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Fandom Interest Check: SnK The Other Side



If this gets enough interest I'll make an RP or a forum (which do you prefer?). Anyway, the premise:

The inhabitants of the walls have succeeded in pushing back the titans–you can thank the Survey Corps for most of that. But once outside the walls, they've found the ocean. Years after the walls were torn down and humanity began spreading across the land once more, the first ships were made. For what purpose? To see what's on the other side of the ocean, of course!

A new wing of the Survey Corps, now with the goal of exploring the territory and remapping the world (all the old maps and documents were destroyed in the century within the walls), sets off on a ship to the other side of the ocean. What will they find there? Will they even survive the journey or fall prey to storms on the high seas?

The MARIA, is leaving port soon. Will she return?

To be clear, this is set 20-30 years after the anime. We won't really talk about what happened to give humanity victory, but focus on the future and finding if there are still titans on other continents and such.

So, anyone interested?
This sounds very interesting, I like the concept of humanity finally reconnecting with each other and the survey corps being involved with the first interactions.

Considering the possibility of the titans existing elsewhere does this also allow the existence of Titan shifters-if so will their be available spots for these characters?
@oOVacatedWisperOo I'm glad you like the concept. I was thinking there could be titan shifters and maybe even another group of walls or one wall where another civilization is hiding. That may be a bit ambitious. Anyway, the short answer is: yes, there will be shifter spots.
alright thank you, can't wait to see how the story will proceed!

(I like the idea of another hidden civilization, considering how the original group of humanity treated their own suspiciously, it would be interesting to see how events would proceed when they are faced withed an unknown threat * as well as how they would be "welcomed" by the newly discovered.*.)

would it be possible to reserve a male shifter position?
@oOVacatedWisperOo Yes, you can be a male shifter. I think that would work best if you were one of the villagers in the other continent.

I think if there is both the group of people traveling to the new place and the people who live there, it might make more sense to start when they land on the other side.

Preferences on format? Forum? Thread?
I guess it's thread then. I'll post the link here when it's up. It'll take me a while to write out info about the setting.

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