Interest check: A House Tepet game.

Karrth moonblade

Junior Member
I've been wanting to run a Dragon Blooded game for a while now but I've been unable to settle for a story. So I figure I might as well ask the potential players what they want to play.

My idea for the game itself would be the following:

Due to the massive loss of troops during the campaign in the north the house have been forced to call in favours all around, they are getting their young exalted from the house of bells and cloister of wisdom recalled, they are recruiting lost eggs like never before and even their sorcerers are being recalled. All to serve in the newly formed Tepet Legion.

It's task? Show the other great houses and especially the Satrapies in Threshold that house Tepet is still a powerhouse.

What I want to know is if the players would like to play as:

1) A Tepet Dynast group.

2) A group of recruited lost eggs.

3) or a mixed group of the above.

The initial campaign would be there for me to learn the system in it's details. Their first task would be to make sure that house Tepet gets the taxes from the Satrapies they are owed. But nothing is rarely that easy.

But from there I'd like to know what the potential players would like to try out.

I for instance would like to try out a war for the Throne, racing against time as the forces that want to end creation is also working to use this opportunity to bring creation to it's knees.
Mixed group sounds interesting to me- then we could have the interplay between the two different types of Exalted and their attitudes towards one another.

Definite interest here, probably as a Tepet-born Air Aspect spy type (had a rather neat idea for a game that didn't get off the ground that I could resurrect).
Sounds very interesting.

Dragon Bloods have the advantage that they can have smaller motivations than Celestials...

I would stick to Dynasts, because they have a more solid framework, but mixing with Outcastes would be interesting.

Definitely interested.

Playing in a crumbling Great House of a crumbling Empire of a crumbling Creation... Awesome! ^^

If the game implies more than combat, I'd love to play a scoundrel/trafficker Fire Aspect with Burocracy, otherwise I'd be happy with any Immaculate, but likely Water.
Hmm. I think the mixed thing would be good.

Edit #Infinite: Ok, finally got my ducks in a line: The Calin Aman-based concept here, (scroll down till you find it) with some modification, incorporating elements of a thief, criminal gang leader, martial artist and military officer. He's led an interesting life since Exaltation. ;)

Consider him an adopted outcaste with a brief stint in Pasiap's Stair.
so... 5 so far. Is that enough Karrth? And what are the specific character creation rules for this game?
interested. I love the exalted war and intrigue idea. And since i have always wanted to try out the dragon-blooded this seems like killing to birds with on stone. This i my first Pattern spider game, but I have done lots of pbp before.

Thinking of being a dynast captain. Thinking he is a military strategist.

question: could we inculde a couple of common warstriders ?? I know house Tepet lost their clossus in a battle with the Bull of the North and a lot a warstrider, but they are supposed to have some fangs left. They could be great for claiming tribute since that is want they are mainly for. Propaganda is more effective when it comes from a 16 feet tall war machine.
I was debating if I'd have time, but it looks like I will. I'd be interested in this. I really enjoy DBs, but have yet to play one in a true DB game. :D I have thoughts running around for either Dynast or lost egg, but nothing really formulated as yet. Happy to fill the left over niche/caste. Any idea what time frame you'd be looking to put things together in?
Do you believe that you have enough interest to continue on setting the game up ? I would like to know want frame were are working with.
I had a young sorceress tepet rolled up before this, actually. Hrm. Let me see if I can find her..... There.




Name: Tepet Nenene

Player: Crasical

Caste: Air Aspect

Motivation: Live up to her mother's legacy as a sorceress

Concept: Cute Witch

Anima: Surrounded by a perfect sphere of whirling air





Strength: **---

Dexterity: ***--

Stamina: **---


Charisma: **---

Manipulation: **---

Appearance: ****-


Perception: ***--

Intelligence: ***--

Wits: ***--


ABILITIES: 30/31 total, 13/13 in favored abilities, Occult 3 lore 3 linguistics 1



*Linguistics: **---

*Lore: ***--

*Occult: ***--

*Stealth: -----

*Thrown: ***--


Awareness: **---

Craft: -----

Integrity: **---

Resistance: **---

War: *----


Athletics: -----

*Dodge: **---

Melee: *----

Presence: **---

Socialize: **---


Bureaucracy: -----

Investigation: -----

Larceny: -----

Martial Arts: **---

Sail: -----


Archery: *----

Medicine: -----

Performance: **---

*Ride: **---

*Survival: **---






Artifact: ****-

Manse: *----

Breeding: **---

Connections: **--- (Heptagram)

Reputation: *----

Resources: *----

Retainers: **---

CHARMS: ( 7, 4 from favored/aspect)

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Occult and essence 3)

Elemental Bolt Attack (Lore and Essence 2)

First Thrown Excellency

Loyal Weapon (Thrown 3, essence 2

Summon Elemental

Thunder Wolf's howl

Emerald Countermagic






Perm: OOO+++++++


Personal Essence Pool: 11/11

Peripheral Essence Pool 27/27

Committed Essence: x


Temp: OOOOOO----

Perm: OOOOOO++++




Compassion: ***-------

Conviction: ***-------

Temperance: *---------

Valor: **--------




Dodge DV: (dex+dodge+Ess)/2 round up

Dodge MDV: (will+integ+Ess)/2 round down

Soak: 0A/0L/0B (add armor and 0A/(Sta/2 round down)L/(Sta)B)

Pierced: 0A/0L/0B (add half from armor and full from stamina)

Hardness: 0A/0L/0B (armor only)


â–¡ -0

â–¡ -1

â–¡ -1

â–¡ -2

â–¡ -2

â–¡ -4

â–¡ Incapacitated

â–¡â–¡ Dying


Broomstick (Artifact 3, similar to cirrus skiff)

Least Crucible (Artifact 3)

Jade hearthstone bracers

(One level 1-2 hearthstone, undecided. )

Experience Points:

Bonus Points:

Essence increased to 3: 10bp

Artifact increased to 4: 2bp

Lore increased by 1: 1bp

Thrown increased by 1: 1bp

Occult increased by 1: 1bp



Cost: 5 pts.

Availability: Anyone

Your character is much younger than typical starting characters. Reduce the number of starting dots received in primary Attributes and secondary Attributes by one each. Reduce the number of starting dots for Abilities by four. Your character cannot begin with an Ability higher than 2 without spending bonus points, and the character suffers a two-die penalty on all social interactions with adults. For two additional points, your character is a very young child and has the equivalent of the Small pox (see Exalted, p. 288). A very young child suffers a four-die penalty on social attacks against adults.


Cost: 5 pts.

Availability: Anyone

Your character has a supernatural aptitude for a particular Ability. The character may improve his puissance

with any of his Favored Abilities (whether he acquired a Favored Ability normally through character creation or through the Extra Favored Ability Merit) or any of his Caste Abilities (in the case of Exalted). This increased aptitude reduces the experience point cost for increasing a Favored or Caste Ability to (rating x 1). The character also gains a one-die bonus on all uses of the Ability. This Merit may be purchased more than once, with each purchase applying to a different Favored or Caste Ability. The character may not, however, purchase this Merit more times than the lesser of his Intelligence or Wits.
...And so Karrth learned how much the spicy flesh of a young new ST is sought after by prospective game-hungry players, as they overwhelm him like vultures on a carrion. :mrgreen:
Whoa folks!

I was merely looking to see if there was interest in this type of game and if I had enough to warrant the effort to forge the story.

I'm sorry to say that I am very far from having a solid story :(

But with the amount of interest I will speed up my work and see if I can't have something up in a week or so. My weekend is full unfortunately so it will take a little time. But after reading the amount of interest here I will have something up. I'll merely need to read up on all the relevant books to make sure you get an accurate experience.

For starter I will answer questions already asked.


If the game implies more than combat, I'd love to play a scoundrel/trafficker Fire Aspect with Burocracy, otherwise I'd be happy with any Immaculate, but likely Water.
There will always be room for none combat character. Problem is that some parts of what I have planned will require at least some ability with a weapon (or unarmed :P ) But if you play a dynast then you will have at least some training with a weapon :)


question: could we inculde a couple of common warstriders ?? I know house Tepet lost their clossus in a battle with the Bull of the North and a lot a warstrider, but they are supposed to have some fangs left. They could be great for claiming tribute since that is want they are mainly for. Propaganda is more effective when it comes from a 16 feet tall war machine.
Not sure about this one yet. On one hand.... Warstriders are bloody awesome... on the other they can level a city in mere minutes.


Any idea what time frame you'd be looking to put things together in?
At least a week if not more. I'll start reading and writing after this post but I'm slow to making a story as I aim to make it enjoyable and that requires time (at least to me it does)
Here's my concept, reviews and comments wanted. Not entirely complete, I need to add a few details (including background) and review my overall math. But mostly finished, so cheers!

Edit: Tis finished.




Name: Tepet Aman

Player: Blackadder

Caste: Water Aspect

Motivation: Secure his place in and keep alive House Tepet.

Intimacies: House Tepet (Loyalty), Cousins (Moderate disdain)

Concept: Ex-criminal gang leader & outcaste, now adopted soldier

Anima: Walls of water flashing images alternating between those of war, crime and other rum doings.





Strength: 3

Dexterity: 4

Stamina: 3

SOCIAL: Tertiary

Charisma: 3

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 3

MENTAL: Secondary

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 2

Wits: 4


ABILITIES: Favored abilities- Stealth, War, Dodge



Linguistics: 1 (Languages: Riverspeak, High Realm)

Lore: 2


Stealth: 4



Awareness: 2


Integrity: 2


War: 4 (Tactics +2)


Athletics: 2

Dodge: 4 (One on One +2)

Melee: 1

Presence: 3

Socialize: 2


Bureaucracy: 2


Larceny: 4

Martial Arts: 4 (Fighting in Armor +2)



Archery: 1


Performance: 1

Ride: 1






Artifact 3

Breeding 1

Command 2

Henchmen 2

Manse 1

Resources 3

CHARMS: (7, 4 from favored/aspect)

3rd Dodge Excellency

1st Larceny Excellency

1st Martial Arts Excellency

1st Stealth Excellency

1st War Excellency

Five-Dragon Style: Five-Dragon Claw, Five-Dragon-Force Blow






Perm: 2

Personal Essence Pool: 10/10

Peripheral Essence Pool 11/23

Committed Essence: 12


Temp: 7/7

Perm: 7




Compassion: 2

Conviction: 3 (Primary Virtue)

Temperance: 2

Valor: 3




Dodge DV: 5

Dodge MDV: 5

Parry MDV: 3

Natural Soak: 0A/1L/3B

Soak with Armor: 8A/8L/9B

Hardness: 5L/5B (armor)


â–¡ -0

â–¡ -1

â–¡ -1

â–¡ -2

â–¡ -2

â–¡ -4

â–¡ Incapacitated

â–¡ Dying


Jade hearthstone bracers

Jade Lamellar Armor

Jade Reaper Daiklave "Green Raiton"- Speed 2, Accuracy 12, Damage 8L, Parry DV 5

Gemstone of Surface Thoughts set into Bracers

Experience Points: None currently

Bonus Points:

2 Specialties in Martial Arts - 1

2 Specialties in War - 1

2 Specialties in Dodge - 1

+1 dot in Martial Arts - 1

+1 dot in Stealth - 1

+1 dot in War - 1

+1 dot in Larceny - 1

+1 dot in Dodge - 1

+1 Willpower - 2

+1 Appearance - 4
Hey if you need to get things started we can always include warstriders later on. They are quite rare in the proposed setting. I was thinking of going monk instead anyways.




Name: Faithfull Oak

Player: light-hero

Caste: Wood

Motivation: Restore the House Tepet as a bastion of the immaculate order

Concept: zealot, horse archer, committed son

Anima: Thorns growing, sound of wind blowing through trees, skin turning green.






Strength: ooo

Dexterity: oooo

Stamina: oo


Charisma: ooo

Manipulation: oo

Appearance: oo


Perception: ooo

Intelligence: ooo

Wits: oooo





Linguistics: o

*Lore: ooo





Awareness: o


*Integrity: oo

Resistance: o

War: o


Athletics: oo

Dodge: o

Melee: o

Presence: oo

Socialize: oo





*Martial Arts: ooooo



Archery: ooo (total powerbow 12)

Medicine: oooo

Performance: oo

Ride: oooo (horse archery 10)

Survival: ooo


Archery: powerbows 4

Ride: horse archery 2





Artifact: ooo

Manse: oo

Breeding: ooo

Connections: oo (The Immaculate Order)

Command: o (a scale of light cavalry with bows)

Arsenal: o (used to provide additional gear for scale)

Henchmen: o (leader of scale) Herom, Loyal Branch



MOMENT OF DAANA’D: cost 3m, 1w

Eyes of the Wood dragon, cost 2m

Mind-over-Body meditation, cost 2m*

Wood dragon Vitality, cost 2m

1st Martial excellency, 1m*






Perm: 2


Personal Essence Pool:12 /1

Peripheral Essence Pool 26 /26

Committed Essence: 11


Temp: 7

Perm: 7




Compassion: o

Conviction: ooo

Temperance: ooo

Valor: ooo

Virtue flaw: Ascetic Drive


Duty to house Tepet




Parry DV: (dex+martial artist+Ess)/2+defense:

Dodge DV: (dex+dodge+Ess)/2 round up: 4

Dodge MDV: (will+integ+Ess)/2 round down:

Soak: 0A/5L/3B (add armor and 0A/(Sta/2 round down)L/(Sta)B):

Pierced: 0A/0L/0B (add half from armor and full from stamina):

Hardness: 0A/2L/2B (armor only) :


â–¡ -0

â–¡ -1

â–¡ -1

â–¡ -2

â–¡ -2

â–¡ -4

â–¡ Incapacitated

â–¡â–¡ Dying


Jade long powerbow (artifact 2) signature weapon.

Jade wrackstaff (artifact 2)

Jade Chain shirt (artifact 1)



war horse

Soldiers carry tents and provisions

Experience Points:

Bonus Points:

Charm: 1st martial Excellency 5 points

Specialty: powerbows 2 point

Specialty: horse archery 1 point

Survival 2 point

Ride 2 point

Will power 2 point

Background Command 1 point

My original concept had some sorcery, but I think I'm gonna cut that and go straight-up spying (and Night Breeze Style).
so we got a pro spy, a fiery scoundrel and healer firing arrows while riding a horse if something cooler. (me)
If you're still looking for players, I've got a couple of ideas.

One is a lost egg Social character, who has...history with some of the other houses.

Then there are a number of straight Tepet characters.
I'll throw in my interest and inexperience in the ring. Dragonblooded and Heroic Mortal look to be a good starting point on how to get a better handle on Exalted (even as I run my own game).
Ok, so as a courtesy for all, the list of those who appear to have expressed interest and other information:

MorkaisChosen - Dynast Air Aspected Spy

xarvh - Dynasty Fire Aspected Scoundrel and Fraudster

Blackadder (me) - Outcaste Water Aspected Mixture of Crook/Martial Artist/Commander

Crasical - Dynast Air Aspected Child Sorceress

NeoNinja - Specifics unknown

Coyotekin- Specifics unknown

light-hero - Outcaste Wood Aspected Immaculate Monk

Feantari - Specifics unknown

CrazyIvan - Multiple ideas

Hotuko - Specifics unknown

So for those who are thinking about it, we certainly have no Earth Aspects. And this is a legion... more commanders/soldiers would be nice.

Karrth: Not trying to rush you in any way, just wondering if you are making progress story wise?
If it does start up, I have a couple different ideas floating around, and I can probably fill in a gap.

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