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Fantasy Iron & Lightning // Grishaverse & Gangs RP // plot & chat

Ooo that’s a great idea for ben to be one of the priests in disguise
Wrapping up Six of Crows and a few notes:
- Had no idea what was happening during the climax, was mostly getting through it on momentum and vibes
- My internal monologue has Kaz sounding like a 50 year old smoker
I feel like the idea of Ben being actually one of Ghezen’s priests is hilarious and makes a lot of sense. I want to see what he’ll do if a fist fight breaks out
Wrapping up Six of Crows and a few notes:
- Had no idea what was happening during the climax, was mostly getting through it on momentum and vibes
- My internal monologue has Kaz sounding like a 50 year old smoker

Hahahaha to be honest the plot is very confusing indeed. I never understood what a “rotunda” is since I’m not even a native English speaker. But oh well, the character development was so good that I could care less about jargon.
Omg i’m so sorry i got home from work yesterday and fell asleep then was dead to the world. I’ll get my post up tonight when i’m home from work! This time i won’t fall asleep haha
Oh my gosh i’m so sorry I got my phones switched and they messed up my service at verizon so i’ve been without a phone till now. Anyways i’m at sports thing for my sister but I’ll get a post up soon! So sorry for the wait
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Wow this meeting is definitely getting an interesting turn. Do you think the dregs should accept? I feel like it would be very intriguing to see the dregs and the black tips interact more closely seeing that they have been rivals for a pretty long time. However, I feel like our characters wouldn’t exactly like to be seen as weak and be offered a treaty that is going to force them into paying for all the damage they’ve caused to the Black Tips.
I feel like it would be a good way to secure some sort of security. First it means they aren’t completely in the outs with everyone. And if one of the other gangs decides to mess with the Dregs it hurts the Black Tips because they’re now getting something out of them. So the Black Tips will be obligated to step in and help if they want to keep their new source of income.
Wow this meeting is definitely getting an interesting turn. Do you think the dregs should accept? I feel like it would be very intriguing to see the dregs and the black tips interact more closely seeing that they have been rivals for a pretty long time. However, I feel like our characters wouldn’t exactly like to be seen as weak and be offered a treaty that is going to force them into paying for all the damage they’ve caused to the Black Tips.
oooh i feel like it could definitely be interesting and open up a lot of possibilities, but i do agree they wouldn’t want to have to pay the damages.
Not me checking the threads religiously to see if anyone has posted yet :X
Not me doing the same. I’m literally opening the site every 10 minutes because Im waiting for another “host” of an rp post a character sheet so I can make an oc and I’m too excited for my own good
Right! This is my only rp now and it’s the first one i’ve joined and posted in in ages so my excitement is too much.
Hey guys, I'm super sorry to do this to you, but this semester has been a lot more taxing than I expected it to be, and I just don't have the time or muse to continue this RP. I thought about this long and hard, and it was not a simple decision for me. I'm sorry for disappointing you all, but I sincerely hope you guys can continue the RP without me. You are all remarkably talented RPers and I have every bit of confidence in you.
I’m still down to continue the roleplay if everyone else is still interested

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