Interesting Ideas Lurk Here


New Member
Alright, for now, I'd much prefer to just go off a few ideas for 1x1 role play, but if you have a really good RP that is more than 1x1 suggest it!


1) There is a secret race of creatures in this world, they are completely different from the normal "Vampires", "Werewolves", "Zombies". My character, doesn't know that she is one of these different creatures, she is a Deletaine [Dell-uh-tane]. These creatures are infused with two elements in their blood, and harbor one animal demon inside of them. Your character can be any race of these different creatures [Other creatures will be explained privately]. But your character has watched over mine ever since she was born, when they meet finally, your character injects her with a fluid to unleash the bonds on her Deletaine blood and make her a Deletaine again. My character will be searching for yours, and then they will meet, and we will take the plot from there.

2) Two people happen to meet in a seemingly regular library. They perhaps bump into each other as they were searching for books, and then one of them falls open, and the words come dancing off the page. The words engulf them, and they are sucked into the book. [What type of book it is, and everything can be up for collaboration].


1) A biker gang is on the verge of chaos when one of their members goes missing, along with the shipment of drugs they were planning to sell to another gang. The rival gang leader [the one they were going to sell drugs to] is pissed, and is ready for a fight. Will the two leaders be able to find the drugs in time? Or will it end in bloodshed?

2) A pack of wolves has been going to the small town of Clanford each night and ravaging the towns livestock. The detective and the latest victim of the wolves destruction is going on the hunt, deep into the Wetherfrost Forest. What will they find?

3) A small abandoned asylum in Lilith England has been the local hangout for the teenagers ever since it was discovered in the forest two years ago, but what happens when one of the girls at the party go missing, and screams echo the long aged halls?

Well, if you have any ideas other than these, please tell me! :D I really am up for anything, either comment below, or message me if you are interested in my ideas! :) I'm also willing to collaborate on these as well!
The idea about two characters being sucked into a book sounds very intriguing to me. I'd also be willing to try out the biker gang/drugs go missing plotline, but I might need more discussion time to plan out what sort of scenario/characters we'd be playing for that one. The asylum one sounds intriguing too, but again, probably would want to discuss it for a while to make sure we're on the same page. Still interested in playing any of the above? I can do more than one too if you're down for that.
I'm really hesitant to say I'd love to. Not because of the plotlines, it's because it seems like you are a fully literate roleplayer.

I'm only semi-literate. But if that's okay with you, my favourite plots are the asylum one, the biker gang/drug one, and the book one is appealing enough. ^^
2 is a maybe, but the rest are a no. I have an idea of my own though.

My idea is a romance, I was thinking Human X Dragon, which would mean soon or later, there would be hybrids. Now to start, the human would be in a field somewhere doing whatever, when she hears a roar from a injured dragon, when she goes to investigate, she finds out it is in fact the dragon king, and with minutes to spare, she must save him before a evil dragon takes over and destroy the human race.

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