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Fantasy Into the Night

Major Cinnamon Bun

Assistant to the Assistant Regional Manager
This would be a Vampire RP. I Just really would like to have a Role Play that doesn't die after a day. And vampires are freaking cool so that's what this is.

I have a plot, about 12% of a plot. (Good for you if you get that reference)

We all have heard the story about vampires that rule a town or a city and all that junk. However, I have never Role Played the plot line of how that happens. So this would be the story of a group of young (newly made) vampires that gather up enough nerve to take over a city and make it their own. Of course there will be hunters and some humans as well. But that's the basic gist of it.

So, if you would be interested in this and not stop posting after a day of RPing, then just tell me here. And I am deadly serious about the no quitting thing.


Here's the link to the RP-

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"Don't stop posting after a day"...hm...that sounds like someone I know....yes I'm sure I know someone who hates it when an rp dies and loves to make regular posts...but who?...Now I remember...(IT'S ME) I'm in.
Rad! I was not expecting to get this many responses.

@WannaNinjaHug it's all good as long as you don't just stop posting. I will even accept every other day if it comes to that.

I have to go to school. But when I get home I'll make the RP.

And this is still open for people to join.


so here's to rp, I will be making my character soon.



I know that I did already say this, but this RP is still open. In fact I don't think I'll ever close it. because there's always room for more characters.
Cool, cool, just click the link in the post just above yours and make a character.

So... I think the over all plot will be about the vampires taking over the city, but I figure there can also be little side plots sometimes. Do you guys have any side plot ideas? Or should there be any tweaks to the main plot?
Okay, well, it's a possibility. I'm not sure how big a plot point I would want it to be though. Maybe if we get far enough were the vampires actually take over the city, then we can have some werewolves jump in.

Um I got a question.....what happens when they take the city?

I mean after wards....like are we just stoping our what?
Well, that's kind of the reason we're discussing additional plot lines. So that there are occasional interruption to the takeover. And if we reach the takeover, then we just come up with more story lines, make new characters, etc. I just haven't though too far ahead, because of we don't make it that far, its just a waste of time.
The vampires will-most likely- already know each other. Or I'll set it up so they're all in the same place together.

If we have any hunters or humans, it will probably be the same deal. They'll just be in the same place together, or already know each other.

This is all conditional though, if someone would prefer to have their character meet the group another way, then I'm okay with that.
It's not like they all know each other....and you don't walk up to people and ask if there a vampire....?

Oops thought I sent that....

Before you responeded

Alrighty then!

I'm going to sleep.

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