Instinct by Law- RP

With the breeze ruffling his red auburn fur like invisible fingers going through it as he ran through the heavily lush forest, Kaleb basked in the warm sun. He jumped over fallen trees easily, his tail brushing over the mossy covered trunks on purpose to leave his sweet scent for his companions to follow. He knew he didn't need to but just in case he did it anyways as his paws raced him through the scattered bunched together trees with ease and familiarity.

'Even being out for three weeks I still feel like its the first day running,' Kaleb thought with a wistful sigh, dodging a sudden bush that came out from behind a much larger tree trunk.

The sharp barbs reached its claws at him as he past, snagging a small part of his tail's furred tip but he was running too fast for it to make him become ensnared within its wispy branches, instead only pulling out a few hairs. It wasn't long before he reached the river, its rushing waters hidden behind a cluster of berry bushes and oak trees. He easily leapt over the bushes, his jaw grabbing a few of the tasty blackberries as he past by before his paws touched softer much fuller grass with a thud as he landed. He curled around to watch for his followers, his eyes watching the bushes while his muzzle lifted to scent the air, the smell of fresh water and trout filling his sensitive nose instantly with the first deep breath.

The rather shallow river, only about four feet deep and six feet wide, wasn't moving fast as the time of year still was a bit cooler for the snowy mountain tops to yet melt and fill its channels with the freezing liquid that replenishment the land. The fish were coming out of their hiding though and since the water was low, it was the best time to hunt for the tasty creatures. He much preferred the rough meat of deer or the richer fare of moose but the scaly feel of fish was something easy to hunt and plenty now basked in the suns rays unsuspecting of their predators.
Having trouble keeping up with Kaleb, Chemi panted as she followed and closely as she could. She moved not as gracefully as the wolf did through the forest. Her footsteps were not light, but noisy. She did not care to avoid trampling over some of the foliage as she passed by it. She smelled the joy that the Wolf left in his wake as he ran, which made her enjoy the run with him. When he had reared from a sudden barb, Chemi had a harder time avoiding it, slowing her pace to take a long swerve around it, than continuing her large strides towards Kaleb.

Finally coming to a slower padding, panting, Chemi just push herself though the bushes and came to the edge of the water. Crouching she drank the water slowly, taking large gulps. She felt refreshed; a new surge of energy had gone through her. She felt herself flex while she drank, her claws began to need in the ground. The moist soil parted and gathered under her paw. Sitting up she shook herself violently so that the already lose pack feel off her backside and sat at the edge of the bank.

Feeling her hunger take over her she stood up and slowly prowled into the river. Her eyes trained on the top of the water. The cold water rushed over her and she felt extremely alive. Her pupils slowly dilate and she let out a small growl positioning herself out in the middle of the stream. It only took her moments for the first gleam of a fishes scale from the sunlight caught her attention. Flipping her paw in the water she scooped the fish from the water and into her mouth. Twisting her head she flung the fish back the shore near her pack and then trained her eyes back on the current.

Slowly she moved up and down the river bed, picking fish almost effortlessly out of the river. She had gotten enough to feed herself, and a few for the other to snack on. She had no way to preserve her food so she did not bother hunting extras for a later journey. She knew that it would not be long until she will be in the presence of Kalebs wolf tribe. Though part of her was curious why there was another Tiger among the wolfs, he did say something about wondering years when he was taking a guess as to where she hailed from. She decide she must ask him about tigers and their tribes. The tiger Zaleth seemed like he was ok, but she should remain cautious.

Proudly striding out of the water, soaking wet from her head and lower body, Chemi let out a deep purr of satisfaction, a more melodious purr now that she had water to quench her parched mouth. She began to gather the fish up and down the bank where she had thrown them into a small pile. Slightly forgetting her manners, Chemi picked a fish up by its gills with on large claw and ripped its flesh off. Consuming every bit of meat on her first fish she moved to a second fish and began to strip it of its soft tissue as well. Soon the Satisfaction of food lying in her belly rolled over her and she felt content. It doesn’t take a lot to make her feel content or happy, she had little and gave a lot. She enjoyed the way of the nomads and have never like the thought of settling in one pace.

Licking her lips slowly and felt eyes staring at her, looking up she stuttered, “Oh goodness! I am so sorry, that was terribly rude of me! Pease help yourself, I travel alone so much sometimes I forget when others are around. I simply got lost in my thoughts. Please, I got plenty so you two could enjoy a fish or two with me!”Chemi sat herself up and used her tail to gesture to the fish as an invitation.
Zaleth laughed to himself as Kaleb and Chemi raced off towards the aforementioned river. 'A unmated party huh? I wonder what sorts of things go on at those. i know of the humans traditions but i wonder what it would be like with the wolves.', thought Zaleth. He leapt back into the trees and began to pounce from one to the other,one of his favorite methods of travel, to get back to Samie. He suspected that she would be impatiently waiting for one of them to report back. When he found her he realized she had no clue he was above. He cleared his throat with a loud grunt to get her attention, scaring her in the process with the surprise but that wasn't his intention, completely. As she looked up at him with a look of both mild anger and a bit of amusement he told her of the proceedings with the female tiger known as Chemi. He finished up his story by telling of the unmated party her brother had mentioned. He couldn't help the look of excitement and anticipation that danced through his eyes when he mentioned it. He looked down to Samie to gauge her reaction to this news, his tail curling around to itch his nose as he waited.
The scene before Luca was not so troubling; if the prince and princess wandered they were bound to bump into somebody. However he had not expected a feline, he struggled to hide his distaste. The Changeling was not exactly close minded but wary, he had lost many a soldier fighting other clans.

The warm welcome from Samirah was quickly cut short by Kaleb’s harsh onslaught of reality. The guard began to bit his tongue than stopped; he had been out here for a few days with a guard of soldiers chasing them down. In fact they were lucky he had given them a few extra days and Kaleb should know that. “You know my gift, I knew exactly where you were the minute I scented your trail so be grateful I gave you some extra time. Both of you know I do my best to get you more freedom but it’s not like I can order your father around. He is the one who hires and fires me, remember; I have no power over him.” He took a breath composing himself before turning to the feline and forcing a tolerant demeanor. “I am pleased to meet you and will be happy to escort you back to the clan seeing as you are a friend of Kaleb’s and Samirah’s.”

Sighing Luca sensed Satine’s presence closing in, the young child had been following him and his guard. Luca had not noticed her until a few days ago when he went out on his own and caught a whiff of her scent. She was a sneaky little pup who knew her way about the forest. He started to mention her approach but decided to put it off. He wanted to see if the others noticed first.

He despised the way Samirah submitted to him. He was not some Alpha who desired a groveling pack. In fact it was quite the opposite; he wanted a healthy dose of respect but being overly submissive created pint up distaste for the leader. The changeling worked off of trust not fear and anger. He cut his eyes to Kaleb knowing he was probably just as frustrated with the display; he gave a small shake of his head letting him know that he did not ask for such submission. However he could not catch his eye because the wolf was caught in his own. Wolves were not meant to be caged; Luca did not know how the nobles of the pack stayed so stagnant unless they escaped without his knowledge, seemingly very unlikely.

A smile curled across his lips as Satine crept from the bushes. The pup was crawling towards the submissive Samirah aiming for the fae ruddy brown tail. He held his breath watching her in his peripheral vision, he wanted to see if the pup could really surprise her siblings. Luca silently counted down in his head predicting she had about three steps before she pounced, but he underestimated her because within two he heard the yelp and saw Samirah shoot out from in front of him. A raucous roar of laughter escaped his throat; he even shed a tear as he laughed so heartily. The look on Samirah’s face as the pup’s milk teeth sunk into her tail was priceless; he would not be seeing the look again for at least a month. He predicted that Samirah might become a bit jumpy especially as she sought escape from her caged life. The tail trick would just be an excuse.

Satine was small for her age but she was clever. Of course if you only spoke with her once you would not know that. She seemed to reveal her knowledge and wise truths a little at a time as she trusts you. At least that is what Luca had found with his interactions. She seemed to hate the way her sibling coddled her but the changeling had a feeling she would object if they stopped also. It was a careful balance with her, you couldn’t forget she was a child or else she would do something completely immature and you would remember suddenly as you cleaned up a mess.

She honestly seemed worried about her siblings and was obviously proud of herself for finding them. Luca winced as she made the statement about felines but figured she would be excused due to her age, she couldn’t fully understand the complexities of the adult world. At her age everything was still black and white, grey area was too confusing.

With the shift of the wind came the new scent. Before he could say a word he was left with Satine as the three changelings darted away. Luca let out a low growl and picked up Satine before she raced after them. He stayed with hearing distance of the three in case they encountered trouble but after a few moments Samirah came careening through the forest back to him, “And what was that?” he asked.
After she turned back from Kaleb and came into the clearing beholding a rather irritated Luca and a disgruntled Satine, Samirah had sighed. With her ears flattened in depression and tail dragging on the floor, she looked like a sulking puppy rather than a domineering she wolf. Lifting her gaze to look directly into Luca's, Samirah opened her mouth to reply to his question when suddenly her eyes glazed over, dulling to a misty moss color.

The present world around her began to fade out, darkness blocking out the people and sights before her into the black abyss she had become familiar with over the last few years. Letting her body relax, the dark began to brighten again, though the once vibrant forest she had been in was slowly replaced by a garden overflowing with flowers. The sky had now dimmed to dusk, the colors above her shining red, pinks, and orange with the setting sun. A noise off to her left drew her attention, making her head turn and gaze at a small girl. Her back was facing Samirah, but She already knew who the little child was, the flowing strawberry auburn colored blonde hair reaching the grassy ground in waves identifying her instantly. Samirah stared at her younger self, who merely played with the assortment of flowers by herself and hummed a soft tune her father always sang to her when he could be with her. The younger Samie was wearing a white sundress made of a creamy silk, matching ivory slippers and a silk ribbon in her hair. Samirah couldn't remember why she was dressed up but she knew it wouldn't be long before she found out, her memories always slow at first had a way of flashing by in an instant with the painful force of a kick to the stomach, returning to her a fragment of what she had forgotten years ago. Suddenly a vicious growl was heard behind Samirah and she watched her younger self scream, the flowers forgotten as she lowered her body to the ground and cowered in a ball. 'A wolf is a fierce creature Samirah. We do not bow to others nor do we submit. Hold your head high when you face an opponent even if you know you are going to die. Be proud of what you are.' a smooth silky voice whispered in Samirah's mind, the affectionate yet serious tone making her head throb slightly with the memories flooding back to her consciousness. She tried to look behind her but instead the creature belonging to the growl and the soft voice, showed themselves. An older woman that looked to be around the age of twenty-six, her hair the same shade and length as the girls tied high into a ponytail, walked to the girl in a dark hunter green kimono. Small yellow flowers decorated the long sleeves that flowed past the woman's hands and down the front length of it. A yellow obi wrapped around the woman's waist and into a butterfly styled bow in the back to secure the kimono to her slender body. When she reached the girl the woman bent down and lightly touched her head, a smile gently gracing her painted red lips. The younger Samirah looked up at the woman and sniffled loudly, her bright green eyes filled with tears as she lifted her hidden face. 'Now now Samirah. You must never cry in the presence of others either. You are a lady and a noble one at that my dearest. Smile and show your pretty face to your kingdom.' the woman cooed to the girl in encouragement as her hand petted the girl's locks. The younger Samirah smiled brightly at the woman and hugged her legs, her whimpers turning into giggles as she enjoyed the attention and yipped back with happiness. 'Yes Mother!'

All too soon the darkness came back and with ita searing pain that blazed like a fire in her head. Her eyes shut in agony and her legs weakened underneath her for a moment. When she opened her eyes again Luca and Satine filled her vision, the green forest the surrounding again instead of her gardens at home. The pain began to ebb in her mind, her legs regaining their strength almost like nothing had happened. Except it had and Samirah nearly choked as she sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes filled with pain at the once forgotten memory of her mother fresh in her mind and how she had taught her to be like Kaleb, strong and proud. She became ashamed of her lack in leadership, the way she had bowed down without a fight to almost everything put upon her. Just as quick as it had consumed her it was over taken by a new determination. She would be like her mother. She would be strong and beautiful and brave. Her head snapped up and her eyes blazed with renewed vigor, her paws taking her steadily and with confidence toward Luca where she barked at Satine to shift.

The tiny ebony hair girl did what she was told immediately, slightly awed by Samirah's new behavior and a bit confused why she had to become a pup again, though she stayed quiet and did what she was told. In seconds Satine had shed her human clothes, stuffing them back into her bag and slinging the pack onto her back before she shifted. She looked up at her Alpha, her mother figure in a way, and waited another command faithfully. She had never thought her leader anything less than an Alpha and she knew Samirah was just blooming, becoming the blossom that would be the most fragrant and prettiest of them all. It had been one of the reasons she got into a lot of trouble too. She was constantly defending her Alpha from the other pups who thought Samirah was just an omega and should have been challenged already, their minds still too simple to comprehend what she knew. The only ones that backed her up were the pups in Kaleb's and Samirah's packs already. Remembering her packmates back at the camp, Satine smiled and sat looking adoringly at the female she loved.

Samirah looked at her packmate, one of her many pups, and smiled back softly before she returned her gaze toward Luca where she lifted her head higher and lifted her tail like Kaleb had done many times when he talked to someone in the guard.

"We are returning to the packs and guard. Kaleb will return shortly with our guest Zaleth, who will be joining us at Castle Ren as such. He is merely checking upon something that has become urgent." she growled rather loudly with authority, her hair bristling with her words along her back briefly before it smoothed out.

With those words she nudged Satine with her muzzle into the direction she had seem them come from, the trail from her companions still fresh though faint with scent concealment. Satine sprang up and sprinted out of the small clearing, her black body a blur that melted into the shadows as she raced toward the others in the pack and guard. Samirah followed her packmate, making sure to race just slightly ahead of the pup but at the same time not leaping too far ahead, just near enough so she was not out of site but still showing she was the true Alpha she was becoming. The scent of numerous canines hit her nose then and she let loose a loud howl to signal to her pack where she was. Many howls and barks replied back to her, all in joy and relief. It wasn't long before she was sighting wolves of different colors and sizes along with many other changelings, running beside and behind her that had been out scouting or hunting. With the nearness of them she began to become impatient and scooped up the younger pup, Satine protesting at being carried with whines and whimpers that only fell on deaf ears. The other wolves appeared then, closest ones were the members in her own private pack, Alarice, a pale creamy blonde wolf with icy blue eyes and Draiken, a dark brown almost black wolf with chocolate brown eyes. Alarice ran on her left, his shoulder brushing her hip as he barked with happiness. Samirah merely brushed her tail at him in greeting and snapped her teeth at him, signalling him to stay behind her. Alarice's eyes widened a bit at her command but howled with pleasure as he realized what she was doing. He followed obediently at her flank, Draiken also getting the command as he took her other side and raced beside Alarice. He didn't howl or bark, rather just bared his fangs in happiness for a rough smile in his wolf form. Soon they were in a larger clearing full of tents and soldiers, armor and swords laid about casually but still easily accessed if needed. Samirah scanned the area wholly before he eyes fell on a tent much bigger and a dark green color symbolism of the noble instead of the smokey gray that ranked the guards for the East. She moved toward it automatically, her eyes glued to it though she greeted all that came toward her. The rest of her pack along with Kaleb's had set up their own tents around the large green one, and had chosen to lounge around outside of it. As soon as she got closer she could see them all stand up or walk over toward the place that was meant for her and her older sibling. It was placed near the edge of the forest, a bit farther from the other tents to allow privacy excluding the packs who had gathered around it and had been left for when her and Kaleb were retrieved. After she released Satine, she told everyone to resume their earlier commands and slipped inside the structure before her packs could circle her. She didn't want to be questioned right now and a loud growl from her chest told them to stay out. Her eyes stayed on the opening for a while until she realized that they had all listened and had stayed out though some merely just sat outside of the opening to wait for her. With a sigh she turned back around and looked upon everything that had been brought. The interior was comfortable, with two rolled out make shift beds made out in opposite corners for them and a small chest resting at the bottom. She could only hope they were filled with clothes, having brought none with her. She continued to look around though before she went to confirm her suspicion and was met with a hand carved pine table, four matching pine chairs, a bathing tub with a small box made for holding soaps and oils beside it, and other things like food and spare blankets stacked in other corners. It wasn't full of the grand furniture and expensive things that were in the castle and she was glad for it, not having a desire to return just quite yet still in the back of her mind as she stepped toward the chest near her bedding.

A couple moments later she was washed, dressed and outside enjoying the warmth of the afternoon as she sat underneath a large oak tree. She had decided to wear a light summer yukata the color of daffodils, small tiny blue butterflies decorating the material in a playful manner. She had told Luca about Kaleb and had told him later when she emerged from her tent that when he returned they were to stay the night here before departing back toward the Castle. He was the head guard present and she told him to tell his squad, her pack and Kaleb's near enough to hear that they hadn't needed to be told. With things settled and the people around her presently satisfied, she relaxed against the rough bark of the tree and closed her eyes, humming the delicate tune from her memories and childhood very softly. A scream ripped out of her throat as Zaleth surprised her. The scream brought the attention of her pack and the guards but she quickly diverted their attention saying it was just a bug. Loud roars of laughter and chuckling came and Samirah blushed in embarrassment before she looked up at Zaleth with a bit of anger and curiosity, though she couldn't hide the amusement in her green orbs at the pack not realizing that he was here. When Zaleth told her of Kaleb's plans, the excitement plainly in his blue eyes, it made Samirah both happy and pained. She loved balls of course, the music and food always wonderful and she knew Kaleb would make this one even better for the tiger changelings stay, but it was the people that were invited that caused her pain. Her dancing wasn't the best, though tutors had been provided and everyone knew this but they still flocked to her side to request one from her anyways. Kaleb had said it was because she wasn't confident enough to just follow the music but she knew it was just her own clumsiness with mixing up dance steps. She looked into Zaleth's awaiting gaze and smiled, shaking her head at him in silent laughter.

"It will be a pleasure to meet this Chemi when she arrives with Kaleb though I must say now that the entire guard and pack here will possibly think you are an enemy at first. Take caution when you come into their view and I will tell them you are a guest when you do show yourself." she whispered up to him, her eyes dancing with the hidden mirth she was trying to keep contained.


Kaleb watched the tigress as she swiftly grabbed her prey and devoured what she saw in sight as soon as she was on land again, the laughter bubbling out from his throat as he couldn't contain it any longer. She had been so focused and stealthy it was hard to believe she hadn't caught the deer when she had the chance to, but he could understand being in a foreign place making one slightly out of their hunting skills. When Chemi had finally remember him he just shook his head in more laughter and walked over toward the river to take a good long drink of the fresh water. The scent of her wet fur and her unique scent of warm honey and amber tickling his nose as he sniffed at the edges. He smiled to himself at the pleasure of having new company that wasn't expecting the best from him and slowly walked into the chilly river. The wet cold water flowed through his exposed limbs and against his chest, making his fur cling to his body in a funny looking way but he just ignored it and stood still. At Chemi's hunting the fish had scattered, but they were slowly returning and coming closer down toward him in the waters flow. As soon as one was close enough Kaleb plunged his muzzle into the water and trapped the flailing fish within his powerful jaws and pierced the rough scaled skin with his teeth. He tossed the fish like Chemi had done onto the shore and then proceeded to wait again. He only caught five fish but that was enough for him until he hunted tonight for real game. As he came back onto land again, his fur clung more to his fur and made him appear much more hilarious than before. He waited until he was closer to Chemi before he shook out his pelt and barked with laughter as he splashed her with the access water still dripping from him.

"I thank you for the offer but I can fish too. I think you need it more than me anyways since we are going to be travelling back to my sister and the whole regiment I suspect Luca brought with him to come gather us up." Kaleb told her as he laid down near his own catch, his teeth beginning the process of tearing off the scaly skin and then his tongue licking at the bloodied meat underneath, sometimes his teeth nibbling to avoid the small bones.

His tail wagged lazily but happily behind him as he slowly ate the food, the smell of the fish slightly unappealing but the taste much better than he usually had. His eyes had closed as he enjoyed the meat, and a soft purr like growl soon emitted from his chest as he dried off in the warm sun. The sweet purrs from Chemi were calming and nice on his ears, lulling him into a light sleepy state. He finished up his meal and rested his head on his paws with a large yawn escaping his lips. growling softly to match Chemi's purrs, Kaleb thumped his tail in joyful content.

"Its a nice day out. We will leave after a bit. Too nice to ignore a nap." he murmured slightly with a lazy slur, his breathing slowing as he began to doze off.

(Long over due reply. Sorry guys. Haha.)
Chemi purred when Kaleb said she could have all the fish, she noticed that Zaleth had never appeared. She kind of assumed he would come with them. When Kaleb had mentioned a whole regiment, she wasn’t expecting a military to be out here. She was glad that she had meet someone nice before she had meet this regiment. Thank Goodness…She thought, feeling a little safer. She had luck like this most the time. Perhaps the tiger clan they had talked about earlier is a much bigger threat then she thought.

Finishing eating her fish, including the portion she was saving for Kaleb and Zaleth, she stretched herself out, feeling the sun beat down on her pelt, descending into a spiral of thoughts once more. If she had perhaps met this tiger clan first she wondered if they would have readily accepted her, much like Kaleb and Zaleth had. Her pelt often made her stand out with tigers, not being a traditional bright and vibrant orange or the less uncommon beautiful and untouched snowy white. In truth she had lied about the whole mate thing, but her half lies had came out smoothly, as always. She had a few tigers ask her, but only out of being desperate. In truth, her pelt brought her shame, and she knew she was not a beautiful tigress, one that no tiger would want to be seen with. She will admit she never stayed anywhere long enough or others to get to know her, but tigers can be unfriendly sometimes, well most of the time, we were prideful creatures. Chemi’s head dipped in shame as the thoughts of her pelt crossed her mind.

Stealing a glance at Kaleb, she saw he was happily wagging his tail and he ate, it brought a tingle of joy in her heart, her purr growing in appreciation. For some reason she found the wolf to be friendly and happy, she wondered if his sister was as wonderful. The thought picked her sprite up quickly when the wolf had started to try and imitate a purr, which did not come as smooth as a cat. He stretched out and yawned, commenting on the beautiful weather, then laid and she listen to him slowly doze.

As his breathing slowed Chemi felt herself take a deep breath and parted her jaw and started to make low sounds, almost like humming. She began to roll lullabies through the air, mixing with her satisfied purrs. Listening to herself always brought her shivers. Though her singing was not as nice as in her human form, she still could make beautiful sounds in her tiger form. It’s been honestly almost a month since the last time she had shared her stories and songs, she felt so excited and anticipated the moment she could share stories with the young and old alike. Sitting up tall and straight she felt herself sing and hum a little louder, feeling
delight in sharing the joy of beautiful music. Even if she felt like an ugly tigress on the outside, she felt like human on the inside, and she was something humans would consider a treasure, and that counted a lot in her heart and made her swell with pride.

(OOC: I wanted to let you know I updated my character sheet with pictures. :) )
Kaleb was still awake enough to listen to Chemi's soft feline songs and purrs. His chest rumbled in pleasure as he consumed the sweet sounds and made him want to sing with her, the familiar itch in his throat to howl and bay trying to take over. He didn't want to interrupt her though and held his tongue.

'A very pleasant voice and a good personality. I wonder why she hasn't been claimed yet even if she hasn't met her bonded. She is a fine feline though probably a bit untrained in stealth, but surly that would not hinder a male from courting...' he mused silently, as his eyes peeked through his lazy eyelids at the vocal tigress. Her coat was unusual possibly but was that something that determined a mate for felines? The coat of their fur? Kaleb shook his head in distaste, the thought of only looks for the choosing of his or anyone's mate not to his liking at all. He rested his head back on his paws and absently licked them clean of the fish remains that still lingered under his claws. After he finished and began to rest again, his mind wondered to his new companions and the party he had planned, the lull of sleep pressing down on him further until finally he was fast into his dreams. The afternoon sun shining off his vibrant reddish auburn blonde coat in a fire like display.

It was a little while before Kaleb woke from his nap of sorts, his eyes fluttering open to stare at the pink and orange glow of the setting sun in the distance. He hadn't known he had slept so long. He usually never fell asleep fully unless he was with his whole pack, the security in numbers a reassurance when out in the land but never alone or hardly ever when with another. Remembering suddenly that he was with someone, Kaleb whipped his now alert head around and laid his gaze on Chemi a few feet away.

"I'm so sorry! I did not mean to fall asleep! The sun was just really warm and the content of having a full stomach made it hard to resist. I promise to not lack in protection again." Kaleb said as he apologized, this eyes full of regret and his own self disappointment.

(I saw the pics. I loved them! :D I also have tons to upload regarding my own characters so in a bit-hopefully not too long- I will have them all sorted out and posted as I go along in the Rp story. Sorry it took so long. I had tons of homework to catch up on. I will try to reply more often!)
[Kinda confused as what to do, I posted something but it seems to have been disregarded or somethin? Where should I pick back up?]
When Chemi had finished she listened to her surroundings. It was quite and the sun was warm, just as Kaleb had said, the perfect time for a nap, but Chemi no longer felt the need to nap, she was bursting with energy from singing and the though that a new day would bring much story telling and parties. Oh what fun she foresaw! Glancing at Kaleb she noticed that he had fully dozed off. She purred and laid down and watched the wolf sleep. Her tail twitching slowly, side to side. He was so peaceful laying there and resting she corpulent bring herself to wake him.

When the sun began to set and the warmth slowly fade, she noticed Kaleb began to stir. Jumping up he turned around and faced Chemi with a alarmed look in his eyes that almost startled her into thinking he forgot she was his friend. When he began to apologize about not being awake to protect, in reponse she purred and than laughed hardily. “I mean no disrespect, but no male can out match my strength. I am not one who needs protection. Other wise I would not travel alone!” She explained, in an attempt to sooth him. “Although, I would adore a male who can bring food to the table, as humans say. As much as I love fish, it can get a bit boring after the 5th meal of the week.”


And I got into a car accident and my computer crashed, I will be posting only once a day for a little while.

AllHailDago: I your post wasent dissregarded, I had corrected my post because my chractor thought you would follow us to the river, but she was like.. oh where he go? and Sainte a few posts back was talking to your charactor. :) )
([MENTION=3218]AllHailDago[/MENTION]: I replied to you! it was in the really long post I did! Reread it and you will see Sami talked to you.)([MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION]: Are you okay?!?!?!?!?! Oh my gosh! Hope you are okay! D:)

"Food on the table eh?" Kaleb teased with a light tone, his tail wagging behind him in laziness. "Well hell I can do that! What do you say? Do I meet your puuurrr-fect mate ideal?" he teased more as he stood up and growled out the perfect part to match a cats humming. Kaleb grinned his wolfish lopsided smirk and growled playfully as his tail swayed back and forth slowly, the tip curling like a felines would normally. He stalked one paw forward, his eyes glinting with humor and shining a bright grassy green as he moved closer to her. With a playful bark he crouched down to pounce on her, his ears flicker to the side to show his playful manner.

"And Strong? Are you really? Well we will have to see about that!" he yipped out as he launched himself into the air toward her, his laughter filling the space in loud rumbled barks.

It had been a while since he had been able to act so carefree that his heart was light and his body filled with a warm happiness. His eyes betrayed his inner joy, though he didn't care that see saw and he couldn't help but want to test her skills out for himself as she brought up the subject. It would do good to tell his Beta of sorts that she had talent and what she would need to perfect to be even better as a huntress. The flirtation was just an added bonus that he couldn't help but fulfill.
"Ahh yes, I am quite aware of the cautiousness needed to be used when I first present myself. But one must wonder how hard it would truly be to escape if I must when no one has even realized I was here until I revealed myself. Do you not agree?", Zaleth smiled a full grin with every tooth shining bright and sharper then knives. He jumped behind the tree and transformed back to human form. He put his jeans back on and left his shirt off in case of needing to change back quickly he wanted to only take off one piece of clothing, and having no pants on near a female would arouse much more suspicion then no shirt for sure. He looked down at the dozens of battle scars he had accumulated over the years all over his muscled stomach and chest and reminisced slightly for a few of them. Then he came back around the tree and sat a few feet to the left of Sam. He had decided he would be calling her that if she found it acceptable, and maybe even if she didn't. He he he. "So what are your thoughts on the whole thing, hmmm?"

[sorry guess i missed that, 20 over 200 vision and astigmatism will do that sometimes. Sorry you two.]
(OOC: Yeah I'm fine, just banged up a bit, just glad to be alive haha. Dw about it AllHailDago, that post was kind of long hahaha! )

She laughed out loud when the wolf had tried to very much imitate a Tiger. The tigress made no effort to get up from her laying position on the ground when he jumped for her. She never played as a cub so she herself was not sure how to play. Most other cubs never wanted her to play with them because she always ruined the game with practicality, or simply beat what ever needed to be beat, rarely anything “just for fun”. She was told on several occasions that she was not fun to play with. She had a sibling some where in the wide world, but both her and her bother were serious Tigers, curiosity and knowledge was more their thing than playing. But none the less, the changeling was issued and she was more then happy to take it.

When Kaleb had launched himself into the air, Chemi rolled onto her back, warping one large paw around Kaleb's smaller wolf body and then pulling him down onto the ground. Pinning him with one large paw, remaining down on the ground. Pride dance in her eyes when she felt the victory wash over here. “You are a young wolf, barley out of being a cub are you not? I am an old Tigress compared to you.” she hummed back, this time her trying to act like a wolf.
Kaleb's chuckle was a little strained as the air in his lungs had been knocked out of him, Chemi pinning him to the ground with the force of his launch and her own strength making it a bit more forceful in landing. His eyes sparkled at the fun and as he wiggled underneath the tigress, he couldn't help but use his tail as a weapon. The tip ran the underside of Chemi's belly, the fur feather light as he tried to tickle her. His body otherwise stayed still and content on the ground as he grinned up at the female.

"I've been around for two pup's lives. I am an adult in my pack, though still younger than a fully grown tiger. I guess in human years I would be around twenty in appearance though I have lives about three times that length. Roughly about 50's or 60's. Its not important to remember our real age with the slow growth me go through. I'm sure tigers experience that too?" He growled soothingly at her though he chuckled a bit at the end imagining a tiger aging like himself instead of the longer process they went through.

"Pups become adults as soon as they pass the rite of the hunt. Usually doesn't happen until twenty or thirty human years old but we only look about ten to thirteen. Its hard to tell since each pack is different." he continued afterwards as he tried in vain to explain his pack traditions.


Samirah laughed quietly at Zaleth's logic and nodded her head, her eyes staying on her pack protectively like a mother lioness watching her cubs. She knew they would know he was there and not attack since she hadn't but they couldn't promise that the others, the regular guard wouldn't try something offensive. She met the eyes of Alarice as he flicekered his gaze at they numerous times in hesitation. She knew he was only looking out for her but she found it slightly irritating all the same. She wasn't a pup to be watched anymore and she would prove it. With that in her mind she turned away from him looked at Zaleth instead as the tiger sat down close to her. When he addressed her again she was a bit confused, not remembering the conversation too clearly as her distraction before had won over her thoughts.

"The whole thing?" she asked in a higher tone, her eyes plainly showing her muddled mind.

((Sooooo sorry again. V.V I feel like a failure at trying to reply as soon as I can. Please be patient with me!))
Zaleth noted the distracted look in Sam's eyes. Ah he had that look in his quite often. He wondered what had gotten her attention so fully that she didn't get what he meant. "Yes the banquet like thing your brother is throwing. I could use a bit more information on the subject. I know how humans do these things but not wolves. What exactly is it going to entail? I know nearly nothing of your pack's customs. That is why I am here, to learn and add one more clan to my accumulative knowledge of the world. I would like you to inform me of the rules and dictations of such an event in your society." Zaleth would love nothing more then to learn. Learning about the customs of all the different clans helps him in the one objective he has always had. The one hidden motive that no one has yet to know he has thought of.

[dont worry about it]
Samirah smiled widely then and laughed out loud, her pack trying as hard as they could to distract everyone else to not look over at them. She quieted after a moment though her eyes now sparkled a bright shimmering sea green with her happiness. She then sat up a bit more and inched closer toward Zaleth, her hands undoing the two braids she had put her hair into and running her fingers through the wavy length that reached to the grass beneath them. She pointed to her pack, showing him different individuals that were not dressed in royal attire.

"Those are my pack. In a way they would be called by bodyguards in other cultures and my advisers in another. We are more like a family or a group of very close friends who know everything there is to know about each other. The Castle Ren of the East has many traditions and their own form of ranking. These men you see here are just one example of our regular guard though some have abilities that help us immensely in battle or otherwise. The one you met before, Luca, has such an ability. He can track better than anyone else. Once he has your scent he can nearly see it as though it was a thick rope tied to your waist and leaving a trail. I don't know all the details but it is very helpful for my Father. The ones with abilities we try to keep in our packs, Mine and Kaleb's that is. They are put to better use with us since we are more active outside the castle than our father is. its good to have them there too at Home but there are strength in numbers more than just strength in ones own ability. Do you understand?" she finally asked as she tried to explain a bit about their workings of things.

"The packs are also an alliance with other towns who have given us their best in return for protection or other provisions. My Alarice and his sister Delia who belongs to Kaleb came to us from Kelk. It is toward the Northern borders up in the mountains to the East. It snows there almost year round and can hardly farm anything though they have excellent big game. Since they are so far we have to keep a unit there but mostly just a flowing trade so they can have more food or clothing in exchange for only two pups. It is like that for most of the villages here. If not lacking in one thing they are another and we provide it for an extra hand. The pups are allowed to go home when they like so it is not forcing them but their Duty with the Castle keeps them usually with us." she continued but paused as he undid the last twist of her braids and let her hair fan out around her shoulders.

Her scent piqued then as some of her reddish blonde hair was still wet and let loose. The breeze blew it about them softly but it drew the attention of Satine as she lifted her muzzle up to the wind. Her small body lifted easily and moved her toward Samirah silently. The pup flicked her gaze at Zaleth in mute greeting before she laid down at her alpha's side and rested her head on Samirah's lap. A gurgled growl sounded as Samirah petted her pups pelt and then turned to a much more purr like rumble.

"The packs are ranging in ages and of genders though the normal guards are only suppose to be Male. The females that are gathered end up becoming part of the breeders stock or the healers. Depends really on which one they learn better. If they are placed in breeders then they help try to keep the animals in a large population like our horses and our livestock. They also help in the villages for the woman who are going to give labor. The healers help the soldiers and the training squads. They deal with herbs and potions for the sick and after learning everything they can they are sent to the villages in need of their help. Enough about those though... you wanted to know about the ball?" she chided herself for getting off course and then told what she knew.

"Unmated Balls usually go quite long. A week is the time span and it consists of the nobles, royals and common gathering to celebrate the coming together of couples. Any single, unbonded or unmated person is to attend. Food is various and many activities are to be held to bring the males and females together. Kaleb and I have been to many though we have yet to find our future mates. Kaleb just likes to introduce new friends at these things and he can get overly excited when he wants something. You have no clue how many times I have had to lock him in his room just to end an evening for the guests to get proper sleep. Music, food, dancing, games, singing,a nd contests are the appeal and the traditional Favorites dance is the highlight of the evening the last day. It is when the male chooses his favorite female, gives her a token of his affection and asks her to dance. If she agrees it begins the courtship toward mating. If she rejects then the next male may present his gift. If there is no male to offer then the female merely is gathered into another room with the males that were rejected and not dancing to continue the evening as a normal one. The couples gathered will dance and then be swept out into the gardens for their own businesses." she added wistfully at the end, her eyes clouding with sadness but adoration for the romantic ideal of it all.

Zaleth listened very intently commiting every detail to memory. He wanted to make sure he didn't forget that anytime soon. The abilities she spoke of were not uncommon in halflings around the world and he himself had one or two. He seemed to have the same one as this Luca and one more that only caused him anguish.

He gauged the reaction in Sam's eyes every time she spoke of something specific. She had a clear and genuine love for her family and friends that she would obviously defend. But when she spoke of the ball, she seemed to have the look of deep longing in her eyes. "Yes. This is a very interesting thing indeed. So has your brother ever been rejected or have you ever been asked? Clearly he hasn't asked and been approved as he is not mated but what of the other option. And have you rejected anyone so far? You are quite beautiful and clearly a kind and caring woman. I am sure you have been the center of a courting at multiple point." Zaleth stated this all matter-of-factly with no signs of nervousness in his voice.
Soon after she had pinned him, she noted he made no effort to escape from her grasp. When he had asked about tigers again she just sighed, ”I am sorry; I do not know much of tigers.” She made her comment curt and short as a sign she rather not further talk about it. Soon after he continued about his pack and the different aspects of it. She listened to him, while in the mean time leaning down and grooming his head, ears, and the back of his neck while he talked. Soon after she stood and stretched, flexing her muscles, “You know, it is almost nightfall, I suggest we leave to you pack before they get worried.” She said, waiting for the wolf to lead the way.
((Ahahaha no you don't. Just keep doing what you are doing. I tend to get very detailed or long when I get bored or tired. Sorry.))

Samirah looked up into Zaleth's eyes when he asked about her and her brothers conquests in the search for a mate, a light pink hue tinting her cheeks as she blushed slightly and then turned her eyes back onto the silky smooth fur beneath her hand. She had of course been asked numerous times but she had refused them all, the idea of a bonding more persistent in her mind than just finding someone to get her swollen with pups. Kaleb was the first born and so he would rule, the males who asked for her hand of course had known that but the greed behind their eyes at the gain of wealth from marriage to her was always lingering their behind their facades as well. Not all of them of course thought of her as money but the ones who didn't were usually the ones who were the ones with lust instead or were too full of themselves to really care about her. As for her brother, she knew him too well and had known he had never asked a single female to the dance of lovers though he charmed nearly all females in the week that was held. So any broken hearts from his flirtatious habits that many other suitors who longed to ask the poor ladies nearly wanted to throttle him. With a forlorn sigh she looked back up at Zaleth though she didn't look into his eyes, afraid the sorrow in her own would be too present.

"Of course I have been asked, but I wait for a bonded, not just a mate. Do you know what a Bonded is? Kale also is looking for one, a bonded that is though he will act like any other male when a pretty female comes strutting. Flirting and charming, suave and handsome, but he will never ask her to that dance. Not until She comes." Samirah spoke softly, her voice becoming no more than a whisper.

Satine whined then, feeling the depressed mood her alpha was emitting, and nuzzled her stomach as she tried to comfort the older wolf changeling. Samirah smiled gently then though it didn't quite reach her eyes fully, and patted the ebony wolf's head.

"Thank you Satine." she said before a clearing of a throat broke her thoughts.

Both Satine and Samirah looked up, their eyes meeting a pair of hazel ones. A young woman only one or two years younger looking than Samirah stood just a few feet away, her eyes locked on the two females near Zaleth though her head was cast down in a submissive way. Her hair was a golden in color reaching just past her shoulders to her collarbone in length. She dressed in a light green blouse and darker green breeches that stopped at her well tones calves though she wore no boots on her feet, the slightly bronze tone of her skin covered in a light sheen of dew from the long grass around them. She approached them shyly with her hands behind her back and her eyes flickering to stare at Zaleth's form with hesitation a couple of times before she stopped a few feet from them. She looked back at Samirah and opened her mouth but nothing came out, her lips slightly trembling with her pause but them they closed. Samirah waited patiently for her packmate, though she knew she would have to prompt her to speak with her nerves so shocked it seemed.

"What is it my Danyel?" she asked as her hand reached for the girls.

Danyel quickly grasped Samirah's hand and sat down in front of the the two female. The now alert Satine removed herself from Samirah's lap and instead sat beside her closer to Zaleth, though she kept her tail hugged against her legs so as to not touch the feline. Danyel flicked her gaze at the proxsimity of the two and then looked back at Samirah with anxious bluish green tan eyes.

"I saw.... I saw an image.... of Lord Kaleb..." she managed to choke out as her eyes filled with tears, both of her hands now clutching the one Samirah had offered.

Samirah, upon hearing Kaleb's name, straightened and became more alert, Satine beside her giving a low growl in response. Danyel hesitated again, her eyes locked on Zaleth's now.

"He is an ally Danyel my pup. He will keep your vision between us." Samirah cooed to the now shivering girl as Danyel's scent of vanilla spiked with fear and nerves.

The hazel eyes quickly locked back on their Alpha's and the words seemed to tumble out like a rush of water. Satine's ears perked at the sound of the anxiety and anguish that clung to her friends voice as she retold her minds images.

"I was a tiger. An enormous one with glowing orange fur. I had Kale by the throat and it was going to- Lord Kaleb couldn't move. He had tons of gashes and cuts all over his body! I saw another tiger but this one was a dull orange... a female I think by the tones of her growls. She was injured and laying close to the Lord but couldn't help. There was two more with me.... They were a more natural tan color with brown stripes... their eyes all spoke of death my Lady Alpha..." Danyel cried as she spoke what she saw and knew by the dullness of Samirah's eyes that her alpha knew what the rest had been.

"Get the packs. We go to my brother."


Kaleb heard the tone in her voice as she stated what she did about not knowing more about her kind and kept his mouth shut so as to not offend anymore. When she began to lick him and groom him, Kaleb made a grunting sound that soon evened out into a soft growling though he had continued to talk. His pack and Samirah's pack were usually the only ones that groomed each other, the act one to show affection and a claim on one another so as to tell others where you came from. He was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed when she stopped and got off of him, the sound of her voice nearly making him jump off the ground in surprise.

"Yeah before they send out a search party." Kaleb joked at her, though he knew they probably would if his sister got fed up with waiting.

Standing and stretching as Chemi had, Kaleb shook off the clinging grass blades and leaves from his fur, his muscles in much need of a good soft bed to rest upon instead of the ground. With that in mind he grinned his lazy smile and began with an easy trotting, being kind as to move branches and thorny bushes out of the way for Chemi as they got moving in the direction he smelt his sister. The trail was still there, her familiar scent of peaches still faint against the bushes she had brushed up against as she ran. No doubt she had done it on purpose knowing he would have lagged behind till near midnight if he had had his way of retreating to the forest. The sun was close to setting now, the cool evening breezes starting to pick up as they traveled closer and closer to the guard.

"Whats this boys? A pup wandering lost in the woods? Oh and look! He brought a kitten along with him!" a rough gravelly voice suddenly hissed out from above them, the massive form of an orange male tiger dropping in front of Kaleb's path.

Kaleb barely had time to stop as the male landed but an ear splitting snarl erupted from his throat as he faced this threat. Two more males followed the first, leaping from the branches above to land silently behind the obvious leader. Kaleb's eyes glared at them all as his growls tore from his throat in deadly warning, his body crouching for the lung it knew was inevitably going to make thought his tail pushed at Chemi's chest to back away behind him to flee.

"My, My what a pretty kitten too." the leader purred as his beady yellow eyes took in the forms of both Chemi and Kaleb. "Such a waste to be with this mutt. Why not come with us pretty kitty?"

The two tigers behind him snickered and purred their agreement, the golden yellow eyes of both shining with lust as they took in Chemi's unusual coat and black markings. This only made Kaleb snarl and growl more, his fangs bared as he snapped them toward the three. The leader stared at Kaleb then and bared his fangs back, the long stripped tail behind his massive form curling and swaying in almost a playful manner.

"Touch her and you die Dannar." Kaleb spat viciously as he extended his sharp claws for emphasis.
Following Kaleb through the trees, Chemi was pleased with the way things had been going so far. She did not pay much attention to her surrounding, giving Kaleb the full benefit of the doubt that he would not lead her into his pack as an enemy. The walk was peaceful until an unsettling growl came from above. I guess she is about to find out the answer to her question. As the tiger approached them and eyed them Chemi knew that they were in real danger. She was annoyed by the tigers disrespectful tone and obvious stares like she always got when she ran into scum like this.

“Hmmm, I can ask you the same question… what are you doing around a place like this?” Chemi said smoothly, almost with a purr. Leaving Kaleb’s side she proceeded to approach the tiger obviously in charge, moving slowly and trying her best to be feminine. She just wanted their attention, they were outnumbered, but she was sure her strength could come in handy. She past the tiger, letting her tail trace right under his jaw, and than turned around and sat down a little ways away from the opposing tiger. Her back legs were tense and ready to spring her into action. All of her energy had returned now that she had eaten and relaxed after a long week’s journey. “I don’t know anything about this forest, I just arrived here.” She said again, smoothly sounding a little helpless. She was a fantastic lie as much a story teller. She thought she can just take care of these tigers as she had before, lower their defenses and them claw them when the get close enough. She just hoped it was enough since this Dannar did not look like a tiger to be reckoned with.
Lya walked through the forest, her black wolf ears twitched at every noise as she traveled on her way to find a place to stay. She stopped suddenly, the scent of smoke filling her nostrils. She growled angrily and projected her thoughts into the forest Wane! I told Siv to stay at the last village! Why don't you listen? she swished her ebony fluffy tail angrily.

Suddenly Wane fell from a tree behind her with a 'plop', Landing in a crouch and swishing his white tail mischieviously, his blue eyes glittered with delight and the crescent scars under them made him seem more harlequin-esque. "C'mon Ly, you can't expect me to do exactly the same thing that little pipsqeak does." If she hadn't heard this many times, Lya would laugh, considering they share the same body, minus the scars on Sivart. "Besides, the only reason you told us to stay behind was because Siv is a wuss that can't handle himself" He pointed his thumbs at himself and flashed some sharp canines in a smile, "But I'm the one here now, so I can take whatever happen on this journey." He ran a clawed hand through his black hair to fix it.

Lya rolled her magenta eyes and crossed her arms, You know full well that he can return at any time, and what then? The kid can get himself killed. Her older brother was ticking her off.

Wane shrugged "Too late now babe, Wane is here and he's ready for some action" He gave another devilish, toothed grin. Lya raised an eyebrow Stop it! Don't call me 'babe', We're practically related! You're my brother Wane, that's just creepy. she growled. Wane strode up to her standing merely inches from her face, "Not by blood!" he laughed and with his tail stroked her leg. Lya took her hand and slapped him accross the cheek, causing his head to turn sideways on impact. "Ow!" he whimpered, When his head returned to face her she saw the scars gone, and Siv's hurt and pained eyes stared back at her. He rubbed his face and looked like a puppy who had just been hit with a rolled up paper. "W-Why'd you do that? It's not my fault!" he whimpered. His white ears pressed against his head and he hung his head low, his typical salty seawater scent had returned. Lya held her hand to her mouth to contain a gasp I'm so sorry Siv, I meant that for Wane, he was being an idiot as usual She hugged her little brother for a moment then released him Well, since you're here I guess we have to deal with it. I think we're close to a village so it shouldn't be too bad. Sivart nodded, still rubbing his reddened cheek and Lya felt guilty.

Lya and her 'brothers' have lived in an outlying village in the southeast of the kingdom, happily at one point, they were pretty close, and many families lived in the same house, so despite their families not being related, they were still one big family. It was only a few months ago that their village was raided by a rogue ursan people, and they ran for their safety, they have since split up from their family. Siv took this the worst, and to keep him safe she always made Siv and Wane stay behind at the last village until she found a safe way to another village and returned for them. It was a long process, but Lya was sure that they would soon find someplace they can belong, where they can live in peace.

As they walked it took Sivart less than a minute to become distressed, she would have realized sooner if she'd read his mind, but she respected his thought privacy. "W-Where are we Lya?" he whined. Lya responded, Hell if I know, we should be closeby to someplace by now, though. Siv tucked his tail and complained "Are you sure?". Lya stopped, she unfurled her 14 foot wingspan, the ivory feathers primed for takeoff. She looked to the sky Want me to find out? She said. If possible, she would fly on her own if it came to travel, but if she had to bring Siv along she'd be restricted to ground travel. Siv was afraid of his own shadow, and if she took a route that was too dangerous or fear inducing, she'd have a problem on her hands. She looked up at the blue sky webbed by the branches of trees. Siv's eyes widened "No! No! Stay with me, please!" Lya sighed, folding her wings Well, then there's not much that I can do She grimaced. It was a pain to have such an insecure and shy brother like Siv, nearly as much as it was to have an obnoxious and crazy brother like Wane.

Lya Breathed a sigh of relief when she smelled some scent of local wolves It's okay Siv, we're here, maybe now we can find some people to take us in She gave a small smile and wagged her black tail slightly Who knows? Maybe this place will be just right, what do you think?

She turned to see Wane's smug face "I think I can totally make a move on all the girls in town and they'll be all over my manliness" he gave another grin, tail waving in a clownish way. Lya narrowed her eyes Don't you dare! You're the reason we left two towns!. Wane raised his hands up in defeat "Kidding! Kidding!" he shrugged "But some of those girls are so mine!".

Lya sighed, hopefully these people would be highly tolerant of a mute halfling, and a uber-shy and Psychotic freak of a wolf


Then her ears perked up as the wind shifted. A wolf! And lots of tigers. It smelled dangerous, she looked to Wane Stay here, this wolf might need help. She shifted, her body shedding her tan shirt and leggings and replacing it all with black fur. She spread her wings and took off in the direction of the scent. Gliding past openings of trees. She saw a whole group of tigers face to face with the wolf, and another oddly colored tiger who appeared to try charming them. She landed beside the reddish colored wolf, her magenta eyes looked into his and she thought Do you need assistance? She glimpsed the tiger's mind, it was clear they meant trouble and were bitter rivals with this wolf Kaleb. Glimpsing Kaleb's mind, she could know that the oddly colored tiger Chemi was an ally, who appeared to be helping him out. She raised her hackles and ruffled the feathers of her tail, ready just in case they needed backup.

Then Wane appeared "Greetings, tigers" He ruffled his white fur and padded over, the markings of fur under his eyes made him appear more mischievious "If anything I'll be the one taking this female tiger as a mate, so all of you can just run off with your tails between your legs". He ruffled his white tail in confidence as he winked at the female tiger.

Lya growled, Wane, stop it She flew over yanking the white wolf by the scruff of his neck and plopping him beside the reddish wolf What is wrong with you! She snapped at his face in punishment. Wane pressed his ears against his head in protest but did nothing. Lya looked at the Kaleb wolf in apology but stood ready to defend these two should they need it, she nudged Wane with her body so he could do the same.
(That was awesome! I really liked it! Keep it up! =D Just letting you guys know I am moving this week and possibly won't have internet for a while. I am not going to abandon you I promise and I promise to check back everyday that I can until I permanently move but It might be a while until I reply after the move. My last days here are the 24th and the 25th. My mate got a job transfer so we are packing up again. :/ Lame right?) (@AllHailDago: I don't know if you are like me and not able to reply either for a bit or if you just don't know if I replied but I did earlier if you wanted to also include Zaleth's action in the group! :3)

Kaleb watched as Chemi brushed against the male offender, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he saw the apparent lust consume the depths of the feline slits that had locked onto the flirtatious female. He knew she was trying to help him by soothing the other felines but he had already come across Dannar numerous times to know he had only one thing on his mind and that was never really female companionship. As soon as he saw through her plan, he would surely try to punish her and enslave her like they had done with the last submissive feline they had came across. It hadn't been a week later when Samirah's pack had found her dead body outside the southern gate as a warning.

We will kill him and he will not harm the female tigress. We are faster and if we use your gift, we will win. We shall not lose,' whispered a deep snarling voice in his mind, reminding him of Exil's presence within him. His inner beast also hiss inside his mind, agreeing with the ancestor. It had been a while since he had last heard Exil and the sudden rush of words in his mind made his slightly startled inward.

'We are only one body though and we have no pack to help us. We are in a rogue's position and we now have a female to keep out of the fray. We must think wisely...' Kaleb replied to his inner Beast and his ancestor, knowing he was more than likely going to be severely injured or worse. The tigers were all slightly bigger than him and though he was a good and skilled fighter, they still had more brawn and numbers than him. He didn't know if Chemi could fight but he sure as hell wasn't going to let her if he could get them all to follow him away further from his female companion. His inner beast was conflicted now, torn between the ancestors more overly confident rush and dominate and Kaleb's own sly and steady thoughts. Instinct won over though and it was now two against one as the beast agreed with its owner. It wasn't long before Exil also begrudgingly conceded and submitted to the real owner of the body.

'We are going to have to get the other two away from Chemi and focus on us. Dannar will surely tell them to capture her for their own.' he told his only constant companions as he let his gift wind its way around Chemi's aura and creating the invisible bond only Kaleb's could see. The cord glowed a vibrant yellow, a happy soul color, and then settled to a color much like her coat, a pastel orange, that symbolized a passionate nature.

'We can not have our backs to them though if we did come physically between. We must somehow instantly have them all come to us instead of the female,' Exil's huskier voice murmured in a debated tone as images flashed through Kaleb's mind, old memories from Exil's own past of battles similar but more advantageous.

'We must try-' Kaleb began to plan but was cut short as his eyes saw Dannar move toward Chemi and nip at her hind legs suggestively.

"You should come with us and we can really show you around. We were just on our way to having some fun," he purred at her, the underlying hint of what he really wanted to do to her obvious and what they were going to do just before even more.

Suddenly a small burst of wind and the scent of Lavender and Pine invaded the area, the arrival of the calico like colored canine halfling drawing the attention of all. The female invader had landed too close to Kaleb though, making him snarl and snap at her immediately while his legs leapt him back away from all occupants of the clearing. He needed to keep all eyes on the entire group now or else he could become ambushed and defeated easily without so much as a fighting chance to save his companion Chemi. He eyed this new stranger with hesitation, not knowing if it was a friend or foe but then the feminine voice in his head had all the others growling and snarling with the invasion. His half closer glare turned into wide shocked orbs of peridot, never having had someone else inside his head. Then another scent of Smoke hit his poor sensitive nose and his eyes whipped around toward a white and black marked wolf. He nearly pounced on the male once the words had left the others jaws but restrained as Exil took over his thoughts.

'Allies.... Now we are three... four if you include our tigress... we have a victory...'
Exil smoothly purred making the inner beast eager to attack his foes.

Kaleb was weary but looked back at the female wolf halfling and flicked his tail at her in a signal of his approval after he got the male wolf in line.

Dannar sneered at the newcomers, his plans of taking the female and disposing of his enemy once and for all being crumbled to bits with the arrivals. His large fangs flashed at the canines in an obvious challenge and he hissed with pure disdain. His two comrades flanked his side instantly, the one to the right and closest to the female pushing Chemi behind them in a way to keep her separated from the others.

"A tigress has no need for a mutt like you," the one hissed as he spat at the forward wolf that was being reprimanded by the female halfling.

"Not when she has much better choices like us, right Selk?" the other to the left of Dannar purred in a raspy choked sound.

Selk purred his laughter and shook his massive head in agreement as he replied in a mocking tone, "Yes Tren. Much better."

"SELK! TREN! Detain the female and then take out the fleas." Dannar snapped at them with a resounding clashing nose of his teeth meeting together loudly.

Instantly they had attacked Chemi, Selk reaching for her shoulders and Tren going for her hind legs to try to stop her retreat or help in the fight. Chemi wasn't one to be doubted though and had caught on to their plans, her body moving her swiftly out of their way in one quick leap and then crouched once she landed, ready to pounce on Selk's back. The two male tigers ran into each other clumsily, obviously surprised that they had underestimated the female as another weak target. Kaleb's eyes flashed an emerald in anger as he saw the attack and quickly launched himself in her direction to help defeat the nimrods that dared go after what was his to protect. His gift heightened the emotion, pulling on his body in a direct demand to eliminate the enemy. Dannar leapt onto Kaleb though as the wolf focused too much on Chemi and not enough on the other more powerful foe, his claws sinking into the tender flesh of the wolf's shoulder and making deep gashes. Kaleb howled in pain at the attack but quickly lowered his body to roll with the tigers powerful momentum and bring that one off of his body. Dannar was tossed just a bit away while Kaleb regained his footing to crouch defensively toward him.

"Scum! Don't you forget my presence! You get her from your mind and remember your opponent is me!" Dannar flung at Kaleb as he stood also and came to rush him once more, though the wolf was more prepared and dodged to the left.

"Now now Dannar! You know I could never forget an enemies company! Even one as disgusting and horrendous as your's you filthy bastard!" Kaleb spat back with a smirk as he saw the anger flare even more in his others eyes.

He heard the others begin to engage in the fighting, his mind wanting to see what was happening but his body knowing he needed to stay here and defeat his more skilled adversary to help his comrades. Already his shoulder was beginning to throb, making him want to hurry and finish the fight before anyone else got injured.
The two tigers Selk and Ren had leapt into action to try to immobilize Chemi, to no avail, and Kaleb had begun to battle with his rival Dannar. Lya took that as her cue to attack. She flew and nipped the tiger Ren on the ear, landing just behind the shocked and wounded brute who whirled around to face her. Ren snarled "Who told you to get involved, mutt?!? this fight is ours!" Wane tackled the tiger from behind, his body on his back and his maw closed tightly around the tiger's throat. The tiger threw back his head and roared in agony. Trying to shake Wane off, Wane landed on his feet a bit farther off and stood beside Lya. Lya looked at her brother, whose face had taken on a more serious expression Ready Wane?. Wane nodded "Grinning an angry smile and growled "A true male is always ready to defend a female". The tiger, who had blood dripping from the gash behind his neck roared. "Are you implying that I am no male foolish runt, I can take you down right now then well prove who's superior!"

Wane gave a vicious grin "Oh, but of course". Lya looked into the mind of the tiger whos nerves were frayed by Wane's comments. He was furious and angry, if only Wane could jolt a memory in his brain to show hera weakness he had or perhaps a fear. Wane, keep fighting him and I'll tell you what happens, if I could just find a weakness, a fear of his maybe, we could win. He grinned, "Done"!

He and Ren circled, all attention on their battle at hand, whatever else was happening was beyond their attention. "Prepare to eat your own words you mongrel" Ren crouched and leapt at Wane claws extended. Wane was knocked on his back as the claws sank deep into his chest but he managed to get his back paws on the tigers stomach and with great force flung him against a tree. The tigers body landed with a 'thump'. Both he and Ren got up and regained their footing; Ren sore and Wane with blood gushing from the scrapes. Wane held his head and tail high and lashed the white flag in a pompous manner that meant something far from surrender. "Ha! Is that all you have, worthless tiger, I've fought avians with more guts than you!"

Lya glared at him, Wane gave her a goofy grin "Hey, it's true, isn't it babe?" He winked slyly. Lya's hackles rose when he said that but did nothing as the tiger swiped a paw at Wane's head and her barely had time to duck and reach for the soft flesh below his furred neck, his jaw sank deeply within it. Lya heard the tiger mind go from raging fury to pain as this happened. Ren reared up, the white wolf hung tight on her neck and Ren's paws came to clasp on him as if he were squishing a mosquito. Wane yelped as he was gripped by the strong paws and pinned to the floor on his back. The tiger's face snarled above him in rage.

Wane was bruised and banged up, and one bite from the tiger's huge jowls could be the end of him. So he used his cunning last resort. "So tell me, how does an ugly beast like you ever win over a mate" he gasped through his teeth, appearing confident despite the sore bruised up throbbing of all his muscles and the large gash on his chest that began to sting.

Lya could see the tiger was daunted by Wane's cool demeaner despite being pinned and at his end. His question flashed a fury of anger in his mind and he snarled "I'll have you know I have a beautiful female back at home and I do quite well with females. Unlike you scum, can't get a mate when you're about to die, now can you?" he roared.

Wane merely grinned at the fearsome roar of the creature "Oh, so you lust after another female when you are already mated? That is pretty low of you is it not? A true male would not be a scum like you". The tiger visibly flinched. Lya's eyes widened as images of the female tiger rushed through Ren's head, her voice calling to him. He shook it off and said "It matters not, a real man can prove his authority with gaining multiple woman". Wane replied "Does she know that?". Ren's mind flashed to a promise he'd kept his mate, he remembered he cared little of keeping it, she was merely just beautiful and he wanted his way with her. The only thing that kept him was her father, a vicious male who swore death on him shall he not be faithful to his daughter. Lya gaspedWane, this is it! She flooded him images of the tiger's thoughts and Wane smiled. He closed his eyes and set up the scene carefully.

Just then another tiger strode from the bushes, lashing a striped tail angrily, he roared, "You! You useless excuse for a tiger!" He roared. Ren eyes grew large from shock "You, You, What are you doing here?". The mirage tiger stepped closer to him, the large burly tiger seethed with rage and intended for his death "I'm here to kill you, you don't deserve to live and I remember promising for you to bleed and suffer slowly, I promised that you would lie awake crying out as your life slowly slipped away and none could help you." The tiger snarled angrily, just as when used the same exact words from the figment of the tiger in Ren's mind that Lya had read.

Ren trembled "No! No! I love your daughter, I mean her no ill will, I am faithful to her!" He cowered like a kitten under the wrath of the illusory being. The tiger roared "Lies! That handsome, good looking wolf over there is more of a male than you ever will be, if anyone deserves my daughter, it is him!"

Lya wing unfurled to shield her eyes, slapping them with a feathery 'whap'. Of course Wane couldn't be serious enough to maintain a legitimate facade of the tiger, luckily the tiger was too fearful to notice the obvious difference. The tiger began to run from battle, but Lya was quick, as he ran she could read how clouded and confused his mind was, the usual from Wane's illusory influence. She flew above him, then tucked her wings and dived, her body slammed into him full force knocking him to the ground, she closed her teeth around his windpipe and he struggled a little but not much, still in a bad mental state. She held tight, the thoughts slowly became more dim and his breathing more flawed. He finally passed out, unconscious. But there was still a faint thud of his heart. She let go, she wasn't sure if she should kill him, though she really wanted to. She ran back to the battle but stopped suddenly.

The smell of seawater hit her. As she got closer she saw the blank fur under her brother's blue eyes, which were in shock. His tail cowered between his legs and his ears pressed close to his head. She ran over to him and pressed close to him. Licking the fur atop his head, It's okay Siv, Wane helped take care of one of the tigers Siv whimpered, "But there are other tigers," he cringed as he watched the fighting go on around him and his body shook. Lya wrapped a wing around Siv's body, this was not good. Hopefully the others had the remaining two tigers, if not, she'd have to take care to guard her fear-stricken brother.

Sivart was the antithesis of Wane. What Wane was, Siv wasn't. She wondered if for the time being they'd think he was Wane and leave him alone. But she doubted it, seeing as how unlike Wane Siv was insecure and afraid. Hopefully they'd sit out the rest of this battle, if possible. But if not, the tigers had another thing coming if they thought they could harm him.
[Wow. Now I feel inadequate as a roleplayer. :( Why must it be so long. Ummm, I am not sure what is wholly going on. I have read that over a few times but am still confused as to where Zaleth would enter this battle as I am not sure who to attack.]
[if you didn't finish reading my post dont worry it only details a fight between Ren and my chars. Ren may be gone for now, butKaleb is fighting Dannar, so that leaves the tiger Selk which Chemi might have. I'm pretty sure you could either wait or jump in now and fight one of the tigers, probably Selk]
Zaleth rushed to the battle ensuing. is tier form moving as fast as possible. He pushed the tight muscular sinews of his overtly powerful legs to the limits. 'No tiger should ever behave this way. It is both unpleasant and insulting. We have more pride and upstanding then this in my opinion, no wonder they thought of me as they have. I must change this when I get to my clan. I must do what I had planned on doing already, only years sooner then I thought.' He vaulted himself into a low branch and pounced up into the higher branches, leaping from one to another as he made his way closer and closer to the battle. It was close enough to hear now. As he burst on the scene he instantly scoped for the ally who needed defending quickest. He believed that the tigress Chemi seemed most in need. As he leapt from the treetops he landed on the back of the offending tiger. He rolled over on him and brougt his claws to bear over the jugular artery. "You will stop this nonsense immediately. Or you will not only die yourself but every one of your companions will die. This I order you to do!"

[btw big secret reveal by Zaleth in a post or two]

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