interest check: Deathwatch

Dam i wanted devi... Ill Polly go for Tac marine since we have none of those. dont know yet
Hey, if you want to be a devastator, I can do tac marine as well.

Edit: In Fact, I'll just make a tac marine, go ahead a be a devastator.















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[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Am going assault marine.











Name: Brother Keraunos

Chapter affiliation: Unstated. Watch Fortress records suggest Carcharodons likely.

Specialization: Deathwatch Assault Marine

Demeanor: Watchful for Weakness


  • WS: 50
  • BS: 43
  • Str: 46
  • T: 38
  • Ag: 42
  • Int: 43
  • Per: 47
  • WP: 46
  • Fel: 43
  • Wounds: 22
  • Fate Points: 3


  • Awareness
  • Ciphers (Chapter Runes)
  • Climb
  • Dodge
  • Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes)
  • Common Lore (Imperium)
  • Common Lore (War)
  • Common Lore (Deathwatch)
  • Concealment
  • Drive (Ground Vehicles)
  • Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
  • Intimidate
  • Literacy
  • Navigation (Surface)
  • Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)
  • Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed)
  • Silent Move
  • Speak Language (High Gothic)
  • Speak Language (Low Gothic)
  • Tactics (Assault Doctrine)
  • Tracking


  • Ambidextrous
  • Astartes Weapon Training
  • Bulging Biceps
  • Flesh Render
  • Frenzy
  • Heightened Senses (Hearing)
  • Heigtened Senses (Sight)
  • Killing Strike
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Quick Draw
  • Resistance (Psychic Powers)
  • True Grit
  • Unarmed Master


  • Mark V Heresy Armor
  • Astartes Bolt Pistol
  • Astartes Krak Grenade (x3)
  • Astartes Frag Grenade (x3)
  • Astartes Combat Knife
  • Repair Cement
  • Scrimshaw Talismans
  • Astartes Jump Pack
  • Astartes Chainsword


  • Frenzy: 250 xp
  • Flesh Render: 250 xp
  • Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) : 200
  • Swim: 100
  • Weapon Skill +5: 200

And that's my character. All 1000 starting xp (if we're starting with standard char-gen) spent.

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Name: Thorvald

Chapter: Space Wolves

Demeanor: Gregorius

Past Event: Great Hunt

Spec: Grey Hunter (Tactical Marine)

WS: 43

BS: 46

ST: 41

T: 45

AG: 48

IT: 43

PE: 44

WP: 42

FS: 48

Wounds: 23

Fate: 3

Trained Skills





Silent Move

Tracking +10



Astartes Weapon Training

Bulging Biceps

Deathwatch Training

Heightened Senses (Hearing, sight, smell)

Killing Strike

Nerves of steel

Quick Draw

Resistance (psychic)

True Grit

Unarmed Master

Unnatural Strength (x2)

Unnatural Toughness (x2)

Bolter Mastery

Tactical Expertise

Rapid Reload



Mark 8 Power Armor


3 Frag Grenades

3 Krak Grenades

Astartes Combat Knife

Repair Cement

Wolf Tooth Necklace

Book Keeping

Tracking +10 400

Rapid Reload 200

Hardy 400
Go ahead sephiroth.

When I have access to my computer in about 2 hours I will apply fir the forum to go up. There will be a characters sub forum where all the rolls can be done.
Standard char gen. You may use any deathwatch supplements you like, but the core book is enough if you have no others.


Could not have nailed it better

Roleplay Forum is now pending!

For those who have rolled stats, please keep track of them and when the forum is open make a character sheet in the appropriate forum.

Players summary:

Thief of Words: Keraunos, Carcharodon Assault Marine

C0balt0: Hyrion, Blood Ravens Techmarine

SephirothSage: Absortio, Blood Angels Librarian

StealthFox16: Thorvald, Space Wolf Tactical Marine

Hellrazeromega: name unknown, Dark Angels Apothecary

Still waiting on Belial, Quozzo, ak-73, and Alkalannar to identify their specialty of choice. We need a Devastator, but after that other specialties become available again. Belial had indicated interest in the devastator, and I am waiting on confirmation. I would prefer not to see a second librarian, given the rarity of psychic powers, and the squad could benefit from another tactical, assault, apothecary, or devastator.

If anyone has changes they want to make, everything is malleable before the characters are put into the forum that is being set up (hopefully soon!)
Post a link to the new forum when it will come up pls, i'll do my char gen there.

Also, am i the only one who's posting from Europe? It seems like all of you are from NorthAmerica. That, or you wake up really early in the morning :D
Looks like I am going with Black Templar Tactical Marine. I guess with Bolter Mastery. Picking Tactical Expertise would feel like a troll move because I know what I'd feel like as a GM if I had a whole squad of PCs with up to AG bonus melee attacks in a turn. Hordes-be-gone! :D


















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AlphaJester said:
I have a multi-mission plot prepared, and it kicks off with investigating the lower tunnels of a hive city hunting for tyranids. It culminates, well, if I told you that would spoil the fun.
Just curious, are you going to be using the errata weapon stats?
we have just launched mission 01, so you would need to wait until that is concluded. I will see how this mission goes, and if adding one more won't gum up the works too much, and the players are agreeable to having one more then I don't have a problem with it. Feel free to lurk on the RP forum and see if you like how things go.

What concept did you have in mind?
AlphaJester said:
we have just launched mission 01, so you would need to wait until that is concluded. I will see how this mission goes, and if adding one more won't gum up the works too much, and the players are agreeable to having one more then I don't have a problem with it. Feel free to lurk on the RP forum and see if you like how things go.
What concept did you have in mind?
Happy to fit in anywhere. Just purchased a bulk lot of rules but never played Deathwatch. Have played Rogue Trader though. So will hang and see how it goes and if I can slot in

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