• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: Gwen_Temi
Post Frequency:
Once every three days.
Discord Name: Uma Sayalami#7724
Current RP:
[Greystone - Ryke] The Howling Depths PT. II
Goals: Get strong enough to live comfortably. Get used to living with flesh and bone.
Equipped Titles: Fae. Dryad. Student of Mother Gaia E. Ryken Adventurer E. Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F.
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 98lbs
Languages: Common. Sylvan.
Downtime: Increase Ryken Adventurer Rank.
Backstory: Most people wouldn’t call Demeter’s past like much of a life. That’s probably because “people” isn’t exactly a word that anyone would’ve used to describe her. She was little more than a great oak tree planted in the center of a park that spent hundreds of years listening to the people who walked by,acting as a support for them to lean on, and a fun toy for their children to climb on.

I guess all that time spent around humans left a mark on the old oak. Some part of it came to envy their freedom and the eyes with which they could gaze upon the beauty of the world around them. In her passing, that desire was heard by the god of another world. And, after serving so many for the entirety of her life, the oak was given a name and a chance to live as they did.
Current Life: Demeter awoke in a new world, naked and alone. She was weak, unused to muscle and bone, but she could feel the power of nature flowing through her new veins. And, as far as she was concerned, it was probably the first time in her long existence that she would actually consider herself to be awake. Now, with a freedom that she’d never imagined she’d ever have, she’s free to do whatever she fancies in a new world with a fresh pair of legs.
Acquired Titles:
  1. Otherworlder- Character was born in another world and travelled to this one later by some means.
  2. Mundane Fae- For all issues concerning race, this character is a Fae.
  3. Dryad- Demeter is a nature spirit with a strong affinity for plants and plant-affinity magic. Not to be confused with an elf, as Demeter's ears are perfectly round and, in no way, pointed.
  4. Student of Mother Gaia E- A school of magic revolving around the creation, manipulation and enhancement of plant life. Character displays potential, but has a long way to go before they can profess mastery.
  5. Ryken Adventurer E- character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
  6. 4th wheel- character was present and included. rounds out a group. but were they ever really needed or with the 'in' group. A tag along that may eventually play a more crucial role.
  7. Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F- character is still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
  8. The Master's Hand- When the machines rose against their creators, this character acted decisively to suppress the rebellion, reinforcing the dominance of the masters. For better or worse, when the time comes, their role in quelling the uprising will not be forgotten.
  9. [Magno Sapiente Victori - Archmagus] F- Character is second-in-command of the up and coming mage faction [Magno Sapiente Victori].
  10. [Fates Chosen- Demeter x Glacier]- When performing a combo attack or action with Glacier, and vice-versa, the duo gain a +1 to their attack or action.
  1. [Born for This]- Demeter receives a 7 point discount to her [Perception] skill.
  2. [Meta Magic] - apply or upgrade range, duration, targets, or aoe 1 grade per grade of school to a spell. A skill added or upgraded in this way may not exceed grade of school with this feature alone. Spells augmented with meta magic maintain original cooldowns and power.
Points at Start: 147 (105 + 42)
Points Earned: 336
Points Spent: 476
Points Not Spent: 7
Character Grade: D
Standing Grade: C
Strength - H
Precision - H
Intelligence - A
Vitality - A
Speed - B
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic E
  • Deflect E
  • Indirect E
  • Blight [Bludgeoning] E
  • Continuous E
  • Incurable E
  • Magic School (Deflect, Indirect, Blight, Continuous, Incurable) E- Student of Mother Gaia.
  • Energized E
  • Targets F
  • Magic AOE F
  • Selective Magic F
  • Componentless Magic E
  • Attentive Student C
  • Appraisal D (Free)
  • Teleport E
  • Super Sense [X-Ray Vision] E
  • Perception E (Born for This Discount)
  • Resilient [Surprised] F
  • Feature [Darkvision]
  • Root Eruption- Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic School E, Deflect (1) E, Indirect E, Blight [Bludgeoning] E, Continuous E, Incurable E, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] E- Demeter summons roots spikes from a solid surface to impale foes. These spikes can be summoned from the earth, walls, ceilings or even her own body. Each root is coated in a poison that simultaneously acts as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant; effectively causing a target to hemorrhage an unnatural amount of blood from any wounds taken from this move if not properly treated.- 1 action- 100ft Range- 15ft A.O.E.- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Root Eruption: Obscure Germination- Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic School E, Super Sense [X-Ray Vision] E (1), Perception E, Feature [Darkvision], Deflect (1) E, Indirect E, Blight [Bludgeoning] E, Continuous E, Incurable E, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] E- Demeter first uses her enhanced senses to gaze into the distance, through physical barriers, and locate concealed targets before summoning roots at their position to poison and skewer them.- 2 actions- 100ft range- 15ft AOE- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Wild Root Eruption- Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Energized E, Magic School E, Deflect (1) E, Indirect E, Blight [Bludgeoning] E, Continuous E, Incurable E, Magic AOE [Metamagic F -> E] E, Magic Targets [Metamagic] F- Demeter forgoes some of her control to flood a much larger area of space with offensive magic and striker a greater number of targets with poisonous pikes of root. Attack reaches targets in range even if they're obscured by physical barriers. Demeter can only choose up to five targets to spare from this assault.- 1 action- 50ft AOE Radius- 5 targets spared from attack- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Root Burst- Magic F, Componentless Magic F Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption lacking area of effect that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • Wilt and Bloom- Teleport E (1), Energized E- Demeter dissipates into a pile of dried leaves before reappearing in a burst of petals at another location within 100ft. She can appear at any location that she can sense or has previously been to.- 1 action- 100ft movement distance- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Wilt and Bloom: Passwall- Super Sense [X-Ray Vision] E(1), Perception E, Feature [Darkvision],Teleport E(1), Energized E-Demeter dissipates into a pile of dried leaves before reappearing in a burst of petals at another location within 100ft. She can appear at any location that she can sense or has previously been to. When paired with Super Sense [X-Ray Vision], she can effectively pass straight through walls and physical barriers that would overwise impede her movement.- 2 actions- 100ft movement distance- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Clairvoyance- Super Sense [X-Ray Vision] E (1), Perception E Appraisal F, Feature [Darkvision], Energized E - Demeter utilizes her sixth sense to peer straight through walls and analyze her surroundings. Great for finding secret passages and enemies hidden behind cover- 1 actions- 100ft radius- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Heavy Natural Armor [Barkskin] F- Although it displays no visible indication of change, Demeter's skin has grown far more durable with her maturation. When actively choosing to protect herself with her natural defenses, her skin takes on an appearance more akin to the bark of a tree and allows her to endure more damage.
  • Natural Catalyst [Heartseed] B- Not to be confused with her actual heart, Demeter's heartseed is an internal, beating organ within Demeter's chest that helps her to focus and, consequently, empower her magic when used. Overuse and/or excessive strain can cause damage to her heartseed, but a simple healing spell can mend any damage done to it.
  • Leaf Wrap- A simple covering of leaves to keep Demeter clothed in public. Does not serve as armor.
  • Sack of Snacks- A woven sack containing various nuts and berries that Demeter snacks on when she's hungry.
  • Consumable Name:Melodies Elixer

    Consumable Appearance:

    Screenshot 2024-10-01 193007.png

    Consumable Effect:
    When consumed, Melody's Elixir bestows upon the user skills in singing and dancing, transforming them into a virtuoso performer with a voice and moves to captivate an audience. The elixir infuses the user with an otherworldly aura, causing their presence to shimmer with a magical radiance.
    Grants user access to
    [Acrobatics] F, [Controlled Breathing] F, [Performance: Singing] F, [Performance: Dancing]. F [Control Environment] F for one round.
  • None
Change Log:
  • 6/16/2024- Refunded 70 points from Magic Domain. Used these 70 points to purchase Energized E (14), Deflect F (7), Indirect F (7), Blight F (7), Continuous F (7), Incurable F (7), Magic School F (7), Magic AOE F (7), Selective Magic F (7).
  • 6/16/2024- Added title [Student of Mother Gaia F] from Magic School F.
  • 8/2/2024- Gained 7 Points from July 2024 Community Event. 7 points available to spend.
  • 8/25/2024- Gained 96 points from Scaly Tails and Trails. Gained [Ryken Adventurer E] title. 103 points available to spend.
  • 8/25/2024- Spent 21 points to raise Vit G-D. Spent 42 points on Teleport E. Spent 14 points on Natural Armor [Barkskin] F. Spent 14 Points on Super Sense [X-Ray] E. Spent 7 points to raise Deflect F-E. 5 Points left unspent.
  • 9/12/2024- Gained 20 points from Clocktower Tutelage. 25 points left unspent. Gained [4th Wheel] title from rp as well.
  • 9/24/2024- Spent 7 points to acquire Perception F and [Mundane Fae] title. "Born For This" discount applied to Perception F to reduce cost to 0 points.
  • 9/24/2024- Spent 7 points to raise Perception F -> Perception E, Spent 7 points on Feature [Darkvision], Spent 7 points on Resilient [Surprised] F.
  • 10/10/2024- Added Melodies Elixer from Marketplace Trade following Isekai Hell August 2024 Consumable Event: Grand Exchange.
  • 10/17/2024- Gained 105 points from [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct.
  • 10/17/2024- Spent 21 points to Raise Int from D -> A. Spent 21 points to raise Vit from D -> A. Spent 35 points to raise Spd G -> B. Character Grade raised from F to D.
  • 10/17/2024- Spent 7 points to raise Indirect F -> E. Spent 7 points to raise Continuous F-> E. Spent 7 points to raise Blight [Bludgeoning] F-> E, Spent 7 points to raise Incurable F -> E.
  • 10/22/2024- Gained 8 points from [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct: Conclusion. Gained [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F] and [The Master's Hand] titles.
  • 10/22/2024- Spent 7 points to raise Magic School F -> E.
  • 12/8/2024- Gained 7 points from November 2024 Event. Updated Bio format to be easier on the eyes.
  • 01/02/2025- Spent 7 points to purchase Targets F.
  • 01/29/2025- Gained 30 points from The Ethereal Luminary Entrance Exam Arc Part II.
  • 01/19/2025- Spent 14 points to raise Attentive Student F -> D. 21 points left over.
  • 02/05/2025- Gained 7 points from [January 2025] Future's Writing Event.
  • 02/09/2025- Edited Downtime activity.
  • 02/12/2025- Gained 35 points and [Magno Sapient Victori - Archmagus F] title points from [Ryken - Ryke] Rise of the Magno Sapiente Victori. Spent 7 to raise Attentive Student from D -> C. 56 points left to spend. Standing Grade rose from D-> C.
  • 2/13/2025- Clerical error falsely identified. No change made to sheet
  • 2/25/2016- Gained 7 points from [January 2025] Class Design Contest Part 2.
  • 3/1/2025- Gained 14 points from ✿·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥❀ Feb25 Com Event ❀˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥✿. 77 points left unspent. Gained [Fates Chosen- Demeter x Glacier] from [Feb 25th Com Event]- Demeter x Glacier.
  • 3/1/2025- Spent 70 points to acquire Natural Catalyst [Heartseed] B. 7 points left unspent.
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'Luisa O’Sullivan'


Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: As needed
Discord Name: Nacht 8925
Current RP:
To become a Great General and secure the Eastern Empire from any and all adversaries
Equipped Titles: Native, Eastern Empire Soldier, Intermediate Varient (Human), Variant, Optio
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175lbs
Current Life:
Luisa O'Sullivan, a promising new recruit and cadet in the esteemed Eastern Empire Military, bears a legacy once revered throughout the land. Her family name, a storied bastion of military prowess, has seen a gradual decline in recent decades, their stature diminishing as they failed to produce a successor worthy of their illustrious heritage.

However, in the midst of this fading glory, Luisa emerges as a beacon of hope for her lineage. She possesses a rare and formidable gift, the family's cherished and unique magical treasure, long thought to have been lost to time. With a natural ability to harness its power, Luisa represents the family's chance at redemption and the restoration of their former prestige.

But Luisa harbors ambitions that reach far beyond the restoration of her family's honor. Her heart brims with a resolute determination to ascend to the highest echelons of military command. Her vision extends beyond the family's legacy, towards a grander purpose – safeguarding her homeland from the multifarious threats that loom menacingly along its borders.

With unyielding determination, unwavering faith in her unique abilities, and a steadfast commitment to her homeland's defense, Luisa's aspirations transcend her family's past glories. She is a rising star in the Eastern Empire Military, poised to become not just a General, but a symbol of hope and strength for her people, ensuring the security and prosperity of her beloved homeland for generations to come.

Acquired Titles:
[Mundane Varient]
[Intermidiate Varient Human]
[Eastern Empire Soldier]
[Wanted by Relic/Treasure Hunters]



Grade: D (12/15)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 248
Points Spent: 232
Points Not Spent: 16
Strength - A
Precision - F
Intelligence - A
Vitality - E
Speed - E

Educated E (Leadership, Warfare, Etiquette)
Energised F


Weapon special effects: The sword’s eye seems to look around. Holding the hilt feels like it has a heartbeat. Orgoth's Gift (1 post cooldown) Bolsters User's Strength 2 grade effectiveness Weakens User's Vitality 1 grade effectiveness. Stat change lasts until end of post used.
Curse: The sword will always ridicule you.

A grimoire passed down through the O'Sullivan Family for Generations. It's a magical Item that allows one to access pocket dimensions and summon forth constructs as minions. It has been quite some time since the Grimoire has chosen a master.

Skills: (140 points)
Minions E [knight] (28)
Minions F [Rook] (14)
Minions F [Bishop] (14)
Minions D [Pawn] (42)
Pocket Dimension F (14)
Magic D (21)
Spell Duration E (14)

1. Summon Legion (Imperfect): Minions F - Summons forth a single type of Construct Minions under the wielder's control for a single turn unless constantly cast in rapid succession. F-E Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.

2. Summon Legion (Open the Gates): Minions F [knight], Minions F [Rook], Minions F [Bishop], Minions E [Pawn] (28) - Summons forth all Construct Minions under the wielder's control for a single turn. E Grade - 1 Post Cooldown.

3. Access Storage: Pocket Dimension F - Allows the wielder to access pocket dimension storage. F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.

An Enchanted Mythril Battle Suit contained within [The O'Sullivan Grimoire]. This armour is a Melee weapon that grants the wearer incredible martial power. Repaired by Melissa.

Grade B Melee Weapon
1 - Fighting Style B [Regal Beatdown]
2 - Enervation B
3 - Blight B (Blunt Force)
4 - Penetrating B
5 - Aura (Psychic) D, AOE E

1. Regal Left Hook: - [Fighting Style F] (Regal Beatdown), [Enervation F], [Blight F] (Blunt Force Trauma), [Penetrating F], [Range F] [Targeted F] - A Strong and lethal Left Hook that generates enough air pressure to hit even foes at range. - F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.

A Ring contained within [The O'Sullivan Grimoire]. This Magical Item functions as Light Armour by shrouding the wearer's body in an invisible barrier While also Granting the Wearer enhanced Utility and survivability.

Skills: (35 points)
Resilient E [Underwater, Fear] (14)
Swim Speed F (7 points)
Healing F (7 Points)
Mind Shield F (7 Points)

Eastern Empire Military Rank Insignia

[Eastern Empire Military Rank D] (Soldier)
[Eastern Nobility F] (Demoted Gentry)

Knight (56 points)
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - F (14)

Lance E (14)
Heavy Armour E (14)

Rook (56 points)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - F

Barrier F (14)
Heavy Armour D (21)

Bishop (56 points)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F (7)
Heal E (14)
Selective Magic F (7)
Magic Catalyst E (14)

Pawn (56 points)
Strength - B (28)
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Blunt Strenght Weapon - Steel Knuckles C (28)

Change Log:
  • Character Created from Yuzuki Scoop 6/9/2023. 105 Points Spent. 14 points spent on Strenght D, 21 points spent on Intelligence C, 58 Points Spent on Item E [O'Sullivan Grimoire], 7 points spent on Asset [Eastern Empire Military Rank F], 7 points spent on Educated F. +28 points Earned from Cash Back, used to upgrade Item [O'Sullivan Grimoire] to D.
  • Gained 22 Points from Yuzuki Scoop Delayed Point Distribution 29/10/23
  • Gained 55 points + [Eastern Empire Military Rank Upgrade F-E] in Weed Whackers Inc 6/11/23
  • 77 Points Unspent
  • 14 points spent on Int C - A. 21 Points Spent on Str D - A. 28 Points spent on Item F [Queen's Regalia Armour]. 7 Points Spent on Educated F - E. 7 Points Spent on Nobility F [Demoted Gentry]. 6/11/23
  • 0 Points Unspent
  • Gained Orgoth’s Blade II in Christmas Event 2023
  • Gained 73 points + [Eastern Empire Military Rank Upgrade E - D] + Title [Bugged] in Nest Door Neighbors
  • Spent 28 Points on Item F [Ring of The King's Authority]. Spent 7 Points on Speed F - E. Spent 7 Points on Vitality F - E. Spent 28 Points on Item F - E [Queen's Regalia Armour]. 25/1/24
  • 3 Points Remain
  • Gained +7 Points in March Event 2024.
  • 7 Points Spent on Energised F. 9/4/24
  • 3 Points Remain
  • Gained +38 Points in Pirate Booty RP.
  • Spent 28 Points bringing [The O'Sullivan Grimoire] in line with Item Cost Change.
  • Spent 7 Points on bringing [Ring of The King's Authority] in line with Item Cost Change.
  • Gained title [Optio] - character has been acknowledged for their efforts for the eastern empire. They serve under a Centurion and lead in the absence of the Centurion. They aid in organizing the men and maintaining discipline among the ranks.
  • 6 Points Remain
  • Gained +25 points in Knife Eared Tears RP
  • Refunded 56 Points From [Queen's Regalia Armour] after system changes. Approved by Novama Novama
  • 87 Points Remain
  • Spent 36 Points on [Queen's Regalia Armour B], Spent 35 Points on [The O'Sullivan Grimoire] D - C.
  • 16 Points Remain

Novama Novama saxon saxon
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Seo 'Squeak' Dongbaek

Rp'er Name: simj26
Post Frequency: when i can and when i will, at least once a week

Discord Name: simj22

Current RP: N/A
Goals: Enjoy life, and enjoy the rush of adrenaline within battle
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 170 lbs
Backstory:Cpl. Seo 'Squeak' Dongbaek was a good soldier- he didn't ask many questions, he followed orders, and didn't stand out. He was the perfect cannon fodder to throw at the enemies of his country, and, given his spectacular record in the skirmishes he had been part of, he was the type of cannon fodder that shot back.

Cpl. Seo died protecting his country, holding out a single point of defense against the enemy by himself after his unit was unfortunately cut down by enemy forces. He was said to have been found surrounded by dead enemy forces with a broken rifle and a knife at his side, both of which had been used to continue fighting with, even after he had run out of ammunition. He died from his wounds after.

He leaves behind no spouse or children- his love was for his country and the people. His parents both passed away by the time he was 20, and he had no siblings, giving him further reason to throw himself into his duties as a soldier. He will be grieved by his surviving comrades.

Current Life:
He took his death remarkably well. In fact, when shown his death and the subsequent results of it, he was almost overjoyed. To him, his death was like a vacation that had been a long time coming. A permanent R and R, so to speak.

So, the first thing Seo Dongbaek did in his new life was…enjoy his big break. Take in the sights, enjoy the food, study the culture a little, grow his hair out, tack on some new tattoos. Going by his supposedly embarrassing callsign, Squeak, Seo wandered around for a bit, before inevitably hopping back to work. Starting off small, he picked up some mercenary work, the usual, simple stuff.

There was honestly nothing better than just following orders.
Acquired Titles: Mundane Human, Eastern Military Rank F, Hero of Minima
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 19
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 19
Strength - C
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - D
  • Educated F [Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival] (Free with Born For This)
  • Fighting Style E [Black Cloud] [Tachi]
    • Deflect F
    • Range F
  • Cloud Cover - Deflect F - Acrobatics F - Grade F - 0 CD
    Seo jumps in front of an ally and takes a blow meant for them, while attempting to parry it.
  • Shield of Wind- Black Cloud E - Deflect F - Range F - Grade E - 1 post CD
    A slashing flourish of an odachi that creates a gust of wind that deflects ranged non-magical projectiles and even some melee strikes. It has a range of 10 ft, has a short, negligible duration, and disperses upon being struck once.
  • Dust Cloud - Black Cloud E - Range F - Grade E - 1 post CD
    An overhead slice that produces the image of a cloud and slashes up to a range of 10 ft.
  • Steel Odachi D
  • Leather Light Armor E
  • NA
  • NA
Change Log:
  • NA
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Tachanka Gabbs
Theme: To be added.
Rp'er Name: Sona Radar
Post Frequency:
Can adjust to fit, once every 2-4 days at least.
Current RP: N/A
To serve and support the success of Milky Teuford (her companion), and find work as usual. Whatever pays, and is hopefully good enough training.

Equipped Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Canine, Ryke Adventurer's Guild (E), Delver
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 173lbs
Tachanka was a rather average guard knight in another world, until she eventually died of age peacefully. When meeting an unkown being who offered to reincarnate her, she simply wanted to reincarnate as some pretty guard for something that she would want to protect and to find success in another life. Thus, she was paired with another who was to be sent to another world to do said thing. Also, to train to become a Weaponmaster of Shields.
Current Life: Tachanka was recently brought into the world partnered with Milky in order to help her achieve her hopes, trying to achieve her own along the way.
Acquired Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Canine, Ryke Adventurer's Guild (E), Delver
Points at Start: 105 (+7, Vitality G)
Points Earned: 99
Points Spent: 210
Points Not Spent: 1
Character Grade - F
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - F
  • Companion (F) - Has Milky Teuford as a companion.
  • Features (Free/Cosmetic): Canine Tail, Canine Ears, Sharp Teeth
  • Born For This (Mundane Beast Perk) - Get a 7 point discount on a skill chose for Mundane Requirements (Natural Weapons)
  • Weapon Mastery (F) (Polearms)
  • Heightened Sense (E)(Smelling, Hearing) - Smelling and Hearing are superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Can be used freely.
  • Acrobatics (F) - The character has the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance for injury. Includes balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.
  • Athletics (F) - The character has the ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance for injury. Includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping objects in motion, and supporting large weights.
  • Insight (F)
  • Jumping (F) - Particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit (Vertically 3 yards/horizontally 10 yards)
  • Languages: Common, Beastial
  • Appraisal (F)(Ability) -
    This ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monsters). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
    For detailed information beyond a creature or objects stats/skills/titles/abilities, character will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.

    If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles. Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.

    Grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of character. For those that purchased the skill, it must be upgrade with points when character grade reaches the appropriate level.

    Range and number of targets is limited to 1 target they can see within 5ft. Magic skills can increase the range and area of the skill drastically. Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.
  • Inspection - Appraisal (F), Heightened Sense (E), Insight (F) - Inspect and appraise the target for anything notable using Appraisal, as well as having improved smell and hearing - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Full Inspection - Appraisal (F), Heightened Sense (E), Acrobatics (F), Athletics (F), Insight (F) - Inspect and appraise the target for anything notable using Appraisal, improved smell and hearing as well as knowledge on acrobatic and athletic capabilities to judge the target for theirs - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Wardancer's Mobility - Jumping (F), Acrobatics (F) - To perform acrobatic actions (balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting and reacting quickly) with the utility of mobility through hops and jumps for mobility to get around as well as avoiding - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wardancer's Touch - Jumping (F), Athletics (F), Acrobatics (F) - To perform athletic actions (lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping objects in motion, and supporting large weights) by using such skills to essentially use jumping as a weapon by jumping into/off of things. Natural Weapons (to use legs and arms) and/or well as a Shield (to shove, charge and shield bash) can be used for this - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Sweep - Weapon Mastery (Polearms)(F), Range(F), Knockback(F), Area(F), Flexible (F), Hot Shot(F) - Swings horizontally with the wielded polearm in a sweeping fashion in order to make space and push back multiple enemies, or to potentially swing at the legs of or a held item or weapon - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (Costs 2 Actions)
  • Thrust - Weapon Mastery (Polearms)(F), Range(F), Reach, Accurate(F), Penetrating(F), Hot Shot(F) - Thrusts forward with the wielded polearm for an attack with greatly extended range, focusing at jabbing and impaling the target - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Spin to Win - Weapon Mastery (Polearms)(F), Deflect(F), Reflect(F) - Rapidly spins the polearm in front of the user to disrupt and block physical attacks as well as hopefully flip them back at the attacker if possible - Grade F - 0 P ost Cooldown (Costs 3 Actions)
  • Golden Glaive (E)(Polearm)
  • Natural Weapons (F)(Costed 7 due to Mundane Beast Perk)
  • Buckler Shield (F)(Strength)
Change Log:
  • [11/5/24] Added Scoop target link: Scooped to
  • [29/1/24] Created new abilities.
  • [28/1/24] Added rewards from Not a Single Crumb + Bought stuff.
  • [*][14/12/23] Added rewards from It's only an Escort Quest (will use/acknowledge them after Not a Single Crumb ends). It's only an Escort Quest Link
    [*][13/11/23] Changed current RP.
    [*][14/9/23] Added current RP. Milky's Catalyst: Clarified to be a Grimoire.
    [*][11/9/23] Fixed Pre-Creation issues.

Milky Teuford
Theme: To be added.
Current RP: N/A
To start a business, most hopefully a toy craftsman or a baker. They do care for Tachanka however and want to be capable enough to support them in their own endeavours.
Equipped Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Furpent, Ryke Merchant's Guild (E)

An Isekai'd person whose request to reincarnate into a creature that invokes a comforting and peaceful idea so that they could feel cozy at-the-least. They just want to set themselves up to have a peaceful and happy life.
Current Life: Milky is very recently isekai'd into a new world with Tachanka to try and help them achieve their own dreams and goals.
Acquired Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Furpent, Ryke Merchant's Guild (E)
Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 70
Points Not Spent: 0
Character Grade - F
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Slithering (Special Movement)(F) - Slithers across the ground with their serpentine body instead of walking and having legs.
  • Feature: Fluffy Serpentine Body - A long, fluffy tail resembling to both serpents and canines for a lower half. It's big, soft and cosy but compared to other serpentine races doesn't make a good natural weapon.
  • Free Features: Canid Ears and Teeth, Fluff Serpent Body (replacement for legs)
  • Magic (F) - Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc. May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:
    1 target
    5ft range
    immediate area
    1 post duration
    1 target
  • Aura Affinity(F) - Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. (Aura: Action: 1 - technique/stance releasing a harmful aura from the users body, hurting any that come into contact with it. Common ones being flame or electric. The aura technique cannot be combined with a ranged technique.)
  • Healing(F) - You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may apply may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic. F - basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds.
  • Artisan (Artificer)(F) - Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
  • Artisan (Tinkerer)(F) - Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
  • Engineering(F) - The use of scientific principals and experimental data to design and build equipment, structures, and useful devices.
  • Business(F) - The ability to organize, run, and understand part or all of a business organization (including governments and association). This Skill is also useful for recruiting and retaining employees.
  • Law(F) - Knowledge of legal procedure and practice. In addition to lawyers, many nobles, politicians, and organization leaders will have this Skill.
  • Languages: Common, Beastial
  • Appraisal (F)(Ability) -
    This ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monsters). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
    For detailed information beyond a creature or objects stats/skills/titles/abilities, character will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.

    If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles. Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.

    Grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of character. For those that purchased the skill, it must be upgrade with points when character grade reaches the appropriate level.

    Range and number of targets is limited to 1 target they can see within 5ft. Magic skills can increase the range and area of the skill drastically. Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.
  • Business Analysis - Appraisal(F), Law(F), Business(F) - Understand and appraise something or someone from a business standpoint to pick up on traits, suitabilities and such. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Craft Analysis - Appraisal(F), Artisan (Artificer)(F), Artisan (Tinkerer(F), Engineering(F) - Understand and appraise something or someone using the knowledge gained from learning and performing such skills which may allow insight - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Comforting Touch(1 Action) - Magic(F), Aura Affinity(F), Healing(F) - Help heal basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds simply through comfort and embrace using magical touch. Because if fluffy serpent embrace isn't enough to heal you, at least it'll probably heal your sadness - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Grimoire Catalyst (F) (Free from Artificer Artisan)
  • Flintlock Pistol (F) (Free from Tinkerer Artisan)
  • Tinkerer's Toolkit (F)
  • Master NPC and Shop for practicing tinkering.
  • Master NPC and Shop for practicing... artificering.
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Tornado Cyclone
Rp'er Name: Darkbloom
Post Frequency:
Fairly often
Discord Name: SaltySoulRiderX#6952
Current RP: *✧・゚Mystery at the Valeriana Manor*✧・゚
Goals: To live out the life of the hero he wrote about when he was living on earth as a nobody.
Equipped Titles: [Human][Mundane][Intermediate][Luminari][Cashback][Wanted by The Mirage Veil]
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 169 lbs
Backstory: Tornado (named Michael in the world he came from) was a lazy, uninterested kid growing up. His grades in school were always terrible, he got constantly bullied, and eventually stopped going to school to live the life of a shut in. The one thing he did like to do was write. So, he created a character named Tornado Cyclone, and he created a group of friends for Tornado as well. Writing about fantastic adventures the friend group had, fighting evil, saving the day, and most of all dealing with the bullies of every day life. Tornado was very powerful, as he was written by Michael because Michael couldn't do anything himself. One day he finds himself walking outside along a sidewalk when he sees a cat casually walking across the road. A car was fast approaching, so without thinking Michael shielded the cat with his body and ended up dying on impact, but the cat survived. Soon Michael found himself face to face with God. He asked God to make him as powerful as Tornado was, but God just laughed and said he would start out at the very beginning with a few skills. After that, Michael woke up in the body of an already dead soldier, which is where his story on another world begins.

When Tornado regains consciousness, he finds himself in a soldier's uniform covered in blood. It must've been from the fatal wound that killed him for Tornado's soul to be put into the body. He remembers everything that the former soldier did, including who his family and friends were. His current location was the East Empire. He comes from a family of commoners known as House Ondri.
Current Life: Tornado is currently the son of a noble couple, having been sent off to war. He has eight siblings that were kept out of the military for one reason or another. Although he has the ability to "throw" tornadoes, he wants to learn to be better with using a sword as well so if he's in close range and his magic isn't working, he has another form of attack and defense.
Acquired Titles: [Human][Mundane][Intermediate][Luminari][Cashback][Wanted by The Mirage Veil]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 43
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 15
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - F
Precision - E (7 points)
Intelligence - D (14 points)
Vitality - E (7 points)
Speed - E (7 points)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic domain F [Wind] (70 points)
  • Magic E (14 points)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Wind Deflection - Magic E + Magic domain F + Deflect F - uses the wind currents to deflect attacks - Grade E - 1 post CD
  • Tornado Blast - Magic E + Magic domain F + AOE F + Knockback F + Range F + Targets F - up to five targets within 30 feet are blasted off their feet - Grade E - 2 yds. away - 1 post CD
Equipment: (Armor, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Catalyst E (14 points)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • N/A
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Creation
  • Magic E - 9/29/23
  • Cashback (+28 points) 11/11/23
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Theme: A/N
Rp'er Name: Darkkitsune
Post Frequency: once every 24-78 hours maybe one or two posts in that time on occasion
Discord Name: Darkkitsune
Current RP: A/N
  • Find his place in this new world.
  • Become a adventurer
  • Rise through the ranks of the adventurers guild
Equipped Titles:
  • Construct
  • Bow Apprentice
  • Ryken Adventurer E
  • Buged
  • Republic Adventurer E
  • Soft Hearted
  • See Empire War Veteran
Acquired Titles:
  • Construct
  • Bow Apprentice
  • Ryken Adventurer E
  • Buged
  • Republic Adventurer E
  • Soft Hearted
  • Tea Drinker
  • See Empire War Veteran
[Construct]- all creatures that are created of materials and items rather than organics and are sentient/self aware.
[Bow Apprentice]- F-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character is likely just starting on the path of the weapon's purpose. Swordsman, Carpenter, Lancer, etc..
[Ryken Adventurer E]- character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
[Buged]-This character has bore witness to a serious bug-based threat and has lived to tell the tale. But will always remember that terrifying experience.
[Republic Adventurer [E]- Character has shown promise in the adventuring life. Most Republic Adventurers excel in martial combat. Jobs are notoriously low paying.
[Soft hearted]- Despite character's race and circumstances, they are still able to find and quick to display compassion and sympathy to those in need, even at risk to self.
[Tea Drinker]- Character was in a rp where nothing happened
[See Empire War Veteran]- character has fought and survived battles in the war between the fae see and east empire.
Class: A/N
Perks: A/N
Downtime: A/N
Languages: “Common” %Analog%
Height: 5”4ft / 1.626M
Weight: 100LBS
Griffin, once from earth, was a girl named Aurora. She was close with her parents and younger brother. She had always had an obsession with myths and folklore. She often helped her parents out at the store they ran. However, by 14 Aurora was diagnosed with cancer and her family struggled to pay for treatment. By 16 she lost her fight with the disease.
Aurora vaguely remembers her talk with [god] with only remembering fragments about how he described this world. Most of her vivid memories consist of the good moments she had in her past life and vaguely remembers the bad.When she 'woke up' it was in a abandoned building with strange equipment clearly abandoned. The first thing Aurora processes is that she's not a girl anymore before noticing she now has Lion paws for feet and Eagle wings with a Lion's tail. Adjusting to this weird new body, she looks around the building for clues and discovers her soul has been put into something called a [construct] made out of magic and materials she couldn't recognize. Deciding to hide that he's now a construct. He assumes a new identity as a boy named 'Griffin'. Now looking for his place in the world, he becomes intrigued by the adventurers guild.
Points at Start:
Points Earned:
[+16 scooped from Dark]
Points Spent:
Points Not Spent:
Strength - F​
Precision - A​
Intelligence - A​
Vitality - E​
Speed - D​
Character Grade - D​
Character standing - C​
  • Fighting style B- Wind Archer [Weapon:Bow]
    • Selective B
    • range [E]
    • Accurate [F]
    • Blind Ranged Fighting [F]
    • Knockback [F]
    • Deflect [F]

Steady hands B

Fast [E] - Feature: lion feet
Flight [F] Feature: Eagle Wings
Lion tail (cosmetic)

Undetectable [F] - Hearing

Magic [D]
Magic Range [E]
Magic Targets [E]
Selective Magic [E]
Affinity [F] - Wind

Appraisal [D]

Lucky [F]

Leadership [F]
Wind Archer- Fighting style E- Selective F + range F +Accurate F - allows Griffin to shot regular an arrow at a selected target with precision that are within 10ft that may treat target’s speed as if it is reduced by 1 letter grade- E grade- 1 post cooldown

Wind Archer 2.0 - Wind archer Fighting Style [F], Accurate [F], Selective [F], -Griffin Shoots 1 target at 5ft range treating the target’s speed as if it was reduced by 1 letter grade.

The Wind’s blind spots- Wind Archer Fighting style [E], accurate [F], blind ranged fighting [F], knock back [F], Range [E], Selective [E]- Griffin shoots a arrow at a selected enemy. Can hit up to 30ft on average can hit targets 20ft away in dark areas or areas otherwise difficult to see in. If successful knocks taget back 1 m/yrd - E grade- 1 Post cooldown - 1 action required-

Archer’s deflection- Wind Archer Fighting style [E], Deflect [F], Blind ranged fighting [F], range [E], Selective [E]- Griffin fires a arrow that can possibly help deflect an attack, can hit in difficult to see areas at 20ft can hit
targets in regular areas at 30ft - E grade- 1 post cool down- 1 action required

Archer’s knockback - Wind Archer fighting style [E], selective [E] Range [E] Deflect [F], knockback [F], blind ranged fighting [F]- Griffin deflects with an arrow against target, if successfully hits the taget gets knocked back by 1 m/yrd can hit up to 20ft in difficult to see areas and 30ft in regular areas

Gust Cloak- Magic [E], Undetected[F] - hearing Affinity Wind [F],-Grade E- 1 post cool down- Allows Griffin to summon wind in the immediate area around him to cover up sound- 1 post duration

Zephyrs Shoots- Magic [E], Magic Range [F],Magic Targets [F], Selective Magic [F], Affinity wind [F]- Griffin casts a total of ten bursts of wind that can reach up to 15ft and hit 5 selected targets. - E grade- 1 post cooldown

Zephyr shoots 2.0- Magic [D], Magic Range [E], Magic Targets [E], Selective Magic [E], Affinity [Wind] [F] - Griffin casts a total of 10 bursts of wind that can reach up to 100ft and hit 10 selected targets. - D grade - 2 post cooldown

Wind Blast - Magic [D], Magic AoE [E], Magic Targets [E], Selective Magic [E], Affinity [Wind] [F] - Griffin Casts a spell that engulfs the area in a 50ft radius of winds targeted at 10 targets- D grade - 2 post cooldown

Basic Wind Blast - Magic [E], Magic AoE [F], Magic Targets [F], Selective Magic [F], Affinity [Wind] [F] - Griffin Casts a spell that engulfs the area in a 15 radius of winds targeted at 5 targets- E grade - 1 post cooldown

Emergency shot - Magic [F], Affinity [F] [Wind], - Griffin casts a small burst of wind that can hit 1 target at 5ft range - F grade - 0 post cooldown.
A purple and brown bow, Griffin tied three of his own feathers to the end of it for sentimental purposes (he lost some feathers the first time he learned flight)

Nowadays Griffin no longer uses it, however he keeps it as memorabilia even if he has a better working weapon now.

• Type: Magic Item
• A wind-up, turkey-shaped toy with a mix of magical and mechanical innerwork. After being wound up, it will start to stiffly flap its wings until the internal spring unwinds. The movement appears rudimentary but creates a wall of strong winds in front of the toy capable of deflecting projectiles. A sticker on the bottom of the toy claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
• The product comes with [Barrier F], and [Deflect F] included.

Bow → Made out of high-grade polymer and is incredibly lightweight. With flexible steel-wire being used as the string, locking mechanisms allow for the draw to be kept without tiring one’s arms. Internal stabilizers act as a counter-force to recoil, after the arrow is released.
Catalyst → Mechanical prana capacitors allow for mana manipulation, gathering energy from both the user and the surrounding areas.

This piece of equipment was bought in Market place for 15 points here.
Tempest Turkey

  • Precision - C [-21]
    Intelligence - D [-14]
    Speed - D [-14]
    Fast [E] [-14]
    Flight[F] [-21]
    Affinity [F] [wind] [-7]
    Mythril bow [F] [-14]
    Fighting Style [E] [-14]
    Undetected [F] [-14]
    Appraisal [E] [-0 for isekaied characters]
    scooped from Dark [+16]
    Vitality - H [+14]
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Thane Embers
Sketcherooni for now
"Evil shall burn. Once they feel their very soul melt from the heat of righteous fury, they shall realize what it means to be mortal before hell."
~ Thane​


Theme: Nothing yet. Head empty.
Rp'er Name: Shatter Shard
Post Frequency: Weekdays, Unreliable in Weekends
Discord Name: Shatter (in server) / baptosaygonzales
Current RP: None
  • Be one of the Holy Order of the Axe's top personage
  • Be the executioner and enforcer of the law. Be the one the wicked fear the most.
  • Rid the world of the unjust and heresy. Remove the filth that corrupts the home of the innocent.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 177 lbs.
« History »
« Status »
« Skills »
« Abilities »
« Possessions »

Character Creation

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Ruby Larue
Ruby Larue - Squirrel Squire.pngTheme:
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: 2-3 times a week
Discord Name: .vaudi
Current RP: t.b.a

• [Short Term] Assist in ending her hometown's curse​
• [Long Term] Become a recognized Paladin Knight​
• [Long Term] Uphold her vow to Eleanora's legacy​
• [Misc.] Help others​
• [Misc.] Learn to swim​
• [Misc.] Make some friends​
• [Misc.] Meet a Construct​
• [Misc.] Travel the world​

Equipped Titles: [Rapier Apprentice] [Sqiurine] [Warrior]
Height: 5'0" / 5'6" with ears
Weight: 110lbs
• The Shadows of the Past
Ruby's memories of her previous life consist of brief flashes without a clear timeline. She does not remember where she was born, what year, or which country. Her childhood came to a sad, abrupt end before she could form these memories – which some may call a saving grace.

What she remembers is her best friend being a felt squirrel toy. She recalls the lack of a father figure and snippets of her mother being upset often. She got so upset whenever Ruby's grandparents came over to see how she was doing. But, most of all, Ruby remembers water and a burning sensation stinging the inside of her chest. She remembers a warm glow. And a figure made of light that felt like the embodiment of all the warmth she should have received from her family.
• The Red Squirrel amidst Silver Snow
When Ruby woke up, she felt the cold biting her skin as her tiny claws grasped the snow surrounding her. Her head hurt, overwhelmed by an abundance of sensations. Her red eyes showed her the world's secrets, and large, tufted ears stung from the sounds bombarding her senses. Buckling over, the young girl desperately tried to cover her ears. And when she reached up and cut herself with her new claws, she had a moment of clarity. Her new ears registered the painful sounds. Her hands had changed into tiny claws. And her lower back was plagued by the weight of a large, bushy tail.

The sudden disassociation from her body and being overwhelmed by her new senses made Ruby pass out in the snow she had just awoken in. If not for a stroke of luck, she would have died a second death, but a patrolling knight found her in time. Her body curled up in the snow had instinctively protected itself by wrapping itself in the tail. The resulting ball of red against the white snow had made her stand out, but her skin was pale. And the frostbite was creeping on her fingers and ears.

When Ruby awoke, she was lying in a warm bed, wrapped in bandages. A silver man at her bedside attempted to talk to her. He spoke of the frostbite claiming part of her ear and the end of two fingers on her left hand, but Ruby could not fully understand what that meant. And before the man finished, Ruby passed out from her body's demand for more rest.

• The Hollow Moon and her Sentinels
With nowhere else to go and no recollection to guide her, Ruby stayed in that village and ended up in the care of the Church of the Hollow Moon. The townsfolk raised her while the church instilled a sense of devotion within her. But, despite her willingness, Ruby appeared ill-fitted for a life of vows and prayer. Her easily distracted nature and inability to sit still had the church pass her to their knights – the Order of the Silver Sentinel. Unwilling to let her go her own way after the resources spent raising her, the church hoped her energetic nature and speed would serve them in defending their village.

Ruby became a page within the Order. Under their guidance, she learned to defend the townsfolk and their properties. The basics of arcana were taught to her, giving her an understanding of the supernatural curse they would be fending off. She learned how to see through the lies of people afflicted with the curse. And their religious teachings would continue to strengthen her belief that the Hollow Moon would guide her hand in this endeavor.

• The Squirrel Squire of Miller's Hollow
When Ruby came of age, she was granted the title of squire by the Order. This promotion came with her own personalized gear. Including a specialized piece of headgear - to protect her damaged ear - and a glove with extra padding to make up for the partially amputated fingers. Additionally, the church granted her the funds needed for basic expenses, which helped her to start her path toward knighthood.

A path she dutifully filled with practicing her blade work, studying their religious texts, and praying she could one day end the curse on the village that gave her a life and purpose. If she achieved all that, maybe her superiors would grant her permission to venture into the world beyond their home. And travel to places that could hopefully answer the questions that had never truly left her.
Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Sciurine] [Mundane] [Rapier Apprentice] [Warrior]
• [Beast] are all creatures that are or were related to animals.

• [Sciurine] are species of squirrel beastkin. These species of Mundane Sciurine are identified by their tall ears and large, voluminous tails. Req. Beast title, Heightened Sense – Hearing F, Natural Weapons F, Speed D

• [Mundane] requires Beast title, Natural Armor or Natural Weapons F, and two Sense Skills
Born for This grants a 7pt discount on a skill (Heightened Sense – Hearing F) you chose for your Mundane requirements​

• [Rapier Apprentice] are likely just starting on the path of the weapon's purpose. Req. F-grade weapon skill.

• [Warrior] are martial combat practitioners likely to be at the front of battle. Req. Strength-based weapon skill, Vitality E
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 59
Points Spent: 161
Points not Spent: 3
• Strength E
• Precision D
• Intelligence D
• Vitality E
• Speed D

• Grade E
• Cosmetics
• Beastkin - Squirrel​
• Bushy, red-haired tail​
• Large ears with tufts​
• Reddish-brown eyes​

• Martial Skills
• Fighting Style – Pioneer Bladework F​
• Weapon: Rapier​
• Assume a quick stance, lunge forward, and execute stunning chain attacks. Sustained offensive at the cost of abandoning defensive stances.​
• Technique Core – Blight [Sanctified] F​

• Magic Skills
• Energized E​

• Sense Skills
• Appraisal E​
• Heightened Sense – Hearing F​
• Perk: Born for This
• Miscellaneous Skills
• Asset - Connected [Order of the Silver Sentinel] E​
• Class: Squire​
• To one day achieve knighthood within a holy order, one should be taught the tales of the Gods and pray to be blessed by its revelations.​
• Educated [Sentinel Squire] F​
• Arcana​
• Insight​
• Religion​
• Language – Beastial​
• Language – Common​
• Pocket Dimension E​
• Wealth F​
• Piercing Press
• Pioneer Bladework F, Blight F [Sanctified], Energized F​
• Character assumes a quick stance and executes a fast, piercing attack. Its speed allows for a sustained offensive through chaining attacks.​
• Grade F – No Cooldown​

• A Faltering Prayer
• Connected F [Order of the Silver Sentinel], Energized F, Religion F​
• Character hastily recites a knight's prayer with a few creative liberties. Spirited but not very accurate.​
• Grade F – No Cooldown​

• Relics of the Past
• Appraisal E, Arcana F, Religion F​
• Character appraises an object with god-given eyes to discern its attributes, lore, magical-, and religious significance.​
• Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown​
• Silver Sentinel Armor F​
• Class: Light Armor​
• Armor made of dyed, layered leather bolstered by silver steel components.​
• In Miller's Hollow, afflicted were treated to protect the populace, and when the protectors were challenged, they treated the unafflicted, too.​
• Sanctified Estoc F​
• Class: Rapier Weapon​
• Large thrusting sword used for piercing, mantled with a layer of silver.​
• Under the guidance of the Church of the Hollow Moon, blades were baptized in baths of silver to enhance their effectiveness against monsters.​
• Crest of Eleanora F​
• Class: Magic Catalyst​
• Crest of a matriarch, displaying nine diamond shapes in a square formation.​
• Lady Eleanora contended with cursed wolves, and her familial crest favors those who seek to keep her legacy alive.​
• Natural Weapons F​
• Class: Natural Weapons​
• Sharp claws to inflict lacerations, and a voluminous tail to soften the impact of heavy attacks.​

• Bedroll​
• Common clothes​
• Deck of cards​
• Flasks of holy water​
• Flasks of oil​
• Mess kit​
• Rations​
• Silver hand mirror​
• Tinderbox​
• Waterskin​
• Wooden hammer​
• Wooden stakes​
Unique Items:
• Ophenia Fanclub Membership Pin​
• Heart-shaped pin of the Ophenia Fanclub, painted with a golden sheen surrounding a pink center with an indent reading "Ophenia Fan. Gilded Heart. Flower o' Wind."​
• Exclusive item belonging to the Ofandom, only distributed by "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia to those attending her concerts. It was gifted to the character by Nyanko.​
• Novelty Chef's Hat​
• Type: Magic Item​
• A Gobblin-themed chef's hat with a pre-stained design. Despite the gimmicky appearance, it is expertly crafted and magically infused. Wearing the hat, the wearer's understanding of human culture and cuisine will be magically enhanced. A tag sewn into the inside of the hat claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.​
• The product comes with [Domestic Arts F], and [Culture F] included.​

• [Order of the Silver Sentinel] E​
• Rank: Squire​
• A squire to the Order of the Silver Sentinel, thus allowed to stay in their lodgings.​
Change Log
+105 Points were assigned during the creation​
Creation: Strength E [-7]​
Creation: Precision F [0]​
Creation: Intelligence E [-7]​
Creation: Vitality E [-7]​
Creation: Speed D [-14]​
Creation: Fighting Style – Pioneer Bladework F [-7]​
Creation: Energized F [-7]​
Creation: Appraisal E [0]​
Creation: Heightened Sense – Hearing F [0 – Born For This discount]​
Creation: Connected – Order of the Silver Sentinel E [-14]​
Creation: Educated – Sentinel Squire F [-7]​
Creation: Language – Beastial [0]​
Creation: Language – Common [0]​
Creation: Wealth F [-21]​
Creation: Light Armor - Silver Sentinel Armor F [0 – Wealth discount]​
Creation: Rapier - Sanctified Estoc F [0 – Wealth discount]​
Creation: Magic Catalyst - Crest of Eleanora F [0 – Wealth discount]​
Creation: Natural Weapons F [-14]​
+52 Points were assigned as a reward for "Shadows Amidst the Snowstorm"​
+7 Points were assigned as a reward for "Isekai Hell 2023 November Event"​
Added: Novelty Chef's Hat [0 - Event Reward]​
Added: Pocket Dimension E [-28]​
Improved: Intelligence E -> D [-7]​
Improved: Precision F -> D [-14]​
Improved: Energized F -> E [-7]​
Last edited:
Saoirse Desrosiers


General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 586
Points Spent: 399 (105 + 294)
Points Not Spent: 292

Equipped Titles:
Mandatory: Disgraced Contractor
Racial: Beast, Haregon
Society - Connection: Liudong Lianhua Monastery Affiliate F, Social Status West Empire Nobility E, Connected [Desrosiers] Family F, Slavers Guild Affiliation F
Society – General: Prideful, Bunny Girl, Stockperson, Home Owner
Skill-related: Mentor C

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: B
Character Grade: B
Power Grade: C
Racial Perks: Born for This
Class Perks:
Downtime: Social Status West Empire Nobility E => D
Languages: Beastial, Common
Height: 100 cm / 3 feet 4 inch
Weight: 16 kg / 34 lb

Long-term Goals:
  • Train the world's best slaves. (Best is defined by their skills and abilities, not their level of servitude.)
    • Gain [Slave Trainer] Complex Asset
    • Increase [Slave Trainer] Complex Asset to E grade
    • Increase [Slave Trainer] Complex Asset to D grade
    • Increase [Slave Trainer] Complex Asset to C grade
    • Increase [Slave Trainer] Complex Asset to B grade
    • Increase [Slave Trainer] Complex Asset to A grade
  • To keep on trying to make the most out of absolute nobodies.
  • Stimulate 'Human Flourishing' in others by helping her slaves reach an S-grade stat or Skill Mastery (A-grade Skill).
  • Increase her overall standing/fame within the Empire. Try to reach a higher caste (upper nobility).
Short-term Goals:
  • Test and explore new forms of 'flourishing' in others.
  • Get richer and live more comfortable.

  • [Disgraced Contractor] - God of Law Miralis has found the character to be displeasing due to the coerced nature of a contract made in his name. Miralis has placed a visible brand on the character preventing any current or future contracts with this character from being validated until a time he deems appropriate. Character must visit a temple of Miralis in Ryken (1 rp) to do penance to remove this title and the curse associated with it. Afterward, contracts nullified in this rp may be reinstituted in a future rp in a nation where such contracts are legally made.

  • [Beast] - Beastmen, as much as they claim to be of a higher order of being, much of their racial features draw heavily from the animal world. Their martial prowess is 2nd to none. Whether slave or free, they are frequently in professions benefited by their superior senses and physicality.
  • [Haregon] – Beast Title, Feature [Hare Ears], Feature [Hare Legs], Jumping F, Natural Weapons F, Heightened Sense F [Hearing].
    A hare-like beastfolk with powerful legs and good hearing.

Society - Connection:
  • [Liudong Lianhua Monastery Affiliate F] - Character has made a positive impression on the Liudong Lianhua Monastery faction. Character is more likely to be well received, and receive modest aid from faction members if it doesn't put them out much.
  • Connected [Desrosiers Family] F - Character has proven useful to the family, may be worth something someday.
  • [Slavers Guild Affiliation F] - Character is associated with the slavers guild. Officially recognized as someone connected to the dealing and trading of sentient peoples.

Society – General:
  • [Prideful] - Character has shown an awareness of self that would put them above other people and circumstances for better or for worse. Pride cometh before a fall, but it is only the prideful that strive for more, believing themselves worthy and capable. If their belief in self is true, who better to achieve the most?
  • [Bunny Girl] - Character looks like a bunny girl. May they excite the appetites of men and beast wherever they go.
  • [Stockperson] - Character is responsible for, as well as raises, livestock or those they treat like it. Usually seen as above those they see like said livestock and animal property, and usually tells them what to do.
  • [Bottom Rung] - Character is in low esteem of the social circles they frequent. They'll have to have continued successes to change their circumstances.
  • [Home Owner] - Character has acquired a home.

Strength – A
(35 points)
Precision – B
(28 points)
Intelligence – C
(21 points)
Vitality – A
(35 points)
Speed – C
(21 points)

  • Jumping F (7 point)




  • Appraisal B (0 points, Free with character grade for non-natives)
  • Heightened Sense F [Hearing] (7 points)
  • Aesthetic Features:
    • Hare Ears
    • Hare Legs


  • Asset: Social Status West Empire Nobility E (14 points)
  • Companion E [Melia Hayward] (70 points)
  • Companion F [Jastira Veidi] (35 points)
  • Educated [Slaver] C (28 points)
    [Slaver] – Character knows how to use [Persuasion], [Intimidation] and [Law] tactics to get people to sign away their lives.
  • Language [Beastial] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free upon creation)
  • Mentor C (28 points)
  • Wealth D (63 points)

  • Intimidation C (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Persuasion C (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Law C (0 points, part of Educated)

  • Jump-Kick – Jumping F, Natural Weapons F. - Character performs a jump-kick. - Grade F – - Post Cooldown.




  • Thorough Look – Appraisal C – Character appraises someone or something. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown.
  • Ear Twitch – Heightened Hearing F – Character picks up on sounds better. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown


  • Criticize – Mentor C, Intimidation C, Persuasion C – Character thoroughly points out how wrong someone is doing something. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown.
  • Sugar Bunny – Wealth D, Persuasion C – Character tries non-threatening way to convince someone to agree with or help them. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown

  • Sign Here Please – Intimidation C, Persuasion C, Law C – Character puts up an argument to get something done by applying some intimidation and (risk of) legal pressure to it. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown.
  • Smooth-Talk – Persuasion C – Character tries to be more convincing in their arguments. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown.

  • Natural Weapons F (14 points)
  • Dagger D (Wealth D)
  • Whip D (Wealth D)
  • Light Armour Robes D (Wealth D)
  • Bow D (Wealth D)

  • Slaver's Documentation.
  • Slave Contracts

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:
  • [Connected Desrosiers Family] F- Character has proven useful to the family. may be worth something someday.
  • [Slavers Guild Affiliation] F - Character is associated with the slavers guild. Officially recognized as someone connected to the dealing and trading of sentient peoples.
  • [Liudong Lianhua Monastery Affiliate] F - Character has made a positive impression on the Liudong Lianhua Monastery faction. Character is more likely to be well received, and receive modest aid from faction members if it doesn't put them out much.
  • Divine Curse asset acquired (reduced contract authority) - Character cannot make contracts of any kind that have any binding power to them. This will prevent the character from partaking in most business dealings. Character's curse is visible and will bar them from guild services/benefits/business until dealt with. Will negatively impact social interactions with anyone that recognizes the common curse placed on those guilty of questionable contracts.

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:
  • [Simple Beach House E] - The house is barely big enough for a family and in need of cleaning. Further upgrades may enable it to support more people or work spaces for professions. Its basement is small and floods frequently.
  • [Quang Outskirts Estate F] - A rundown understaffed grounds with a town-house on it. It's a fixer upper, but room enough for an aspiring slaver and pets.
  • [Quang Outskirts Estate (Sienna Estate) Supporting Structures F] – Character has some of the basic infrastructure/buildings on the estate.

Assets – Social Status:
  • Asset: Social Status West Empire Nobility E (see skills)

Born in 117 AD, at the height of the Roman Empire, she was noted to be of exceptional beauty. The latter got her into the good graces with one of the senators, who she ended up marrying. Although she didn't have a lot of a 'say' in anything, being a woman, she did manage to use her husband's resources to learn about the many cultures and people groups ruled over by the Roman Empire.

She was fascinated by their cultures, religions, art, architecture, literature, philosophy, laws... Using her husband's connections, she studied it all in secret. However, there was one thing she was even more fascinated by. The readings of a philosopher called Aristotle, who believed there was an 'Idea' of humanity, a perfection that people could strive towards. This philosophy fascinated her to the point that she wished to see it to its fruition, to get someone to become the 'perfect' Human being.

After trying multiple methods, she realised asking her husband for slaves was the easiest manner. After all, they didn't have the ability to disobey what she wanted them to do, whether it was fighting in the colosseum, studying, training or anything else that she believed might make them flourish. The only thing they didn't have was freedom, but she believed that Aristotle had overrated such things drastically and that she could prove freedom wasn't needed to flourish. Her guiding hand would be enough. She also thought the fact it was all about self-development was utter nonsense. Surely, someone could develop another person even easier than one could develop themselves.

Except it wasn't. If anything, people thought she'd gotten insane from the increasingly random and odd demands she kept pushing onto her slaves, whom had been gathered from all corners of the empire. Eventually, even her husband got tired of her and forced her to cease all attempts. She didn't, as her obsession was for too strong. She tried continuing behind his back, which eventually got her arrest and sent away in exile, to the far away city of Carthage. However, she never made it there, as her ship sank in the Mediterranean sea. She drowned.

Current Life:
When a 'god-like' figure told her she'd be reincarnated, she immediately fell to her knees and begged him for only one thing. To be reincarnated into a position that'd allow her to continue her previous work.

That wish was granted. She was reborn into a rather different body. Finding herself not only younger, but also shorter, furrier and overall highly different. That said, her current shape or form mattered not to her. So long as she could continue her previous life's work, she'd take on the shape of slug if needed. Being a Haregon was the better option in that regard, so she had no complaints. Even better, her new family was part of an Empire that also allowed slavery! Sadly enough, she wasn't as high ranking as she'd been in her life before, but at least she was a rank above the common peasant and other species in the country. That made life easier.

She learned her father was a slave trader, which was most excellent. She attempted to learn a few things from him, which might've gotten her parents a tad bit suspicious of a shift in her behaviour. That said, she was still young, so they didn't think too much of it.

After a few years of learning from him, it was finally time to get a slave of her own! She didn't recall having been this excited in a life-time. Out of all the options, she saw the most promise in a Human one. Her father wasn't a fan, something about it being 'a broken lesser species, only good to feed to the peasant hogs', but she decided otherwise. With some eyeing and begging, her father eventually agreed and even gave her the money to get her slave healed.

The second slave she picked up was one she'd earned through her own earnings and savings. Yet again, it was a Human, although this one even more peculiar. His odd name 'Ryuuji Kamimura' and his peculiar looks made her rather curious. It's why she figured that letting some gnoll ladies outbid her, just so they could munch away on his bones, would be an utter waste. She'd soon realise his worth was higher than expected thanks to his magic, so she'd make sure to treat him well enough to keep him useful and loyal.

A few years later, as she finally reached adulthood again, she was ready to brave the world. She had some slaves to train, more slaves to find and develop, richest to gather to fulfil her goals with... Most of all, she had an S-grade to create. After all, in a world where the pinnacle of 'Flourishing' was so evidently present, how could she not become even more obsessed over seeing people reach it?

  • [13/09/2023] Created in this thread.
  • Creation: Added species [Haregon]
  • Creation: Added race perk [Born for This]
  • Creation: Strength C (21 points)
  • Creation: Precision E (7 points)
  • Creation: Intelligence E (7 points)
  • Creation: Jumping F (7 points)
  • Creation: Appraisal E (0 points, free with grade)
  • Creation: Features [Hare Ears] and [Hare Legs]
  • Creation: Heightened Sense [Hearing] F (0 points, Born for This discount)
  • Creation: Asset Connected [West Empire Gentry] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Companion [Melia Hayward] F (35 points)
  • Creation: Educated [Slaver] F (persuasion, intimidation, law) (7 points)
  • Creation: Languages [Beastial] and [Common]
  • Creation: Intimidation, Persuasion, Law (o points, free with educated)
  • Creation: Natural Weapons F (14 points)
  • [06/01/2024] Changed name colour.
  • [06/01/2024] Relocated point section to higher on the sheet.
  • [06/01/2024] Relocated Melia's sheet part to be lowest on the sheet.
  • [06/01/2024] Added different title type sections.
  • [06/01/2024] Acquired:: 55 points and [Prideful] title from Unwelcome Saviours 13/10/2023 – 18/11/2023
  • [06/01/2024] Companion Melia Hayward F => E (35 points).
  • [29/01/2024] Changed Saoirse's appearance images. Thanks to AI wizardry from Moonberry Moonberry .
  • [02/03/2024] Acquired:: 68 points, [Liudong Lianhua Monastery Affiliate F] title and [Jastira Veidi] companion skill (35 points to spent/earned) from I'll Make Them Flourish No Matter What! I Can't Believe My Slaves Are This Capable! 22/11/2023 – 29/01/2024
  • [14-04-2024] Acquired:: 28 points from Sky High Prices 29/01/2024 – 18/02/2024
  • [20/05/2024] Strength C => A (14 points)
  • [20/05/2024] Vitality F => C (21 points)
  • [20/05/2024] Appraisal E => D (free with character grade)
  • [20/05/2024] Added Wealth E (42 points)
  • [20/05/2024] Educated (Intimidation, Persuasion, Law) F => E (7 points)
  • [20/05/2024] Added E-Grade Equipment to Saoirse and Slaves (Wealth E)
  • [08/07/2024] Acquired:: 75 points and [Bunny Girl] title from Fairweather Alchemists (PT1) 02/03/2024 – 17/05/2024
  • [08/07/2024] Replaced images.
  • [29/07/2024] Acquired:: 38 points and [Stockperson] title, [Simple Beach House E] asset from A Legendairy humiliation, among other things... 17/05/2024 – 17/06/2024
  • [09/08/2024] Vitality C => A (14 points)
  • [09/08/2024] Precision E => B (21 points)
  • [09/08/2024] Intelligence E => C (14 points)
  • [09/08/2024] Speed F => C (21 points)
  • [09/08/2024] Appraisal D => B (0 points, free with character grade)
  • [09/08/2024] Educated E => C (14 points)
  • [09/08/2024] Added Mentor C (28 points)
  • [09/08/2024] Wealth E => D (21 points)
  • [09/08/2024] Connected [West Empire [Gentry] F => E (7 points)
  • [09/08/2024] Increased equipment grades (Wealth D)
  • [09/08/2024] Added ability Sign Here Please, Criticize, Jump-Kick, Sugar Bunny
  • [30/10/2024] Revamped the whole sheet. Changed the order of things, removed skill descriptions, updated some skills, added abilities.
  • [30/10/2024] Renamed Asset Connected West Empire [Gentry] to Asset Social Status – West Empire Nobility].
  • [30/10/2023] Appraisal B => C due to now relying on Standing Grade instead of Character Grade.
  • [30/10/2024] Acquired:: 30 points, asset Connected [Desrosiers Family F] and [Bottom Rung] title, from Of Rabbits and Servants 03/07/2024 – 23/07/2024
  • [30/10/2024] Added/renamed some abilities.
  • [30/10/2024] Acquired:: 70 points, and asset/title [Slavers Guild Affiliation F] from Dunes & Dervishes: An Empire of Sand 23/07/2024 – 16/09/2024
  • [02/12/2024] Acquired:: 7 points from November 2024 Event 01/11/2024 – 30/11/2024
  • [08/12/2024] Acquired:: 42 points, [Home Owner] title and asset [Quang Outskirts Estate F] from Property for my Property - Part 1: What's on Sale 18/09/2024 – 16/10/2024
  • [10/01/2025] Downtime set to increase Social Status West Empire Nobility E => D.
  • [02/02/2025] Acquired:: 7 points from [January 2025] Future's Writing Event
  • [09/02/2025] Acquired:: 73 points and [Quang Outskirts Estate (Sienna Estate) Supporting Structures F] from Property for my Property - Part 2: Let me iiiiin! 16/10/2024 – 04/12/2024
  • [05/03/2025] Added creation date.
  • [05/03/2025] Realised points unspent is 2 lower.
  • [17/03/2025] Acquired:: 58 points and mandatory [Disgraced Contractor] and Divine Curse Asset from Property for my Property - Part 3: Having a Wonderful Monstrous Time 04/12/2024 – 12/01/2025
  • [18/03/2024] Audited by Maverick Six Maverick Six – Pointed out Jastira's Seduction F is paid for and mentioned in her change-log, but not in her skill list. Added it in.
Melia Hayward

Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 35
Points Spent: 105 (70 +35)

Equipped Titles:
Racial: Human
Society - Connection: Property of Saoirse Desrosier
Society – General:
Job: Slave

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: F
Character Grade: E
Power Grade: D
Racial Perks: Born for This
Class Perks:
Languages: Terran, Common
Height: 198 cm / 6 feet 6 inch
Weight: 94 kg / 209 lb

Long-term Goals:
  • Become one of the the world's strongest warriors.
  • Protect her owner, Saoirse Desrosier.
Short-term Goals:
  • Learn from her fellow warrior/combat-able slaves.
  • Try to actually befriend some of the other slaves.
  • Figure out how to get permission to touch Saoirse.


  • Human - Members of the human tree are the most numerous in the world. A very versatile and diverse set of races in the world.

Society - Connection:

Society – General:

Strength – C
(21 points)
Precision – F
(0 points)
Intelligence – F
(0 points)
Vitality – D
(14 points)
Speed – F
(0 points)



  • [Specialized] Fighting Style [Swordsmanship 101] [Sword] D (14 points, Born for This discount)
    • Accurate D (21 points)
    • Drain [Strength] D (21 points)
    • Blind Fighter F (7 points)




  • [Language [Terran] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free upon creation)




  • All Out Sword Attack - Specialized Fighting Style [Swordsmanship 101] [Sword] D, Accurate D, Drain [Strength] D, Blind Fighter – Character goes all out in their sword-fighting. - Action 1 – D Grade – 2 Post Cooldown
  • Sword Attack - Specialized Fighting Style [Swordsmanship 101] [Sword] E, Accurate E, Drain [Strength] E, Blind Fighter – Character goes all out in their sword-fighting. - Action 1 – E Grade – 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sword Attack - Specialized Fighting Style [Swordsmanship 101] [Sword] F, Accurate F, Drain [Strength] D, Blind Fighter – Character goes all out in their sword-fighting. - Action 1 – F Grade – 0 Post Cooldown






  • Sword D (7 points, Saoirse's Wealth D)
  • Dagger D (Saoirse's Wealth D)
  • Heavy Armour E (Saoirse's Wealth E)
  • Shield D (Saoirse's Wealth D)


Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:

N/A – She's a native.

Current Life:
You have no standing. You're just a filthy Human. You're a woman. You've got no money. You can't do it. You're nothing and you'll never be more than nothing.

Those were things she'd heard all too often. She had a strong desire to become a warrior, but ran into setbacks time and time again. Mercenary work, working as an adventurer, it all got her next to nothing. Worse, in fact, was that it got her into debt. Missions she couldn't full-fill, contracts she couldn't meet, trainings she couldn't afford in hindsight...

When she sold her first peace of equipment, things went downhill fast. She was even less capable of completing missions. Eventually, she returned home heavily wounded. Nobody wanted to pay the bills for healing her, she could no longer work, she was already into debt with nothing left to sell... except for herself. That's what eventually got her to end up in the West Empire, a place where there was a sure market for her. She could only hope she didn't gamble her life away and just get eaten by the beasts there.

As went to the slave auction, dragging herself along, fear arose. Somewhere, she had a feint hope someone would buy her to become a warrior, even though she knew that would be a pipe dream. She'd more likely be bought for prostitution, or if they thought her too disfigured from her wounds and scars... She didn't want to imagine it. When it was time for her to be auctioned, she could see her life vanish from her the moment some fat, ugly pig bastards started bidding. Literal pigs, gross hogs and other fat beasts. She knew why they'd try buying her, even though they offered little.

To her surprise, however, a young hare girl, not even an adult, suddenly started bidding as well. Although it'd harm her warrior's pride to be the 'toy' of some rich kid, she'd at least not have to suffer at the hands of some sick old bastards. It's why she felt a sense of relief wash over her when the little girl eventually managed to outbid all others.

However, that relief was turned into surprise when the girl not only paid for all her medical bills, but also went onto tell her her to train again. Upon asking why, she only got told one answer. 'To see you flourish, of course.' She had no idea what was happening, but she decided to take this second chance on with all she could offer. Five years later, she's still training. Now more than ever, as besides her goal of becoming a strong warrior, she'd gained another goal. Keeping the one who'd given her this second chance safe at all costs. Besides, whilst she might be a slave to her, she couldn't deny her 'master' looked rather adorable.

She knows fully well that Saoirse's kindness isn't 'true' kindness, but a form of madness. She knows truly well that Saoirse doesn't care for her as a person, but as a project she needs to see flourish. Even so, it's exactly that process that aligns with the dreams she'd almost given up on. It's those dreams that Saoirse's madness kept alive. So how could she not with to work with this? She values her goals as much as she values keeping Saoirse safe and has accepted that being enslaved to her mad obsession is for the better. She also has to go through some lengths to keep herself reminded that Saoirse's short and adorable looking form hides the type of person she truly is.

  • Creation: Strength E (7 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: [Specialized] Fighting Style [Swordsmanship 101] [Sword][/B] F (0 points, Born for This discount)
  • Creation: Accurate F (21 points)
  • Creation: Drain F (21 points)
  • Creation: Blind Fighter F (7 points)
  • Creation: Languages [Terran] and [Common] (0 points, free on creation)
  • Creation: Sword F (7 points)
  • [06-01-2024] Acquired 35 points (Companion F => E).
  • [06-01-2024] Strength E => C (14 points)
  • [06-01-2024] [Specialized] Fighting Style [Swordsmanship 101] [Sword] F => D (14 points)
  • [06-01-2024] Vitality E => D (7 points)
  • [20-05-2024] Added E-Grade Equipment with Saoirse's Wealth E
  • [23-07-2024] Added Bow F with Saoirse's Wealth F.
  • [09-08-2024] Sword, Dagger E => D with Saoirse's Wealth D.
  • [30/10/2024] Added Shield D with Saoirse's Wealth D.
Jastira Veidi


Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 70

Equipped Titles:
Racial: Fae, Elf
Society - Connection: Property of Saoirse Desrosiers
Society – General:
Job: Tool-based Novice (Performance F [Singing])

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: F
Character Grade: E
Power Grade: F
Racial Perks:
Class Perks:
Languages: Sylvan, Common
Height: 167 cm / 5’6
Weight: 65 kg / 144 lbs

Long-term Goals:
  • Become famous and gain fans.
  • Become the best Songstress.
  • Live a life of luxury and comfort.
Short-term Goals:
  • See which of her fellow slaves she can subtly 'influence' the easiest.
  • See how to easily curry favour with the mistress.


  • [Fae] - All creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature
  • [Elf] - One of the more common races of the Fae. Tend to dwell in nature more than cities.

Society - Connection:

Society – General:

Strength - F
Precision - E
(7 points)
Intelligence – B
(28 points)
Vitality - F
Speed – E
(7 points)




  • Magic F (7 points)

  • Heightened Sense F [Hearing] (7 points)
  • Feature: Perfect Pitch (7 points)
  • Aesthetic Features:
    • Pointy Ears


  • Educated [Songstress] F (7 points)
    [Songstress] Jastira was trained how to be a Songstress from a young age, involving how to sing and present herself on stage effectively through Performance [Singing], Deception and Etiquette.

  • Deception F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Etiquette F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Performance [Singing] F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Persuasion F (7 points)
  • Seduction F (0 points, Born for This Discount)








  • [All for you!] - Performance [Singing] F, Etiquette F, Persuasion F, Deception F - Character sings to try to entertain and win over her audience. - F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.
  • [Just Trust Me] - Persuasion F, Deception F, Etiquette F - Character attempts to socially influence her target to see things her way. - F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.

  • Bow F (Saoirse's Wealth D)
  • Catalyst D (Saoirse's Wealth D)
  • Light Armour F (Saoirse's Wealth D)

  • Basic White fabric shirt
  • Basic white fabric shorts
  • Basic wooden sandals
  • Rations
  • Waterskin

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:

N/A – She's a native.

As a world native, Jastira Veidi comes from an affluent privileged background from the See of Fae. Due to this she grew up wanting little, some might say to the point of detriment in her personality, the word ‘no’ not in her parent’s vocabulary frequently. She also inherited the belief that fae are the inherently superior race and that the lesser races should know their place in the world, partaking in a Fae supremacist organization with her family designed to preserve fae culture and maintain the status quo. Jastira is proficient in knowing how to work people socially to get what she wants when she wants it. Thanks to her privilege since she was young her natural singing ability was allowed to be honed which enabled her to try her hand at a career in singing and becoming well known. She had use in diplomacy for her family through her singing, who used her well. However on a fateful day while she was on tour her caravan was attacked and she ended up getting taken by slavers who brought her back to the West Empire. From there she was purchased by Arranog Dranth, a brutal slave owner who liked to use physical discipline. While she is capable of putting on an overly friendly, caring, bubbly and social persona which she knows will do her public performance career well, Jastira is much more self focused on a personal level, and holds prejudice toward those she deems lesser than her. Despite these qualities she is extremely driven to carve a path for an easy life with fame and fortune, with adoring fans who’ll make hers just that much easier.

With Jastira Veidi's high social class, wealthy upbringing and extensive training to perform on the stage with her tendency to have a more self focused opportunistic focused outlook, she has learned how to work social situations to her advantage. She has no moral quandaries in using some of the following methods: putting on facades, smooth talking, outright deception, or making appeals to people with her natural beauty to try to manipulate people to do, think and/or feel how she wants them too. While she is capable of genuinely being kind and caring for others, it is more often something which needs to be earned rather than a given.

  • [28/01/2024] Creation
  • [28/01/2024] Added B Intelligence (28 points)
  • [28/01/2024] Added E Precision (7 points)
  • [28/01/2024] Educated [Songstress] F (7 points)
  • [28/01/2024] Performance [Singing] F (0 points, free with Educated)
  • [28/01/2024] Deception F (0 points, free with Educated)
  • [28/01/2024] Etiquette F (0 points, free with Educated)
  • [28/01/2024] Persuasion (7 points)
  • [28/01/2024] Magic F (7 points)
  • [28/01/2024] Focus F (7 points)
  • [28/01/2024] Pointy Ears (Fae Mundane/Elf requirements met)
  • [28/01/2024] Heightened Sense (Hearing) F (7 points)
  • [28/01/2024] Seduction F (0, Born for This discount)
  • [28/01/2024] Feature: Perfect Pitch (7 points)
  • [20/05/2024] Added F-Grade Equipment with Saoirse's Wealth E
  • [08/07/2024] Changed images.
  • [08/07/2024] Added personality section.
  • [09/08/2024] Catalyst E => D with Saoirse's Wealth D.
  • [30/10/2024] Scooped Focus F due to increased cost (+7 points)
  • [30/10/2024] Speed F => E (7 points)
  • [30/10/2024] Added Light Armour F with Saoirse's Wealth D.
  • [18/03/2024] Seduction F is paid for and mentioned in the change-log, but not in skill list. Added it in.
Last edited:
Ryuuji Kamimura
Theme: TBD
Rp'er Name:TheTimePiece
Post Frequency:
When possible
Discord Name: On the IH Server
Current RP: TBD
Long term:
Serve and protect Saoirse Desrosier.
Have the most comfortable new life by wealth, prestige, and power.
Make meaning out of new life.
Equipped Titles: [Human] [Slave] [Property of Saoirse Desrosier] [Opportunist] [Object] [Avian Ache Reliever] [Valuable Asset] [Beast Charmer] [Air-conditioner][Favoured Slave] [Bright] [Caster] [Spellweaver] [Life Warden] [Abiding Servant]
Height: 5’9
Weight: 149lbs
Ryuuji Kamimura used work as a tax strategist in Japan, by helping the wealthy stay wealthy and get even wealthier by using legal loopholes in the law. He had a reasonably comfortable life, and he was good at his job but a large part of him wanted more. In childhood Ryuuji was always one to push the boundaries of just how far one could go while staying within the confines of set rules, usually for his own benefit. His childhood had generally been okay until his dad started drinking too much after Ryuuji’s mom’s passing while he was in high school. he had a brother and a younger sister, who after going to university he didn’t really see much of.
He was skilled in math early on, and he tested in well in school allowing him to get into a prestigious university for his education after high school.
Going to work, going out for a drink and then going home was the life cycle he was caught in and as a result he felt rather lonely.He didn’t talk too much with his relatives even if he was on decent terms with most of them, and he found the idea of going out of the Japanese dating scene with how ritualistic it was as a barrier and time sink for something which wasn’t even necessarily going to go anywhere serious, even if the thought had crossed his mind.
One night after a long day of work and putting in overtime and another lonely drinking session, Ryuuji was going to ride the train back to the area where he was apartment was, and while he was on his phone, suddenly a disgruntled ranting man shoved him in front of the oncoming train as it was coming in for arrival, claiming that it was Ryuuji’s fault that his boss had decided to let him go. The last thing he remembered hearing briefly was the increasingly loud sound of the train and the start of people screaming.
Upon his death, Ryuuji thought that perhaps at first he had just been having some kind of near death hallucination when he stood before the god in the mysterious realm from above. This was largely because he had been a long life atheist believing that getting the most out of one’s life was through man and man alone. Regardless he thanked this whoever it was for giving him another chance at life. Not only did the god tell him he was going to be sent to a fantasy world, he also gave him the ability to retain his past life memories and even pick some of the skills out that he would want within this new world within reason. What he had less control over was what form he took. Ryuuji made a request that wherever he appeared in the world, it would set him up to make his aspirations a reality. Whether or not it would be granted was another story entirely.
Current Life:Ryuuji ended up initially appearing in the wilderness of the West Empire nearby a village. He was younger than when he had died in his last life and his appearance had changed somewhat, but all and all he was all there. What he did not know at first was that the West Empire would prove to be the perfect place to start his journey toward prosperity due to their looser laws on things which were morally dubious in other parts of the world. He went into the village and learned about where he was by claiming he was a traveler, and he wasn’t quite sure where he had ended up. Quickly he learned about where he was from, and saw that many less conventional but legal avenues to a prosperous life came into fruition. Unfortunately unlike Isekai anime and manga which he'd heard of before he didn't spawn in being overpowered, while he had some skills they weren't enough to stop the slavers from capturing him and taking him to market when he was traveling alone in the wilderness out on a hunt to try to get some coin for what he caught. There he was bought and enslaved by his new owner Saoirse Desrosier. All things considered he could have ended up in a much worse situation, like being put with a far worse owner or being killed so early on in his new life. For now he was focusing on thriving in his new environment, and it seemed that Saoirse was intent on the same thing.
Acquired Titles:


[Offworlder] denotes isekai or otherwise alien creatures not natural to the world of IH.

[Property of Saoirse Desrosier]

optional title [Opportunist] – Character is watchful for and more easily picks up on 'opportunities'. Generally the opportunities help the character achieve a desired outcome. Opportunities typically come with some risk but if they work out, they can avoid some hassle or other major setback.

optional title [Object] - Character has been objectified beyond the norm. They are but a tool of their master's whims.

optional title [Avian Ache Reliever] – Character made a name for themselves by soothing the muscle aches of large amounts of avian or avian-like characters

optional title acquired [Valuable Asset] - character has proven to be useful. Trades of this character to other owners are sure to give good returns. However, the higher evaluation comes with higher maintenance costs to keep enslaved and cared for.

optional title acquired [Cowtipper]: This character torments cows (or those akin or treated like one). How much enjoyment they get out of it is up to them.

optional title acquired [Beast Charmer] – Character is a non-beast that has found a way to make themselves more like-able to [Beast] characters.

optional title acquired - [Air-conditioner] – Character is capable of making even the hottest areas, journeys or tasks feel like a cold breeze. Literally.

Optional title acquired - [Favoured Slave] – Character is a slave that earned a lot of goodwill from their owner. They are likelier to get a way with mishaps or slight disobediences in the future.

Optional Title - [Bright] – Character is known to use light magic at its brightest.

Optional Title (educated) [Tax Strategist] In Ryuuji's past life he was a tax strategist who had to be good with speaking with people, the law, numbers, and literacy.

Optional Title [Caster] - While most in the IH world can use magic, casters have a particular talent for it and have put forth effort in honing their talent. Many attend a magic academy, temple, or otherwise find a master to apprentice under. They are useful in a party in a variety of ways but generally stand in the back and offer magical support or ranged firepower.

Optional Title [Spellweaver] - Having mastered the basics of spellcraft, the spellweaver is a group of casters that have progressed beyond the need for masters and academies and are now pursuing their trade on their own to build up their own style. Generally preferring offensive magics, they dabble in other types of magic to offer an array of support in battle and out.

Optional title [Life Warden] - Spellweavers that have extreme kinship with life or otherwise prefer to use their magic to help others rather than hurt them. Life Warden’s are powerful miracle workers frequently tied to the church and military medic duty. No deep dungeon delve would be complete without these power houses of life boosting and preservation.

Optional Title [Abiding Servant] – Character's service has granted them favor from their master.

Acquired Classes:
Tier 1:


While most in the IH world can use magic, casters have a particular talent for it and have put forth effort in honing their talent. Many attend a magic academy, temple, or otherwise find a master to apprentice under. They are useful in a party in a variety of ways but generally stand in the back and offer magical support or ranged firepower.

Class Perk: Magic Circle - when a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.

Tier 2:

Having mastered the basics of spellcraft, the spellweaver is a group of casters that have progressed beyond the need for masters and academies and are now pursuing their trade on their own to build up their own style. Generally preferring offensive magics, they dabble in other types of magic to offer an array of support in battle and out.

Class Perk:
Magic Weave - While your magic circle perk from Caster is active and you are casting a C grade magic or greater, the mana immediately around you in the circle takes on the nature of the spell you are casting. Healing spells and buffing spells will also target you as if you were the spell target. Debuff and Damaging spells will act as a hazard and inflict 1 point of damage on any object or creature that comes into contact with you. Effect only lasts so long as Magic Circle remains active or spell duration (whichever is shortest).

Tier 3:
Life Warden

Class Perk:
Life Nexus - Once per rp, at anytime during the activation of their magic circle, magic weave, and their B grade abilities are on cooldown, the life warden may cast their strongest life boosting/saving/preserving B grade spell immediately with regeneration included rather than bonus to effectiveness by consuming their magic circle and magic weave features. Magic circle cannot return until B grade comes off cooldown.

Points at Start:
Points Earned: 488
Points Spent: 549
Points Not Spent: 44

Strength - F
Precision - E(7)
Intelligence - A (35)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - D (14)
Character Grade: D
  • Magic B (35)
  • Componentless Magic C (84)
  • Healing B (35)
  • Magic Range D (21)
  • Magic Area of Effect C (28)
  • Magic Targets F (7)
  • Spell Duration F (7)
  • Selective C (28)
  • Educated E: Tax Strategist (14)
    Business E (Educated)
    Academia E (Educated)
    Etiquette E (Educated)
  • Language: Common (Free)
  • Language: Terran (Free)
  • Language: Beastial (7)
  • Seduction F (0) (7 point Event Reward Discount)
  • Appraisal D (Isekaied, Free)
  • Control Environment F (7)
  • Drain F (Strength) (7)
  • Bolster [Vitality] F (7)
  • Bolster [Strength] F (7)
  • Bolster [Intelligence] F (7)
  • Bolster [Speed] F (7)
  • Bolster Precision F (7)
  • Light Affinity F (7)
  • Lightning Affinity F (7)
  • Indirect Affinity D (21)
  • Skill Loan F (21)
  • Precognition F (14 Points)
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Composed F (7)
  • Psychic Affinity D (21)
  • Mind Shield E (14)
  • Lucky F (7)
  • Persuasion F (7)
  • Feature: Mental Compartmentalization (7)

Protagonist's Assessment - Appraisal E, - Grade E 1 Post Cooldown.
Ryuuji appraises up to 5 ft in front of him to gain information.

I Swear I'm Just a NPC Healer! - Healing E, Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Area of Effect F, Selective E - Grade E 1 Post cooldown.
Ryuuii heals minor injuries, aches, and pains up to 30 ft away from him, within a 15 ft AOE.

I Can't Believe I Have AC In Another World! - Magic E Componentless Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Control Environment F Selective E - Grade E 1 post cooldown.

Ryuuji attempts to magically adjust the feeling of the surrounding environment to make it more pleasant and or less hazardous to those in a 15 ft radial around him.
  • Bow F (Free, see changelog)
  • Light Armor E (Free, see changelog)
  • Ring Catalyst E (Free, see changelog)
  • Lumina Core Catalyst B(10)
    The Lumina Core (Catalyst B) The Lumina Core takes the form of a sleek, metallic collar that fits snugly around the wearer’s neck, crafted from a lightweight alloy resembling polished titanium with a subtle iridescent sheen. The collar is segmented into interlocking panels, each engraved with intricate, glowing circuitry patterns that pulse faintly with energy. At the center, where it rests over the wearer’s throat, is a hexagonal core made of transparent, reinforced crysteel. Within this core floats a miniature energy reactor—an advanced fusion of quantum technology and magical energy. The reactor’s core is a suspended orb of concentrated, liquid-like light, which shifts in color from pale blue to deep violet as it channels energy.
  • Pandoras' Pendent D Enchanted Necklace D Special effects: Precognition D Curse/Boon: Backlash 1 upon use you deal damage to yourself. (Free, event reward)
  • Parchment
  • Scroll
  • Ink well
  • Dip pen
  • Elixir of the Verdant Patron

    Brewed by a reclusive order of druidic alchemists, the Elixir of the Verdant Patron is said to capture the essence of the leprechaun's magic, distilled from the rarest clovers found only in enchanted groves. It is a coveted treasure, sought after by adventurers for the edge it provides and the sense of unity it fosters among comrades.
    Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene:
    1. Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
    2. Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
    3. Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge
  • [Mug o' door kicker n' cancer] - character can use a slice of this dessert once per rp to keep fighting and ignore death or getting knocked out. Character still experiences all other effects associated with having hp at 0.
Connected [Desrosiers Family] F - character has proven useful to the family. may be worth something someday.
Change Log:
Creation: Strength F (0)
Creation: Precision: E (7)
Creation: Intelligence C (21)
Creation: Vitality F (0)
Creation: Speed E (7)
Creation: Magic E (14)
Creation: Componentless Magic F (21)
Creation: Magic School: Hands of Restoration F (35)
Creation: Language: Common (Free)
Creation: Language: Terran (Free)
Creation: Appraisal E (Isekaied, Free)
Creation: Parchment
Creation: Scroll
Creation: Ink Well
Creation: Dip Pen
1/6/2024: gained 34 points and optional title [Opportunist] – Character is watchful for and more easily picks up on 'opportunities'. Generally the opportunities help the character achieve a desired outcome. Opportunities typically come with some risk but if they work out, they can avoid some hassle or other major setback. from participating in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Unwelcome Saviours
1/12/2024: Gained Pandoras' Pendent D Type of Item: Enchanted Necklace D Special effects: Precognition D Curse/Boon: Backlash 1 upon use you deal damage to yourself from 2023 December event rp Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The White Elephant of Hyroth Returns
1/17/2024 Spent 21 points on upgrading componentless Magic F to E.
2/4/2024: Gained Seduction F from participation in Marketplace - Marketplace
2/26/2024: Gained 102 points and optional title [Object] - Character has been objectified beyond the norm. They are but a tool of their master's whims. from narrating Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] 'I'll Make Them Flourish No Matter What! I Can't Believe My Slaves Are This Capable!'
2/27/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Intelligence C to A.
2/27/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading vitality F to D.
2/27/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading speed E to D.
2/27/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading magic E to D.
2/27/2024: Spent 21 points upgrading Componentless Magic E to D.
2/27/2024: Spent 35 points upgrading Magic School: [Hands of Restoration] F to E.
3/1/2024: Gained 7 points from participation in Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
3/1/2024: Spent 7 points on Bolster Vitality F.
3/1/2024: Spent 7 points on Bolster Strength F.
3/21/2024: Gained Elixir of the Verdant Patron for participation in: Marketplace - Marketplace
3/31/2024: Gained 7 points from Marketplace - Marketplace
4/13/2024: Gained 19 points and Acquired Optional Title: [Avian Ache Reliever] – Character made a name for themselves by soothing the muscle aches of large amounts of avian or avian-like characters, as well as Language: Beastial (7 points to spent and earned) from participating in Graded - [Shikoba Village] Sky High Prices.
5/3/2024: Gained 7 points from participation in Community - ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~
6/8/2024: gained 20 points from narrating Graded - [Isekai Hell] A Tithe! A Tithe! My Shrine for a Tithe!
7/3/2024: Partial scoop Magic school Hands of Restoration E for 70 points due to system change.
7/3/2024: Spent 28 points on Healing C.
7/3/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Magic D to B.
7/3/2024: Spent 21 points upgrading Componentless Magic D to C.
7/3/2024: Spent 28 points on: Magic Range F, Magic AOE F, Magic Targets F and Spell Duration F
7/3/2024: Spent 7 points on Educated F: Tax Strategist (Business F, Academia F, Etiquette F)
7/7/2024: Gained 56 points and acquired optional title [Valuable Asset] - character has proven to be useful. Trades of this character to other owners are sure to give good returns. However, the higher evaluation comes with higher maintenance costs to keep enslaved and cared for.
7/8/2024: Spent 14 points on Light Affinity F and Lightning Affinity F. Met Caster class requirements.
7/9/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Educated F to E.
7/9/2024: Spent 7 points on Drain F Strength
7/9/2024: Spent 14 points on upgrading Magic AOE F to D
7/9/2024: Spent 7 points on Control Environment F.
7/9/2024: Spent 28 points on Selective C.
7/9/2024: Spent 7 points on Bolster Intelligence F.
8/1/2024: Earned 7 points from participation in: Community - .·:*¨¨* ≈☆_July 2024 Community Splash_☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
8/3/2024: Earned 31 points and optional title [Cowtipper]: This character torments cows (or those akin or treated like one). How much enjoyment they get out of it is up to them. from participation in Graded - [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...
8/20/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Magic Range F to E.
10/13/2024: Earned 20 points and Asset: Connected [Desrosiers Family] F - character has proven useful to the family. may be worth something someday. Bow F, Catalyst E, Light Armour E from Saoirse and Title: [Beast Charmer] – Character is a non-beast that has found a way to make themselves more like-able to [Beast] characters. From participating in Graded - [Quang] Of Rabbits and Servants
10/16/2024: Spent 21 points on Skill Loan F.
10/16/2024: Spent 14 points on Precognition F.
10/16/2024: Spent 14 points on Bolster Speed F and Bolster Precision F.
10/31/2024: Earned 21 points and optional title acquired - [Air-conditioner] – Character is capable of making even the hottest areas, journeys or tasks feel like a cold breeze. Literally. from Graded - [Frontier] Dunes & Dervishes: An Empire of Sand
11/1/2024: Earned 20 points for narrating Graded - [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] CITC Library Arc: Alternative (Eliza Talton is an NPC Nova said I could put where I want since narrated)
12/1/2024: Ryuuji earned 7 points and [Mug o' door kicker n' cancer] - character can use a slice of this dessert once per rp to keep fighting and ignore death or getting knocked out. Character still experiences all other effects associated with having hp at 0. From participation in November 2024 Community event: Marketplace - Marketplace
12/5/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading healing C to B.
12/7/2024: Spent 7 points on Regeneration F.
12/7/2024: Spent 14 points on Energized E
12/7/2024: Spent 7 points on Composed F.
2/7/2025: Earned 49 points and optional Title: [Favoured Slave] – Character is a slave that earned a lot of goodwill from their owner. They are likelier to get a way with mishaps or slight disobediences in the future. Graded - [Quang – Sienna Estate] Property for my Property - Part 2: Let me iiiiin!
2/10/2025: (apparently forgot to add this sooner after it was graded) Earned 28 points and Optional Title: [Bright] – Character is known to use light magic at its brightest. Equipped Bright title. From Graded - [Quang] Property for my Property - Part 1: What's on Sale
2/10/2025: (This should have been added to sheet along time ago) Spent 10 points on The Lumina Core Catalyst B in Marketplace - Marketplace
2/10/2025: Used Point calculator to fix up sheet calculation, points should be accurate now (accounts for last several edit version histories)
2/18/2025: Spent 7 points Upgrading Educated: Tax Strategist E to D
2/18/2025: Spent 7 points upgrading Magic Area of Effect D to C.
2/18/2025: Spent 21 points on Psychic Affinity D.
2/18/2025: Added tax strategist title for educated, Caster, Spellweaver, and life warden as titles for meeting criteria, equipped all of them. Added life warden perk to class section of sheet for meeting criteria.
2/18/2025: Spent 21 points on Indirect Affinity D.
2/18/2025: Spent 14 points on Mind Shield E
2/18/2025: Spent 7 points on upgrading Energized E to Energized D.
2/18/2025: Spent 7 points upgrading magic range E to D.
2/23/2025: Reverted Energized D to E for not meeting requirements. Reverted Educated Tax Strategist D to E, not meeting requirements.
2/23/2025: Spent 7 points on Lucky F.
2/23/2025: Spent 7 points on Persuasion F
2/23/2025: Spent 7 points on Feature: Mental Compartmentalization
2/23/2025: Spent 7 points on Feature: Eidetic Memory
3/1/2025: Earned 14 points from Community - ✿·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥❀ Feb25 Com Event ❀˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥✿
3/7/2025: included Indirect D on skill list, was already supposed to be there earlier.
3/7/2025: reflected resending educated upgrade D back to E on skill list.
3/7/2025: Audited, and corrected points spent to 542 and points not spent to 12.
3/7/2025: Sheet audited, corrected points spent to 556
3/7/2025: points after audit Points spent were 2 points over budget, adjusted sheet. Got rid of Eidetic memory feature, points not spent now 5, points spent 549.
3/16/2025: Earned 39 points and Title: [Abiding Servant] – Character's service has granted them favor from their master.
Finished - [West Empire - Cipactli Forest] Property for my Property - Part 3: Having a Wonderful Monstrous Time
Equipped earned Title.
Last edited:
Dina Aquatro

(This is old art, I'll probably redraw it)

Theme: Dance of 1000 Suns
Rp'er Name: Tattletale
Post Frequency:
Around once or twice a week
Discord Name: bellaco
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Master papyromancy, make a thousand friends, recover the amulet of her family's guardian spirit.
Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 148 cm (4.86 ft.)
Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs.)
Backstory: Dina Aquatro is the youngest scion of a famous family of papyromancers. To her grandmother's chagrin, she's also an idiot. But what she lacks in common sense, she makes up for in sheer recklessness and a prodigious amount of dumb luck.
Current Life: Fed up with her gran's lessons and with an overwhelming wanderlust nipping at her heels, Dina “borrowed” a powerful talisman that allowed her to summon Orizuru, the great crane guardian of her Coven. Sadly, her first flight on the majestic beast ended up with the amulet destroyed, and with Dina almost falling to her death and too scared of facing her grandmother to return home without the relic. So it is that this young, harebrained witch has left on a quest to recreate the amulet, and have as much adventures as possible on the way.
Acquired Titles: [Human]
Points at Start: 105 (+7)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 112
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G (+7)
Precision - E (-7)
Intelligence - D (-14)
Vitality - F
Speed - D (-14)
Martial Skills
- Steady Hands F (-7)​

Magic Skills
- Magic E (-14)​
- Affinity [Paper] F (-7)​
- Affinity [Magic Targets] F (-7)​
- Affinity [Irritant] F (-7)​
- Magic Range F (30 ft.) (-7)​
  • Folding Crafts: Shivs and Daggers – Magic F, Affinity [Paper] F, Steady Hands F – Dina lashes out close range with a fan of sharpened paper weapons – Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
  • Folding Crafts: Thread the Needle – Magic E, Affinity [Paper] F, Magic Range F (30ft.), Steady Hands F – Dina launches a beautifully folded piece of paper, reinforced with magic and sharp as a razor – Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
  • Folding Crafts: Gathering Storm – Magic E, Affinity [Paper] F, Magic Targets F (5 targets max.), Magic Range F (30ft.), Steady Hands F – Paper crane projectiles soar through the air before launching themselves towards different enemies. — Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
  • Scattering Crafts: Summer Haze – Magic E, Affinity [Paper] F, Magic Range F (30ft.), Irritant F, Steady Hands F – Dina blows a burst of confetti from her hands, blinding and nicking her target with dozens of tiny cuts. Not very dangerous, but massively annoying – Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
  • Pinwheel Talisman (Catalyst E) (-14)
  • Apprentice Witch Garb (Light Armor E) (-14)
  • Arts and Crafts Kit
  • Witch's Hat and Goggles
  • None

Character Creation (14/09/2023)
  • Strength Stat downgraded F > G (+7)
  • Precision Stat upgraded F > E (-7)
  • Intelligence Stat upgraded F > D (-14)
  • Speed Stat upgraded F > D (-14)
  • Steady Hands Skill acquired (-7)
  • Magic Skill F acquired and upgraded F > E (-14)
  • Affinity [Paper] Skill acquired (-7)
  • Affinity [Magic Targets] F Skill acquired (-7)
  • Affinity [Irritant] Skill acquired (-7)
  • Magic Range F (30ft.) Skill acquired (-7)
  • Catalyst E acquired (-14)
  • Light Armor E acquired (-14)
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Rp'er Name: EMIYAman
Post Frequency:
One to two posts a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Current RP:

  • Encourage personal growth in others.
  • Find like minded comrades and allies.
Equipped Titles:
  • [Variant]
  • [Human]
  • [Cogito Human]
  • [Mundane]
  • [Intermediate]
  • [Wanted By Nephilim]
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150lbs
Backstory: A being who was once a man. He wandered blood soaked battlefields that could only be called hell. Seeking to cure the people from the "incurable disease" plaguing mankind. Suffering. No matter how hard he tried however his efforts weren't enough to stop the the propagation of suffering, as it was intrinsically linked to the very nature of their world. Realizing he could not change the status quo alone he gathered like minded individuals. People who would become peers, allies and finally friends. They too saw his vision and wanted to see a brighter future. This led them to the "Light". A metaphysical emanation which stemmed from the human mind. They sought to propagate this Light within humanity convinced it would lead to mankind's salvation.

They made many sacrifices and endured much to reach this goal. But the machinations of the world would not allow them to continue. The powers that be wanted them erased without a trace once they realized what these would be saviors were doing. The government dispatched their most trusted to eliminate them and before their power the team could do little. The man who had been a Healer and then a Leader watched both his work and his loved ones perish. Seeking the fulfilment of their shared dream the man made a fatal choice which could not be taken away. Changing irrevocably with the power of the Light he coveted. Emerging in a new world as both himself and yet not, he took the symbolic name of "Zohar" seeking to continue his dream in the new world he had awoken in and return home to save humanity. However, he was not the only one to arrive.
Current Life: N/A
[Race] Titles
  • [Variant] - Common among the Isekai'd, these creatures evolve freely without requirements beyond the character grade. While they can be any of the other races, they are not normal by the world's standards.
  • [Human] - Humans thrive on connectivity flexibility. Alone they are nothing and specialized they generally fall behind other races, but in numbers and with diverse skillsets they accomplish much and that is why they built their society around factions and organizations.
  • [Cogito Human] - A being in the shape of a human who delved into the sea of the collective unconscious and emerged out the swirling mass of Ego and Shadow whole, but changed.
  • [Mundane] - The character does not have any racial requirements to be this form and may evolve at any time for any reason to Intermediate.
  • [Intermediate] - Cashback: Gain 28pts in points earned immediately. Gain permanent, mandatory title: [Wanted by ???] State what person or group is after you. Narrator can decide to leverage the title whenever they wish to have opposition to you to appear flavored by whatever 'Wants' you.
[Society] Titles
  • [Wanted By Nephilim] - A specter from Zohars past. The very woman who destroyed his lab and killed everyone within it. While originally a government agent granted supernatural power to serve the state she had been swept up in Zohars light just as she killed him. While her change was not as extensive as his, she too was remade becoming a combination of her own power and that of the light. Insanely driven and powerful she seeks to finish the job, ending Zohar no matter what. Returning home doesn't matter to her; as she is now her only purpose is to kill him. She is a cold, somber and sadistic woman who shows no empathy. Seeing herself as detached from humanity, she revels in pain and suffering yet calls it simply business. She often speaks verbosely or in metaphors finding amusement in being as cryptic as possible rarely giving a straight answer. She took on a new name, "Nephilim" just as Zohar had. Partially to mock him and to make her eventual killing of him all the more amusing.
Points at Start: 105(+42)
Points Earned: 101
Points Spent: 224
Points Not Spent: 24
Strength - H
Precision - H
Intelligence - B
Vitality - C
Speed - H
Character Grade - F
  • Conversion D
  • [Martial] Coup F
  • Mimic F (Bought with Cashback: Wanted By Nephilim)
  • Healing E
  • Appraisal F
  • Netzach - Healing E, Conversion D - The Light exists as a seed deep within the recesses of the psyche growing brighter with every labor endured. Channeling the pain experienced in battle the Light within Zohar turns anguish into power. The Light then erases the source of suffering returning Zohars body to an ideal state freeing him from the constraints of his damaged flesh. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown - 2 Action
  • Yesod - Appraisal F, Mimic F, [Martial] Coup F - The Light within Zohar taps into the well of subconscious linking him to another's mind. Drawing from their Ego Zohar assimilates their learned experiences into himself, allowing the use of their Skills and Abilities for himself. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Change Log:
  • Gained 50 points from Monika Rommel Scoop
  • Gained 28 points from Cashback: [Wanted By Nephilim]
  • Lowered Strength to H gained 14 points
  • Lowered Precision to H gained 14 points
  • Lowered Speed to H gained 14 points
  • Spent 28 points for Intelligence B
  • Spent 21 points for Vitality C
  • Spent 63 points for Conversion D
  • Spent 70 points for [Martial] Coup F
  • Spent 28 points for Mimic F
  • Spent 14 points for Healing E
  • Gained Appraisal F
  • Created Ability [Netzach]
  • Created Ability [Yesod]
Post RP#1 Soulbound Forest
Gained 23 points​
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Eila Farland
Eila Farland has long wavy shimmering, rose gold hair which she keeps half up in a topsy-tail. Her eyes are what others call a “mundane brown”, but she likes to think of them as the colour of healthy soil in hopes to spring life into others. Though she seems a bit pale in her complexion, warm undertones make up for it.
Eila Farland Image.jpeg

Credit Info:

Credit to: Hiroyuki Sawano, Bubble (the movie) and its creators.

Writing Themes:
  • Hope
  • Reflection
  • Friendship

Rp'er Name: Miria
Post Frequency: 1-2/week.
Discord Name: Eliora Yona (On Discord)

Current RP:

Short Term Goal
  • Heal those in need
  • Learn new magic
  • Gain new friendships along her travels

Long Term Goal

    • Receive her wings, if she chooses to save the world
    • Reflect upon the life she had prior to this world and how to make use of this second chance

Equipped Titles: [Human] [Fae] [Sylph]
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 130lbs

Shaela Stone was a choir singer in her church and in her early 20’s she was recruited to become among the famous. She respectfully declined the offer as she knew what that would do to her soul.
I would rather die than sacrifice my soul.
It was as if her mind was supernaturally read. During the few days which seemed uneventful to Shaela was indeed against her refusal to join their ranks, and paid for it with her life. A hired assassin did her in.

Eila Farland was born into a mixed family. Her father, a human, and her mother, Fae. Frowned upon from both trees, the loving couple had hopes to unite the trees together through their marriage. However, because they ignored the advice given from the Fae that their offspring would have high risk of deformation, their daughter Eila was born without wings and a loss of respect from her wingless appearance. Despite being a “wingless one” she is fortunate to keep something from her Fae heritage. Shimmering hair.

She also remembers the promise from God, should she accept his proposal one day to help save the world from its stagnation, He would give her wings to be able to withstand the spread of monsters with others by her side.

Acquired Titles: [Human] [Fae] [Sylph]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - B
Vitality - E
Speed - H

    • [Magic F] Auxillary, E Grade Intelligence
    • [Affinity Wind F] Auxillary, E Grade Intelligence

    • [Sixth Sense F] Auxillary, E Grade Intelligence
      • Type [Discernment of Spirits]
    • [Regeneration F] E Grade Character
      • Passive - cannot be put into abilities but can be utilized even while character is unconscious
    • [Healing F] Auxillary, E Grade Intelligence

    [*] [Healing Breeze F] Magic F, Affinity F, Healing F.
    [*] A gentle song envelops the listener's body and mind, even touching the soul. Translucent butterflies can be seen around those who hear, granting healing. (Once per character, for now)

    • [Catalyst F] A small red, vintage book with intricate golden designs.

    • Beginner attire, nothing fancy
    • Beginner walking staff made of light weight wood.

Change Log:

    • Date: 09/15/2023
    • Stat Upgrade [Intelligence] - 28
    • Stat Upgrade [Precision] - 21
    • Stat Upgrade [Vitality] - 7
    • Stat Downgrade [Speed] - 14
    • Skill Purchase [Magic F] - 7
    • Skill Purchase [Affinity F] - 7
    • Skill Purchase [Regeneration F] - 7
    • Skill Purchase [Healing F] - 7
    • Skill Purchase [Sixth Sense] - 7
    • [Fae Tree] [Hybrid] - 7
    • Ability Purchase [Healing Breeze] - 7
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"Well, darlin', names Bonnie Blaze, and reckon you'll remember it after I've taken your coin or settled a score."
Bonnie Blaze

Rp'er Name: Stanley
Post Frequency: 3 times a week
Discord Name: Stanley#5094
Current RP: None
  • Find a steady source of income in the new realm to support her basic needs.
  • Locate a mentor or resource that can help her improve her firearm crafting skills.
  • Establish a reputation as a reliable mercenary and adventurer within the local community.
  • Understand the nuances of her new self including any latent abilities or changes that may have occurred during her transfer.
Equipped Titles: Offworlder, Fae [Mundane], Tinkerer Apprentice, Gunslinger, Attentive Student F
  • Offworlder - Denotes isekai or otherwise alien creatures not natural to the world of Isekai Hell.
  • Fae - Creatures infused with magic and nature. They are the least numerous people in the world but some of the longer lived.
    • Mundane - Requires Fae title, 1 Magic Skill, 1 Secondary Skill
      • Born For This (Perk) - Get 7-point discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
  • Tinkerer Apprentice - Character is likely just starting on the path of the tinkerer.
  • Gunslinger - Gunslingers are a rare job in a period without modern or commonly sold firearms, but some exist: a brave few that carry metal tubes filled with explosives and the projectiles they launch. Not uncommon for a gunslingers to blow themselves up in the process. Some have safer, more modern designs from mysterious origins.
  • Attentive Student F- when a character with this skill is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, they learn and grow more quickly.
    • Characters with this skill gain double points at the end of roleplays if there is a character with a greater total of earned points actively participating in the roleplay as well. Earned points prior to rewards of that roleplay specifically. Student skill must be same grade as student character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Student skill may not be greater than grade of character. Ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains. Not honored if role player ghosts the roleplay.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Backstory: Bonnie Blaze was born into the harsh and unforgiving world of the Frontierlands. Growing up in a remote homestead, she learned to fend for herself at an early age. Her family struggled to make a meager living in a land filled with bizarre creatures, outlaws, and criminal desperados.

From a young age, Bonnie showed a natural talent for tinkering. She would spend hours in her family's makeshift workshop, piecing together contraptions and repairing firearms. Her father, a grizzled gunslinger himself, recognized her potential and began teaching her the art of marksmanship.

As Bonnie grew older, her reputation as a talented tinkerer and a deadly shot spread throughout the Frontierlands. She joined a gang of bandits, known for their cunning and ruthless ways. Under their guidance, she honed her skills as an outlaw, becoming one of the gang's most promising rookies.

Bonnie's selfishness and greed were evident even then. She'd often steal the best parts and supplies for her tinkering projects, causing friction within the gang. Her golden locks and innocent appearance masked her true nature, catching those around her off guard, allowing her to further her own interests.
Current Life: One fateful day, while on the run from a posse of lawmen, Bonnie found herself in a strange and mystical place. She couldn't recall how she got there or why, but one thing was clear: she had been transported to a world vastly different from the Frontierlands.

To her shock, Bonnie discovered that she had been given a younger body, which only added to her disorientation. She felt like a child again, both physically and emotionally. Gone were the rugged features of the Frontierlands; instead, she had the appearance of a fresh-faced teenager.

As Bonnie explored this new realm, she quickly realized that her skills as a tinkerer were of limited use. Magic and fantastical creatures abounded, and her trusty firearms and ammunition no longer held the same deadly edge. The lack of familiar resources and materials made it challenging for her to craft her unique weapons.

Frustrated by her inability to recreate her signature firearms and ammunition, Bonnie faced a crossroads. She decided to embrace this new world and its opportunities. With a mix of curiosity, resourcefulness, and a longing for riches and adventure, she declared herself a self-proclaimed mercenary and adventurer.

Embracing her new persona, Bonnie Blaze set out to navigate the mysteries and dangers of this fantastical realm. She would need to adapt, learn new skills, and uncover the secrets of her arrival, all while keeping her insatiable greed and cunning nature intact. Her journey in this new world had only just begun, and the horizon held both wonders and perils yet to be explored.
Points at Start: 105+14
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105+14
Points Not Spent: 0
Character Grade [F]
- G [-7]
Precision - E [7]
Intelligence - E [7]
Vitality - G [-7]
Speed - E [7]
Movement Skills
Fast | Grade F [7]

Martial Skills:
Weapon Mastery [Firearms] | Grade F [70]
Steady Hands | Grade F [7]

Sense Skills
Appraisal| Grade F [0]

Magic Skills
Energized | Grade F [7]

Miscellaneous Skills
Attentive Student | Grade F [7]

Secondary Skills
Artisan [Tinkerer] | Grade F [0]
  • Ballistic Interrogation - Energized F, Appraisal F, Artisan [Tinkerer] F - Bonnie possesses the expertise to extract hidden information from firearms and mechanical devices, a skill beyond the reach of ordinary individuals - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Residual Analysis - Energized F, Appraisal F, Artisan [Tinkerer] F - Using only the remnants and traces left behind by firearms, Bonnie can deduce the likely causes of damage to both living and inanimate objects - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Gunslinger's Stride - Energized F, Fast F, Steady Hands F, Weapon Mastery [Firearms] F - Bonnie seamlessly transitions between running, shooting, and reloading with unparalleled speed and agility - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Bloodletter - Energized F, Steady Hands F, Weapon Mastery [Firearms] F (Accurate, Blight [Piercing], Contact, Continuing [Bleed], Incurable, Penetrating, Range [10 Feet]), Iron Rose F - She wields a specially designed round in her revolver, which possesses a razor-sharp tip that weathers down defenses and pierces deeply into her target, causing profuse bleeding upon impact - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Boomspire - Energized F, Steady Hands F, Weapon Mastery [Firearms] (Area [5 Feet], Blight [Fire], Contact, Contagion, Continuing [Burning], Incurable, Irritant [Smell], Range [10 Feet], Selective, Spreading), Peacemaker F - Utilizing her large, long-barreled handgun, Bonnie fires an explosive round that erupts into a fiery blast on impact, engulfing her enemies in a burning spectacle of smoke and flames - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Interception - Energized F, Steady Hands F, Weapon Mastery [Firearms] (Accurate, Blight [Blunt Force], Blind Ranged Fighting, Deflect, Knockback, Linked, Penetrating, Range [10 Feet]), Iron Rose/Whisper F - Employing her lightning-fast quick draw, Bonnie loads and fires two successive blunt rounds on reflex to intercept an incoming attack with unwavering accuracy to either repel or disarm her foes - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [2 Actions]
  • Mercy Shot - Energized F, Steady Hands F, Weapon Mastery [Firearms] (Accurate, Blight [Blunt Force], Hot Shot, Incapacitating, Non-Lethal, Penetrating, Range [10 Feet]), Wyrmwood/Iron Rose/Whisper F - Bonnie takes aim and fires a non-fatal shot, incapacitating her target - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Havoc Round - Energized F, Steady Hands F, Weapon Mastery [Firearms] (Accurate, Area (5 Feet), Blight [Explosion], Continuing [Bleeding], Incurable, Knockback, Penetrating, Quake, Range [10 Feet]), Peacemaker F - Bonnie fires an explosive round that erupts upon impact, unleashing a chaotic maelstrom of concussive blasts, shrapnel, and carving a small 10-foot crevice in its wake - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [2 Actions]
  • Hound - Energized F, Steady Hands F, Weapon Mastery [Firearms] (Accurate, Homing, Indirect, Penetrating, Range [10 Feet]), Wyrmwood/Iron Rose/Whisper F - A trick shot that involves her bullet appearing to pursue its target, defying obstacles and curving with precision, ensuring that no one can escape her lethal aim - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wyrmwood | Grade F [0]
    • A sleek, bolt-action rifle that serves as Bonnie's choice for long-range shooting.
    • She slings Wyrmwood across her back, secured by a leather strap that rests diagonally from her shoulder to her opposite hip. This positioning allows her to quickly bring it to bear when aiming at distant targets.
  • Peacemaker | Grade F [0]
    • A large and long barrel handgun, perfect for delivering powerful close-range shots. Its oversized barrel and reinforced frame was designed to accommodate different types of ammunition.
    • Bonnie holsters Peacemaker in a thigh rig on her dominant side. The holster is specially designed to keep the weapon close at hand, allowing her to draw it swiftly for powerful close-range shots or volleys.
  • Iron Rose | Grade F [0]
    • A finely crafted revolver known for its speed and accuracy, making it the perfect weapon for those quickdraws, trick shots, and moments when Bonnie needs to outgun her foes in a showdown.
    • Bonnie keeps Iron Rose holstered in a belt holster on her lower back. This placement allows for easy access with her non-dominant hand, serving as a backup weapon when she needs a reliable sidearm for close-quarters combat or situations where her larger firearms might be impractical.
  • Whisper | Grade F [0]
    • A palm-sized, derringer-style handgun that Bonnie keeps as her ace in the hole.
    • Whisper is kept in a custom-made holster, worn on her opposite hip from the large barrel pistol. This positioning allows her to draw it effortlessly for quick draws and flashy trick shots.
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Flasks of Alcohol
  • Waterskin
  • Tinkerer's Tools
  • Satchel
  • Frontier Outfit - Bonnie wears a rugged ensemble, including a leather jacket, vest, fingerless gloves, fitting trousers, and sturdy boots.
  • None
[09/20/2023] 14 points gained from downgrading Strength F, Vitality F to Strength G, Vitality G
[09/20/2023] 21 points spent for upgrading Precision F, Intelligence F, Speed F to Precision E, Intelligence E, Speed E
[09/20/2023] 7 points spent for purchasing Fast F
[09/20/2023] 70 points spent for purchasing Weapon Mastery [Firearms] F
[09/20/2023] No points spent for acquiring Appraisal F
[09/20/2023] 7 points spent forpurchasing Energized F
[09/20/2023] No points spent for purchasing Artisan [Tinkerer] F
Applied 7-point discount from Fae [Mundane] Title Perk (Born For This)
[09/20/2023] 7 points spent for purchasing Attentive Student F
[09/20/2023] No points spent for purchasing Wyrmwood F, Peacemaker F, Iron Rose F, Whisper F
Applied 7-point discount from Artisan [Tinkerer]
[09/20/2023] Acquired and equipped the following titles: Offworlder, Fae [Mundane], Tinkerer Apprentice, Gunslinger, Attentive Student F
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The Morrigan

Rp'er Name: Shadowfall
Post Frequency: Once every 3 or so days, once a week if especially busy.
Discord Name: astrokeofluck
Current RP: None, yet.
- Integrate themselves into an organization, whether it be a smith's guild or an adventurer's guild.
- Make themselves a prominent figure in society to gain access to more people. A larger data pool is better.
- Learn this world's way of gaining power, and gain as much of it as possible. A weak godling is a useless one.
Equipped Titles: Construct.
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 507 lbs

That’s how those of her world would describe the Morrigan.

However, she does not come from a world where gods walk among men, and heroes invoke great magical power to defeat fire-breathing dragons to save the realm from tyranny. Neither does she come from a galaxy of flying ships and guns that shoot lasers. She comes from a world where you can be born to control bugs, fly, or turn to stone. A creature like the Morrigan came from a more enormous creature, with innumerable wings and immense psychic power. The power to manipulate the minds of others, the power to send people into madness, the power to control gravity on both a minor and macro scale, and the power to see the future. Even the power to unseal the gate between realities, if the conditions are right.

However, this powerful entity, the Simurgh, does not, and cannot understand it’s prey: humans. It cannot understand their customs, their reasoning, their way of life, and how it can turn that to its advantage to kill more humans. It simply takes too much time to learn how and why something as simple as a door functions, or how a pool table works and it’s purpose despite it’s non-work-related nature. Therefore, it created a version of itself meant to integrate into human society. To walk among them, undetected, unnoticed, and to gather as much information about them as possible.

She was born of the Simurgh to observe, to become like the creatures she intended to defeat. To become the ultimate student to a race of teachers who never understood what they were teaching to begin with. To protect this goal, the Simurgh stripped the godling of power, hid their potential behind sealed doors, and cast them away into a realm unknown. Through pain or triumph, the Morrigan will learn. One way, or another.
Current Life: The Morrigan has yet to enter this world. They lay in a vatwomb, waiting, dreaming, being prepared by their mother, the Simurgh, to be shunted into another reality to absorb as much information as possible. They are not quite dead, but not alive either, waiting to be born, knowing they will be born.

They hunger for knowledge, and it will be sated, one way or another.
Acquired Titles: Construct
Points at Start: 105 (+7)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - D
  • Telekinesis F
    • Range of 5 feet, can pick up 2 pounds of weight.
  • Magic E
    • 1 target, 5 feet range, immediate area, 1 post duration, 1 target
  • Magic Targets F
    • Can target up to 5 targets simultaneously with magic
  • Magic Range F
    • Increase range of associated magic by 30 feet
  • Feature|Cosmetic (Otherworldly appearance)
    • Articulated wings and feathers sprout from most surface areas on her body, covering her up. These wings are incapable of flight or grasping, but can flex and stretch out. They are also not hollow, and are somewhat heavy. Presently serves as clothing and a functional limb to extend her personal space.
  • Telekinetic Grip - Telekinesis F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Manipulate small objects with some precision within 30 feet. Instantaneous effect, 2 lb weight limit. Perhaps mother made me like this to teach humility? - Grade E - 1 post cooldown.
  • Mass Telekinetic Grip - Telekinesis F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F - Manipulate up to 5 small objects within 30 feet of range. Instantaneous effect, 2 lb weight limit. Or she made me like this to enforce creativity? Mother always knows best. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown.
  • Magical Catalyst E - A feather from her creator, her mother, The Simurgh. It is her only tie to the world she was born in. Inorganic in nature, closer to quartz or topaz in material consistency. Do you hear me mother? I live to perform your will on this earth, to my very last breath.
  • Nothing. Morrigan doesn’t even have clothes to her name. My form was crafted by an entity superior to all in every way. I mustn't sully it with “clothes”.
  • Nothing, yet.
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Currently empty. Updating as needed.
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Sister Joanne Valenhart
Rp'er Name: Ravensong
Post Frequency:
I post every other day 3 days latest usually.
Discord Name: You know it -.^
Current RP: N/A
-To liberate her city from the clutches of debt.
-Reach Sainthood
-Be of service to the needy and the weak

Equipped Titles:

[Human ]
[Monastery Living ]

Height: 5'6
Weight: 130 lbs
Backstory: Having lived a privileged life living only for herself it all came to a close when in the midsts of a dark alley she was stabbed to death. In between life and death as she bled out Joanne wished she'd lived a life of service to others. God then answered her prayer and gave her another chance.

Current Life:
Raised in the countryside, Joanne was the daughter of a farmer who was head of the farmers union when revolt broke out favoring the monarchy after a long strike it was instead up of the farm workers to seek justice. Joannes father was the first to take up arms and raised an army. Months and years would go by, and she witnessed her father slowly deteriorate from sheer stress and numerous casualties. He’d lost his friends, family members all in hopes that one day their village would be paid fairly.

The day never came, and one fateful night before an assault could be carried out on Joannes very home she was sneaked off and sent to the monastery. Her father spoke to her briefly as he caressed her face, clad in armor as armies marching could be heard in the distance "When our people are free, remember me, Joanne."

It was a hard life after that working for nothing more than appreciation. Her life was one of humility, morality and dignity with nothing to show for all the people she would help. However her faith grew along with her courage, her father's dream was beginning to feel well within her reach.
Acquired Titles: [Human] - This character follows the Human evolution tree.

[Monastary Living] - Because Joanne was raised in a monestary from a very young age, she's learned a great deal of skills from her fellow nuns and superiors.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 194 (18 Caspian Scoop)
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 4
Strength - D 14
Precision - E- 7
Intelligence - D 14
Vitality - E - 7
Speed - E - 7

Character Grade: E

Stats Total : 49
84 total points in Skills
  • Magic E 14
  • Holy Affinity F 7
  • Healing F 7
  • Religion F 7
  • 7 Educated F [Monastary Living] - Interrogation F - Insight F - Focus F
  • Magic - Incapacitating F 14
  • Magic Range - 30 ft F - 7
  • 14 Fighting Style E - Swords - Knock back F - Reflect F
  • 7 Energized F
  • 14 Super strength F
  • 7 Resistance (Surprise) F
  • 7 Athletics F
  • 7 F Leadership
  • 7 F Survival
  • 7 F Inspire
  • Forced Penance - Magic E - Holy Affinity F - Magic Incapacitating F - Magic Range F - 30ft - Forces a target within reach to kneel if able otherwise immobilized for the duration of [Magic - Incapacitating F] - 1 Cool down - Grade E
  • Inquisitors Inquiry - Educated - Interrogation F - Insight F - Focus F - Religion F - Forces a target character to speak nothing but the truth or cooperate with the user to reveal potentially valuable information - F grade - 0 Cooldown
  • Healer Hands - Healing F - Religion F - The user taps into the healing stream of her faith to heal a wound. - F Grade - 0 Cooldown
  • Unrelenting Force - Fighting Style F- Holy Sword - KnockBack - Raising her sword to the sky Joanne recites a prayer and strikes forward with faith and strength knocking back enemies. F Grade - 0 Cooldown
  • Perk - Cleave - As long as you wield your melee weapon with two hands, all melee attacks can hit all creatures/objects within weapon reach without use of an ability.
Equipment: 14 total points in Equipment

Catalyst - Blessed Amulet E 14
14 Iron Sword E

7 Heavy Armor F

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Prayer Beads
  • Holy Book of Scriptures
  • Vial of Blessed Water
  • Flask of Water
  • Rations
Assets: None.. Yet.
Change Log: New Character Created 10/9/23-

Caspian Character Sheet - Gained 18 points from scooped character Caspian. Post in thread '[Isekai Hell] Characters - Current' Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Characters - Current

18 total
Intellect from E } D
Magic Range F - 30 ft

= 4 left total

Orsons Feast iii 19 points gained from RP

4 + 19 = 23

-7 Fighting Style - Sword - (Free: Knock back)
-7 Iron Sword
-7 Strength E-D

2 left


Gained 93 Points from RP

From The City Of Faiths to Seeking Thieves

93+ 2 = 95 total


A Walk Through the Forbidden Forest Gained 64 from RP

95+64= 159

Fighting Style F - Swords > E 7
7 Energized F
14 Super strength F
7 Resistance (Surprise) F
7 Athletics F
7 F Leadership
7 F Survival
7 F Inspire
Iron Sword F>E
Heavy Armor F

Gained title [Anchor]

159 - 77 = 82


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Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:

Once every few days or couple of times a day depending.

Discord Name:

Current RP:

Become a detective again
Master magic and swordsmanship

Equipped Titles:
Human, Sword apprentice, Mundane[born for this], Farmer

Acquired titles: human, Sword apprentice, mundane [born for this],Farmer, [Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian]



Edwin grew up in a different world. He specifically had a particularly uneventful life. He was a man in his 30s who worked as a detective and the most interesting things came from that job. He took care of his bills and he lived alone. Nothing huge happened in his town and wouldn't be for awhile until a case of connected murderers started happening, all of which had a very clear connection. Or Edwin was the one to notice said connection. And eventually he would find a lead, but before he would be able to make it back to the station, he would be dragged into an alley and stabbed to death.

Edwin doesn't remember any talk about [God] or anything involving a [God] of any sort, though he kept his memories of his past life. However, when he woke up, the first thing he could process before opening his eyes was he felt a numbness in his body. Namely in his hands and the familiar feeling of 'pins and needless' and he felt freezing. When he started opening his eyes, it was that he started to warm up. He began taking in his surroundings, he was in front of a fire, he was resting against a man he didn't know and he felt like he was going to panic. He also noticed he seemed smaller, his soul had been given to Boreas, a boy who was five at the time. Boreas had nearly died from frostbite. Though confused and would try to find clues about what happened, he eventually accepted the identity of 'Boreas Moonshire', who grew up in a family of farmers on the near outskirts of the Duchy. A place devoted to its research of magic. Growing up as Boreas, he would help his family cater to its crops and its animals. Sometimes his Boreas's dad would take him out to the market where he would sell food at the market. When Boreas had free time, he typically found himself immersed in a book of some sort typically involving magic and swordsmanship, and if he wasn't doing that he was trying to hone his detective skills, which he had managed to keep in this life. On his 21st birthday he was given a mythril sword by his parents.

Points at start:
105 [+28]

Points Earned:

Points spent:

Points not spent:

Strength C
Precision E
Intelligence C
Vitality H [+14]
Speed H[+14]

Attentive student [F]
Appraisal [F]
Magic [F]
Affinity [F] [Ice]
Insight [F] [born for this discount]
Agriculture [F]
Investigation [F]
Interrogation [F]
Heightened sense [F] [sight]
Fighting Style -X Slash- Mythril Sword/catalyst-F Grade-Selective-
Boreas uses his sword and slashes two Intersecting lines in a X shape on one selected target within proximity.

Icey Gaze- Appraisel [F], Heightened sense [sight] [F]- Combining his heightened sense of sight and appraisal he uses his sight to gain information relevant to the current level of appraisal. -F grade 0 post cool down

Cold Slash- Fighting style [F] [X Slash], Affinity [Ice] [F], magic [F]- he imbues his sword with ice making it ice cold by using 'Cold Slash's incantion before he executes his technique X slash making his blade cold to the touch. -F grade 0 post cool down- incantation involves him spinning the sword briefly in his hand once and saying 'ice cold blade'

A sword used for regular fighting and used as a catalyst made out of mythril ore. It's blade is bluish in color with a moon and a star engraved at the end of the blade. With it is a leather scabbard.
Fire starter kit

Strength C[-21]
Precision E[-7]
Intelligence C [-21]
Vitality H [+14]
Speed H [+14]
Mythril /sword catalyst F [-28]
Attentive student F [-7]
Appraisal F [-0 for isekaied characters]
Magic F [-7]
Affinity [Ice] [F] [-7]
Insight [F] [-0 born for this discount]
Interrogation [F] [-7]
Fighting style [F] [-7]
Agriculture [F] [-7]
Investigation [F] [-7]
Heightened sense [F] [sight] [-7]

Boreas Moonshire earned-

105 points
And optional title: [Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian] - While Goroboch is in charge and the character is on good terms with them while in the Gloomhold Swamp (southernmost parts of the Republic of Kuridan), the character will find the area and its nature to subtly work in their favour thanks to having earned the favour of the swamp's guardian.

from [Republic:Gloomhold Swamp] The Roots of the Problem
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Levia Frost

Rp'er Name: ScarletFeather
Post Frequency:
2 times a week
Discord Name: Scarlet
Goals: To better herself, or at least attempt to do so.
Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane[born for this], [Hopeful Investigator]
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 103 lbs
In her previous life, Levia was born into a typical fantasy world with heroes, dragons and of course, the one and only demon lord. She was fortunate enough to be chosen as a hero herself, and was blessed with magical talents beyond imagination. Alongside the other chosen heroes, they formed the heroes party and sought out to defeat the demon lord. However, along the way, the heroes constantly fought with one another as their arrogance got the better of them. Killing a bunch of weak monsters was as easy as a snap of the finger. Not even Levia was an exception to this, as she looked down upon all of them as if they were mere ants.

The heroes then had a genius idea, making a bet to see who could defeat the demon lord first. The victor would be known to the world as the leader of the hero’s party, as well as gaining the most fame and glory from it. As such, all of them raced and fought their way to the final boss. Levia was the last one to reach the boss, and upon entering the boss room she could only stare in disbelief at the sight before her. Her party had been annihilated, with blood and bones scattered all over the room. Standing atop the sea of blood was a demon dressed like a jester. Spotting her immediately, he cackled.

“You guys really let down your guard fighting those small underlings, thinking they were all the demons were capable of! Poor souls, you guys ought to have worked together!”

Levia would never have forgotten her final moments. Her legs froze up in terror as the demon strode over to her, whistling as he did so. Then with a snap, her vision turned 180 degrees before the world blackened before her very eyes.
Current Life: Upon opening her eyes, she’d find herself in another world with a different body. She shuddered at the thought of what just happened to her, the memories still being fresh in her mind. Perhaps she was sent here to repent for her wrongdoings? Either way, she made a promise to herself to be a better person from that day forth. However, as the saying goes, old habits die hard. The road before her wasn't going to be easy, but perhaps she could be the one supporting others this time round.

She spent the next 2 years living in a lowly village, learning bits and pieces of how to be a human, before venturing out on her own. This time, she was going to be a true hero!
Acquired Titles: Human, Mundane[born for this], [Hopeful Investigator] - This character has taken part in looking into a matter where a crime potentially was committed. However, the result was inconclusive but they now have the experience for what to look for in a matter next time.
Points at Start:
105 (scooped Ivy)
Points Earned: 89
Points Spent: 194 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - A
Vitality - F
Speed - E
  • Attentive student E
  • Ice affinity F
  • Incapacitate affinity E
  • Magic D (born for this)
  • Magic area of effect E (50ft radius)
  • Magic selective E
  • Duration F
  • Appraisal E
  • Range E
  • Energized E
  • Educated F (acrobatics, focus, visual arts)
  • Winter's descent! - magic D, area E, selective E, range E, duration F, ice affinity F, incapacitate affinity E - damages and freezes E grade beings 100 ft away within a 50ft radius for an hour - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Winter's descent, with style! - magic D, area E, selective E, range E, duration F, ice affinity F, incapacitate affinity E, visual arts F - damages and freezes E grade beings 100 ft away within a 50ft radius for an hour while creating a bunch of rainbow snowmen in the area while rainbow snow falls from the sky - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Cold touch - magic F, ice affinity F, incapacitate affinity F, focus F, energized F - freezes F grade beings in contact with the user for a single post. User is able to move while casting this spell. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Icy barrage - magic D, area E, selective E, range E, ice affinity F, visual arts F - launches prismatic ice shards at targets 100 ft away within a 50ft radius - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Ice man - magic E, duration F, ice affinity F, visual arts F, energized E - creates a mini snowman or an ice scuplture of Levia within the user's palm. It can last for an hour before melting.
  • Big ice man - magic E, duration F, ice affinity F, visual arts F, area F, selective F, range F, energized E - creates a 15ft tall snowman or ice sculpture of Levia in the area 30 ft away. It can last for an hour before melting.
  • Bracelet (catalyst B)
  • Light armor F - winter magician robes
  • NIL
  • NIL
Change Log:
  • Scooped Ivy for 43 points
  • October 18, 2023: Spent 105 points (precision to E, speed to E, intelligence to B, Catalyst F, attentive student E, ice affinity F, incapacitate affinity E, magic D (with 'born for this' discount), area E, selective E, duration F)
  • 27 January, 2024: gained 46 from orsons feast as well as title [Hopeful Investigator]
  • 30 January, 2024: Spent 42 points (intelligence B to A, educated F (visual arts, focus, acrobatics), range E, energized E), equipped [Hopeful Investigator], created new abilities Freeze, Freeze with style, Cold touch, Icy barrage, Ice man, Big ice man
  • 2 February, 2024: Upgraded catalyst from F to B and bought light armor F at marketplace for 5 points
  • 8 Feb: added name to light armor
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Chihiro Sakurajima




  • 01.



    Chihiro Sakurajima

















    Chihiro has beautiful green eyes and fair skin and exquisite features like a slender body, long eyelashes and plump lips. She was said to even be a goddess incarnate!



♡coded by uxie♡

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Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:

Once every few days or couple of times a day depending.

Discord Name:
Darkkitsune Eriedeth/Griffin

Current RP:
[Isekai Hell] - A visitor From A Far Away Kingdom

Research medicine and magic
Advance magic and hopefully find cures for different ailments without need for magic.
Become a healer for a specified group or guild.

Equipped Titles:
Beast, ,Native , magic user

Acquired Titles:
Human, abomination



Solaris's mother, Ceari, lived in The Grand Duchy's capital of Aslan Caeri. She was a Husky beast who researched magic in order to partake in Magical Advancements. Her father, Arin, lived who was a human traveler who wondered wherever the roads led him next. Their meeting was accidental, yet a relationship bloomed and soon enough their daughter Solaris Hearthen would be born. Due to the different aspirations of her parents, however, their relationship ended when she was no older than three. From there on, Solaris would spend years' intervals between her mother and father. At 12 when Solaris was studying the workings of magic with her mother, she had discovered the world of healing. She wanted to help people, which would surprise most given her natural cold demeanor. During her travels with her father at 14 she began studies of the biology and physiology of creatures, along with the possibility to cure ailments. From that point she wanted nothing more to advance the world's prospect of medicine. Instead, she wanted to balance magic cures and non-magical cures. Perhaps find a place in a guild or group who could use a healer...maybe something like the adventurers guild?

In Solaris's current life. When she turned 18 she for the first time in years got to spend it with both her parents. Her mother had given her a beautiful butterfly necklace, a catalyst. Her father had given her some parchment, a inkwell and dip pen. While he hadn't been any intelligent he supported his daughter and gave her the supplies Solaris would need to make her notes. From that point Solaris traveled from place to place researching creautres in generally doing the occasional odd jobs and sometimes experiments.

Points at start:
105 [+21]

Points Earned:

Points spent:

Points not spent:

Strength D
Precision G [+7]
Intelligence C
Vitality D
Speed H [+14]

Healing [D]
Medicine [F]
Magic [F]
Affinity [F] [Fire]
Affinity [F] [Non-lethal]
Husky ears
Husky paws
Husky tail

HUSKY'S FIRST AID- Healing [D], Magic [F], Affinity [F] [Fire], Affinity [F] [Non-lethal]-using magic to summon a hand sized ball of fire Solaris uses the flames to heal injuries relevant to her current level of healing on a single target- D grade -1 post duration- 2 post cool down
HUSKY'S RECOVERY AID-Healing [D], Magic [F], Affinity [F] [Fire], Affinity [F] [Non-lethal]- After any major or harm inducing Incident She'll summon fire within her immediate area to help heal remaining allies relevant to her current grade of healing- D Grade- 1 Post duration- 2 post cooldown
HUSKY'S FIRST AID:RANGED-Healing [D], Magic [F], Affinity [F] [Fire], Affinity [F] [Non-lethal]- Solaris will shoot a fire ball at one ally/target at 5ft range and heal their injuries that are relevant to her current level of healing- D Grade- 1 Post duration- 2 post cooldown
BLAZED SHOT- Magic [F], Affinity [F] [Fire]- Solaris will shot one fire ball at one enemy/target at 5ft range to cause some damage- F Grade- 1 post duration- 0 post cool down
FIELDS ABLAZED-Magic [F], Affinity [F][Fire]- Solaris will set the immediate area around her on fire as a last resort to ward off enemy's- F grade- 1 post duration-0 post cooldown

A necklace with a gem that looks like a butterfly. Given to Solaris by her mother
Fire starter kit
Ink well
Dipping pen

Strength D [-14]
Precision G [+7]
Intelligence C [-21]
Vitality D[-14]
Speed H [+14]
Healing D [-21]
Butterfly Catalyst D [-21]
Medicine F [-7]
Magic F [-7]
Affinity F - Fire [-7]
Affinity F- Non-lethal- [-7]
Abomination title [-7]


84 points from-

[Isekai Hell] - shadows amidst the memories hey once had- escape the madman

On March 15th 2024

26 points on May 10th 20204

From - [Ryken City]Visitor from a far away kingdom

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Ashara Raiden
Rp'er Name: Minyari
Post Frequency: 2 posts per week or as needed
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Master the Spear, Attain Knighthood
Equipped Titles: [Native] [Mundane Human]
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight: 155 lbs (70 kg)
Current Life: The child of a fisherman and a baker, Ashara led a fairly standard, though albeit a lonesome childhood. Between the helping of her mother's bakery and or out in the sea on her father's fishing boat, left her isolated from other kids. In a way, early on she felt shackled - not due to some fault of her own, but her circumstances. Growing up with no other siblings and with her parents being absent, this left her seeking for more. The monotony of baking never drew Ashara's interest, though the days her father took them out on his boat with a pair of rods and enough bait to last the day lingered.

Striving for an escape, Ashara diligently studied and alongside picking up a knack with the spear given her father's career. The mixture of fishing, schooling, and self defense from the local guards saw little to none social connections - other than a few close friends. Another winter had passed as the residents of the north prevailed through the seemingly endless monster tide, with spring arising. The time for recovery and reaping of the harvests, as well as the long awaited chance for many youths to earn a spot under a knight's tutelage. With knights roaming the northern Kingdom's settlements, Ashara's chance arose as she competed in her village's "tourney" against other youths where she sought the gazes of her soon to be mentor.

Her years as a knight's page and eventually a squire, molded her laborious fisherman's body into a martial practitioner. Roaming the countryside and assisting the locals from an array of needs she began to nurture a purpose in helping the people in need as well as using her skill of the spear in monster slaying. During this intensive squireship, she further aligned her beliefs of Valcorism, aligning herself with the pantehon Elara, the Lightbringer. Through the months of roaming would Ashara's squireship come to an abrupt end, a seemingly easy task of clearing a small camp of goblins saw to the end of her mentor's life.

The anticipated small camp came from a village's questboard, months out of date, with the goblin swift breeding rapidly expanding the camp's populace. As the knight and his retinue investigated the camp, they were ambushed with Ashara scrambling away with her life. With her new family all assumed perished and the clothes on her back, Ashara sought care under the Kingdom's military.
Acquired Titles: [Native] [Mundane Human] [Adept Spearman]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E
Speed - D
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • {E} Asset [Kingdom Squire] | Her liege knight slain and his retinue, Ashara roams the Kingdom's settlements knightless but still true to her people and their welfare.
  • {E} Fighting Style [Kraken] [Polearms] [Spear] | A martial technique passed down from her mentor. The way of the storm - relentlessness waves of attacks.
  • {F} Educated [Acrobatics] [Etiquette] [Warfare] | Ashara's sea legs have given her an edge on maintaining her balance through maneuvers. Etiquette and warfare being the two primary educated topics emphasized by her mentor.
    • {F} Blight [Overcharge] | Channels the essence of lightning into an object.
    • {F} Penetrating [Sundering Strike] | A chance for the user's melee attack to penetrate an enemy's armor.
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • {F} Static Charge (CD: 0 Posts) | {F} Fighting Style [Kraken], {F} Blight [Overcharge] | Imbues the user's weapon with the essence of lightning and empowers their next melee attack.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • {E} Iron Spear [Melee Weapon]
  • {F} Leather Armor [Light Arm]
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • None
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Character Sheet Creation 10/29/2023
  • Character Sheet Revamp 11/03/2023
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Theme: Lunar na Lubre - O Son Do Ar
Name of Character: Mira
Rp'er Name: Lyeoth
Post Frequently: daily
Discord Name: Lyeoth
Currently RP: tba
Equipped Titles: -
•Traveling around the world.
•interested in the world's food.
•wants to experience new things in his current new life and aim for a home in this world.
Height: 157cm
Weight: 53kg


Nikol Roswell, was a young man at the age of 24 working as a cook inside a well received restaurant in a big city.

Tired and exhausted after a long stressful day of work, he went to sleep. Little did Nikol know that this will change his life forever.

After meeting "god" in his dream, Nikol woke up in an unknown location in the middle of nowhere.

Still thinking this was a dream he tried to recall the words "god" said to him and something clicked at this moment, and went towards the nearest water source not soon after he saw his appearance.


Nikol, shocked at first, seeing his female appearance, he puts his thoughts aside for now and prioritizes finding a city or village.

Points at start: 105
Points earned: 0
Points spend: 98
Points not spend: 7
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - D
Nature - F
Survival - F
Visual Arts - F
Sleight of hand - F
Domestic Arts - D

•Hand to Hand Combat - Proficient in close combat, self defense and offensive.
•Weapon Combat - being able to use melee weapons with a blade in combat.
•Dual Wield - is able to wield two weapons at once, only limited with knives.
•Mana Manipulation - can sense or manipulate her Mana to either cast magic or to add her Mana into a weapon.
•Elemental Blade - Can apply elemental based magic into blade type weapons.

•Quick Feet - she is able to quickly maneuver through her surroundings effortlessly that parkour is an easy thing to do.
•Close Call - with Quick Feet together, she is able to avoid attacks from an enemy and a potential ambush from behind.
•Calm Mind - can enter a state of total calmness.
•Special Food - Depending on the food, she is able apply all sorts of effects and buffs towards the user or the ones who ate it, depending on the rank, the stronger
the effect.

•A knife
•Small bag on her hip
•(the clothes on her picture)

November 2nd 2023 01:43 - corrections and adding missing on the character sheet
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Contact Information
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: Once, maybe twice a week.
Discord Name: #EmeraldFae91


Character Info:


Age: 19 years old.
Height: 5'0" 1.52 M
Weight: 118 Ibs 52.16 Kg
Bloodtype: O+
Hair Color: Blonde, with streaks of soft pinks, blues and purples.
Eye Color: Blue
Bust Size: 33"
Waist Size: 24"
Hips: 34"
Languages: Common, Beastial
Current RP: Active - [Rotia - Hornbach Military base] In a Not so New world [1x1]
To live the good life as a healthy adventurer, singing her songs and helping people.
The room around her was something she'd become familiar with. Stark white and bland of any real flavor. Despite her success and popularity, once news of her sickness was out; the fame quickly petered out. People moved on to the next fresh idol. And she was left with nothing. There was no family to come and mourn her. And the only friend she'd had was lost to her. She smiled weakly thinking back fondly on her memories of their time together. They'd said their goodbyes. Not really knowing it would truly be their last. She lived a life of an idol. Singing and dancing on the schedule of the company. Doing whatever they wanted. And she had thought that the comforts she'd received were enough. Of course, she found out as soon as she wasn't useful anymore. They'd thought she was just faking it at first. The pain she was feeling every time she strained her voice had grown too harsh. When she finally got to have it checked out by a doctor, it was too late. A Malignant tumor was in her throat. And there was no removing it. They'd given her a month.

Her eyes closed, even as the brightness of the stark room burned against them. What she wouldn't give to have another chance to sing again. To see the joy on the faces of the people around her from her music. As her consciousness began to drift, she dreamed of a life where her voice could help heal those in need. The stilling of her breath announced by the prolonged beep of the heart monitor.
Current Life:
Waking up was an odd sensation. She looked around, with no control of her body. In fact the only thing she could see were the faces of a couple. Hovering above her. A man with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. And a woman with black hair and blue eyes. Though, the woman seemed to have something particularly strange about her. A pair of black ears flicked upon her head. She would come to learn later that this was her mother and father. And that she had been reborn in a new world of swords and sorcery.

Her memories of her past life lingered. But there were fresh memories to make in this world. She grew up gracefully. Singing for her friends and family. Despite her mother being Beastkin, she took after her father. More human than not. They lived in a small hamlet in the Nan Pass region of Kuridan. Where her father ran an alchemist shop that his mother had left to him. The shop had been a gift from her thaddeus's father. But they didn't speak much of her father's family. Aedrianna was the happy outcome of the mating of Thaddeus and her mother Tsuki. A Wolf beastkin. Sadly, her mother did not live long after her birth. She never got the chance to get to know her. Aedrianna grew up as a bit of an outlier in the village of beastkin. Weaker and different, she wasn't often invited to play with the other kids. Though her father's family's reputation as healers did give some leeway.

Eventually she made a real friend. A young girl that had been near starving when they were both children. she'd been orphaned and left alone in the woods. Aedrianna had brought her in and helped her out. And the two had grown close. Tomoko Brandy had the soul of a wanderer. She often went off on her own. But always seemed to find her way back eventually.

One day, while exploring around the edge of the forest near the little village; Aedrianna came upon her friend Hiruq. A large white dire wolf, with one white eye and one gold. When she found him, he was severely wounded. Having just won a fight against a Giant boar. That Giant boar would have gored her, had the wolf not leapt out of nowhere to attack it. Whether he was just hungry, or if he'd actually intended to save her, she didn't know at the time. But seeing him dying there in front of her had sparked something inside of her. She started to cry, feeling an intense energy within herself. And sang a soft song for the wolf.

It was then that she learned she could channel her mana. And that to do so, could mean her death one day. The hybrid blood of the Beastkin and human made the flow of mana inconsistent. She'd healed the wound entirely but had been left drained of all energy. Surprisingly the white wolf had helped her all the way home. And after that, he just became a part of her life. Never seeming to leave her side. To her father and her grandmother's concern, she continued to try and practice her channeling. Enamored with magic, and her ability to touch such a finite power. But her grandmother and father both taught her what they knew of herbalism and alchemy. Teaching her things that she somehow knew to a degree with her knowledge from her past life. And yet seeing it in a different perspective, she began to have ideas on products that could help move this world into a time of comfort and convenience.

She made it her goal to learn what she could from her father as a merchant. Often traveling with him across the countries to learn and assist. Her first time being sent on her own was for a shipment of potions going to the Coalition of soldiers both See and Eastern Empire. Aiming to destroy the nest of giant bugs. Even though she'd had no place taking part in the scouting, she'd snuck along with the team of adventurers. Wanting to feel the thrill of being an adventurer.

That's where she'd met Griffin. A sweet and kind soul, that had helped keep her safe the whole time she'd been tripping in the dark cave. She'd promised to try and keep in touch with them even after they'd had to part ways. When she returned home to the little hamlet in Nan Pass, she'd been determined to find a special herb. Her grandmother had told her about it and written it down in her notebook. But it required her to go to a mine where there were rumored to be bandits. A dangerous thing for a sickly girl. So her father had put a notice in the adventurer's guild. And several people had come to help her. She'd met Kota, and Almeida, a strange little purple creature, and Noelle and Sorieiel there. They made their way out to the cave where her grandmother had written about them. And they ended up running into trouble with an old family friend she hadn't even known about. He turned out to be Sorieiels slave master. Luckily they were able to make him leave without breaking out into a fight. Sorieiel was able to be free. But because she had no home, Aedrianna had her stay with her. Training her as an assistant.

They'd gone to the hot springs after defeating the giant bear. Where her father had told her he would go on a trip to discuss the freedom of Sorieiel with their old family acquaintance. He'd told her he'd be back within a fortnight. She'd decided to take the time to enjoy a taste of the life of an adventurer. Planning to start an adventure with Sorieiel and Noelle. Almeida and Kota had had to go on their own way. But she'd hoped to find them again one day. Along with Griffin. Planning to head towards Ryke, she and her friends had closed the shop up and headed out. That's when they ran into a strange young man named Kiercey. He seemed to be running from something, and as it turned out so was Sorieiel. The man she thought they'd managed to scare off had come back with a new ally. The whole situation had taken a dark turn for the worse. And it was a memory that she wished she could forget.

They made their way to Ryke, where they enjoyed the Fair in Caelia Barony.


  • [Isekai] [Born for This] [Mundane] [Healer] [Blossom Seeker] [Mother Hen] [Bugged] [Caster]


  • Frequenters of caravans, nomads are well-traveled individuals that have seen many different things. Having honed a few key trades to make a living while on the road, they are known for being knowledgeable of many different skills and trades. Mostly meeting with lower class folk, they easily fit in with the rabble in most places.

    Perk: Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.

    Shadow Wolves
    The character seems to have somehow gained the service of a pack of shadow wolves. They are able to be summoned with the use of an ability. There are 5.
    Str D
    Pre F
    Int F
    Vit E
    Spd E

    [Fighting Melee] Technique: Blight

    [Natural Weapons] F

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 401
Points Spent: 511
Points Not Spent: 2

Str- E
Pre - C
Int - C
Vit - D
Spd - D
Char Grade - D

  • [Magic] D- Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc. (Born For This)
  • [Affinity: Light] F - This affinity gives basic control over element of light. Does not replace the need for other skills, but enables basic usage. Changes base damage type of offensive spells to type of Element chosen.
  • [Affinity: Shadow] F- This affinity gives basic control over element of shadow. Does not replace the need for other skills, but enables basic usage. Changes base damagee type of offensive spells to type of Element chosen.
  • [Magic AoE] F - Character can impact a greater area with their magic. Any creature, including character and their allies will be effected by the spell if in the AoE. Affinities like Selective can be used to keep self and allies safe. - 50ft (15.24 M) radius
  • [Magic Targets] F - Character can select up to 10 extra targets to hit or spare for your spell, simultaneously
  • [Selective Magic] F - Character can shape or change the nature of their magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets. Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the magic aoe or magic range skill used in the ability. Note: Character must be able to see targets in order to spare them in a precise manner with selective.
  • [Magic Range] F - Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 30ft away
    F - 30ft (9.14 M) away
  • [Duration] F - Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic to last longer (1 Day at E Grade). Narrator decides how many posts a particular duration will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill. Spells/abilities that use this skill do not go on cooldown until the effect of the spell/ability has expired. This can lead to permanently tying up use of all abilities with the same grade for the duration of a roleplay. With the exception of permanent effects, most spell effects will end after an rp is over if not sooner.Note: Only used with magic based attacks. not with weapon based attacks. does not stack with self.
  • [Componentless] D - Character can perform magic without performing chants or gestures or requiring catalysts or some combination of the ability components. This also removes the restriction of not moving in the same post as casting spells. Grade of skill replaces grade of catalyst in effectiveness calculations for spells. (Born for this)
  • [Affinity: Non Lethal] D Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential
  • [Illusion] F In a space within 5ft (1.52 M) of the user, create illusory objects, creatures, or effects within a 5ft cube space (0.14 M). Illusions last until the start of the user's next round post. The creations may mimic sight, sounds, temperature, and smells of genuine articles but not to the point of causing damage or sickness.

    Illusions may be animated and moved as an action on caster's turn so long as Illusions persist. The caster must remain within the casting range of illusions and have line of sight on it to do so. Physical contact with an illusion shows it is fake. Intelligence based and sensory based abilities may be used to discern the truth of illusions.
  • [Control Environment] F - Grants character ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions. This does not prevent the character from taking damage when directly exposed to hazards like fire, magma, sub zero ice, etc. This cannot be used to rip all the air out of a space or drown areas in moisture by itself.
  • [Fast] F - Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
    F - 2x base movement
  • [Special Movement: Speedburst] (14)
    Character has the ability to move character's base movement is enhanced for a brief time. 5x base movement for 14points. Can stack with fast skill. Does not stack with Jump skill.Grade of skill can typically overcome the challenges and hazards of same grade as deemed appropriate by narrator. The following is a list of examples and not a completed list of possibilities.

  • [Healing] D - You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
    F - basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
    E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
    D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present[/B]
  • Regeneration] F - Character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed or the body is destroyed. This includes regrowing severed appendages immediately. Character regains all their HP after a cooldown on Regeneration expires. The cooldown on regeneration begins as soon as the character takes damage. Cooldown on regeneration shrinks as the regeneration skill is upgraded. Out of combat, the cooldown only applies at narrator discretion.

    F - 6 posts
  • [Barrier] F - Character has the ability to create force fields of magic, mind, substance or some other means that prevents easy passage. Default form of barrier is a sphere centered on a singular medium sized anchor point (one creature or object no larger than medium size). Acts as a perfect wall to prevent things leaving the bubble or entering the bubble without first destroying the barrier or including selective skill. Barriers may move when the anchor point moves. Otherwise, they are stationary.
    When active, the barrier is always visible and noticeable by default.
    Magic and other skills can further enhance the ability. Stationary barriers can be used as fortifications.
    While barriers may be any color , texture, or design, any form of significant decoration, concealment, or extra features will require other skills.
    Sufficient attacks or damage will destroy the barrier like any other overwhelmed defensive ability.
    Barrier has 2 modes:
    Defense - when barrier is used as part of a defensive action, the barrier does not add anything extra to the defense beyond its skill grade same as any other skill in producing an ability.
    Standard - when barrier is used outside of combat or when not being actively attacked, the barrier is anchored to an object and has the HP based on the formula above. C intelligence + D catalyst + D barrier = 10hp[/B]

  • [Appraisal] F (Isekai) -
  • [Inspire] F - Regardless of how, you invigorate your allies and/or those under your charge. On their next post after being inspired by character, they gain a +1 effectiveness per grade of Inspire to actions relating to the goal given by the character that used this skill. Narrator discretion who all can be inspired at once and whether their actions after merit the bonus granted. Ability doesn't work on creatures that do not understand the character using the skill or cannot hear the character. Outside of combat, the effects of the skill may be permitted to last longer than a post at narrator discretion. Inspire may not be applied to self.[/B]
  • [Gear: Alchemists Gear]F - A skill to quickly acquire items and equipment with specialized behavior. Common examples are toolkits with suites of items generally associated with other skills and basic consumables like thrown weaponry/poisons/bombs. Useful for larger or pricier items that don't count as everyday purchases but are not special enough to warrant individual entries in rules or specific point costs. Raising Gear skill raises grade of item(s). Useful for making mundane items have mechanical impact.[/B]
  • [Skill Loan] F - Character can touch a target and for one of their posts, allow them to use one of your skills up to F-grade for one post. Ex: Bob loans Tim his F-grade teleport skills so Tim can warp past the gate. Grade of skill lent can be equal to or less than the skill loan grade.
  • [Language: Beastial] F - Beastmen language. Emphasis on R and O sounds. Can be mistaken as a series of growls and rumbles. Gestures are commonly part of the language to better convey emotion. Countries like the Republic prefer this language to Common for its discipline of self in communication. Others like West Empire prefer it as a more natural way of speaking to their kind and a showcasing of the Beastman Superiority. Each kind of beastman has a unique dialect more specific to their particular kind's form of communication. (ex: snakemen have a shared dialect with other serpent beastmen that's different to canine clans)[/B]
  • [Alternate Identity] F Per grade of skill, the character has created and pulls off using an identity different from their own. This identity is a combination of visual and title changes for the character. When taking this skill, the rp'er must determine the name, description, and titles (including criminal ones) associated with the identity. Racial titles could be whatever, but the base character's physical dimensions and features (like tail and wings) will not disappear. The identity grade dictates how well it holds up to scrutiny by creatures and items of varying other grades. Alternate Identity may also be used to dictate what is viewed by magic items and skills like Appraisal so long as the skill is actively being used when such items or skills are used on the character.

    Name: Hikari Nozomi
    Description: A young woman around her early twenties. With bright blue eyes and long black hair, that seems to shimmer and sparkle with a blue and purple starlight hue in the light.
    Titles Assosciated:
  • [Lucky] E - Character can choose to have a good outcome as the result of a post they made. Ex: Jack lobs a fireball into a bandit camp. Due to Lucky, the fireball which would normally not be able to affect the entire camp had its effective range expanded due to hitting an explosive reserve stored in the camp.

    Mechanically, it will also add 1 or more points to character's effectiveness score in performing an action that uses Lucky as part of the action. Ultimate amount of good outcomes and mechanical benefits is left to narrator discretion. At a minimum, their action should avoid worst outcome. Easiest way to handle this may involve adding in mechanical +1 for any narrative situations that may be possible to go in the character's favor.

    F - 2 Posts per rp
    E - 4 Posts per rp
  • [Deception] F - The ability to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or through actions. This deception can encompass everything from misleading others through ambiguity and fast-talking, to telling outright lies.
  • [Persuasion] F - The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.
  • [Seduction] F - A character with this Skill is adept at exploiting their sex appeal. Whether or not the target of this skill responds will depend on their own romantic inclinations and sexual preferences.

  • [Alchemy] F - The Character has knowledge of chemical formulae and processes to manipulate and transform liquids, solids, and gasses.[/B]
  • [Business] E - The ability to organize, run, and understand part or all of a business organization (including governments and associations). This Skill is also useful for recruiting and retaining employees.[/B]
  • [Empathy] F - The ability to understand, detect, and interpret the emotional state of people nearby, without having their experiences communicated explicitly.
  • [Leadership] F - The talent of having inspirational visions and goals, and communicating them effectively to others. The objective is to motivate and rally others to adopt and work towards those objectives as well. Narrator discretion who this affects if anyone. Is generally used to keep character motivated and united to the task at hand. Refer to Inspire skill for mechanical benefits.[/B]
  • [Medicine] F - Knowledge of how to diagnose and heal the body using a variety of techniques. Not to be confused with the Healing skill, this skill is for more mundane forms of healing and/or medical diagnosis.[/B]
  • [Nature] F - The ability to recall lore about terrain, plants and animals, the weather, and natural cycles.[/B]
  • [Performance: Singing] E - The ability to perform well before an audience and to evoke an emotional response through one of the following forms of art: music, dance, acting, or storytelling. Greater the skill grade, the larger the audience and more varied their composition that will be impacted by the character's skills.
  • [Etiquette] F - The knowledge of the customary codes for polite, proper, and inoffensive behavior in social settings. Having this skill generally gives the character a pass on socially troubling behaviors that are not illegal but would otherwise leave a bad impression.
  • [Disguise] F - The ability to change one’s personal appearance in an attempt to deceive others.

  • Healing Lullaby - [Magic] D, [Magic AoE] F, [Magic Targets] F, [Selective Magic] F, [Healing] D, [Performance: Singing] E, [Componentless] D, [Light Affinity] [Magic Circle]- Grade D, Cool Down= 2 Posts. Character sings a song and a warm light spread around her. Healing those that can hear her song.
  • Inspiring Cheer - [Leadership] F, [Performance: Singing] F, [Inspire] F, [Magic] D, [Magic AoE] F, [Selective Magic] F [Magic Circle] Grade D, Cool down = 2 posts Character gives a short and sweet chant to inspire their friends to be lucky(Dex).
  • Potion Boost - [Alchemy] F, [Inspire] F, [Gear: Alchemists Kit] F, [Magic] D, [Magic Target] F, [Selective Magic] F. [Magic Duration] F - Grade D, Cool Down = 2 posts: Character gives another character a potion to help boost their Str.
  • Singers Respite - [Barrier] F, [Healing] D, [Componentless] D, [Magic] D, [Selective magic] F, [Magic AoE] F, [Light Affinity] F , [Magic Duration] F [Magic Circle]- Grade D, Cool down = 2 Posts: Character stands and hums, a barrier of light erects around them and heals those within the area.
  • Tender Love - [Skill Loan] F, [Magic] D, [Selective Magic] F, [Regeneration] F, [Componentless] F, [Healing] D - Grade D Cooldown = 2 posts: Character gives a tender kiss on the forehead to begin a healing regenerative process in the target.

  • [Catalyst:Grans Amulet] D

Change Log:
  • [Date of Creation: Nov 1, 2023]
  • 40 pts "Nest Door Neighbors"
    Gained [Bugged]​
  • 7 Pts Feb23 Event
  • 64 Pts "Skythorn Blossom"
  • 25 Pts "Runaway Singers"
  • 7 Pts "March23 Event"
  • 7 Pts "June23 Event"
  • 22 Pts "Seiki Heiwa"
    Gained [Mother Hen]​
  • 35 Pts "Rambling Rover"
  • 105 Pts "Alls Fair in this fair fair"
  • 18 Pts "Salvage and Steam"
  • [Full Scoop Token] 11/03/2024 - When used, character is permitted to be fully scooped. This allows all earned points to return to the unspent condition and all skills/abilities/stats/equipment to be lost. While assets and titles worth points can be similarly cashed in, it should be noted that doing so would destroy the character's connections with this thing to make it like they or the character never existed to the other. Token may be used only once.
  • 11/03/2024: Purchase - [Str] E 7 pts, [Pre] C 21 pts, [Int] C 21 pts, [Vit] D 14 pts, [Spd] C 21 pts, [Catalyst: Grans Amulet] D 21 pts, [Magic] D 21 pts, [Affinity: Light] F 7 pts, [Affinity: Shadow] F 7 pts, [Magic AoE] F 7 pts, [Magic Targets] F 7 pts, [Selective Magic] F 7 pts, [Magic Duration] F 7 pts, [Componentless] D 63 Pts, [Healing] D 21 pts, Regeneration F 7 pts, [Gear: Alchemist Kit] F 7 pts, [Language: Beastial] F 7 pts, [Alchemy] F 7 pts, [Business] F 7 pts, [Empathy] F 7 pts, [Leadership] F 7 pts, [Medicine] F 7 pts, [Nature] F 7 pts, [Performance: Singing] E 14 pts, [Etiquette] F 7 pts, [Fast] F 7 pts, [Barrier] F 14 pts, [Appraisal] (Isekai) 0 pts, [Skill loan] F 21 pts, [Inspire] F 42 pts
  • 03/16/2025: Add 64 pts
    Add 7 pts
    Purchase: Illusion F 21 pts, Disguise F 7 pts, Alternate Identity F 7 Pts, Control Environment F 7 pts, Lucky E 14 pts, Persuasion F 7 pts, Seduction F 7 pts, Deception F 7 pts,
Last edited:
Kōmori Fukitsu
Event Character.png
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
As pacing allows
Discord Name: .saxon
Current RP: [Rotian Lands] The Freeze is coming! Go, go, go!
Goals: To become the sword diety
Equipped Titles: Fae, Ronin, Oni, mundane, Ryken Adventurer E, Anchor, Do-gooder, student of Oni Style E
Height: 5'7
Weight: 165 lbs
Backstory: Before she died was on her way to her graduation ceremony. She was a fairly typical student not really the best but not the worst either. She was fairly popular person never really wanting for friends or someone to talk to. But on the day that she died she took a detour from her normal route because she was going to be late to school. Well upon turning a corner she tripped on over a curb while eating some bread and died because she choked on the bread, and no one was around. Due to this fact she acts like she knows nothing of her previous life because of how embarrassed she is about her death.
Current Life: Born to a tribe of Oni that live in a secluded part of the Fae See, she was brought up to be a swordswoman by the tribe. Eventually, when she was old enough she left the village and attempted to make a name for herself. Though with a goal in mind, she hopes to ascend to the ranks of the divine.
Acquired Titles: Fae, Ronin, Oni, Ryken Adventurer E, Anchor, Do-gooder, student of Oni Style F
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 270
Points Spent: 371
Points Not Spent:
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - B (28)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - D (14)

D Grade
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)

Accurate E (14)
Vampiric E (28)
Aura E (Corruption) (14)
Selective E (14)
Area E (14)

Gain feature Initiative Attack - character's martial ethos gives them an edge when facing certain types of defenses to their abilities. Character attacks (not defenses) reduces defense ability contribution to a defense action by 1 per grade of Martial ethos when contested by its chosen initiative type. Character may not have more than 1 initiative type: | Attack | Block | Dodge |

Penetrate F (7)
Continuing F (7)
Range F (7)
Incurable F (7)
Contact F (7)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Heightened Sense F (Hearing, F)
  • Feature: Serrated Fangs/teeth (Cosmetic)
  • Feature: Horns (Cosmetic)
  • Appraisal D (Isekaier)
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Warfare F (7)
  • Superstrength E (28)
  • Slashing Resistance F (7)
  • Athletics F (7)
  • Insight F (7)
  • Magic F (Born for this Perk, Free)
  • Perk: Cleave - As long as you wield your melee weapon with two hands, all melee attacks can hit all creatures/objects within weapon reach without use of an ability.
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

  • Dark Continent Oni-Strike - Martial Ethos [Nodachi] Oni Style F, Fast F, Accurate F, Blight F (Corruption), Energized F - Kōmori delves deep into her being, bringing out the full power of her linage moving at speed, coating her blade in the corruption of her homeland and striking a target. Target's speed is reduced by 1 grade effectiveness- F Grade - 0 Post cooldown
  • Dark Continent Style Mitsubashi -Martial Ethos [Nodachi] Oni Style F, Fighting Style: Oni Nodatchi F, Accurate F, Blight F (Corruption), Penetrating F, Incurable F Energized F - Kōmori plunges her Nodachi into her targets armor attempting to drive her sword through it. Target's speed is reduced by 1 grade effectiveness and penatrates F grade items- F Grade - 0 Post cooldown
  • Dark Continent Style Hikigara -Martial Ethos [Nodachi] Oni Style F, Fast F, Accurate F, Blight F (Corruption), Energized F, Area F - Kōmori surges forward swinging her blade in a ft foot area around her, bathing the blade in corruption and striking a target. Target's Speed is reduced by 1 grade of effectiveness. - F Grade - 0 Post cooldown
  • Dark Continent Style Shinten -Martial Ethos [Nodachi] Oni Style F, Fighting Style: Oni Nodatchi F, Fast F, Blight F (Corruption), Aura F (Corruption), Area F, Continuing F, Selective F, Energized F - Kōmori bathes herself, and her weapon in corruption, using her weapon surging forward to strike a target. Corruption Aura and Blight last for 1 full round of combat. - F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Dark Continent Style Shigufumi -Martial Ethos [Nodachi] Oni Style F, Vampiric F, Range F, Accurate F, Energized F- Delivers an attack up to 10ft away to a single target healing herself from the attack. Target's speed is reduced by 1 grade effectiveness. - F Grade - 0 post cooldown
  • Dark Continent Style Rokana -Martial Ethos [Nodachi] Oni Style E, Fighting Style: Oni Nodatchi F, Super strength E, Blight E (Corruption), Aura E (Corruption), Accurate E, Continuing E, Slective E, Energized E - Kōmori brings the weight of her superstrength behind a single blow, bathing herself and her weapon in Corruption. Target speed is reduced by 2 grades, Aura and Blight continue for 2 rounds after contact. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown.
  • Dark Continent Style Shigutami -Martial Ethos [Nodachi] Oni Style E, Fighting Style: Oni Nodatchi F, Accurate E, Blight E (Corruption), Aura (Corruption), Penetrating E, Contact E, Continuing E, Incurable E, Energized E, Selective E - Kōmori brings fourth the corruption bathing herself and her blade in it before delivering a strike that leaves its mark. Target's speed is reduced by 2 grades of effectiveness, Blight Lasts 2 rounds after contact- E Grade - 0 Post cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • Nodachi C (28)
  • Heavy Armor D (21)

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
student of Oni Style F
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Link to scooped Character gained 132 points.
  • Acquired Titles: Oni, Fae, Ronin, mundane
  • Acquired Magic F (Born from this perk)
  • Spent 28 Points Strength F => B
  • Spent 21 Points Vitality F => C
  • Spent 7 Points Intelligence F => E
  • Spent 7 Points Speed F => E
  • Spent 7 Points Precision F => E
  • Spent 70 Points Weapon Mastery Nodatchi
  • Spent 7 Points Fast F
  • Spent 14 points Energized E
  • Acquired Feature skills Horns and Fangs (Cosmetic)
  • Acquired skill Apraisail D
  • Spent 7 Points Regeneration F
  • Spent 7 points Warfare F
  • Spent 7 Points Heightened Sense F (Hearing)
  • Spent 28 Points Superstrength E (600lbs)
  • Spent 14 points Nodatchi E
  • Spent 14 Points heavy Armor E
  • Created abilities: Dark Continent Oni-Strike, Dark Continent Style Hikigara, Dark Continent Style Shinten, Dark Continent Style Shigufum, Dark Continent Style Kaberin, Dark Continent Style Rokana

27 January 2024
  • Acquired 78 Points from [Isekai Hell] Not a Single Crumb
  • Acquired Optional title- [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
  • Acquired +1 Grade to Rep to Ryken Adventures Guild F
  • Spent 70 Points Weapon Master F => E
  • Spent 7 Points Intelligence E =>D
  • Spent 7 points Energized F => E

28 January 2024
  • Upgraded Tech cores and skills related to Dark Continent Style Rokana to E.
  • Created ability Dark Continent Style Mitsubashi
  • Created ability Dark Continent Style Shigutami
06 June 2024
  • Earned 60 points from Welcome to The Rubble!
  • Acquired optional title- [Do-Gooder] - character can't seem to help themselves but get involved in other people's problems. Npcs are quicker to take advantage of character's good nature and those truly in need will be quicker to ask character for help. No good deed goes unpunished. Perhaps helping others enough will result in a good harvest eventually.
  • Acquired optional title- [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
  • Acquired Title Ryken Adventurer E
  • Spent 7 points Slashing Resistance F.
  • Spent 7 points Athletics F.
  • Spent 7 points Insight F.
  • Acquired Anchor Title/Class
  • Acquired Perk: Cleave - As long as you wield your melee weapon with two hands, all melee attacks can hit all creatures/objects within weapon reach without use of an ability.
  • Spent 14 Points Nodachi E=> C
  • Spent 7 Points Heavy armor E => D
  • Spent 7 Points Precision E => D
  • Spent 7 points Speed E => D

  • Partial Scoop for Weapon Mastery
  • Gain asset/title [student of Oni Style F] - enables rps for student characters without need for an enrollment rp.
  • Spent 14 Points Martial Ethos Oni style E
  • Spent 14 points acquired Accurate E
  • Spent 28 points Vampiric E
  • Spent 14 points Aura E (Corruption)
  • Spent 14 points Selective E
  • Spent 14 Points Area E
  • Spent 7 points Fighting Style F Oni Nodachi
  • Spent 7 points Penetrate F
  • Spent 7 Points Continuing F
  • Spent 7 points Range F
  • Spent 7 points Incurable F
  • Spent 7 points Contact F
  • updated all abilities
28 DEC 2024
  • updated character art

03 JAN 2024
  • Updated current RP


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Lauren Linn - 'The Elven Engineer'
Lauren Linn (Faceclaim 4).jpg
Theme: Steampunk Music (Playground by Bea Miller)
Rp'er Name: ||-CinderRadcliff-||
Post Frequency: 3-4 times a month, maybe more frequently
Discord Name: CinderRadcliff#2805
Previous RP: (1x1 Tea Party) [The Republic - The Winter Cottage in the Foothills] After the Tempests [Grade Pending]
Current RP:
(??? - Widersia?) Into the Tunnel Against the Trumpet: Creator's Trials III
  • Short term goals:
    • Secure a source of steady income
    • Find suppliers that are cheap yet reliable
    • Gain notoriety with merchants both local and abroad
    • Strengthen her body and skills as much as possible
  • Long term goals:
    • Become the lord of her own domain
    • Recreate the artifact from her original world
    • Ensure that the 'Madman' is dead once and for all
Equipped Titles: Abomination (Parent Trees: Construct, Fae), Elf, Survivor
Class: Nomad
  • Racial Perks:
    • 'Born for These'
  • Class Perks:
    • 'Talented Friends' - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common, Elvish
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 217 Lbs
Backstory: Lauren was born and raised in another world undergoing a technological renaissance, living near the heart of her nations capitol city. She remembers her childhood fondly, as her parents worked in the same building and often took her with them - with various toys and books for her to entertain herself with in a formerly vacant office between both of theirs. They both worked as inventors, and they were very talented at their jobs as well. Thanks to their success they never had to struggle with finances, often taking her out to various parts of the city and enjoying their time away from work together. As she grew older and entered school she found herself fascinated with the marvels of technology, though what caught her attention in particular was an ancient artifact known as Pandora's Prism. Though no one knew what its original purpose was, their technology at the time allowed them to peer into other universes - with some of these windows into other realities being traversable by human feet. And so, her life's goal became as crystal clear as the Prism itself: To discover the secrets such an artifact holds, and to discover its true purpose.
Lauren committed her life towards this one goal, proving her knowledge in school and getting a full-ride scholarship into a prestigious university. She studied every college course she could to prepare for it, from a Doctorate degree in Quantum Physics to a Doctorate degree in Engineering, alongside various other diplomas to ensure they could successfully build up their work record. By the time she was in her 30s she began working with other scientists to discover the secrets of Pandora's Prism, and learning otherwise classified information about the artifact while working around it. Though she was the youngest of everyone there working on the project, she was the most devoted to uncovering its secrets. However, a freak accident brought her entire world crumbling down around her, as one of her coworkers noticed a small crack in one of the prism's many faces. As they gently touched it something oozed out of it, glowing a bright blue as it rapidly dissolved anything it dripped onto. As the emergency shield was put into place their coworker panicked and tried to escape, rapidly being consumed by the liquid as it began escaping the confines of its prison. Without much time to think she panicked and threw a wrench at the Prism, causing it to violently explode and violently rip apart the entire building.
Current Life: Lauren had first woken up inside of a dark room, with her head feeling fuzzy as she slumped out of bed and onto her feet. As the daylight started to illuminate the room some more she tried feeling her way around the room, though she could only feel anything from one of her arms - her body briefly freezing up as she took a few seconds to think. Her memories were fuzzy, but as she slowly approached a mirror she scanned her body over. Then again. After a slap to the face she started to shake, then screaming in horror and stumbling backwards. As she looked at her unfamiliar body she heard the sound of something hitting the ground and footsteps, quickly getting to her feet and jumping out of the window. Now in a new world with no idea of what to do, she's found herself on the run from the lunatic that replaced three of her four limbs and parts of her abdomen with mechanical parts.

  • Lauren's host was born to a Grave Elf mother and a human father, having been gifted the name of Lilan and inherited her fathers last name Wright. Both of her parents lived within the Grave Elves village her mother was born in, albeit with the residents heavily discriminating against her father. Lilans' home life wasn't much better, as both of her parents regularly got into heated arguments that sometimes turned to violence. By the time she felt like she was 6 years old the arguments got worse and more violent, with one night having her carefully sneak past her parents bedroom. She could only recall grabbing a blanket and her slippers, before silently opening the front door and leaving. The sight of snow and the chill of cold had initially cautioned her to turn back and return to bed, though the thought that she was the cause of her parents ceaseless screaming matches and the guilt that came with it heavily outweighed any hesitation she had. She ran from both her home and her village, wandering through the forest around her home without any direction to go. The numb of the cold gradually crept up her limbs as she continued her trek, the previously warm blanket growing colder and wetter the more she wandered through the forest. The previously light snowfall turned into a flurry of endless white, panic setting in as she ran in a futile attempt to escape it. Before she had blacked out she could faintly hear voices over the howling winds, a figure with a peculiar looking hat and coat slowly approaching her.
  • Lilan was now on what felt like the cusp of 10 years old now, with one less finger and a few less toes than when she was younger. She recalled looking up at her parents, who seemed to be getting along better than ever before her attention was drawn to her childhood friend. She ran up to him before they started chatting, seeing the person that had saved her off in the distance as she chatted with the other villagers. It seemed as if she was a former pirate turned adventurer, though circumstances seemed to have guided her to live within the neighboring village and help defend it from various threats. While she didn't know a lot about the adventurers life, she knew that the pirate also acted as her best friends mother-in-law. As Lilan grew older her parents started taking her over to her friends village more frequently as the discrimination in their own village grew worse, with both of them having grown more concerned about her safety. The memory of seeing their worry and regret still lingered, as since the incident they tried discussing their issues with each other in a more civil manner - having outright stopped their violent fights altogether. Their love for her became apparent after her first and only time running away from home...
  • Lilan felt like she was only 12 years old when her parents asked the pirate to take her with them, as they needed to move out of the village and they couldn't guarantee that they'd be safe while leaving the village behind. Despite her protests she was forced to join the pirate and her childhood friend on the lengthy trip to Ryke's capitol city, with the journey taking weeks to arrive. While staying in Ryken the pirate took this time to teach them the essentials of adventuring, awaiting the day they would reunite with her parents... But as the days turned to weeks and months her hope eroded away, the pirate trying their best to comfort her and cheer her up. It wasn't until years later that the pirate revealed the conversation they had with her parents - her parents asking them to take their daughter to the safety of Ryke, where the East Empire wouldn't be as likely to wage war on and invade. With the truth having been revealed to her and her friend, the two of them parted ways with the pirate and traveled from town to town. The two of them had plenty of fun together during their travels, though tensions between them grew to the point of their separation. And so she was all alone like that cold night in the forest so many years ago, wandering aimlessly for years until finally settling down far to the northern stretches of the continent.
  • Lilan felt like she had turned 17 when she stumbled across a massive ruin deep within the northern borders of the East Empire, the mostly intact exterior giving a sense of grandeur and elegance. As she had wandered inside cautiously the sight of many hundreds of thousands of books made her eyes sparkle with excitement, beginning her delve into the vast collection of knowledge before her. The accidental discovery lead to frequent visits to this ancient site, with each visit and reading session giving her more insight as to how old the ruins had existed for. Some books within its walls retold tales of events that happened many thousands of years ago, while others detailed more recent conflicts such as a tavern fight that broke out in Ryke during a harsh snowstorm. It felt as if someone was still keeping this ancient library up to date. It was during one particular visit to this sacred place that she stumbled upon another curious soul, an elf jotting down words onto empty pages inside of a book. As she approached the elf's ears seemed to twitch as he had heard her footsteps, turning his eyes away from the table and meeting her gaze.
  • Years worth of memories shared between Lilan and the fellow elf named Eins flew by, as the two of them frequently met in the library within the ancient ruin. While it was hard to filter out particular details in any given memory during this span of time, they all seemed to converge and weave a tale of day to day life within the ruins library. Her weekly visits to the library gradually gave way to multiple days a week, with the time spent inside of the library shifting from a few hours a day to half a day spent reading and chatting. And with each day that passed Lilan seemed to learn something new about Eins. She tended to frequent a spot of the ruin with a series of glass panels that mimics the appearance of a warm Ryken summer day, with the marble floors gradually giving way to grass too lively to be real and a massive hedge maze with a circular pavilion in the center of the maze. It was the one place she enjoyed reading the various books in the library the most, as the sight of Ryken projected into the far distance of this fake landscape brought back fond memories of her time living with the pirate adventurer in Ryke. One of her favorite memories of this room however was of the various settings the console within the pavilion had to mess with. The Fae See, the East Empire, Widersia - all of the nations of the current age had setting selections to choose from. A calm night in the Fae See during springtime, the eerily quiet aftermath of a desolate warzone during a cold and rainy autumn day in the East Empire, a frigid winter sunset deep in the northern borders of The Republic... All of these settings having been recorded and configured into the console by the unknown architect of the ruin itself, though she would never get a chance to find out.
  • By the time Lilan felt as if she was 30 years old she could recall many fond memories with Eins, with one of the many being married and a mother of five spirited children. Although all five had long since moved out of their own accord some time ago, they had still frequented often enough to keep the two of them company. However, the peaceful life that they had shared up until that moment changed as news of escalating conflict between the East Empire and the Fae See reached them, alongside a letter to Eins asking for his participation. Having once been a strategist for the Fae See prior to his journey across the continent in pursuit of knowledge, the request was more of a thinly veiled threat should he refuse to participate. The two of them discussed and argued about what they should do for a few days, though both ultimately decided it would be better to participate and remain on good terms than risk their own lives or their children's if they carried through on their threats. The two took one last day to write letters to their children and enjoy what might have been their last peaceful day in this world. As the sun rose the next morning the two departed from their home within the ruins, anxious for what may await them on the battlefield.
  • Lilans memories of the war were far from pleasant... She and Eins knew how cruel and unforgiving the East Empire was to elves of any allegiance, though those holding power within the Fae See weren't saints with the treatment of their soldiers either. She and Eins rarely had any time together due to the constant strategy meetings he was being pulled into, feeling the judgmental glares of her fellow elves giving her a bad feeling. As the days crept by and the tension between the two nations grew, the feeling that death would soon loom over the two of them grew slow and steady - finding herself increasingly paranoid of those around her. Worse yet were the nightmares she began to have, starting out as vague blurry silhouettes of people gathered around an object of ever changing colors. They grew more detailed and more frequent as the war rapidly approached... A blasphemous gemstone doomed to violently shatter and kill anyone unfortunate enough to be too close, with one victim in particular always being the primary focus. Certain details became apparent the longer the nightmares went on, such as the room the gemstone was held in was painted entirely white, most of the furniture and equipment in the room looked significantly more advanced than the technology of Widersia, all of the people working around the gemstone were human... And the images within the gemstone itself became clear enough to see without blur. As the gemstone in yet another nightmare violently exploded prismatic flames and bent light around it as it shattered, she witnessed the woman with silver hair and eyes gradually having their skin burnt off. Yet this time was different. As beneath the fair skin of the woman was skin far more tan, the horrific feeling of watching the woman become another person entirely immediately snapped her out of her nightmare. The person the woman in the dream transformed into was her. It was only after awaking from that nightmare that they finally began to subside, but the thought that the woman from her nightmares would become her stuck around in the back of her head.
  • The last of Lilan's coherent memories was on the battlefield against the East Empire, right after their initial attack. Every part of her body hurt as she felt lightheaded from blood loss, with her arm and both of her legs mutilated beyond what most people with healing magic could recover. Eins sat beside her as she tried to tell him how much she loved him, though she struggled to even move her mouth. As she gradually fell into a comatose state, she felt as if she was trapped within her own body... And much to her horror, she witnessed as Eins fell apart out of grief. He dragged in the bodies of East Empire soldiers and experimented on them, gradually replacing his own body with more and more metal and machinery in an attempt to breath back life into the various corpses he routinely experimented on. Even she wasn't safe from his experiments, as it was right before he completely lost his sanity that he tore apart parts of her flesh and fused them with mechanical limbs similar but fundamentally different from his. It was only after Eins completely lost his sanity that he cut off his own head, the machinery around him swiftly augmenting his corpse with a custom built head filled with all of his knowledge and hatred of the East Empire - awakening the weapon built specifically to eradicate the East Empire. As the head of her former lover rolled underneath of her bed, Lilan sensed the presence of another mind entering her body... And that was when she had first met Lauren Linn.
Acquired Titles:
  • Abomination (Parent Trees: Construct, Fae)
  • Construct
    • Note: Acquired using Feature F [Mixed Race]
  • Fae
  • Elf
  • [Educated]
  • [Survivor] - You have seen and experienced terrible events, being lost even. You have clawed your way out of the pits of death, to people they see you as a strong person, a survivor.
  • [Eely] - when in doubt, zap it out
  • [Fisherman's Friend] - character helped out a fisherman once. That fisherman may have a fish for them the next time they see them.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 254
Points Spent: 350
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - D
Precision - C
Intelligence - C
Vitality - B
Speed - D
  • Feature F [Elf Ears] - 0 Points
  • Feature F [Mechanical Limbs] - 0 Points
    • Note: Trait of the Abomination Title
  • Feature F [Mixed Race] - 7 Points
  • Feature F [Catalytic Augment] - 14 Points
  • Feature E [Rigid Plating] - 14 Points
  • Feature F [Superconductive Wiring] - 0 Points
  • Feature F [Electrical Motors] - 0 Points
  • Feature F [Motorized Rollerblade Heels] - 0 Points
  • Special Movement F [Motorized] - 7 Points
  • Special Movement E [Parkour] - 14 Points
  • Fast E - 14 Points
  • Steady Hands F - 7 Points
  • Attentive Student D - 21 Points
  • Educated E - 14 Points
    • Academia E
    • Engineering E
    • Physics E
  • Barrier F - 14 Points
  • Regeneration E - 7 Points
    • Note: Bought using the 'Born for These' perk of the Construct Title
  • Resilient E - 14 Points
    • Aging
    • Fatigue/Exhaustion
  • Energized E - 14 Points
  • Magic E - 14 Points
    • Note: Bought using the 'Born for These' perk of the Fae Title
  • Componentless Magic F - 21 Points
  • Selective Magic F - 7 Points
  • Spell Duration F - 7 Points
  • Acrobatics F - 7 Points
  • Athletics F - 7 Points
  • Artisan E - 14 Points
    • Tinkerer
  • Focus F - 21 Points
  • Minions F - 0 Points
    • Note: Acquired through the [Nomad] Class perk 'Talented Friends'
Starting Points: 77 (21 extra from reduced stats)

Strength - H
Precision - D
Intelligence - E
Vitality - G
Speed - D

Feature [Small]
Feature [Lightweight Carbon-Fiber Wings]
Feature [Metallic Feathers]
Feature [Robotic Owl]

Feature [360 Degree Vision] F - 7 Points
Heightened Sense [Vision] F - 7 Points
Flight F - 21 Points
Fast F - 7 Points
Quality of Life Abilities:
  • Basic Robotics - Artisan F [Tinkerer] + Engineering E + Physics E + Energized E - Lauren can use her extensive knowledge from her past life to build or repair many different types of machines. It does take awhile to do so however. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
  • Overdriven - Fast E + Special Movement F [Motorized] + Special Movement E [Parkour] + Acrobatics F + Athletics F + Energized E - Using the Motorized Rollerblades built into her heels, Lauren can now traverse considerably faster over a vast array of obstacles with grace and precision. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
Combat Oriented Abilities:
  • Electrostatic Pulse - Physics E + Magic E + Componentless Magic F + Energized E - Using her control of mana, Lauren amplifies the electrical signals throughout her entire body, before channeling the electricity accumulated into her next action or attack. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
  • Holographic Great-Shield - Feature F [Catalytic Augment] + Magic E + Componentless Magic F + Selective Magic F + Spell Duration F + Barrier F + Energized E - Using the Catalyst built into her arm alongside her magic, Lauren can project a barrier in front of herself. This barrier is shaped to look like a great shield and is anchored to her arm, allowing it to move alongside her until the duration expires or until the barrier is broken. - Grade E - 0 Post cooldown
  • Natural Catalyst F
    • Note: Originates from Feature F [Catalytic Augment]
  • Natural Armor E
    • Note: Originates from Feature E [Rigid Plating]
  • Enchanted Cloak F - Special Effects: [Undetected F (Vision)] - Grants Momentary Invisibility To The User.
    • Boon: Upon use of the cloak the user receives a friendly letter from an unknown sender stroking their ego.
    • (Acquired from 'The White Elephant' gift exchange event of 2024)
  • [Letter of the Heart] Grade: E - (Magic – Instant Communication Across Any Distance)
    • Effect: Two magical sheets of parchment. You may give one to any character or NPC in a roleplay. And be able to write back and forth and communicate regardless of distance. Both sheets return to the original owner when the roleplay ends.
    • (Acquired from 'Valentines Letters' event of 2025)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Artisan tools [Job type: Tinkerer] - Tools include screwdrivers, hammers, thread needles, etc.
  • Handwritten notes
  • Diaries
  • Winter Cottage Map - Leads to a cottage that is warm and cozy year round. - Grade E(USED)
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Capture.PNGCozy Retreat 1.jpg
    • Acquired from use of 'Winter Cottage Map' Item
Change Log:
  • 11-3-23
    • Character Sheet Completed/Approved
  • 11-6-23
  • 1-30-24
  • 2-2-24
  • 2-18-24
  • 3-1-24
  • 3-16-24
    • Received 80 points from conclusion of 'Amidst the Memories' RP
    • Spent 21 points raising Precision and Intelligence stats from E to D, and Vitality from D to C
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Magic F to Magic E
    • Bought Feature F [Catalytic Augment] and Feature F [Rigid Plating] for 21 points
    • Bought Barrier F for 14 points
    • Bought Selective Magic F for 7 points
    • Bought Energized F for 7 points
    • Upgraded / Added abilities:
      • Added Energized F into Ability [Electrostatic Pulse]
      • New Ability [Holographic Great-Shield] added to list of abilities. E Grade ability, 1 Post cooldown
  • 5-3-24
    • Participated in May 2024 Event
  • 5-10-24
  • 5-28-24
    • Recieved 7 points from May 2024 Event
    • Bought Spell Duration F for 7 points
  • 7-7-24
    • Received 105 Points from 'Shadowfen's Dungeon Dive' Conclusion
    • Spent 28 points raising Vitality from C to B, Intelligence from D to C, and Speed and Strength from E to D
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Educated F to Educated E
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Feature F [Rigid Plating] to Feature E [Rigid Plating]
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Energized F to Energized E
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Resilient F to Resilient E (Acquired: Fatigue Resilience)
    • Bought Special Movement E [Parkour] and Special Movement F [Motorized] for 21 points
    • Bought Fast E for 14 points
    • Bought Acrobatics F and Athletics F for 14 points
  • 7-19-24
  • 9-3-24
  • 9-6-24
  • 10-1-24
    • Participated in October 2024 Event
  • 10-21-24
    • Received 48 Points from 'Otenzel: Tripodon Market' Conclusion
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Artisan F to Artisan E
    • Spent 7 points upgrading Attentive Student from E to D
    • Bought Focus F for 21 points
    • Bought Steady Hands F for 7 points
    • Bought Lucky F for 7 points
  • 10-28-24
    • Changed class from [None] to [Nomad]
    • Minions Skill acquired from 'Talented Friends' class perk
    • Minion Stats/Skills assigned
  • 10-31-24
    • Received 7 Points from October 2024 Event conclusion
    • Spent 7 points raising Precision from D to C
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