

All these thoughts just could not go to waste! First! They must elegantly approach with a welcoming demeanour. With that, the figure would walk up to the lonesomely standing man. Second, introduction, resting their hands, and slightly tilting their head to indicate a smile, the maiden spoke, "Salutations, it is of great pleasure to make your acquaintance." They'd start, utilising a softer voice than usual, "Although we may not share our names, I would be glad to learn more of you, would you care for a simple conversation? I have some thoughts I would like to share." The figure spoke with a friendly tone.

"Ah a maiden most fair in gracious words and kind deeds, there is no greater gift than to luxuriate in the warmth of your presence!"

He gave pause, thinking upon the latter part of her offer. "Indeed there is no greater delight this evening could offer than to wax poetic or philosophic with a bright and engaging personage. I feel that any conversation with you would be far from simple, but let us start as such and see what the evening holds shall we?"
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

As the woman in the blue dress commented on how she would look in a beastkin dress, she blushed. "You're words are quite <wonderful>. Apprrrectiated, mmhhmm." And, suddenly they had reached the garden. It stretched out in a large circular pattern, with many paths around the outside of a central courtyard. Flowers of all types and colors were on display, planted below hedges and bushes containing bright berries other lavish fruits. Ferns filled the gaps between the plants and every so often, a small tree with vibrant leaves dotted the layout. "It realy is <exceptionally beautiful>. Very prrretty, mmhhmm. I have never seen such a collection of florrra before, mmhhmm." She walked around looking at the different plants up close. "Many of these have pharrrmaceutical applications, mmhhmm. Some of them are quite <rare>. Difficult to find, mmhhmm." She turned at smiled at her companion. "Thank you for bringing me here, mmhhmm. Do enjoy plants as well, hhmm?" She was hoping they might share some commonality.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

The man's attempt jabs back at her had gone ignored. After all, she'd gotten far better company at her side. She wasn't all that familiar with beasts, but this one was easy to like. She wondered if that was a thing among their species, as this wasn't the first like-able beast she'd met. Then again, those were very different circumstances in past times...

Right. Back to present. “I've seen similar things in the See, but there's some unique things here. Predominantly the arrangements. In the See, things tend to be far less structured and organised. Seeing everything shaped around this inner circle makes it feel a bit out of place to me, yet at the same time, I can see some patterns in the design that I can appreciate... Her thoughts trailed off at the end.

Only to pick back up at the question. “You could say that I enjoy plants, yes.” She couldn't suppress a chuckle. This masked thing had some fun aspects to it, that much was clear. “Although I must admit, I only know of very select few types. Most of these I know by sight, but not by name. Some of them are entirely unfamiliar to me.”

She recalled something she'd once learned. Good conservationists allowed their partners to do most of the talking. She'd best try to put that to practice. “You mention pharmaceuticals. Are you a herbalist or doctor of sorts? Or perhaps a medicine-woman?”
At the buffet....


"...Why the shit did I get an ugly as sin mask?" A man behind the mask seemed to be more angry about how ugly it was rather than being forced into going to a party... He hated that crap... Sure he got this invitation and that little dumb pang in his heart spurred him on but he HAD NO FANCY CLOTHES!!!

Uugggh he was gonna end up alone at this thiiing.

It was all he could do but sip this decent tea(Again, not a conosure), and pretend to be interested in any of this crap.

Seriously whats a guy gotta do to...


The buffet lay unprotected, yes, the perfect target for him to sneak up and take over all the good morsels... He looked closer at the line up and it wasn't too great, but.... He wasn't a picky eater. He was an eater.

Thus, not really bothering with a plate the young man began to gorge on the finger foods right at the long table, careing little about yhe onlookers and those seeing his very waggy tail and short fuzzy ears...

...Wasn't he suppoused to hide his bigger noteable appearance things? Maybe but what did he care he was here to eat now. Scree love, he didn't need it!

He needed food!!



....it might... be nice to eat with someone...

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Although her smile when asked about her profession wouldn't show through her mask, her uplifted voice and cheerful disposition would. "I am a potion crrrafter, mmhhmm. I specialize in healing potions and <salves>. Creams, mmhhmm. One of my few true pleasures is combining different ingrrredients to see what sort of results I can brew, mmhhmm." She gently plucks to two small leaves from a short herb growing in the soil and hands one to the woman. "When cooked to the right temperrrature, this plant secretes a paralytic toxin that can shut down the average perrrson's motor functions in minutes, mmhhmm." She pops it into her mouth. "But, on it's own, or in drinks, it is merely a mint like refrrreshment, mmhhmm." She is rather enjoying her time with her companion. "You mentioned the See, hhmm? Are you familiar with it, hhmm? I have only briefly passed through myself, mmhhmm. Most of my dealings have been in Rrryke, mmhhmm." She grips her companions arm once again, leaning on it merrily.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

“A potion crafter?” ??? repeated, although an explanation soon followed. “That sounds like an interesting line of work.” She took the leaves and observed them, although she honestly couldn't see anything more special about them than the rest of the stuff in these gardens. That said... “I'm sorry, I don't think I know what 'paralytic' means in the common tongue.” She failed to notice that the explanation was already present in the second part of that sentence. Perhaps the fact that the girl was casually eating it also made it more difficult to connect the dots. Then again... “Consuming something that has the potential to poison you sounds like a dangerous game, like rooting in soil you know to be tainted by the ocean's salt.” That was the first comparison that came to mind.

As for the See, her mask was once again hiding a smile. “Yes, I was born and raised there.” The next part was a bit surprising. “Ryke, you say? I'd have expected you to be from Kuridan.” She spotted an opportunity. “After all, such a lovely and charming accent of purrs would suggest you to be from closer to the [beast] mainland.” She happily allowed the girl to lean into her, sort-off wishing these masks and clothes wouldn't get in the way as much as they did. She wasn't really used to wearing such fabrics, so to be totally covered in them was quite the change of pace and she currently realised how much of a spoilsport it could be.
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A particular fellow pulled out all the stops for the ball. Not only did he get his hair done, he had it dyed to look particularly dashing. It was difficult to find attire appropriate for the event given his not so ideal physique, hence the need to have a one custom made. And last, but not the least, the special headdress he had commissioned to serve as his mask. It takes the appearance of a band of wreaths, but when worn, it distorts and blurs the wearer's face, masking his true appearance from those around him. It was perfect for tonight's festivities.​

Mention: Orikanyo Orikanyo

Definitely out of his element, he stood by himself at the corner of the ball, thinking to himself on why he was even in attendance in the first place. "Damn it. Fucking got carried away." He thought to himself as he eyed that fanciful clothes he had made. "I guess I'm broke again." His shoulders drooped as he sighed. With nothing left to do, his eyes wandered as he found himself staring at the rest of the invitees. He noticed the cheer and merriment that filled the room and realized that he was wasting the night away standing by himself.

"I guess there's no use in mopping around." He scratched his head, looking around, hoping to find somewhere or someone he could socialize with. Most of those around him felt posh. They gave a air of elegance and poise. Though these were traits that many longed for and envied, this particular man had varying opinions. "Bunch of snooty rich folk." He mumbled to himself. But to his surprise, among the frills and feathery masks that filled the room, one stood out.

"Now that's what you call a mask." It bore horns and had an eerie agape mouth. "Why didn't I think of that?" To make things even more interesting, the man behind the mask was in no way restrained as he started to help himself to some of the delicacies laid out for them.

"This guy knows his stuff." Influenced by the manners of the oni-masked-man, this particular man decided to come over and join him, indulging himself with some food of his own.

"Fancy mask you got there." He spoke, before grabbing a handful of appetizers that he threw into his mouth.
210_Okada Izou_4 (2).pnge426149f3e857b44722ff1540ab8eb24.jpg

Shawazama Shawazama

"...The hells with your face?" The young man asked, chewing through some sort of sandwich that was genuinely just a leaf of lettuce, ham and whatever sauce was deems suitable.

"Its a mask. Just something I took." He didn't want to say he took awhile to consider his mask and struggled over the thought of being laughed at...


"...Guess yours is one too, its freaky, I don't even see your eyes, or mouth. Look like something people would tell horror stories about. Faceless Fat Noble who steals your eyes, mouth or nose... No offense, where I come from it ain't too bad to have more on yea so long as its not hurtin yer job." He chewed on a toothpick, which seemed all but somewhat humerous with the demon face making a stretch with it's gaping maw to bite down on it too.

"...So what'd that Green guy say about romance? Hows anyone doi g that romance crap if we can't even see each others faces? I can't even smell anything or anyone... Tail feels wierd too..." he did grumble abit, seeming abit unhappy with it all... Why did he even come here...

"...Love ain't for me. I'm a swordsman not a lover..."
Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
She blushes as the woman mentions her accent and holds her arm tighter. "I was, am, from a small village on the Republic side of the borrrder with Rrryke, mmhhmm. I often travelled to Rrryken with my fatherrr when I was <kitten>. Youngerrr, mmhhmm. When I became old enough to start my own job, I often travelled to small cities in the Rrryke to peddle my wares, mmhhmm." She leans over to smell several large flowers on a bush before returning to her companion. "I have been to many places in the Rrryke, but neverrr the eastern side, mmhhmm. It is well known to beastkin to avoid the Eastern Empires borrrders, lest you be taken by <slavers>. Poachers, mmhhmm. Every beastkin family has a story like that, mmhhmm. For me it was my grrreat aunt on my father's side, mmhhmm. I am sorry, I am rrrambling again, mmhhmm. What is the See like, hhmm? I should like to visit one day, mmhhmm." She looks up at the masked woman, a large smile on her face.
+ "Rose" +

All throughout the beginning of the banquet, she had simply one main issue--and it was greatly impeding on her ability to enjoy her little game of coquette amongst the guests. She was dressed in elegant, intricate black--eyes hidden by a similarly colored canvas. Despite the elegant heels she had so cheerily tried on, the flowery grace of her outfit, her footing could not be described to be matching with her appearance.

Attempting (and struggling) to leave the banquet, the lass would make prances of movement as she would attempt to rid herself from the dangerous affair of walking in heels in a crowded area, attempting to hide her lack of balance in her steps with slight bounces of rhythm in her steps, chuckling to herself as she trusted herself clever to create such a crafty little game. For every little tip and trip she experienced, she attempting to recover through a motion more dramatic--feigning the appearance of a dance in her steps.

...Unfortunately, she was no master of this game. Overconfident with chuckles as she only continued further and further out from the banquet--forward into the front yard, not paying attention to her surroundings as she would consider continuing her game of balance upon the rims of the fountain--

And finally, in karmic retribution--

She would trip-- But she didn't simply just trip in an good old-fashioned non-consequential way. She only then recognized the presence of another fabric at the ground, a slight shock as she realized what was in her forward direction--

"M-Miss! Look behind you!!"

She tripped onto the woman ( Uasal Uasal ) standing by the fountain--pushing her right in alongside herself.
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Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Oddly enough, learning that this girl hated the East Empire as much as she did was a relief. She couldn't imagine what she'd do if she'd accidentally hooked up with someone from there or a sympathiser to that atrocity of an empire. “Let's just say we share our hatred for the East Empire, but keep that topic for another day. We wouldn't want to ruin the wonderful mood here with such topics, right?” She replied, although she was talking to herself more so than to her partner, as she had to almost bite her tongue not to start a long-winded tirade against all the sins of the East Empire.

As for her own country. “It's wonderful. The Spirit King and his Cardinals ensure that the entire realm blossoms and grows with an abundance of flora and fauna. Fruits, medicine, living wood, trees as tall as mountains, I'll never grow tired of it all. We tend to live where nature guides us, without the need for roads, economies or even merchants and adventurer's. It's wonderful.” As she spoke, it was clear that ??? was very fond of her nation. There was just one little thing. “It's also dangerous for outsiders. Unless you take a portal directly to Bishri, I'd suggest you find someone to guide you... a task I'd gladly take upon myself, for that matter.”

After she said it, she paused a bit, her eyes drawn to a particular type of plant. Or oddly enough, the soil that plant was rooted in. She squatted down to get some dirt on her gloves, getting ready to pull them off and touch the soil by hand, only to remember the rules of this game. She clicked her tongue. Alas, she couldn't study it as much as she'd want to.

With a sudden impact and a loud splash, the woman in red was sent tumbling into the fountain alongside 'Rose'. Taken completely by surprise the woman in red was left soaking, from head to toe, her hand patting a small bump on her head. "Ouch...". looking around in a daze the woman soon came to realise she was intertwined with another, her hand wedged between the fountain base and Rose's knee. Not to mention hor her legs were being pinned by the woman's body in general.

Sighing softly to herself the woman in red patiently waited for Rose to recover so that she could return to her feet and preferably out of the fountain. Though she made no effort to rush the woman, still unsure as to whether she was hurt or not "Excuse me, it seems you have me quite stuck here. Would you mind getting off of me for the time being?". With a soft smile, the woman spoke in a hushed and gentle tone. Her eyes were as gentle as her demeanour "Are you injured? Do you require first aid?"
Etymarchen Etymarchen
Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
ROMANCE? ~ Between the pearls that line their neck and the daggers that line their belt.
The maidenly person flinched at the voice of the person standing behind them. They recognised this voice, it was the voice of the person with the daggers who was first conversing with the other two people. They turned to them, and unfortunately(?), they were exactly the person that this figure did not very much trust at first.

However the words they spoke... They were so charismatic, and they sounded so genuine and honest! How could the masked maiden think so unfondly of this person just because of a few potentially dangerous daggers? As whoever they are, says: You should never judge a book by its first sentence!... Or something like that.

The figure tilted their head slightly, raising their slim arm to cover where their mouth would be to hide their giggle, (somewhat unnecessarily due to their mask covering their entire face.) "Oh my!" They exclaimed, a smile in their voice, "How kind of you to say, I would be verily glad! Honestly, at first, I did not think of you as very approachable. However, I am elated to know that you think of me as such. Thank you, kindly." They responded, with a gentle tone, before clasping their hands together as a means to rest them.

Thinking, thinking, thinking. It seemed like this person most likely had quite a lot of thoughts as well, for their choice of words was somewhat theatric in a way, and that was quite interesting to this masked maiden. However, it would be nice to know more about each other before delving into each other's thoughts. "Considering one is interested, what thoughts would it be that you would wish to converse?" The maidenly figure stated, before adding:

"Would it be that perchance one would firstly like to indulge in each other?" The figure silently giggled, their tone only ever so slightly playful as brought their hand once more in front of where their mouth would be.
masque jareth (2).jpg

An individual emerges from further out in the garden. His stroll was casual and in his hand, a freshly picked flower held delicately between the fingers of his right hand. He brought it to the nose of his mask and inhaled gently but deeply as he came into line of sight of the catkin and lady speaking by some plant beds.

Hesitating for only a fraction of a second, the man turned and continued his leisurely stroll towards them. Upon reaching a comfortable distance from them, he spoke as though addressing friends,

"Welcome, welcome! I was wondering how long it would be until the guests ventured out into this most enchanting place. The master is making no small effort to conjure camaraderie between these masked vigilantes of love." He glances between the two ladies. "And it would appear that you two have already paired up. This calls for...hm, ah! A token! Yes, a gift given to seal your bond. Yes, perfect! Here in my hand is my token to you in celebration of your camaraderie." Extending the hand grasping the flower towards the catkin, he allows her to take it before clapping his hands. "Yes, very good indeed. Well, I'll leave you for now. But first, a warning," he leans forward cupping a hand around the mouth portion of his mask, "stay away from the man in black." Righting himself, he bows to the ladies. "Do enjoy your evening! And remember: tonight is magic. You can be whoever you want to be while here in this place." He turns and walks towards the fountain while raising a hand in farewell.
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