Is Heaven really safe?


New Member
Hey everybody! I decided to start this angels vs demon rp and am hoping many of you join. I will be and try to post everyday. So anyways, here is the plot:

For thousands of years, the borders between the heavens and hell have been solid and stable... Until now. Lucifer has been recruiting and massing an army to try and seek his revenge in the ones who sent him down. Now it is up to the legion, the angelic guards and soldiers, to try and keep their peaceful home safe so that they may live another thousand years in peace.


1. You must post a minimum THREE sentences with proper grammar and spelling.

2. Do not try to be the center of attention.

3. If a battle ensues, please make sure that you both have decided the battle results before the battle starts. (A.K.A. Who wins, if your character dies or not, what injures, ect.)

4. Do not powerplay, god mod, or auto-hit, It ruins it for everybody.

5. No creatures other than angels and demons.

6. No cross breeds.

7. Cussing is allowed, but keep it to a minimum.

8. Have fun! ^_^


Scout - These beings use bows and daggers as their primary weapons. They are great at long range, but have difficulties at short.

Assaulter - These are your basic soldiers. Swords, shields, the works.

Crafter - These beings create, build and repair armor, weapons and clothing. They DO NOT fight.

Guard - These persons are placed at the gates and along the walls of the heavenly borders.

Magician - These beings specialize in magic, but do not bode well in close combat.

Nurse/Doctor - Non-combatant persons who tend to the wounded of their race.

Citizen - These are normal day people, they do not fight.

Character Creation Format:








Description of Looks:

Cause of Death as Human: (Remember, if you are a demon, you must have to have commited a deep crime.)


Name: Blake

Age: 18

Race: Angel

Profession: Scout

Strengths: Extremely accurate with a bow and throwing knives. He is agile and a fast, silent runner.

Weaknesses: Not trained well in the art of sword fighting or close quarters combat.

Personality: Hot-headed, cunning, sly, prideful, sarcastic, helpful, kind.

Description of Looks: Blake wears gold crested, white leather armor, which matches his snowy hair. His ice blue eyes stand out greatly due to this. He stands around 5' 11" and weighs about 185lbs and has an athletic build.

Cause of Death as Human: Blake was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time as he was shot down in a violent store robbing.
(I hope I'm not too late)



Dark Angel on "Gods" side.


Her way with a sword, She is of the quiet type and does not talk really at all so she moves around like a ghost(haha get it)

Her dark wings, and she don't know one thing about archery.

Anka is quite and subtle. She sticks to herself most of the time. When you hit her friendly side she is a hugging and an I love you type of friend. Behind closed doors she is a hyper type of angel.

Description of Looks:View attachment 10584

Cause of Death as Human:
She was drinking with some friends one night and her best friend crashed the car and Anka went flying out of the windshield.

Name:Cade (Caden Slizar)


Race: Demon


Strengths: Cade's main strength is his speed, with his main strategy being to kill the enemy before they can harm him. He is skilled in wielding his clawed gauntlet that he wears on his left arm. The gauntlet is silver with clawed fingers and two large claws sticking out from the knuckles.

Weaknesses: Cade has very little resilience and if he is struck first, he will most likely lose. He is also rash and charges into battle rather than thinking things through.

Personality: Cade enjoys toying with his victims and is almost sadistic. His overall friendliness fluctuates and you never truly know what to expect.

Description of Looks: Short black hair and red eyes. He stands at around 5' 6" and weighs 157 pounds. He has a very skinnyCaucasian frame.

Cause of Death as Human: Cade was originally a troubled high school child. After his girlfriend was stolen by another boy, he went on a rage and assaulted the other kid. After beating him to death, Cade felt no regrets and decided to punish his ex-girlfriend as well. He snuck into the house, but awoken her dad. Her dad grabbed a shotgun and ram upstairs to find Cade stabbing his daughter. So the father raised the gun, and sent Cade into hell.
Name: Timber

Age: 13

Race: Angel

Profession: Magician

Strengths: she can weild power of the elements (all 5) she can also enchant objects like swords to make them more effective. also with her age people underestimate her so she has the advantage.

Weaknesses: Close combat

Personality: she is loyal and looks to please her friends. she is also a feirce warrior she spends as much of her time as she can practising her magic.

Description of Looks: a heart shaped face. her hair is long and a platinum blond. View attachment 10587 she wears a white mini dress and walks bare foot.

Cause of Death as Human: she was raped on her way home and so she didnt tell who the commiter was he killed her.
Name: Carlo Amoretti

Age: 96, appearing to be around 23

Race: Angel.

Profession: Scout

Strengths: Strong sense of justice and equality. Good with words, and fairly charismatic, he is good at talking people into things. Creative and clever, but not too much in the way of book-learning.

Weaknesses: Stubborn, and easy to manipulate because of it. If you convince him that an idea is his, he will not let go of it. He'd prefer to use ranged weapons than close-combat, mostly because he wields a sword like it's a lead pipe. He has a bit of a ... flexible sense of morality, for an angel, which gets him in trouble often.

Personality: Fiery, impetuous, and brash, Carlo doesn't like taking orders from anyone. He lost his memory soon after death, and is only recently beginning to remember his life on Earth. He's gotten it into his head that it's wrong for God to have all the power that he does, and thinks that Heaven should be a democracy; he'll tell anyone that he thinks will listen and not get him in trouble. Carlo is a crack shot, a clever (if scattershot) planner, and a smooth talker. He enjoys debate, especially on politics- or what passes as such in Heaven- and he doesn't like being called wrong. This is a cocktail that could be explosive, especially considering what happened the last time there was a war in heaven...

Cause of Death: Carlo was an Anarchist in the early part of the 20th century. He believed that government- all governments- were evil, and set out to assassinate the then-President of the United States, William Howard Taft, with a homemade bomb. Unfortunately, he failed to keep it from exploding in his face. Since he hadn't actually killed anyone, and he was acting on what he thought to be right, he became an angel, not a demon. However, Heaven wiped his memory, to keep him from doing anything dangerously dumb. Now, he's beginning to remember his past, and he's not sure if he approves...
Name: Pandora (from the Greek myth about Pandora's box)

Age: 19

Race: Demon

Profession: Magician

Strengths: She is immune to poisons and illness. She is good at finding food and water but can last days with out it.

Weaknesses: She isn't very good in battle but she often gets in battles.

Personality: Shy and weak, she is very curious. She wants to be an angel and tries to act like one but no matter how hard she tries Pandora always messes up.

Description of looks: Long pink hair that flows down to her feet with purple eyes. She wears a green dress the color of grass decorated in pretty pink and yellow flowers. Her appearance makes her look like an angel and deceives most people.

Cause of death: Pandora released hate, envy, sickness and crime. She tried to close it but it was to late, she suffered every sickness known and died because of it.

I'm sorry, I'm not a very descriptive person...

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