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Also probably gonna rework. Now that we have people that most likely won't have the same pokemon, I might actually give it a shot with a different team.
Hey everyone! I'm Ei. (。・ω・)ノ゙

Don't mind me, I'll just be working on my character's app. In the mean time, I remember Purity mentioning that she hasn't had the chance to come up with a timeline yet? If you guys would like, I could make some suggestions as for _____ years ago with some of the major events, maybe?
Eidolon said:
Hey everyone! I'm Ei. (。・ω・)ノ゙
Don't mind me, I'll just be working on my character's app. In the mean time, I remember Purity mentioning that she hasn't had the chance to come up with a timeline yet? If you guys would like, I could make some suggestions as for _____ years ago with some of the major events, maybe?
I would love that! c:

Though we need to establish if this is more AU, or if it'd follow the events of Game, Manga, or Animeverse. Personally I like Gameverse, because it's a blend of the two, not quite as dark as the Manga, and the league has morals in the Anime. So that's kind of what I was thinking, if that enlightens you at all.

For what I had in mind regarding vague time line points, the uprising has been going on for
about a year or two, and the rebellion has been founded for about fiveish months. Again, just tossing out what I'm thinking, so it kind of... directs us, maybe?
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Great! C:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Anime is too light-hearted and the manga had it to where the Elite Four were basically antagonists, at least in the first arc. I would say a blend of the games and making it a general AU would be good, since we're using canon characters, but the AU part of it gives us the freedom of interpretation and keeping it that way even after the next game gets released, if that makes sense?

I like the sound of that. So as I see it, these are the major canon events:

  • First Rocket disbanding
  • Second Rocket disbanding (supposed to be two years later)
  • Events of RSE (if we want to go with simplicity, I think the manga has it that a year has passed with each new chapter, so by the time the Emerald chapter rolls around, that could have been two years later, because it's two chapters each time etc. etc.)
  • Events of DPPt (another two years?)
  • Events of BW/B2W2 (B2 & W2 are actually supposed to take place two years after BW, so three years later?)
  • Events of X&Y (another year?)

Then AU stuff:

  • Rockets recruiting and hiding out in Kanto tunnels like a bunch of creeps, double agents in the league and stuff
  • League surrenders to Rockets
  • Gradual takeover of neighboring nations
  • Shift from happy times to some post-apocalyptic-esque shit (organized crime > usual politics)

    Rise of the black market, bounty hunters etc.
  • Pollution, increased industrial speed, Pokemon becoming endangered (certain Kanto natives)/mistreated
  • Drastic loss of trainers has the gyms shutting down
  • Implementing system of trainer license, being of age, pledging to Rockets via the schools

[*]Rebel group (this could have formed at any time)

[QUOTE="P U R I T Y]and uprisings were but a story told by the previous generations to keep the younger ones in check.

If we go with this from the overview... I think we could say there is roughly thirty years between each generation? So maybe we could say somewhere between thirty and sixty years between the X&Y events and the Rocket takeover.
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Eidolon said:
Great! C:
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Anime is too light-hearted and the manga had it to where the Elite Four were basically antagonists, at least in the first arc. I would say a blend of the games and making it a general AU would be good, since we're using canon characters, but the AU part of it gives us the freedom of interpretation and keeping it that way even after the next game gets released, if that makes sense? Also I saw that canon characters were being permitted, so I wouldn't call this a full-blown AU.

I like the sound of that. So as I see it, these are the major canon events:

  • First Rocket disbanding
  • Second Rocket disbanding (supposed to be two years later)
  • Events of RSE (if we want to go with simplicity, I think the manga has it that a year has passed with each new chapter, so by the time the Emerald chapter rolls around, that could have been two years later, because it's two chapters each time etc. etc.)
  • Events of DPPt (another two years?)
  • Events of BW/B2W2 (B2 & W2 are actually supposed to take place two years after BW, so three years later?)
  • Events of X&Y (another year?)

Then AU stuff:

  • Rockets recruiting and hiding out in Kanto tunnels like a bunch of creeps, double agents in the league and stuff
  • League surrenders to Rockets
  • Gradual takeover of neighboring nations
  • Shift from happy times to some post-apocalyptic-esque shit (organized crime > usual politics)

    Rise of the black market, bounty hunters etc.
  • Pollution, increased industrial speed, Pokemon becoming endangered (certain Kanto natives)/mistreated
  • Drastic loss of trainers has the gyms shutting down
  • Implementing system of trainer license, being of age, pledging to Rockets via the schools

[*]Rebel group (this could be have formed at any time)

If we go with this from the overview... I think we could say there is roughly thirty years between each generation? So maybe we could say somewhere between thirty and sixty years between the X&Y events and the Rocket takeover.
Bless you ;A; This really helps me get my thoughts in order. So, not entirely AU, but relative in the sense. Not heavily based off anything, but residing in between all verses in the franchise. I'm going to go with everything you listed because that's exactly how I want it to go, and agree with both the time spans in between uprisings as well as the.. Let's say a solid fifty years since the X&Y events and the sudden take over? That'd give that false sense of security enough time to settle in, but wounds are still relatively fresh so it's quite a blow though not surprising for the neurotic worriers.

Yes? How does everyone feel? If this is alright, then I'll go ahead and post this in the IC, and will credit the lovely Ei for contributing!
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(>v<*)シ No need for credit.

I like the sound of fifty years. If we go with the takeover happening two years ago, then I think the mini-events happening following that could be broken down into months? For simplicity's sake, we could say roughly two months between each thing, with some one or three month variations thrown in there for a bit of variety as well as properly filling in the two year gap. Maybe maybe?
If everyone is okay with what's been said so far, anyway.
Eidolon said:
(>v<*)シ No need for credit.
I like the sound of fifty years. If we go with the takeover happening two years ago, then I think the mini-events happening following that could be broken down into months? For simplicity's sake, we could say roughly two months between each thing, with some one or three month variations thrown in there for a bit of variety as well as properly filling in the two year gap. Maybe maybe?
If everyone is okay with what's been said so far, anyway.

I don't mind! Appreciate your help c: GAH NUMBERS, lost me a little there (it's not you, it's me!) but yes ultimately I agree thus far.

A Guileless Fable] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24871-p-u-r-i-t-y/ said:
@P U R I T Y[/URL]
I you can go ahead and delete mines. I have

it saved elsewhere. Just deciding whether or not

I should use Lenore or make another character.

Well, you've got plenty of time. (:
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@P U R I T Y



Hey what did I miss?! D: (( And no, unfortunately I don't have either of my sheets from last time saved. ))

Did the apocalypse go down or did all the things that happened not come up in my Alert Feed?
Halohbottech said:
@P U R I T Y


Hey what did I miss?! D: (( And no, unfortunately I don't have either of my sheets from last time saved. ))

Did the apocalypse go down or did all the things that happened not come up in my Alert Feed?
Oh, what a bummer, I posted a few times in the thread encouraging everyone to save their sheets, I figured you just read it and had it under control. Multiple people had dropped out or were planning to, and there was a lot of content being added that I was uncomfortable with; I'm also starting a full time job (night shift!) so I regrettably could not handle the many individuals joining up and then leaving, just became a whirlwind for me. I couldn't be more sorry that you lost your work.
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Halohbottech said:
@P U R I T Y


Hey what did I miss?! D: (( And no, unfortunately I don't have either of my sheets from last time saved. ))

Did the apocalypse go down or did all the things that happened not come up in my Alert Feed?
If I'm not mistaken, I think you can go to roleplay support and make a thread there about what happened. If this place is anything like the forums I've been on before, the mods here should be able to get your stuff back. :o
Eh, I've got other characters I've been working on that've been on the backburner recently, so I think I'll just bust 'em out if that's cool with y'all.

(Plus with this taking, like, 60 some odd years after X&Y I don't think Saturn'd be able to fight anyways haha.)
[QUOTE="A Guileless Fable]I'm awake! I'm alive!

And you're joining? Did you post something cause I didn't get a notif grr.
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A Guileless Fable] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24871-p-u-r-i-t-y/ said:
@P U R I T Y[/URL]
Yep I'm joining, but life's being a butt atm.
I understand that all too well. You can jump at nearly any point of the beginning of the role play, but if a couple more get their intro post in I'm just going to scoot it along.
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So I'm guessing I should get along with making my characters, huh?

Hmph. Anyone know where I can get a good template?
Halohbottech said:
So I'm guessing I should get along with making my characters, huh?
Hmph. Anyone know where I can get a good template?
Even though this is closed, if you want to join I just have a few points to make. No champions, no former organization heads, and no legendary captures - I liked Travis, but I've decided this time around to make it a point that everyone's characters be toned down immensely, despite what they're up against, as it just helps maintain immersion.

Note @ Everyone: I'll also (reluctantly) be requiring that, instead of responding to individual people, no matter the interaction, everyone has to post once (in no particular order) before posting again, as it'll help keep the pace I'm trying to maintain so no one feels overwhelmed.
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Even though this is closed, if you want to join I just have a few points to make. No champions, no former organization heads, and no legendary captures - I liked Travis, but I've decided this time around to make it a point that everyone's characters be toned down immensely, despite what they're up against, as it just helps maintain immersion.
Note @ Everyone: I'll also (reluctantly) be requiring that, instead of responding to individual people, no matter the interaction, everyone has to post once (in no particular order) before posting again, as it'll help keep the pace I'm trying to maintain so no one feels overwhelmed.

That's fine, I wasn't planning on re-using him anyways- fresh start, y'know?

Have another two characters in mind I feel work well enough as is. As I said before- I just need a template. If not, then by the end of tomorrow, I should have finished at least one of 'em.

If you are still joining, you can hit me or @Eidolon for a template. Been wanting to work on something that distracts me from my current school work.

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