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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

I'm seeing that it is an available location to return to. Out of the way and somewhat isolated, with various wards protecting it from intruders, and a friendly local spirit.
Psychie Psychie O Mighty Fat Cat would like to use his Charisma (4) and Presence (2) to provide Antonia with a spontaneous description of some of the great places he has visited that have touched him during his time as a young Deliverer. (I think that's how Presence is used as he has no dots in Performance).

Is that all right?
That is good for me. One moment and I'll roll it for you and post your results.
FYI, I rolled three 10's on your roll and an 8, giving Fat Cat a total of seven successes on his oratory! The dice give plenty to you today! This also adds a Minor Tie to Antonia towards Fat Cat of Affection and Admiration.
Cool deal. Awesome rolling there with those polyhedrons, Psy.
Dunbar's build up as a great sorcerer aside, I'm okay with us using Fat Cat as our mode of transportation. Also, should I assume that we're planning to use these ruins as our base camp once Cadence has been sent on?
Hehe, Mercy would love to take up residence in that place, she would probably put in a hammock in the library to sleep...but yeah I assume it would be a base of sorts unless the Wild Hunt finds it in some way.
FYI, I rolled three 10's on your roll and an 8, giving Fat Cat a total of seven successes on his oratory! The dice give plenty to you today! This also adds a Minor Tie to Antonia towards Fat Cat of Affection and Admiration.

I feel as if I have finally gone to see some of these amazing places you have talked about. Thank you."
Holy frijoles! That's fantastic! 8D

Cheer Applause GIF by Peanuts
Psychie Psychie Gah, I just realized something I wanted to tack on to my previous post. Mercy will be respectful and thank Dunbar. I will tack that on...

UPDATE...I updated my previous post.
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Psychie Psychie

In his short time as a Lunar, has O Mighty Fat Cat ever heard of a place called Rathess?
Psychie Psychie

In his short time as a Lunar, has O Mighty Fat Cat ever heard of a place called Rathess?
Legends only. In the very early days of the First Age, it was the capitol of Creation before the Solar Deliberative moved to the city of Meru. It resides in an overgrown jungle near the domains of two powerful Lunars in the far South East. The Blessed Isle also maintains a military force in the nearby city of Chaing-Dav, placed there to keep an eye on anyone trying to make their way to the old city. It is said to now be overrun by non-human monsters twisted by the close proximity of the Wyld.
Chowlett Chowlett
Even me, if you can teach me without your pinned words."

Heya, Chowlett! What is meant by "pinned words?" I have never seen "pinned" used this way before. Is Glade saying Dunbar's words prick Glade like pins?

I continue to enjoy your every post!

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
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Heya, Chowlett! What is meant by "pinned words?" I have never seen "pinned" used this way before. Is Glade saying Dunbar's words prick Glade like pins?

Just referring back to Glade's previous post, about Dunbar having trapped his words in books - "pinned" them to the pages (like butterflies, I guess).

Thanks for the kind words!
Just to let you know, I have been having a ton of trouble editing my character sheet in this game, getting messages that Internet Explorer is not responding. I am going to try to repost Amara at the end of the character thread to see if that helps fix whatever trouble I'm having with the sheet.
Yeah…I have backed the Siderial Kickstarter (and got some stuff that I did not have before with it..)

Hello, my name is Eonivar and I am…a TTRPG addict. 🤣
Happy Holidays Everyone, I have been enjoying this immensely even when I have not been able to write much, I have always wanted to play Exalted since First Edition came out all those years ago and this has been the first time I have been able to play in that world. Here is to a good Holiday Week and a Happy New Year and more Exalted with you all!
Eonivar Eonivar You too, Eonivar!

Thanks again to everyone (especially Psychie) for having me in this game at all! All of you really made me feel welcome in a game I was content to just lurk in! =)
Merry Christmas everyone! I'm travelling between Christmas and New Year (I'll be visiting the States, which is cool, but also roaming charges are extortionate!) so I'll likely be unavailable until the first week of January.
Merry Christmas everyone! I'm travelling between Christmas and New Year (I'll be visiting the States, which is cool, but also roaming charges are extortionate!) so I'll likely be unavailable until the first week of January.
Safe travels friend...if you time it right it should be warmer here in the states (depending on where you go...) It is very, very cold here in the Northern Mid-Eastern states at the moment (I live in Ohio)....but the forecast is saying it will be much warmer (almost spring-like) after Christmas and Boxing Day. Of course, that may change..but it is encouraging.
Merry Christmas to all of you guys, too.

I have personally thought that things would be a bit slow until after Christmas with everyone traveling and being with family (including me with my nine year old. Playing Santa is so much fun).
Merry Christmas to all. As a holiday gift, I'm giving everyone 5 more regular xp and 5 Solar/Lunar xp. Once things have settled down after the holiday, we'll get back into the swing of things with the game and get you on your way to Rathess!

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