Instinct by Law [SU]

Tabitha Canario

New Member
This is a story I am perfecting and writing myself with a friend. There are four directions in the story, North-East-South-West. North is ruled by Avian Changelings but the current Royalty is a Fox Changeling under the name of naAkele. The East is ruled by Canines and the Royalty are Wolves under the name of Gray. The South is ruled by Ursa's meaning bears and the likewise forms, and the Royalty are Bears under the name of Cullen. The West is ruled by Felines and the Royalty are Jaguars under the name of Miyabe. We allowed everyone who wanted to rp with this story two characters of whatever animal they liked but they may have as many as they wish within reason since there are packs, clans, prides and other forms of grouping that come with animals. They may be cross breeds but they have to be approved with myself first so their won't be an "invincibles". All changelings must be real and not completely fictitious. They have to be realistic in most of their forms but they can have abstract colors. Also there are certain few in the story that have special abilities but they come rare and are collected to be part of the Royal guard. An example of an ability is strength. Can be physically stronger by how ever much is preferred and for a limited/unlimited time they like. Another might be something more mentally enhancing like protection. Once regarded in the gifted's mind to be protected, the gifted one will know exactly when you are being hurt and will come no matter what to protect. With that also comes a slight physical enhancement of strength, though limited to protection only, and an increase of speed. Other abilities might be curses too though like truth. Unable to tell a lie even if it might hurt someone else. Another might be Repel. Unable to touch another without being physically hurt, the more physical the touch, the more pain. Earlier I mentioned forms meaning their beast half. For those who don't know what changelings are they are human like creatures who can shift into animals and also a hybrid form which gives them the body of a human but with the enhanced attributes that are their animal forms. Examples would be elongated fingernails-claws, sharper teeth-fangs, a tail and/or ears, and so on. We call the hybrid forms halflings since they are in fact half of each. When you have more than one animal though we call they hybrids. Example would be a falcon and an eagle= eacon. A bear and a wolf= vicem. There are more words for more hybrids we have named but that will come later if necessary. You may also choose to be a human and not a changeling. You may have an ability as one too but be more wise if it is a human and not a changeling. Humans have more restrictions physically and mentally compared to a changeling. A big thing that is different though is that our beast forms can be a different persons soul inside you. It is uncommon but their are rare cases once again. Kaleb- my male counterpart- has an ancestor named Exil-also his middle name- inside himself that is his beast instead of just himself which changes his eye colors and hair quite often. Exil is pretty much a separate character but he has to share the body with Kaleb, but since it is Kaleb's body and not his, Kaleb has the control. Samirah also has one named Aislin which is Exil's twin sister. Samirah and Kaleb are not twins though they do look like it. Samie is two years younger than he is. Speaking about age, it does not matter. We age like humans our first ten years of life but after that the process is slow and may vary depending on your animal/beast. I am sorry if this is hard and possibly not what anyone in this rping forum is looking for and/or is unacceptable since only my self is a member and therefore the only one who knows the story here, but I would love to have more people know about this and join in with enthusiasm. It would be great practice too writing wise. Thank you!

The basic character sheets apply below:




Age in appearance:

Personality: (Optional. May apply it instead toward story rp for more fun when meeting)

Abilities: (limited to two or three)

Mate: (If bonded already)

Description of Changeling/Human in full detail in all forms: (May do it also in the meeting instead)

Scent: (Can choose one distinguished scent that your character smells like to others/favors or two different scents that blend together. No more than two)

Thank you and my characters (packmates and others included for the purpose that their are too many to write and would be too boring if explained all at once) will be explained in story as I go along. If you are listing more than two characters but the rest are mere pack/etc. then you may only list their names and gender until further in the story. I am not so bad with all this hopefully.

The Storyline will be explained through the story since it is to be a rp.

Is this a signup? If so,let me know,so I can move it to the appropriate section. Don't want to confuse anyone.
Name: Luca

Gender: Male

Race/Breed: Eastern Changling of Canine descent

Age in appearance: 25

Personality: Luca is a quiet stoic kind of guy with a genuine joy about him. He is very serious when it comes to his work but the set of guards he manages look up to him and do not fear him. He is fair and knows how to take a joke as long as he sees no possibility of harm. He is also very protective of his sister.

Abilities: Luca is an amazing tracker, he is able to scent track and find almost anything he desires.

Mate: None, he is too busy caring for his adopted sister/daughter Rosa

Description of Changeling/Human in full detail in all forms: Luka’s locks are sheared short so as to keep his head cool when he wears a helmet. His hair is a mixture of deep browns and black very similar to his coat as a dog but some what lighter. His eyes are a rich mocha brown with specks of gold that catch the light. The Changling is around 6’5” and well-muscled due to his line of work. He not only knows how to handle a weapon but can also forge them.

As a human:

As a German Shepherd:

Scent: Luca smells of smoke and leather.

Name: Lavender

Gender: Female

Race/Breed: Eastern Halfling of Canine descent

Age in appearance: 16

Personality: Lavender is a fiery little thing that is fighting her way through life. She has a lithe tongue and speedy fingers that are constantly a buzz. She works at a pub in the evening and around the farmhouse during the day despite her desire to join the royal guard and avenge her parents. Luca does not allow her to use her powers, he wants her to grow up without the stresses he and her went through. When she was ten both of her parents were killed in a fight between rival clans and this left her orphaned. Her parents had work for Luca and when he discovered they had a daughter he scoured the city until he found the bedraggled young girl. He took her under his wing and since than she has been living with him.

Abilities: Lavender is very fast and agile, most people would be slowed by a forest of trees and rocks but she just leaps through it with ease.

Mate: None, Lavender feels as if she is too young and she does not want to get stuck raising a group of kids at eighteen.

Description of Changeling/Human in full detail in all forms: In human form: Lavender has long white hair with black patches similar to her fur. Her black ears poke out of the top of her head and through her hair because she has the furry dog ears she lacks actual human ears but her hair hides that. Her pale face is littered with freckles and she has one blue eye and one brown like she does in her fully changed form. Her finger nails are also streaked with black and white like those of a dog. She is petite but very thin and athletic looking.


Dog Form(just add blue and brown eyes):

View attachment 6987

Scent: Her namesake Lavender
I love it! Accepted fully! :D The actual RolePlay had been moved to the Inactive Rp's. -_- # but I am going to get it moved back to Animal. :D But you can reply whenever you want!
Name:Zaleth Manth

Gender: Male

Race/Breed: Western Changeling of Feline Descent, Tiger Clan

Age in appearance: 17-19

Abilities: Protection (as listed above) and an exceptionally high sense of smell, even for his clan's standards(can turn this one on and off)

Mate: none but would love to have one

Description of Changeling/Human in full detail in all forms: Human Form: He is six feet tall and has long shoulder length black hair. He has a very muscled build, workers muscle not bodybuilder muscle. He has scarred hands and a scar from above his left eye to below his mouth on the right side, running diagonally all the way across his face and through his eye. He has deep, deep blue eyes the color of the Arctic Ocean during a cold winter. He has a square build and square shoulders.

Tiger form: A large tiger that looks like any other beside the scar that carries over from his human form. About six feet three inches long not including the one and a half foot tail. Three feet tall. Green eyes instead of blue.

Scent: woodsmoke and apples

(im new so if this doesn't work please point out why and how i can be better. As long as it's not insulting i am very good with criticism.)
I absolutely love it! Welcome and thank you for joining! :D Just letting you know since I forgot to mention it above, the Rp that I did is taking place in the Eastern Domain. You can be from any one of the domains but the rp is beginning in the East which will later travel to the others.
I forgot to mention above that it's not a modern era theme. It is more of a horse and carriage story with swords and no technology that is known today at least. its mostly old fashion and 1800's feel. There are people trying to invent new things but its a slow process. Any other questions about it and I will help answer the best I can. :)
Ok I have read and I think I would like to join with two characters. ^^

You don't mind if I have a Nomad tiger and a Griffin who servers under The South is ruled by Ursas? I did not know if a Griffin was pushing the animal request thing! If it is, I will change it to a different, and more realistic, Avian.

Name: Chemi, Chi

Gender: Female

Race/Breed: Nomad Changeling Tiger

Age in appearance: 20-22

Personality: Her large body size can make her seem scarier then she actually is. Chemi can be a bit of a worry wart and ramble about silly things that sometimes don’t really pertain to anything. She has a hard time ask for help and relying on others and is always trying to not be a bother. She doesn’t mind getting help from others and actually likes to talk and learn, she just can't ask. She is not native to the Western Changeling of Felines, and had grown up nomatic, having few interaction with her own breed, but have meet many breeds of all kind. She also has some kind of strange obsession with humans and their culture. She loves fish and enjoys catching them in rivers on warm days.

Abilities: Enhanced strength, remembrance of useful Herbs to heal.

Weakness: Not as Agile as most and can trip of stumble easy.

Mate: She has not grown up around her kind, so she knows few.

Description of Changeling: She is a tiger whose orange fur is so pale she almost seems like a tan color. Her black stripes remain dark and defined, making her coat seem awkward in coloring. Her eyes are a deep forest green that always shine with happiness. Her paws and claws are larger then average, making her swings powerful but her stalking somewhat clumsy. He tail is long, but somewhat thick making it almost like whip.

Human in full detail in all forms: In her Human form her hair is long and wild and in standing in every firzzy which way, representing her extremely pale orange hide. She stands just shy of 6 foot, her claws remain, but she has been able to completely hide her tail and ears so she may remain more human looking. Although her Forest green eyes remain, they tend to be a shade lighter.

Scent: Warm Honey and Amber

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I love her! The griffin would be not so much the animal changeling that most consider proper but it can be. It would be one of the few who were used in breeding experiments to strengthen a race. Another Avian would be best but I like the lion and eagle crossing. :) Its fine.
Oh my god I'm so sorry my internet has been down and freaking I had to wait a whole week to get it fixed! I hate slow cable hook up guys. I'll be replying here this weekend I'm so sorry!!!
Wow, this is intense, it is a bit confusing, but I think I could get it, I'm in!

Name: Lya Lyndel

Gender: Female

Breed: Wolf/Dove Halfling

Age: 15 in appearance, actual age is 34

Abilities: Telepathy and Mind-speaking, the downfall of this is she is mute and can only communicate in this way as well as body gestures. Depending on the other beings mind, it can be hard to read as well.

Description: Human- Fair skinned, Raven-color hair and magenta eyecolor, sharp fangs, black wolf ears, black tail tipped brown. Sharp claws. Has white wings on back

Wolf-Black Wolf with Magenta eyes, tail and ears tipped brown fur, brown leg socks. Has white feathers on top of head and on neck, tail-tip has white feathers, a few feathers on "ankles". White wings on back.

Scent: Pine needles and Lavender flowers

Name: Wane Moonscar and Sivart Reklaw

Gender: Male

Breed: Wolf

Age: 18 in appearance, actual age is 54

Abilities: Double personalities; Wane can create illusions, Sivart cannot do anything

Description: Human- Black hair, Blue eyes, crescent scar below both eyes, facing each other. Fair skinned. Sharp teeth and claws. White ears and tail

Wolf- White wolf with blue eyes. Two black Fur markings in shape of crescent under each eye

Scent: Smoke(Wane) and Seawater (Sivart)

Other: If it's okay with you, the different personalities switch at random times, it is not bound by their form. You can tell who is who by the scent. The scent is not mingled. It is one scent that correlates with the being with the body at the time. On rare occasions, you can tell both beings are active by the mingling of scent.

This sounds exciting. I can't wait to participate thanks so much!

((Wheres the rp for this? Is it up yet?))
Approved! It is in the Animal Section below this titled Instinct By Law. I am actually going to be on later tomorrow and will be replying to it then. (Sorry Ricia!! I promise to make it good!!!) I'm so happy to hear we will be having another member join!! Thank you so much and I love the split personas! ^w^ ---O' (Thats a thumbs up btw Haha)

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