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Fantasy Isekai/Aerth characters: karma's song



More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Post sheets here please, if you have questions please ask me elsewhere as I want to keep this neat und tidy.
Race/appearance/notable features:
Equipment/tools/weapons: (only applies for Aerth born characters)
Talents/skills/flaws: (only applies for Aerth born characters)

God given weapon: (only applies for isekai characters)
God given power: (only applies for isekai characters)

For Aerth born characters you can make up any town country etc you like but know I may ask you edit or change something.
You are only allowed one type of mana. Think avatar bending or boku hero quirks. Mana is a energy source that allows you to perform whatever magic that mana suits. Fire mana= firebending
Enhancement mana= all might etc etc

God given powers and weapons cannot be doubled. There is only one of each... as there is many types of swords there is a bit of variance there. So to let you all know katana and the varying sizes are taken.
Buster sword is taken. (Think monster Hunter or cloud)
Shortsword/long sword is taken
(generic fantasy sword like all the people in elder scrolls have)

If you have a sword that doesn't remind you of what's mentioned above you may be able to have it
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Name: Randolf Bernhard
Age: 19
Race/appearance/notable features:
A 5'9" human, Randolf's bristling, short, dark hair contrasts starkly with his fair skin and piercing green eyes. From one side of his neck to the other stretches a long scar; a mark he prefers to hide whenever possible. This is usually accomplished with a bandana, its color matching his eyes.
Mana: Earth mana. Dirt, sand, and even stone can be bent to Randolf's will.

God given weapon: A pale, metallic spear made of some unknown material.
God given power: Flesh and Mortar
Randolf can repair the bodies of living creatures with soil, mud, or clay. The earth will assume the functions of whatever body parts it replaces. Areas healed this way will slowly become true living tissue again over days or weeks.
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More to add like pictures but this is a general idea.
Name: Kan Ibis

Age: 24

Race/appearance/notable features:
human male, 5ft8 short messy brown hair beard. Green eyes blank stoic face.
Mana: poison/venom. Using mana Kan can produce poison in various states and forms. Solid liquid or gas. With the use of mana Kan has a resistance to most venom etc

God given weapon: Kiseru- battle pipe. A bit longer then a meter, it is a blunt weapon that looks like a majestic wooden peace pipe.
(That shape but wooden and more a baseball bat size)

God given power: Presence of Despair
If a living creature feels fear despair or hopelessness because Kan is present in the immediate area they are susceptible to his commands and suggestions.
For example. If bob is scared of Kan and Kan screams "RUN!!" Bob will flee the area.
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Name: Phorcis Thorn
Age: 21
Race: Half-elf
Phorcis is a fairly tall half-elf, standing at 5’11. He keeps his auburn hair tied up in a ponytail. A dark-colored headband wrapped around his forehead casts a shadow on his face, obscuring his gentle green eyes. His attire consists mostly of green slim-fitting shirts and pants—so excess fabric isn’t snagged—and dark-brown leather gloves and boots. His armor is a combination of a quilted, padded jacket to soften strikes to the gut and a hard leather chest-piece to protect his heart and lungs. He occasionally wears a midnight-green cloak, especially when anticipating a storm.

Projectile division magic - a simple transmutation that splits a launched or thrown projectile (such as an arrow, knife, or javelin) into several smaller ones. The user charges the attack and then to immediately activate it. Their lighter weight makes each mini-projectile weaker, but the spread opens the possibility of peppering several enemies with a single shot. There is also a brief glimmer of light when the transmutation happens, potentially giving away the user’s position. The effects on the ammunition cannot be undone; it is destroyed by the spell.

  • Recurve bow - A bow of elven make; it’s paired with an expanded quiver that carries fifty arrows. (50 arrows remaining)
  • Longsword - A weapon taken from a fallen comrade and used to slaughter several orcs. Phor cleans it religiously, as its previous owner once did.
  • Dagger - A gift from his Guildmaster. It’s handy for more than just fighting, naturally.
  • Caltrops - a bag of tiny, sharp metal implements to complicate foes’ attempts to give chase. They easily pierce and rend humanoid flesh. The bag carries up to four handfuls. (4 remaining)
  • Firebombs - oil-filled clay pots with a wick. They shatter on impact, the viscous oil splashing and igniting. (3 remaining)
  • Torches - simple lighting implements. Nothing particularly of interest.
  • Rations - those essential dried and salted morsels Phor consumes during his travels. Lovingly made by Elin.
  • Poison - A tiny vial of concentrated silverback spider poison, made viscous by Ahlmus so it can stick to an arrow or blade. (1 remaining)
  • Scouting & Reconnaissance - Like many hunters, Phor can follow tracks, stalk targets, and survey the terrain.
  • Guerrilla Tactics - He employs hit-and-run tactics when fighting, relocating after every shot and laying caltrops in his path.
  • Arrowsmithing & Fletching - In his downtime, Phor makes arrows. He usually keeps a small stockpile of no fewer than 60 at his workshop in Fort Stronghold, and is happy to share.
  • Business - Years of bartering, bargaining, and bickering have left Phor savvy in the art of the deal. He frequently compares prices and negotiates, if only to save a few silvers.
  • Swordsmanship - despite carrying a sword, Phorcis is not and doesn’t claim to be an excellent swordsman. His skill with a blade in a direct fight is intermediate at the very best.
  • Magic - Phor’s ability to use his own mana is rather elementary. He might be able to learn a few trick shots if he tried harder.
  • Leadership - He tends to run things in a more democratic manner if left in charge. He likes to hear others’ input before proceeding and hates speaking for everyone unless he knows all are in agreement, so the decision making process can take up those much-needed extra moments.
The tight-knit Thorn family lived fairly comfortably until five years ago, when their father went missing on an expedition. Their mother died of illness ten years prior to that, so they had to learn quickly. As the eldest son, Phorcis felt the need to step up and be the breadwinner for his sister and two brothers, regardless of what he had to do. He performed various odd jobs and even involved himself in the oldest of professions a few times until he could gather the equipment to hunt fugitives. He knew it would be rough work, but he took every chance he could to provide.

When a bounty went awry, Phor discovered he had a talent for slaying monsters. He joined this new Hunters Guild and found swift success. His final test was to raid the village of Grimdar, which had been seized by orcs. A few of his peers died, leaving him and a small handful of others to finish the job. The mission wasn’t entirely successful in the way they hoped; the guild didn’t fully eliminate the problem, but they committed dozens of acts of sabotage, effectively halting orcish operations in the area. Upon returning home, he promptly moved his family to Fort Stronghold.

Phor’s family consists of:
  • Elin—his only sister—age 18. She is a competent cook and seamstress.
  • Heibel, 17. Terrible with a weapon, great with numbers.
  • Ahlmus, 15. Arguably the smartest of his family; he wishes to become an apothecary.
  • Faryl, 18. This wealthy, cousin was disowned by his parents, and now lives simply. At least he can deliver a message without a hitch...
If only one could say “and they lived happily ever after”. This is not that story. The younger Thorns immediately started training and went to work in preparation for the Guild’s next mission. No, there are no happy endings for them, only next missions.
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Name: Fel Waters

Race: "I got a bit of cat or fox in me, tha's for sure. But I'm mostly human. What? You gotta problem with tha'?" (Part beastkin, fox variety)

Appearance: Fel really likes bright clothing. She generally throws a blue overcoat over her regular trousers and shirt. Fel has a multitude of vibrant scarves that she wears. Her fingers are slender, and her nails are long and sharp. If you look closely, you'll notice that she has pointed fangs. Her eyes are a gold shade that clearly reflect her non-human parentage. A few scars adorn her back and shoulders, and she has a bite-shaped scar on her left arm. Fel's brown is auburn and shaggy, with a few beads strung in for good measure. She's quite androgynous; many people mistake her for a man, and she finds that hilarious.


Age: 28

Mana: "Mana? Well, I got somma that. Not lots, but I can make a fire to cook stew." She has strong proficiency with fire, enough to use as a distraction. She can't summon a lot, but her control is phenomenal. Fell can control heat and flames to precise levels; excellent for cooking (or burning out of ropes without the captor realizing).

  • Social situations: Fel's pretty good at lying, flattering, and making friends.
  • Bladework: Bert taught her well. With her speed and agility, she can disarm people—sometimes literally.
  • Escaping: Whether because luck or something else, Fel can easily get out of tight situations.
  • Cooking: She's a master cook. Fel can make basically anything taste good
  • Stealth, assassination, and thievery: Her years as a rogue and her decade under Bert have made her very skilled.
  • Prolonged combat: She's all shock, awe, and assassin-y. Fel's great at close range, but her stamina isn't anything to write home about.
  • Mid-to-Long range: She has her knives, but a sniper is basically her worst nightmare. She has to get up close to use her tricks.
  • Keeping her mouth shut: it's great for getting her out of trouble... but it usually gets her into it.

  • Short scimitar: A gift from Bert. She can make fire dance along its edge... which isn't actually helpful, unless she wants to set something on fire. Looks scary, though.
  • Throwing knives: her only set of "long"-range weapons. She has decent aim.
  • Cooking set (frying pat, pot, and various ladles): Never underestimate the power of cooking utensils. They can be deadly blunt weapons.
  • Rope: Rope can help in almost any situation. Seriously.
  • Nails: Her nails are super sharp and super tough. They really help in a fight.

Personality: Cheerful, brash, and talkative, Fel generally looks to the bright side of life. Although quite lazy and sardonic at times, she's also quite loyal. She prefers running to fighting, and she has a soft heart that gets her into trouble sometime. Fel's not afraid to speak her mind, though she's quite a good flatterer. She's not very good at resisting mortal temptations, and she has a weakness to milk, fish, and beer. Flirtatious and flippant, Fel has some trouble with authority. Her gossip-gathering skills and natural tendency to make friends make her quite good at getting information.

Bio: Her mother was a prostitute who worked in one of the shadier shipping-ports. Fel never knew her father, though her mother did enjoy cursing about him. (Hence her last name. "Waters" was the default surname for all bastards in that port. Suffice to say, there were many with that last name.) She spent his youth running amok through the city, causing mischief and trouble. Her childhood wasn't too difficult, compared to many others in the city. Her mother did love and provide for her, though they were far, far from wealthy. She quickly learned the ins-and-out of the criminal world: who to avoid, where to gather information, and how to escape notice. Her best friend was the nimble thief, Nee Quick-Hands. The duo was inseparable, and closer than siblings. Fel's mother, Violet, often called Nee her second child.

One day, when Fel was fourteen, the duo bit off more than they could chew. Nee had unknowingly stolen coins from a skilled mercenary/assassin-for-hire. To spare her best friend, Fel took the blame for the incident. Due to skill, luck, and mostly luck, Fel managed to talk her way into working for him (instead of getting her hands cut off, or something worse). It was actually one of the best things that could happen to her. For almost a decade, Fel traveled under the guidance of the same man she didn't steal from—Bert Axwill, a much better rogue, thief, and killer, one who took jobs from kings. Bert retired a few years ago, though, so Fel's mostly worked alone or with temporary crews. She'd do all the dirty work the Guild asks for: assassination, sabotage, spying, thieving, and she'll do it with a smile.
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Name: Durseam Svetdatel
Age: 35
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: The average male dwarf with a height of 4'6". He wears his ashen grey hair in a French braid which reaches his shoulders. His beard is bushy, wild, and noticeably lighter than the rest of his hair. Like most of his kin he has a stocky build and would be hard to topple. His sole unique characteristic hides behind his face. God knows what he eats and drinks! His teeth are a rotting mass and make understanding his bizarre dwarven accent all the more difficult.
Mana: Light-based magic. He can manipulate light, allowing more light to flow from limited light sources for short periods of time, creating flashes and bursts of light. He’s barely proficient in this skill, though, and his concentration can't be broken when he uses magic. Unlike true masters of this mana he cannot manipulate the trajectory of light but strives to reach this level one day.

  • Warhammer - a simple iron warhammer.
  • Oak buckler - its dents seem to say the shield has seen better days…
  • Torches - for creating light of course!
  • Rations
  • Intimidation - can use violence or threats of violence effectively to get his way.
  • Orienteering - seems to remember paths he’s taken and seldom gets lost.
  • Keen Hearing - his experience in the Hunters Guild has taught him to pick up on more subtle sounds.
  • Loose Tongue - has trouble keeping his thoughts to himself.
  • Overconfidence - overestimates his abilities and will rarely, if ever, admit to his faults.
  • Uncharismatic - not many people like this dwarf (with good reason!).

Durseam has always considered himself a lone wolf by choice. Everyone else knows otherwise. His bigheadedness knows no bounds and his ego is so inflated that it’s a miracle gravity keeps his feet rooted to the ground. He claims his “natural flare” for light-based mana makes him superior than many others in the Hunters Guild and no other members care enough to object.

He has made a strange name for himself in the recently formed Hunters Guild, accepting simple contracts and missions which allow him bragging rights and unquestionable success. He participated in more difficult missions on two occasions but seemed to take a spot towards the back of the group and hesitated before jumping into the fray. Others in the guild seemed to notice this and voiced their complaints. Thereafter he was sent out on solo missions but now begins to yearn for something more than these monotonous tasks.
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