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Fandom Inuyasha Roleplay


Let's roleplay!
Starting Scenario:

(The Shikon Jewel shards are still scattered throughout the feudal era as far as this role-play goes!)


The Goddess of the Moon, Tsukiyomi, had eerily been watching the Earth and its inhabitants for centuries now. She would often be seen surrounded in a pale light, her eyes a milky gray and a smile on her ruby red lips. Her movements were graceful and wore beautiful robes of white silk that danced in the wind. She sang at times, drawing men in with her beautiful siren-like voice only to have their souls ripped from their bodies and used for her own strength. Her moon servants, demons made of the moonlight brought her many victims, but no demon nor human dared to interfere with her evil deeds.

She wasn't always this cruel. People from many villages would often be seen praying to her and offering her gifts for she brought peace and protection from demons. For some reason though, things had changed recently. For the past few months, many villages had stopped offering her gifts and were now hiding from her light.

"Pikao, I thirst for the blood of someone with spiritual power." She would coldy command her most loyal servant. Pikao, the demon made of Tsukiyomi's moonlight, would only bow and take the hand of his mistress, pecking her hand gently before speaking, "Yes m'lady, I will do as you please." Tsukiyomi only pulled her hand and waved dismissively toward him before fading away; the night was ending soon. Pikao contemplated on how he would find a priest or priestess powerful enough to quench the Moon Goddesses thirst.

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Kikyo The soulless body of the Priestess known as Kikyo had been traveling for some time with nothing but her spirit takers. They swirled around her, making small noises and pushing souls into her clay made body. She was indifferent to these actions; she had needed these souls to continue her life on Earth. She had nothing but time now. Her dark eyes glanced over toward a field of herbs where a few children from a nearby village were lingering. Her spirit takers quickly faded away. She turned away from the children, attempting to leave the area only to have one of the youngest of the children shout out, "Are you lost, Miss?" Kikyo turned to see all five of the children staring at her with hunger in their faces and she gave a gentle smile, "No, I am simply traveling." A few minutes later, Kikyo had been knelt down in the field of herbs, explaining to the children what each type of herb did. She had a lingering smile on her lips the longer she spent with these children. After filling up a few baskets with herbs that could be used for food and medicine, she helped carry them back to their village.

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