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Fantasy Is that the smell of Grass?...Where am I? (Not Accepting Profiles at this Time)

Andraus said:
You've been transported to a forest edge! with a get-up similar to your avatar in the game...No, on examination, it is exactly like your avatar, right down to your Racial features (Elves, Orc, Dwarf, etc) from the game!
This is a little confusing for me. Does this mean we're dressed as our avatar and have racial features of our avatar, but otherwise look the same, or are we just straight up transformed into our avatar?

Everything is changed to look like your game avatar. I wrote that, with the assumption that some people would have their avatars look like their real life personas.
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Hey! Since the people who created the game are coming into the game, would they know the characters them and their partners created? I think that'd be cool. Like, they'd know them, but the game characters wouldn't know them, and so they'd be like "Who are you?" if the game creators/people from the real world called them by name.

I don't know if I explained that right, but I just thought it'd be interesting. c: Since the makers of the game are coming into the world they made and such.
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Yes and No. They'd recognize the locations, though I doubt they'd recognize everything with perfect detail, along with the fact that there would be vast differences created in the world by unknown means. Also, The people were going to be randomly generated, each with a different background or story. This was made this way, due to the fact that, if they knew everything, the roleplay would be finished within record time.
@Knight Nate @Ldybug123

Thank you for all of your patience. Your patience shall now be rewarded: The roleplay starts today. I am going to put up my first post soon. The order in which your names have been put, shall be the order in which you shall post. Let's all have fun people.

Before I post, I must make one thing clear to everyone: There will be a Stats system. I shall explain in Detail , but based on your character type, there will be things that you are good at....and bad at. This way, we can keep everything balanced. I shall post the general thing for example, and put up mine. When you first post, it would be beneficial if you put this up in your post, as it will help determine the roleplay.








I used this from one of the games I play, mainly due to the fact that it fits perfectly. You'll have 28 points to delegate, with a maximum of 10 for each one (don't worry, there is no cap on this, it's just so we can have things balanced out for th and depending on the character arch-type you picked, it will be different. (For example, as mine is a Gladiator, mine will have good strength, but bad endurance)

Here is mine

Strength: 6

Perception: 4

Endurance: 1

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 5

Luck: 4

Also, to make things easier for everyone, you'll be getting a wrist-band with a magic gem on it. This is to explain how you're able to keep track of all the items you find (because let's face it, at least this adds logic to games where you can carry 100 swords without trouble)
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This sounds great! Glad to see it finally starting too! ^^

Strength: 4

Perception: 2

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 6

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 6

Luck: 2

Seems we have a last-minute addition to the roleplay. Welcome! Read the posts above to understand how things are going, as to avoid confusion. Welcome to the roleplay.
-cries- I smell Fallout

Strength: 4

Perception: 5

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 4

Intelligence: 3

Agility: 5

Luck: 2

( I'm S.P.E.C.I.A.L )
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Strength: 9

Perception: 2

Endurance: 2

Charisma: 9

Intelligence: 2

Agility: 2

Luck: 2

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@Knight Nate

Welcome, Newcomer! Make sure to read the above stated posting order and notice.
Yay, so happy that it'll finally start! :) I just have one more question x) So that means I'll have to wait for the one before me to first reply to the main thread (where the RP is) before I can start posting? :)

Strength: 7

Perception: 3

Endurance: 6

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 3

Agility: 5

Luck: 1
The Note above states the order in which we post. After Cheshire Grin posts, it will be your turn Capricornus. Hikaru, you post 3rd to last.
Okay, I just had to fix the posting Order, but it is finally set up properly. That shall be the order in which we will all post.
Roger that, I'm right after Corrupted. Here's the Stats. Should I put this into the RP as well?





Intelligence: 4

Agility: 3

Luck: 2
Well, now it's just down to waiting for my turn then. Hope the others get on and do theirs soon.


Endurance: 4

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 2

Luck: 2
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