IPAD: The Institute of Powers and Advanced Development - The Remake

Name: Beccalyn Grey

Nickname: Becca or Lynnie

Age: 17

Abilities/Mutations: Beccalyn has the "gifts" of psycometry and empathy. With her psycometry ability, she can see the past of an object by touching it. Her power of empathy is her secondary ability. She can sense the emotions of those around her.

Weaknesses: Becca doesn't have much experience with fighting. She is rather weak physically. This is in addition to the shortfalls of her powers.though sometimes these visions can be unclear and confusing, especially if the object has a long, vibrant history. She finds it hard to focus on one person and read their emotions. Normally, the emotions of those around her just hit her in disorienting waves, often causing her to get headaches in areas with large populations.

Personality: Becca is quite shy and quiet. She is a terrible public speaker and hates having too much attention given to her. She is friendly to all the people she meets but she rarely lets people get close to her. Even those who have known her for a while learn new things about her. She has levels of herself and, the further up those levels go, the more someone knows about her. However, few people are admitted. It is no easy feat getting close to her. Becca gets very quiet when she is upset. She tends to internalize her emotions and only those closest to her can tell when something is wrong. The more you get to know Becca, the more she opens up and becomes a talkative girl. She is full of contradictions and she opens up at a snail's pace. She is dearly loyal to those she perceives as friends and expects the same from them. She thinks things through before acting and is prone to bouts of crippling anxiety. She prefers the company of her books to the company of people, mostly because she can't read the emotions of the books. She can be terribly awkward and clumsy but she is highly intelligent. She spent most of her childhood being tutored in everything under the sun. She does her best not to show her knowledge, though, not wanting to seem showy. She is very much concerned with what others think of her and that's why she keeps her mouth shut most of the time. She figures that if she doesn't say anything, no one can really dislike her. Becca is also very innocent, never thinking badly of people and only assuming the best. She isn't accustomed to violence and she greatly fears death and needles.

History: Beccalyn was born to Grace and Martin Grey, both doctors that excelled in their field. When Becca was born, everyone knew she would be a genius, just like her parents. Becca talked and read early in life, developing faster than most normal children. Her parents just assumed it was due to genetics and thought nothing of it. Becca was sent to a private school where she received a fine education. She learned everything from Latin to physics and attended that school until she was sent to IPAD.

Becca took her studies very seriously and took it upon herself to learn even more outside of school. She has always had a hunger for knowledge that never seemed to be satisfied. It was one of the qualities that her parents actually seemed to approve of. Becca was never outgoing enough or social enough for them. They pushed her, making her join clubs and teams in an effort to get her to socialize but Becca resisted until her parents gave in, allowing her to do as she pleased.

It would be incorrect to assume that the concern for their daughter's education her parents showed was compassion and love for their daughter. Martin and Grace Grey were not two people who allowed themselves to feel such emotion. Really, the two of them weren't sure why they were still married and that took a toll on their only offspring. Becca threw herself into as many activities as possible to distract herself from her life at home. Most of her time was spent alone or in her father's library.

At the age of fifteen, strange things began to happen to Becca. She swore up and down to her parents that she could sense what they were feeling. They, of course, denied it vehemently and told her to stop being ridiculous and that no humans could do that. When Becca was given a second edition copy of one of her favorite books for her sixteenth birthday, Becca recited the history of it for her parents, who still denied her powers. Becca was scared out of her wits by what had happened to her, seemingly without warning and she felt more and more alone each day as her powers refused to be ignored.

Appearance: here

Name: Thane Wayner

Nickname: He hates it when people give him a nickname like sparky or shocker.

Age: 16

Mutations: He has control over electricity and all it's connecting fields of electrical possibilities.

Abilities: He is very stealthy and has two long thin metal wires with metal clips attached to the end of the wires that are often wrapped around his wrist like bracelets that he has trained himself to use as both a tool and a weapon.

: He must be in direct contact to run electricity through his target. Rain makes it harder for him to focus his electricity and being under water while using his powers would also hurt himself. Also all the basic stuff like rubber and nonconducting materials are immune to his electricity.

: He's reserved and often skips class to have time alone and to think by himself. He's only really seen when he wants to be seen. He likes to keep things short simple and to the point. He can be brash and intelligent at the same time, running off into a bad situation while thinking about what hes doing and thinking of a way to solve the situation. He wants to help people but has a hard time getting across that he actually does care. He doesn't talk that much and for some reason likes to be somewhere up high looking down on everything. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty, is willing to fight to protect people he cares about and is not afraid to kill someone.

History: He grew up in New York City with his mom and dad. When he was four his dad was shot and killed in a car jacking while he sat watching helpless in the back seat. Leaving him with just his mother who was a school teacher who was always busy working which left him alone a lot of the time. They never had much money but were always able to just get by. Life didn't get easier. Thane was always in good shape and played many sports but stayed away from other kids afraid if he made friends they would just be ripped away from him.

One day he was eating lunch when he noticed his spoon still stuck to his hand when he tried to let go of it. When he finally did get it off his hand he realized that it had become magnetized. When a classmate came up and touched him his classmate was severely shocked. Afraid of what he had done he ran out of the school and to a place where he could be alone. He started skipping school and going to the city's junkyard to start practicing with his new found power. He learned to control it somewhat at least to the point where it wouldn't go off at random and had found two long metal wires that he fitted with clips on the ends to serve as a tool and as a weapon for himself.


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Flow of energy through the ground; foot steps impose kinetic energy and thus he could still do that; your text makes it seems as if he can do it even without that added push...it's actually more than I originally thought, not less

With all that extra Thermal; Kinetic; Photonic; etc energy stored inside, wouldn't he just blow his arm out?

Acceptable....and at a MAJOR stretch...this would practically make him immune to almost everything by itself

Hecks no O.o )

So, your in essence both the super strength and super speed guy; more over, stopping energy = instant 0 degrees kelvin = instant people are ice blocks = instant kill O.o )...

Overall, with this ability he would almost never BE in such a case (reasonably) where they would be so close to death; his weakness of going nuclear is actually a strength...so long as he doesn't care about the people around him it's just a freebie AoE; Understanding what's happening while being completely unaware? Sorry, no way...I cant even begin to try and repair this and still have it resemble the same character
Name: Jason Razaia

Black Razor

Age: 20

Mutations: Jason has control over dark energy, with it he is able to form a variety of melee weapons and energy attacks. His second power is super human endurance, able to take the punishment he can equally dish out.

Abilities: After years of training in martial and ninja arts, Jason is skilled in hand to hand combat. His second ability is hacking, after training in hand to hand combat he began working on his hacking skills. While not world class he can get into high security networks with little difficulty

His dark energy is linked to his vitality, if his energy levels are dangerously low he will be severely weakened. He will have to rely on his hand to hand skills to combat dangerous opponents such as other heroes or villains.

Personality: He usually keeps to himself, but at times he will crack jokes and try to lighten the mood. He shows respect to other people including his opponents, he will try to help those who want it but will not get into to other peoples business. Though a really sarcastic person he cares for his companions and will defend them to his last breath

History: Jason grew up in a small part of dallas texas, raised by parents who run various black market operations. But though he was raised in the criminal underworld jasons parents were loving and were there whenever he needed them. When he reached the age of 10 his family moved into the city, his dad having landed a spot with the military now sells them weapons and other hardware. When jason hit the age of 15 he suffered from a car accident that took off his entire left arm, his dad having the hardware and tools gave jason a new mechanical arm..saving his life. Now at 20 years old he began to learn hand to hand combat from various teachers, until one day he was captured and made into a lab rat by his fathers rival company: Conduit Industries run by Maximillian Kane. Conduit specializes in harnessing various energies and using them to power military applications and vehicles. The new energy type that conduit had acquired from space was dark energy, dark energy had no effect on vehicles or other applications so they tried the next best thing: Humans. The day they tested it on jason, something went horribly wrong...or horribly right for conduit. With this new discovery conduit could now produce supersoldiers and sell them to militaries across the globe, and would give fierce competition to jasons father. Dazed and confused, jason now lives with the dark energy inside him and somehow manages to escape the facility with his life. With time jason began to master his powers, able to form various weapons at will from his limbs, now on a quest for revenge he seeks out maximillian.

Appearance: View attachment 10660 5Ft and 9 inches, 180 pounds, tan skinned, one eye brown and one eye blood red ( with a hood the brown eye is milky white ).
Name:Skyler Clark

Age: 12

Abilities/Mutations:1. Clairvoyance- A metaphorical 6
thsense which allows him to see using psychic energy. Can only see up to 100 feet and only 50 feet of the 100 is crystal clear.

2. Intent sense- The ability to make out whether a person is trying to cause harm or isn't.

Mundaneabilities-The ability to memorize things if you give him a sample ofthe object and a description.

Weaknesses:Is still very uncomfortable with using his new skill so can become easily scared if you come up to him again. Cannot keep on either skill for too long before getting a severe headache. Gets Motion sickness very easily. His biggest fear is the dreaded "

Personality:Is a timid child. He does not being around large or loud groups ofanything and does not pick his friends as soon as he meets them, but only after he has gotten to meet him over a period of time. On anormal day he only looks comfortable if he is by himself or with one other person.

History: Skyler was given over to an orphanage somewhere in the 17
th district as an infant and grew up with 6-7 other kids. Skyler was born completely blind and wasn't told of his true situation until he had reached the age of 8, along with the explanation that his birth parents had no need of taking care of him with his disability.Unfortunately the fellow children were not as kind as the care takers as they took advantage of his inability to know when meals were or how much he was supposed to get as the children often gave him only enough to keep the hunger pains away. This of course resulted in him growing into a much leaner frame then the others.

Never really getting over the “Inability to see anything” problem Skyler's world soon became turned around completely with the mutations began to show themselves. The first one began one random morning as they're was a slightly lighter tint then usual (Grey).Skyler automatically becoming scared of this situation remained in his bed as gray blobs began to take the figures of the familiar sounds. Skyler told no one in fear that well. . . he would be labeled mentally insane. Skyler tried practicing by himself with the grey blobs much to his discomfort, but after a while he got to the point where he didn't bump into furniture as much anymore. Skyler's last real memories in that place was him sitting outside trying to get a little fresh air while the house was nosy with some sort of activity. He didn't want to have his weird ability on but just enjoy the world as he knew it. Skyler's world seemed to completely wrong from there when he suddenly felt a pair of hands retrain his hands. He was beginning to call out in terror when he felt something clamp down across his mouth and his world not only went dark but quiet.


His eyes have a natural gray tint. He likes to keep his eyelids open so people cannot immediately assume he was blind.
[MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION] : updated.

Name: Tyler Lambert

Nickname: Lethe

Age: 16


1) Mutated eyesight: Tyler’s vision is substantially better than most; at 60 feet, he can see what most people could see at 20, thus, his vision is 3 times better than a normal human’s. Additionally, he can see in the dark, since his eyes have an improved intensity range, meaning that he can see things clearly even with a very limited light supply. He cannot, however, see in pitch blackness.

Weaknesses: his eyes are very sensitive to daylight, so he has taken to wearing tinted lenses in most situations.

2) Tyler can shroud his existence from people. It is not like camouflage or becoming invisible, it is more like people simply forget that he is present; their eyes slip past him. He can only do this when he moves quietly and carefully, which is different from his everyday lanky walk.

Weaknesses: He cannot flat-out run, or even jog while simultaneously maintaining “stealth mode”, since it requires smooth, silent movement. Should his speed and agility improve, he might be able to move faster in his stealth mode.

If people/animals become alert to something unusual, and begin to scan their surroundings for anything out of place, people can become aware of Tyler, even in stealth mode. For example, if someone should cough in a quiet room, and people subsequently look for the source, they can identify Tyler. Additionally, if someone enters a room in which Tyler is present, discovers some object is missing, and begins to look for it- they could spot Tyler.

His ability to only works on living beings that rely mainly on their eyesight to identify their surroundings. It is useless against dogs, bats, etc.


1) Tyler has hunted big and small game with his father for the last few years, so he’s comfortable using rifles and shotguns, but he has never touched a handgun. Additionally, the time spent hunting has improved his ability to track animals and move stealthily in the forest.

2) Although this may not count as an ability, he tends to excel academically in all subjects, not because he is a genius, but because he puts effort into his homework and classwork. He is aware that he can improve his capabilities by putting in the hours and practicing.

History: Tyler was born in a small town in District 24, the kind where everyone knows everyone else. His mother worked at the bank and his father worked as a security guard at the local high school. His parents didn’t make a ton of money, but the cost of living in a small town is low, so they were able to provide for Tyler and his sister, and guarantee the siblings some financial aid if they went off to university or college.

Tyler’s sister, Jenica, was two years older than he; she was the one who always attracted attention. She was beautiful- even he could realize that; she tall for her age, slim, blonde hair, big green eyes, friendly, candid, witty. Every one of her attributes rocketed her towards popularity, got her involved with the Student Union in both junior high and high school, and got her dates with members of the basketball and football teams.

Tyler, on the other hand, was interested in ideas rather than people, and as every student knows, being champion in State Science Fair and submitting stories to be published in youth magazines isn’t really the way to make friends. Thus, Tyler ended up living in his sister’s shade. Whereas she was on a friendly basis with half the school, Tyler had only a handful of friends. Most people were shocked when they learned that Tyler and Jenica were siblings; they were just too different. For Tyler, the constant comparison made school even more awkward.

His father, realizing his son’s frustration with school, applied for a youth hunting license for Tyler. In the February after Tyler had turned eleven, Tyler's dad took him out to hunt snowshoe rabbits. The peace of living with the land, of experiencing nature on weeklong hunting trips, away from judgmental students, was just what Tyler needed to keep his sanity. After that, they began to hunt mourning doves and other small game, and when Tyler was 14, they successfully managed to get a season’s hunting permit for elk.

Meanwhile, Jenica was 16 and in her second year of high school, and was starting to get quite interested in boys. One unforgettable night, she came downstairs into the living room and announced with a tear-streaked face and a trembling lip that she was pregnant. Together, the family decided to keep the baby, since Jenica and her boyfriend were much to young to take care of it themselves. Seven months later, Jenica’s daughter Elise was born.

By Jenica’s second trimester, the entire town knew about her pregnancy. High school students are not known for their kindness, and both she and Tyler were teased relentlessly. It was the stress, more than anything, that probably caused Tyler’s mutations to manifest. It was his dad who first noticed, when on a summer hunting trip, his son had managed to walk a hundred feet away from the base camp without his realizing it- multiple times. When they were looking for game, his son was able to spot things he couldn’t even see, even at twilight.

When they came back from that hunting trip, Peter Hall was sitting at the table. After this initial meeting, and Tyler's enthusiasm at the concept of the Institute, his parents understood immediately that he would want to attend the institute the following year.

Personality: Tyler is politely curious about everything, although he has become quite cynical about people his own age, and so will probably judge people pretty harshly based on first impressions. He is hoping that a fresh start at a new school will be exactly what he needs. He is a hard worker and enjoys school, and doesn’t really give a damn if people think he is a nerd- as long as he has some close friends. Otherwise, he will probably start to feel insecure.


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Tyler is 5’9. He usually will wear a black, blue or grey t-shirt and jeans- nothing flashy.
Name: Lestopher Glish

Nickname: Less

: Seventeen years of age

Abilities(Non-mutation): He has a good bit of medical knowledge due to his stint in his drive to acquire a medical degree. The second thing is that he was very young when he went into University, some saying him to be a child genious.

Mutations: Pain neutralization/suppression is the first mutation that he became privy to, he can dull pain to those around him through touch at the moment but later maybe even neutralize it all together. It maybe conceivable that he would even be able to do the same to himself, which would come in handy in any kind of confrontation with an enemy.

The second power is attuned to his body specifically, in which his organs maximize output to increase his physical and mental capabilities. It being in memory, agility, strength of even surviving long periods without food or water. ((He does not have the power yet, it seems to be one that would manifest in the storyline))

Weakness: Due to his ability to deaden or even neutralize pain he is detached from fear, the emotion devoid in him for al intensive purposes…pain being the chief reason for fear, which is a large problem when recognizing threats.

Personality: Caring, deep in thought, blunt at times, takes little seriously, laid back attitude, seems to be an air head at times.

History: Less has been the type of guy to take life as it comes, nothing usually gets to the guy. His early life consisted of botched friendships and short lived job descriptions, which attributed to his passive nature. The only thing that he took serious was the stint he did in university for a medical degree, which he came close to acquiring. He only missed it by a year, which was because he had to leave abruptly due to his family problems back home. His mother died shortly after he arrived, him choosing not to even return to finish his degree to take care of his younger sister and at that time he was still very young.

Years passed and his sister moved out of the house to take on her own life in university, her going the same way that he did. She decided to follow in his footsteps and become a doctor, perhaps striving to show him that his sacrifice was not wasted. After she left he decided to sell the house and move on with his life as well, what that meant not being known to him at that moment. For the most part it consisted of moving from place to place and taking an exhaustingly amount of jobs, his portfolio being quite a long list.

-Skips ahead to a relevant time-

A couple days ago he was fired from his last endeavor at a job, it being in a pawn shop. In his defense the owner was a bit of a jerk, so the canning was expected early off. That given night he saw an individual walking out into the street just in front of the shop, her not paying attention to the stoplight. As his eyes shifted he noticed that a vehicle barreling around the corner, it inadvertently clipping her. In an instant he rushed over to the spot she had rested, her leg obviously taking the most of the impact.

Before he made a move he called the nearest hospital, his hand being placed over the woman’s mouth checking for a whatever breathing might be present. Shortly after the call to local dispatch the woman wake up from shock and cried out at the top of her lungs, torrents of pain trickling to the surface as the pain ran up against the waning adrenalin. The woman reached up and took hold of his arm in a desperate attempt to quell the pain, her nails digging into his skin as she hoped for any alleviation. To his surprise her grip lessened and her screams faded, hinting at some kind of rhyme or reason behind it all.

Ten minuets had passed and the woman kept her hand on him, a wave of deadening influence washing over her. When the Emts arrived they laid the woman upon a gurney, asking her to let the man go. She however did not want to but did regardless, and as they were loading her into the vehicle the screams started again. Whatever force the woman experience had worn off as soon as she was away from him, leaning to the ideal of him being the force.


Name: Frank Chapman

Age: 17

nickname: reptile

abilities/mutation: Frank has the ability to mutate into a reptile like creature based on his rage. This reptile creature can shoot acid from his mouth and run at about the spped of 15 miles an hour. Like a gecko he can scale walls. He also has clawed hands but all of his power is limited because he has a hard time controlling it due to the fact it can be activated by rage and deactivated by calming him down. This problem in controlling his powers has at times resulted in Frank acting more reptile then human and He will require training to control himself.

Weaknesses: Frank is vulnerable to extreme heat and cold enviorments as a reptile is.

Personality: Frank is highly intelligent but has anger issues. He wears his heart on his sleeve and any percieved insult can have him fly offf the handle making him transform and lose control. Frank is impatient with his therapy and training which can cause him to act out. However Frank is a nice guy in the end and wants to be a productive member of the team even though his powers might not always cooperate.

History: Frank was living a normal life during a fun summer at his hometown in Arizona. Frank was on a date with his girlfriend that night when a couple of guy's started yelling at Franks girl calling out cat calls. Of course Frank was a young american teenage youth ready for trouble at a moments notice and soon was in a fight against three other men. Frank took a beating but it only made him angrier and when one of the thgs stopped attacking him and went for his girlfriend thats when the change happened. When Frank woke up he was in the hospital and he had a visitor from a place called IPAD and now Frank had to start over and learn his new poweres and try to make sense out of why his life had to be turned upside down

Apperance:View attachment 11552View attachment 11555
Name: Jordan Reeves

Nickname: None

Age: 13

1st Mutation/Power: Everything has a Electromagnetic Field (though some are smaller than others) his power is to adapt his field to be able to stick to any surface

2nd Mutation/Power: No Idea

Abilities: Acrobat and Basic Fighting Skills

Weaknesses: Stubborn and forgiving to an unnatural degree, and inexperience.

Personality: On the inside Jordan is a really socially awkward and shy kid. But on the outside he's an annoying bag of pure energy which is due to the fact that he's developed a habit of running his mouth when he's nervous . . . which is all the time despite what he shows on the outside. It's not surprising if he ends up getting himself into trouble because of his mouth. Despite his shy attitude and size he LOVES to fight. It also helps that he's stubborn and is not afraid to get hurt just to prove a point. He also values friends above himself, if he considers you a friend it means you're family to him and he would risk his life for you. He hates to be judged by his age. He is also forgiving to a fault. Also very defensive about his hair.

History: Jordan discovered his mutation at the age of 12 when there was a fire at his school. Fire had blocked the two lower floors of his school leaving him on the third floor with the fire only rising higher he tried looking for an exit the only one being a window. With fire licking at his heels he dropped out of the window grabbing for anything his hand stuck to the wall. He experimented a bit and found out he could actually crawl on walls! He scaled down the building and ran home. He told his parents what happened later realising he was a mutant. A year later he gets a letter marked IPAD.

View attachment 11568 ( Umm hope this is okay I'm new to RPing)
Name: Calvar Ogarsson

Nickname: Grav

Age: 17



Calvar is able to rearrange the electrons in Atoms so that their structure changes he can only only do this to solid structures. This allows him to manipulate the earth, natural ores and natural or synthetic minerals often associated with the 'earth element'. This ability also enables Calvar to manipulate metals and gems in various ways. Potentially at the peak of his Powers Calvar could manipulate these things with nothing but his mind and, much like how Geckos can manipulate electrons in atoms to stick onto flat surfaces so can he if said walls are made of metal or earth.


Improvisational Fighting:

Not especially skilled in hand to hand combat, Calvar can throw a punch and land a a kick with some strength behind it, he uses this skill in conjunction with his powers.


Since Calvar is not in full control of his powers he can only manipulate as much as he can carry ( 34kg (70lb) to 45kg (100lb) at most), Physical training can increase this until he is able to reach his full potential. He must maintain direct contact with the earth or the object he is manipulating at all times (This does not limit his ability to use the earth as a projectile).


Calvar is a calm person and he is able to process things while under mild duress, however he is not very brave and will very rarely put himself at risk for another person. He is smart but lacks any sort of determination and will tend to quit something before he finishes if things become overly taxing. Calvar wishes he were braver and strives to that end.


Life is a two faced thing and it can give you your dreams and ideal world or it can take from you everything you know and love. As a boy Calvar had been orphaned by a thug who targeted his parents out of sheer spite of their happiness "If I can't have what you have then you won't have it anymore!!" the big man bellowed before he shot his parents down and merely gave Calvar a dismissing snort before kicking him to the ground. Later Calvar found himself as a ward of the state and placed in several foster homes before he was placed in a halfway house for troubled boys. Calvar had found his place amongst a small group of boys and they held the underdog title like it was a trophy, the got up to a lot of trouble and Calvar had always been the look out in many situations, he had a sense for when things were about to turn for the worse and became an integral part to their group's future fridge raiding operations.

Their leader was a fierce and Charismatic boy who went by the name of Edric and he had always assured them that he would take care of them all no matter what, even if they were separated. As the group grew older their adventures became more dangerous and their schemes bordered crimes but they were still idolised, everyone one had agreed even Calvar, that same night Edric had organised for everyone in their group to meet up later after hours since their security guard was lazy and barely bothered to check. So they all gathered and followed Edric blindly, they found the gang's leader who had then lead them into an alleyway behind a shop where there were a few members all staring at them menacingly. They were soon told that in order for them to join the gang they would have to receive a brand to test their mettle and if they were to refuse the brand or run they would be shot. In fact several members of their small group had been shot because they refused, Calvar watched as Edric barely batted a lash at their former friends' deaths.
"You said you would take care of us!!" Calvar screamed "You're not the same Edric!!! I ain't joining your stupid gang!!" Calvar yelled childishly at Edric who simply turned away from him, the gang leader chuckled a little as he took up his pistol and shot Calvar. The bullet would have killed him were it not for the large rock that was floating in front of his face where the bullet had imbed itself, Calvar pushed away at the floating rock and it careened into his friend providing distraction enough for him to run away, Calvar never looked back to see if his former friand and leader were ok because for all intents and purposes Edric was dead to him now.;


Name: Yesy (Marley) Luna

Nickname: Marley

Age: 13

Abilities/Mutations: Has the ability to control things with her mind and predict the future if her mind is completly blank. Can read a persons emotion just by looking at their face and can read the stars like a fortune teller

Weaknesses: Cannot be in a crowded area or noisy area. If she is her powers will not work and she may have a mental breakdown due to her hearing multiple things going on

Personality: Perfers to observe and listen instead of talk. She pays extra attention to small details. She may at times trust herself instead of others depending on the situation. If she gets to lonely she'll lose sight of herself. Not very stable. In the end if you show her enough kindness she'll always stay by your side.

History: Her father and mother learned about her powers when she was 5 and always lived out in the woods. She was never shown what being normal was untill she finally got a friend at age 11. Sadly when they went into the city she got crazy from so much noise, movement, and people. She ended up paralyzing her friend forever. She was never let out anymore, so she was always lonely and learned to like it. Her mother died of some disease caused by a weird flower that no longer exists. She never got a proper education, so she cant talk very much, but she can write and that the only way she comunicates. Her family was never really rich, so she learned to treasure the smallest of things. Never got out much, so she gets scared easily at first, but then no longer fears it. And she rarely ate as she never found use to eating.


Normal mode: Has Black eyes, Extremly pale, long black hair down to waist, wears a white button up shirt, a long blue skirt, and black converse

'Attack' mode: Her hair turns into a pale blonde, her eyes turn a pale pink, her skin turns slightly more tan, Her outfitt does not change

Crazy mode: Her hair SOMEHOW grows longer till it reaches the ground, hair turns blue, her eyes turn blue, she turns into a sick looking pale that it seems her skin is a tint of blue, clothes doesnt change. Her eyes look empty and she has a grin on her face AT ALL TIMES.
I hope it's not to late to join

Name: Jace Striker


Age: 13

Abilities/Mutations: Jace can also channel a blue energy to inhance his own power by making aura punches and stuff. He can also concentrate the energy into a sphere of energy. Scalled up he can use his energy as a shield, and make bigger energy spheres. (also not apart of his mutation) but Jace has had some training in Kung fu.

Weaknesses: Can't think of any weakness for his persay... he's a normal human so a gun to the head would kill him like most others. His aura shields can be broken if enough force his done to them based on Jace's focus.

Personality: Jace tries his hardest to train but slackes off at times. Jace also enjoys exploring and just having fun.


Jace grew up in a small village on an island in the Costal District. There he spent most of his time exploring the island and hanging out with his friends. However, that all changed when an mysterious group came to the island and invaded. Jace believed that most of the villagers were either killed or kidnapped. Jace however managed to stay hidden all during the assualt. After it was over he was the only one there. However, not long long after that, (about a day or so) a kung fu master came to the island. There he found Jace and took him in as his pupil. So Jace went to live with the master. Jace trained under his sensai. Then one day his powers began to develop and his sensai was given a letter for Jace. So his sensai had him go to the IPAD place.

Appearance: View attachment 11965Jace wears a Black shirt with a blue plain hoddie over it. Black pants as well. He'll sometimes wear a blue backwords cap.

give me a sec to edit the rest.

@Pristine Dark

@[VIP]Pristine Dark

@Gabriel Ryker
Name: Kururugi Amazawa Ryujin

Nickname: Maoki

Age: 17

Abilities&Mutations: She has exceptional skills when it comes to dual swordsmanship and physical combat. She can easily manipulate Water, and she has healing powers.

Weaknesses: She is afraid of fire, and hates the element itself & she can be easily tempted by her targets/enemies, its either a person from her past or an enemy shapeshifter.

Personality: She tends people who are greatly or accidentally injured. She's calm, both in mind and physical contact, and is completely a monarchatic maniac.

History: She's from the past & she was once a Japanese princess. She has the blood of the Japanese Sea God-Ryujin. But then, she wanted to be a brave japanese warrior, yet her parents didn't want her to fail her duty as princess. One day, while she was traveling at sea to visit her Godly father's underwater castle, her boat didn't survive the opening of the sea, and was greatly destroyed. She was driven ashore in an abandoned island with nobody else from her ship's crew. For days, she felt isolated with no one to talk to. Yet she finally realized that instead of just waiting for rescue signs, she realized that she should learn combat skills and dual swordsmanship from her own knowledge. So what she did was to quickly learn the skills she wanted to learn, and find some sticks and stones to help her learn about swirdsmanship, the masterpiece of a truly brave warrior. For exactly 4 years, she mastered the ways and skills of a warrior she once wanted to be. Days later, while she was hunting in the forest, she caught sight of warrior-like clothes and ancient dual Katana. But most of all, what she saw was an incredible mystery to her-- she saw a magical portal, which could lead her to the modern world. So she wore the clothes and went straight into the portal and dissapeared forever. Moments later, when she didn't realize the portal ended, she accidentally fell on a guy, which was the Headmaster himself. She apologized about falling on him from out of nowhere, and he accepted her apology. So they talked a lot and she was then convinced about his offer about joining him together in an organization called IPAD.

Appearance: She has a dragon tattoo at her right hand. She has pink hair and is 5'5 tall. here's a picture of her and her weapons:

View attachment 11929View attachment 11930

Disclaimer: I am not Miss Pristine and have no say in controlling this RP in any way shape or form.

Now that that is out of the way, I just wanted to help Miss Pris and you both out just a bit since she seems to have been up almost all night (and so I don’t know how long it will be til she wakes up today). So I am going to try to point out a few things that you might find helpful.

1. This RP is loosely based on a rolling system (more difficult and plot dependent things sometimes requiring a 1d100 roll to determine success). These things are rolled by Miss Pris in thread and help add a layer of realism while strongly blocking godmoding.

2. The RP is based on a level system. As we continue through the chapters, we gain experience as given by Miss Pris . . . at first level characters start with pretty much sparkles and smoke as their powers.

3. The world that we are in is NOT Earth. It is a planet called Burd and so Earth places generally have to be removed from character history or not mentioned.

4. All powers seem to have appeared (in our batch of people) in the past few months with NO exceptions (this is a point that has gotten some people needing to do rewrites). Powers can be no older than this – although the teachers seem to have been from an earlier batch. Part of our job as the RP continues is to try to figure out why the powers are originating and avoid shady people like the World’s Government who control everything.

5. I’m not certain that actual magic exists 0.~ but not my world so feel free to talk to Miss Pris when she wakes up.

Again, this is not my RP but there are certain things that weren’t posted in the original sign up sheet that Gabe put up that I thought you would find useful. Hopefully you will be in and playing with us shortly~



PS: [MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION] I'm sorry if this is overstepping my bounds and will delete if requested 0.~ just trying to play helpful and informative~
Name: Nessa Belaqua

Nickname: N/A

Age: 16

Abilities/Mutations: She can utilize any version of herself. For example, if she was near mirrors, her reflections could become solid beings as long as she was around the mirrors. Same goes if she is recorded on camera, etc.

Weaknesses: She can't control it half the time, and if she pushes it too far she'll be knocked out. This could improve over time, but her fear of firing a gun won't. She will not be around anyone who is armed with one, and she herself will never use one.

Personality: She is honest. She has trouble admitting when something's wrong or she's hurt, and she is extremely protective of her friends. She's a great actress when the situation demands, but she can't stand lying. She often overreacts if she feels like she's done something wrong, but will also hold a grudge on someone for hurting her/those she cares about.

History: She lived with her older brother (25) for a long time. She had a job as an illustrator, and they were fairly happy with how they were living. One day her and a friend went to a circus that was in town. In the hall of mirrors, she got lost. And then her copies started solidifying. She ended up passing out, and never told anyone what happened. They blamed it on some sort of allergy, but she knew otherwise. Later, she found out about an orginization of some sort for people with... abilities. She contacted them the next day. (This sounds so much like the TV series "Heroes")

Appearance: View attachment 12336 Sorry the picture's so big. She doesn't have a special set of clothes, but she's usually just wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. She almost never dresses up.
Name: Edo Hijaki

Nickname: Ed

Age: 16


Fire- She is albe to use fire, but instead of willing it to, she has to make certain signs before expelling the fire

Abilities- Enhanced Agility, Good with hand to hand combat, Quick thinking

Weaknesses:If she uses to much of her ability her body would become strained, and tired. She hates the cold, since her body is so used to being about average temperature.

Personality: Edo is a mixture of personalities. She is mostly up beat and happy, but the smallest thing can set her off, into a sad state or an angry one. When she's not doing anything she can be laid back, but she doesn't like to be for long. She can be fidgty when there's a battle or a small fight.

History: Edo was born into a military family who was stuck in the past. Her father was big on feudal ear times and always took Edo out back, to train. He believed that anyone could become strong, and gave her quote he found in one of the feudal books. While she had free time, her mother would take her and have picnics outside on the roof and show her books her mother passed down. enjoying the wind.Because of how her parents where, kids never stuck around to become friends, so she would wonder off into the woods and treat that as her play ground, by using the woods as obsticle courses. One day they were eating, and like ever other parent , they told her the every child is destined for greatness speech. After dinner she was outside reading one of the books her mother gave her. Like all kids she was curious to see if the signs would work. She mimciked each sign, messing upthe first four. On her fifth try she was albe to create a fire ball. She smiled finally being able to do it. She called for her father to show him. She messed up again and her father was getting tired. As he was about to walk back inside she did it again, and it worked. The father smiled as he clapped his hands and patting her head. Her father left and immediately called the school, no time for waste he wanted her trained.




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