Into Darkness


In Denial That I Have an Internet Addiction
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character Sheet

7/10 Characters

Name -

Nickname -

Age -

Brief History -

Family (Living, Dead or Otherwise) -

Skills -

Weaknesses -

Personality -

Appearance -
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Age -


Brief History -

After all this, he was a normal teenage guy, working in a fast food restraunt and passing his days sniffing stuff out of some leafs. His parents got sick of him and kicked him out, but, he stayed there to sleep anyways. He was a drug dealer, and he washed money here and there, but most of it was spent in guns and drugs, so he could never afford somewhere he could have a roof over his head.

Aleks parents got even more mad, and sent him to a military camp, where he learned everything about killing he knows. Shortly after, the infection started, and hell broke loose. He banded up with some friends, and they survived for a good while, living in an abandoned building.

But, then, his friends got killed. He was outside, scavenging, and when he arrived, he saw some bandits excecute them after looting all their stuff. He killed the bandits, and since then, he has been a lone wolf, trying to survive off looting and scavenging any store he finds. His guns were robbed sooner or later, so, he became very fond of a compound bow, having almost pin-point aim with it.

Family (Living, Dead or Otherwise) -

Father- Dead

Mother- Dead

Skills -


Excellent hand-to-hand combat

Knowledge of handling of most civilian weapons

Basic medical training

Knows very well his surroundings

Weaknesses -


Way too confident.

Fragile, deep inside.

Personality -

Oh, this is quite complex. Aleks has no emotions, or at least they have not been fully uncovered. Since his childhood, he has never dared to socialize, go ahead and take a stroll walking with his parents. In high school, he was called emo, but, he has no desires to kill himself. Very little people know what is happening in his head, and those people are all deceased. Very, very few words have been given by him, not even the muscles of his mouth are well developed, they are barely used. Heartless, that is a word that hurts him so much, yet fits him so well. Call it care-free, or being oblivious, but, he does not care about any action he does, does not fear anything, may it be him squishing the skull of someone, or being the one under the boot, he'll always keep on going until the thing in his chest stops giving a pulse.

He will never, ever, give up on something, even if he has to risk his or others lives for it. Love is something that might be non-existant for him, very few people even handle being around him. He is always so tense, unreadable, no expression, like seeing a still image. Eyes locked on a single thing, forward, never smiling, never frowning, never talking, a soul-less thing. Cocky and cold. His cockiness is payed off, tough, he has an excellent skill in hand to hand combat, and mastery of most military grade weapons, counting a few civilians. Aleks is fearless, even if you put a gun in his forehead.This can be dangerous for his health, since, fearing nothing is also bad.

You'll find him killing most civilians, he's a bandit after all. His friends were killed by some bandits, and the bad habit passed trough him, and he became what he once hated. When he sees someone, he'll most likely assume they're an enemy, and try to kill them, but, of course, he doesn't pounce on everyone.

Height -


Weight -

184 lbs

Character Sheet


Name -

Phillip Emory

Nickname -

He calls himself Phil, most call him LipShits



Brief History -

It makes no earthly, or after-earthly, sense that Phil would turn out to have immunity. His brother was stronger, his sister was smarter, and his father was braver. But they all fell ill and rose as corpses. No matter how hard he tried to nurse them back to health, one by one the turned. He ran away from home and from them.

He found a group of survivors. They were not quite welcoming to a squishy sobbing boy, but one of the women took pity and convinced them to take him in as a distraction. It wasn't until the first attack that he fully understood what that meant, "distraction" meant bait. He wasn't strong or smart or brave, but he was fast. He ran from the once living and hid in crevices, crying the whole time. Once quiet returned, he found this pack that left him behind and begrudgingly, they allowed him to join.

He travelled with these companions for at least 4 years, always serving as the "distraction". He would sometimes have to push himself so hard, that his body would betray him, hurling the contents of his stomach as soon as he reached camp. This happened enough times that the men started calling him Phil LipShits. Clever. His time with them ended when the group walked from one group of flesh eaters right into another. When Phil found them, all but two were torn to shreds.

One of these two was a young girl. On their way to find some sanctuary, they fell into a teenage lust-fest ruled by puberty and survivors guilt. When she became pregnant Phil thought he found love and home. When the baby became infected Phil knew he only found more horror and death. After killing the child, the mother slit her wrists. Phil ran.

Since then he has wandered from survivor to survivor, trying to make a connection. He serves as a front line dodger of flesh-eaters and runs hard and fast.

Family (Living, Dead or Otherwise) -

Father (deceased)

Brother (Otherwise)

Sister (Otherwise)

Skills -

Although he would never believe it, he is a tactical expert at avoiding the dead. He has outrun so many of them that he couldn't help but learn their behaviors.

He also has a knack for first aid. He is no doctor and has no training, but he has picked up how to bandage wounds and massage pains.

Weaknesses -

He is horrible socially. He believes that someone is always picking on him so his default behavior is defensive and abrasive.

He is also clumsy with the ladies. He cannot even think of one sexually without wanting to throw up. He cannot speak the name of his child's mother.

Personality -

Although in reality Phil is intelligent, sure footed, and brave enough to put himself in danger, he has zero faith in his ability to do anything. He is sure that it was a mistake for him to be immune. He knows that he has no business surviving his family and billions of other, better people. He lets these insecure manifestations stop him from doing great, or even good, things.

Appearance -

Phil is tall (6'2") and lanky. As a teenager he had some pudge, but that's all gone. His face is not overtly handsome, but he isn't hideous. He has a crooked nose and blue eyes that bulge.


He dresses as above except when he wears a black and blue flannel shirt to cover the countless scars (from bushes and rocks) on his arms.

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Name - Alek Theriad Hawke

Nickname - Maleki or Theriad or Jace

Age - 19

Brief History - Before it all went down, Alek had promise. He graduated with Honors and near straight As with the exception of a few A-'s. He chose the career path at 16 for military. Though educated in Law and Business, he went straight for ROTC programs, ditching his knowledge for something that required strength. Which Alek had. (assuming this is at least 3 years since everything) He was of the age of 16 when it all went down. He had his family arguing at him for career paths, his recent dog had passed. Nothing could get better for him. Until the virus went up. Now nothing can get better for him. Now, standing out at the streets, he wished he had what he couldn't wait to leave behind. His family shouting and beating him. His dog missing for a better cause than being eaten alive. His school life.

Family (Living, Dead or Otherwise) - Mother, Father, sister (4) Uncle (4) Aunt (5) Status: Mother, Father, and sisters along with aunts dead. One uncle alive

Skills - Marksmanship, knowledge, teamwork

Weaknesses - loneliness, strength, speed, will stop at nothing to complete his goal.

Personality - Alek is a try-hard that would stop at nothing to accomplish something. He is fairly social and doesn't mind strangers, as strangers aren't all strangers. He believes that even if people are evil, there is still good in the world. Alek would never let a friend down and wouldn't ever do anything to hurt the friends that he has. He is very family-centered and doesn't care about his appearance.

Appearance - Short-cut grimy black hair, smaller 5'7 character.Crooked face and smaller facial features.
buddster32 said:
Name - Alek Theriad Hawke
Nickname - Maleki or Theriad or Jace

Age - 19

Brief History - Before it all went down, Alek had promise. He graduated with Honors and near straight As with the exception of a few A-'s. He chose the career path at 16 for military. Though educated in Law and Business, he went straight for ROTC programs, ditching his knowledge for something that required strength. Which Alek had. (assuming this is at least 3 years since everything) He was of the age of 16 when it all went down. He had his family arguing at him for career paths, his recent dog had passed. Nothing could get better for him. Until the virus went up. Now nothing can get better for him. Now, standing out at the streets, he wished he had what he couldn't wait to leave behind. His family shouting and beating him. His dog missing for a better cause than being eaten alive. His school life.

Family (Living, Dead or Otherwise) - Mother, Father, sister (4) Uncle (4) Aunt (5) Status: Mother, Father, and sisters along with aunts dead. One uncle alive

Skills - Marksmanship, knowledge, teamwork

Weaknesses - loneliness, strength, speed, will stop at nothing to complete his goal.

Personality - Alek is a try-hard that would stop at nothing to accomplish something. He is fairly social and doesn't mind strangers, as strangers aren't all strangers. He believes that even if people are evil, there is still good in the world. Alek would never let a friend down and wouldn't ever do anything to hurt the friends that he has. He is very family-centered and doesn't care about his appearance.

Appearance - Short-cut grimy black hair, smaller 5'7 character.Crooked face and smaller facial features.
Good, though he would be about 21 if he was 16 when the virus hit


Morgan "Morgue" Blaire Chase

  • Nicknamed Chase or Morgue, 17 years old, Morgan was just 11 when the virus wiped out her entire family. Sweet and shy, she loved to read and play soccer, an ordinary life, she was living in the middle of suburbia, semi-attached town houses and narrow streets. The perfect breeding ground for the virus that would leave her alone. Her mother was the first to go, it started with
    the coughing and the headaches, the bleeding out of the ears and mouth, then the eyes, before it consumed every orifice. Her baby brother close behind.

    It was then her father revealed the gun, stashed away in his study, rounding on her now. "We'll go together," he had pleaded, his wife's undead corpse at his feet,
    bullet holes riddling her body, Jamie sprawled behind her, still moaning.

    Wrestling the gun from his grip she shot him, sprinting from the house to leave his howls of pain. From then on, she had wondered, looting and scavenging, practicing her marksmanship on stray "zombles", alone, until she found her, Lily, the only thing Morgan has left. The little seven year old, prying herself from her mother's cold hands in the back room of a convenience store, undead creeping towards her. Morgan made quick work of them, now 15, and ran with Lily bouncing between her shoulder blades, a teddy bear clutched in one hand, Morgan's pistol in the other. Now they roam together, Clyde the grown-puppy tagging along.

Lily the Protégé

  • tumblr_m1p7plLYHs1qbfx8so1_400_large.jpg
    Lily doesn't remember her last name, all she remembers is that she and her mother had been alone, her mother struggling to reach a meeting point to meet up with their camp, a few hours away. They had stopped to look for water, ambushed, trapped, her mother killed. That's all she knows.

    She is determined to not be a burden, practicing her knife skills and aim constantly, teasingly getting the pet name "Protégé" from Morgan. Morgan the light of her life, she obsesses over her, her big sister, her mother, her teacher. Lily tries her best to be as helpful as possible, to carry her weight, to make her worth having around, to not let down the only person in her life. Lily says she can hardly remember her mother, the camp, anything before Morgan, to which Morgan says "Understandably so, seriously, if you remembered, you'd be one messed up kid," Hair ruffle, chuckle. But it doesn't matter, Lily has Morgan now, and they rule the world together, hand in hand.

Name - Dwayne Compton

Nickname - D

Age - 27

Brief History - Dwayne was a high school football and track star, but that didn't mean much coming from a small Texas town, not caring enough about his grades to go to college, he enlisted into the Army straight out of high school. He figured he'd pick the most badass job on the list, and 16 weeks later he was an Infantryman. Dwayne excelled in the Army and in 3 years found himself a Sergeant, life was good. Dwayne remembers the day the got orders to go to Dallas from Fort Hood, riots they said. He remembers uttering the phrase, "Riots? Man isn't this a National Guard job?" He remembers only a few hours later being over ran by the flesh eaters, losing his friends, and Blackhawk crashing just outside the city.

He woke up later with the left side of his face bandaged along with him left arm. The few remaining members of his squad carried him to a nearby house where they held out. Over the last few years Dwayne's been with various groups, mostly just one group that seemed to always seemed to gain people, but lose them just as fast. He's been alone the last 8 months, trying to avoid people as best her can, sometimes they mistake his face for a Flesheater's.

Skills - Keeps calm in sunfortunate situations, solid shooter (Dont ask him to run and gun if you want him to hit things), knows a lot about electronics.

Weaknesses - Blind in his left eye, soft-hearted doesn't like to kill other humans (unless they hurt his group first), very trusting (Both good and bad)

Personality - Quiet and Reserve, a reluctant leader but fills the role if needed.


Extra- Carries a sawed off shotgun, but with so few shells left and the noise it makes, he tries to use it sparingly and only in desperate situations only
Character Sheet

Name - Jake Thomas

Nickname - Kid

Age - 9

Brief History - Jake grew up in a wealthy family, until his father got busted for illegally giving out information from his job forcing him and his mother to move into a mid-low class home where he became picked on by other children, his mother developed a drinking problem and he was pretty alone in home, his only friends being his teddy bear "Mark" and his neighbor "Amanda" Amanda, being older would pick on him for still playing with a stuffed bear, but he didn't care, "He's my best friend besides you." He would say. In school Jake would make straight A's.

When the apocalypse hit, Jake was in the car while his mother was in the liquor store buying alcohol, Jake was sitting and talking to Mark when a zombie smacked up against the window of the car, his mother rushed out of the liquor store and pulled it away, suffering a bite on her finger, she got into the car and drove home, not explaining anything to Jake who was scared out of his mind, when they got home she ordered Jake to go into the basement and not to question her order, Jake then spent weeks in the basement listening to his mothers groaning, and beating against the basement door, then one day he awoke to a single gunshot, a cop opens the door and sees Jake, thinner than normal because he hasn't eaten in a week, the cop gave Jake some food and escorted him to his car, before leaving Jake looked at Amanda's house and saw her staring out the window with cold lifeless eyes.

Jake lived in the police station for about a year becoming friendly with the police force and learning how to fire pistols, he even got a police hat for Mark, until one day when the dead found a way inside and Jake was the only one to make it out alive.

Since then Jake has essentially wandered, meeting small groups here and there that all eventually fell, he's lived mostly by himself, since everything happened.

Family (Living, Dead or Otherwise) - mother- Deceased

Skills - Small, and able to get into tight places that adults couldn't, can see well in the dark, smart for his age. Good shot with a pistol.

Weaknesses - Weak, Aracnophobic, shy, can't go anywhere without Mark.

Personality - Jake is a shy kid, but put him in a situation of more adult standards, and he can be the most mature person in there.

Afraid to speak about his parents and the friend from his past.

Yet he's very open about the police man that saved him, and the small groups that he's been with.

Appearance - Height: 4'2

average length blonde hair, light blue eyes, mole on his left cheek

This is my first ever character I've made, please let me know if it's good.
Name - Lance Amador

Nickname - Lance

Age - 23 years old

Brief History - Lance was any typical teenager who grew up in Seattle, reckless. He was known for being the guy who had anything, and everything. He didn't come from an abusive family, rather one that was only his acquaintances. He was in the hospital for six months with a collapsed lung after he was stabbed eight times with a four inch blade, he barely lived. After his near death experience, he promised his younger sister, Elena, that he would stay clean. a few months later he met the love of his life, yet she was attacked and slaughtered by those... Freaks that roam the streets.. He has a burning hatred towards the beasts, and he is unusually cruel to them when he slaughters them.

Family - Elena, the rest are deceased.

Skills -

* Lance is an amazing driver, he hasn't crashed once in his life, which is amazing due to the intense speeds he drives at.

*He is quite skilled with guns, and has quite the trigger finger.

Weaknesses -

* Open water

*young children


Personality -

Lance is very quiet but manipulative. he doesn't tend to speak his mind, but he thinks badly of a lot of others. Yet he was taught to never speak out of turn, however when confronted he will savagely defend himself, and often hurts others in the crossfire. hes very protective of those he loves and will recklessly put himself in harms way to protect them, even if his life was in danger. he will fight until he can't stand. he has low self-esteem and often questions why he was bought into the world and for what purpose. whatever that is, he still doesn't know. even though he is very guarded towards others, his reasoning behind it is that he has difficulty trusting others after past events. he sees the worst in others, and will be quick to judge off of first impressions. aside from his hostility that he feels for strangers, he can be caring and humorous on rare occasions. he can be sweet, but he isn't easily swayed and ordered around. he tends to hide his more caring personality from the world and will only fade into that conscience around those he trusts as he fears getting hurt. he values his own life very little, and figures it is better protecting others than to lead his own life as he feels he would have no clue how to lead it.

Appearance -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_static_tumblr_luzb5it3td1qj1a61o1_1280.jpeg.8511cd282b8c3d47c4e9f97a176e4dd2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_static_tumblr_luzb5it3td1qj1a61o1_1280.jpeg.8511cd282b8c3d47c4e9f97a176e4dd2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name - Elena Amador

Nickname - Ellie

Age - 18 years old

Brief History -Elena was teased as a young child for being so quietly. she'd rather read or write than play tag or other games. Her parents were often off on business trips, so the it family she really had was Lance. She was young when the outbreak began, and Lance stood by her no matter what. She clings to him often, as she is afraid of new people and sketchy situations.

Family - Lance, others are deceased.

Skills - Elena is good with a blade, yet guns are her weakness. She knows how to drive since Lance taught her.

Weaknesses -


*sketchy situations

*new people


Personality -

Elena is a sweet, keep to herself kind of girl. She never wants to hurt anyone or anything, she'd rather talk out problems or just ignore the past. Due to her gentle nature she is vegetarian, making finding food for her to eat consists of mostly fruits now.

Appearance -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/beautiful-beauty-blue-eyes-brown-hair-596188.jpeg.26b630f2efb447e5a56e712cec384326.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/beautiful-beauty-blue-eyes-brown-hair-596188.jpeg.26b630f2efb447e5a56e712cec384326.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alex "AJ" Jensen

  • Alex, prior to the madness, was never considered an outcast, nor was he looked up at by his peers as one of the "popular" kids either. He simply just was. Charged with the energy of being at the
    big school now, Alex was ready to go out and take on the world. The irony of his excitement was almost fatal. He can't remember the exact detail of the day the rotted corpses beat down his front door and essentially made a meal of his parents, but what he does remember changed the life of the 14 year old boy forever.

    Several years past, Alex is now 20 years of age but feeling around ten years older. Scavenging and living a stress filled life has pushed him to the point where he feels as if no one can be trusted. Initially, he did try to work with small groups of survivors and be a complacent member of a bigger team, but these exchanges always ended with him waking up to an empty room with all of his things gone. Although he doesn't show his hesitance towards people by bottling up,
    he actually is quiet the conversationalist, he is a lot more outwardly cold and has a developed inability to accept other people's weaknesses. For this reason, Alex feels as if it is better for him to be a lone wolf than to try and coincide with a group of people possibly out to steal all his materials.


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