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Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e IC

As you fly closer to the strange airship, you can hear a dull hum coming from the ship as it prepares to take flight. Your echo location Charm is not detecting the third Exalt in the ship with the outer hatch sealed, but it is a safe bet to say that she is inside the ship as it powers up for take off.

From this vantage, it is clear that the ship is rather small, not being able to hold more than four or five people at the most. In fact, in his current form Fat Cat is about the same size as the necrotic airship.

There is enough room in the small clearing for the larger Lunar to land next to the airship, but not much more than that. You suspect that the start up procedure is nearly done and the airship will take to the sky very soon.

What do you do?
Del looks down from her spot on the howdah and shouts loud enough for Fat Cat to hear, “If you want to keep her from taking off, your best bet is to land on the back of that thing and push down! It’s your call, but she’s going to get away if you don’t!”
Del looks down from her spot on the howdah and shouts loud enough for Fat Cat to hear, “If you want to keep her from taking off, your best bet is to land on the back of that thing and push down! It’s your call, but she’s going to get away if you don’t!”
Fat Cat nods briefly at Delilah as if to express that he is waaay ahead of her in this line of thinking, but that is all - the non-Circle Exalted is at least attempting to help unlike Filial Wisdom who has not done himself any favors as far as the huge Lunar is concerned.

Still, he cannot keep the big, big smile off of his face as he descends upon the flesh and bone vessel in such a way that he can put the most of his weight upon it while also giving the three in his Circle access to whatever portal most likely leads inside.

And if the airship seems like it can still lift off? Well, Blessed Luna Be! There are more forms that O Mighty Fat Cat can select even larger than this! For but a single moment, his mind drifts back to Aldurtown and the only question that remains for him is...

... would he have another opportunity to transform once again into O Mighty Fat Dancing Tyrant Lizard?! (O.O.C. Just kidding!! Ha ha!)
When Fat Cat lands on the back of the airship, he can feel how his weight is pressing down on the body of the ship as the bones start to creak under the weight of the mighty Lunar. The low hum of the engine powering up starts to build up into a louder whine that doesn't sound good. You get the feeling that the hull of the ship is at the brink of failure, and if you were to really flex some muscle, you could probably break the fragile hull fairly easily, and from the sound of the engine, it is probably not going to be able to take off.

There is still the zombies endlessly working to make their way to find an entrance into the Titan, but they don't seem to take any notice of the events going on around them.

What do you guys do?
O Mighty Fat Cat points at the door to the ship's insides and meows "OWRR-ROWR-ROWR ROWRARRRR!!" which might mean something like "Ev-ery-body off now!!"

Unable to speak, O Mighty Fat Cat is not so worried about the capture of the necromantic Exalted mentioned earlier, but he does turn his head back to those zombies. He grins widely, coming to the conclusion that if anyone can get two birds with one stone by halting the necromancer's plans, it is the three Solars in his Circle!
As Maeve’s blacked winged raven flew over the trees with her small army of zombies following her, does a brief circle glancing at the mine digging skeletons, and orders her own undead force to take out the skeletons,
The newly risen soldiers under Maeve’s command move quickly and begin to cut down the other zombies being used as manual labor. They don’t put up much of a fight.

Underneath Fat Cat, he can feel the airship trying to launch off of the ground. The engine whine is rising in pitch and the big Lunar can feel the ship begin to shudder as they pilot tries to throttle up.

What does Delilah, Grey Stone, Arden and Silent Glade do during all this? And does Maeve do anything besides maintain her over watch position in the air?

Sherwood Sherwood jaydude jaydude Chowlett Chowlett Rykon Rykon Eonivar Eonivar
With Faith's Pillar in his hand, Grey Stone jumped off of Fat Cat and onto the airship's deck. He then looked around, trying to see where the airship's helmsman - or perhaps pilot was the correct word - might be commanding it from.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 01/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 7 (Wits + Awareness)
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
The ship is roughly the shape of an egg, but big enough to be able to hold three or four people inside of it. Fat Cat is pretty much covering the whole of the top of the ship as it struggles to take off. The side facing the clearing had an opening to allow the passengers to get in and out, but at the moment it is sealed shut. You can see where the Iris door is located. It looks like a puckered bit of skin that is clenched tightly shut. You don’t know how durable it is compared to the damage capable of being done by your hammer.
Dell leaps off of the back of the Lunar and lands lightly of to the side of the ship near where the iris door is located, leaving the body of the archer behind up in the howdah. Now that she’s closer to the ship, she takes a moment to look it over to see if there is any weak point that can be exploited to get to the pilot.
Previously torn between dealing with the zombies and taking out their leader, Glade feels some relief as Maeve's own risen soldiers take care of one problem for him. He joins his circlemates in looking for one - or more - ways into this ship. Perhaps something that could be pierced or slashed open, he thinks, idly fondling his darts and Root & Branch.
Perception 3 + Awareness 5.

Six successes.
I don’t want to brag because that can turn the odds around with a quickness, but we are awesome.
Meave still in her raven form circled in the air above the site of the flying machines keeping an eye on things while the others worked to stop it.

Perception+Awareness = 10 dice = 4+(One Success for Ever Wary Fox Technique) = 5 Successes!
As everyone is looking around, two things are readily apparent to all of you:

first, the power core of the airship is not just straining to take off; it is in an overload feedback loop and will explode in short order!

Next, there is a flicker of movement just barely visible in the trees of a dark figure running away. From the size of the figure, it is very likely that it is the third Exalt of the trio.
first, the power core of the airship is not just straining to take off; it is in an overload feedback loop and will explode in short order!
Chowlett Chowlett jaydude jaydude Sherwood Sherwood
"AWRAAWR!!" Da Chonk hurriedly waves those who jumped off of him to jump back on! Quick!
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Maeve in her raven form calls out in her croaking raven voice..."It's a trap! The other one is this way. Get clear of there!" as she turns and flies in the direction the escaping corrupted solar.
Dell hears Maeve’s warning at the same time that she hears the engine on overload and lets out an impressive string of profanity. She does a few quick calculations and decides that trying to stop the overload will just end badly, so she leaps back into the howdah and adds her own voice to Maeve’s, saying, “Everyone, get clear off the airship! It’s going to explode!”

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