Ten Thousand Club
Alicia Day
Alicia's attention was stolen by the purple-haired girl with the squeaky voice. Her bubbliness was nice, bringing a smile to Alicia's face. For a moment she reconsidered coming to the party simply because that girl was so nice about inviting them. She waved to the purple-haired girl -or was it pink?- and mouthed, 'Thank you! Maybe, we will see!' Although, she wasn't sure if that girl could read lips... Hm. Well, it wasn't that big of a deal; Alicia had decided not to go, she hadn't yet changed her mind on that.
Suddenly another interacted with her and Leise, although it appeared he was really just speaking to her, since Leise seemed fine. His offer was surprising. "Wait. You can fix my sprained wing?" she asked, her voice laced with delighted surprise. She had never met someone who could do that before! Her mom knew how to tend to a sprained wing well enough. It was a fairly lengthy -but not too lengthy- process to set it and treat it, to get it to heal. Not even her mom knew how to speed up the recovery process like this boy seemed to indicate that he could. Intriguingly, giving him a quick look-over, he appeared to be a human! Even more surprising! "But.. you're a human..." Alicia murmured, not meaning to come off as racist as that sounded. Her mom would've said something similar, but probably in a much more pissy tone. Her mother had gotten a lot better about trusting humans, though. Nothing like how she was in the past -from the stories she told Alicia.
Finally, yet another student came up to have a chat. Ah, it was that other Faunus from the initiation! A quick smile lit up Alicia's face, finding someone she felt kinship with. Again that was probably a slightly racist feeling, feeling kinship with a Faunus, but not the other humans. It was just something she couldn't help but feel excited about. "Hi there, I remember you!" Alicia blurted out, before her mouth was forced to close to listen to the excitable Faunus.
When she said 'isn't going to fly', Alicia's face contorted into a certain discomforted frown, glancing back at her sprained wing. It was rude to comment so loosely about some Faunus's ability to fly when she was injured. "Hehe, nonsense! I'm sure you would've been fine," Alicia downplayed her own involvement. "There were trees for cover... And Aura would've protected you from being skewered." She leaned in, "You do have Aura unlocked, don't you?" A weird question coming from her, who considered her own Aura reserve to be pretty abysmal. Her Aura Control even worse. Still, this girl had her Semblance unlocked, which had to mean she had Aura.
"Why, thank you; that's a real considerate and supportive sentiment. I hope it does, too. You might need to go to the infirmary yourself," Alicia suddenly pointed out, pointing down at the girl's stubbed toe. "I appreciate all of what you said. It certainly gives a Dove a lot to consider; I will ruminate on it. Truly, it means a lot, thank you, Miss Kitty." Alicia glanced over, wondering if the question was aimed at her. "Oh -uh... um... I am unsure..?"
Elle Santiago
Cruor Flumine

Alicia's attention was stolen by the purple-haired girl with the squeaky voice. Her bubbliness was nice, bringing a smile to Alicia's face. For a moment she reconsidered coming to the party simply because that girl was so nice about inviting them. She waved to the purple-haired girl -or was it pink?- and mouthed, 'Thank you! Maybe, we will see!' Although, she wasn't sure if that girl could read lips... Hm. Well, it wasn't that big of a deal; Alicia had decided not to go, she hadn't yet changed her mind on that.
Suddenly another interacted with her and Leise, although it appeared he was really just speaking to her, since Leise seemed fine. His offer was surprising. "Wait. You can fix my sprained wing?" she asked, her voice laced with delighted surprise. She had never met someone who could do that before! Her mom knew how to tend to a sprained wing well enough. It was a fairly lengthy -but not too lengthy- process to set it and treat it, to get it to heal. Not even her mom knew how to speed up the recovery process like this boy seemed to indicate that he could. Intriguingly, giving him a quick look-over, he appeared to be a human! Even more surprising! "But.. you're a human..." Alicia murmured, not meaning to come off as racist as that sounded. Her mom would've said something similar, but probably in a much more pissy tone. Her mother had gotten a lot better about trusting humans, though. Nothing like how she was in the past -from the stories she told Alicia.
Finally, yet another student came up to have a chat. Ah, it was that other Faunus from the initiation! A quick smile lit up Alicia's face, finding someone she felt kinship with. Again that was probably a slightly racist feeling, feeling kinship with a Faunus, but not the other humans. It was just something she couldn't help but feel excited about. "Hi there, I remember you!" Alicia blurted out, before her mouth was forced to close to listen to the excitable Faunus.
When she said 'isn't going to fly', Alicia's face contorted into a certain discomforted frown, glancing back at her sprained wing. It was rude to comment so loosely about some Faunus's ability to fly when she was injured. "Hehe, nonsense! I'm sure you would've been fine," Alicia downplayed her own involvement. "There were trees for cover... And Aura would've protected you from being skewered." She leaned in, "You do have Aura unlocked, don't you?" A weird question coming from her, who considered her own Aura reserve to be pretty abysmal. Her Aura Control even worse. Still, this girl had her Semblance unlocked, which had to mean she had Aura.
"Why, thank you; that's a real considerate and supportive sentiment. I hope it does, too. You might need to go to the infirmary yourself," Alicia suddenly pointed out, pointing down at the girl's stubbed toe. "I appreciate all of what you said. It certainly gives a Dove a lot to consider; I will ruminate on it. Truly, it means a lot, thank you, Miss Kitty." Alicia glanced over, wondering if the question was aimed at her. "Oh -uh... um... I am unsure..?"