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Hello, everyone. I would consider myself a veteran, with over 10+ years experience role-playing. In the past, I have even been a moderator on some prominent role-playing boards... These days, however, most of my attention has been tied up in my education. Over the years, my muse and activity on RP boards has ebbed and flowed, but, I hope to take another run at things.

The name is Maestro, though, most people stick to calling me Mae. I am a current graduate student in forensic psychology in addition to a college TA (so, you might infer that my free time is rather limited). My interests are primarily in high-fantasy. I enjoy world building, and carving out a good story! In general though, I'm willing to do almost anything, as long it catches my interest...

Nice to meet all of you. (:

Edit: To add, I tend to be an advanced role-player historically. In other words, writing super detailed novels is not out of the question... However, these days, I tend to just be easygoing and keep things casual.

Welcome to RPN!

Education is important but leaving some time for hobbies is important too.
I hope you find some nice roleplays here and make new friends!

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