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Fantasy Iridia- Character sheets

Alright we are good to go. Not bad, mitch and his dad really help capture the prestige that comes with the title. Welcome aboard.
Awesome! Thanks so much! I hope to flesh him out even more thru the rp! :) Appreciate you reading it and I'm super glad to be a part of this.

  • art-slow-kihun-kim-210612.jpg

    Name: Kyrie Canelo

    Age: 543 (Physically appears to be in her late 20's to mid 30's)

    Gender: Female (she\her\hers)

    Class: Golden Knight

    Race: Human

    Despite centuries of hard-fought battles and arduous quests bequeathed upon her as a Golden Knight, her skin remains unnaturally fair and unblemished, like that of a royal's fine china. Her auburn hair falls just above her shoulders, framing her icy blue eyes and delicate, almost doll-like features. Kyrie has a heart-shaped face, which is perpetually locked in an expression between 'cold indifference' and 'smug amusement'. She inherited the statuesque height of her mother, standing at just an inch below 6", while having a slim, but athletic body forged by many, many years of training prior to her being chosen to join the Knights.
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  • art-slow-kihun-kim-210612.jpg

    Name: Kyrie Canelo

    Age: 543 (Physically appears to be in her late 20's to mid 30's)

    Gender: Female (she\her\hers)

    Class: Golden Knight

    Race: Human
An excellent addition to the golden knights indeed. This spymaster is very nicely done. It makes an aweful lot of sense for her to have approached Adon with the wetwork idea. That leads me to wonder how she wouldve felt about the whole Black war crusade fiasco, the Fight between Adon and Obhad, and the subsequent exile of Adon. Other than that no real criticism or edits needed. I honestly couldn’t have written it better myself if i were trying to make a spymaster.
An excellent addition to the golden knights indeed. This spymaster is very nicely done. It makes an aweful lot of sense for her to have approached Adon with the wetwork idea. That leads me to wonder how she wouldve felt about the whole Black war crusade fiasco, the Fight between Adon and Obhad, and the subsequent exile of Adon. Other than that no real criticism or edits needed. I honestly couldn’t have written it better myself if i were trying to make a spymaster.
Cool, that's really kind of you to say! I was always fascinated with the idea of shadowy, long-lived figures in fiction influencing society, so I tried to make a Golden Knight with a similar theme since I thought it would make sense with the whole 'being a demigod' thing and all.

As for Kyrie's feelings on the matter of the post-Black War fiasco, let's just say she's very, very irked, to say the least, that one of the figures she looked up to was exiled despite being proven right in the trial of combat (because might makes right, right?). In her mind, Obhan should've merely accepted his defeat, instead of saying whatever he said at the moment before he passed out, as Adon's self-exile was a strategic loss in the kingdom's ability to further extend their influence across the realm, believing that he would've been a much more valuable asset had he stayed with the kingdom.

Also, if it's alright with you I'll add one more magic spell to the CS since I feel like it would add a tiny bit more to her character!
Cool, that's really kind of you to say! I was always fascinated with the idea of shadowy, long-lived figures in fiction influencing society, so I tried to make a Golden Knight with a similar theme since I thought it would make sense with the whole 'being a demigod' thing and all.

As for Kyrie's feelings on the matter of the post-Black War fiasco, let's just say she's very, very irked, to say the least, that one of the figures she looked up to was exiled despite being proven right in the trial of combat (because might makes right, right?). In her mind, Obhan should've merely accepted his defeat, instead of saying whatever he said at the moment before he passed out, as Adon's self-exile was a strategic loss in the kingdom's ability to further extend their influence across the realm, believing that he would've been a much more valuable asset had he stayed with the kingdom.

Also, if it's alright with you I'll add one more magic spell to the CS since I feel like it would add a tiny bit more to her character!
Go for it. Imma go to sleep for tonight and ill check it in the morning before we kick off

House Allisec
Allisec Flag.png
"Sow knowledge, reap wisdom."
"Strong alone, stronger together."
"Loyalty Above All."

House Allisec is one of the seven noble families that founded the nation of Iridia, having come from one of the tribes that united against the will of the pantheon of Gods.
Even in the ancient days of preunification, the Allisec Clan's coffers have been among the emptiest of the seven, not because of mismanagement and corruption, but because the Allisecs value their people above material wealth, and take every step possible to ensure their prosperity. Because of this, even to this day, the noble House Allisec itself is among the poorest of the seven noble families, but the massive land they govern, the Southland Plains, is one of the most well developed, with a few cities by now nearing the size of the Capital.

During the Preunification Era, the Allisec Tribe were among a number of peaceful farming communities in the southern regions near Iridia. It wasn't long until they took the notice of less peaceful groups, and so they became constantly plagued by raids from bandits and savage barbarian monsters. The Allisec Tribe were the first of these farming tribes to militarize, as they were the hardest hit, but still they struggled against the raids for years. It wasn't until the appearance a young Rhydes Allisec, who had just returned from journeying the lands, that the tides turned. Rhydes Allisec joined the ranks of the fledgling army and quickly rose the ranks, using the skills he had learned from far and wide to best anyone who had challenged him, both in martial prowess and strategic games. It wasn't long until his name had been spread throughout the entirety of the Southland Plains, with victory after victory under his belt, but as the Allisec Tribe grew in power, so did the evil beyond the plains. A king rose among the raiders, and similarly to Rhydes, he was gathering his armies. And when the Raider King launched his first attack, he wiped out an entire tribe of people. Troubled by this news, Rhydes Allisec called for a meeting with the farming tribes of the region, with their leaders and people all watching. And so their greatest general, now the chief of the Allisec Tribe, got on his knees and pleaded with the people. If they were separate as they are now, the Raider King would destroy everyone. He begged them to unite, so that they may defend themselves against the Raiders, saying that he loved his people, and didn't want to see them wiped out. The other tribes seeing his tears and sincerity picked him up, and agreed. They would all unite into one clan, one family, one tribe. When he asked what name they would bear, the tribe leaders said, as Rhydes was the catalyst for this, they would bear the name of his family. The Allisec Clan was then born.
The next few years saw the clan's warriors swell to numbers greater than ever before as they prepared for war, and when the Allisec Clan and the Raiders clashed, it devastated the land. The war lasted for a decade before Rhydes was finally able to meet the Raider King in battle, and slay him in battle. But after so much conflict, the land was scarred and wounded. The people were alive, but they had a wasteland left to their name. And so, they migrated to The Western Crags.

The Nation of Seven People. The Allisec Clan were the newest tribe to enter the Western Crags, and they struggled with the new landscape, but even with their military might, they refused to strongarm the other tribes. They traded fairly, spoke plainly, helped defend their neighbors, and their friendliness and generosity was repaid well. When the time to unify came, the Allisecs were a voice alongside the Shedoa Clan, claiming that unification works, their own clan being a living example.
When the Sun Goddess showed her fury on the fledgling nation, an elderly Rhydes sacrificed himself to save a family with children, rushing them to shelter, and throwing them in just before a ray of light reduced him to ash. Rhydes' son, and his successor, was devastated. Young Alvar Allisec threw the full might of his Clan behind the mission to stop the Sun Goddess, and in his rage, advocated for the execution of the Goddess, rather than the imprisonment. The warriors of Clan Allisec were filled with fury, lashing out against any who would dare threaten the Nation of Seven People. Years later, Alvar Allisec would return to the Goddess' prison, and ask for forgiveness. He would calm his clan, and remind his warriors of their original oaths, to be the wall that protects, not to be the wolves that savages others.

During The Beginning of Peace era, the now House Allisec brought their people back to the Southland Plains. After over three hundred years of recovery, their homeland had finally recovered, much to the joy of House Allisec. This is where House Allisec would place their roots and thanks to the 9th King of Iridia, Dresdin Shendoa, farmsteads and towns were created easily and seamlessly. A debt that the Allisec Clan remembers to this day. To help repay this debt, Filat Allisec vowed to ensure that the Shendoa lands were as prosperous as Allisec lands. He became King several decades after Dresdin Shendoa retired, and stayed true to his promise, during the Age of Great Pioneers, he fueled much of the expansionism while ensuring that nobody was left behind. Many organizations and establishments to care for orphans, the sick, the elderly and the unfortunate were founded during King Filat's reign, as well as programs to help train and prepare adventurers and explorers. Of course while paying close attention to the lands of the Shendoa. In the public eye, King Filat was a good, generous King who cared for the people.

In the present day, House Allisec has turned the Southland Plains into one of the most well off regions in the entire Kingdom, due to the constant threats the Iridian Kingdom seems to face, House Allisec has turned their lands into a sort of miniature Kingdom within a Kingdom, a fact that unsettles quite a few nobles. The Southland Plains are surrounded by a ring of fortresses called The Garden Wall, manned by both Iridian Army and House Allisec Guardsmen. The surrounding lands and roads of the Southland Plains are constantly patrolled by Allisec Guardsmen, making it one of the safest territories in the modern age, and the interior is lush with both farmland, pockets of forest and civilization. Recently, the current head of House Allisec, Lord Aleksey Allisec, has recalled most if not all of the House Guardsmen to man The Garden Wall, and he has implemented a strict screening system for anyone attempting to move into his land. While the rest of the Kingdom is stricken by disease, Lord Aleksey has been able to quickly shut down and quarantine any outbreaks in his land. In these matters of misfortune, the Southland Plains have been very fortunate, any sickness is stamped out, there are no famines thanks to the vast farmlands, the roads and territories are safe thanks to the Guardsmen of House Allisec, but still Lord Aleksey is stressed more than ever. Ever since the start of the reign of King Borgio, House Allisec has been exporting more crops than they should, Lord Aleksey has been pouring funds into medical research and production to make cures for the Kingdom, and he has been sending out expeditions of Guardsmen to nearby villages and towns to attempt to keep them safe, to not much success. Even with all of House Allisec's might, the Iridian people are still hungry and sick, and Iridian settlements are still raided by bandits.

Name: Aleksey Allisec
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Class: Noble Lord
Race: Human

Appearance: Lord Aleksey Allisec is an imposing figure, serious, and with a stern appearance. He is quite unapproachable because of this. His tall stature and broad shoulders doesn't help, but once he is animated, all of that fades away. He's gentle, careful, and aware of his size.
Personality: Aleksey Allisec is a genuinely caring man, once he speaks, his imposing figure fades away easily, he is considerate and thoughtful. He is an easy conversationalist, open minded, curious, and intelligent. In battle he is ruthless, leaving nothing to chance, he prefers deadly ambushes and traps as opposed to open warfare.
Backstory: As per House Allisec tradition, when Aleksey was born, his parents Orthros and Alessia left House Allisec's castle, The Lion's Den, to live amongst the people, with the wealth the common family has. They went to a town called Goldenleaf, and Aleksey grew up like every other child did in the Southland Plains, going to school, making friends, playing in the dirt and running through the fields without a care in the world. He made many friends, meeting Ismat, his future wife, at the age of 12 at the local Hospital. Ismat was the daughter of doctors, and at the age of 14, Aleksey made the decision to apprentice at the Hospital, to become a healer. He was an apprentice for four years, becoming closer to Ismat. When he was an adult at the age of 18, his father Orthros and his mother Alessia revealed to Aleksey that he was the heir of House Allisec.
This devastated Aleksey, fearing that he would need to leave his friends, and his beloved Ismat, to become some Nobleman in a far away place. He declared that he would give up his nobility to live with Ismat, he didn't care that he wasn't wealthy, or that he lived in a commoners home, all he wanted to do was help people, and to be with Ismat.
Turns out that was the right answer. He was given a manor to live in his town, allowed to continue his work as a doctor, allowed to marry Ismat, but he would have to work harder. He would have to learn how to govern, how to wage war, and how to be a good and just leader.

Weaknesses: Aleksey is plagued by the thought that he cannot stop the decline of the Iridian Kingdom. He is also only a mediocre swordsman, preferring to stay at range with his bow, where he is most comfortable in personal combat.

Skills: Lord Aleksey is a trained healer. Has picked up archery and has become quite a shot with the bow. He is an expert of ambush and siege warfare, a respectable general in his own right. He knows how to run a region, and proof of that is how well the Southland Plains has fared in this time of crisis.
Equipment: Lord Allisec wears the colors and armor of his noble family. In battle, he would wear plain armor, as to not stand out, and to signify that on the battlefield, he is no better than the common foot soldier.
Natural Abilities: Like most of the Allisec lineage, he is a natural leader. He is also particularly skilled with his hands, his master noting that he could become a very skilled surgeon if he dedicated more of his time towards learning the healing arts.
Magic: Aleksey was never magically gifted, he was never able to fully manifest even House Allisec's signature shielding magic.
Name: Ismat Allisec
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Class: Noble Lady
Race: Human

Appearance: Lady Ismat is an approachable woman, often smiling, joking, very animated and expressive. A stark contrast to Lord Aleksey.
Personality: Ismat is a kind and motherly woman, caring for everyone like they were her own children, or part of her family. Many in the Clan consider her a great addition to the group. She is straightforward, stubborn, and in contrast to her husband, likes to play it loose with the rules.
Backstory: Cont. from Aleksey Backstory... Ismat was surprised that her boyfriend was the Heir of Allisec, and promptly slapped him for not telling her, despite Aleskey not knowing himself. But she stayed with him. When he moved into the manor, she often visited him, noticing that he would always be neck deep in studies. He was serious about this governing thing, and Ismat could tell, so she helped him study, and she was picking up just as much as Aleksey was. This went on for five years, Ismat becoming a certified healer and accomplished fencer, and Aleksey becoming more and more involved with governing the region with his father. Then Ismat became pregnant, and as per Allisec tradition, Aleksey and Ismat moved to a town far away in the Southland Plains, where nobody knew who they were. They would raise their child here, in this town called Athelney, as commoners, as they let the governing be handled by their councils and by Aleksey's father.
Weaknesses: Far too confident for her own good, and tends to get into trouble, she is also easy to rile up and anger, and is known to snap back quite ferociously in the social scene of nobility.

Skills: Ismat is a certified healer, a skilled fencer, and knowledgeable about governing.
Equipment: Ismat doesn't like to wear flashy or expensive clothing, preferring more functional and practical clothes. In battle, she would wear House Allisec plated armor, with a warm cape, while wielding an estoc sword.
Natural Abilities: A natural with swords.
Magic: Ismat doesn't know how to use magic.
Name: Cenehar Allisec
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Class: Nobleman
Race: Human

Appearance: Cen is a smaller man, shorter and skinnier than the average man, a fact that isn't lost on him. He is meek, soft spoken, and unsure of himself, and that is clearly seen. He tends to wear slightly loose, but comfortable clothes, not caring for much about noble fashion, and he keeps his light brown hair messy.
Personality: Cen is a meek person, unconvinced that he's worthy of the title, Heir of Allisec. He constantly second guesses himself, and feels he's never good enough for his title. However, he is incredibly studious and intelligent, and knowledgeable about many subjects pertaining to magic and the sciences. His lack of confidence and uncertainty prevents him from fully becoming the person he is meant to be, and he knows that, but he still fears.
Backstory: Cenehar grew up in the small town of Athelney, and his parents quickly noted that he was attached to books and scripts, he did exceptionally well in schools, and he decisively chose to become the apprentice to a librarian in the town. It wasn't long until it was discovered that Cenehar was gifted in magic, and he was introduced to a Allisec Court Wizard, where he would become a Mage Apprentice. At the age of 15, a year into his apprenticeship, he was given a charm by the Court Wizard, an enchanted ring that could levitate a single small object, used for putting books away or pulling books out of shelves. It was this year that he met a girl named Sandra, and she caught him for two years. She used him for gifts, meals, tricks, and after two years, she stole his enchanted ring as Sandra and her family left for another town.
Cenehar was devastated at this betrayal, and had become a recluse, content with his books and scrolls and magic. Until he reached the age of 18. And like before, his father and mother, Aleksey and Ismat, told him that he was the Heir of Allisec. He has since spent his two years relearning how to trust, along with how to govern, how to wage war, how to be a good and just leader.
Weaknesses: Cenehar has issues with confidence and expressing himself. He's also prone to falling into despair, and is easily upset. In a fight, Cenehar is usually terrified, wanting to flee rather than stay and fight, and in close quarters he's about as good as any other commoner.

Skills: Cen is a problem solver, and can often think up of creative solutions to many problems, often involving magic. He is also a very gifted Mage, knowing a wide variety of spells. He also enjoys cooking, though he is not extremely skilled in it. Thanks to his dip into scholarly studies, he knows a few languages, not very fluent in them, but can read and speak them, albeit brokenly.
Equipment: Cen wears a simple, small dagger with his family crest on the pommel on his belt. And he always keeps a pouch with an ink and quill on hand, as well as several small rolls of parchment for note taking.
Natural Abilities: Not only is he a huge bookworm, the signature magic of his family runs through his veins, and he is the third strongest recorded caster in House Allisec. Behind only Asmundr Allisec the Rose Knight, and Solana Allisec the Daydreaming Knight.
  • Citadel of Dawn - House Allisec's signature magic manifests in shields and protective fields, and Cen's Citadel is by far the strongest shield ever recorded in House Allisec history, rivaling Asmundr the Rose Knight in strength, capable of withstanding the barrage of six Master Court Wizards not holding back their spells. It is noted that Cen passed out after thirty seconds of holding the barrier, but the barrier stayed manifested for another minute after he fell unconscious. The Citadel of Dawn is a sphere of raw mana, white tinted, glowing, and translucent. The Citadel of Dawn that Cen created during the test measured out to have a diameter of ~3.5 meters/~11.5 feet. The barrier itself is capable of blocking and deflecting all that Cen deems a threat, including persons, while allowing allies to pass through. Proven when Cen passed out, the Master Wizards rushed to his aid, but found themselves halted at the Citadel's barrier, while Ismat was able to effortlessly pass into the barrier. Once Ismat left the barrier with Cen in her arms, both appeared to be glowing with white magic, it wore off when the Citadel wore off, but Ismat reported that she felt far stronger than she should be. Rushed on the spot testing proved that she was capable of smashing stone with her bare hands, and blades barely bruised her, an enchanted strength and durability comparable to that of a Golden Knight.
  • Allisec's Walls - A House Allisec signature magic, Cen is capable of summoning a wall of magic in front of him, with similar properties as Citadel of Dawn. This spell however is weaker, and only protects from a single direction. It also lacks the enhancing properties of Citadel of Dawn, making this very similar to an extremely sturdy shield spell. Cen is able to cast this with much more regularity, and without passing out.
  • Cen is capable of simple fire, water, and wind elemental magic.
  • Cen is capable of simple telekinetic magic.
Name: Asmundr Allisec the Rose Knight
Age: 912 (710 upon taking The Final Sleep), apparent age 27
Gender: Male
Class: Elder Golden Knight / Noble
Race: Golden Knight Human

Appearance: Asmundr was a truly large man, towering over most, and he was almost never seen outside of his rose emblazoned armor. The only people to have truly seen his face are the other Knights following in his footsteps, the other Elder Knights, and the citizens of the city of Arcton. They claim he has a handsome face, with gentle brown eyes, a large well groomed mustache, with bushy wild eyebrows, and short white hair.
Personality: Asmundr was an oddity amongst the Golden Knight Ranks, he seemed more personable than most, more sure of himself than most, seemed to retain his humanity more than most, and many younger Knights confided in him, and asked how he did so. Asmundr kept no secrets. He spoke plainly and loudly, that every hundred years he took a ten year meditation at the Allisec Manor in the Capital, to truly delve deep for his emotions. To truly try to hold onto his humanity, as Obhad advised him to do so. Because of this, Asmundr was one of the more popular Golden Knights amongst the commonfolk, ignorant of the amount of effort it took to hold onto the last vestiges of his humanity and emotions.
Backstory: The first House Allisec Golden Knight, Asmundr the Rose Knight is a legendary figure not only to House Allisec, but to the general public. First risen as a Knight the 105th year, Post Unification, Asmundr proved vital in the Rage of The Earth event, using the skills learned from House Allisec, Asmundr was one of the many logisticians that ensured that refugees never crowded a single place to extremely, that everyone was clothed and fed, and that everyone had a roof over their heads. This took many decades, and Asmundr never left the refugees of Pleatt. During the War of Hate, Asmundr was helping a small town of Pleatteans when a platoon of Iridian Infantry, by the order of King Rondor, arrived to 'ensure they wouldn't riot'. Asmundr was confused at first, but when the first Iridian Infantryman struck down a helpless civilian, Asmundr decided he was enraged. He had protected, helped, and nurtured these people for nearly 50 years. He declared that this would not happen, and cast a Citadel of Dawn that pushed out the entire platoon of Iridian Infantry, the sphere engulfed the entire town to the amazement of both the civilians Asmundr was protecting, and the Iridian Infantry that had been sent here to subjugate them. Asmundr held the Citadel spell for thirty days straight, standing immobile, concentrating on the barrier the entire time, until other Golden Knights arrived to declare that King Rondor had been felled by Obhad Nahreel, and that all military forces were to stand down. Only then did he let his barrier fade.
After this event, Asmundr sought the council of Obhad Nahreel, speaking of how he needed to decide that he was enraged at the War of Hate, how the anger was just a small spark, and how he needed to stoke it, to nurture it, to encourage it. Obhad spoke to Asmundr, advising that it was good, that he should grasp that humanity and hold onto it. Asmundr agreed, and returned to the refugees, helping them once again, and it took roughly another 50 years for them to fully integrate. Now accepted people of the Kingdom of Iridia, not people of the nation of Pleatt.

In the 206th Year, Asmundr returned to the House Allisec Manor in the capital, and worked with Allisec Mages to construct an enchanted bed made of stone, enchanted to put a Golden Knight in a sleep like state. A state that easily allowed the Knight to meditate uninterrupted, to delve into their own consciousness, and figure things out. It took three years to construct one, and then he slept for ten years. When he woke, he wrote his findings, introspections, and thoughts in a journal. He also wrote The Oath of The Allisec Clan, an instructional manual on how to utilize the special barrier magic that flows through the Allisec family.
During The Giants March in the 234th Year, Asmundr was in Obhad's group. When Adon lead the surprise charge against the Giants, sending them into a rampaging rout, Asmundr was one of the first Knights to leap into action, not to slay the Giants, but to rush to the protection of the imprisoned and defenseless people. The few citizens who survived The Giants March, survived largely due to Asmundr and a few others rushing to their aid.

Asmundr took his 2nd Sleep at Allisec Manor in the 306th Year, deeply troubled by the events of The Giants March. He updated his journal, and The Oath of The Allisec Clan. He then went on to help construct the settlements of The Southlands Plains with House Allisec, his family.
He took his 3rd Sleep, in the Year 406, at Allisec Manor in the Capital, a building now converted into a boarding home for Golden Knights, and a chapel for monks who worship the God of Death. The monks there are trained to resist the strange Aura of Immortality that unsettles so many others, so that they may interact with Knights more easily. It was here that he spoke to other Knights about his philosophy and methods, sharing his journal with them. Several others decide to follow in Asmundr's footsteps, and take enchanted meditative sleeps themselves. The journal is renamed from Asmundr's Journal, to The Rose-Knight's Introspection.
During the Year 437, The Awakening of The Great Godbeast. Asmundr joined the forces dedicated to evacuating and rescuing civilians.

Asmundr took his 4th Sleep in the Year 506, for ten years he slept, waking up in 511 to a nation engulfed in conflict. Confused, he rushed to Obhad, asking what was going on. After receiving a briefing, and instructions to stay put, Asmundr refused, enraged. He left, seeking out a neutral settlement, one founded by Golden Knights, so that he could have a sufficient enough reason to protect innocents. He found a neutral city, one close enough to the conflict to be threatened, but still declared neutral, and founded by other Elder Golden Knights. He declared with a thunderous voice that this city of Arcton will remain neutral, and that as long as it does, it will remain under the protection of Asmundr the Rose Knight. For the entire 43 years of the civil war, Asmundr kept his promise, refusing both Separatist and Loyalist diplomats' attempts to drag Arcton into the war. For a period of five years during the late civil war, the city of Arcton was placed under siege by radial Separatists, and like he did with the people of Pleatt, Asmundr called upon his Citadel. The sphere engulfed the entire city, and he held the barrier up for three entire years, suffering sleep loss, hunger, and dehydration. Like a statue, he stood at the center of the city square, holding up his barrier. At the end of the third day, the people of Arcton approached him, catapult boulders and ballistae bolts crashing against his shield, took off his helmet and fed him food, brought him water, read stories to him. By the end of the month, children were using his raised arms as swings, and people often placed flowers and roses on his shoulders and by his feet. The siege ended when word of his barrier reached The Southland Plains, and House Allisec, Loyalists, mobilized an army to engage the Separatists and break the siege. The Allisec Army was able to do so, but when they tried to enter through Asmundr's Citadel barrier, they found themselves halted. The General asked why Asmundr would not even let his family through, and through a messenger, Asmundr replied, "You chose a side, these people did not. Family or not, no war will find its way in here... ten years or a thousand, my barrier will not fall, for as long as this civil war is waged." The Allisec General understood and complied with Asmundr's wishes, marching back to The Southland Plains, not a single Loyalist having stepped foot in Arcton.

The Black March and Black War, Years 591-606. Asmundr was shocked by the news of the undead horde, and the horrible casualties suffered by the Golden Knight vanguard force. Asmundr joined in the Black War in earnest, protecting many from the fury of the Undead Golden Knights. During the midpoint of the war, Asmundr was approached by another Knight, proposing a much tighter knit team up, and Asmundr agreed. Joining a team of Knights who began to train and fight together, this team would focus on laying Undead Golden Knights to rest, with Asmundr acting as the teams shield, withstanding any attack, and the rest of the team acting as the blade, to finish them. In the 15th year of the war, Asmundr was grievously wounded protecting a unit of Iridian Infantry, and was forced to sit out for the rest of the war. The unit of infantry was able to escape danger with minimal casualties.
When the war ended in Year 606, just before Asmundr took his 5th Sleep, he approached a recovering Obhad, having heard of the conflict with his friend Adon. Asmundr told Obhad that he didn't blame him for what he did in the Civil War, a hundred years ago, and that he understood why he did it. With that said, Asmundr left, and took his 5th Sleep at Allisec Manor. Once he awoke ten years later, he again, updated The Oath of The Allisec Clan and his journal, The Rose-Knight's Introspection.
In the year 801, The Dead Return, Asmundr joined the strike teams to rescue civilians and to purge undead. The operation ran smoothly, with Asmundr rescuing the most amount of civilians out of all of the rescue teams. Not long after in 815, Asmundr decided to sleep again, this time, for eternity. He updated his two texts one last time, in his text The Rose-Knight's Introspection, he declared the reason for this eternal rest, that he had served for 700 years, a century for each founding tribe, and he would sleep until the Kingdom of Iridia needed him again. He left his final words in the form of letters to Obhad and House Allisec. The letters simply said, "Wake me when you need me."

Weaknesses: Asmundr's will to protect others is ironclad, unshakable, and it is what drives him. It is to such a degree that he will easily decide to sacrifice himself to protect others, an intelligent foe would use this against him. Even if it's a blow that would slay Asmundr easily, if it is crashing down towards an ally or an innocent, Asmundr will rush to their aid and with all of his might, deflect, block, or absorb the blow for them. A mere arrow, or the wrath of a God, it doesn't matter to Asmundr, what matters is that he can make a difference for a person who cannot defend themselves in that moment, so he will.

Skills: Sword and shield mastery, barrier magic mastery, hand to hand combat, and enjoys writing.
Equipment: Plated armor, a shield, and an enchanted sword. The Rose Thorn is a master crafted Greatsword, though for Asmundr, it is the size of a longsword for the normal person. With a blade just over 5ft/160cm, the weapon is enormous for most people, requiring both hands to wield. For such a large man as Asmundr, and gifted with the strength of a Golden Knight, he was able to wield it with just one hand. The hilt and the ricasso of the blade is adorned with bronzed metal in the shape of rose vines, thorns, and rose. The weapon was forged by Pleatt smiths and spellcasters in tandem, enchanting it with incredible durability, and with veins in the blade that allows an Allisec wielder to channel their barrier magic through it, surrounding the blade in a field of shaped magical energy, giving it a magical glow, and allowing it to cut through non magical materials with ease. The hilt is cloth, sown together by a hundred Pleatt grandmothers, using the same thread as they did for their grandchildrens baby blankets, grandchildren that would not exist, if it were not for Asmundr's protection and guidance during The Rage of The Earth and The War of Hate. When Asmundr took his final sleep, he instructed House Allisec to send the next Allisec Golden Knight to take it from him.
Natural Abilities: Standard Golden Knight enhancements. Particularly gifted in the field of Barrier and Shielding Magic.
  • Citadel of Dawn - House Allisec's signature magic manifests in shields and protective fields. Asmundr is the creator of the Citadel of Dawn spell, and has complete mastery over it. He can maintain the spell for at least 3 years straight, proven in the Iridian Civil War, in his defense of Arcton. His Citadel of Dawn is so powerful, it was capable of withstanding the constant siege barrages of the Separatist army for those three years.
  • Allisec's Walls - A House Allisec signature magic. Asmundr is capable of summoning a wall of magic in front of him, with similar properties as Citadel of Dawn. This spell however is weaker, and only protects from a single direction. It also lacks the enhancing properties of Citadel of Dawn, making this very similar to an extremely sturdy shield spell.
  • The Daydreaming Disk - A House Allisec signature magic. Asmundr is capable of of summoning a shield of pure mana over one of his arms. It is remarkably sturdy, but he only uses this spell if his own shield is already broken, or if he needs to reinforce his existing shield.
  • Mastery over Shield/Barrier Spells. While these spells aren't as powerful as House Allisec's barriers, they are quicker, drain less magic, and require less concentration to maintain.

Name: Solana "Sol" Allisec the Daydreaming Knight, the Daydreamer, the Second Rose
Age: 210, apparent age 22.
Gender: Female (She/They)
Class: Sister Golden Knight / Noble
Race: Golden Knight Human

Appearance: Solana is a small woman, shorter than the average by just a tad, making her one of the shortest Golden Knights currently active. This doesn't affect her however, and she stands and walks proudly. Solana has piercing light blue eyes, and very light grey shoulder length hair that she tends to tie up. Underneath the many layers Solana wraps herself in, she has a strong physique, noticeably muscled, with a few scars over her arms.
Personality: Like Asmundr and his disciples, Solana compared to other Knights is much more approachable, and like Asmundr, she is more personable and seemingly more expressive. Though nowhere near as expressive and emotive as a normal human, she is better at it than most Knights. Unlike Asmundr, who was loud, larger than life, and extremely confident, Solana is quieter, more gentle, more thoughtful. She likes to keep to herself, sometimes playing with images using illusion magic in her hand. She also likes to help and encourage others, Knights or not.
Backstory: Solana doesn't talk about her past much. She was risen as a Golden Knight in the year 807, just a few years after Asmundr undertook his final sleep. Aside from the regular patrol, her first major action was to be in the reserve deployment in the Year 877, during The Dragon's Fury event. She was angry that Obhad had her placed in the reserve, where she would only see action if things had gone wrong. She stood ready for the entire three days, with her peers wondering if she ever blinked. She clutched the Rose Thorn tightly during the entire battle, wanting to take vengeance for the Pleatt people. Wondering if she would be standing next to her elder brother Asmundr, or if Asmundr would have been the 4th Knight in the party of 3 to face off against the Dragon. At the end of the third day, when they finally slew the Dragon, Solana walked to the corpse, and dipped the Rose Thorn in the blood of the beast. Reasoning that this would have to be vengeance enough, to drink in the blood, but not to slay the beast.

As Asmundr wrote, Solana took her 1st Sleep in the Year 907, discovering the reason why Obhad had her sidelined, despite knowing of her connection to Asmundr the Rose Knight, the one who never gave up on the Pleatt Refugees, never leaving them until they were Iridians like everyone else. It was to protect her, she was still young, inexperienced, and to go up against such a thing as a Dragon, surely would have spelled her doom. Though she now understands and forgives Obhad for making her aside, she has yet to voice her forgiveness to him.
In the Year 959, the town of Korlia was engulfed in flames, razed by Fire Elementals. This horrified Solana, and she couldn't fathom the reason as to why Knight Apollo Kingstriker would flee from the place. She reacted quickly, rallying five other Knights, and rushed to Korlia, picking up two more Knights along the way who were already heading to Korlia. Though the eight strong team of Knights were able to avenge the town by slaying the Elementals, the damage had already been dealt. By the time the news had reached her, and by the time her team had reached the town, the place had been burning for two weeks. Nothing was left but charred bones and blackened wood. She was saddened greatly. And having personally exacted vengeance from the Elementals, she felt no peace. As the other Knights left, since the mission was done, Solana stayed for another month, personally finding and burying each lost townsfolk. She built a shrine to them next to their graves, a simple stone one, it was all she could do for them.

In the Year 1000, while she was patrolling the eastern villages, resting in the town of Yellowseed, the town suddenly came under attack by Bandits wearing wolf teeth for necklaces. As the town militia mobilized into a defensive formation between the bandits and the town, the bandits suddenly unleashed a stampede of large horned beasts. This stampede would have wiped out the militia and savaged the village, were it not for Solana. She leapt out in front of the terrified militia spear wall, casting her Daydreaming Disk shield with an echoing clang as the shield forced itself into reality. Bracing the shield with both hands, and pouring magic into it, a white protective field of the shield extended to the entire side of the village. The stampeding beasts smashed into the shield, but Solana didn't budge an inch. With the stampede halted in its tracks, the beasts scattered in every direct away from the village, back into the forests and towards the surprised bandits. Some time later, a child who had been watching approached Solana, asking her in public if she was The Rose Knight, while holding a small doll of Asmundr. This sparked joy in Solana. She replied, "No, he is my older brother. But between you and me, sometimes I daydream that I am he."
A day later, once she had secured the immediate area around the village, she approached the chief, and asked him about the bandits. The group, calling themselves the Wolf Toothed Pack, had been terrorizing them for near a decade now, and their numbers must be in the near hundreds. It wasn't just Yellowseed that they prey on, this group was raiding the entire region. This surprised Solana. What were the army doing? So she decided to take matters into her own hands. She told the chief that she would take care of this problem, and left the village. One month later, Solana reappeared from out of the forest, clutching a bag over her shoulder. She walked towards a shocked village chief in the town square, and emptied the bag in front of him. It was necklaces, with wolves teeth on them. One hundred and eighty six necklaces to be exact. She told him that this problem had been solved, and that if there are any more problems, not to hesitate to send her a letter, or a letter to her family, the nobles of House Allisec.
Before she left, she sought out the child from earlier, finding him painting a new doll, wearing similar red paint, and with a small wooden disk attached to an arm. She gave the child a wild rose she found in the forest and asked what he was doing, and the child explained that he had been making dolls of her for all the children in the village. This sparked joy in Solana. She gave him a hug, and reminded him of her promise earlier, that if he or the region ever needed help, to send a letter to her, or to House Allisec, and help would come. Then she left. The villages of the eastern forests called her appearance The Return of The Rose Knight, or The Second Rose. For several years she patrolled the region, taking care of rampaging beasts and bandit groups all along the eastern forest and swamps. Currently, in the Year 1017, the region is garrisoned by the Regiment XIII of the House Allisec Guard, numbering 1000 strong, with a group of 120 healers, securing the region and staving off plague.

In the Year 1007, she took her 2nd Sleep. After ten years of meditation, even though she reconciled her own peace with The Fall of Korlia, she still couldn't understand Knight Kingstriker. This puzzled and unsettled Solana. Nevertheless, this is when she began to pen her own journal, The Daydreaming Knight's Introspection, and add her own updates to The Oath of The Allisec Clan. Afterwords, she left the Capital and the Allisec Manor, and returned home to The Southland Plains. She visited The Lion's Den, the capital of the region, and the castle of House Allisec, meeting with the current Lord of House Allisec, Lord Aleksey. However, only a few days later, news of the death of King Borgio reached House Allisec. Lord Aleksey, acting quickly, told his son to go to the Iridian Capital, not to vie for the throne, but to figure out what was going on. He then met with Solana, away from Cenehar, and asked her to protect him in secret. Solana agreed, and changed her armor slightly, using The Facechanging Play spell to swap her face and alter her voice. She became Centurion Sol, leading four of House Allisec's most trusted Guardsmen, to be the personal guard of Lord Aleksey's son, Cenehar Allisec.
And so, Cenehar, accompanied by Sol and four other Guards, traveled to the Iridian Capital.

Weaknesses: Like her idol, Asmundr the Rose Knight, she has learned from his text, The Rose-Knight's Introspection. And she has adopted the same ironclad willpower as her big brother, and the same mindset. To protect above all else, any life is worth the effort. But she is haunted by the doubt that she isn't strong enough to do what he did. To hold a Citadel of Dawn against a siege for three years, when she can only hold one for a mere minute? What did he have that allowed him to perform such a feat? Such doubts creep around in Solana's mind, hindering her. She also has no ranged attacks or skills, she can throw her shield with actually impressive accuracy, but in certain situations the few seconds of lost defense isn't worth striking back, and all she can do is sit and defend.

Skills: She is a master of polearms, and a master of the shield and warhammer. She is also an expert with the Greatsword. She is proficient, compared to other Knights, with the dagger and in hand to hand. Skilled at cooking and baking, surprisingly. Interestingly she can throw her spear like a javelin with a good amount of accuracy.
Equipment: A suit of custom tailored armor from House Alissec Armories, a polished steel plate with leather, chainmail, and cloth, fullplate suit of armor adorned with the crimson robes of House Alissec, and gold embellishments. Usually Solana wears a large dark red cloak with fur around the neck to hide most of the armor, as to not attract too much attention. As for armament, she carries practically an armory on herself, she wields a spear, a dagger on her belt, a warhammer on her belt, and the Rose Thorn Enchanted Greatsword slung over her back and often hidden by her cloak. When not in armor, Solana appears shy, tending to keep her large House Allisec cloak on her and hiding behind the it. Underneath, she prefers to wear comfortable, warm clothing.
Natural Abilities: Golden Knight Enhancements. Solana also appears to be gifted in Illusion Magic, though her study in the field appears to be a hobby only. She is naturally gifted with polearms, and as such, it is her favored weapon.
  • Citadel of Dawn - A House Allisec signature magic. Solana is capableahahaha_by_l3monjuic3_d88neur-fullviewedited.png of creating a Citadel of Dawn, but she is nowhere near the mastery of Asmundr, as she can only maintain her barrier for only a minute before it fades, if she pushes herself, she can attain up to a minute and a half. Though pushing herself exhausts her.
  • Allisec's Walls - A House Allisec signature magic. Solana is capable of summoning a wall of magic in front of her, with similar properties as Citadel of Dawn. This spell however is weaker, and only protects from a single direction. It also lacks the enhancing properties of Citadel of Dawn, making this very similar to an extremely sturdy shield spell.
  • The Daydreaming Disk - A House Allisec signature magic. This is where Solana finds her talent lies. Her formed shield is different than the one Asmundr created. Hers is a a convex round shield, 24"/61cm diameter, with both forearm and central grips. Formed out of solid white mana that radiates heat, her Daydreaming Disk is capable of absorbing blows that would tear through a shield with ease, it's incredible durability isn't only used defensively however, Solana often uses the Disk as a weapon, bashing, striking, shoving and even throwing the shield. The Daydreaming Disk itself upon summoning seems to emulate Physical Empowerment spells, strengthening and making the user more durable, allowing the user to focus magic into offensive spells, or to stack defensive spells.
    • Sudden Twilight
      By throwing the Disk, Solana can strike a foe from afar. The Disk itself hits with immense force, and once magic cohesion is lost, due to being away from the user, the Disk explodes with incredible force.
    • Sentinel's Purpose
      Using the shield as a shield, Solana can channel extra magic into the Daydreaming Disk, extending its area of protection as a translucent wall. This field allows those behind it to loose arrows or cast spells through it, while those in front of it find that their arrows and spells are blocked by it.
  • The Facechanging Play - A spell used by jesters, performers, actors and singers for use in plays and theatre. The spell calls forth the aid of long dead jesters and actors, now turned into spirits who worship a Jesting God, to allow the caster to use their faces and voices to disguise their own. Solana appears to be gifted in this particular spell.
  • Basic Illusion Magic - Changing the shape of small objects, changing the color of small objects, creating an image of something over her hand. Nothing more advanced than that.
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  • grant-griffin-si-aerionportrait-finalapproved-gg.jpg
    Name: Gerard Ashcourt

    Age: 27

    Gender: Male

    Class: Noble

    Race: Human

    Appearance: While tall, Gerard is of slender build and typically wears clothes to match. His skin is fair but weathered from service in his family's levies. Sporting wavy dark hair cut short and clean shaven, he wears the look of a noble well but constantly appears uncomfortable in the garb nonetheless. Gerard carries himself with an air of disinterest which is reflected in his body language, leading some to misconstrue his idling for oafishness. Wearing the blue and black robes of the Ashcourt house, Gerard carries his family's wealth and legacy proudly and for all to see.

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