Interested in a 1x1?


New Member
Finally getting back into RPing! yay! so excuse me if I'm a bit rusty but I know I'll get back into the swing of things.

About my RP habits and standards:

-I've been rping off and on for about ten years

-I'm a literate writer, most of my posts are two paragraphs at the minimum, i feel bad (literally) if they're less than that. I expect the same in return, i try to give good quality posts of a decent length. so please, no one liners

-Good grammar is a must. Typos and a few small errors are fine, i make them myself, but no text speak or slang unless its apart of the dialogue

-Blood, guts, gore, sex, language and violence does not bother me. I'd prefer some one with the same attitude since I don't really like being restricted just to spare some one's sensitivities

-I can do improv or plotted rping, i prefer a mix, straight improv gets a little boring to me because i have no goal but i like being able to be a bit free form and throw in unexpected things

What I'd like to do:

-I haven't done an animal RP in a long time. I wouldn't mind doing one again. Realistic or fantasy creatures are both fine

-I've done a good number of werewolf/vampire/witch rps in my day, I wouldn't mind doing one again

-I love Science Fiction, but I've never actually done a SyFy RP so I'd seriously love to do one. I'm a HUGE Mass Effect fan btw lol

-I also love zombies, a zombie apocalypse survival RP would be awesome

-I don't know what else... any suggestions?

I currently only have one premade character. But I can make up one to suit our needs. I actually love creating characters so this is no problem for me.

Here is my one premade character:

Name: Alath Bint Husam (roughly translated it means "Lofty Daughter of the Sword")

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Type: Fantasy - preferably in the desert

Description: Currently a mercenary, forced into the profession after her tribe was all but wiped out in a war with a rival tribe. She's tough, independent, sarcastic, and very loyal. She honestly hates being a mercenary, she was always raised to view them as scum as they possess no honor and their only loyalty is to themselves and whoever has enough gold. But she does it to survive. Her horse, Nasim, is her best friend and companion, and a trained war horse.
This looks fantastic! It seems like you have some interests that are up my ally. I want to say I am VERY good at making plots, flexible plots. I deal mostly in fantasy, different races, magic, mythical creatures, sword fights and so on. I just took one look at your character and I have already a great plot in mind that I would love to put her through! I am very enthusiastic and can rarely become offended! I usually use Microsoft word to tend to all my grammar and spelling needs, but sometimes I miss some things. I am always learning, I think right now I am trying to learn not to reuse words in the same paragraph... But that is why I am here, to learn!

I am a VERY organized person. If you would like to see an example of my work/story/plot/characters/posting habits, please feel free to look up three RPs that I have created in the Private RP section. The Price of Peace, Dragon Core, and When the Wind Stops Blowing. If you like the way I do things, please let me know I would love to plot with you!
haha yeah i just encountered that problem... what an odd rule... well. reply to this and then i'll reply and i'll have five posts xD

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