[Interest Check] Dark Heresy


Junior Member
A number of recent events have rekindled my interest in Dark Heresy and I was wondering if any of you fine gentlemen and ladies would be interested in joining? I don't have an idea for an adventure yet, I'm just checking interest (so that I don't spend two weeks planning it out in meticulous detail only to find that no one wants to play =p).

I haven't actually run a DH game before, so this would be kind of a learning experience for all :3
If this was starting any other time but now I would be all on that, but alas I am too busy currently. We will see where I am in a couple of weeks.
I've always wanted to give this game a try, but... I know little about the rules, and all my knowledge of the universe comes from one friend and occasional visits to /tg/. I'm not sure how hard it would be for me to get into the game.
I've always wanted to give this game a try' date=' but... I know little about the rules, and all my knowledge of the universe comes from one friend and occasional visits to /tg/. I'm not sure how hard it would be for me to get into the game.[/quote']
I'll probably be running the game assuming people have minimal knowledge of how the 40k universe operates and try to toss as much fluff in as possible. As for the system itself, it isn't too complicated: You roll a d% and try to roll under your stat for the action (Strength to move heavy things, Weapon Skill to hit things with a stick, Ballistics skill to shoot things, etc). There are modifiers to the rolls and such but that is the basic mechanic.
For the Emperor ! Burn the heretic !!!

I mean... I'd be most interested in joining this game. I got the manual and In quisitor's handbook so I know the rules. And the background obviously but then I've been playing 40k for 10 years now.
I'm interested by Dark Heresy. I've got the manual and a pretty good knowledge of 40k, particulary on the imperial guard.
I'd definitely be interested: I love the 40k universe, and my knowledge is pretty good, if a little out of date (I've been off the tabletop game for a few years now). I've got a fairly solid understanding of the core rules, although I don't actually have the book itself any more after having to abandon it at an airport (long story).
Well, it seems enough people are interested. I'll start working on the campaign then. I'll post again when it's ready.


If you want to start thinking about your character, I'm letting players use the core rulebook only (so no Sisters of Battle =p) and you are NOT start as part of the Inquisition. You are on board a troop ship heading for a planet currently being attacked by Orks. Why you are on the troop ship is up to you (soldier/officer, naval crew, etc. Although that might seem limiting, with enough creativity, it isn't).
magnificentmomo said:
From my understanging, RAW you have to roll your stats in order and I am not sure if you get a reroll, there is a character generator here.
You are correct, stats are rolled in order (partially due to each having different modifiers). Officially there aren't any rerolls but I'll probably allow a limited amount of re-rolling. For now don't worry about the character's stats and such, just think about general character concept.
Ok, I am basically ready to run the game. Just need players :3

Anyone who definitely wants to join, just say so. Also, I'd appreciate if you stated what experience you have with the 40k fluff as a whole (Especially novels since I have a habit of stealing ideas from them =p).

As a side note: Should I make a separate thread for recruitment or should I just keep it in this thread?
So me. Experience with 40k, catches breath:

every white dwarf in 8 years.

Gaunt's Ghosts series

Commissar Cain series

Ultramarine Series

Space Wolf series

Soul Drinker series

Eisenhorn series

Horus Heresy series (up to Tales of Heresy so far, haven't manage to get the latest ones yet)

Dawn of War series

Deathwatch series

Deamonifuge series


Final liberation

Fire Warrior

Dawn of War series
My experience ?

Dawn of war series

Few codex of the imperial guard

Lots of researches in internet

Lots of discusion with players

Lots of discusion with Midboss (see his list)

And for my character I'll send his background soon ... very soon
My experience with 40K:

Around ten years activly playing the game, during which time I've owned the Codex for most races in one edition or another. As well as 40k itself I've also owned the spinoffs Inquisitor, Battlefleet Gothic, Epic, Necromunda and GorkaMorka. I bought White Dwarf throughout that time, for some extra fluff articles.


The Founding (First Guant's Ghost's Omnibus)

The Saint (Second Guant's Ghost's Omnibus)

Eisenhorn Omnibus

Ravenor Omnibus

Storm of Iron

Into the Malestorm

The Ultramarines Omnibus (although I really wish I could un-read it, especially the last book)


Space Hulk

Dawn of War (and the expansion packs)

Dawn of War 2
I dunno -crap- about 40k~!

But I really dig Dark Heresy on a gameplay standpoint. I'm actually compiling a Tech-Priest for game, but I'd be interested in filling out a roll here if you needed a +1.

Valentine said:
I dunno -crap- about 40k~!
But I really dig Dark Heresy on a gameplay standpoint. I'm actually compiling a Tech-Priest for game, but I'd be interested in filling out a roll here if you needed a +1.

No worries if you don't know anything, I just wanted to know so that when I inevitably steal ideas from the novels I know which ones to avoid =p.

Since five people want to join (Valentine, Crafty Banana, Dreanyth, and Midboss) I'll go request a forum now. I'll let one maybe two people join and then close it off.

Chaka said:
I played Squats....
So do you want to join or just joking around?

Besides, what are Squats anyway? I haven't heard of any army called squ
Dreanyth said:
If my memory is good squats are the adapation of dwarves in 40k
Oh, I know. I was just doing a joke =p. One of the long time jokes about them is that anyone who says their name disappears. It all started when GW started banning people on their forums every time someone mentioned their name. So now, every time someone mentions Squats, they mysteriously vanish mid-sente
I am unfortunately joking. I would love to play, but I'm in too many games as it is. It was too good to pass up.

In the interim, ask me about my Zoat army! :P

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