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Realistic or Modern (Interest Check) Writing an ACTUAL novel

Roger Greyson

I can Smell you
For a long time, when I've brought up roleplaying to people, they say one of two things, either, "ew... you do THAT????" and I have to explain that it's writing a story in collaboration with another author, or, they say, "You know.. I though about it a few times, but that's just weird..." and I had to try to convince them that it can be fun.

And it can, we all know this, or you wouldn't be reading this.

Sadly, there are SOME who cannot very easily develop a story

Sadly there are some that are wildly unavailable

Sadly there are some who have poor grammar.

This is not to badger people to make them feel bad, they are simply facts.

I want to prove the validity of roleplaying as an art form, and as a fun past time.

I want to, through the collaboration of one or more other roleplayers, write and publish a novel.

Each part-author will receive:

Equal credit for authorship

Equal payment in royalties*

and equal say in the dedication/authors' message in the beginning of the novel

Details of the novel will be decided once all authors interested show interest via either a post on this thread, or a PM to yours truly.

As a side note, RPnation.com will itself recieve credit for hosting the site where the novel would be written, and the owner of the website will be paid equal in royalties to the other authors, and equal ownership of the intellectual property**

*There will be no argument here, everyone will be paid equally

**I have not asked the owner yet, though I intend to soon
Good luck. I'm content to treat it as a pastime, myself, and write seriously on my own.

Also, since you'll be posting it publicly on here you put yourself on shaky ground, legally. You lose your First Rights for sure, and that'll make it hard to sell.
I intend not to make it public, I intend to write it through the PMs, so no one can read it, save for the admins, and the authors of the novels themselves, but thank you xD
I shall join you. Although, I cannot write very well YET, I hope to grow on this journey... If I can go.
It'll be hard and bumpy, yeah. But... I'll throw my lot in with you, I don't see why not.

I think it's time to show what roleplaying is and can do.
This sounds interesting, something akin to a writing exercise I've heard about, where two writers send parts of a story back and forth in an attempt to make a complete story, though this would be different in the sense that each writer would both take hold of a single character, I'd imagine.
I'm so in. I've wanted to write a tandem for forever, as has my friend @Subject019283747592 who for some reason isn't tagging. She's super good, but I'm awful! If you let me, I promise I'll try my hardest, though!
I would like to participate in this. I've helped my friend publish his book of poems but I would assume that a novel would be vastly different. In any case, I'm up to participate.

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