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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
You ded. Unfortunately you got murdered or pushed into the airlock because you was deemed suspicious...
But as your soul drifts in space, you find yourself in a void... Darkness spans forever onwards with just your soul giving off a faint light.
That is until red text appears before.
The red text explains that you have died and are giving the option to be reborn!
Your soul and all the memories you have acquired will inhabit a new body.
A Stronger body, one with more potential!
Not only that... you will be given a gift!

The catch?
This new world is called Aerth, and it is one of magic and monsters. You and twenty four others will appear randomly on this planet to compete.
Save Aerth
Destroy Aerth

Three options a respawned soul can take.
Work to save the world and destroy evil in its many forms...
Work to destroy the world and boast of your kill count to whoever is left alive...
Or... simply do what you want.

But one must destroy evil or become it if you wish to "win" and receive your reward. The reward being a wish granted from the gods themselves!
Put short this is a medieval fantasy with soft magic. Isekai meaning you came from another world.

You would play as one of twenty five reincarnated souls on Aerth given a gift from the gods and vague instructions with the promise of a wish if you succeed.

Players will receive a weapon or tool from the Gods as well as a unique power.
Most likely randomly chosen by me but if you suggest something that fits the narrative I'm open to letting you have it.

These two rp's require 5/6 people each with the potential to cross over.
As it's a group rp the characters would most likely join forces quickly and work towards a similar goal.
If you are into this please let me know below. Preferably let me know which motive your character will take.
Using their gift and power to...
Save the world!
Become the ultimate evil!
Or simply do whatever comes up in this new life.
This sounds interesting! I would like my character to want to be evil, but somewhere along, the lines get blurred- if that’s possible
I'd more or less force characters into groups, while it s probably more likely a "evil" person would go out of their way to seem nice and helpful towards others in the same situation, said situation will quickly determine if characters should go in group A or B

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