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Character Old Characters (Locked)

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Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily to weekly.

Equipped Titles: Human, Prideful, Ryken Adventurer E, Expert Blacksmith, Expert Enchanter, Well-Meaning, Branch Noble, Order Initiate, See Inquisitor, East Empire Fugitive C

Height: 165 cm / 5' 4”
Weight: 51 kg / 132 lbs

She was born just in time to witness the collapse of the Burgundian Kingdom, although she was barely old enough to make sense of it at the time. What she did get to witness from a young age, was the intricate and complicated political scene within the Holy Roman Empire, as her family was nobility in the newly formed County of Savoy that lay within it. The many marriages, reforms, treaties and trade agreements between all the counties, princedoms, dukedoms and states that tried to stick together as a single 'Holy Roman Empire' was the standard topic of conversation at the dining table, or anywhere else in the house, for that matter.

Her education was exclusively catered towards one goal; making her the ideal marriage candidate for one of the many rulers within the Holy Roman Empire. The long days of studying etiquette and pretending to be the perfect lady were tiresome, but she pulled through somehow. Her main issue was with what she wasn't allowed to study. She cared more about the governmental aspects of being part of the ruling class than a woman should, so she was often reprimanded for sticking her nose where it didn't belong. With effort, she managed to pass it off as a mere 'interest' and kept her desires to be the one in power hidden.

This desire was growing ever so slightly any time she spotted faulty decisions being made by the men in power all through-out the Holy Roman Empire. She knew she'd be able to make the County of Savoy a better place than its current incompetent ruler ever could, or even fix some of the other places within the empire, as she had no particular loyalty to her own birthplace, but she'd never get a shot at it. She was a woman, after all, who's only goal was to give an heir to whomever she'd be married off to.

The destined fate of becoming nothing more than the 'mother of an heir' was her worst nightmare. It kept her awake at night and forced her into crafting her master-plan. She had her eyes set on a princedom to the north of the County of Savoy. The ruling prince was old enough to kick the bucket at any time, so if she'd manage to get married to his weak-willed son, there was a high chance she'd be there when he would take over the princedom's leadership. His easily influenced personality would make it easy for her to manipulate him, which would finally make her dream of being the one in charge come to fruition, even if it'd be from behind the scenes.

The first part of her plan succeeded, as she was married off to the prince's son at the age of sixteen. Whilst her marriage wasn't a happy one, as she didn't love the man in the slightest, she reached the position of power she had aimed for. Or so she thought. The second part of her plan, that of manipulating events from behind the shadow of her husband, was immediately foiled. It turned out another woman had already gained a firm grasp on the young ruler; the prince's mother had long been the shadow-ruler. She had even spent her time manipulating her husband before his passing. As such, she wasn't going to step aside and let some other woman get a hold of her son.

The two women clashed multiple times, but the already existing network of her mother-in-law turned out to be far too powerful to deal with. Eventually, she felt cornered; forced to be nothing more than meaningless decoration, other than her task of birthing an heir. The latter wasn't going well either. Try as she and her husband might, three entire years went by without a sign of success. She was fairly certain the prince's seed was as weak as his will, but she was the one that got blamed by society. It was likely a scheme of her mother-in-law. It was successful one at that, as she eventually got divorced on the grounds of being infertile. Her last hope of getting in power by outliving her mother-in-law and taking control after the woman's death faded away before her eyes.

Despite being only nineteen years old, she was forced to live out the rest of her life in a cottage in the mountains, with the intend of having her entire existence be forgotten by history. It was a destiny she wasn't willing to follow, so she took her fate in her own hands in the only way she could think off; by ending it all.

She was rather shocked to find out there was such a thing as a [god] in the world. She'd always thought that the 'Holy' part in the Empire's name to be equally meaningless as the 'Roman' one and merely faked piety for the sake of appearances. Rather than being sent to burn in hellfire, however, she was offered a new opportunity. Living as she pleased? She grimaced. Perhaps she'd manage to do so this time around. She sure as hell hadn't given up on her goals yet. She'd rule her own kingdom and if that meant going to another world and bringing that entire world in motion in order to achieve it, so be it.

Current Life:
When she opened up her eyes, she was surprised to find herself younger than she used to be. Was she sixteen again? She wasn't sure. Perhaps she was even younger. Slowly and steadily, information about her new life started to come to her, as if the memories of her past life and her 'current' life were merging. She learned her new name, Regula. She didn't have a surname, as her father was unknown and an administrative law made it so she couldn't adopt her mother's surname. She soon learned that she was living in far worse conditions than she'd ever experienced before. She also learned why her father was unknown, as her mother was a prostitute and she was the outcome of a job gone 'wrong'. The latter was rather odd, as the establishment her mother worked for had very strict countermeasures, but it wasn't something she could recall looking into.

Finally, she learned that her daily life existed of being homeschooled and working for a nearby baker to deliver the bread in the early morning. It was hard work for little money, but it helped her and her mother get by. However, getting by wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to rule a kingdom. Even so, she knew she would have to take it slow. After all, a sudden change of behaviour would likely make things difficult for her in the long run. Instead, she started plotting out ways in which to achieve her goals, deciding to bide her time for as long as necessary.

There were multiple things she was going need. Supporters, wealth and a claim to nobility were among the most essential ones. It would be a pretty tough task to go from being a whore's daughter to becoming a queen, but she was determined not to fail a second time, regardless of how the odds were stacked against her all even heavier. She even figured she'd attempt a different route. She once read some stories during her lifetime of heroes becoming king, so why couldn't a a heroine become queen? If she'd manage to become someone strong enough, she'd have the means to gain supporters and wealth. All she'd need was a claim to nobility. The latter was why she eventually asked her mother about her potential father and attempted to press her for an answer. Her mother was tight-lipped and didn't reveal a thing.

Only a month after being reborn, she quit her job at the baker and started a new job working for a blacksmith. It was ridiculed by most of the people in her surroundings, but she didn't care. If she wanted power, she'd need a job that'd make her more powerful, which working a forge was far more likely to do than delivering bread. She didn't succeed. Whilst she had a fair bit of talent, she wasn't garnering the kind of strength she hoped she would. To make matters worse, she was given all sorts of menial, mind-numbing tasks that bored the life out of her and was heavily underpaid for it on top of it. It was clear she wasn't taken serious by anyone she tried working for.

Frustrated beyond belief, she eventually gathered up the courage to ask the most famous blacksmith in town to take her on as his apprentice; Rossle Deva himself. He accepted. With that, hope had been found once more. Whilst his lessons weren't easy, she managed to keep up. The amount of times he criticized her work into the ground and nearly destroyed any confidence she might have gained were countless, but he always gave the feedback needed to crawl back up and do better next time. Furthermore, she even got to work on some of her own projects while at it. She managed to experiment with magic in the rare hours during which she had some time to herself. Whilst she had a bit of talent for it, but couldn't quite figure out how to get the most usage out of it. At best, she could pull off some gimmicky tricks.

To expand on the latter, she decided to craft a weapon for herself, one that was unique and meant to be used by her alone. After many failures, she eventually created the first working weapon, which she baptised a 'combustion gun' upon its first successful shot. She's been working to improve it and its ammunition ever since. To that extend, she was found near the forge to test out some new idea she'd gained after her field-tests often enough that even Rossle's bear dog stopped minding her constant coming and going.

With her work at the forge, she'd made some money and a weapon. With her magic training and field-testing, she'd used those to gain some power. Both things gave her confidence, but it wasn't enough. It's why, after three years, the same amount of time she'd been married in her previous life, she confronted her mother again. After all, she felt like there was more to the story. She couldn't just be put into this world without any chance at obtaining her goals, there had to be more to why she was who she was. This time around, her mother finally gave her an honest answer.

She'd been born after her mother had worked as a courtesan in the royal palace, for none other than the oldest prince himself. The prince had liked her enough to keep her in the palace for almost half a year, during which her mother hadn't been able to access any of the usual preventative measures. She hadn't been brave enough to mention this issue to the prince either, which resulted in the unwarranted pregnancy. The latter got swept under the rug in record time, with her mother being thrown out and any traces of her extended stay in the palace being wiped away from the records and paid out off the minds of the few who might've seen her there.

It was difficult for Regula not to smile upon hearing the story. She was of royal blood. Now, she just needed to prove it and to use this fact to her advantage in a claim for the throne. If she could win over the favour of the public, she could even cause a revolution to put her on the throne. There were so many options that it was almost difficult to chose one. However, there was one thing that she'd need in any scenario; supporters. She needed people to back her in her quest for the throne, both some strong people to have in her inner circle and a large enough following among the commoners. She'd seen enough coupes fail in her previous life by fools who plotted it without firm enough support from either the public or those close to them. She didn't like to see her neck on the guillotine next.

It's why she decided that a good first step into becoming a queen was her earlier idea of becoming a heroine, which she could work on whilst keeping her eyes on for additional proof of her identity and whilst gathering more allies and resources. She'd need anything she could get for her ambitious plans, after all. Whilst goal was every so clear, the path towards it would be a long and treacherous one. Even so, she was determined to walk it. She just needed to chose a direction.

  • Gather money, wealth, fame, allies, power, connections...
  • Establish a claim to nobility and/or a claim to royalty.
  • Become the ruler of Ryke.
  • Conquer/incorporate neighbouring countries and form an Empire.
  • Become an Empress of the largest Empire in this world's history.
  • Govern the Empire until there's a worthy heir.
  • Stop mage Doriel from whatever he's up to in the magic Duchy.
  • Help Aria deal with her family issues.

[Race] Titles
  • [Human] Humans are normal humans and are the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
[Society] Titles
  • Prideful - Character has shown an awareness of self that would put them above other people and circumstances for better or for worse. Pride cometh before a fall, but it is only the prideful that strive for more, believing themselves worthy and capable. If their belief in self is true, who better to achieve the most?
  • Ryken Adventurer E Character is an adventurer of the Ryken Adventurer Guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. E grade means the character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic trainings or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
  • Well-Meaning Character has displayed several instances of attempting to help, so it is understood by many the character is at least trying to make circumstances better. However, their efforts struggle to achieve the best outcome.
  • [Branch Noble] Character has discovered they are some form of noble but of a branch family. They will have a long climb to become respected as peerage, but it's a start. Their lineage is so distant that do not have any land holdings or assets associated with the title, but can at least rightfully claim their noble status.
  • [Order Initiate] Character is a new recruit to Linneus’ Order. Member who still has to prove herself.
  • [See Inquisitor] - Character was unsuccessful in their mission, but failure is not the end. So long as one breathes, there is hope for redemption. Character may gain redemption by aiding the enemies of the See to find their own redemption through fire and sword. Character will not inherit criminal titles while 'punishing' enemies of the See. Inquisitors have +1 effectiveness in finding/discerning enemies of the See and in inflicting damage against them. With each successful 'cleansing', character's soul will feel lighter until redemption and enlightenment is obtained, and the perks therein.
  • Mandatory [East Empire Fugitive C] - Character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in East Empire.
[Job] Titles
  • Expert Blacksmith – B Grade Artisan [Blacksmith]
  • Expert Enchanter – B Grade Artisan [Enchanter]

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 297
Points Spent: 350
Points Unspent: 52

Strength – A
(35 points)
Precision – A
(35 points)
Intelligence – D
(14 points)
Vitality – A
(35 points)
Speed – E
(7 points)

  • [Appraisal] C (0 points) | Axillary ability - requires meta knowledge, C Grade Character

  • Artisan [Blacksmith] B (35 points) | A Grade Precision
    Artisans are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master NPC and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F grade swords. Orichalcum and mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
    Blacksmith - forger of metal based items and likely metal based weapons and armours in particular.
  • Artisan [Enchanter] B (35 points) | A - Grade Precision
    Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F grade swords. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
    Enchanter - someone who can imbue mithril items with magical properties.
  • Focus D (21 points) | C Grade Character
    It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without wood working tools
    The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to centre the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat. Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
  • Pocket Dimension E (28 points) | Axillary | D Grade Intelligence
    Character can store items in an alternative space as large as 1 foot radius. They can freely retrieve any items stored in the space or add items to the space so long as there is room and the item would not have to destroyed to fit.
    • F- 1ft radius – 30 centimetre
    • E - 10ft radius – 3 metre
    • D - 100ft radius – 30 metre
    • C - 1000ft radius – 300 metre - district
    • B - 1mi radius – 1.6 kilometre - village
    • A - 10mi radius – 16 kilometre - city
    • S - ???

  • N/A

  • Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun B (Blacksmith/Enchanter - 35 points)
    A self-made weapon crafted to utilise the propulsion power of combustion magic in order to fire off bullets of various compositions. (The same as the in the full appearance image.)
    • Core 1
    • [Magic] Affinity B (Enchanter)
      Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.

      Core 2
    • [Combustion] Affinity B (Enchanter)
      Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell times which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does. Ex: Fire or Polymorph.

      [Combustion] Affinity allows for a specialized exothermic redox chemical reaction to take place in a manner of which the output and power is decided by the grade of the affinity. One of its main applications is to cause explosive/propulsive forces.

      Core 3
    • [Silencing] Affinity B (Enchanter]
      Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell times which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does. Ex: Fire or Polymorph.

      [Silencing] Affinity allows for a reduction of noise.

      Core 4
    • Magic Range C (Enchanter)
      Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 1000 ft – 304 metres away.
    • Area of Effect F (Enchanter)
      Character can impact an area of 10ft – 3.04 metres radius with their magic.

      Core 5
    • Magic Targets C (Enchanter)
      Character can select 25 targets to hit or spare for their spell.
    • Weaken [Vitality] F (Enchanter)
      Only can weaken a creature once per ability duration. Cannot be stacked by same user. Duration of effect can be improved with duration skill.

      Character has extensively studied and trained to reduce target effectiveness in a specific area. Lower [Vitality] by 1 grade for one of their posts. Upgrading the skill increases amount stat can be lowered.

    • Combustion Gun – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, gun-type weapon.
      - Character uses combustion magic to fire a bullet from their gun.
      - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
    • Weakening Combustion Gun – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Weaken [Vitality] F, Magic Range C, gun-type weapon.
      - Character uses combustion magic to fire an enhanced bullet from their gun.
      [Range C] works at a target within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range.
      [Weaken Vitality F] weakens vitality by 1 grade upon impact.
      - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
    • Silenced Combustion Gun – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, gun-type weapon.
      - Character uses combustion magic to fire a bullet from their gun whilst also using magic to dampen the sounds of firing it.
      - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
    • Weakening Silenced Combustion Gun – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, Weaken Vitality F, Magic Range C, gun-type weapon.
      - Character uses combustion magic to fire a bullet from their gun whilst also using magic to dampen the sounds of firing it.
      [Range C] works at a target within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range.
      [Weaken Vitality F] weakens vitality by 1 grade upon impact.
      - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
    • Multi-target Weakening Sillenced Combustion Shot – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Weaken [Vitality] F, gun-type weapon.
      Character uses combustion magic to fire multiple bullets from their gun at once whilst also using magic to dampen the sounds of firing it.
      [Range C] works at a target within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range.
      [Magic Targets C] Able to hit up to 25 targets.
      [Weaken Vitality F] weakens vitality by 1 grade upon impact.
      - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
    • Multi-target Weakening Explosive Silenced Combustion Shot
      – Magic Affinity B, Combustion Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Area of Effect F, Weaken [Vitality] F, gun-type weapon.
      Character uses combustion magic to fire multiple bullets from their gun at once whilst also using magic to dampen the sounds of firing it.
      [Range C] works at a target within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range.
      [Magic Targets C] Able to hit up to 25 targets.
      [Area of Effect F] cause a 10 feet radius explosion within the spread range of the gun.
      [Weaken Vitality F] weakens vitality by 1 grade upon impact.
      - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
    • Muffle – Magic Affinity B, Silencing Affinity B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C – Muffles the sounds of 25 targets within 1000 feet (304 metres) of range - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
  • Enchanted mithril-threaded Cloak B (Blacksmith/Enchanter - 35 points)
    Inspired by working on the uniquely designed armour of one of her customers, Regula upgraded her cloak with mithril threads and chains in order to make it function like a heavy chain-mail armour, then went on to enchant it with some useful skills.(The same as the in the full appearance image.)
    • Core 1
    • [Magic] Affinity B (Enchanter)
      Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.

      Core 2
    • Healing B (Enchanter)
      You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.

      F - Basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds.
      E - Cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons.
      D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present
      C - Heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones
      B - Reinvigorate, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.

      Core 3
    • Energized B (Enchanter)
      Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank
      Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1

      Core 4
    • Area of Effect D (Enchanter)
      Character can impact an area of 100 feet – 30.4 metres radius with their magic.
    • Control Environment E (Enchanter)
      Character can not inflict damage with this ability.

      Grants character ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions.

      Core 5
    • Selective Magic D (Enchanter)
      Character can shape or change the nature of their magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets. Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the magic AoE or magic range skill used in the ability.
    • Magic Duration E (Enchanter)
      Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic use to last longer. Increase duration of effect on target to 1 hour in roleplay time. Narrator decides how many posts that will equate to. This holds true for upgraded versions of the skill.

    • Safe Zone – Magic Affinity B, Healing B, Energized B, Area of Effect D, Selective Magic D, Control Environment E, Magic Duration E - Character creates an area of 100 feet – 30.4 metres radius around them in which they lift bad environmental conditions and heal all allies, keeping it up for the duration of 1 hour. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown (Energized).
  • Enchanted mithril boots B (Blacksmith/Enchanter - 35 points)
    Hand-crafted and self-enchanted heavy armour mithril boots.
    • Core 1
    • Fast B (Enchanter)
      Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting themselves easily.
      F – 12 mph – 19 km/h (max)
      E – 24 mph – 38 km/h (max)
      D – 48 mph – 77 km/h (max)
      C – 90 mph – 144 km/h (max)
      B – 180 mph – 289 km/h (max)

      Core 2
    • Jumping B (Enchanter)
      Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
      F vertically 3 yards 2.7 meter / horizontally 10 yards 9 meter
      E - vertically 10 yards 9.1 meter / horizontally 33 yards 30 meter
      D - vertically 30 yards 27 meter / horizontally 100 yards 91 meter
      C - vertically 100 yards 91 meter / horizontally 333 yards 304 meter
      B - vertically 300 yards 274 meter / horizontally 1000 yards 914 meter

      Core 3
    • Water Speed B (Enchanter)
      Creatures with this skill can float and travel on and underwater at faster speeds for longer periods of time (assumes creature already has means of breathing underwater for long underwater periods).
      F - Swim Speed 3 mph – 4.8 km/h
      E - Swim Speed 10 mph – 16 km/h
      D - Swim Speed 30 mph – 48 km/h
      C - Swim Speed 100 mph 161 km/h
      B - Swim Speed 300 mph 482 km/h

      Core 4
    • Supersense [Tremorsense] B (Enchanter)
      A Creature with tremorsense is sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground.
      F - 10ft radius – 3 meter
      E - 100ft radius – 30 meter
      D - 1000ft radius – 304 meter
      C - 1 mile radius – 1.6 kilometre
      B - 10 mile radius – 16 kilometre

      Core 5
    • Special Movement [Wall Running] F – Running along walls.
    • Special Movement [Wall Bouncing] F – Bouncing off of walls.
    • Special Movement [Ceiling Bouncing] F – Bouncing off of ceilings.
    • Special Movement [Uneven Terrain Running] F – Using full speed across uneven terrains.
    • Special Movement [Ledge Running] F – Using full speed along narrow ropes and paths.

    • Boots of Hermes – Fast B, Jumping B, Water Speed B, Special Movements F: Wall Running, Wall Bouncing, Ceiling Bouncing, Uneven Terrain Running, Ledge Running – No matter the terrain, the user can traverse it quickly and with some impressive jumping to top it off. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
  • Mithril Dagger B (Blacksmith/Enchanter, World RP Reward – 0 points).
    (On her left the in the full appearance image.)
    Regula's dagger got mithrilled and made ready for enchantments. The See represent many things. Keeping with theme, their operatives must be capable of and represent many things as well. The mithril of the dagger has a emerald shade of green to it and the handle of the dagger is wrapped in shavings of one of the living life trees within the Fae nation.
  • [Heavy Armour] Greaves B (Blacksmith - 0 points)
    A set of handcrafted greaves. She once planned to craft a full set of armour, but ended up finding it too heavy to use. (The same as the in the full appearance image.)

  • A bag filled with various types of bullets. (On her right in the full appearance image.)
  • A tool-belt, with the basic tools needed to keep her gun going attached to it.

  • A two-room 'house' in the outskirts of town, which she shares with her mother.
  • [Supplyiere - Sentient Supply Transport] Pierre's loyalty towards assisting with material transporting to Rossle's forge, or other heavy items to transport upon Regula's bidding.
  • [See Commission] - Whenever character is in doubt and not acting against See interests, character may obtain guidance from the See pantheon. (Narrator discretion advised).

Change Log:
  • Creation: Precision B (28 points)
  • Creation: Intelligence D (14 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: Appraisal (0 points)
  • Creation: Magic Affinity E (14 points)
  • Creation: Combustion Affinity E (14 points)
  • Creation: Artisan [Blacksmith] C (28 points)
  • Creation: Combustion Gun C (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • Creation: Dagger F (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • Creation: Greaves E (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • [13/02/2022] Acquired: 7 points from upgrading Rachael's armour from F to C grade.
  • [10/03/2022] Acquired: 34 points and [Prideful] title from Here Be Dragons 23/01/2022 – 06/03-2022
  • [10/03/2022] Added Artisan [Artificer] C skill to the sheet. (28 points)
  • [10/03/2022] Added [catalyst] properties to Combustion Gun, Dagger, Greaves. (Artificer – 0 points)
  • [10/03/2022] Added [Metal-threaded cloak] heavy armour E. (Blacksmith/Artificer – 0 points)
  • [10/03/2022] Upgraded Vitality E => D (7 points)
  • [10/03/2022] Added [Backfire Defence] ability.
  • [10/03/2022] Reworded abilities to more directly correspond with the equipment they're associated with.
  • [10/03/2022] Added a 'goals' section to the sheet.
  • [10/03/2022] Added a 'points unspent' section to the sheet.
  • [10/03/2022] Added skill descriptions of previously bought skills.
  • [13/02/2022] Acquired: 7 points from forging Aria a D grade sword.
  • [26/03/2022] Acquired: 5 points from Meeting For a Sword 20/03/2022 – 26/03/2022
  • [26/03/2022] Upgraded Vitality D => B (14 points)
  • [26/03/2022] Upgraded Greaves & Metal-threaded cloak E => C (Blacksmith/Artificer – 0 points)
  • [26/03/2022] Upgraded Appraisal E => D due to higher character grade.
  • [04/05/2022] Acquired: 38 points and [Ryken Adventurer E] title from The Birds and The Horned Rabbits 28/03/2022 – 04/05/2022
  • [04/05/2022] Scooped Intelligence D, Magic Affinity E, Combustion Affinity E, Artisan [Artificer] C, to exchange it for fitting into the new Artisan [Enchanter] build instead. Removed related abilities and mentions in equipment. (+70 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Precision B => A (7 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Vitality B => A (7 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Added Artisan Enchanter B (35 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Blacksmith C => B (7 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Added Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun B (35 points, blacksmith/enchanter).
  • [04/05/2022] Upgraded Heavy Armour Greaves C => B (Blacksmith)
  • [04/05/2022] Strength F => C (21 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Upgraded Dagger F => D (Blacksmith – 0 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Added the descriptions of titles gained at creation.
  • [04/05/2022] Added job titles (Expert Blacksmith).
  • [04/05/2022] Expanded descriptions to include requirements, skill type and updated descriptions.
  • [04/05/2022] Acquired: 1 point and [Supplyiere - Sentient Supply Transport] asset from upgrading Pierre's armour from E to C grade.
  • [23/05/2022] Added [Muffle] ability.
  • [29/05/2022] Acquired: 23 points and [Well-Meaning] title from Testimony of Truth 05/05/2022 – 27/05/2022
  • [29/05/2022] Added the goal: [Stop mage Doriel from whatever he's up to in the magic Duchy.]
  • [29/05/2022] Acquired: 2 points from A Purchase From the Would Be Queen 27/05/2022 – 28/05/2022
  • [30/06/2022] Acquired: 10 points from A Bath After The Storm 29/05/2022 – 05/07/2022
  • [09/07/2022] Fixed some issues with [Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun] by reducing B Range and B Targets to C to fit the appropriate maximum for magic affinity and instead added Area of Effect F and Weaken [Vitality] F. Altered relating abilities accordingly.
  • [09/07/2022] Upgraded metal-threaded cloak to Enchanted mithril-threaded cloak (35 points, blacksmith/enchanter). Added related ability.
  • [09/07/2022] Added 'Branch Noble' title from Testimonty of Truth.
  • [26/07/2022] Acquired: 60 points from The Queen, The Tank, The Sword and their Weapon Transport 04/06/2022 – 14/07/2022
  • [27/07/2022] Upgraded Strength C => A (14 points)
  • [27/07/2022] Upgraded Appraisal D => C (Character Grade)
  • [27/07/2022] Added Enchanted mithril boots B (35 points)
  • [27/07/2022] Upgraded Dagger D => B (Blacksmith)
  • [09/08/2022] Acquired: 7 points from the Summer Writing Competition.
  • [16/08/2022] Acquired: 29 points and [Order Initiate] title from A Fated Meeting 15/07/2022-12/08/2022
  • [16/08/2022] Acquired: 3 points a for upgrading Aya's katana E => D
  • [05/09/2022] Acquired: 12 points from Royal Dress-Up 13/08/2022 – 23/08/2022
  • [05/09/2022] Acquired: 7 points from Aria meets her Father 24/08/2022 – 01/09/2022
  • [05/09/2022] Added [Focus] D (21 points)
  • [05/09/2022] Upgraded Intelligence F => D (14 points)
  • [05/09/2022] Added [Pocket Dimension] E (28 points)
  • [05/09/2022] Upgraded Speed F => E (7 points)
  • [05/09/2022] Added goal: [help Aria deal with her family issues.]
  • [03/11/2022] Added 52 points, [See Inquisitor] title, [Easter Empire Fugitive C] title, [See Commission] asset and [Dagger B Mithrilled] item from Actor of War: Progenitor of the Hive (World RP) 02/10/2022 – 27/10/2022
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Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Rp'er Name: NeramoDJI
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: See Neramo Blackwood
Equipped Titles: Human, Heavens Reject, Icarus, Undesirable Guest, Captain
Height: 6’7
Weight: 210 Lbs
Backstory: Once a resident of the far future when space travel was trivialized, Zeke was a space pirate put simply. He was an alien species, the sort with claws for hands. He was a terror across the stars, however he only ever stole from humans, finding them to be the lowest of all galactic species. He was brought low horrifically embarrassingly, when a mere cargo hover truck plowed into him because the driver wasn’t looking.
Current Life: The first realization Zeke came to when he awoke, was that he no longer had his carapace of his old self. He was fleshy, like those humans he so hated and stole from. His second realization was that being a human was no different than his own species mentally. Which led him to one last realization in that moment of birth. There was no reason to restrict himself to what he stole from, he should ravage all species regardless of what their moral standing was. Doesn’t mean he couldn’t make his own empire while he did so. As of now, Zeke is in the market for a ship and crew, and has started his search far from home in the southern fishing and lumber town of Bagold that is in the empire.
Acquired Titles: Human, Heavens Reject, Icarus, Undesirable Guest, Captain
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 156
Points Spent: 259 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Unspent: 11
Points Total: 270

Strength - C
Precision - C
Intelligence - C
Vitality - C
Speed - C
  • Magic Affinity F
  • Portal E
  • Control Environment F
  • Companion F
  • Minion F
  • Dragon Breeder F
  • Heavenly Gate F - Magic Affinity F - Portal E - Zeke makes a portal to a heavenly plane, with celestial beings inhabiting it. - Post Cooldown 1
  • Homeward Gate F - Magic Affinity F - Portal E - Zeke makes a portal back home from whatever plane he is currently inside of. - Post Cooldown 1
  • Cutlass F
  • Flintlock F
  • Oranges
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Cakes
  • Dragon Breeding Equipment
  • S.S. Moltres and Crew
  • 1653172485376.png
Stella Evren “Eleanor” Valdain
Rp'er Name: NermaoDJI
Discord Name: Neramo#7557
Equipped Titles: Monster, Baby Dragon, Small
Height: 2’6
Weight: 70 LBS
Acquired Titles: Monster, Baby Dragon, Small
Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 70
Points Unspent 0
Strength - C
Precision - C
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F
    • Flying F
    • Feature: Claws (Cosmetic)
    • Feature: Fangs (Cosmetic)
    • N/A
    • N/A

    • Stella Snacks

    • Empty eggshell
Crooked Bladesmen
Acquired Titles: Human, Crooked Blade Member F
Points at Start: 56
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 56
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - C
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Sword D

Change Log:
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - What Dreams May Come Gained 15 Points, gained and equipped Heavens Reject Title, Gained Fred's Sandal.
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Holy Draconis - Gained 22 Points, Gained and Equipped Icarus Title, Lost Fred's Sandals
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Schal's 11 - Gained and Equipped [Undesirable Guest], Gained 29 points, Gained the S.S. Moltres and crew. Upgraded Strength and Precision to E, gained F rank Cutlass and Flintlock. 5/21/22
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Grandmaster of Goldcrest - Gained and Equipped [Captain], gained 51 points (7/27/22)
    • Spent 49 points, upgrading 2 ranks of strength to bring from E to C, 2 ranks of Precision E to C, 2 ranks of Vitality F to D, and 1 rank of speed to bring from F to E.
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Forbidden City - gained 32 points. Upgraded Vitality from D to C, and Speed from E to C, and got Minion F (10/7/22)
    • Gained 7 points from Community Event [Build an Ability], and got skill Dragon Breeder [Artisan] F. (E Precision 7pts For 21 points, produce companion F or asset dragons F for 0pts. Companions get customized as normal and can be sold. Assets are narratively described and may be also sold but do mechanically less.)
    • Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace - Gained 9 points
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Image result for anime goblin shamen

Rper's name: Dr.Sturgeon Surgeon
Post Frequency:2-3 times a week, maybe more.
Discord Name:NA
Equipped Titles:[Monster] [Small] [Shaman] [Soft hearted]
Height: 3'8
Weight: 54lbs

Once your average college kid studying bio chemistry he was run over by a truck crossing the street one day after a particularly hard exam. He had only one thought as he was tossed bodily into yet Another truck in the other lane. "Fuck I went through all that pain for nothing."
Vlad awoke after his talk with "god' to find that he was not in his own body instead he was in a small, thin, body. In short he was a goblin, or at least something similar as he had no claws and his skin was a pale green almost grey, one of the weakest monsters. He panicked at first but calmed himself as he decided to figure out how screwed he was. He quickly found that his new world was one of magic and it seemed he was a natural when it came to magic, and do to his previous life he had a decent grasp on the basics of alchemy.
Acquired Titles:[Monster] [Small] [Shaman] [Soft hearted]
Points at Start:105
Points Earned: 25
Points Spent:126
Points banked: 4

Strength - F -2 grade due to small
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F -2 grade due to small
Speed - D
Appraisal F, Bolster F, Magic Affinity E, Alchemy F,Animal Handling F, Arcane F, survival F, Artisan Woodworking F, Nature Affinity F, Magical range F, Magic area of effect, Healing F,
  • Entangle E-Magic Affinity E + Nature Affinity F+ Magic range+ Magic area effect - A small area that the user targets ten feet from them bursts forth with plant growth, if a creature is there it may become entangled and take minor damage. Affects a ten-foot square. Cool down 1
  • Healing wisp E-Magic Affinity F+ Magic range F + Healing F -A small wisp like orb flys from the casters hand and hits a targeted creature up to ten feet away and heals them.
  • Thorn Bolt E- Magic Affinity E + Magic range E + Nature Affinity F - The caster grows a large thorn from there staff or wand and fires it at a targeted creature up to ten feet away. Cool down 1
  • Predict beast F- Nature F + Animal handling F- Allows user to predict the actions of a beast their grade or lower as long as they aren't sentient. Cool down 0.
  • Life Totem crafting F- Bolster vitality F + Artisan woodworking F + Nature Affinity F- User can craft a tree totem out of elm and it bolsters vitality by 1 grade for 1 turn to whoever uses it. Once used it breaks. Can't be used in combat so must be premade. Since totems are items they can be stolen and used against you. Can craft 1 per post max. Cool down 0

  • Valds Staff F (made by vlade with woodworking F)
  • Bedroll (rabbit pelt)
  • Woodworking tools F
  • Rations (a few mushrooms and two pieces of jerky)
  • Waterskin (made of rat skin)
  • Potato sack bag
  • Robes

  • Spent 14 on speed D
  • Spent 21 on int C
  • Spent 7 on Precision
  • Bolster Vitality F 7
  • Staff F 0 (made by Vlad.)
  • Artisan woodworking F 7
  • Arcane F 7
  • Survival F 7
  • Animal handling F 7
  • Nature F 7
  • Alchemy F 7
  • Magic affinity E 7
  • Affinity Nature F 7
  • Magic range F 7
  • Magic area of effect 7
  • Healing F 7
  • Upgraded with magic range F and area effect F Entangle E-Magic Affinity E + Nature Affinity F+ Magic range+ Magic area effect - A small area that the user targets ten feet from them bursts forth with plant growth, if a creature is there it may become entangled and take minor damage. Affects a ten-foot square. Cool down 1
  • Made new ability Healing wisp E-Magic Affinity F+ Magic range F + Healing F -A small wisp like orb flys from the casters hand and hits a targeted creature up to ten feet away and heals basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
  • Made new ability Thorn Bolt E- Magic Affinity E + Magic range E + Nature Affinity F - The caster grows a large thorn from there staff or wand and fires it at a targeted creature up to ten feet away.
  • Gained and equipped title [Soft hearted]
  • Gained 25 points from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Here Be Dragons
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Gustav Montefiq
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)

Rp'er Name: Mookus Aurelius

Post Frequency:
A couple times a week

Discord Name: Mookus Aurelius#2198

Equipped Titles: Human

Height: 6 feet tall

Weight: 180 pounds

Backstory: Gustav was an aspiring male model who loved buying and sporting brand name clothing and accessories. At the age of 20 his career starting picking up a little steam when he went to foot model for a flip flop ad. On his way to the studio where they would take the photos he was hit by a truck and died.

Current Life: He was born the child of farmhands. He was raised to work with his hands and as he did he gained an appreciation for the hardworking people who were ignorant of the higher beauties of life. His love of brand names and fanciness did not die. When he turned 20 a shining goddess appeared to him. She was a minor unknown goddess who took a liking to Gustav and his dedication to beauty. She, in this encounter, bestowed upon him knowledge of this worlds religions, a beautiful set of armor, a shield, and a mighty war hammer. His armor and gear is made to sparkle like gold but his order he wishes to create has rules to obtain this beautiful armor. The more lives you save the more armor of Gucci you may wear. Those saved by Gucci Paladins will be asked to sign a document with an enchanted pen to prove the Gucci Paladin has spent his time saving the good people of the world. The pen is enchanted in order to only be used by those saved by paladins. Gustav, supported by his goddess, goes off to begin the illustrious order of “The Paladins of Gucci”

Acquired Titles: Human

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)

Strength - E

Precision - F

Intelligence - D

Vitality - E

Speed - F

Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)

  • Fighting Style Gucci Hammer Time F Gucci Smite, F, Blight, He imbues his hammer with holy light and burns the enemy with the intensity of its light.
  • Magic Affinity E
  • Light Affinity F
  • Magic Range F
  • Knowledge of Religion F
  • Athletics F

Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)

  • Gucci Smite – Magic Affinity E, Light Affinity F, Magic Range F – A Ray of Light is summoned from the sky breaking through clouds to shine on those less fancy and more evil than Gucci Paladin - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • War Hammer - F
  • Beautiful Armor - F
  • Tower Shield (catalyst) - E

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

  • Dumpy Cottage

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)


  • Link to Isekai Hell Rise of the TiddlyWinks - +8 points and acquired Title Hero of Garden Temple
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F and the violin that comes with the skill.
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
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Rp'er Name: Howl.
Post Frequency: 2-3 times a week.
Discord Name: N/A.
Equipped Titles: Beast
Height: 5'9".
Weight: 150 lbs.

Kaida was born as a humanoid of a dragon and a human. She has no idea who her parents are, or how she came to be.
Her first memory is waking up in a dragon's nest located deep in a forest, with a female dragon nuzzling against her.
She was raised within this nest with a herd of dragons. Though she was much smaller than them, she could hunt with her brutal strength and sharp teeth.
Her nails were claws and were as strong as steel. Her life with the dragons was peaceful, and uneventful.
She never learned how to read or write as the dragons themselves could not either. All she could do was talk and understand most languages, as this was something engraved in her naturally.
That was until humans came to hunt them for their horns. Kaida had never met humans until this point, and foolish thought that they were harmless.
With her childlike developed brain, she went to greet the humans that were entering the nest. They shot her dead on the spot, as she was defenseless.

Current Life:
Kaida had woken up in a forest near a town, and was distraught to not see her family with her. She had never left the nest.
She picked some apples from nearby trees, and hunted the passing streams.
She was curious about human life because she had never seen them until her death day, which she does not remember.
She slowly grew accustomed to the town, and helped those who needed it with her strength. Typically this was helping move large objects.
Guns still to this day scare her, but she is not sure why they do in particular.
She still resides in a forest near the town, but visits everyday to do manual labor for bread.

Acquired Titles: [Beast]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Strength - C (21)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F
Feature [Claws] - F (14) - Her nails are razor sharp and as strong as a blade.
Free Feature [Horns] - Kaida has six horns; two coming curling around from her sides of her head, and the remaining four being beneath her animal ears that stick straight out.
Free Feature [Animal Ears] - Kaida has two kitsune ears.

Affinity [Fire] - F (7) - Fire is in her core and come out of her mouth and palms.
Heightened Sense [Smell] - F (7) - Kaida has a sensitive nose used to often hunt.
Survival [Skill] - F(7) - The ability to find food and shelter in the outdoors, to avoid natural hazards, and to identify edible and useful wild plants and animals.

Heightened Sense [Hearing] - TO BE LEARNED.
[Inferno's Hands] - Fire Affinity F - Fire comes from her palms that combined with her claw weapon resulting in a heated weapon - 0 Post CD
[Fire Ball] - TO BE LEARNED.
Weapon [Claw daggers] - F (14) - For harder battles, Kaida had a weapon made to put over her fingers. They are stronger than her normal claws.

Apples [From Forest]
Fish [From Stream]

Change Log:
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Sally Solstice
Rp'er Name: Hexblood Bandit
Post Frequency:
Usually once per day.
Discord Name: MsHexblood#3997
Equipped Titles: Human; Florist Magician Apprentice
Height: 5'2
Weight: 124 lbs.
Backstory: Sally Solstice was born on 21st of December, 1999, coincidentally on the same day the Winter Solstice occurred. Due to the coincidence and her family surname, her parents had said that her birth was a sign. She is a jolly soul, and anyone who spends time with her ends up chuckling at whatever nonsense she is currently spouting.

Before arriving at the Isekai Hell, Sally tended to spend her time at her mum's flower shop - working as a floral designer arranging live, dried, and silk flowers and greenery to make decorative displays. When Sally was not helping her mum, she was attending classes at local university and studying Biochemistry. Balancing work and academic life was difficult, yet Sally still made the time to join a sorority at her mum's behest. Just after surviving the first week of hazing at her sorority house, Sally suddenly found herself face to face with [god] and a killer hangover to boot.

Current Life: Without truck-kun to shunt her into a new life and body, Sally was dropped off alone and confused into Isekai Hell. Forget saving the world from perpetual stasis, the florist could not make heads or tails of the magic she now possessed. Blasting things apart with arcane might did not work, however the magic did enhance the green thumb Sally had been born with. Fortunately, she lived in the capita; where her skill with plants and flowers could be appreciated, and is shacked up at one of the local herbalist's shop.
Acquired Titles: Human, Florist Magician Apprentice
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic Affinity D
    - [Auxiliary] Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell times which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does. Ex: Fire or Polymorph.

  • Magic Area of Effect E
    - [Augmenter] Character can impact an area of 30ft radius with their magic

  • Control Environment F
    - [Auxiliary] Grants character ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions.

  • Agriculture F
    - The practice of farming, which includes soil treatments for growing crops and the raising and breeding of livestock.

  • Nature F
    - The ability to recall lore about terrain, plants and animals, the weather, and natural cycles.

  • Appraisal F
    - Created with the ability for being a Player Character, this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monsters). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.

  • Spell Duration F
    - Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic use to last longer. Increase duration of effect on target to 1 minute in roleplay time. Narrator decides how many posts that will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill.
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • [Magic Greenhouse] Nature F + Agriculture F + Control Environments F + Magic AoE E +Magic Affinity D
    - Her magic is the perfect combination of heating, cooling, lighting, and screening effects to optimize conditions for plant growth.
Equipment: (Armor, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Magical Catalyst E
    - Given her greenhouse abilities, Sally's Magical Catalyst is an antique hand trowel with an enchanted rimestone embedded into the handle. Magical runes are engraved into the wooden handle, which glows faintly whenever she channels her magic
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Gardening Tools (Hand trowel, pruners, watering can, etc.)
  • Notebook
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Herbalist's Attic (Sleeps there)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
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Adam "Legion" Keith



Rp'er Name: Skyhunter

Post Frequency:

Discord Name: Skyhunter#8252

Equipped Titles: Human,

Height: 5' 10" (177 cm)

Weight: 198 lbs. (89 kg)

Backstory: Adam was a upcoming guitarist, having a natural talent for the guitar at a young age and quickly became a prodigy through hard work as he aged older, eventually his parents got him into a school where he could improve his skills, but only made his play acoustic, Adam didn't even want to join this school and rather wanted to live a normal life, unfortunately for his parents Adam would rebel and find a metal group in his new school. Hearing the melody of metal notes made Adam want to express himself through his music, he could barely speak as his voice was so deep people thought he sounded like a demon so he never spoke. Through metal he was able to express his feeling of anger, grief, sadness and more.

Eventually, Adam got so good at playing metal he ended up joining a band at this school, from there he wanted to tell his parents of what he was doing now. After a while, Adam returned home one day dressed in dark dregs and a electric guitar that he spent money his parents gave him to get a new acoustic guitar. His parents weren't happy with the new Adam, the true Adam. In their anger, Adam ripped a nasty solo on them which caused them to stop and rethink everything for their child. Adam without words, left his parents to go with his new bandmates and quickly they became successful.

After a few years, Adam and his band grew to high fame, Adam always felt confidence on the guitar and even sometimes felt like he was super powered as he played on live stages. After a long night of playing on stage, he and his band left to their next gig. They got onto their bus and began their drive to the next destination. But they would never arrive, there was a major car accident as the driver was drunk and crashed the bus outside the city in the middle of nowhere, everyone on board was killed. But Adam's body was never found. Some suspect his body was dragged off by animals but it was never proven.

Current Life: Legion wakes up in a new land, ready to explore and discover his new surroundings...

Acquired Titles: Human, Heated Soloist,

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 77

Points Spent: 182

Points Unspent: 0

Strength - C
Precision - D
Intelligence - B
Vitality - F
Speed - E



  • Fast - F - 12 mph (19 km)
  • -
  • Performance (Musical) - D
  • Magic Affinity - C
  • Demon Affinity - E
  • Sound Affinity - E
  • -
  • -
  • Minions - F

  • Summon Imps - F - Magic Affinity F, Demon Affinity F, Minions F, Sound Affinity F - As Adam plays a rad guitar solo, he summons forth pentagrams on the ground around him and 5 small demonic imps appear to do his bidding. Imps can attack and overwhelm opponents as well as steal items if it is desired, they are capable of using basic demonic magic. Demons last until their objective is finished or die. (0 post cooldown)nether-imp-full-art.jpgStats - Intelligence - D, Magic Affinity - E, Demon Affinity- F, Fire Affinity F, Magic Range - F, Sixth Sense - F
  • Abilities: Demon Orb - Magic affinity F, demon Affinity F, magic range F: Summons a orb of demonic energy and throws it at target. Inferno Orb - Magic Affinity F, Fire Affinity F, magic range F: Throws a small ball of fire at the target.

  • Guitar(Axe/Catalyst) - E - This guitar that Adam came into this world with has served as both a weapon and a catalyst. Playing this tool requires knowledge on music, Adam is also able to summon demons to do his bidding with this guitar.
  • Black clothing and black overcoat
  • Heavy boots
  • N/A

Change Log:

  • Creation: 35 points in Stats
  • Creation: 56 points in Skills
  • Creation: 14 points for weapon/catalyst
(4/21/22) Acquired Title - Heated Soloist - Gained 77 points from Music and Trolls RP Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Trouble with Trolls and Music

  • Upgraded Strength F to D (14 Points)
  • Intelligence D to B (14 Points)
  • Magic Affinity E to C (14 Points)
  • Performance (Musical) F to D (14 Points)
  • Sound Affinity F to E (7 points)
  • Upgraded Guitar Axe/Catalyst F to E (14 Points)
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Rp'er Name: Zedalb
Post Frequency:
Almost Daily
Discord Name: Zedalb#4523
Equipped Titles: :Monster, Hobgoblin
Height: 6'5
Weight: 280 Lbs
Backstory: It's all blurry to me. Memories of being in uniform. Memories of being in a hospital bed, the room empty. I have so many memories all bit's and pieces of a life. I don't know my backstory I don't know how I was, but it's coming back one piece at a time.
Current Life:
I woke up as a hobgoblin from a ritual prayer answered by a mad rather ugly god. "What type of bitch ass god needs glasses" is my very first words in a new world. Blasphemy already. I am part of a tribe, a leader apparently. They have to teach me little things everything. I have no memory. I have two sets that come back bits and pieces at a time. Luckily my followers are well trained they need little of me to lead them in the day to day. I will however have to rise to the challenge and only hope both memories are helpful.
Acquired Titles::Monster, Hobgoblin
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
14 Minions (F)
14 Minions (F)
14 Minions (F)
14 Minions (F)
14 Minions (F)

7 Strength (E)
7 Precision (E)
7 Intelligence (E)
7 Vitality (E)
7 Speed (E)
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality -E
Speed - E
  • Leather and Steel Lamellar Armor: F rank
  • Steel Axe: F Rank
  • Steel Reinforced Shield:F Rank
  • Javelins (3): F Rank
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Leather Back Pack
  • Collapsible Tent Kit
  • His incredible good looks
  • Small Tool Kit
Assets: None I'm fucking Poor
Change Log:
Each group gets 8 stat increases/skills (56/7=8)
1 Warrior group
C rank Strength=3
C rank Vitality=3
F Rank Regeneration=1
F Rank Fighting Style=1
[Blight] - F - [Bonus Damage From Poisoned Weapons] - [The sheaths of the warriors are regularly lined with rotting food and waste so that their blows are more lethal]
D Rank heavy Armor
D Rank Shield
D Rank Axe
D Rank Throwing Axes(3 Each)
1 Group Mining
-D Rank Intelligence=2
-E Rank Mining=2
-E Rank Architecture=2
-E Rank Engineering=2
-E Rank Tools for all skills
1 Group Craftsmen
-C Rank Precision=3
-D Rank Blacksmithing=3
-E Rank Leather-working=2
-D Grade Bows
-E/D Rank Tools for all skills
1 Group Wood Workers:
-C Rank Precision=3
-D Rank Bowyer=3
-E Rank woodworking=2
-D Grade Bows
-E/D Rank Tools for all skills
1 Group Farmers
-D rank Intelligence=2
-E rank Nature =2
-E rank Agriculture=2
-E rank Medicine =2
E Rank Tools for all skills[/ISPOILER]
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Character was scooped with points going to Myr


Rp'er Name: Sam the Yang
Post Frequency: I wanna say daily
Discord Name: Yang#3407
Current RP: None
Goals: To find someone Gamatsu can fully trust and serve
Equipped Titles: Living Armor, Monster, Expert Blacksmith, Expert Artificer, Expert Marksman, Archivist, William Tell, Black Dragon Killer, Murderer [E]
Height: 7 ft (213 cm)
Weight: 176 lbs (80 kg)
Backstory: Galahad lived in an age where cold steel and nobility reigned supreme. Though a man of questionable morals, he lived most of his youth as a loyal knight. Unfortunately, the lord he devoted his life to fell into a madness brought about by greed and absolute power. Growing distrustful of those around him, one by one, each of his vassals he betrayed. Galahad had escaped death, but lived the rest of his life in seclusion, bitter and plagued with resentment until succumbing to time.


Within the bustling city of Southern California was Matthew "Matsu" Tsukiyama, an aspiring online personality and variety streamer but has a bias for first-person shooters. Other than his playful and energetic personality, Matsu was known for being somewhat of an airhead. Although mostly filled with foolish commentary and juvenile antics, his streams were undeniably popular. His rising career was cut short after a mishap during an prank video involving over a dozen tide pods and a very displeased rhinoceros.
Current Life: Apparently, reincarnation was a process not free of glitches. Two souls, of different temperaments and backgrounds, had crossed paths. Both were drawn to each other by their strong emotions. One carried the burden brought about his spiteful rage, while the other clung strongly to life as he was unable to simply accept death. Unyielding and strong-willed, both continued to clash until only one remained. The product of their encounter was an amalgamation of two souls. A new entity was born bearing traits and fleeting emotions from both Galahad and Matsu, but retained none of their memories.


As Gamatsu, he spent his first few weeks inside an abandoned worn down forge and crafting shed. Given the tattered notes and books that were scattered, Gamatsu concluded that he was made there but deemed a failure; jokes on them though. Like the intellectual he was, Gamatsu spent an ample amount of time reading, learning, and tinkering on himself and through whatever tools or items that had been left lying around. Given his poor attention span, he'd usually lose focus and either sleep or look for food, but strange enough, he didn't have any of his usual cravings. Gaining his fair share of knowledge and loot, Gamatsu left his embarrassing excuse of a nest, set it ablaze, and now now wanders throughout the outskirts of Ryken, not as a man, but a sentient piece of armor.
Acquired Titles:
  • Living Armor
  • Monster
  • Expert Blacksmith
  • Expert Artificer
  • Expert Marksman
  • Archivist: The character is able to access libraries, archives, and other centers of information more easily.
  • William Tell: Character has distinguished themselves as a marksman. Whether they hit the boy or the apple, they decide.
  • Black Dragon Killer: Character seemingly has proof of slaying a black dragon. More likely to have strength acknowledged by others or jobs involving defeating strong monsters offered.
  • Murderer (E): Character has killed at least one other. The higher the grade the more likely the character is to be hunted or trigger world rp. Title must be equipped at all times and cannot be removed unless paid off in some way. Character is no longer welcome in cities or towns that appraise arrivals. Character is barred from faction membership in all but illegal factions/organizations.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 117
Points Spent: 217
Points Not Spent: 5

  • (F) Strength [0]
  • (A) Precision [35]
  • (D) Intelligence [14]
  • (A) Vitality [35]
  • (F) Speed [0]
  • (D) Fighting Style [Archery God]
    • (E) Range (30 Feet)
    • (F) Penetrate
    • (F) Homing
  • (D) Appraisal
  • (E) Energized
  • (F) Resilience - Gamatsu no longer needs to eat, sleep, or breath.
  • (B) Artisan [Artificer]
  • (B) Artisan [Blacksmith]
  • (F) Lucky
  • Snipe - Archery God F, Energized F, Range F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Fast and father reaching shots, increasing Gamatsu's range by 10 feet, and are done in short intervals.
  • (B) Steel Suit of Armor [Living]
  • (B) Artificer’s Crossbow Gauntlet
    • A retractable bar analogous to the prod of a crossbow have been mounted on the dorsal aspect of his right gauntlet. Instead of being connected to a central wheel, the limbs of the prod are moved by mana, allowing them to fold downward, maintaining the device's inconspicuous appearance when not in use. Upon activation, these limbs spring outward to instantly form a functional bow capable of accurately firing bolts of magic up to 80 feet and dispersing after going beyond 120 feet. Its firing mechanism, despite the glowing nature of mana, is virtually silent and unerringly swift.
  • Black Dragon Scale
    • If sold to the right parties, it is a valuable component good for any number of craftable items.
    • When worn as an accessory, it grants the title [Black Dragon Killer]
  • Rags
  • Whetstone
  • Leather Pouch
  • Leather Sack
  • Blacksmith Tools
  • Artificer Tools
  • None
April 25, 2022 - Isekai Marketplace
  • Gained 3 points from Rowan ( slifer37 slifer37 ) for upgrading her Magic Necklace D [Catalyst] to C grade
April 23, 2022 - An Exchange Between Friends (Gamatsu and Mitsunari)
  • Received 5 points
  • Points Spent
    • Acquired Lucky F (7)
  • Generated an ability to include Lucky F
April 20, 2022 - Blood Accepted
  • Received 1 point
April 06, 2022 - Isekai Marketplace
  • Received 5 points from Mitsunari ( LadyOfStars LadyOfStars ) for upgrading Kitsune's Eye [Catalyst] from grade D to C.
  • Points Spent
    • Increased Vitality grade from B to A (7), Increased Artisan [Blacksmith] grade from C to B (7)
    • Increased Living Suit of Steel Armor grade from C to B (Through Artisan [Blacksmith])
April 02, 2022 - Isekai Marketplace
March 27, 2022 - Strike at Ryke
  • Acquired 19 points
  • Acquired and equipped mandatory title [Murderer (E)]
  • Points Spent
    • Increased Precision grade from B to A (7), Vitality grade from D to B (14)
    • Increased Artisan [Blacksmith] grade from E to C (14)
    • Increased Artisan [Artificer] grade from C to B (7)
  • Increased Appraisal grade from E to D, and Blacksmith title grade from Apprentice to Expert
  • Increased Living Suit of Steel Armor grade from E to C (Through Artisan [Blacksmith])
  • Increased Artificer's Crossbow Gauntlet grade from C to B (Through Artisan [Artificer])
March 22, 2022 - Isekai Marketplace
  • Gained 10 points from Steve ( Discusstu Discusstu ) in exchange for providing him with a Handaxe D, Right Gauntlet D, and Left Gauntlet D
  • Gained 1 point

March 10, 2022 - Here Be Dragons
  • Gained 11 points
  • Acquired and equipped Black Dragon Scale
    • Acquired and equipped item-associated title [Black Dragon Killer]
February 26, 2022 - Isekai Hell Wiki Reward Wall
  • Gained 11 points for helping out with multiple character pages
February 25, 2022 - Holy Draconis
  • Gained 22 points
  • Optional title [William Tell] acquired and equipped
  • Points Spent
    • Increased Precision grade from C to B (7)
    • Increased Intelligence grade from F to D (14)
    • Increased Artisan [Artificer] grade from D to C (7)
    • Increase Core Technique [Range] grade, under Fighting Style [Archery God] D, from F to E (7)
    • Acquired Energized E (14)
  • Deconstructed Artificer’s Bow Staff D and remade it into Artificer's Crossbow Gauntlet C (Through Artisan [Artificer])
  • Reshuffled Fighting Style [Archery God] Core Techniques
  • Modified Abilities (Snipe F and Piercing Shot E, to include Energized F and E, respectively)
  • Included and equipped titles Apprentice Blacksmith, Expert Artificer, Expert Marksman
February 18, 2022 - Isekai Marketplace
  • Gained 2 points from Rowan ( slifer37 slifer37 ) for repairing her Magic Necklace E [Catalyst] and upgrading its grade to D
February 01, 2022 - Isekai Hell Wiki Reward Wall
  • Gained 20 points for helping out with multiple character pages
  • Gained and equipped [Archivist] title
January 27, 2022 - Character Creation
  • Points Spent
    • Increased Precision grade from F to C (21)
    • Increased Vitality grade from F to D (14)
    • Acquired Artisan [Artificer] D (21)
    • Acquired Artisan [Blacksmith] E (14)
    • Acquired Resilience F (7)
    • Acquired Fighting Style [Archery God] D (21)
    • Acquired Living Suit of Steel Armor F (7)
    • Increased Living Suit of Steel Armor grade from F to E (Through Artisan [Blacksmith])
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Juliet Aramathia

Rp'er Name: Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead
Post Frequency:
2 or 3 times a week. Probably more if time permits.
Discord Name: FantasyReborn #3123
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 164 lbs. (About 68 of those pounds are from her wings)
Backstory:Born to an alcoholic mother and a non-existent father, her past life was not something she was so happily excited to remember. She was beaten by her mother who screamed that she looked "exactly like her deadbeat father. When she wasn't beaten, she was forced into the closet of hotel room they lived in while her mother was just outside, earning money for booze by selling herself. Countless hours of of being huddled into the corner, hearing these strange men do things that no girl that age should hear or see. Some men would leave her mother bloody or bruised. Others simply left. The only reprieve, she had from this were the days her mother wasn't drunk. It seemed normal. Some days they would play and others she was beaten and locked away. None of this ended. Day in and day out until one day, it all went silent. The sadness in her heart, pain, loneliness or even caring. Something snapped. Her emotions vanished. Wide eyed and no reaction. It all came crashing down. She didn't budge or move. She wouldn't eat unless told to. She was broken.

Eventually, her mother was arrested and she was found in the closet. Sunbathed for several days and clearly having been under for a long time. Covered in bruises, dried blood and filled with any number of injuries. At the hospital, it was discovered that she had also been assaulted in the most base and horrifying ways, leaving her broken and diseased with no chance of having any children of her own.

She was given to her grandmother. There she was still silent and lacking any emotion. Over a few months she slowly looked better, but still lacked emotion or feelings. She would stare out at birds. Wondering what that kind of freedom would be like. Knowing that she had been through things, but wondering why all the adults around her seemed so upset or worried. She couldn't understand. She did like going to church. Watching joy and happiness. Very different from the closeted world of shadows she was so accustomed to. Pictures of angels struck a cord in her heart. The freedom of a bird in human form. Spreading joy and living. It brought the first remnants of a smile to her face since she lost her emotions.

It was on the way home from Sunday school. A drunk driver rammed into that small girl, just getting her life together and learning what real love was. As it turned out, that driver was her mother. Out on bail, she saw her child and decided to finish her 12 year mission against her child.
Current Life:
In the new world, she was born into a small family that were heavily active in the church of Ryken. They didn't have much, but they had enough to survive. Her birth was seen as a blessing, since she was born with two powerful and beautiful wings. However, they noticed she was rather monotone and lacked general emotion. They explain it away as her being above it all.

The church raised her to be a beacon of hope among the people. Sent out to bring new members into the foil and to protect those who call the Church family. Strong and only growing stronger. Trying to find herself in this new world.
Acquired Titles: Human, Gofer
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 7
Points Spent: 112
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - A
  • Feature: Wings
    Type: Auxiliary
    Description: Character acquires or perhaps always had this feature that differentiates them from average humanoids. Common ones like Darkvision, body fur, beak mouth, and others may be acquired. Some may be enhanced. Purely cosmetic differences a creatures has from a human can be acquired, but most others will cost.
  • Fast : Grade E
    Type: Movement
    Description: This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging

    Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
    • F - 12mph(max)
    • E - 24mph(max)
    • D - 48mph(max)
    • C - 90mph(max)
    • B - 180mph(max)
    • A - 300mph(max)
    • S - ???
  • Orichalcum Spear F -Seen in Appearance Image
  • Light Armor C - Seen in Appearance Image. Still light armor, but she has a flare for style.
Change Log:
  • [Here Be Dragons, Part 1]: Gained 7 Points, [Gofer] Title.
    • Upgrade: Stats - Spent 7 points. Speed from Grade B to Grade A
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Shappa, Red Thunder
Note: Scooped Character, 1/2 points transferred to Amelia on page 8

Rp'er Name: RavenSong

Post Frequency:
twice a week minimum but 3- 4 times a week

Discord Name: Luna (Raven)#4209

Equipped Titles: Human, Outlander


Weight: 100 lbs

Backstory: Having been born an only child to her clans chieftain, Shappa or Red Thunder in the common tongue, was expected to uphold the heaviest of social burdens demanded of the chiefs family. The Wixaritari, a matriarchal clan, looked to women to set the examples of humility, giving, and service. Although Shappa was certainly humble she was far from self sacrificing. In secret she trained in the martial and survival prowess of the clans warriors. Soon she would become a talented warrior in her own right. A serious violation.

News soon reached the chiefs lodge of a foreign enemy, unlike anything ever seen before: weaponry, armor and steeds of another land. An army bent on destroying their ways of life so it was said. The warriors would gather in the chiefs lodge discussing plans of action. The elders finally agreed to meet with them.

After weeks of the decision, news of the invaders hostility grew more sinister. The word spread quickly about clans decimated, and entire herds of animals killed for tongues.

The weeks went by and more was learned, of their fire spitting rifles and cannons, gatling guns, horses and carriages.

Some time passed and the invaders seemed to have had their fill and there was peace for a while. Soon a great war broke out between neighboring nations, a war of desperation to fill the void of resources left by the new arrivals.

Shappa then, a beautiful maiden had piqued the interest of the enemy clans sons. A ritual battle was held between the siblings; a fight to the death. The victor would marry the maiden and unite the nations in the marital bond of peace.

Shappa rebelled, not having any say in the matter she attempted to escape to no avail. Wixaritari scouts were ever vigilant.

The ceremony took place, her eyes weary of crying revealed trails of tears. Tears that failed to break her fathers stony heart, behind the veil over her face.

In the silence of the night the scouts were expertly and simultaneously killed as if on cue.

It wasn’t long into the procession that cries of panic pierced the air like obsidian blades. The warriors mobilized, but it was too late. The foreign enemy had arrived and seemed to swarm about the camp like a disturbed hornets nest. Fire and smoke quickly filled the air from their rifles, throats of men, women and children spilt onto the sacred ground. The air began to smell of gunpowder and burning flesh.

Shappa quickly dropped to the ground and hid behind tanned hides, she drew her flint blade and an old repeater pistol her cousin gave her, she heard the agonizing pain emitted from her families throats but all she could do was hide as tears flowed down her face.

It wasn’t long before the black snakes arrived at her lodge, her moment had arrived. She revealed herself to much of their pleasure before placing a hot ball of lead into one of their skulls. She’d tackle the other before he’d shoot a round at her that missed into the sky. A struggle ensued before her assailants throat would meet her razor sharp blade, and then a flash. Suddenly, nothing but a warm feeling, the crickets in the brush got louder and louder as her vision faded away looking into the night sky.

Current Life: After experiencing the strange time in between life and death, Shappa desired to return to her old world. She listened respectfully, but it didn’t seem like any of her requests were being heard. She finally gave up, she’d died and for better or worse she would have to get used to this new existence. “Perhaps others in my family were also chosen” she thought with not much hope.

As if carried and laid down carefully she awoke to the sound of a spring, she looked around and took a quick deep breath of air. She would blink as her lungs filled up with the sweet scent of the forest. “I can’t believe it!” She exclaimed as she looked at her hands and buckskin dress. She quickly noticed a hole on the fabric of her chest. She was sure that’s where she was shot. She quickly came to her feet and felt something different, it’s as if the space between her fingers was alive, perhaps that’s the mana that was spoken about moments before.

Acquired Titles: Human, Outlander

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 90

Points Spent: 191

Points Left: 4

Stats: E Grade

Strength - E / 7

Precision - C /21

Intelligence - E/7

Vitality -E /7

Speed - E/7


  • (21) Fighting Style - Archery D
    Ranged E (30 ft) Penetrating F - Hot Shot (7 free) 14 F
  • (7) Perception F - The talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the
    presence of something. It measures your general awareness of
    your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. While enhanced senses may assist in aspects of this, this skill covers the ability of the character to make sense of what they are picking up on in the environment. The difference between hearing a branch snap and a leaf rustle and knowing a humanoid is likely hiding behind that tree.
  • (7) Heightened Senses F [Sight] may be freely used

    One of your senses(hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) is superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary.
  • (7) Survival F -The ability to find food and shelter in the outdoors, to avoidnatural hazards, and to identify edible and useful wild plants
  • and animals.
  • (14) Stealth E - The ability to disguise objects or people so that they blend into their surroundings. This also includes the ability to conceal
    small objects on one’s person and the ability to move silently. May be used in tandem with Concealment skill.
  • (14) Artisan - Leather Craft E
  • (14) Artisan - Bowyer E
  • (7) Auxillary - Steady Hands F - Can only be used to perform actions of a grade equal or less than the skill -
    Character is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers. Allows for aiming or performing hand gestures for spells as well as simpler actions while on the move.
  • (7) Feature - Mimic Sound F
  • (7) Jumping F - (vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds) Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
  • (7) Climbing F - The ability to traverse vertical surfaces with or without theuse of dedicated climbing equipment, both natural (such as
    trees and cliffs) and artificial (such as buildings and defenses).
  • (14) Undetected F [Hearing] - Character can cloak themselves through some means to become undetectable by a sense. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression.


  • Falcon Shot - Fighting Style - Archery E - Jumping F - Stealth F - Steady Hands F - silently jump flips over a target, firing mid air - Grade E - 1 post cool down


  • Buckskin Leather Dress E (Light Armor) - Artisan Leathercraft E
  • Oak Short Bow E - Artisan Bowyer D
  • Items:

  • handmade bone pendants
  • Cured Venison jerky
  • Small pouch with incense
  • Skinning knife made of obsidian glass
  • Water skin
  • Fire starting kit
  • Small carving kit
  • Bone scraper
  • Sinew
  • Assets:

Change Log: This Character has been scooped

3/20/2022 - Points gained:
37 points from [Isekai Hell] Seeking For Some Honey
• 37
- 7 Strength F > E
- 7 Stealth F > E
- 7 Climbing F
- 7 [Artisan] Leathercraft - F > E
- 7 [Fighting Style] Archery E > D


(Received: 3/20/2022) [Outlander] - character dresses and appears in a way to be from another place and time. Perhaps World in some peoples' opinions. While the character isn't inherently that much different in appearance or presence to any one of many cultures, peoples, and places, they still appear eerily foreign. They will stand out more in a crowd and even among peoples of similar dress and appearance, character will still give off a vibe as 'Other'.

7/4/22 - Badger, Bees and Werebadgers? points earned : 52

No titles acquired this RP

7 Archery E > D
7 Ranged F > E
14 undetected - hearing
7 Heightened senses Sight F
7 Perception F
7 (14 - 7 tech core 7 points free) tech core- hot shot
Points left : 3

Exchange between Shappa and Rowan

Gained +1 point

Points left : 4
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Nameless Assassin

Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)

Rp'er Name: Sam136

Post Frequency:
(give a general idea of how often you plan to post with this character) daily most of the time, 2-3 days sometimes

Discord Name: Samuel123#4200

Equipped Titles: Human

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 70kg

Backstory: A young male taken in by an Assassin Organization. The brutal and cruel training there stripped them of anything resembling a personality. One day that organization was discovered and destroyed, he was caught up in that battle and died. The god of this world ended up taking pity on them and reincarnated them into the next world, all they asked was one thing in return. That they learn to “live”

Current Life: They’ve just been dumped into this new world. The god in question had given them a new more youthful albeit weaker body. They find themselves in an abandoned forest. With nothing better to do they move.

Acquired Titles: Human

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)

Strength - F

Precision - B

Intelligence - F

Vitality - F

Speed - F

Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)

  • Stealth C
  • Fighting Style: Assassination Protocol (Bow) C – Targeted (Humanoids) C, Range F, Blight F, Blind Ranged Fighting F

Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)

  • Critical Strike- Stealth C, Targeted (Humanoids) C, Range F, Blight F, Blind Ranged Fighting F – A single shot from their bow aimed at the targets vitals. With their in depth knowledge of the human body it is a very lethal attack assuming it hits. The damage rises even further if the opponent does not anticipate the attack. It is meant to be used in the dark or in very dim lighting, ideally on a foe that is asleep - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • fruits and berries
  • pointy rock
  • meat (dead rabbit)

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
Last edited by a moderator:
Jason Ithbecka

Rp'er Name: Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead
Post Frequency:
2 or 3 times a week. More if time permits.
Discord Name: FantasyReborn #3123
Equipped Titles: Human, Buggy
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 121 lbs.
Backstory: He honestly doesn't remember anything from his past life. He knows he had one due to scattered, blurry visions and dreams. However, he doesn't concern himself with it. That was his past. Now, he focuses on the future. Only worried about his current life.
Current Life: Born into the service of a noble family that ruled over his home village, he was a sickly boy. Always unwell and weak. Despite this he tried hard to keep up, but he would make mistakes and get punished. Beaten or wounded. Once, he spilled tea and was promptly burned across his face.

He learned growing up that this village originally belonged to his own people, but the nobles took over long ago and now they lived as slaves. Jason accepted this as simply life dealing cards. His brother, did not. His older brother hate a deep seeded hearted for their way of life. He wanted to do something about it. As he started to plan the revolution, Jason was happy to sit in his hidden spot beneath the homes, playing with his insect friends. He had a familiarity and kinship with bugs. Both weak, but still did their best to survive.

Jason was down playing with his bugs as his brother started the fight. Bloodshed and battle that led to victory and death to the nobles. All was supposed to be better, but sadly, it wasn't. His brother immediately took over the estate of the Nobles. He didn't release their people, but enslaved them as well. Nothing had changed. It actually got worse. Beatings more often to keep them from doing as his brother did. Jason had enough. He went to his brother, demanding that their people be released to find their own life. His brother not only refused, but had him beaten to near death and tossed away in the river.

After a long while he was awoken by the Cryticrawlers. As it turned out, they had cared for him in his time of need. He didn't know where they had come from, but he knew they were there to help. He decided to follow his heart and become strong enough to come back and free his family.
Acquired Titles: Human, Buggy
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Skills: All his minions are about the same size. English bulldog in stature.
  • Minions F
    E Grade Character
    14 points
    Character, for one reason or another, has garnered the attention of a loyal entourage. Gain up to 5 nameless creatures willing to loyally serve you. They all share the same character template which is made with 56 points. Minions may not have the minion or companion skills. Different types of minions will require acquiring the minion skill again. Minions never get stronger. Only more numerous. They are always obedient to character and narrated by character. Minions are assumed to be humanoids with F stats before points are applied.
    F - 5 minions
    E - 10 minions
    D - 25 minions
    C - 50 minions
    B - 100 minions
    A - 250 minions
    S - ???
    Minions - Vilpincers - 56 pts

Minion Build: -2 grades to vit and str
1. E grade str. 21pts
2. Tail Weapon Pincer F. 7pts
3. B grade spd. 28pts

  • Minions F
    E Grade Character
    14 points

    Minions - Cyrpticrawlers - 56 pts
Minion Build:
1. D spd stat. 14pts
2. 1 Claw Weapon F. 7pts
3. 2 Claw Weapon F. 7pts
4. E str stat. 7pts
5. D vit stat. 14pts
6. Fighting Style Relentless Stabbing F, #1 tech Penetrate Grade F. 7pts.

  • Minions F
    E Grade Character
    14 points
Minions - Caustic Spitters - 56pts

Minion Build:
1. C grade precision. 21pts.
2. Bioliquid Bullet Weapon D. 21pts.
3. Fighting Style Caustic Shot E, #1 tech Blight(Boiling), Grade F. #2 tech Accurate, Grade F. 14pts.

  • Leadership F

    E Grade Character
    "7 points"

    It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without wood working tools

    The talent of having inspirational visions and goals, and
    communicating them effectively to others. The objective is
    to motivate and rally others to adopt and work towards those
    objectives as well.
  • Warfare E

    D Grade Intelligence
    "14 points"

    It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without wood working tools

    The knowledge of large-scale military combat techniques,
    including troop movement, siege warfare, and army morale.
  • Feature [Odor]

    7 points

    He constantly emits a pheromone that attracts insects to him. As such, he is almost constantly surrounded by any number and any variety of insects.
  • Release the Horde - Leadership F, Minion F, Warfare E - This allows the user to instruct his minions on a scorched earth tactic. Making a line and attacking anything within the path of your assault. This is not a garuntee of victory, but it creates a line of concentrated damage. Especially effective in closed in battle grounds. The line can be broken by a charge with enemy that has Grade E or above Strength or Vitality. - Grade E - 1 post cool down
  • Bait and Switch - Leadership F, Minion F, Warfare E - A group of minions will bait enemies into a full on chase. They will lead the enemies into a pre-chosen place of attack where the rest of the army is waiting to turn the tide of the fight. Location is key to this strategy and can change the flow of the assault. - Grade E - 1 posts.

  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • A few books on the study of insects
  • Books on war strategy
  • N/A
Change Log:
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Noah Osmund


Rp'er Name: EMIYAman EMIYAman
Post Frequency:
1-2 Times a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Equipped Titles:
  • Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 134lb
Backstory: A boy absorbed in the meaningless distractions of modern day city living. Born in San Francisco Noah is a Freshman in Highschool who spends most of his time ditching school to enjoy the city with his friends. Their lack of money, common sense, and desire for excitement has led all sorts of situations and even dangers. Noah is a known delinquent with a penchant to disobey authority, including his parents and the police. His acting out is mostly in part due to his Chronic Anemia. Being forced to sit things out or pace himself and play it safe do to the increased risk he faces weighed on him in his childhood. Only most recently has Noah started to cause trouble and hang out in the city all day. He felt that his mentors and parents were keeping him down in life, and came to the decision that if he couldn't live his life doing what he wanted due to his condition. Then he would rather go out with a bang than live meekly just to keep on surviving. So he rebelled against all those he considered a obstacle to that and just went about his days having fun and causing trouble. This lifestyle eventually caught up to him when in a particularly bad case of fatigue and weakness he collapsed off a ledge and broke his neck.
Current Life: Upon his death Noah met with [God] and was told of what had happened. The young foolish boy he was Noah freaked out and cried for over an hour apologizing to everyone he had left behind. Once he had calmed down [God] told him of his plan to send him to another world and help make it a more interesting place. While Noah regretted his death and those he had hurt he did not regret the life had chosen. The fact of the matter was Noah had felt alive each and every day compared to any other time in his life, if he could have that again free of any of the expectation of those around him he would give anything. He agreed to [Gods] proposal, but questioned if in this new world he could live his life how he wanted even with his condition. He was assured he could and that he would no longer have to worry about his Anemia.

Soon after he was teleported to a lush green forest with only a couple of his belongings on him. Unbeknownst to him [God] had dealt with his condition in a... unique way. As Noah had wandered the forest taking in all the new sights and sounds he was attacked by a monster. He had never fought an animal before and the bizarre look and threat of the creature had stunned him. When it seemed he was surely going to have his throat ripped out a spectral fist buried itself into the monster skull killing it almost instantly. A half incorporeal man revealed itself to Noah and had seemingly appeared from nowhere. His face was impassive and he barely responded to Noah merely looking at him before disappearing. He found the situation incredibly bizarre but the man(practically naked) was too cool to make too much of a fuss about. So he started his journey unaware of what this new world would have in store for him, and not nearly as afraid as he should be.
Acquired Titles:
  • Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Companion E
  • Appraisal(Phone) F
  • Sixth sense(Spirit Sight) F- Noah can see metaphysical beings such as ghosts, demons, fairies and other beings which would normally be invisible to human eyes.



  • Steel Pocket Knife E
  • Smartphone
Change Log:
  • 7 points spent on Intelligence E
  • 7 points spent on Strength E
  • 70 points for Companion E
  • 0 points for Appraisal
  • 7 points for Sixth Sense
  • 0 points for Smartphone F
  • 14 points for Steel Pocket Knife E


Backstory: The spirit of an ancient warrior unable to pass on. His and Noah's souls have bonded tying both their lives together. The spirit while devoid of memories or much emotion is compelled to protect Noah from harm. While the spirit can wander from Noah as far as it wants their bond will keep them tethered, and any harm on the Einheri will be manifested onto Noah and vice versa.

Equipped Titles: Warrior

Strength - B
Precision - D
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

  • Undetected(Sight and Sound) E
  • Fighting Style [Níðingr Brawling] F: The bastardization of a warrior peoples boxing style mainly relying on heavy punches, and dishonorable tactics.
    • [Concussive Right Hook] F: Drain(Intelligence)- A mean right hook to the temple resulting in a concussion. Lowers enemy Intelligence grade by 1.

  • They Shall Be As Höd-E: Fighting Style [Níðingr Brawling] F, Undetected(Sight and Sound) E- The Einheri launches an invisible attack disorientating and shocking his opponent leading to them lashing out trying to battle their unseen assailant. Their strikes are made inaccurate and have a harder time landing.

  • Fist(right) E
  • Fist(left) E

Change Log:
  • 28 points spent of Strength B
  • 14 points spent of Perception D
  • 28 points spent on Undetected E
  • 7 points spent on Fighting Style [Níðingr Brawling] F
  • 14 points spent on Fist(right) E
  • 14 points spent on Fist(left) E
  • They Shall Be As Höd E Ability created
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Rp'er Name: D. Rex
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: PM
Equipped Titles: Beast, Mermaid
Height: 7'
Weight: 200lbs
Life was a dream, and she woke from it. There was not much to remember. Not much to long for. Nothing to look back in but memories that would give her a fin up in this world. At least she died doing what she loved, Scuba diving... she was eaten by a shark.
Current Life:

A world of endless opportunity, with abilities beyond anything she had before. Such was her thrill on being born again in this world. The ways of the water were so much better than that of land. The turmoil between the fish-folk races presented a lucrative opportunity. One she planned to take full advantage of. Hunter today, and mayhap a pirate tomorrow. The world was her oyster.
Acquired Titles: Mermaid
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E
Speed - C
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)

Character Grade: E
  • Appraisal E
  • Feature - Gills
  • Feature - Mermaid Tail
  • Feature Darkvision
  • Steady Hands F
  • Feature - Fish part shark teeth
  • Feature - Fish part minor fins
  • Swim Speed D (30mph)
  • Resilient F (Water Pressure)
  • ResilIent F (Cold)
  • Language - Mermese (native)
  • Language - Common
  • Heightened Senses F (Smell)

  • Merrin Crossbow: Grade F
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • N/A
  • N/A
Change Log:


0pts - Str F
7pts - Pre E
0pts - Int F
7pts - Vit E
21pts- Spd C

7pts Feature - Gills
0pts Feature - Mermaid Tail
21pts - Swim Speed D
7pts - Resilient F (Water Pressure)
7pts - Resilient F (Cold)
7pts - Feature Darkvision
0pts - Language - Common
7pts - Heightened Sense F (Smell)
7pts - Steady Hands F
0pts - Feature - Fish part shark teeth
0pts - Feature - Fish part minor fins

7pts - Merrin Crossbow Grade F

Xpts - Undetected F (sight)
Xpts - Magic Affinity F
Xpts - Legs Transformation Affinity
Xpts - Magic Duration
Xpts - Magic Catalyst E (seashell)
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John Brown
John Brown



Rp'er Name: Silent Angel
Post Frequency:
Once every few days
Discord Name: SilentAngel#6969
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 300
Backstory: Worked as a police detective, and was genuinely serious about his job, making sure to follow the letter of the law to a T. However, as time went on, he slowly realized that, even if the laws are there for a reason, it would hurt people more than help if he fined people for just J Walking, and while he had been told that by partners, he tended to have brushed them off more than listen to them, as he thought they were just getting soft. However, as time went on, he himself slowly started to get softer on things that didn't do harm. But after a few months of that, he ended up suffering a fatal heart attack, before waking up in the new world.
Current Life: After being reincarnated, John was raised in the city, being brung up by a nice and kind family. When he grew old enough, John decided to become a guard, as it was what he had done in his previous life, but became much more laid back and less confrontational when it came to his job, as he realized that sometimes, the law can't be a one size fits all thing, and sometimes it's best to follow your gut over micromanaging based on the law.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 0 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Character Rank: D
Strength - E
Precision - C
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - C
  • Appraisal D​
  • Investigation D​
  • Heavy Crossbow F Tier​
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Bedroll​
  • Fire Starter Kit​
  • Rations​
  • Waterskin​
  • Clothes​
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

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Maikoa Groave
Maikoa Groave
Rp'er Name: NeramoDJI
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: See Neramo Blackwood
Equipped Titles: Monster, Woodland Demon, Plague Bearer, Bushwacker, Abuser, Accomplice
Height: 7’3
Weight: 200 LBS
Backstory: Photosynthesis
Current Life: Moikaa was once just a regular tree seed, flowing in the wind after being knocked loose from her parents embrace. She ended up in a nice patch of recently turned and fertile soil. She was but a young sapling, spreading her roots into the earth. After 6 years of growing however, her roots were disturbed. Humans, disturbing the soil at her base, throwing one of their own into a hole beneath her. They covered it and left soon enough. But that was when something began to happen. Her roots began to slowly seep into a deep sustenance, drinking deep the fuel she was given, as her body began to change, feeling the flow of energy and power inside herself, and becoming aware. Truly aware of herself, she no longer felt the immovable skin around her, but rather when she twisted to adjust, she actually began to move. Looking at her hand, she realized… she had a hand. It was her familiar bark, but in the visage of humans. With sentience and no purpose, she began to set out, confused as to her existence.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Woodland Demon, Plague Spreader, Bushwacker, Abuser, Accomplice
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 27
Points Spent: 128
Points Unspent: 6
Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - C
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic Affinity E
  • Flora Magic Affinity E
  • Carpentry F
  • Agriculture F
  • Fletching F
  • Magic Duration F
  • Life Flow - Flora Magic F, Magic Affinity F, Agriculture F, Magic Duration F - Maikoa makes a plant around her begin to grow spontaneously, before shriveling and returning to it's original size shortly after. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Tangling Roots - Flora Magic E, Magic Affinity E, Agriculture F, Magic Duration F - Maikoa summons thin plants from beneath the ground to restrain an opponent within 5ft of her for 1 minute - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Magic Fruit Catalyst E
  • Carpenter Tools
  • Fletching Tools
  • Agriculture Tools
  • Apples
  • Bark clothing
  • Homemade Tree Home
Change Log:
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Fei Liu
Fei Liu


Rp'er Name: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy
Post Frequency:
Once every 1-2 days. I can usually post immediately if not for other obligations.
Discord Name: Book#5367
Equipped Titles: Skeleton, Monster, Apprentice Artist, Falling Apart
Height: 6'7''
Weight: ~20 lbs
Backstory: Fei Liu is a given name to Bae Mun-Hee, a native to Nampo in the Pyongan province of Japanese occupied Korea born in 1919 to Bae Jung-Hee and Park Narae. His father was a member of Haninaegukdan or "Korean Patriotic Organization" which was employed by the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, a government based in Shanghai after having been exiled if not executed by the Japanese. Summarily, the Haninaegukdan was tasked with assassinating prominent figures in the Japanese empire. They were active from 1932 to almost 1936 and his father was caught and executed in 1933. On that night, a group of five Japanese soldiers entered his house and delivered their punishment without trial to the adult male and female inside. They found the body of a young man already deceased in the house, seemingly taken by a fever.

Bae Mun-Hee hid quietly in the house of his neighbor where, just a few hours before, their own middle son had expired from a disease. After that incident, Mun-Hee was ferried across the border into China to stay with an uncle in-law whose family fled during the Japanese invasion in around 1910. The uncle himself was a Chinese citizen married to a Korean woman. When he arrived at the age of 14, he was given the name Fei Liu. Just as soon as he learned to speak Chinese, he joined the navy. Driven by hatred fostered in him by his father and the death of his parents and the feeling of being an outsider in military training, he displayed great ambition and drive. In 1937 he was horribly injured on the Ying Rui, nearly losing his right leg and hand. However, by surviving the Japanese bombardment, he became captain by virtue of all of his superiors being killed. Without an immediate replacement, Liu filled the role readily. He ordered the removal of the artillery from the ships to be used in the battle of Nanjing and he was one of the 600 men to escape the fighting when the orders to withdraw were telegraphed.

That year, most of the Chinese navy was devastated by the Japanese air superiority and he was given a post in the army where he helped to lead a few successful campaigns during the latter quarter of the Second Sino-Japanese war. After the war died down and he sensed tensions between the CPC and Kuomintang heat up, around the time of the Japanese surrender he retired from the military and returned to his home in Korea where he spent a torturous three years in civilian life, without any opportunity to marry due to his disfigurement, disposition and age. Unable to cope with the risible fuss of domestic life and haunted by the images of the war with Japan, he left his hometown and isolated himself for another year where he came to terms with the various things he participated in his life. Though he admitted that his life was unusual and he had the capaibility to reform, and for once maintained a sense of perspective, he was overcome by regret. In light of his regrets and his life's hateful work having been completed with the utter defeat of the Japanese at the hands of China and the United States, he ingested a toxic mixture in his isolated village home on his 30th birthday, celebrated on December 1st, and allowed himself to succumb.

Current Life: As Fei Liu, a modest 5'7'' was sufficient for his needs. Needless to say, when later he awoke to a ghastly form standing 6'7'', he was scared of falling over for no particular reason. He found himself in a light, thin body of bone. He was quite relieved to have arrived in hell, after all, he did not lead a righteous life and did many enemies and friends wrong. He was in the belly of a ship and surrounded by others in skeletal or rotting forms. It took him days to get used to the sour smell of rot and the ghastly visages wandering about the ship. Over the course of those days, he kept having dreams and delusions. Dreams of a fleshy existence in some unfamiliar wood, which looks nothing like his homeland, as a tall and thin creature with pointy ears and an odd and beautiful face shape. At times, when he would lose focus, he would think of himself as Abendell, an artist who draws natural things. He imagined that one day he was stabbed in the ribs by his lover's mistress. Fei Liu steeled his focus, it was only his mind attempting to come up with a reason that there was a thin gash over his ribs in the light black linen, tight-fitting clothing clinging to his skeletal figure. That and the awful tricks that hell was trying to play on his mind.

After a few days of tidying up and feeling reluctant -- even in hell a military man ought not neglect his quarters -- Fei Liu worked up the courage to leave his quarters for more than a meek peek around. It helped nerves to not have a heart to pound like a drum, or skin to sweat. Without all of those things, he had difficulty discerning how the others on board regarded him. Whether they were strangers, perhaps he was sent to the same place as his shipmates, he could not tell for their lack of skin, and he reasoned they would not recognize him either. His garb and that of everyone else was confused and strange. He would have liked to see his fellow sailors once again, even in hell. His hope dwindled though, when he looked around to behold rotting corpses walking about as before, and bare skeletons, and all manner of terrible jiangshi; his mind kept fetching the words zombie and skeleton and wight and ghast and ghoul, surely and categorically. The imposition of this intuitive knowledge made the empty space in his head ache. What's more, some of them seemed to be the skeletons of dragon-men or tiny humans -- dragonborn, lizardfolk, elves, dwarves -- another sharp pain shot through his skull. No, he would not find his friends here.

The hold was cavernous and creaking, made of wood and lined regularly with great posts of wood and thin wooden walls. Many rooms behind him in a hallway fell away to a large open area populated with tables and chairs, cots suspended from beams or the ceiling, nets full of flasks and barrels littering the corner. The wood was ashen and freckled with black mold. A twinge of irritation shot through the space between his ribs. Had his own ship come within a mile of this condition by the neglect of its crew he would have had them all hanging from their toes. Shaking it off, he departed from the mouth of the hallway and strode into the hold. He could see straight ahead a staircase leading upward into a closed hatch, wide enough for two humanoids to walk side by side. Beyond the staircase, the corner of a grate of wood in the floor of the deck could be seen, a darkening sky peeking through the grid of thick beams girded by well-worn iron. It struck him as similar to western ships from Europe. Carefully, he mounted the stairs, hunching over in this new, gigantic body and swaying unsteadily, possessing so little weight. Once he opened the hatch carefully and strode out on deck, catching glances from the passing crewmen of uniform and similar skeletal form, he beheld a kingdom of clouds, towering and wispy, linen in color and stained purple and pink by the sun sinking below the horizon. Though he sensed the air to be cold and thin, he did not feel the need to shiver.
Awestruck, confused, he moved to the rail and peered over, immediately starting and jumping away as not water, but fresh air for leagues below him stretched into the familiar water he thought cradled this hellish coffin. All around him, exposed to dusky sunlight, the pocked and cracked ship with missing boards and destroyed paint was crawling with undead horrors. For some time he could only stand and stare.

A while after he wandered around in stupor, unable to compose himself or conduct himself at all. A lot of thinking happened in the following period of time, he himself wasnt' sure how long it lasted. The boards of this dead ship were caked with rot and anything resembling a window was so grimey that a full moon seemed to be the same as the midday sun when filtered through them. He had no idea how long it took him to sort things out but he did, eventually. To make a long inner monologue short, he reasoned he may as well live his unlife and see what this hell had to offer. After some period of time he stole a sheet and waited for a high mountain to pass under the ship. The sheet was damp and had holes, and if he had landed on hard ground he would have splintered to pieces, but he landed instead in the tops of trees. His significantly reduced weight prevented any serious damage and from there he began wandering. Through ruins, where he met some adventurers and a draconic cult worshipping some dragon spirit. He learned how to hide himself and traveled with one of those adventurers, a pirate, to a town in search of a ship.

The civilized life was too stressful for him, under constant threat of being discovered, and so he developed his skills as a mapmaker and set off for the wilderness to protect himself from being seen. While wandering he found the fire of a fey creature and a man and shared it for the night. When the fey creature described her mission, he found it appreciably similar to his own goals, at least the more short-term ones. He followed along, meeting more travel companions on the way, and while everyone was together, found a grand old creature in the forest. Masaruma, a great mushroom with mysterious powers, awakened to thought and able to probe the mind as well as manipulate one's path in the forest, a near-deity in his eyes. It asked for sacrifice, which he did not possess but others did. There is now a tree in that forest commemorating the sacrifice of the other group traveling with he and the fey creature. She had sacrifice for herself but in return for his lacking, he accepted a task to deliver a satchel of mushrooms to a nearby inhabitant of the forest, which he completed easily. The night of their having met that forest guardian, a man or creature in the shape of a man wandered into their subterranean camp, where they hid from an intense rainstorm, curious about some unknown meeting. The fey creature was immediately terrified at this bird-masked figure but Liu maintained his composure and gently questioned him.

The creature or man answered that he was simply curious and indicated that he had some kind of meeting with someone at the time that he wandered into the camp. Liu offered for the man to share the fire as a formality, despite the fey creature's apparent terror. The thing refsued, then revealed that it had some kind of meeting, then when it left their vicinity the sound of great wings beating could be heard. They were unable to catch sight of the creature, not that he was keen on it in the first place. They made their way with the herd, which they were tracking for its strange migration patterns, and they discovered a hidden glen protected by carnivorous bushes which slaughtered the herd.

  • [Unbroken] - Your time and experiences have hardened you, even in your worst state, you remain yourself even under stressful duress. Character has an easier time living with their choices and past or present experiences.
  • Skeleton
  • Monster
  • Apprentice Artist

Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)

Points Earned: 232

Points Spent: 232

Strength D (14)

Precision B (28)

Intelligence B (28)

Vitality C (21)

Speed - A (35)

  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Navigation E (14)
  • Visual Arts D (21)
  • Darkvision F (racial) (7)
  • Poison Resistance F (racial) (7)
  • Undying(Resilient F) - A general immunity to drowning, starving, dehydration and sleep deprivation--(racial) (7)
  • Fast B (28)
  • Special Movement F (7) - Bone pile: disassemble into a pile of bones and move as such.

Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • Work on a Map +1 - Navigation E, Visual Arts D - With writing utensil and medium, updates a map or blank medium based upon surroundings and landmarks. Navigable by creator, or character with Navigation F. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Prophunt - Visual Arts D, Special Movement F, Regeneration F - Temporarily assume the shape of a useful object constructed of bone within reason (i.e. a short ladder or chain, a chair or a stool, a doorstop or a grabby hand) with physical properties based on character's physical stats (strength and vit). - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Bone Zone - Special Movement F - disassemble into a pile of bones for a duration of no longer than 8 seconds. Move at half speed. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Speed Map - Navigation E, Visual Arts D, Fast B -- Create a map of an area at stunning speed; time required given by: { (2pi+1)/s * nR-3(n^2) } where n = aR/6 rounded up. | R = radius of area being mapped (sqMi), s = speed (mph). The variable "a" is the difficulty of going through the area. 1 means open field or desert, more complexity means it takes more time to map the area out. For reference, increasing to 2 means that exploring a given area would take a little more than twice as long. Grade B -- Cooldown 4 Posts

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • Feature-obscuring clothing

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • Satchel
    • Cylindrical metal canister used for holding rolled up papers.
    • Feature-obscuring clothing (3)
    • Paint Brushes
    • Black ink

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)

  • Spent 105 on character creation
  • Awarded title: [Falling Apart] - Character has been damaged and destroyed so many times they can now dismember or reassemble themselves on a whim.
  • Awarded 22 from Holy Draconis.
  • Spent 7 on Fast 0 -> F
  • Spent 7 on Special Movement 0 -> F
  • Spent 7 on Visual Arts F -> E
  • Balance: 1
  • Technique: Make Map updated - "navigable by navigation D" -> "navigable by navigation E" due to improved visual arts.
  • Added Technique: Prophunt
  • Possessions destroyed.
  • Updated theme song.
  • Lore Update (8/10/22)
  • Awarded 105 from A Distant Grotto (9/14)
  • -21 Speed D -> A (9/16)
  • -14 Vitality E -> C ''
  • -28 Fast F -> B ''
  • -14 Int D -> B ''
  • -14 Prec D -> B ''
  • -7 Str E -> D ''
  • -7 Visual Arts E -> D ''
  • Balance: 0
  • Created Speed Map ''
  • Work on Map now uses Visual Arts D ''
  • Prophunt now uses Visual Arts D ''
  • Recorded title option [Unbroken] ''
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Malerie / Malady
Malerie / Malady
Rp'er Name: SilentAngel
Post Frequency:
Once every few days
Discord Name: SilentAngel#6969
Equipped Titles: Monster, Nevermore, Medical Expert
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 140 lbs
Backstory: During her time alive, Malerie did her best to help others, going through med school and becoming a surgeon. She put quite a bit of emphasis on the morality of her job during that time, avoiding certain medical institutions not just because of what they did, but even what they were rumored to do, as in her mind she could not willingly help people when working for someone who would willingly hurt others. Eventually she found a steady job, and worked there for a few years. Sadly, her time working for the hospital was cut short due to a car crash, killing her and sending her to a new world.
Current Life: When Malerie was thrown into the new world, she was disoriented, and did her best to survive. One of the most terrifying things was the fact that her body was no longer human, but some strange monstrous creature that looked like it would be more fit to live in the middle ages. When she found humans, she also found that her presence wasn't appreciated in the new world she found herself in, but worse, when she saw the humans she felt... hungry. She forced it down, wanting to continue to help others, but it continued to gnaw at her until her mind couldn't handle it any more. This life and the previous life of trying to help others, letting them walk over her because she wanted others to have a good life, before being ostracized for something out of her control became too much for the woman to handle. Her mind split into two different parts, a part that was a better side, trying to make the world a better place, and a side that just wanted to feel the pleasures of the world, living for herself and only herself. And thus, Malerie gained Malady, her other half. While Malerie was the dominant half, being out much more often, in times of stress, anger, or exhaustion, she can lose herself to the other side, and it can be anywhere from an hour to days before she gets herself under control.
Acquired Titles:
  • Monster
  • Medical Expert
  • Nevermore: Requires a minimum of F in Healing, in addition to the features Plague Doctor's Mask, Long Tongue, and Gray Skin. This monster race tends to be much more conniving than most, willing to help those in need with their magical healing, but for a price. Oftentimes, this price can be more than the healing was worth, and the only people who come out ahead were those who were as monstrous as the one that healed them. Their body is a shade of gray, with their face being made up of a mock plague doctor mask, their mouth opening in front of it in a way some people think is horrifying, in a way that makes people only speculate what their more nefarious deals might be.
  • [Nightmare Medic] - character provided a lot of aid to those who likely would not have accepted it had they not been in clearer state of mind. Rumors will follow character of a haunting figure that appears to those in their hour of need offering to mend their flesh in exchange for their soul.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 40
Points Spent: 105
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - A
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Medicine B
  • Healing B - Given a short amount of time using the herbs she has found, or quickly using magic if using a good enough focus, Malerie is able to cure any disease, even up to the point of bringig back someone who had recently died.
  • Feature: Plague Doctor's Mask - Face resembles that of a plague doctor from the dark ages.
  • Feature: Long Tongue
  • Feature: Gray skin
  • Heals What Ails You - Medicine B, Healing B - Using her medicine knowledge in addition to her healing knowledge, Malerie can strengthen her healing ability. - Grade B - 3 Post Cooldown

  • Herbology kit
  • Medical Supplies: Includes bandages, scalpels, needle and thread, iodine, and hard liquor.
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Change Log:
  • 4/24/2022 Was awarded the title [Nightmare Medic] in Fantasy [Isekai Hell] Healing the Holy City of Vegard and gained 40 points. Spent 35 to raise Vitality to E, Intelligence to A, and Medicine and Healing to B.
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Rp'er Name: RavenSong

Post Frequency:
2-4 times a week. Not uncommon I could post every other day (Usually I post at night though)

Discord Name: RavenSong#4209

Equipped Titles: [Human], [Champion of Light], [Right Hand], Connected: [Friend of Nobility]
Height: 5’7

Weight: 134 lbs


- To rise through the military ranks and become the greatest military strategist ever known
- to help and advocate for the common folk; to raise their standing to more than just peasantry, but a labor force with its own desires and priorities.
- Establish relations with the nobility
- Seek out and quell corruption in order to make the world a better place.
- advance and push her own martial limits
- Help Regula become [Queen of Ryken]

CURRENTLY IN RP: [World] Actor of War: Progenitor of the Hive


It all happened so fast, an uprising against a corrupt monarchy, the militarization of technology, the creation of a rebellion and the aftermath of a devastating war for power between two opposing forces.

Arias world was in ruins, most wouldn’t survive the aftermath of the first cataclysmic confrontations. Those who did chose a side, or were caught in the cross fire.

Aria, found herself serving the rebellion, she believed in the message of liberation for a better tomorrow, where everyone would have equal share, where no one was more than another.

But to her disappointment the rebellion eventually became that which it sought out to defeat. Whatever dream that began as a fight for a better world, soon became corrupted, petty and a means to further the ambitious agendas of lesser leaders. Now they only fought to kill and prey on the vulnerable. Nothing more than an organized mercenary group, under the banner of “liberation”.

In the end it only amounted to a struggle to determine who would dominate and exploit whatever was left.

She’d risen through the ranks as a soldier but now as a strategist would soon see the true outcomes and gains of every battle. Risking it all only to realize that in spite of talent, luck and casualties the enemy always figured out a way to recover whatever was lost. Essentially stuck in a never ending war.

Aria began to suspect. A suspicion that would ultimately end her life. As every battle that was won or lost, the rebel leader began to question her officers, her colleagues, even her bravest soldiers. Something wasn’t right. And she was determined to find out what.

The services of her most elite spy were employed swiftly to verify her deepest suspicion.

She’d sent him to the headquarters of the rebellion leadership themselves.

Weeks past and her conjecture was proven in the form of documents confirming the rebellion leaders were in league with the remnants of the monarchy. Their very sworn enemies.

But little did she know the spy was also working for them. Discovered and paid exuberant sums of resources in exchange for his loyalty.
Aria was quick to respond by preparing her troops to besiege the traitors. She was prepared to claim leadership, and change the course of history. And to pay back the cowards for their misdeeds, for using people as nothing more than pawns on a board; a means to no end. But on the eve of their departure, Aria was murdered in her sleep in the early hours of the night by an unknown assailant.

Only rumors remain.

Current Life:

After her death and experiencing a conversation with God, Aria felt a boiling hatred for those who betrayed her. Although thankful for a second chance in another world, Aria couldn’t help but feed a festering hate within her. After seemingly appearing in Ryke, she soon began to develop an ability to manipulate a blade with nothing but her mind.

As she trained she worked at the local tavern, making only enough to get her by in life. It wasn’t an ideal career, but it allowed her to understand the world.

She understood the importance of knowing what was happening in distant places.

As the months went on, she began to develop another set of abilities that would allow her to appear in different places. Although her abilities were still in the budding phase of martial prowess, she’d wander about looking to sharpen her abilities.

Perhaps there were others who knew more, maybe there was a way to return to her old world, a dormant ambition that fueled the vendetta against those who betrayed her. For now, she’ll have to once again rise through the ranks. Whatever that might mean.

Acquired Titles: [Human] [Champion of Light], [Liaison], [Right Hand], [Friend of Nobility], [Order Initiate]

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 215

Points Spent:

Points Left : 5


(5) Strength - B /35

(2) Precision - D/ 14

(4) Intelligence - B/28

(5) Vitality - A/35

(4) Speed - B /28
[ Character Grade: B ]


  • (14)Teleport - F
    Creature with this skill can warp away to a place they can see/sense/or have previously visited. Max distances are listed:
    F - 10ft max
  • (7) Fighting Style - Swords - [ E ] - Uses a katana while carrying another fastened to her waist. Its Aria's main weapon, using it for both offense and defense. grade
    [Continuing F] [Bleeding] - (1min) - [Incapacitating F (14/7free)]
  • (21) Fighting Style - Throwing Daggers - [ D ] Carries her daggers in a leather holster on both her thighs and beneath her sash. Arias dedicated weapon of choice for ranged combat, she usually opens a fight with these weapons to weaken or maim her target before delivering the finishing blow with her katana. grade
    [Range] E (14) - [Hot Shot] (7 free) 14 - Blight F (Ethereal) - [Area F]
  • (14) Gear D - Throwing Knives [ D ] grade
  • (21) Energized D - Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank - Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1
  • (7) Warfare F - The knowledge of large-scale military combat techniques,including troop movement, siege warfare, and army morale.
  • (14) Lucky E - Character can choose to have a good outcome as the result of a post they made. Ex: Jack lobs a fireball into a bandit camp. Due to Lucky, the fireball which would normally not be able to affect the entire camp had its effective range expanded due to hitting an explosive reserve stored in the camp.
    E - 4 Posts per rp
  • (14) Precognition F - Buff lasts for a single post.

    Character can occasionally glimpse into the future.
    Gives +1 grade to speed. Does not stack with any other speed bosting ability.
    Amount of time glimpsed into the future grows with skill grade. Future glipsed is that of the character using the skill and is perceived through their senses. Other skills may augment this behavior. [ F ] - A few seconds

  • (7) Interrogation F - The ability to convince someone to provide specific
    information against their will. Interrogation can also be used to
    help withhold information when being forcefully questioned.

  • (7) Leadership F - The talent of having inspirational visions and goals, and
    communicating them effectively to others. The objective is
    to motivate and rally others to adopt and work towards those
    objectives as well.

  • (7) Focus F - The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat. Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
  • (21) Steady Hands D

    Can only be used to perform actions of a grade equal or less than the skill

    Character is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers. Allows for aiming or performing hand gestures for spells as well as simpler actions while on the move without taking penalties to action effectiveness.
  • Appraisal B


  • Ethereal Blade - Fighting Style - Throwing Daggers D - Range 30ft E - Blight (Ethereal) F - Hot Shot F - Gear D (Throwing Daggers) - Steady Hands D - Pulls a dagger from her sash, imbuing it with fiery ethereal energy as she perceives a weak point on the target until before calling out her ability name to finalize the strike. - Grade D- 1 post cooldown (Energized D)
  • Teleport Strike - Fighting Style - Swords F - Teleport F 10ft- Energized E - Steady Hands D - Teleports within a 10ft distance of target before slashing target with equipped blade. Grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized D]
  • Warp Blades - Fighting style - [Swords F] - Continuous (Bleed) - Fighting Style - [Throwing Daggers D] - Range E 30ft - Blight F (Ethereal) - Steady Hands D - Teleport F 10 ft - Teleports with a dagger in hand, re appearing within 10 ft of target throwing her dagger as her body spins to gain momentum for a follow up strike with her sword. - Grade D - 1 post cooldown [Energized D]
  • Cassowary Dance - Fighting Style [Throwing Daggers] D - Range E (30 ft) - Gear D [Throwing Daggers] - Energized D - Teleport F (10 ft) - Hot Shot E - Blight F (ethereal) - Steady Hands D - She runs twenty feet toward target, teleporting 10 feet back, yelling the attacks name before launching a surprise dagger where she used to be, aiming for a critical spot on target. - Grade D - 1 post cooldown [Energized D]
  • Accelerated Vision - Precognition F - Appraisal D - Warfare F - Focus F - Aria concentrates on all of her gathered battle experience and pierces the veil of time to see moments into the future of a battle whether it was to read an opponent or prepare for a spike in hostility - Grade D - 1 post cooldown [Energized D]
  • Ethereal Arrest - Fighting Style [Swords E] - [Incapacitating F] - [Teleport F] - [Steady Hands E] - [Focus F] - [Energized D] - Aria teleports to her target, striking a weak point to immobilize it. - Grade E - 0 Cooldown [Energized D]
  • Ethereal Rain- Fighting Style [Throwing Daggers D] - [Range E - 30ft] - [Area F - 10ft] - [Gear D -Throwing Daggers] - [Energized D] - Enchants her daggers in ethereal energy, shouting the abilities name she throws daggers swiftly above the target area, they explode, and release a rain of ethereal infused daggers below. - Grade D - 1 Cooldowns [Energized D]
  • Inspire - Leadership F - Warfare F - Energized F - Rises to the cause in the midst of impossible odds, or to rally an otherwise uncertain group of people, giving a message of hope through conviction. - Grade F - 0 cooldown


- Socketed Dagger [ C ] - Aria - Regula Marketplace Exchange
- Katana [ C ] - Aria - Regula Marketplace Exchange
- Chain Mail Armor [ D ] - Aria - Regula Marketplace Exchange


  • Rations
  • water skin
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • dagger sheath
  • Sword sheath
  • Gear kit for fashioning daggers


Change Log:
* 3/17/22 Awarded Title - Champion of Light - character was a volunteer and has shown heroism on behalf of the Light Barony. Character will receive favorable treatment from residents when in the Light Barony.
* 3/17/22 Gained - 38 points from - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] There is No End
-7 Strength E to D
-7 Energized F
-7 D grade sword Meeting for a Sword
-7 vitality
-7 warfare
= 3 left

3/25/22 Gained 5 points from RP - Meeting for a Sword
= 8 left
-7 lucky
= 1 left

*5/3/22- The Birds and the Horned Rabbits - title acquired [Do-Gooder] - character can't seem to help themselves but get involved in other people's problems. Npcs are quicker to take advantage of character's good nature and those truly in need will be quicker to ask character for help. No good deed goes unpunished. Perhaps helping others enough will result in a good harvest eventually.
Gained 18 points + 1 points left = 19 points
-7 Strength - D to C
-7 Energized F to E
= 5 left

5/8/22 -
gained 22 points + 5 left = 27 total. RP: Into the Woods
-optional title acquired [Liaison] - character has become the go between for one or more entities and acts as the voice of a faction/group of individuals.
- 7 - Magic Targets F
- 7 - Focus F
- 7 - Speed F > E
= 6 left

5/27/22 -
Gained 23 points + 6 left = 29* total. RP : Testimony of Truth
optional title acquired [Right Hand] - Character has pledged loyalty and to be used by another character as they will. Strength of Character's bond will help them push beyond their limits in service of their master.
-7 - Speed E > D
-7 - Vitality E > D
-7- Strength C > B
-7- Precision F>E

= 1 left

6/4/22 Marketplace Exchange with Regula, Aria - Regula Upgrade Exchange
  • Aria will get her katana upgraded from D => C Grade.
    [*]Aria will get her Socketed Dagger upgraded from F => C Grade.
    [*]Aria will be given D Grade chain mail armour.
    [*]Aria will help protect Regula and Pierre as they carry a weapon shipment across Ryke.
    [*]Aria will introduce Regula to count Linneus Light (and put in a good word for her).
Relevant Mentions:

6/29/22 - gained 10 points + 1 left = 11 from: RP: A bath before the storm

7/25/22 Gained 41 points from RP: The Queen, The Tank, The Sword and their Weapon Transport

41 + 11 left

= 52 left


Partial scoop due to [Telekinesis] update. [approved 7/30/22]

Magic affinity E - 14
Duration Magic F - 7
Area of effect F- 7
Magic Targets F - 7
Telekinesis Affinity - Dagger F
Jewel Focus - E - 14


Weapons Mastery - Throwing Daggers D (21)
Range E 7 - Hot Shot(7free) (14total) F - Blight (Ethereal) 7

Gear (Throwing Daggers) - C

8/8/22 - Gained 7 points / 7 + 52 = 59 from Summer Writing Comp

59 total
-14 Vitality C>A
-7 Strength B>A
-7 Speed C>B

31- total after stat changes - Aria is [B Grade Character]

-7 Interrogation
-14 Precognition
-7 Leadership

= 3 points left - TOTAL

Gained 29 points from RP A Fated Meeting Along with following titles:

-Connected [Friend of Nobility] Count Linneus Light

-Optional Title [Order Initiate] You're a new recruit to Linneus’ Order. Members who still have to prove themselves

29+3= 32 Points total
-7 Fighting Style [Swords] - F > E --- Free 7 points spent on [Incapacitating 14 to 7] tech core.
-7 [Incapacitating F 14/7] Tech core.
-7 [Area F] for Fighting Style [Throwing Daggers]
-7 [Lucky] F > E

= 4 Points Left


12 points from Royal Dress-Up RP

12 + 4 left = 16 Points Left

10 Points from Aria Meets Her Father RP

16 + 10 = 26 Points Left

- 21 Steady Hands D


= 5 points left

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Baxtor Everfrost

Theme: freeze me - death from above 1979
Rp'er Name: Goran Glacial
Post Frequency: very often at least twice or three times a day
Discord Name: Goran Glacial
Equipped Titles: son of a baron - beast
Height:6 "2
Weight:200 lbs

Backstory: A victim of abuse and neglect on earth baxtor died hoping it would be an end to his suffering.... he had been raised in an abusive household that had only given him bare necessities until he was 16 then shove into hard labor until the day he died all the while his parents took every dime he owned. when he came to an old man who called himself god selfishly charged him with making the world better. before shoving him into the womb of a dragonkin whom was married to a human baron. although god had reincarnated him he still has a few screws lose due to the torment he suffered on earth
Current Life Currently learning the ways of a noble while adapting to this family and world.:
Acquired Titles: son of a baron - beast(partal dragonkin)
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 22
Points Spent: 105
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - D
  • Glacial Flash - F - Blight(ice) - The everfrost's family sword-style Built by the founder everfrost before he made the family a barony, a fast speed sword-style that feels as cold as the grave (rookie-level)
  • Etiquette F
  • Connected - Noble - C - Ryken Nobility - Everfrost Family
  • Glacial Flash F - Blight(Ice) F - Glacial Strike F - Flashes Forward with an Icy Stab - Grade F - 0 post cooldowm
  • E-grade sword

  • Black formal suit
Assets: None (not the heir)
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Selani Boana
Selani Boana

Rp'er Name: The Last Curse
Post Frequency:
1-2 a week
Discord Name: Phalanx#9348
Equipped Titles: -Beast -Anuran
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 94 Lbs
Born in the tribal swamps far-south of Ryken, Selani was the oldest daughter of a pair of hunters. Always a sneaky child, Selani often accompanied her parents during their hunts, and as she came of age, she eventually adopted the title for herself. Though life in the swamps was anything but easy, Selani always stuck to her family - no hardship could separate them. However, as years passed by, those bonds would soon be tested.

In their hunting grounds, controversy had sparked between two fellow clans, and as tensions grew, they became embroiled in an all-out war. Both sought the aid of neighboring clans, and Selani’s family was caught in the middle. Despite her family’s claims of neutrality, the warring clans persisted, their formal invitations now becoming brazen threats. Fearing for their lives, Selani and her family abandoned their homeland and sought refuge up north.

Eventually, they found the city of Ryken, and life from then on was incredibly different from the swamplands. Although understanding the city was hard for all of them, Selani was the most receptive: integrating their slang into her vocabulary, familiarizing herself with their culture, and dressing like the people around her. Soon she’d completely converted herself to city life, but no matter what, she always kept family first.
Current Life: Selani often takes odd jobs to make ends meet, and due to her proximity to the underbelly, she usually has to travel through it to find them. Though she’ll take just about any ordinary task, she’s especially fond of those with big payouts. Outside of employment, she spends most of her time wandering the city and swimming in its waterways.
Acquired Titles: -Beast
-Tactical Intellectual
Points Earned: 68
Points Spent: 105
Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - E
  • Feature (Webbed Appendages)
  • Feature (Dark vision)
  • Feature (Long Tongue)
  • Water Speed F (Swim Speed 3mph)
  • Jumping F (Vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds)
  • Stealth F
  • Concealment F
  • Fighting Style [Archery] - F - Blind Ranged Fighting - "Night Eye" - (Character has the ability to shoot/Throw in dim or no light situations as well as in normal conditions up to 20ft)

  • Hush - Feature (Dark vision) + Stealth F + Concealment F + Fighting Style F "Night Eye" + Water Speed F - The user quickly conceals themselves in an obscured environment, (Murky water, dark corner, dim alleyways, etc) and fires an arrow at a target. [0 Post Cooldown]

  • Steel dagger F
  • Wood Shortbow F
  • Bag of salted crickets
  • Cloth hood
  • Sling canvas bag
  • Whetstone
  • Small journal
  • Feather pen w/ inkwell
  • Leather canteen
  • Arrow quiver
  • Bandages
Change Log:
Character Creation:

  • 21 points spent in total for Strength E, Intelligence E, and Speed E
  • 14 points in total for Precision D
  • 56 points spent in total for Feature (Dark Vision), Feature (Webbed Appendages), Feature (Long Tongue), Stealth F, Water Speed F, Concealment F, Jumping F, and Fighting Style F
  • Added Ability "Hush"
  • 14 points spent in total for Steel Dagger F and Wood short bow F
Last Updated 2/15/2024
  • Received 68 points from "The Dead Awake at Night Part 2 (Blue Viscera Occult)" (See here)
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Steve Stevenson
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: Daily (1-2 times if needed) to Every Few (2-3 day intervals at most)
Discord Name: Discusstu#4473
Equipped Titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Hero of Osun, Hatchet Man, Warrior, Martial Artist, Gladiator
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 120 pounds
  • Steve died at the age of 97.
  • He was a retired medical officer who spent almost half his life in the military.
  • Although he tried to keep himself physically and mentally fit, time still got the best of him.
  • Steve spent the last few years of his life in bed or on a wheelchair.
  • His tolerance to activity was poor, making him experience fatigue and labored breathing even with minimal movement.
  • In the last moments of his life, Steve looked back and regretted nothing.
  • He not only had a long life, but a fruitful one as well.
  • Steve provided well enough to support his family and had a lot leftover to share with his grandchildren.
  • He believed in reincarnation and while succumbing to death, with his final breath, he continued to wonder what his next life would be as.
  • Steve surprised to still be aware of his past life.
  • He can still recall his memories, but only as vague recollections.
  • Steve's new identity was that of an orphan who lived in the slums of Ryke.
  • After understanding the gist of his situation, Steve left the streets and headed to the capital.
  • Refusing to beg for a living, Steve took on any job he could.
  • With his youth restored and with a body that was no longer decrepit, Steve did not mind the physically exerting himself with manual labor. It made him feel young and well.
Acquired Titles:
  • Human
  • Ryken Adventurer F - Character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. F grade characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
  • Hero of Osun - Character has shown heroism on behalf of the Light Barony. Character will receive favorable treatment from residents when in the Light Barony.
  • Hatchet Man - Character has shown an affinity for aggressive and frenzied hand axe use. Whether it is chopping creatures or objects, character will find it easier to use and master the handaxe.
  • Warrior
  • Martial Artist
  • Galdiator
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 38
Points Spent: 143
Points Unspent: 0
  • Strength - B
  • Precision - F
  • Intelligence - C
  • Vitality - B
  • Speed - B
  • Appraisal C
  • Regeneration E
  • Fighting Style [Axemanship] F
    • Penetrate F
  • Fighting Style [Berserker - Gauntlets] F
    • Tangle F
  • Cleave - Fighting Style [Axemanship] F, Penetrate F - Steve's arm bulges before performing a swing that ignores defenses of similar or lesser grades - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Vicegrip - Fighting Style [Berserker] F, Tangle F - Steve grabs on to a target, holding them in place to the best of his abilities - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Hand Axe D [Marketplace]
  • Right Gauntlet D [Marketplace]
  • Left Gauntlet D [Marketplace]
  • Basic Adventure's Garb
    • Steve wears a brown padded vest and green scarf over a white long-sleeved shirt. The rest of his ensemble is made up of leather fingerless gloves, a leather belt, black pants, and leather boots.
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Leather Pouch
  • Steve has no assets to his name
  • Trade with Gamatsu
    • 10 points for Hand Axe D, Right Gauntlet D, Left Gauntlet D
  • There is No End
    • 38 points acquired
    • Titles acquired and equipped: Ryken Adventurer F, Hero of Osun, Hatchet Man
    • 28 points on Fighting Style - [Axemanship] F, Fighting Style - [Berserker] F, Regeneration E
    • 2 abilities created
    • Titles qualified for and equipped: Warrior, Martial Artist, Gladiator
  • Character Creation: 28 points on Strength, Vitality, and Speed; 21 points on Intelligence
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Xack Gransuke
sword, prince, warrior, general, nobleman_ clipped, this might make a decent avatar.jpeg
Rp'er Name: Goran Glacial
Post Frequency: 1-3 posts daily
Discord Name: Goran Glacial
Equipped Titles: Human - Warrior - Swordsman Adept
Height: 6ft 0in
Weight: 180 lbs

Backstory: Xack had been through lots of wars on earth, from the time he was sixteen he had enrolled in the army and worked his way to the top as best he can. he was doing well to... before he was killed by a suicide bomber as he was crossing into iraq. He can't remember his past life all he know's is god charged him to make things better before dropping him in the plains of ryke
lost in the woods...will get out eventually
Acquired Titles: Human - Warrior - Swordsman Adept
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 20
Points Spent: 119
Points Left: 6
Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - C
Speed - D
  • Super strength (200lbs) F
  • Fighting Style - Military Swordsmanship (Multidimensional core) E
  • Dimensional Stab - F - Multidimensional - Stabs forward with basic movements (added benefit of harming incorporeal beings)
  • Dimensional Cross-Slash - E - Multidimensional - slashes in a cross as fast as possible (added benefit of harming incorporeal beings)
  • E-Grade Longsword
  • E-Grade Heavy Armor (Platemail)
Change Log: (
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Aemon Clyde
Aemon Clyde

Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: Dante Verren
Post Frequency:
At least once a week
Discord Name: Dante Verren
Equipped Titles: Fae, Elf
Height: 5'6 ft
Weight: 130 ibs
Backstory: Born a sickly kid to a firmly middle class family, young Dylan didn't have much of a life. He spent quiet a bit of it in and out of various medical facilities. Never one with really anything constant in his life he found solace in the various shows he watched over the tv and live shows the hospitals would put on for the kids. His favorite were always the magic shows. Was magic real or was it all just illusion? If it was just an illusion how could it bring so much joy? On one occasion he actually was gifted a deck of cards and taught simple card tricks, not that he was any good at them. Still as his condition worsened he kept trying and trying to master the cards but never seemed to be able to. One of his last thoughts before his passing in the same bed he had been stuck in for the last two years was just Dylan wanting a bit more time. Just the smallest amount of time so he could say he accomplish something even as small as a card trick.
Current Life: Born as Aemon to a well off elven family on the edge of societies norm, he had no memories of his past life save but two. A constant fascination with time and simple card tricks would follow him through every stage of his life to this point. His dedication and fascination with the subjects led Aemon to scower ever magic book his family owned. It led him to the conclusion that it was in fact possible to manipulate time, he just needed a focus for it. Using his cards as the focus Aemon managed to manipulate the very basic fabric of time. Nothing extreme of course, but with the possibilities of something greater. Knowing he could no longer learn anything else in his family home, he set out from home seeking to find what the limits of this power really was. Maybe just maybe he could find the root cause to his almost obsessive desire with playing cards and time.
Acquired Titles: Fae, Elf
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - D
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic affinity E
  • Time Affinity F
  • Magic Range f- 10 ft
  • Spell duration F- 1 minute
  • Magic Target F- up to 2 targets
  • Magic Area F- 10 ft area
  • Appraisal E
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • Time Bolt - Time Affinity F, Magic Affinity E, Magic Range F - A blast of concentrated time is fired from up to 10 feet away. Slightly alters time on impact causing a rapid acceleration of time to physically damage the impacted source. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - 10 ft range - 1 target maximum
  • Twinned Time Bolts - Time Affinity F, Magic Affinity E, Magic Range F, Magic Target F - Dual blast of concentrated time are fired from up to 10 feet away. Slightly alters time on impact causing a rapid acceleration of time to physically damage the impacted source. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - 10 ft range - 2 target maximum
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Deck of Cards (Catalyst e) - A deck of cards that Aemon uses to channel his magic.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • Spare cards
  • Camping supplies- Bedroll, tent, fire starter kit, etc.
  • Rations
  • Traveling clothes
  • Tea set
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

  • N/a
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • Character Creation
    Intelligence C grade: 21 points
    Vitality E - 7 points
    Speed D - 14 points
    Magic affinity E - 14
    Time Affinity F- 7
    Magic Range F 10 ft- 7 points
    Spell duration F 1 minute: 7 points
    Magic Target F, 2 targets: 7 points
    Magic Area F, 10 ft, 7 points
    Catalyst E - 14 points
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