Intelligent Discussion Question #1


The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin
Would you want to know your future,even if it was bad-like dying of a disease? Why or why not?
No, because knowing the future is what causes those events no matter how hard we'd try to prevent it.

If we knew a war was to come, we'd bolster our armies to prevent another nation from trying to conquer us... in doing so provoking them to bolster their army and attack quickly in response.

We know our cause of death... most people (Though I can see some not doing so) would stop at nothing to prevent it, which again, would cause the problem.

If I were forced to know my death, I personally wouldn't worry about it... though not to avoid preventing it... but actually because I know one day I am to die and will let nature take its course. ^^

Also... knowing the future... WHERE IS THE FUN IN THAT!!! Sure you can make a quick buck, but come on!! Nothing would be entertaining or a surprise from then on.
I'd love to know certain aspects of my future, for sure. But knowing the whole thing outright would take a certain flavor, an excitement right out of life.

In short, no, because i'm assuming it's all or nothing, right?
No, you can decide to answer however you like, if your on the fence go ahead, give reasons as to why.

Now, Ran, going on what you said, if you knew you were going to have a certain type of curable cancer in the future ahead of the time before you got it, wouldn't you want to know so you could cure it when you got it, rather than say, just letting it get out of hand?
I would defentaly want to know some things, not everything but somethings to keep me from makeing stupd desions and I'd like to know how and when I am to die, so I can prepair my affairs and truly live like its the last day of my life becuase I know that it would be.
That is true Esme... I never meant for my answer to be a 100% definite thing... after all, there are exceptions to virtually everything right ^^

So yes, I would like to know if it were possible to stop it. However in cases like that one movie, forget what it is called, a person decided to destroy an entire future sight machine just because it would cause the destruction of the entire world.
Let my future unfold before me. Lay it out and what's to live for? Death will come some day... until then, I am me. I am just doing the best I can before that day comes.

If I new my future, who would I be? I know it wouldn't be me!

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I would not want to know what lies ahead of me simply because knowing it makes life uninteresting.

We are here on earth to experience life and learn from our mistakes not to know what our future is and all our lives trying to control what would be happening!
I personally would love to know what was going to happen ahead of time. for one thing its going to happen anyways so why not see what happens and enjoy every moment of it... But! if you knew what was going to happen chances would be you would try everything to stop a bad thing to happen.... BUT then that insight would have captured that..... wow inception!
I would not want to know. If we knew what would happen, there wouldn't be much motivation. It'd be hard to set goals. The most exciting thing we can do in our life, and that which gives meanings, is to set goals and strive to reach them. If you know that you are not going to be successful, then you would be demotivated. And if you knew you -were- going to be successful, you'd see no reason to try very hard. I don't see any benefit in knowing what is to come.
If I were told that my future would end in a death not caused by age, I would make certain to avoid that death. But in doing so, I would realise that if I do so I will have no idea how I will die (if not by old age) and that I should be content knowing what my future was. But then, if I just live my life as if I had never known the future, I will end up at my original death, but, knowing what will happen, I can hopefully avoid death. But then, I would lived a life all for the chance to avoid that one moment. I was given the gift of knowledge of my future, and I exploited it. Now, my life has been wasted.

I fall into depression, drinking and smoking to forget my mistakes, watching CSI and eating icecream in the dark, hopeless abyss that is my apartment. My dog is my only friend, that is until I forget to feed him and he dies. My boss calls to tell me I'm fired due to not showing up for work for the third consecutive day, and I hang up on him. The bills stack up unpaid on the table. Now, years later, my home is a cardbord box propped up between two trashcans. I wait for the morning that I dont wake up. It never comes.

I stole my life. Death had extended his merciful hand and i refused him. Now, I'm sitting alone in the bleachers, watching the world dance to the music. Death won't come back for my life until I was too old to keep going. He would not ask me again.

I go to the biggest bridge in the city, and return what I had stolen.

Got way off topic. In conclusion, I would NOT want to know my fate. In all likeliness it will be cigs that will kill me. Or alien death beam. Skittles maybe . . . .
As much as I love knowing what's going to happen, probably not. It would take the fun out of not knowing. And by knowing what's going to happen, it could make things worse.
I don't want to know my future. According me if you know your future than you always depends on it and leave the proper work...
I would like to know the points in my future that are directly affected by what I'm doing now. Like what would my future hold if I sit at home all day. But I would not want to know the exciting points becuase the feeling of first experiencing something is wonderful. From my adrenaline pumping through my veins to butterflies fluttering like crazy in my stomach, I wouldn't want to ruin it by knowing it's going to happen.
Very good question. I would have to say I would turn down the offer to see the future simply for the fact that it has yet to happen, and any little thing could change what I see. I want the future to make me say "Wow!" like Happy does in Fairy Tail. Besides, you have nothing to look forward to if you already know how your life will turn out, and that would be dreadful.
I wouldn't want to see way into my future because I could mess it up. However, if I could see just two minutes into my future, I think that might be handy. (In traffic: Oh, in two minutes I'll be stuck in traffic at Hairpin Road for four hours; I'd better turn around and use the other road, etc.)
No because then I'd want to do something about it. But the future is like liquid, same mass but can change shape at any moment so it wouldn't matter what I saw because wouldn't it change after I saw it?
I might like to know small things, like if I'm going to get a good grade on a test. But I would definitely not want to know how or when I'm going to die, because I would waste my whole life trying to figure out precautions and steps I could take in order to not die. This relates to the question of immortality in a way, because when faced with any situation the human body is wired to do anything to avoid imminent death. However, if you take a step out of the hard-wired-ness of wanting to not die, do you really want to live forever? Personally I wouldn't, because it would be kind of scary and paradoxic, just like how the universe goes on forever. But where is forever? How can it not stop? It's the same thing with living forever.

I kind of strayed from the question xD oops sorry
No. Live now, think later.

I would rather live, and be happy and laid-back as usual, than to be reduced to some kind of quivering mass of fear.
Up with some of the first posts you asked what if you had a cancer that was curable if you cured it then the fabric of the universe would rip and all you would achieve is creating a black hole....
I... doubt that's what they were getting at, Hunnyhelp.

Tell me, what would you get out of knowing your future besides worry about what's to come? Some people would find out that they're going to fail their test tomorrow and think 'screw it! I'm gonna fail it anyway.' and then not study. Thereby limiting yourself on the information you need for the next test and lowering your score every time until the point where you dont even bother anymore.

The future could be discouraging. If you dont know it, study, and fail the test, you think: "Shoot! I need to take a look at it again and see where I messed up." and then go to fix your mistake so you dont mess up the second time around. Knowing failure is inevitable no matter what you do will cause you to not try at all. But not knowing could give you the option to perhaps not alter anything in the short term, but make all the difference in the long term.

It's like asking if we want to get up out of bed in the morning. If we knew your dog Fido is going to be put to sleep today, why get up at all. But what if you didn't know and you get up that morning to go and see your dog to find out it pulled through the surgery.


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