

Dialectical Hermeticist
Post your character. I will accept five or six players based on how much potential I see in their Truths.

Please format your posts thus:

[Character Name]


Your character sheet should look like this:


Apparent Age:


Vitality: 5

Lucidity 5

Memory: 0


You may list five true things that your character remembers - one of them can be your actual name. Here are some examples:

'...If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, you will speak when you are spoken to!'

A black dress, torn at the shoulder.

We drank coffee in his kitchen and tried to connect to one another.

Blind with panic. Deaf to the roar of the caged traffic. Heart stopped on the road to Damascus. Paul, sat at the roadside hunched over like a gull, like a bloody gull! As useless and as doomed as a dying goatherd, a syphilitic cartographer, an infected leg.

Read more about this role play...
Name: Lionel Voss

Apparent Age:



Vitality: 5

Lucidity 5

Memory: 0


- The song 'Stolen Dance' by Milky Chance playing randomly -

- Falling to his knees at his appartment -

- Childhood memory of his first kiss -

- A burning cigarette in an ashtray -

- A solar eclipse -
Name: Skyler Note

Apparent Age: 16

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime_render_40_by_animerenderss-d6ew2q1.png.3cf8a63c05248a30e4c0a669f05883d2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime_render_40_by_animerenderss-d6ew2q1.png.3cf8a63c05248a30e4c0a669f05883d2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (If that pic is ok)

She is 5'8 in height and is approx. 100 lbs She may dress strange to be in a location such as this but after all this is her first day and she was thrown in here because of something she had no clue about. She always keeps gloves and a coat or cloak on due to an unrecallable reason. (she has had flashbacks, several times. ) She draws strange events that she did not realize was related to her past.

Vitality: 5

Lucidity 5

Memory: 0

Truth: (Hints:)

  1. She remembers a man with a white beard and her feeling afraid.
  2. She was alone in the dark room with a red spot light.
  3. Was covered in bruises and of course blood.
  4. A White blood stained dress.
  5. Strange scars being cut into her arm.



  • anime_render_40_by_animerenderss-d6ew2q1.png
    37.5 KB · Views: 164
Name: William "Burr" Adonijah

Apparent Age: 32

Appearance: Height of 6'4", balding, red hair, blue eyes, beard.


Vitality: 5

Lucidity: 5

Memory: 0


1. His entire world was filled with pain, all other senses drowned out by the taste of blood and glass....

2. The smell of vanilla and old paper...

3. Betrayal, a life stolen from him...

4. Scruples cast aside, grudging cooperation to achieve foul decadence...

5. A pair of antique dueling pistols...
Name: Rhea Orland

Apparent Age: 19



She's a pretty blonde thing, though she hates mirrors. She's a bit tall at 5 feet 8 inches, but she somehow gives the impression of being tiny - her thin frame and appearance of softness probably contribute to this.

Vitality: 5

Lucidity 5

Memory: 0


-The family features. She remembers flashes of the straight blonde hair, the backs of heads walking away from her. She knows her brother's face, her twin's. Same thin jaw, same green eyes, same everything.-

-A dogtag, her brother's. She doesn't remember the name on it, just that it's her brother's. She doesn't know why she didn't get it with her personal effects or something.-

-The static of a record player and Billy Joel songs.-

-The smell of pine cologne.-

-Entering her apartment and not seeing her brother sitting at the table with a book. She had immediately felt unsafe.-
Name: Dominic "Dom"

Apparent Age: 34

Appearance: A stocky built man of Latino origin; he is shorter than average but almost pure muscle. Buzzed Black hair covers his head and face.

Vitality: 5

Lucidity 5

Memory: 0


~A woman's voice wispering "tu madre te ama."

~The shine of silver

~The soft sounds of pages in a book being turned by the wind

~Dom turning on a light switch and nothing happening

~bending down and seeing a small girl, he gently puts his hands on the sides of her face and kisses her forehead
Name: Lena

Apparent Age: 19

Appearance: She is a short girl, with mousy shoulder-length hair, often mistaken for being younger than she is. Never seen out of a hoodie and jeans.

Vitality: 5

Lucidity 5

Memory: 0


* "Is Helena here?" "Lena" "What?" "It's Lena, not Helena."

* We're out of rolling tobacco again. Great.

* The smell of oil paint and turpentine has practically seeped into the walls. Someone should crack a window.

* "The first year studios are haunted, you know. Decades ago they used to be the dormitories where the girls slept."

* The smell of taco fries.
Name: Malory Elizabeth Dean

Apparent Age: 21


Malory(Left), Melody (Right)


Vitality: 5

Lucidity 5

Memory: 0


~ "I have a fraternal twin sister named Melody."

~" The rustling of leaves and a dim light."

~ "The faint glimmer of something pointy and silver."

~ "People dressed in black."

~ "The sound of my sister humming while she brushed my hair."

Name: Carter Berner

Apparent Age: 28

He's 5'11" with a lanky build. His hair is curly and goes slightly past his ears. It is a dark brown that lacks any shine and is usually exceptionally frizzy. His face very sunken in especially in his cheeks. He has a slight slouch, not very pronounced unless he's seated.

Vitality: 3

Lucidity 4

Memory: 3


He is carving a turkey with a larger butcher knife. People with swirling intangible faces stand around excitedly watching.

Her hands were soft but clammy.

He had a post it note on his desk that reminded him of his coffee date with Rachel at 4:30 pm on Tuesday June 24th,

Water and blood swirling down the drain as he showered

He's cooking pasta. Beethoven Symphony 9 is playing in a neighboring apartment.
I'm afraid applications are now closed.

Hopefuls may get places in a second run-through when the current game ends.
Name: Oryol

Apparent Age: 29

Appearance: A diluted strain of Slav. The remnants of a fit body cling to half-starved bones. Hair is still recovering from a full shave. Keeps a small plastic ID card and a key on a chain around his neck; the purpose of either he has forgotten.

Vitality: 5

Lucidity: 5

Memory: 0


- "No, no more coffee. Don't drink it. I won't go with you if you're fidgety."

- I have another body, and I have seen it, sleeping in a dark metal cave. It is big and cruel with many glass eyes.

- One million sickly suns drifting quietly through the smoky night sky.

- He turned his third eye at me, and it winked back with little red pupils.

- "Look, you're on the news. It's you, you're up in the sky."
Name: Amane Nikshiki

Apparent Age: 16


Vitality: 5

Lucidity 5

Memory: 0


The Song "Lilium", the Opening Theme of Elfen Lied plays randomly in her head.

A kiss with a teenager called Yukiteru

The Constellation of Sagittarius

A White Labrador Puppy

The smell of white chocolate, it overpowers all other smells at times.

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