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Fantasy Isekai Aerth- Restag’s Song

The old man shook his head as if James had suggested something ridiculous, "I-i-i don't think that will work... The monkey has talent with music but. Well he has cursed mana... He-he might have charmed you already... why else you want to buy a monkey unless he used magic on you." The old man shook his head a final time
"Nope not safe. If you want a child go get one from the auction house"

Logan "uhhhs" and "ummms" as he wonders what's the go. Stupid monkey might have charmed them? Cursed mana didn't sound to good. "What do you mean cursed"

Old man shook his head once more "m-maybe not cursed... his bardic mana is different to others... he can change how you feel and think. So if you suddenly want to buy him he's already probably in your head. Can't trust him"
James chuckled and replied "That's exactly why I wish to buy him from you. He seems like a bit of a trouble maker. So, I figure that bringing him to the attention and care of the royal mages or maybe even Magi Ains would be prudent to make sure that his mana isn't used to hurt others, but to study and learn from. Sure, such mana could be used to trick people, but when used for good... well, it could be used to calm down a riot or stop a drunken bar brawl and bring some calm and peace to this city. What do you say, Shopkeep? You've worked so long and hard for the community. Let me help take a burden off you. I'll make sure that he doesn't cause any more problems for you or the community. After all, if there's anyone who can be trusted to handle such dangerous magic, it's Magi Ains."
The old man seemed cautious, there wasn't many in Restag who would casually name drop Ains. Despite James being particularly smooth the old man wouldn't budge on this, to much risk on himself not that he was about to explain all this to the men.

"If you come back tomorrow and feel the same I'll believe you. If not I'll know this monkey was trying to trick us! that will result in punishment... but I need a new cane."
The monkey boy was more curious then anything but wasn't about to draw attention. He kept a quiet eye on the unfolding events as his fingers plucked strummed and tapped.

"You bring me two hundred gold tomorrow and you can take the boy where ever and to whoever... but I can't trust what you say today. You heard his music"
The old man rubbed his bruised leg and scratched arms. Monkey smiled a tad as the old man groaned in pain.

Logan waited but Kull had left already.
"I have to agree with the old man. Can't imagine you wanting a child unless he planted the idea there. Do you feel different or funny? I admit the boys music was beautiful, but I feel no different. Actually... I want to play a battle-lute"

Was it magic? Or was it simply inspiration to try a creative outlet himself. Either way the old man makes money if Logan was to be a customer.
James nodded and replied "Deal, see you tomorrow, Shopkeep." As he urged Logan to keep walking as it did seem like James did indeed find another bardic magic user. More importantly, his ability was fascinating too. The ability to charm others like a snake charmer. James wanted to learn quickly, but at the same time he didn't want to be too pushy. The Old Man took out his angry on the young child. If James was too pushy then he feared that Tarot would be hit even more. Thus, James set off to explore the roads a bit now that it was day time and those... demons that Kull talked about wouldn't be around. James needed to train more and fight a bit of a tougher opponent. Not to mention that he needed to make a bit more gold to reach 200 coins. He hoped to find more monsters and beasts around the area to fight and loot.
After a decent look around and vague explanation of what was seen, Logan gave some advice to make money. "If we use some of that gold you have to hire some labour and maybe a artefact for me or Kull, you could bring back some giant crab to sell to the restaurants."
This would easily make enough money to buy a slave and even a instrument or two.

Some men to carry the crabs back, ten gold a head- danger pay as well as travel
A magic artefact however ranges in price, a staff of thunder is easily more then hundred gold. A dagger of piercing is cheaper, but as James can only wield his God given weapon it seems pointless to buy Logan a magic weapon, a God given weapon has more potential then any artefact, it's just a matter of when...

Logan seems confident in killing a giant crab if it's just one against three. Not that Kull has used any magic aside from his staff, one assumes he has combat ability however as he was never once flustered the entire time James and Logan fought horned wolves.
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James considered the idea. It was a bit expensive, but based on what Logan said, the crab was worth its weight in gold, literally. He nodded at the idea. "Well, if I spend 50 gold to get 5 guys to help us carry the stuff, then between the three of us. I think we can make this work. I'll distract and blind the crab from the front. You know, poke its claws with the halberd and get its attention on me, fire a burst of light when it's looking at me with its eyes. Then, you and Kull can attack it from behind. Maybe flip it from the back? The bottom of the crab shell has a lot of joints and soft parts, so it shouldn't be too hard to penetrate it. Hell, I've seen videos... err... people rub the bottom of crabs and put them to sleep. So they have to be pretty sensitive there, right? Anyways, once you flip it from the back, I can step on its pincers, and you can try to rub its stomach to see if it really works. We'll have REALLY fresh crab to sell then! But if you're not feeling confident, then just stab it and put it out of its misery."

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Logan literally turned pale as James explained his plan. " You.. aim to step on a crabs claw? Those pincers break steel James... my plan was to shoot arrows and fire at the beasts eyes and face and you swing that God given weapon to remove it's limbs"

Kull turned back in surprise, a odd expression on the man. But putting a crab to sleep by rubbing it's underside? The mage seemed to be lost in thought "I've never heard this title, videos... these people, have you learned other bits of knowledge from them you wish us to try and attempt?"
Logan looked at the mage with some skepticism but stayed quiet.
"I'll have you know I have no intention of helping you buy a monkey, I will observe and intervene should you face danger and I deem it necessary to do so. But I am not a set of hands you can order about as you see fit. Hire beastkin if you wish to test out theories... Perhaps dra-"
"Ok ok stop that"

Kull made a small huff but did stop, Logan spoke quickly in hopes of avoiding a argument
"I'll go fetch my equipment... If we ask Kull instead of ordering him perhaps he can show you where to find some hands for hire haha.. I'll meet you by the gates, I'll wait until you arrive so don't leave without me"
He gave a small grin to both men as he turned and began to sprint.
James looked at Kull and shrugged as he spoke "They weren't orders. Merely some ideas and suggestions. But, if the crabs indeed are that dangerous, then perhaps Logan's suggestion is for the best. Just the methodical removing of the crabs' limbs until it cannot fight or run away. Simple and straightforward. Might be easier to take out their pincers by flipping them over from the back. Either way, we're going to need some folks to help us carry all the crab meat back here. Know anyplace or people that we can hire for today as some laborers? Or, perhaps, you have another idea or suggestion that might work out better?"
Kull grumbled at the other two men but as was asked the mage led James to a building near the slums. It wasn't long before a score of men tried drawing attention to themselves. With claims like "I can do any job!" "I have a bow" "I've hunted crabs before..." "I have lightning mana!!" "My brother owns a cart!"

All seemed to need the coin, they are dressed somewhat scraggly but all those assembled looked capable of manual labour. To say none were cripples or in terrible physical shape/condition.
After picking some men and fetching the cart Bobels brother owned. As well as hiring another cart.

A motley crew is assembled by the gates. Logan waved to get their attention. He had his bow and arrows as well as a decent bastard sword on his back, after learning names and exchanging of some ground rules...

Only one of the hired hands is confident to fight monsters or crabs, the others are more likely to flee or fight only when forced. These men are only here to help move crab. Draig says he will assist Logan in firing arrows, but he isn't going near any live crabs...
It was a long trip, wolves attacked along the way, but Draig James and Logan are able to put down any that came close enough, Six horns taken.

As they reached the beach they could see what looks like boulders moving. Getting closer revealed how big these crabs are. As Logan said many stood a bit over a meter tall, some slightly larger then that. They seem to be scuttering from the water digging into the sand to hide somewhat.
As luck would have it, one crab is dug into the sand poorly by itself. It's large shell and claw exposed. It's face was towards the ocean meaning no clear shot.

"What ya wanna do boss?" Draig asked bluntly scratching at his beard. He counted five easy to spot crabs half a kilometre away, and one lonely crab much closer.
James was a little uncertain about some of the claims that some of the hired hands were claiming, but then again he only needed help to carry the crabs back to the city. As long as they can carry stuff, James didn't really see much of an issue. Thus, with the crew ready, they all set off to the gates to meet up with Logan. Arriving at the beach, there seemed to be some moving boulders. Not as big as James thought they would be, but big enough where James knew getting caught in its pincers would not be pretty.

"Well, it's back is toward us and that's the one spot it can't reach. So, I'm going to give it a nice little knock on its shell to wake it up. It's probably going to dig itself out and then turn to face us. While it turns, I'm going to turn with it and knock out its legs while trying to stay behind it. You guys keep firing arrows to keep it confused, and I'm just going to keep working at it's legs and limbs to take them out until it can't hurt us. Sound like a plan?" James replied as he wielded his halberd and got ready to walk up to the crab to hit the back of its shell with his halberd. He then bent over to pick up a small rock. It was a little bit strange to see a crab by itself like that, so he would toss the rock into the path that he was about to take, just to make sure there weren't any nasty surprises buried under the sand in front of him.
The rock sank into the sand slightly, nothing nasty seemed to be hiding or planned. However when James was within striking range with his halberd (if approached fast or slow)
The giant crab rises.
A grand sight to behold this creature stood well over a meter, it was missing a claw however, this crab was wounded. It ran to the side quickly and turned to face James with his one massive claw. Easily bigger then a man's torso, if caught it would most likely crush and tear anything. For whatever reason the weapon in James hands fills him with confidence... it was stronger then crab shell surely, the only danger is to himself or being disarmed.

This crab was on guard, it's two black eyes fixated on James, as two arrows fly at its bubbling face! One missed bouncing harmlessly away, but the other lands in its mouth, propping it open unable to close. The crab began trying to claw the arrow out unsuccessfully. Thrashing it's claw moving side to side erratically.
Another two arrows fly but miss in a sad fashion, bouncing off harmlessly...

The other crabs don't seem to notice or care.
"Oh boy" James muttered to himself. James wielded his halberd and quickly stabbed the sand then flicked the halberd to send some sand flying at the crab's eyes. He swiftly followed up by running towards the side of the crab that was missing a claw and swiping at the crab's legs with the halberd to try and knock its legs out and make it immobilized. Then, he prepared a burst of light to blind the crab once more and to keep working on the crab's limbs while the arrows continued to distract and bother the crab.
It was intense for a moment to get close enough, the sand unfortunately missed it's mark as the crab was moving. But as distance is judged and reach is established James is able to hack a leg from the giant crippled crustacean.

Logan and Draig moved closer with arrows ready for a shot. But James soon found trouble as the claw moved for him instead of attempting to remove the arrow from its face. Instead the arrow snapped as it's mouth?
(They have flap like things dunnit?)
Closed painfully and proceeded to bubble in agitation. It rushes James in a fast desperate measure, perhaps that bright flash saved the heros life this day...

The crab's claw would surely snap a normal weapon. Blocking with the halberd was the only option as it moved to fast to retreat. Catching the shaft of the weapon the crab forces James onto his back with it's strength pushing the God sent soul into the sand as it tried to break what is in its grasp.

Draig and Logan are able to land arrows in the face area, a black eye no longer where it used to be made the crab reel backwards in shock.

The crab seemed pissed off and scared. Probably the most dangerous state for a animal...
James exhaled and breathed deeply as he didn't know how the hell he managed to keep a hold onto his weapon while the crab tried to snap it in half. But a few arrows flew true and struck the crab in its face, forcing it to take a few steps back. James quickly got up from the sand and took a few steps back. He couldn't afford to get pinned down like that again. That said, the crab was pretty seriously injured at this point. It took an arrow to its mouth, was missing a leg, and now lost one of its eyes. It was like a cornered snake, a dangerous situation. James didn't think that pressing forward would be the best idea at this point since the crab was likely getting desperate. So, James continued to slowly back off to give the crab some space to continue to back off further down the beach. It was a tactic that the Mongols and many armies in the past used. Instead of completely surrounding an enemy, they let a small gap form to let the enemy think that they had a chance to run away instead of having to fight for their life. Thus, while the enemy ran, the Mongols hunted them down with their swift horses.

James saw himself is a similar position. The crab would fight desperately if he pressed on. So, James figured that letting the crab try to flee would be prudent. It was missing a leg AND bleeding from numerous serious wounds. It wouldn't be able to run away quickly, and given enough time... the crab would become weaker until it passed out from the blood loss. Besides, man was the ultimate endurance hunter. There was no creature on earth that could continue to run as long as a human. Thus, relying on those numerous factors, James made a strategic move to give the crab some space to attempt to run away while he held his halberd up and ready.
This crab had no strategy apart from self preservation, given a moment to retreat it tried to. Scuttering backwards towards the water while arrows chased it down.
The other crabs visible on the beach seem docile or uninterested in the whole affair.
James would find many suitable chances to finish the beast before it returned to deeper water, but the important question is would they attempt killing more? Fresh crabs in a group is harder then one wounded by itself.

James might feel though, that his weapon could cripple these crustaceans. The way it stood unscathed to the claw of such a monster makes it seem tougher and durable then anything else. If he was to pierce the brain or lop off limbs of a few crabs he could make a small fortune and be renown as local hero.

But at least four are visible in a bit of a cluster, Some could be buried or behind actual rocks.

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