Interest Check: Magical Girl Forum RP

I-I guess I'll work on a character...

Don't misunderstand, it's not like I want to play or anything! I just think I should try to protect everyone from the forbidden love between two girls.

Just don't ever leave me, okay?~

I wouldn't be happy if you left, now that we've got you!~

And horrible things happen when I'm not happy, okay?!~
Just so long as you don't try that Magical Men's Shirt Transformation again :glare:
SephirothSage said:
Hrm.... Also- how is Orphaning myself at Chargen in the DM's eyes?
Intending for something like this, roughly; Giant-Ass Youma destroys her house, and entire family. As she is crying in the Wreckage, Little. Adorable as /ALL HELL? Kitten SNuggles up to her. And makes her the offer.

Hows that?
What you really need is the youma to influence your brother who burns the house down and all your family, except him and you. Then he goes comatose and taken to the hospital where he just stares wide-eyed at the ceiling. And you can try to wish that he gets better, and spend several scenes asking Why? into his dead eyes.

Damnit! Now you just made me think of a character! Fuck! I'm in.

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