[Intro] What's up, I'm new.


Martyr Complex
Hey. I'm Wreck.

So as you may or may not have heard, a particular roleplaying site is down at the moment.

Since it went down yesterday, I've been lurking around in the chat that was put up until the site came back on (IRC chat) however, I've just been kicked out/banned whatever from the chat.


Here I am trying to RP and hopefully meet some new friends/RP partners.

About Me

My username says a lot about my life, heh.

I'm a 24 y/o high school dropout that spends most of the day on my laptop. I'm currently displaced and living in a motel, which isn't so bad considering where I came from, but sometimes I get really homesick so take it easy on me. I'm just letting y'all know.

I have issues with containing my feelings, especially anger or annoyance. I don't enjoy pointless criticism or trolls, however I'm good with separating myself from my character when I'm RPing.

I'm diagnosed with narcolepsy + insomnia, so I could possibly fall asleep while I'm typing but that doesn't happen often. When it does I'll tell you.

I'm generally pretty sociable. Sometimes I forget to respond to a PM/post or I became busy. I hate people who need an instant response.

RP Style

I'm more the high casual-low advanced, most of the time I play "casual" or moderate or intermediate. I have a couple of characters that I enjoy RPing, and will most likely play as these characters.

If I join an RP here I'll want to be involved as much as possible with the other players. I don't like to be left out of things.

That's another thing: I rarely join RPs. I'm extremely picky about which ones I join, since the genres that I RP in have so many cliches in their plots.

I like sandbox RPs, but I like to have a partner in them as not to get too bored.

Genres that I like:

  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Dystopian/Alternate Earth
  • Dark (e.g. thriller, horror, psychological horror, etc.)
  • Bloody Political (corruption, gang, etc.)
  • Cyberpunk
  • Fallout (3 or New Vegas)
  • Modern (street punk, graffiti, etc.)

Genres that I will not RP/Genres that I dislike:

  • High school
  • Drama
  • Music/band
  • Fluff
  • Romance

Fandoms: (These are the only ones I will play in.)

  • Fallout
  • Metro
  • Mass Effect

Thanks, and see you around!
Welcome to RP Nation, Wreck~! Glad you joined, even if it's because of something else being shut down for a bit.

This is a wonderful intro post and you seem like a nice honest fella. I'm currently new myself, by a few days, give or take. I also agree with most of the things you said about RPs and how most of them are cliche` and being picky. I am as well, but as of right now, I'm doing an RP brainstorm with other people who had to be good spellers, versed well in grammar, and not one-liners, etc. (Maybe this is the sandbox you were referring to!)

If you'd like to join the discussion and perhaps join in on the RP when it's made, that would be a great way to get to know folks and maybe even make some friends. :)

The link to the thread on the type of writers I'm lookin' for is here: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/❤-closed-❤.25555/ Judging from your post, you seem pretty close to who I'm lookin' for, and a cool guy besides.

The brainstorm thread is here, still new, and still open: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/❤-rp-brainstorm-session-invite-only-❤.25627/

Enjoy your time here at RP Nation, you'll find that lotsa folks are really friendly on here, which is nice. :)

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