Into the Night


Emily Crystal













Emily is known to be calm and silent. She also quite sociable and nice when you get to meet her but she keeps her distance away from vampires since she thought all of them were aggressive and rude.

Back story:

Trained by her grandfather at the age of 7 she knew how to use a sniper professionally even while running. Emily was known to be a silent hunter and fast as thunder. After the death of her parents she continued to live in an apartment alone and worked as a hunter for money. But she really didn't like killing vampires that much unless there was an acceptable reason behind it. Until now she kept her Identity hidden as a human working at a near by cafe.


Theme song:[media]

Running and reading books

Dislikes: Aggressive Vampires and Onions o-o

Small fact: She can sense vampires by body language, expression and smell. Emily also knows how to fight since she's working as a hunter

She loves her sniper rifle and her gun with special silver bullets and dagger.



Yeah, that and the rest of my nightcore and nightstep songs lol. I have a playlist on my google play ^.^

Richard Ashendale







Species: (Hunter, Vampire, Human)




Personality: He can be quite charming and elegant, the perfect gentleman at all times. He is cunning and clever, he really enjoys toying with his opponents and victims first before finishing them off. Though he has no mind control powers, his charm and charisma, added with his honeyed words, prove more than enough in manipulating others, especially human females. Though he may seem nice and kind, he is actually a sadistic and twisted psycho underneath, reveling in physically, mentally, and emotionally torturing others, even those he calls his allies.

Back story: Nobody knows where he came from or what he was before he was bitten. Some even said that he was not bitten, rather, he made a pact with the demon himself, exchanging his humanity for power. Everyone seemed to think that he was a nice vampire at first, and he truly played the part, but soon strange things began to happen. Wherever he goes, both humans and vampires disappeared. Nobody knew where they went, but strange screams and noises can be heard in his property in the middle of the night. Whatever the case may be, he is fear and respected by all, his fearsome and mysterious reputation spreading across the land like a wildfire.

Name: Violet Dechire. (Vi)

Age: 384/ Looks 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Vampire

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/amy-lee-musa-g-tica-do-evanescence-Vampire-Girl-Wallpaper-by-anndy.jpg.92c0d1f63e0b90bcd2aab978c5255468.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/amy-lee-musa-g-tica-do-evanescence-Vampire-Girl-Wallpaper-by-anndy.jpg.92c0d1f63e0b90bcd2aab978c5255468.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Bold, daring, a little outspoken at times, likes to get her own way but not through being spoilt, more because she is so used to being so solitary. Not having anyone else to consider sometimes she struggles to appreciate a compromise not that she wouldn't be willing in the end. Also a troublesome character, enjoys making fun mainly at other people rather than herself. She has a dark side like most Vampire's and struggles to maintain her humanity. She comes across as sadistic and maybe cruel but there is a softer side to her, she's just a hard nut to crack.

Back story: [The last Violet remembers] Violet grew up in an isolated area on the outskirts of the prosperous town of Obernai, a quaint town rich and filled with wonder, market stalls cascaded down every street, filled with bright vibrant colored material and cottons, home made beer and wines scented the cobble stone street's. It was well populated in the day and silent as the dead at night. This was due to the stacking amount of mysterious disappearances and deaths. The town was suspicious and the governing bodies had issued a curfew. But Violet being the defiant kind used to sneak out and wander. Her favorite place was a stream near by the town. She would slouch across the grassy verge and glance up at the stars, day dreaming of what was out there, what more was there for her to experience. She was bored of life as it was.

That night was the last as she new it. She never visited that stream again, nor wondered what it was like else where, all her answers were handed to her on a silver platter. Monsters existed..

On her way back from her little sanctuary she stumbled into a dark stranger walking towards where she had left, he wore a tattered looking top hat and a black trench coat that concealed his mouth with a long collar that stood high and hit his cheek bones. He was reasonably slim but felt muscular as her hand raised in attempts to stop stumbling into him. He smirked with his eye's and she new, deep down she new things were going to change, those eye's were cold and silver, not like anything she had seen before. His accent was foreign and smooth like the sweetest music to her ears, yet she wasn't that stupid, his eye's told the truth and before she new it his hand had wrapped around her arm, she struggled yet everything faided. .

She woke up underground, alone frightened and thirsty. She never new her Sire and made a promise to seek him out even if it took her an eternity. She moved from place to place and never looked back.

Theme song: In this moment - Adrenalize

Likes: Blood, mutilation, corpses, the chaise, metal blades, games, oddly collects marbles.

Dislikes: Humans, the sun. (For obvious reasons) Weakness

Habits: Chewing her bottom lip when nervous or in thought. Fidgeting, and biting IN GENERAL, unhinged cackling.

Alignment: Neutral Evil when it suits.



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Name: Grimm (no last name, if he even has one he refuses to a knowlage it)

Age: 26

Gender: make

Sexuality: heterosexual

Species: hunter


Personality: Grimm is cold and straight forward. He does not appreciate humor when he is working. There is no other word to describe him than efficient, he knows what he's doing, he gets it done, and then he moved on. He isn't a social person, and he's a little materialistic. All in all, he isn't that great of a person, but he thinks he is above almost everyone else, which is mostly, but not entirely true.

Back story: Generally, hunters are self made, they decided they want to kill vampires and they learn how, or it's a family thing. But every once in a while a person is born to kill vampires. Grimm is one of those people, he isn't just a hunter, he is a slayer and killing vampires is his sole purpose in life. Grimm was an orphan, he never knew his parents but that never bothered him. He entered the Forster system for a while, but was in a detention facility most of the time. When he was out, however, he encountered a lot of vampires. He didn't actively seek them out, but he always seemed to find them and he found that he had a particular skill for killing them, but more importantly, people would pay him to kill them.

Other: His signature weapon is a crossbow.

Theme song: Rooster- Alice in Chains
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Name: Cordelia Love

Age: 21

Gender: female

Sexuality: staright

Species: (Hunter, Vampire, Human) vampire

Appearance: (pictures or gifs if at all possible)


Personality: She likes to act as normal as possible. Always going out and having fun with others that she meets. But she still likes to have days to herself and have a bit of time to think about things. She has the tendency to be very depressive and has terrible control over her blood lust normally caving into it very easily.

Back story: Cordelia was a student studying fashion, and a night student at that. She lived in a small apartment with one of her best friends and boyfriend. She had a good life and grew up being told to fear what she didnt understand by her over religious parents. Though she never really was scared of anything. Not until the night of her attack. She was walking home as usual on the path she always took. When she was only a few blocks from home when she was jumped. She managed to escape and run home but she was bleeding terribly from her neck and getting light headed. When she got back she assumed she was ok just injured only slightly. As she slept that night she started having tremors and hot flashes, she had a nightmare where she killed her Boyfriend and friend and it startled her awake. When she woke up she turned to her boyfriend to find his throat ripped out and his whole side of the bed caked with blood. Ina fit of tears she went looking for her friend who she found laying dead on her bedroom floor. She thought someone broke in, but as time had is effect she realized she had lost all her humanity.

Other: When she feeds, it tends to be in a crazy fit. She also fears she may one day slip into a fit of madness. Torn between trying to be human and realizing all to often that she can never live the life she.

*optional stuff*

Theme song:


Likes: bar hopping, late night parties, making clothes, pretending everything is ok

Dislikes: losing herself around human blood, sour reminders, being around other vampires, cats
Ah, I'm so sorry @MorticiansDaughter yeah, your good. I've been super busy for the past few days and I haven't had time to be on.


Tori Count | 17 | Female | Bisexual | Human


Tori is very intelligent but very absent minded. She is very easily distracted by the smallest things and has a bad habit of wandering off. She's also very random in what she says and doesn't tend to pay attention to what's going on around her. She's a big fan of metaphors and she likes interpretive dance- Tori's incredibly graceful and gentle. She'd never hurt anyone but she'd never rush in to save somebody either. She almost always looks surprised, even if she isn't surprised at all.


Tori's life was pretty ordinary until she was fifteen. That was when she encountered her first vampire. She was out late one night, trying to catch fireflies when she heard a scream from nearby. She went to investigate and found a vampire surrounded by bloody corpses- a binge eater. The vampire attacked her and though she wasn't killed, she has long scratch marks on her arm from where the vampire clawed at her. She also has a line of stitches hidden by her hair. She ran for her life and she was taken to hospital. Nobody would believe that she was hurt by a vampire. She's been searching for vampires ever since, to prove that they exist. She has no intention of harming them, though. She's just curious to know why a vampire would attack her.

Theme song:

Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco​
Name: Derek

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Vampire

Personality: Derek is very carefree and a bit of a flirt. He uses being a vampire to the fullest advantage and enjoys causing mischief. However he can be a little insane sometimes. He's also your average dare devil and isn't afraid of anything. He doesn't seem to have any personal feelings for anyone

Back story: Derek was turned when he was 17. He had gotten into a fight with his mother about his father who had decided to leave the household and never come back. Derek had run out into the woods and was attacked and turned by a lurking vampire. He managed to kill it, and, upon returning home he killed his mother when feeding on her blood.

Other: Derek has somewhat gone down a dark path over the years and has swayed away from drinking human blood. Instead, he has an addiction to drinking vampire blood.


NyxNightmare said:
Name: Derek
Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Vampire

Personality: Derek is very carefree and a bit of a flirt. He uses being a vampire to the fullest advantage and enjoys causing mischief. However he can be a little insane sometimes. He's also your average dare devil and isn't afraid of anything. He doesn't seem to have any personal feelings for anyone

Back story: Derek was turned when he was 17. He had gotten into a fight with his mother about his father who had decided to leave the household and never come back. Derek had run out into the woods and was attacked and turned by a lurking vampire. He managed to kill it, and, upon returning home he killed his mother when feeding on her blood.

Other: Derek has somewhat gone down a dark path over the years and has swayed away from drinking human blood. Instead, he has an addiction to drinking vampire blood.


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