Instinct by Law- RP

(Ok here I go, I hope I don’t do too badly.

You have fun chicka, moving sucks. Thanks for the warning!)

Chemi felt extremely confident that she could take care of the tigers around her. Although the constant obvious treatment to her being female was getting on her nerves and quickly, the tigers were slobs and not mate material. She even sensed Kelab’s demeanor, ready to take on all of them as he watched her put herself into danger, regardless if he caught on her plan or no. The two tigers, Selk and Tren, which followed the tiger named Dannar around were obviously idiots. They had muscle mass sure, but that was as useless as a human fork for a bird. But regardless, if they all thought she was defenseless, she must have put on a wonderful facade of a weakling, which made her all the more powerful. Underestimation was deadly.

Glancing back at Kelab, two more wolfs appeared, one was a halfling, the other a white wolf. Kelab’s clan? Chemi quietly questioned. She was slightly bewildered when the presence of a voice entered her head, but it did not startle her. She had traveled many places and have seen many things. The introduction of the new wolves had alarmed the tigers into attacking, instead of them continuing their smug thought of victory.

Dannar made an immediate order to ‘detain’ her. Finally she will be able to show her true strength, this was her favorite part of the battle. The two tigers began to flank her,positive of an easy capture. Just when they were on top of her; she effetely moved to avoid them, leaping an impressive distance. Turning to watch them collapse into each other, she purred with satisfaction. She heard Kelab growl and rush towards her, only to be stopped by Dannar, “Don’t be a fool pup, I can take care of myself.” She hissed, with pure frustration running through her voice.

Turning back to the tigers, she watched them try and regain their demeanor. Chemi watched in surprise as the two wolves flew into action, one of them flew anyway. They nipped and bit, throwing insults at each other. The tiger was clearly out matched as the white wolf played with him, insulting and tormenting. Turning to face the tiger left for her, Selk if she remembered correctly, she begin to approach him to attack.

Of course before she could complete the attack, the tiger she had met earlier, the one named Zaleth flew out from above and tackled Selk, rolling the dirt. The tigers sudden appearance scared Chemi so bad she had jumped back a few feet. She watched as the two tigers rolled in the dirt, the other tiger in shock from the sudden blow of the unknown foe. Zaleth obviously had the upper hand in the battle and had him pinned down with what seemed like effortlessness.

Chemi lashed her tail in utter frustration. Everyone had rushed to her protection and she did not even get to prove that she was not useless. She almost let her temper get the better of her, until she swallowed her pride and thought this could work to her advantage as well. She could continue the her facade for longer. Besides, she could be extremely thankful that she was not hurt. Turning she looked at Danner and Kelab fighting with each other. Deciding to help the wolf out, she crouched low and begin to circle around, he pelt blending we with the dirty being kicked up around the ground.

Usually her stalking abilities were poor and noisy, but with the excess of growling and howling, there was no way Dannar would be able to hear her coming. She tried to circle around to Dannar to flank him, hoping Kelab will let her take an opportunity to let her help him. She feared he might send her away in fear she would get hurt or get in his way, maybe he will be so engrossed in the fighting with Dannar he will be just as surprised with her intervene as she was with Zaleth’s. Regardless, she had the upper hand right now, and Dannar had no idea what was about to hit him, and oh did she plan on hitting him.
Selk yelped in surprise at being slammed into from not the feline he had been expecting but a bigger and stronger male. They rolled for a short period but the other had him pinned almost immediately and growled at him to surrender.

"Why should I?! You are not my clan nor my kin! I shall make you submit!!" He roared in defiance as he tried to lash out at the one above him. Little did he know the attempt was in vain...


Kaleb glowered at the hissing feline in front of him, his tail moving slowly with each step he took toward the tiger. Dannar wasn't stupid like the other two cats, his life only lasting so long because of his canniness of escaping when danger presented itself. This time would be different though. This time Kaleb would finish the job he was assigned to do so long ago.

"Why so hesitant Dannar? Afraid to get those widdle claws dirty?" he taunted at his rival, lips lifting to reveal a mocking smirk of pearly white fangs.

Dannar roared in anger and leapt at Kaleb instantly, making the wolf roll to the side before those rather longer and sharper claws got him. Dannar landed with ease and turned swiftly onto Kaleb to lash out at him. Kaleb had been expecting the blow and dodged out of the way again, but instead of moving away, he came closer and raked his own claws across Dannar's chest. The feline hiss in pain as Kaleb torn bloody flesh from his body and then lept out of the way again as the tiger jerked his head to crush Kaleb with his jaws. Kaleb didn't move fast enough and felt the flaming burn of Dannar's teeth sinking into his right leg. With a howl of pain Kaleb immediately turned and tried to lock his fangs into anything closest to him though the tiger had already began to crush the bone he had gained. Dannar thrashed his head before Kaleb could get any leverage, the furred skin ripping and being soaked in blood as it was jerked back and forth. He then tossed the wolves body a few feet from himself and grinned as his tongue lapped at the blood dripping from his chin. A sickening thud sounded in the clearing as Kaleb slammed into the floor, his leg breaking as it hit. Kaleb growled with clenched fangs with the pain racking his body but looked over the clearing to see if the others were still fairing well. His eyes widened briefly as he sighted Zaleth dominating the one called Selk, the enemy tiger in great pain on the floor as he tried to retaliate against the much stronger and larger adversary and lost, though it seemed the words were not reaching to his ears. His eyes continued on and spotted the other two wolves sitting a bit farther away from the battles that had raged, the limp form of the other tiger Tren laying close by. Kaleb Smirked with the victory they had gained but knew it was not over until Dannar was laying forever limp on the ground also. He returned his green gaze back toward the blazing orange tiger advancing on his body and glimpsed something a bit more pastel. CHEMI!!! She was crouched behind the enemy and was making her own advance, the stealth of a predator and the intent admirably obvious to the observers eyes. Dannar didn't see to notice though and that was one think Kaleb could give her if she truly wanted to help, his mind sighing with relief with the knowledge he was not going to die by the paws of this filth.

With a large grin on his muzzle and his legs pushing him up enough to stand and face Dannar, Kaleb gave his best to make a distraction for the female. "So Dannar, now that you are so obviously going to try and kill me, what is it that you are going to do next? What is it you have been trying to gain all these years of failure?"

Dannar fell easily into the ploy with oblivion, his eyes slitting with pleasure with the smell of fear around him though he didn't know to whom it belonged. He knew the wolf was injured greatly and that this was to be his most glorious kill, the clan leader finally proud of his success. 'To humor the mutt before his last breath, that can be arranged,' he purred in his mind before he stopped a couple of feet from Kaleb and bared his teeth in a sickening bloody grin.

"Why to take control of the East of course. You see Ebony, our clan's most notorious leader, is going to rip out your fathers throat and take back what should ahve been ours to begin with! The East was the felines domain way before it became your filthy flea ridden mutts. As for your sister... hmmm... I think a good few weeks of being our ***** will do..." he purred with maliciousness, his eyes softening as he thought of the female wolf who had ever made him slightly but truly aroused.

Before he could think too much though he was attacked by three. Kaleb sprang at the tiger's chest, claws extended for the worst damage he could inflict. Chemi was at the back and a reddish flame of fury was on his back in an instant, teeth sinking and tearing at anything exposed. Samirah was not happy with the statement the feline had said and had instantly let her temper get the better of her which in turn made he leap into battle. Dannar's roars of pain and anger were great but there was not much he could do as the three torn him to a bloodied mess quickly. The rest of the two packs had stayed behind the brush to observe and surround the clearing, their minds knowing their alpha's would not want any to escape.

((I AM SO SORRYY!!!!!!!!! No Excuse will made a good enough reason to being so freaking lacking in response but I finally have my internet working and I can reply whenever I want!!! I missed you guys... T~T Life sucks without this site.... Hope this is good. I feel a bit rusty!!))
((Agreed, I feel rusty on this RP also. I missed you Tab D: LOL, welcome back! Its been many long years *exaggerate exaggerate exaggerate* Anyways, how was the move? Did it work out?

Anyways, about the RP, are all the tigers gone?)
((@Mandy: Yes you can! Haha it's in the sign up character sheets under the title!! Welcome welcome! @WolfnightV4X1: I know!! I feel old and decrepit!! TToTT The move was... very long. It took us forever to find a place and then to get internet too! Over a month now right? Bleh...But now everything is going good. Only have to find a job now and then save to get a car!! ^^ Also about rp the tigers are not gone, just defeated? Haha dannar is dead yes, tren is unconscious and selk is being submissive))
(WEELLCOME BAACK! Glad to here that you are back Tambra. :)

Hey Wolf: Two of the three are dead I believe and the last alive one is pined under Dago's character.)

After Chemi had pinned down the Tiger she noted another wolf had sprang onto the Tigers back. When she was sure they had things under control, Chemi took several large steps. Looking around her there were several wolves, and those she could not see she could smell. More to protect herself, Chemi pulled herself up a tree. She studied everyone on the ground, determining who was safe and who was not. She did not want to get mistaken for being one of those corrupt tigers and get her life taken under assumption.

Soon Chemi began to lick any and all scratches she got from the two lesser tigers. She wondered if they were going to kill the other tiger. Maybe take it prisoner. The last possibility is to release it and let it go tell them what they did. Chemi thought about the battle that just happened and wished nothing more than to move down and help Kaleb’s leg, but she was afraid of what his pack will do to her if she approached him. The last thing she wants to get caught in a war. Or perhaps she has already been caught.
Lya licked Sivart's ear as he cowered beside her. Her ears perked up and she waggled her tail. Don't worry Siv, there's only one left. The others can take care of it. We're safe Siv's tail slowly unfurled from between his legs. "Are-Are you sure?" She nodded and slowly extricated herself from her brothers grasp. She stood only a few inches away from him and lashed her tail angrily, baring her fangs. She unfolded her wingspan to stretch out, ready to do a flight tackle at the remaining creature if necessary. She projected her thoughts to everyone Okay, I don't know what is going on, but this battle is over. I will not let anyone here die, my brother or anyone here.

She looked at the wolf and nodded, showing him that her allegiance was with them, whoever they were. Despite her reassurance that he was safe, Sivart crawled up close to her and clung behind her like a scared puppy. Lya registered his presence but did not react immediately. She directed her thoughts to Siv only Siv! Now's not the time to be afraid, it shows weakness to our enemies, and if you keep doing that you're a target. I already told you you are safe. She did not waver her glare, making sure she was tough enough to make up for her brother, so that they would easily back down and stay away from him. She would definitely not back down if anyone hurt her brother, that was for sure.

Sivart sighed and stood up on all fours, slowly pulling his tail in a less volatile body language. But his ears remained flat on his head, and he managed a growl of anger. It was a bit shaky, but menacing enough. Menacing enough to allay any attack to a fear stricken animal that could lash out and cause serious damage.
[sweet god in heaven, you're back. Seeing this made my whole day instantly. Welcome back hope the move went well. Okay so time to reveal a small but not all that surprising twist as well as develop even more of a background for the tiger clans. It is so sweet that i can help make a culture and history for an entire race. It's partly why i love this rp so much.]

"Why listen to me. Well that is simple. I am sure you know how all are clans are connected. That is of course if you ,being such an obvious disgrace to the word tiger, remember anything besides your own selfish needs at all. Well, the thing is I am the crowned prince of the Zanth clan, the royal clan of the Tigers! And I am sure that you understand the implications of disobeying a direct demand from a royal family member, especially one not a soul could find to be out of line. If not let me remind you... death! Shall I kill you and have you join your "friends" or shall you yield?"

[Wow, i feel rusty, not like i was so great before though, but it just doesn't feel like that was as good as before]
[[MENTION=2838]Tabitha Canario[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] , & [MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION] whats going on?]
( :( Nothing apparently, Tab is the leader of this RP, amirite? So this is going nowhere without her? Unless you guys want to keep posting w/o her)
[ I would really prefer not to do that. That would be kinda rude. Also i dont think it would be the same to post without the others.]
(Agreed, I know for fact Ricia is still around. As for that one other person, Im not too sre. Anyways, Tabitha is taking pretty long absence. This RP is S good as dead if she doesn't show, pretty dissapointing)
No they trash them if they are inactive for a month...



[MENTION=2838]Tabitha Canario[/MENTION]

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