Interactive Stories

I've seen lots of good stories in the prose - err, Creativity tab. From short stories to lengthy epics, all were plotted out and manipulated by the very authors. I'm not saying that controlling your story is a bad thing, after all, it is your property, and it is your right to tell it as you want. I'm saying that there could be more than just you making the story flow. That you could involve others in developing this story of yours.

Of course, many would say, "then simply make a group roleplay", but that is not what I am talking about here. I am talking about how the readers can interact with the story you are telling. How they can be a part of this fiction written by you, and only you.

What if, there was a story where the readers affect how and where it goes, through a choice system - like a visual novel, or a make-your-own-adventure books. Where every choice leads to a different outcome, and every outcome leads to a different route. A story where the readers are truly immersed, for their very voices will affect the story.

The idea is, to make a story where the readers could vote on what should happen next. However, with a previous experience of mine, I've proven than the poll system would be an ineffective way to pull this off, mainly due to it being immune to deletion once a vote has gone in. Editing the choices is also disabled once a vote has been done. Thus, only one range of choices can be truly achieved. So, that leaves me to relying on other means such as click monitoring websites, voting sites, etc. Should you know anything that might help me make such an idea a success, then please let me know.

Now, the question is, would anyone be interested in attempting to create something like this? Or even read it?
First of all, I would like to say that I completely agree with your post! In the network I was from the roleplays were mainly one on one and each roleplayer used a completely original character.

Because of this both roleplayers shared equal "power" in the roleplay. Creating a roleplay in which all members take part in developing the backstories/plot lines of major characters has appeared to remedy some of the issues you have listed.

I hope that made sense and if it doesn't, well, I'm just a newbie!
After reading your post again I think I might have missed your point entirely, hah. Are you talking about roleplaying or writing and receiving feedback on what should happen next from readers?
[QUOTE="Enuky K]After reading your post again I think I might have missed your point entirely, hah. Are you talking about roleplaying or writing and receiving feedback on what should happen next from readers?

It's about writing a story where the readers get to choose what happens next.
To be fair, I think Enuky has a point. One major reason I enjoy 1x1 RP is the chance to share creative control over a story. Both of us can discuss and make agreements about the setting and events our characters get involved in.

But I know where you're coming from. There's two types: the first is like those choose-your-own-adventure books I used to read as a kid. The second is like the "interactive story" feature that used to be on Neopets. In the first, people choose an option from those presented to them by the author. In the second, people write a paragraph or two to continue the story.

Personally, I'm more in favor of the first because it both allows the author some measure of control and keeps the story and its characters relatively consistent. That's important if people aren't controlling their own characters. Can't say how much it annoys me for one post to show a certain character acting one way only to act the complete opposite in the next. It gets even worse if the story starts off in one genre and quickly derails to another without warning.
I would be interested in doing something like this, or even writing it. If this does ever happen, do tell me :)
Personally, rather than having the reader choose the outcome of the story, i would prefer that the RPer doing it will be the one to vote.. The bond between the RPer and the RP owner will be stronger..

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