IPAD - The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development - The Remake (Chapter Two and Onwards)(S-U)

Pristine Dark

Supreme Cookie Overlord

  • The year is 2097 and as of late a certain oddity has begun to show up in a certain number of the people inhabiting the planet Burd. These oddities, as of yet unexplained, manifest themselves as abilities which normal people shouldn't have. Examples of these abilities include the ability to control flame, the ability to bend light, the ability to give life to inanimate objects, and many others spanning the spectrum of human imagination. One similarity that spans these vastly different effects, however, is the fact that they all started to become available to their respective users approximately two months prior.

    In what was proclaimed to be an attempt to help youth with these abilities, a group headed by Darian Cross opened the Institute of Powers and Advanced Development. This was meant to serve as both an instructional establishment as well as a measure of protection against a dark future sensed by a rather powerful psychic by the name of Peter Hall. Those individuals instrumental in starting this school went out and personally invited students to join their ranks as they tried to alter the course of fate. Finally they opened the doors of the school to these promising young people and welcomed them to dorms and facilities somehow already specialized to their unique powers and needs. They had successfully brought all of the students to safety and the future was brightening with their hopes ...

    That is how it seemed until the lights cut out and an organization under the direction of someone only known as "mother" attacked. They harvested certain students to test tubes using the teleportation abilities by one of their own special agents. Once enough students were gathered, a group of mercenaries was unleashed upon the school to wipe out the rest. Of course, a number of students objected to this slaughter and fought back to the best of their ability as they tried merely to survive ... Even having escaped the initial onslaught, however, they are now learning that this organization wants them and are realizing that this all is far from over.

Under Construction : Posting Allowed

Grand-fathered character sheets

  • Character belonging to Riddle78

    ~ Student since: first chapter ~

    Name: Malcolm HawkerAge: 18

    Abilities: Enhanced Speed ; Blood-wires.

    • Enhanced Speed: Current top speed of 60 Kilometers per hour.
    • Blood-wires: He can project razor-wires from within his body and spool them out to great length.

    Skills:Enhanced Reflexes

    • Enhanced Reflexes: The perceived world slows down as speed increases to prevent grievous bodily harm to himself as a result of ‘Enhanced Speed’
    • - -

    Weaknesses:Enhanced Speed has all of the normal physical properties of physical objects. He requires time to accelerate as well as decelerate. Malcolm’s blood-wires are generated and projected from the inside of his body and thus must break though the surrounding flesh to become external.

    Background: Malcolm Hawker was born to a computer-oriented family. His dad was a networking specialist and his mother was a programmer. Between the two of them,Malcolm lived a goof life,and always had something to do,thanks to information technology and such. However,he wasn't content to simply sit in front of a screen all day. No,he wanted to run and hunt. His parents questioned this at first,then realized that,hey,not everyone likes to spend every moment of every day at a computer desk. During school,Malcolm excelled at physical education,with the instructors calling him a machine,and keeping going even though he looks like the walking dead. His more academic studies followed a similar theme,starting just above failing,then ending with grades in the high eighties. Two months ago,Malcolm was running on the outside track at his school,and he slowly began to accelerate...Straight up until he had to run in a straight line across the sports field and slow to a stop mere inches from a gigantic ironwood tree. Since then,he started to show off his speed,even though he knew that he wouldn't be allowed to compete ever again. The police have pulled him over three times because of his running speed. Twice was because he was running sixty in a school zone,and once because he was going sixty in the highway's fast lane. Each time they let him off,but the last time he was told to stick to the slow lane.

    Malcolm also found that he had a different ability,one of a more sinister bent. He kept this one under wraps,as it was both painful and had the potential to get him killed by scared people. Now he stands with a letter in his hands,offering an invitation to study and train at the Institute of Powers and Advanced Development.; direct quote.

    Appearance: Malcolm Hawker stands five foot nine inches,and weighs two hundred twelve pounds. His eyes are green and his hair is black. His hair is thick and shaggy,but he tries to keep it short enough to manage,especially at the front. His body can be described as "long" with legs and arms that seem disproportionately long compared to his torso,and his face is long and narrow. His clothing consists of a ruggedized high collar jacket,which he wears at all times with a simple long sleeved shirt underneath,made of a low-friction material. His pants are also ruggedized,but they are made of a low-friction material. His eyes are covered by ballistic goggles. Malcolm also wears an exoskeleton,which braces his legs and spine from the shock of running so fast. The leg section he wears over his pants,and the spine brace is worn under his jacket. This is medical issue. He has long ago given up on reading the insurance claim,as it's written in legaliese and medical gobbledygook.; direct quote.

Newly Accepted Character Sheets

APPROVED character sheets, pending transfer.


Ashelyn Cierra Tyrane has not yet been added to my dossier; do not change details in the post.


York Ludger Howl has not yet been added to my dossier; do not change details in the post.

York Ludger Howl review:
While your abilities are indeed thematically similar (thanks for that), the effective strength of the character is also quite a way beyond the allowed power limits.

I have very little issue with ‘Enhance’; Matter construction is another issue altogether.

  • It is far too close to an ‘omni-power’ for my liking.
  • While you only list simple objects, there is nothing preventing the creation of objects with moving parts.
  • You do not specify whether the reconstructed matter possesses the same physical qualities or if it is transmuted into different material

These are just to name the first three issues to come to mind.

On to skills: I think you are misinterpreting the idea behind the RP, which is mostly that you people are NOT spectacular individuals. Look up at the ‘grandfathered character sheets list’ for example; note how the impact of skills, while present, are not major changes. I do not want epic judo boxers…I want mostly normal individuals that have been thrust into an altogether phenomenal situation.

That said, I do NOT mind a fighting capability….I DO MIND if they are excessive (such as yours, as written)

Weaknesses: Both are entirely under the control of the RPer and thus are unacceptable…moreover, they aren’t weaknesses so much as personality traits.

History: good

At this time, I do not have a suggestion for Matter Construction

PENDING characters sheets

  • GoddessOfGod PENDING

    Your character possess more 'skills' than are allowed

    As for your history: Her father would not have been able to ‘call’ the institute; they are an organization that is:

    1. Not acknowledged by, and are in fact AT ODDS with the world government
    2. Brand new*

    Moreover, since powers are not widely known, there is nobody they should have been able to ask for assistance from. Recruitment to IPAD happens by one of the personal gathering the person at their home at the behest of the headmaster: Darian Cross. Alternate recruitment (now closed) was to have the person captured out of their normal life by the organization that has attacked the school, only to find yourselves ‘liberated’ when Ritsa causes the escape.

    Personality and Nickname fields are not required (never liked those sorts of entries)

Name: Ashelyn Cierra Tyrane

Age: 15


Form Control: Ashe has the ability to change her form at a whim. Currently she can alter pigmentations, hair length, and nail color. As this ability advances I would like to see it extend to more radical physical changes as well as see if it could be utilized to weaponize her form in both offensive and defensive mannerisms. I would also like to see this ability become somewhat instinctual at higher levels: making changes without the need for thought so that she can adapt intuitively to environmental threats.

Rapid metabolism: Given the nutrients necessary, the girl's form repairs minor injuries and strikes. This requires fairly vast caloric reserves in order to function. Minor things such as simple scrapes, minor singeing, and shallow cuts repair themselves almost without her noticing. This ability can be used to remove a strike assuming the caloric intake necessary is obtainable. (She heals by being a pig ... Leave her alone!) I would like to see this ability advance to be somewhat less demanding on her diet and possibly would like the eventual ability to use rapid metabolism on an ally through a touch attack (although they would be starved as hell and feel like crap until they replenished the lost nutrients afterwards).


Sticky fingers: Ashe had fallen in with the wrong crowd back before her life went all wonky. As such she very much believed in five finger discounts and is decently skilled at such practices.

Innocent faced liar: The girl seems to lie just as easily and believably as normal people tell the truth making it very difficult to see through her bluffs.


-None of Ashelyn's skills or abilities help her in combat type situations and so that is something that she shall very much need to learn and grow in as she advances.

-Her rapid metabolism which is always running requires vast amounts of calories in order to function. As such her daily caloric intake needs are rather difficult to sustain if she takes any amount of damage. The normal day to day style of wear and tear stuff still requires her to eat 1.5 times usual amounts without even having anything to repair.

-The girl has an odd sort of body image issue which is growing as she continues to learn how to adjust more parts of herself. This seems counterintuitive seeing that she can change parts of herself at a whim, but her definition of self and her concepts of worth seem to diminish as she gets better. I suppose it is what could be expected of a rather insecure individual suddenly given a mask behind which she might hide.

History: Ashelyn is the only daughter of a rather standoffish if not abusive father. Her mother died during childbirth and as such he viewed the girl as her killer and kept her separated and demonized. As she grew, he tried to paint an image of himself as a very open-minded individual who kept himself so separated in an attempt to raise a strong child who was capable of making her own choices. Mostly everyone saw through this. It was through the work of a particularly bossy member of the school administration that she started school at all as he didn't really bother with such things. As such she is one grade behind where she should be, but tends to be a bright girl who is observant and quick on her feet. It also helps that she can talk herself out of almost any situation and manages to often utilize her silver tongue in favor of retakes or undeserved points.

Once she made it to middle school she was in many ways adopted by a group of older peers who were freshmen in high school. These individuals taught her "how to care for herself" - i.e. how to put food, electronics, CDs, alcohol, etc into her possession by means of a five finger discount. This was another area where her silver tongue served her quite well and she was only ever caught a few times in the very beginning when she was practicing on candy, soda, and chump change. There were very minor consequences which normally culminated with her father being made to come and pick her up from the asset protection area of those stores (which he occasionally was even willing to do so as to save face). Once home, however, he didn't follow through with punishments beyond perhaps a good backhand and a yelling fit about how she was only good for causing him trouble.

When her powers manifested about 2 months ago, her group of "friends" were the first to ditch. They mistakenly believed that the sudden and unexplained alteration to her hair color and style which occurred nearly every day was proof that she was holding out on them. For this betrayal she was quite badly beaten and had what little money she had on her at the time stolen. Returning home, she ate pretty much everything remaining in their fridge and was subsequently kicked out by her drunken lout of a father for doing so in spite of the fact that she had stolen the funds to buy much of it. Allowed to return but finding that this process seemed to repeat itself every few days, she eventually packed what few outfits and electronics she had and headed out. Thankful that it wasn't cold yet and that her so called "friends" had prepared her for this eventuality, she has been staying in a small open lot making use of what bits of the former park hadn't been pilfered by locals for the past few days.

With money now running low and her electronics sold to feed this incredible apatite that she had developed from nowhere, miss Ashelyn has stopped attending school in order to contemplate new sources of income. Despite her distaste for the options available, she currently sees two choices available to her. At this point she can start thinking larger by way of goods salvaged from unworthy owners or she could consider selling herself ...


Name: York Ludger Howl

Age: 16

Abilities: Enhance- Takes the current matter or matter around him and uses its molecular construction to enhance either his body or an object to make it stronger lighter or more dense. A timed endeavor that only lasts for a certain time, but has a short cool down. Can only currently enhance specific regions at the same time. Hands and Forearms only, or feet and calves only. When used on skin and muscle it turns that body part black.

Skills: He has trained with his father who was a golden gloves boxer in the military. Making him quite the fanatic of boxing.

A belief that he is a hero. Strong will and determination does not give into fear easily.


Enhance is only available through touching the object.

Cellular reversion Enhance comes with a small price to pay for the ability. Muscle spasms and shaking are accompanied by pain as the cells revert back to their original form. It is temporary (usually takes place during cool down period.)

History: The events in your past that have made you who you are. While I don't care about pre-generated personalities, I DO care about the events in each of your individual pasts; they are frequently used for 'focus segments' that I write, so be wary. Born into a family of 3 boys and being the youngest he had to learn to scrounge and fight for attention as well as battle his big brothers in matches. The family he lives in places everything on being in first place. If you are not first you are last, that is what his father said to him. York admired everything about his father enjoying the hands on training his father would teach him and advice he would get. Being the youngest York found himself being cared for by his mother more tenderly than the other two so he has developed more openly towards females to his life. He believes all males strive to be alpha's so he makes sure he is at the top of the list. He has gotten in many fights in his young career of schooling and won every single one of them. His father praised his son with heart pats on his back but his mother grew distant from her growling aggressive son. He was not the boy she had raised him to be.

One day when he came home from the gym his father and mother were arguing about York and what she wanted to do with her son who valued fighting over compromise. During the fight between them it quickly escalated and York saw his father strike his mother, he watched horrified stunned and shocked. His brothers lept on top of their father stopping him from doing more damage to their fragile mother. York remembers watching his mother cry staring at him who was frozen in the doorway... York had always wanted to be the hero but at that moment found no courage. He has learned to swallow that fear and leave your emotions behind and thats what it takes to be a good hero.

He has since that day proclaimed himself the hero. Only fighting Bullies and defending those who cant do it themselves. He never wants to feel weak and helpless ever again. His mother ever since his change has become even closer to him and supports him in him defending others and not fighting for himself. She loves her son with every breath she takes.

His powers arrived and he destroyed his mothers favorite china plate. Only telling her about it she kept it secret as she watched her son in amazement helping him understand his new and awesome strength. She would watch each time that he practiced it cheering him on and asking him questions about it. They bonded even more than they ever had. When he was offered into the academy he had his reservations, about being separated from his mother and leaving her with his father alone since his brothers had left. She urged him to go so he could grow. She had said that him leaving and becoming an even greater hero would make her the most proud mother in the world.

"You are my Super Boy." She would always say to him which would embarrass him immensely

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Ludger_Status.jpg.a25616b7f89bf1d794edd3ab6cbe7c33.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Ludger_Status.jpg.a25616b7f89bf1d794edd3ab6cbe7c33.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>, <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9552a35_ludger.2.jpg.9610bdc77f9710536193a6ac39d06bef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9552a35_ludger.2.jpg.9610bdc77f9710536193a6ac39d06bef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I will bring this world to an end. Watch me."

Name: Alice Grimm

Age: 17


Metallokinesis: Discessus

The basic detachment of a metal implement, i.e. A bar from a safety railing, by manipulating connected metal molecules to detach from each other. As it stands now, Discessus only weakens the metal implement enough for Grimm to wrench it from its original spot.

Metallokinesis: Reformationem

The ability to re-establish the arrangement of metal molecules in a body. This ability can be used in conjunction with Discessus to form a sharper weapon with a previously blunt one or vice-versa. It cannot change the base form of an object, so cubes will remain as cubes, and rods will remain as rods, though this may only be for now.


-Grimm, for all her nihilistic and pessimistic views, is a talented writer and crafts stories of amazing quality and specializes in the romance genre. One can almost always spot her jotting down stuff on a notebook at times. She also ships. Hard.

-Grimm has picked up the trade of twirling and spinning rods and is rather good at it, and often does it when she is in the midst of thinking when she is writing, or just thinking. The habit has, lately, been distracting her more than it should be.


-Zero combat talent, and relies heavily on her physical ability to do anything in the first place.

-Physically unstable. Gets giddy spells after running for too long due to an underlying condition she has yet to get a check-up for because she thought it trivial. Kinda regrets it now.

-Inability to change the element of the metal results in the metal being weaker, causing her makeshift weapons to be broken when they hit anything that does not give way. Due to her inexperience in arranging molecules, this may result in a weaker structure altogether as well.


Two months ago. It all ended two months ago. A life of normalcy with her journalist father and her botanist mother, all erased just with the snap of a finger.

Alice Grimm's feet pounded on the pavement, getting heavier with each passing step until she could see no more. Clutching at a stray pipe, she doubled over and coughed until her throat hurt. Stars exploding in her eyes and her head hurting almost as if a truck rammed into it, Grimm half-turned and slumped down on the floor of the alley. Her right hand was numb, with blood just spilling out all over the ground. A nerve might have been struck somewhere. She no longer felt anything in the hand. In a burst of anger and frustration, she balled her injured hand and smacked the wall with it, crying in anguish as she did.

What a coward she had been, leaving her father lying upon the ground, a gash on his chest as her mother hid in a corner, fumbling with her phone. Alice still remembered the scene exactly as she saw it. A kitchen knife embedded in her hand, a masked robber clutching at his throat as his own blood pooled with her father's, her own dripping on the floor nearby. Kitchen knives were meant to be single-edged. The one on her hand had split in half coming in contact with her hand and reversed its edge as she pounced forwards in retaliation for her downed father. It just came naturally. The knife's molecules gave way and rearranged themselves as her skin touched it. How did she know? Simple. She saw it herself, almost as if she were part of the blade. The shifting of the metal, the thinning of one side and the widening of the other to replicate its original form. The blade sliced through the robber's Adam's apple and his windpipe, leaving him to collapse as his last breath hissed from the hole on his neck. Shocked, confused and disoriented, Alice tore the blade from her hand and tossed it aside, before running out of the house.

It was supposed to be a normal life. She was supposed to come home from school, take a good bath, don her pyjamas and enjoy a dinner with her parents, like the past seventeen years. Why did it have to change now? Why did it have to happen now? What heinous crime did she commit in the eyes of the Gods that she would have to suffer this fate?

She slept at the park for three days, before debating, and winning, with herself that she was only acting a tad too over-emotional. She returned to her own home only to find the police wandering around. With a bit of work, she managed to sneak into the house to find her mother, only to be told, with teary eyes, that her father was in a critical condition. The burglar perished, of course, but that meant Alice was now branded a killer. There would be no escape from the rope, even if she pleaded on the crime of manslaughter or justified self-defence.

Determined to go against the gods and the world for a complete 180 turn to her life, Grimm bade her mother farewell and promised her she would return occasionally, before leaving the house and her entire past life behind. Since then, she has spent almost two months dodging police patrols, hiding herself under the hood of her windbreaker and getting cash from begging in the streets, until she stumbled upon the academy itself, where they offered her a safe asylum and a place to hone her abilities. The former was fine by her in all means. The latter did not, however, appeal to her. She didn't want to be some freak with superpowers and all that jazz. It would seem, however, that fate would be enjoying playing with her a bit longer.
"I'd....like to be normal. Is that fine?"

Appearance: There is a disturbing lack of really angry redheads on Goggles Google.

Hair: Her hair is naturally dark red, but flares up in a brighter shade of red when she gets pissed. She keeps it long and it possesses a slight curl to it. The tip of it reaches her elbow.

Eyes: A reddish-brown hue that pierce even the hardest of gems and crack the toughest of skins. They are usually narrowed in a glare or half-closed in a display of aloofness.

Build: Grimm is built athletically, though her physical condition says otherwise, and is a tall creature for her (physical) age and gender, standing at exactly 6 feet and weighing no less than 120 lbs. A raw, red scar runs across the palm of her hand to remind her of what has happened.

Clothing&Style: Her normal fashion has her wearing tank tops with various designs depending on what her hand snatches up from the wardrobe each morning. They are often coupled with a mixture of jeans and sneakers, and topped with a black windbreaker with a grinning fireball stencilled on the back. She purchases her clothes from street-side thrift shops and Chinatowns. It's apparent that, when she takes off her jacket and if one pays attention, she is wearing a sarashi to bind her chest and torso.
Alright here we go!


Main picture:


Earring(Only right ear):




Only the dark inked tattoo is there :/ my scanner cut off his other arm so i'll simply tell you. There are three rings on his right arm,one fat one in the middle and two thinner ones above and below the fat one.(If you look at the left side of the tattoo pic you should be able to see just part of it xD )

P.S Sorry this took me so long -w- wanted to get his tattoo posted with everything so i waited. Plus he has a tattoo on his right hand I haven't been able to scan yet -.- will get to it as soon as I can...

Now Second character:

Name: Zeke Helt



1. He is able to mimic any sound,from a voice he hears to his favorite music including instruments,etc.

2.He is able to boost his voice volume to a very high pitch or low bass sometimes creating shock waves

(He's pretty much a speaker xD )

Skills: Very fast when it comes to movement,very flexible since he's good at gymnastics

Weaknesses: Has no voice of his own,when he's sad or depressed his ability will fail

History: Zeke was born and raised in a village called Tarorn,linked to the Line Lane tribe Cross' village was part of. Though since they were miles and miles away Zeke knows nothing about Cross other then hearing about one of the other villages had been destroyed for some reason. Zeke never could speak and had no voice so communicating was hard for him most of his life,and being one of the leaders of the village's son made it even more so. Though he usually drowned everything with music that he'd listen to most of the time,he had found out about his ability when he started singing a song he knew and matched it perfectly. At first he couldn't control when he could use his ability and when he started getting better at it he heard from some school,IPAD. Figuring it'd be good for him his parents aloud him to go and even he was excited about it.

Appearance: http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss262/dolphinbear1/Edited-Mine/sc000a4494_zpsf31ac999.jpg

(Sorry pic isn't the best -.- I don't do digital art...Stuck with traditional ink and color pencils -w- He will also have a tattoo on his right hand like Cross :/ and like Cross I don't have them scanned yet....Also I have added more info on Cross' secret past through Zeke's history -w- fuuun.well hope this works XP think i got it all O.o )

  • Name: Aren Gilroy

    Age: 17

If there's anything you need me to edit then just say so, I'm more than happy to. (Not that I don't like my character this time)
Name: Joseph Clayton Smith (I have been informed that Coro is quiting Ipad, thus the usage of the name))

Nickname; Joe, Seph; announced S-tef ((Hope you don´t mind the extra info >.<))

Age: 16

Abilities: Invisibility and Inaudibility.

Joe can at the moment only activate his invisibility powers at two points; he is either in a very emotional state, afraid or protection wise. Or he is concentrating immensely on being unseen, hidden. As far as that goes; if his concentration is weakened or disturbed he returns to a visible state. Even after he has gained the power to stay invisible it´s a maximum of nearly 10 to 20 mins depending on how concentrated or emotional he is.

The ability to become completely silent; Inaudible is a rather tricky subject when it comes to Joseph. As Joe goes at times naturally mute. He can at the moment not fuse his invisibility with his inaudibility but when he does extract enough power to do so; he only goes mute as for example you can still hear his footsteps, if he falls you will be able to hear it. Even if Joseph is invisible he is perfectly touchable. Thus if ones vision is extraordinary to the point that they´ll see him, killing him won´t be that hard.

Development; Automatically I would love for his powers to be used together, a fuse. As for the invisibility; absolute control of when he turns invisible, gaining better concentration. Stop the random invisibility ((Stated under history and weaknesses)) To control his inaudibility, making a certain person/people hear him or to make certain people inaudible etc. These are few ideas; and if you have more, please feel free to add them to the list :)

Skills: Observant and Flexible.

Joseph is by far the most observant person one could pass by, his abilities a perfect pro to add. As he is naturally more quiet then others and goes by unnoticed, this skill has developed naturally.

Once again, Joe´s invisibility have inflicted a natural flexibility as he avoids people and objects in his way while he is invisible.


- Joseph turns randomly mute or invisible. If he is in an emotional state or perhaps wishes to disappear from the world his powers kick in as an instinct.

- Personality flaws to a remarkable extent, Joseph is a social-mishap and stays away from people literally by locking himself up in his room unless he has school. This leads to his lack of common sense and dense minded state; making him the most truthful, cruel person one would come by. He is very judgmental due to this fact too. I should also mention his big insecurity problems as he sees himself as a freak.

- A small eating disorder.

History: Will be put in shortly; after my exams the next two days >.<


Name: Chris Rogers Stevens

Age: 18


Neuropathy: Due to his ability, Chris currently has improved neural connectivity which manifests in enhanced senses and unusually fine motor control. This equates to a subject that with better reaction time, more accuracy, and enhanced senses that are to the peak of human capabilities.


Situation Awareness: The observant almost always know that is going on around them, and can react with uncanny quickness. This ability also makes it very difficult to sneak upon Chris.

Excellent Athlete: Due to his experience playing in football, basketball, as well as other sports, Chris has turned into a very capable athletes that have bestowed upon him great flexibility, hand-eye coordination, good endurance, as well as other attributes that would be with one who is considered athletic.


While Chris doesn't have a lot of weaknesses, the majority of them have come on as a result of exile. He is currently suffering from severe depression, becoming anti-social that has cut him off from his key strength and must be conquered if he is to reach his full potential.

As well, there isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't worry about his family. Whoever it was that attacked his home, know where his family is and has no doubt that they will try and use them against him.

Besides those that he has picked up since his exodus, he also has two other flaws that have dogged him all his life. Despite his best attempts to fight it, Chris has always had a fatal attraction to those of the opposite sex. And while this may seem normal, it is much more difficult for Chris. As in his pursuit, often his moral and higher judgments can be compromised... especially if the person of interest is able to align close to him.


Before the moment where Chris received his "gift", he was just an average kid. He was born out of wedlock; his father never cared to support child of his own siring. His mother did his best to support him and his younger brother, David, by working two jobs. It was his mother's selfless example that served as his guide of what it was to be an upstanding man. From the time he could ride a bicycle, he was out doing odd jobs to earn money to help out his family.

As a high schooler, there was very little that distinguished him from the other students in his class. Chris was as average as one could be while being the quarterback of his high school football team. And while he was indeed an excellent athlete, he had none of the "rocket arm" or "laser precision" that one would expect from a quarterback.

Before that fateful night where his abilities manifested, he was considered a mediocre quarterback by whatever metrics that were used. In fact, were it not for him attending a private school (where he had received a scholarship to attend) where athletics was secondary to education, it's doubtful that he'd even qualify as a bench warmer as a quarterback. Where his skills lie were more in being able to read the field and being a leader among men.

And then it came. The ability awakened at the most critical of times; they were playing their bitter cross town rivals and were locked in a neck and neck battle. With the score being 20-16, only a touchdown would win the game. Unfortunately, they had sixty yards to go and only twelve seconds to do it. All seemed hopeless.

Then just as Chris came up to the line to hike the ball, he was overcome by a knife splitting headache. The pain traveled down his body by way of his nerves, each tip feeling like they were on fire. He was forced to use his team's final timeout to recover. The trainers wanted to take him off the field. Ever the stubborn one, Chris refused and told them defiantly, "I want to finish this."

After a quick count, he hiked the ball. Immediately, he darted out to the right hand side. One of the opposing linebackers sliced through the offensive line and charged at him. The attacker dove at Chris, thinking to make an easy tackle behind the lines. Chris had already seen the approaching tackler and easily jumped over him and continued on running.

He then turned up field and began a mad dash to the end zone. Multiple defenders rushed him, trying to bring him down. Chris easily juked, spun and stiff armed everyone one of them. He moved through them fluidly, unstoppable. One last man stood in his way; an experienced safety that stood hunched down and watching Chris as he approached, waiting for the right moment to strike.

At the last possibly moment, the safety rushed forward with his arms outstretched to wrap up Chris. But just like all the others, Chris seemed to be just a tad bit faster with his reaction time. Just as the tackler lowered his shoulders, Chris pushed off with his feet and surged over the hapless safety, landing safely in the end zone.

The hometown crowd erupted into a thunderous roar at the tremendous accomplishment. One of those fans, a friend of his family, had caught the entire scene on camera. She uploaded it onto youtube, and within a week had been received over two million hits and even ended up with a spot ESPN's top ten plays of the day. He was no doubt having his fifteen minutes of fame.

After a few weeks, and despite having continued and remarkable success with his team, the novelty of this wonder athlete began to fade. This was just fine with Chris; he wasn't seeking it out. The one thing he did like were the recruiters that came by his home on almost a daily basis. He knew that the only way to provide for his divorced mom and younger brother, was to make it in pro football.

So when a new visitor showed up at his door steps a couple of weeks ago, naturally Chris assumed that it was just another recruit. Chris opened the door and greeted him warmly, welcoming him inside. Little did he know then, that his whole life was about to be turned upside down.

The man introduced himself as Peter Hall. He wasn't some recruiter from a big name college, or even a talent scout wanting to procure Chris' loyalty. Instead, this man seemed for more interested in the cause of his new found abilities. He spoke of an Institute where he could learn his abilities in security and safety, among other unique individuals. And as intrigued as Chris of been, he decided to decline the offer due to the fact that he wouldn't be able to provide or even see his family ever again.

Peter Hall nodded to the middle aged woman and Chris before standing up to walk to the door. Once there, Peter turned and looked at Chris and whispered, "By staying here, you are putting those you care about in danger." Chris blinked at the apparent threat, unsure how to respond to it. Peter nodded to him once more just as genially and left, leaving Chris wondering what the cryptic statement meant.

That night his kid brother and mom had to go out on and do some grocery shopping, leaving Chris home alone. This wasn't unusual for him; he was always a responsible and had his mom's complete trust. And that trust was well replaced; he wouldn't even invite friends over while his mother was out.

As he slept peacefully at in his bed, he was awakened by the sound of a van come to a screeching stop outside. Groggily, he got up and walked over to the window to look outside. Just as he did that, he noticed four men clad in dark armor and piling out of the van. In a flash, he saw one of the men raise his barrels up towards him as Chris stuck his head out the window. A burst of fire from the gun jumped up at him. Fortunately for Chris, he had already ducked back inside by the time the man had squeezed on the trigger.

Chris hugged the wall in shock as the bullets ripped through the wall, as he heard one of the men outside scolding another, "Fool! We need him alive!" The doors slammed shut on the van and Chris could hear them approaching him.

There wasn't much time to think, but fortunately he didn't need much. He always slept in his clothes from the day before, so he didn't have to concern himself with that. As he quickly grabbed a few essentials and threw them into an old nylon backpack, he heard the door snap open downstairs.

Chris throw the bag over his shoulder and moved through the open window and stepped out onto the roof that sheltered the back porch. He leaned over the edge and noticed one of the armored assailants watching the back door. Were he to just to make a break for it, than it was doubtful that he would get ten yards before being shot in the back.

A train whistled off in the distance, announcing it's approach. Chris was quite familiar with it; since it ran behind his house every night around this time, carrying cattle to the slaughter houses from town to their markets up north. That would be his best chance to get away from here, but that meant leaving his home... possibly forever. As he looked down, considering if he really wanted to run away, he recalled what Peter Hall had said to him. His eyes closed, tears creased along his eyes, he now knew what he had meant when he said about putting those in danger.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife, flipping out the small blade from it. Chris leaned over once more and looked down at the guard. As the train came closer and blew it's whistle once more, the guard turned for an instant to look at what the sound was.

That was all the opening that Chris needed. He leaped off the ceiling and tackled the man to the ground. Furiously, he buried the blade over and over through the fabric of the scarf that sheltered his neck. His hand covering man's mouth to prevent him from screaming out as the blood gushed out of his artery. After a few moments of struggling, the man's body finally went limp.

Chris then darted at the speeding train that was just passing by. Were it not for his quickened reaction time and reflexes, it would have been suicidal to get to try and board the train at this pace. The irony that the ability that would drive him from his home was also the same ability which brought these men to it, was not lost on him.

He picked up as much speed as he ran next to the chain. In a flash, he saw the handle move to his right and reached up and grabbed it. It felt like the train going to jerk his arm off, but Chris managed to hold tight as he launched himself up into an empty box car.

He slammed his back against the wall of the train, panting from exhaustion. Just then, he noticed a figure across from him that was sitting in the darkness. Chris' eyes adjusted quickly to the low light levels and made out the figure of Peter Hall. "I see you changed your mind then," he stated with a small smile.


Name: Rael Nokov

Age: 16

Abilities: Rael can generate massive amounts of rotational energy and channel it through his body, allowing him to increase the power of physical attacks by channeling the energy through his limbs, turning them into "drills" of sorts. This energy can also be channeled throughout all of Rael's body at once to spin his whole body like a tornado, allowing him to move at high speeds Taz-style. These full-body rotations also grant enough momentum for Rael to ride up sheer walls and burrow underground.

Rael is also able to channel this rotational energy through surfaces he touches and the air, allowing him to easily crumble rock and cement, and attack from a distance with small whirlwind-like blasts of spinning air.


Rael is very agile, but not to the point of being a superhuman ability. He is trained in parkour and things like that.

Rael is also very good at strategy, and although he does possess a thrill-seeking attitude, he is also very calculating in battle.

Weaknesses: When Rael begins rotating, it can take a rather significant amount of time to slow down. His powers can be difficult to control sometimes, and require upmost concentration on Rael's part to avoid accidentally destroying his surrounding environment. For this reason, although highly resistant to physical, close up attacks and solid projectiles while spinning, he is vulnerable to attacks by way of non-material things, such as lasers or sound waves that distract him and disrupt his concentration. His rotations also require unrestricted movement and immense amounts of momentum to get started, so if Rael is somehow paralyzed or otherwise rendered unable to move, he can no longer use his powers until he is free.

History: Rael was born into a wealthy family, and was spoiled as a child with gifts and luxuries. However, as part of the aristocrat lifestyle, Rael and his twin sister were often dragged off to elegant balls and dinner parties that they enjoyed very little. His parents were determined to raise him and his sister to become young aristocrats as well, but Rael had other plans. Rael possessed an unbreaking free spirit, a heart that yearned for thrills and excitement that such a refined life could never give him. During the afternoons he would gaze out his bedroom window at the sunset and the birds flying by, and he would yearn to be free like them. One day, on his fourteenth birthday, Rael dressed himself in his most casual street clothes he could find, slung his favorite yellow scarf around his neck, and left his home. He left behind all of his finest clothes, only taking with him the clothes on his back and a supply of food to last him a few days. Rael also left behind a note, telling his parents he loved them, but could not bear to live their life and that he was leaving to seek freedom and excitement in the big city.

Unfortunately, living on the streets was not nearly as easy as Rael had primarily envisioned. Every day and every night was a constant struggle to be able to eat, to be able to sleep, and to be able to live another day. For Rael, it was slightly easier than it would be for others, as he had something they didn't: his powers, which he had discovered when he was rather young and kept secret from his parents.

As he stole and connived and backstabbed to keep himself alive, he found that, as hard as this new life was, itdid provide the thrills he had originally been seeking, after all.

One day, Rael was approached in an alleyway by a strange figure. Rael braced to defend himself, but the figure said he meant no harm and only wished to provide Rael with a chance at a better life. Rael accepted, on the terms that it would provide opportunities for the excitement that his body eternally craved.

And so, Rael was taken to start a new life at the Institute for Powers and Advanced Development.



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