Ischiros Institution of The Gifted (Signups, OCC and Information)


The Alpha and The Omega
Ischiros Institution


Ischiros Institution is hell for any mutant, abnormal being or just any type of people who have a power, whether it be high or low on the scale. To any other humans this place just appears to be a large, darkly abandoned asylum. The truth is that there is over three hundred patients inside the surprisingly thick bricks. Due to the fact that this is no normal hospital, the bars on the windows are infused with adamantium (an indestructible metal) and the bricks have the same metal injected into them. This building is basically filled with adamantium, concealed as old bricks. The inside is high tech with rooms for every type of mutant. Here the subjects are labelled with a number and color imprinted on the front of their black suits determining how dangerous they can be. The mutants themselves go by their names. Despite this, they wonder around in shackles.

Hundreds die. Few survive longer than a year. Almost everyone goes insane.


Power Levels

Red - Highly dangerous with immense power. (RARE; Contact me for permission!)

Yellow - Mildly dangerous with quite a large amount of power. (Rare but not as rare as red)

Orange - Mellowly dangerous with potential of being powerful. (Most common)

Blue - Little power or lower on the scale of power and still only a small bit dangerous. Not enough to completely worry. (Slightly common)

Character Skeleton(s)


Name: (First and last)

Title: (What number are you?)


Distinguishing Marks: (Birthmarks, scars, tattoos, or piercings?)

Age: (14-25)

Power Level: (Red, Yellow, Orange, or Blue)

Power: (What is your character? Give some well detailed abilities that your character has.)


Appearance: (Picture. Try to aim for highly animated or even actual photographs. If all else fails, resort to anime.)

Disorder: (Does your character have a disorder?)

Weaknesses: (Have at least two or three weaknesses.)

Other: (Mention anything.)


Keep in mind that the staff is indifferent and curel to the mutants.

Name: (First and last)



Profession: (Punishment, testing, care taking or security?)

Weapon of Choice:






1. Site rules apply.

2. Try to make more than two characters. We do need staff for this rp to function. The number of characters you can have isn't limited. Make as many as you'd like.

3. Please avoid being the perfect character, or OP (over powered). Add some weaknesses to compensate.

3. No god modding.

4. Try not to start fights with other mutants or staff. The staff is the worse to pick a fight with. Punishment comes with fighting.

5. Staff have permission to do just about anything to a mutant if they want to. However, if they get caught by the boss, they could suffer death for being too cruel.

6. Testing goes on daily. This includes needles, shock and water therapy as well as other testings. Some mutants can die.

7. If your character dies, come back here and make more. Try to make one you could easily toss away at any point.

If you have read the rules, post "I will not break" in italics at the bottom of your claim. If you don't, I will not accept you until you do so.

I will give this thread two days or so... and if I don't see a post, I'll just move on.
Name: (First and last)

Title: (What number are you?)


Distinguishing Marks: Scar on her back, small like an inch long and twisted in a curve shape

Age: 19

Power Level: blue

Power: She has healing abilities and can create force feilds



Disorder: high anxiety when left alone

Weaknesses: She is terrified of the dark, when she heals something big she takes damage

Other: (Mention anything.)
Name: Kianu Liauwak

Title: 67676

Gender: Male

Distinguishing Marks: He has native Hawaiian tattooing around his biceps and calves and around his shoulder,pecs, and shoulder blade connecting again

Age: 20

Power Level: Yellow (Or whatever you say)

Power: His body is made of lava but has the human appearance. He can also manipulate and create lava.

Personality:He is hot tempered never seeming to be in a good mood. He can be cooled down in many ways but if you take it literally that usually works too.



Disorder: (Does your character have a disorder?)

Weaknesses: If he becomes to far cooled down he can harden and he becomes slow and tired. Beauty killed the beast.

Other: (Mention anything.)
Name:Jade Brabec.

Title: --


Distinguishing Marks:She has a tattoo of a hummingbird on her right shoulder.


Power Level:Orange.

Power:She has ice inside of her body but she is rather happy. She can morph into an ice monster but it takes a lot of power and energy so she doesn't morph much.

Personality: --

Weaknesses:Fire is the only thing that can make her die. Otherwise she is indestructable.

Name: Kevin Ramsey

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Profession: Care Taking

Weapon of Choice: Automatic Assault Shotgun


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/PJ-AW238_smoke_D_20100802171333.jpg.77e3c0cc9665b3147dd6304a5a07c10c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/PJ-AW238_smoke_D_20100802171333.jpg.77e3c0cc9665b3147dd6304a5a07c10c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He is normally caring and indifferent. However, he treats mutants better than most other caretakers.

Weakness: Kevin is scared of heights and ghosts.

Other: He applied for the job since his girlfriend was a mutant who got caught and was sent there



  • PJ-AW238_smoke_D_20100802171333.jpg
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Name: Larissa Southwell

Title: 1618

Gender: Female

Distinguishing Marks: Heavy Physical Mutation (Picture should serve to explain).

Age: 17

Power Level: Orange

Power: Flight due to presence of wings, sharp claws for hand to hand combat.

Personality: Larissa usually possesses a rather shy and submissive personality, even more so after her capture, she does however, have a big preference for sweets and similar consumables. She does however, have an intense longing for the outsides, and will take any possible opportunity given to attempt to reach them.



Height: 163 Centimeters

Weight (Including mutated parts): 63 Kilograms.

Weaknesses: Larissa is very claustrophobic, to the point that the thought of locking her up in her cell can sometimes be enough to scare her into complete submission. Whilst mutated however, she is not physically stronger or more durable than the average human of her body shape

Other: There is no heart shape on her tail.

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