Interstellar [Inactive]


New Member
MegaSpy submitted a new role play:

Interstellar - We have lost our home planet - now we have to look towards the stars...

It's the year 2222, the Ozone layer is gone - from global warming, and the world is covered with Ultra-violet rays. Soon to come is a large gamma burst, heading towards planet earth...
But now, there's only one choice, only one thing we can do. And that is to head towards the stars, away from our now hostile planet - we have just under one week left, to build giant starships, or 'motherships' to get all the human population away from our planet.

So here we are, some countries have...
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BAM! The loud music roared into David's ear, making him jump out of bed immediately, only to realise that it was his phone, he took his holographic device and looked at the time: 7:30 GMT in earth time. It was time to get ready for work, David unstrapped himself from his bed and clambered out. There was gravity on the starship, but not that much, David could, for example, jump up and swim through the air to touch the ceiling if he wanted to, artificial gravity wasn't yet advanced enough to stop him from doing that.

David looked out of the window, there ahead of him were the millions of the beautiful stars, each in many different shapes, David just loved to look at the beauty of these, but he didn't have enough time, a thing that was rare with the common folk these days...
Aboard a different Starship, United States Secret Service Agent Valeriano Volante was in his room, watching the news. His Gun was still fully loaded, as he had to be ready for just about any situation aboard the Starship. Despite being the strong, silent type, Agent Volante was still very intimidating to most people. Maybe it was his Golden Claw, Red Cloak and Three-Barreled Revolver, which he had named after the Greek Underworld Three-Headed Dog; Cerberus.


David was about to head out of the room when he noticed a giant piece of rock, this rock was of course, the moon. It appeared so close that he could almost touch it, as if all he had to do was to break the glass, which of course, was not true. David stared at the beauty of the passing rock, the moon. This could possibly be the last time he would see it, or maybe not...

David looked away, then he noticed the time on his phone: 8:00! He was going to miss his maglev! He quickly hurried out of the room, or the apartment, or whatever you want to call it, as it is not that small- and headed towards the station.
While sipping a glass of wine, Valeriano got a text message on his phone. When he opened his phone to take a look, he wondered what could be happening. No one was stupid enough to commit a crime on the Secundo...Or at least he had hoped so.

The Text Message wrote:


There is going to be a meeting in two hours. The President will need you by his side. We also need to talk about the future of the Secret Service. You may also be sent on another mission, so be ready.

The message seemed to be from his superior. He continued to watch the news for the next hour or two.
David hurried to the maglev station, only to see the maglev about to depart, "the doors on maglev, 12, are now closing, please mind the closing doors. The train on platform, 12, is now ready to depart". David jumped towards the maglev, hurling himself onto the door, and, like a ballerina swivelled around in the air and managed to get into the maglev the moment the doors closed.
As the Half-Hour Mark came, Valeriano checked his Triple-Barreled Revolver to make sure it was fully loaded. He also had plenty of spare bullets with him. After finishing his last glass of wine, he turned off the TV, grabbed his phone and left for the White House...Or at least the Ship's Equivalent of the White House, for the upcoming meeting, being one of the most trust Agents in the Secret Service.
David was looking out of the window, of course, there wasn't much to see outside other than a long and boring tunnel, the plan was originally to have the maglev track outside of the motherships, but in Prima it wasn't possible; the parts of the ship near the edge had to be windows for residential and offices so that the inside could be dedicated to engines, factories, shopping malls and of course the maglev.

As David pondered he realised that he was not supposed to get of at Parliament Avenue, where he usually would, but at Birch Street for a special meeting! He quickly ran towards the door when he noticed that the station they were at now was Birch Street, but there was an old lady getting of, David waited patiently as he heard that the doors were closing. "Hurry!" He thought, the old lady had now gotten out but the doors were half-closed, David hesitated for a moment and paused. No! He threw himself at the door, there was hardly anything but a little gap not even a rat could get through, the sensors didn't detect his hand so he pushed it further, the pain was killing him, the doors quickly swung open and David made it out, leaving with a very painful pointing finger.
Teller sat in her room, drifting through the pages of an age old inter-stellar travel book. A century ago, man had only just made it to mars, looking at their progress since was almost difficult to think of how such explorers felt, brand new and only dipping beneath the surface of an infinite amount of knowledge and wonder.. She turned her head starward, watching as the stars slowly passed her window, truly, they were speeding past almost at the speed of light. She lightly pressed her fingers to the glass, a surge of curiosity and wanderlust momentarily overpowering her thoughts. In the stars, she finally felt she was home. Earth, for the few years were it truly was the earth of years past, was like a rarely used summer home to her; a place of fond memories and warm feelings, but ultimately strange to her. Alien, even.

Nero stood at his help, barking out occasional orders to his small crew. He stood tall and proud, if slightly battle worn and tired. His ship had grown in the months of he and his crew's escape, looking more like a trash heap than a ship more and more each day. Even so, he loved it. It was a symbol of his independence, his freedom.
David walked across the maglev station to the other platform, he then checked his phone to see if he was going in the right direction. "BEEP!" A message popped up from DIMS (Dean's Instant Messaging Service) from one of his workmates (He had such a long name it was hard to remember), it read: HAVE U REMEMBERED THE MEETING 2DAY? Of course he had, and he'd almost lost a finger over it.
Checking his phone, the Meeting was to start in about half an hour. Volante then decided to go get ready. He started by loading up his Revolver. Upon holstering it, he checked to make sure he had all his gear. Though his cloak and claw did not make it easy. Volante then made his way to the meeting room, where he stood by the President's side, arms folded with his usual emotionless yet intimidating facade.
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